Application Form [pdf]

This document pretains to ITC-214-19961209-00620 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                                                                                       367 P
         #3                                                             &              rec/merron DEC 0 9 1996
                                                                                       FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                       Approved by OMB

                                                                                  FCC REMITMNCE ADVICE                                          mpus2207
                                                                                                                   PAGE NO. _1__ OF .

                                   (RESERVED)                                                    SPECIAL USE

§                                                                                                FCC USE ONLY

         ie                                                             J                           —LHtC—% 6 $2
4                 (Read instructions carefully BEFORE proceeding.)

    .                                                                PAYOR INFORMATION
. (1) FCC ACCOUNT NUMBER                                  Did you have a number prior to this? Enter it.           (2) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (dollars and cents)

        2N TUTL lAlelst7 7lm1._IL_L_I                                       I_L_IL_L_          L L         L        T1 28e.22

          Prole| Almrlmze. Lnt dble Zong Citkne Svings
        (3) PAYOR NAME (If paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)

                      §21        //n}wrr/l}, wive.             h.

        (6) CITY      Q          fl       l                                                          (7) STATE            (8) ZIP CODE
                           t        GM                                                                ZPAan/                  SS~C4
        (9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                            (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not U.S.A.)
                           12—     LF— §2H4
        (11A) NAME OF APPLI?NT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                                         FCC USE ONLY

               W/'O}/c/ /4 V GV\{GJ(—, In/. //lé ZO'% flf/fl/qw                                  Faw‘ng:
        (12A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                   (13A) ZIP CODE                (14A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE           (15A) QUANTITY    (16A) FEE DUE FOR
                                                                                                                                         PAYMENT TYPE CODE
                                                                                             C       (/          7~           /          IN BLOCK 14

        (17A) FCC CODE 1                                                             (18A) FCC CODE 2

        (19A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                      (20A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 2)                                (21A) CITY/STATE OR COUNTRY CODE

                                                                     ITEM #2 INFORMATION
        (11B) NAME OF APPLICANT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                                        FCC USE ONLY

        (12B) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                  (13B) ZIP CODE                 (14B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE           (15B) QUANTITY (16B) FEE DUE FOR
                                                                                                                                         PAYMENT TYPE CODE
                                                                                                                                         IN BLOCK 14
        (17B) FCC CODE 1                                                             (18B) FCC CODE 2

        (19B) ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                      (20B) ADDRESS LINE NO. 2                                 (21B) CITY/STATE OR COUNTRY CODE

                                                      CREDIT CARD PAYMENT InForMATion i
        (22)                     MASTERCARD/VISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:
        [_] Mastercard                            f                                       EXPIRATION DATE:
        D      Visa                                                                                                   Month       Year
                                                                                            AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                             DATE
        (23) Ihereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or Mastercard               is
             for the service(s)/authorization(s) herein describe.

Steven C. Clay
Attorney at Law
1800 Rand Tower
527 Marquette Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55402

telephone 612.336.4455
facsimile 612.338.7508

                                                                       December 6, 1996

Federal Communications Commission
Common Carrier International
P.O. Box 358115
Pittsburgh, PA 51251—5115

         RE:       Application of Protel Advantage, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Savings for
                   authority pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of
                   1934, as amended, to resell service of other common carriers to
                   provide switched services from the United States to various
                   international points

Dear Sir:

      Enclosed please find an original and five (5) copies of the application of Protel
Advantage, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Savings in the above—referenced matter.

         A check in the amount of $750.00 is enclosed as a filing fee, along with FCC
Form 159. This application is filed pursuant to streamlined filing requirements for
international resellers.

        A copy of this cover letter is included to be stamped as filed and returned to me
in the enclosed self—addressed, stamped envelope as acknowledgment of this filing.

      Thank you for your attention to this matter. Any questions regarding this filing
should be directed to Steven C. Clay, attorney for applicant, at 612—336—4455, or by mail
at the address above.

                                      Since            //

                                      Steven C. Clay
                                      Attorney for Protel Advantage,
                                                                Inc d/b/a Long
                                      Distance Savings

Steven C. Clay
Attorney at Law
1800 Rand Tower
527 Marquette Avenue South
 Minneapolis, MN 55402

telephone 612.336.4455
facsimile 612.338.7508

                                                                       December 6, 1996

Federal Communications Commission
Common Carrier International
P.O. Box 358115
Pittsburgh, PA 51251—5115

         RE:        Application of Protel Advantage, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Savings for
                   authority pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of
                   1934, as amended, to resell service of other common carriers to
                   provide switched services from the United States to various
                   international points

Dear Sir:

      Enclosed please find an original and five (5) copies of the application of Protel
Advantage, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Savings in the above—referenced matter.

       A check in the amount of $750.00 is enclosed as a filing fee, along with FCC
Form 159. This application is filed pursuant to streamlined filing requirements for
international resellers.

        A copy of this cover letter is included to be stamped as filed and returned to me
in the enclosed self—addressed, stamped envelope as acknowledgment of this filing.

      Thank you for your attention to this matter. Any questions regarding this filing
should be directed to Steven C. Clay, attorney for applicant, at 612—336—4455, or by mail
at the address above.

                                      Since          /%‘

                                      Steven C. Clay
                                      Attorney for Protel Advanitage,
                                                                lnc d/b/a Long
                                      Distance Savings

                           Before the
                            Washington, DC. 20554                                        V

In the Matter of
Protel Advantage, Inc.
d/b/a Long Distance Savings

Application for authority

                                   Ne Nume! Nee‘ Ne‘ Nume! Nue! Ne‘ Nee
pursuant to Section 214 of
the Communications Act of 1934
as amended, to resell service                                             File No.
of other common carriers to
provide switched service from
the United States to
international points.


      Protel Advantage, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Savings (hereinafter
"Long Distance Savings" or "Applicant") hereby requests authority,
pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
47 U.S.C. Section 214 (1988), and Section 63.01 of the Commission‘s Rules,

47 C.F.R. Section 63.01 (1992), to resell the international message
communications services of other common carriers between the United
States and various international points.

      Long Distance Savings is a corporation organized under the laws of
the state of Minnesota.          The company intends                                  to resell the
telecommunications facilities of other common carriers and is not a
facilities—based carrier.   Long Distance Saving‘s service will be offered

                                                                           FCC Section 214 Application
                                                                                Protel Advantage, Inc.
                                                                          d/b/a Long Distance Savings
                                                                                               Page 1

nationwide. Through its service, customers may originate calls nationwide
or in other countries for termination in the United States or to other
countries.     The company seeks authority to resell international
telecommunications services to better serve its customers by offering a full
range of telecommunications products and services.             By providing

international calling services Long Distance Savings will be able to offer its
customers a valuable service at competitive rates.

      International telecommunications services will be obtained by Long
Distance Savings from other currently authorized common carriers. Long
Distance Savings will resell the services of other facilities—based carriers
that have obtained authorization from this Commission including those
listed in paragraph (e) below.
      The provision of international serviced by Long Distance Savings will
not have any significant impact on the general provision of such service to

the public.   Additional competition in the market, however, benefits

consumers of international telecommunications services. The benefits of
competition include lower prices and increased availability of a variety of
service options. The grant of this authorization will increase competition in
the market. Thus, the grant of this authorization is consistent with the
public interest.
      In support of Long Distance Saving‘s request for authorization, the

following information is submitted pursuant to Section 63.01 of the
Commission Rules, 47 C.F.R., Section 63.01 (1992).
(a)   The name and address of applicant:
      Protel Advantage, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Savings
      1821 University Avenue West

                                                 ECC Section 214 Application
                                                     Protel Advantage, Inc.
                                                d/b/a Long Distance Savings
                                                                     Page 2

      St. Paul, MN 55104

(b)   Long Distance Savings is incorporated under the laws of the state of

(c)   Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

      Scott D. Lee, President
      Protel Advantage d/b/a Long Distance Savings
      1821 University Avenue West
      St. Paul, MN 55104


      Steven C. Clay
      Attorney at Law
      1800 Rand Tower
      527 Marquette Avenue South
      Minneapolis, MN 55401
      Attorney for Applicant

(d)   Long Distance Savings is a non—dominant resale carrier subject to
      Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47

      U.S.C. Section 214 (1982).

(e)   The authorization sought in this application will be used so that
      international points may be reached by customers of Long Distance
      Saving‘s resold services. Long Distance Savings proposes to offer
      switched telecommunications services to its customers.           Long

      Distance Savings will obtain international switched services capacity
      from underlying carriers authorized to provide such service,
      including, but not limited to, the carriers specified in the following

                                                ECC Section 214 Application
                                                     Protel Advantage, Inc.
                                               d/b/a Long Distance Savings
                                                                    Page 3

            Advanced Telecommunications Corp. FCC Tariff No. 2
            AT&T Communications FCC Tariffs No. 1, 2, and 13
          _ Cable and Wireless FCC Tariff No. 3
            IDB Worldcom FCC Tariff No. 1
            Litel Telecommunications Corporation ECC Tariff No. 1
            LDDS Communications, Inc. FCC Tariff No. 1
            MCI Telecommunications Corporation FCC Tariff No. 1
            Metromedia FCC Tariff No. 2
            US Sprint ECC Tariff Nos. 1 and 2
            Wiltel ECC Tariff Nos. 1 and 2

(£)   Long Distance Savings will not construct or acquire facilities for the

      provision of international telecommunications services to the public.
      Rather, Long Distance Savings will resell the facilities of other

      authorized carriers.

(g)   Long Distance Savings has no existing facilities connecting
      international points.
(h)   See (e) above.

(i)   Not applicable. Long Distance Savings does not propose to construct
      any facilities to international points, but will use the capacity of

      other authorized international facilities—based carriers.

(§)   Not applicable. No map of proposed facilities is provided since the
      facilities to be resold by Long Distance Savings are owned and
      controlled by carriers already authorized to operate those facilities. ~

(k)   Long Distance Savings will obtain the capacity necessary for the
      resale of international services pursuant to the FCC tariffs specified

      in items (e) and (h) above. The applicable terms, conditions and

      rates are set forth in those tariffs, or other FCC tariffs of authorized

                                                  ECC Section 214 Application
                                                       Protel Advantage, Inc.
                                                  d/b/a Long Distance Savings
                                                                        Page 4

      carriers whose facilities Long Distance Savings may choose to resell
      in the future.

(1)   The public interest, convenience and necessity will be served by the
      grant of this application of Long Distance Savings Customers of Long
      Distance Savings will have greater access to a variety of services and
      the market as a whole will benefit from increased competition.
      Ultimately, consumers of telecommunications services will benefit
      from increased price competition and the availability of a wide
      service selection.
(m)   With respect to international services applied for in this application,
      Long Distance Savings projects annual revenues in its initial year of

      $240,000.00, growing to $1.6 million in calendar year 1997.
      Estimated annual costs during the corresponding periods are
      $216,000.00 in the initial year and $1.44 million in 1997. The basis
      for the estimates is the experience of the officers of Long Distance
      Savings as marketing agents for domestic long distance resellers over
      the past several years and the Company‘s available assets including,
      among other things, capital investment, personnel and experience.

      No agent or representative of a foreign telecommunications entity

      either owns 10% or more of Long Distance Saving‘s stock, or serves as
      an officer or director of the company.
(n)   International switched telecommunications services to overseas
      points are currently offered by carriers such as Frontier, Wiltel,

      AT&T, MCI, and Sprint as well as numerous other regional carriers.

      Services similar to those proposed by Long Distance Savings are

                                                ECC Section 214 Application
                                                     Protel Advantage, Inc.
                                                d/b/a Long Distance Savings
                                                                      Page 5

        provided by these and other resale carriers. Existing international
        facilities and services are inadequate insofar as the additional entry
        of international resale carriers will further stimulate demand and

        price competition, thus encouraging more efficient service at a lower

(0)     Long Distance Savings will file its tariff upon grant of requested
        authorization in accordance with the Commission‘s requirements.
        The tariff will set forth the current rates and regulations applicable
        to Long Distance Saving‘s international services.

(P)     Long Distance Savings will follow generally accepted accounting

        principles and will adhere to any and all FCC accounting regulations
        applicable to carriers in its situation.

(q)    Authorization of the service covered by this application               is

        categorically excluded as defined by Section 1.1306 of the
        Commission‘s rules.

(1)     Neither Long Distance Savings, or any party to this application has
        any affiliation with a foreign carrier. The only individuals or entities
        which own 10 percent or more of the stock or equity in Basic Long
        Distance are as follows:

                           Scott D. Lee, President and sole shareholder
                           Protel Advantage d/b/a Long Distance Savings
                           1821 University Avenue West
                           St. Paul, MN 55104

        The 10 percent equity holder is a U.S. citizens with principal business
        as an employee, officer, and director of Long Distance Savings, the
      =— applicant, and as an employee, officer, and director of a marketing

                                                   FCC Section 214 Application
                                                        Protel Advantage, Inc.
                                                   d/b/a Long Distance Savings
                                                                        Page 6

      agent for domestic and international switchless resellers of
      telecommunications services.

      As demonstrated in this application, Long Distance Savings is legally,

financially and technically qualified to provide the services for which it
requests authority. For the reasons stated above, applicant submits that
the public interest, convenience and necessity would be furthered by a
grant of this Section 214 application.

      Dated this 14 day of El2ils
                           N 1996.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                                   3 NYz
                              ScottD.Lee, President
                              Protel Advantage, Inc.
                              d/b/a Long Distance Savings
                              1821 University Avenue West
                              St. Paul, MN 55104

                              Steven C. Clay
                              Attorney for Applicant
                              1800 Rand Tower
                              527 Marquette Avenue South
                              Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402

                                                ECC Section 214 Application
                                                     Protel Advantage, Inc.
                                                d/b/a Long Distance Savings
                                                                     Page 7


     Neither Long Distance Savings, nor any party to this application, as
defined in CFR 1.2002 (b)(2), is subject to a denial of Federal and/or State

benefits, as provided in the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 833a.

                                        <n [) f2
                                   Scott D. Lee, President
                                   Protel Advantage, Inc.
                                   d/b/a Long Distance Savings
                                   1821 University Avenue West
                                   St. Paul, MN 55104

                                                FCC Section 214 Application
                                                      Protel Advantage, Inc.
                                               d/b/a Long Distance Savings
                                                                    Page 8


      I hereby certify that Long Distance Savings is not affiliated with any
foreign carrier, nor is it affiliated with any facilities—based carrier whose
services it intends to resell. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all of
the statements made in this application are true and correct.

                                         / [) #a
                                   Scott D. Lee, President
                                   Protel Advantage, Inc.
                                   d/b/a Long Distance Savings
                                   1821 University Avenue West
                                   St. Paul, MN 55104

                                   parea: 11 [13/9%

                                                ECC Section 214 Application
                                                     Protel Advantage, Inc.
                                                d/b/a Long Distance Savings
                                                                      Page 9

         lGrotelAdvantage Inc.
         Jon Greene                                                             Telephone (612) 603—8240
         Operations Manager                                                           Fax {612) €03—8242
         1821 University Ave. W.                                                    Pager [612) 642—8791
         St. Paul, MN 55104


         To Whom It May Concern:

         Protel Advantage Inc. has never received any concessions or favors of any kind from any
         foreign carrier. If you should have an questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.

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Document Created: 2011-02-14 14:58:15
Document Modified: 2011-02-14 14:58:15

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