Attachment 20170112160352-233.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19980925-00659 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


            Categories of Services for 214 A


          INDIVIDUAL FACIL                                              C
          INTERCONNECTED PRIVATE                                   NE   RESALE    «ERVIC‘
          LIMITED GLOBAL FACILITIES—BASED                                     SEHRVICHE/LIMI®

          LIMITED GLOBAL FACILITIES—                                              IG%

  G       INMARSAT AND MOBILE                        SATELLITE              SERVICE
9 9 8

                                         LANDING LICENSE

  Description of Application:

                                          recmerLom SCP 25 1998                           COPV
                               W/IDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LLP

WASHINGTON OFFICE                                                                                          NEW YORK OFFICE
3000 K STREET, NW, SUITE 300                                                                              919 THIRD AvENUE
WaASHINGTON, DC 20007—5116                                                                         NEW YORK, NY 10022—9998
TELEPHONE (202) 424—7500                                                                            TELEPHONE (212) 758—9500
FACSIMILE (202) 424—7647                              5 eptemb er 25,     1998                       FACSIMILE (212) 758—9526
                                                             1D8f   23,

         VIA COURIER

         Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary
         Federal Communications Commission
         International Bureau — Telecommunications Division
         P.O.Box 3581153
         Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115
         Attention: Diane Corell, Division Chief

                    Re:        Application of BroadSpan Communications, Inc. for Section 214
                               International Global Facilities—Based Authority and Global Resale

         Dear Ms. Salas:

                 Enclosed for filing with the Federal Communications Commission ("Commission") are an
         original and six (6) copies ofthe application ofBroadSpan Communications, Inc. pursuant to Section
         214 of the Communications Act. As required by the Commussion‘s Rules, enclosed is a check in the
         amount of $780.00, payable to the Commission.

                 Please date—stamp the extra copy of this application and return it in the enclosed self—
         addressed, stamped envelope. If you have any questions concerning this application, please do not
         hesitate to contact Kevin Minsky at (202) 945—6290.

                                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                                                1. F
                                                                2                sug2
                                                            William B. Wilhelm, Jr.

                                                            Counsel for BroadSpan Communications, Inc.


         ge:        Troy Tanner (FCC)
                    Blake Ashby
                    Kevin D. Minsky


                                        Before the
                                 ‘Nashingtor , D.C . 205:534

in the Matter of

3rcadSpan Comn unications Inc.                               File No. I—T—C—98—___

Application for Global Authority P irsuaint to
{ection 214     of the Communications: Act
of :934, as    ameniled, to Operate as an
‘nternations   l Facilities—lBased and Resale Carrier
3et ween the    United States and Various
‘nternations   l Points

                                           A PPLICATI JN
       Bro:dSpar. Communication: , Inc. ("BSC" or "Ap;flicant‘), by its undersigned counsel,

hercby requssts "global" authority, unde: Sect on 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as

«mended, 4‘ U.S.!C. § 214 (1982), ar d Section 63.18 0 ‘the C ommission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18

(1927), to jprovids international telecommunication: serv:ces b:tween the United States and

internationa points other than those sxcluded by the E«clusin Lis:. Pursuant to Section 63.12, of

the Commussion‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63 12 (1297), chis Application is eligible for streamlined


1.     The Proposed International Services

       BSC requests four types of authority in this Application, all of which are eligible for

streamlined processing."‘ BSC specifically requests: (1) global facilities—based authority pursuant

U      See Streamlining the International 214 Authorization Process and TariffRequirements, IB
Docket No. 95—118, FCC 96—79 (released March 13, 1996) (adopting streamlined 35—day processing


to Section 63.18(e)(1.) of thie FCC‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(2)(1), to acq           1ip in

in U.S.—autt orized faciliti:s as well as necessary commectin ; facilities             atern:

tslecommiur ications services between the Jnited State: and ill internatic             xcept

countries ex :luded by the Ixclusion List;* (2) global a thorit y pursuant t           18(e

tae Comunission‘s Rules, 17 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2), to resell 1 ternational              —vices

vnaffiliatsd J.S.—autaoiize d carriers to provide in ernational svitche d serv         1 the 1

Sitates and a 1 international points served by those carriei‘s; (3) global auth:       it to S

63.18(e)(2)(A) of the FZCC‘s riles, 47 C.F.Jl. § 65.18(e€,(2)(A ,, to resell ir        mvat

t> provid:: i1 ternational no i—interconnectec private line servic :s bet veen         tates :

intenationa. pcints except hose countries e::cluded by th : Exel ision List; a         ity pu

Section 63.18(e)(2)(B) oftiieFCC‘s Rules, +7 C.F.R. § 6: .18(e (2)(B), to re           onal;

lines intercontrected to tke public switch :d netvork "PSN") at one c                   to p

internationa switched sem ices on all internationsl routes on »hich the C              ermit

services to t e provided." As BSC does nct seek autho:ity tco serve any i              se fac

excluded by the: Exclusion List, and does not seek to serve any country in             a faci

procedures for certain international resale applications) ("Streamlining Order"); 47 C.F.R. § 63.12
(1997); Rules and Policies of Foreign Market Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications
Market, IB Docket 97—142, Report and Order on Reconsideration, FCC 97—398 (rel. Nov. 26,
1997) ("Foreign Market Participation Order").

2       Pursuant to the Streamlining Order, the FCC permits applicants who obtain global
facilities—based authority to thereafter acquire additional capacity in any U.S.—owned facilities
without requesting further authority under Section 214. Streamlining Order 16.

3       See Streamlining Order § 34. See also International Settlement Rates, IB Docket 96—261,
Report and Order, FCC 97—280 (rel. Aug. 18, 1997) ("Benchmarks Order"); Foreign Market
Participation Order.


based affiliate with market power, BSC‘s application for authority pursuant to Section 214 is

eligible for streamlined processing.*

          BSC believes that the added competitionits entry will bring to the market will benefit the

consumers of United States—overseas services. These benefits include competitive pricing and

increased availability ofa variety of service options. A grant of this Application will therefore

further the public interest.

II.       The Applicant

          BSC is a Missouri corporation withits headquarters locatedat 11756 Borman Drive, Suite

101, St. Louis, Missouri 63146. BSC can be reached by telephone at (314) 214—0000 or by

facsimile at (314) 569—7110.

          BSC plans to operate as an international telecormmunications service provider but does not

currently hold any authorization pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act, as amended,

to prdvide such services.      BSC is not affiliated, as that term is defined by Part 63 of the

Commission‘s Rules,*" with any dominant U.S. carriers whose international services BSC will

resell.    BSC is not affiliated, within the meaning of Section 63.18(h)(1)(i), 47 C.F.R. §

63.18(h)(1)(i), of the Commiuission‘s Rules, with any foreign carriers. Therefore, BSC should be

classified as a nondominant carrier for the provision of the services for which authority is

requested in this Application, and BSC‘s Application is eligible for streamlined processing.

4         See Streamlining Order;, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12 (1997).

3         47 C.F.R. §63.18(h) (1997); Market Entry and Regulation ofForeign—Affiliated Entities,
Report ( Order, 11 FCC Red 3875 (1995)("Market Entry Order").

III.    Public Interest Considerations

        In the Market Entry Order, the Commussion set forth the following policy goals for its

regulation of the U.S. international telecommunications markét: to promote effective competition

in the U.S. telecommunications market, particularly the market for international telecommunications

services; to prevent anticompetitive conduct in the provision of international servicesor facilities;

and to encourage foreign governments to open their communications markets." The Commission

also stated that "establishing an effectively competitive global communications market could result

in reduced rates, increased quality, and new innovative services."*" In addition, the Commission

found that "effective competition directly advances the public interest and the Commission‘s

paramount goal of making available a rapid, efficient, worldwide wire and radio communication

service with adequate facilities at reasonable charges."*

        Grant of BSC‘s request for facilities—based and resale authority to provide international

services as requested in this Application will directly further the Commission‘s policies ofbringing

increased competition to the U.S. international telecommunications services market and is therefore

in the public interest.

o       See Market Entry Order at     6.

i       Id.

&       Id. at € 10.


IV.    Information Required under Section 63.18

       As required by Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, BSC submits the following


       (a)     Nlarae .   . address of applicant:

               Ero id«    a Communications, Inc.
               11756      fman Drive, Suite 101
               St. Lol     MO 63146
               (31+) 2    —0000 (Tel.)
               (31+)) i   —7110 (Fax)

       (b)     £ pplic    is incorporated under the laws of the State of Missouri.

       (c)     Corres     idence concerning this application should be sent to:

               VVil iat   i. Wilhelm, Jr.
               SW ID]     ? BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LLP
               300 ) K    reet, N.W., Suite 300
               YWWashiu   m, D.C. 20007
               (202)) 4   —7500 (Tel.)
               (20;;) 4   —7645 (Fax)

               vith a     y to:

               Elalze .   iby, Planning and Regulatory Affairs
               Eroads     a Communications, Inc.
               11756      rman Drive, Suite 101
               &t. Lo1   MO 63146
               (314) 214—0067 (Tel.)
               (314) 569—7110 (Fax)

       (d)     BSC has not previously received authority under Section 214 ofthe Act. Upon grant
               of this application, BSC will become a nondominant carrier with authority pursuant
               to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and the
               Commission‘s Rules, to operate as an international facilities—based and resale carrier.
               BSC lacks the market power that would allow it to control prices to the detriment of
               market competition.


       (e)    BSC reqiests Section 214 authority to operate as a facilities—based carrier pursuant
              to he terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(1) and to operate as a resale carrier
              pu suant to the terms and corndit‘~rs of Section 63.18®(eW?\. Specifically, BSC
              recuests (1) global facilities—base uthority pursuant i       ior 62    i(e (1 ) oth:
              FCC‘ EKules, 47 C.F.R. § 62.1i        (1), t acquire 01       ip in     sts in U.S.>
               au ho ized facilities as viell a          riecessary connec      ‘ac litt   to provid:
              int »rr ational telecommunicatims            »rvices between      nit:d      ite; snd all
              int »rr ational points except those          untries excluded     : Exc      on List; (2)
              glcba authority pursuant to Sect           . 63.13(e)(2) 0 t      nmiss      ‘s Rules, 4
              C.]‘.R. § 63.18(e)(2), to resell in        aational switched      es of       unafiliate 1
              U.i>.—uthorized carriers to provi           interrational swi‘    servic     beiween th:
              Ur ite 1 States and all interniaiticna     »ints searved by the   rie‘s      sr than thos:
              coiint ie listed on the Exclusior           ist; (3) global au    pairs      t to Siectio i
              63 18 ‘e) 2)(A) oftheFCC‘sru‘es,             C.F.F. §53.18(e)(     to res    intcrnationl
              privat> lines to provide intenai            ial ncn—interconn     privat     ine services
              beiwesen the United States and              inteniat onal poi     ce t       se couniries
              exi luled bythe Exclusion List; an         4) autt ority pursus   tio0r16    8(e)(2)(FE)cf
              the FCC‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R § 63             (e)(2)B), to resel     naior       private lines
              int ‘rc onnected to the public:switch      network: "PSN") :      rt otlt    dssopro‘vid:
              int :n ational switched services on        international route    hichit     Comrussio 1
              peimis : uch services to be nrovid         *

       (1)    BSC : eecs authority in this Apoli         on to provide onl      ceire      enced urde:
              paiag ‘aph (e) of Section 63.1¢ of         : Commission‘s F

       (§)    Th: wutaority requested in hi              ipplication is ca      :aly       luded fromni
              en ironriental processing as defin          by Section 1.306 .    Comnn      ion‘s Rules,
              47 C.F.1l. § 1.1306. As suck, a             nvironmental ass      it is :    recuued fo:
              purpc ses of this Application aid          herefore not attac

2     See Streamlining Order § 17. The Foreign Participation Order recently released by the
Commission eliminates the equivalent resale opportunities test for World Trade Organization
("WTO") member country routes. Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications Market,
IB Docket No. 96—111, Report and Order, FCC 97—298 (rel. Nov. 26, 1997) ("Foreign
Participation Order").     Pursuant to the Streamlining Order, the FCC has stated it will
automatically amend all Section 214 authorizations to resell international private lines and to
provide international switched services between the United States and countries that afford U.S.
carriers equivalent resale opportunities to add all countries found to meet the equivalent resale
opportunities standard. Streamlining Order ( 34. BSC presumes that such international private
line resale authority will be extended to all routes between the U.S. and a WTO member country
upon the effective date of the Commission‘s Foreign Participation Order.


     (h)    BSC is not "affiliated", either directly or indirectly, with any foreign carrier as that
            term is defined in the Commission‘s Rules."" No director or officer of BSC is a
            director or officer of another telecommunications carrier.

           The following entities hold, or will hold at the time authority : eq 1ested herein may
           be granted, a ten percent (10%) or greater., direct or indirec ;, c wnership interest
           in BSC:

                    Name:                           Bormiin Ho‘dings, LLC
                    Address:                        11756 Borman Drive, { ut e, 220
                                                    St. Louis, MO 6314
                    Telephone Number:              (314) 995—5755, ext. 217
                    Citizenship:                   U.S. formed limited lia »il ty company         [L——
                    Principal Business:            Holding Company
                    Ownership Percentage:          66 % .

           The following; entities hold, or will hold at the time authority 1 eq 1ested herein may
           be granted, a ten percent (19)%) or greater, direct or indirec;, c wnership interest
           in Borman Holdings, LLC:

                    Name:                           Mr. Brian Maithews
                    Address:                        11756 Bornman Drive, { ui e, 220
                                                    St. Louis, MO 63146
                  _ Telephone Number:               (314) 995—5755, ext. 2: 7
              * Citizenship:                        U.S.
                    Principal Business:             Shareholde1
                    Ownership Perceintage:          50%

                    Name:                           Ms. Carol Matthews
                    Address:                        11756 Borman Drive, ui e, 220
                                                    St. Louis, MO 63146
                a Telephone Number:                 (314) 995—5755, ext. 217
                /Citizenship:                       U.S.
                    Principal Business:             Shareholder
                    Ownership Percentage:           50%

19   47 C.F.R. §63.18(h) (1997).


i)    As required by Section 63.18 (i) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(i),
      BSC certifies that it has not agreed to accept nor shall it accept in the future any
      special concessions, as defined by the Commission‘s Rules, directly cr indirectly ,
      from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic o re venue flow ;
      on any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possess s suffic ert
      market power on the foreign end of the route to affect competition idv »rsely in th:
      U.S. Market.

G     BSC is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Sect on 5301 of th:
      Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. BSC‘ certification pursuant to Secticn 1.200., o‘
      the Commission‘s Rules (implementing the Anti—Drug Abuse A :t of 1588,
      21 U.S.C. § 3301) is attached.                                           |

(k)   BSC requests streamlined processing of this application. BSC is nct a filiated ‘ vit 1
      any foreign carriers and therefore qualifies for streamlined processing wider
      47 C.F.R. § 63.12(a).



       For the reasons stated above, BroadSpan Communications, Inc. respectfully submits that

the public interest, convenience, and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Section 214


                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             BROADSPAN COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                     my. Atllus & biMLt»
                                             William B. Wllhehm, Jr.
                                             SWIDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LLP
                                             3000 K Street, N.W., Suite 300
                                             Washington, DC 20007
                                             (202) 424—7500 (Tel.)
                                             (202) 424—7645 (Fax)

                                             Counsel for BroadSpan Communications, Inc.

Dated: September 25, 1998

                                 CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

           On behalf ofBroadSpan Communications, Inc. ("BSC " or "Appli :sant‘") . and in acec rdanc:

with Section 1.2001—1.2003 ofthe Commiussion‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.200 1 —1.2( 03, I hereby certif/

that no party to this Application is subject to a denial ofFederal Vbent:fits t! at inc udes °CC t enefits

pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.© .C. § 353a. I also hereb:

certify that the statements in the foregoing Application for Section 214 aut a0rity are tr 16, conplete,

and correct to the best of my knowledge and are made in good faith.

           BSC has not agreed to accept nor shall it accept in the future an spec al cor icessit msS, as

defined by the Commission‘s Rules, directly or indirectly, from any ioreigi1 cartier on

administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows on any U.S. inter natior al route whre the

foreign carrier possesses sufficient market power on the foreign em| of tie route to affec:

competition adversely in the U.S. Market.

                                                  s W.EGIV _
                                                  BroadSpan Communicati mns, ic.

                                                  Name: Richard S. Phillips

                                                  Title:   President

                                                  bate: Sex:. &\ .199;


Document Created: 2019-04-09 11:39:44
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 11:39:44

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