Attachment 20170328163911-527.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19921015-00128 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                      Non—Streamilined 17C—214—18921015—00128
Westlaw                                                               MICRONESIAN TELECOMMUNCATIONS CORP
8 F.C.C.R. 750, 8 FCC Red. 750, 1993 WL 756745 (F.C.C.)

C                                                            Cable will be a high capacity, fiber optic, lightguide
                                                             submarine cable system with a "design capacity
8 F.C.C.R. 750, 8 FCC Red. 750, 1993 WL             3745     equivalent to 24,192 voice grade channels. The sys—
(F.C.C.)                                                     tem will consist of twelve fibers each operating at a
                                                             SONET (Sychronous Optical Network) rate of 622
                   «idipibnhn..                              Mbps. It will be repeaterless because of the relat—
            **1 IN THE MATTER                                ively short distances between the cable landing
  MICRONESIAN TELECOMMUNICAT. S                              sites.
                                                             3. According to MTC, the MTC Interisland Cable
                                                             will supplement existing facilities used to provide
                                                             regularly authorized services in CNMI and between
                                                             CNMI and Guam and beyond. £N+S MTC states
                                                             that it currently provides service between Saipan,
                                                             Tinian, Rota and Guam via an analog microwave
                                                             system. Existing traff wil         e tran:    red to the
                                                             fiber optic MTC Inter ind          ble frc      the analog
            _i                                               microwave system wh: wil           e retait    as a back—
 Adopted: Jan       4s .        Released: Febri     / 3,     up for the Saipan to Ti n t«       ota seg    snts. Digit—
                                                             al satellite facilities u_  be     ed as :      ack—up for
                                                             the Rota to Guam se ient           4ATC s     :s that the
*750 MEMO           JU1         NION, ORDER         ND       change from analog t igit          fiber c    c facilities
                    CHC         TION                         will allowit to provid s c         amers      h more ef—
                                                             ficient and modern set :es.         TC not    that use of
By the Chief,       ion         t Bureau:
                                                             the existing microway sys          i is di    ult due to
1. The Comm          ha:        r consideration        ap—   the distance between tl sla         .and b    usetropic—
plication filed     e V         »sian Telecomr      ica—     al storms and typhoc        oc     ring i     he Pacific
tions Corpora       her‘        r MTC or Ap;          ant)   make it more susceptit to c        uption     in submar—
       for aut       pu          to Section 214     _‘ the   ine cable facilities. In   fiti     MTC       :es that the
Communicati(        o           +, as amended,      :on—     number of telephone s scri         s in C1    [I has been
struct and ope      hig         icity digital suk    rine    growing to the point t :th          is ina     juate capa—
cable [%Sgfim’     known    as   the MTC‘ Intensiand          city in the analog micauwav.      _ystem ..   meet fore—
Cable.       The application was placed on the               casted customer demand.
Commission‘s public notice. IT & E Overseas, Inc.
                                                             4. IT & E filed a petition to condition or deny the
(IT & E) filed a petition to condition or deny the
                                                             application based on alleged violations of the GTE
application and MTC filed an opposition in re—
                                                             Consent Decree             and alleged anticompetitive
                                                             conduct by MTC. Specifically, IT & E cites several
2. The MTC Interisland Cable will link the islands           examples of anticompetitive conduct which primar—
of Saipan, Tinian and Rota, all of which are in—             ily relate to its inability to have what it deems suit—
cluded in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mari—             able access to scarce facilities controlled by MTC.
ana Islands (CNMI). The cable will then extend               IT & E also claims that the GTE Consent Decree
between Rota and Guam. The MTC Interisland                   prohibits MTC from constructing the planned facil—
                                                             ities between the CNMI and Guam, both domestic

                            © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

8 F.C.C.R. 750, 8 FCC Red. 750, 1993 WL 756745 (F.C.C.)                                                     Page 2

points, and that a w     er would be req     2d. IT & E     7. After consideratio        he applicatic    ind peti—
states that these iss   . will be pursue    a0re form—      tion filed by IT & E,        aclude that t      onstruc—
ally before the Dep.    nent of Justice     he context      tion and operation c         MTC Interis:     d Cable
of a request for in     itigation and er    ‘cement of      will serve the publi         venience anc       ecessity.
the GTE Consent I       ree.        How     r, IT & E       The MTC Interislan«          le will introo   e digital
believes that any C     mission authori      ion should     fiber optic cable tec        zy to the C      (I which
be conditioned on         outcome of th     )epartment      will improve service         se the curreni   alog mi—
of Justice‘s respons:   > both of these i   es, includ—     crowave system is             susceptible       tropical
ing IT & E‘s req        t that MTC be       squired to      storms and typhoons          submarine c      > facilit—
jointly construct an    perate the prop«    d cable fa—     ies. In addition, MTC        : that the nun   r oftele—
cilities with IT           E and oth         interested     phone subscribers in        has been gre ng to the
parties.                                                    point that there is ina    te capacity it   e analog
                                                            microwave system           :et forecaste     demand.
**2 *751 5. MTC ucnies the allegauons of anti—              However, our finding herein does not in any way
competitive conduct as well as IT & E‘s claims that         prejudge any action by the District Court or Depart—
the proposed ~~"Nle violates the GTE Consent De—            ment of Justice concerning the applicabil"" of the
cree. MTC nc       that Section V(C)(1) of the GTE          GTFE Consent Decree to this project. Thu: ny de—
Consent Dec         specifically permits Haw in                  1 to proceed with the construction a      opera—
Telephone Cc »any, and inherently its subsi ry                   f this cable by MTC will beat its ow     sk.
MTC, to prov      international services. MTC : es
that these isst   are not properly raised in the n—              scordingly, IT IS ORDERED that a;           cation
text of a Sec n 214 application since the        _E              No. I—T—C—92—140 IS GRANTED an              {TC is
Consent Dec:       is administered by the Di     ct              rized to:
Court and the   spartment of Justice. Finally,   ‘C              a) construct and operate a digital fi       > optic
asserts that it  not obligated to offer IT &     in              ubmarine cable system (MTC L                island
ownership int st in the proposed cable, since     n—             cable) extending between the is             ds of
trol of the cab  s necessary to ensure that faci es              saipan, Tinian and Rota, all of whic        ire in—
will be availal to serve the residents of CNM                    ‘luded in the Commonwealth of the           irthern
                                                                 Mariana Islands (CNMI) and between          ta and
6. We dismis [ & E‘s petition to deny or c            li—        Juam; and
tion the applic on because of alleged violatio       of          b) activate and operate the capact in the
the GTE Corn it Decree. It is the District (          irt        UATC Interisland Cable for the provis ofits
and the Depa_.__ent of Justice, and not this _ _     n—         «egularly authorized telecommunicat.u.s ser—
mission, that are charged with determining whether              vices.
certain actions are in violation of the GTE Consent
Decree. IT & E acknowledges that the issues raised          **3 9. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that IT & E‘s
will be addressed in a formal investigation by the          petition to condition or deny the application IS
Department of Justice. Our authorization herein             DISMISSED.
will be subject to any decision by the Department
of Justice and the District Court with respect to the       10. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Commis—
alleged violation of the GTE Consent Decree. The            sion retains jurisdiction to reallocate interests in ca—
Commission will take appropriate steps, if neces—           pacity herein authorized, as the public interest may
sary, once a decision is rendered on this issue.            require to accommodate additional carriers or oth—
Thus, there is no need to condition MTC‘s authoriz—         erwise, with, where required, the concurrence of the
ation to construct and operate the subject facilities.      foreign administration or carriers concerned, and,
                                                            further, jurisdiction is retained by the Commission

                            © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

8 F.C.CR. 750, 8 FCC Red. 750, 1993 WL 756745 (F.C.C.)                                                   Page 3

over all matters relating to the ownership, manage—       tional service to be provided.
ment, maintenance, and operation ofthe cable sys—
tem as authorized herein, to assure the most effi—        FN4. United States v. GTE Corporation, Civ. Ac—
cient use not only of this cable system, but of all       tion No. 83—1298, Trade Cas. (CCH) 66,355
means of communications between the points                (D.D.C.1985) ("the GTE Consent Decree").
served by the MTC Interisland Cable system.
                                                          FNS5. On May 30, 1992 IT & E filed with the De—
11. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this authoriz—             partment of Justice to investigate specific activities
ation is issued subject to the terms and conditions       of GTE Hawaiian Telephone Company and MTC,
of any license issued to the Applicant herein under       both subsidiaries of GTE Corporation. Among the
the act entitled "An Act relating to the landing and      activities cited by IT & E is the proposed construc—
operation of submarine cables in the United States"       tion of the MTC Interisland Cable.
(47 U.S.C. Sections 34—39), covering the subject
                                                          FN6. IT & E also requests that an exhibit, filed by
submarine cable, and shall become effective upon
                                                          MTC on March 30, 1992, containing revenue fore—
the acceptance of the aforementioned license by
                                                          casts and circuit activation plans be released for
                                                          public inspection. The exhibit was filed under sep—
12. This order is issued pursuant to           4.291      ar ‘ cover with a r     est for confidentiality. We
of the Commission‘s rules and is effi          n re—      di   ree with IT &      ; suggestion that since the
lease. Petitions for reconsideration           ction      do    mnent was filed    part of MTC‘s application
1.106 or applications for review               ction      fo   cable landing li se, it must be open for pub—
1.115 of the Rules may be filed wit            ys of      lic ispection pursue     to Section 1.767(c) of the
the public notice of this order                ction      C nission‘s Rules.       sction 1.767(c) provides in
1.4(b)(2)).                                               pe ‘hat "Such appli      ions for licenses (including
                                                          al   »cuments and e     bits filed with and made a
FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS C\                      :ON        ps   hereof, with the ception of any maps show—
                                                          in he exact locati« of the submarine cable or
Cheryl A. Tritt                                           ca   s to be license       . shall, unless otherwise
                                                          or ed by the Com        sion be open to public in—
Chief, Common Carrier Bureau
                                                          sp     ion." While See 1 1.767(c) creates a general
FN1. MTC is a subsidiary ofthe F               Tele—      pr    mption of publi zailability, it is not intended
phone Company (HTC) which is a                 :y of      to    persede the Cor    ission‘s Rules regarding re—
GTE Corporation.                                          qt s that materials : information submitted to
                                                          th    ommission be      chheld from public inspec—
FN2. Concurrent with the filing of this application,      tion. See 47 C.F.R. g u.459. Where a document is
MTC filed a separate application for a cable land—        submitted under a request that it not be made avail—
ing license in File No. S—C—L—92—003. Action on           able for public inspection, Section 0.461 of the
MTC‘s application for a cable landing license was         Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 0.461, sets forth a
taken concurrently with our decision herein.              procedure that a party requesting inspection of such
                                                          document must follow. IT & E‘s request does not
FN3. MTC does not specify the additional points it        comply with this procedure.
will serve on an "and beyond" basis and whether
these points will be international or other U.S.                                  FCC
points. However, in its opposition to IT & E‘s peti—
tion MTC indicates that the cable will not violate        8 F.C.C.R. 750, 8 FCC Red. 750, 1993 WL 756745
the GTE Consent Decree because it permits interna—        (F.C.C)

                          © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

8 F.C.C.R. 750, 8 FCC Red. 750, 1993 WL 756745 (F.C.C.)                             Page 4


                         © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

Document Created: 2019-04-08 16:18:46
Document Modified: 2019-04-08 16:18:46

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