Test Report


Test Report

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                        Report No.: TEFC1802108

          Applicant          : SteelSeries ApS.
                                 656 W Randolph St., Suite 3E Chicago,
          Address            :
                                 IL 60661, USA
          Equipment          : Transceiver

          Model No.          : M-00010TX

          Trade Name         :

          FCC ID.            : ZHK-M00010TX

         The sample was received on Jun. 14, 2018 and the testing was carried out on
         Jul. 09, 2018 at Cerpass Technology Corp. The test result refers exclusively to
         the test presented test model / sample. Without written approval of Cerpass
         Technology Corp., the test report shall not be reproduced except in full.

          Approved by:                             Tested by:

          Mark Liao / Assistant Manager            Spree Yei / Engineer

          Laboratory Accreditation:

          Cerpass Technology Corporation Test Laboratory

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                            Issued date   : Jul. 17, 2018
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                                                                    FCC ID.       : ZHK-M00010TX

             CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                                                 Report No.: TEFC1802108


 1.   Summary of Test Procedure and Test Results.................................................................................4
      1.1.     Applicable Standards .................................................................................................................4
 2.   Test Configuration of Equipment under Test ...................................................................................5
      2.1.     Feature of Equipment under Test...............................................................................................5
      2.2.     Carrier Frequency of Channels ..................................................................................................5
      2.3.     Test Mode and Test Software.....................................................................................................6
      2.4.     Description of Test System.........................................................................................................6
      2.5.     General Information of Test........................................................................................................7
      2.6.     Measurement Uncertainty ..........................................................................................................7
 3.   Test Equipment and Ancillaries Used for Tests ...............................................................................8
 4.   Test of Conducted Emission..............................................................................................................9
      4.1.     Test Limit ....................................................................................................................................9
      4.2.     Test Procedures .........................................................................................................................9
      4.3.     Typical Test Setup ....................................................................................................................10
      4.4.     Test Result and Data ................................................................................................................ 11
      4.5.     Test Photographs .....................................................................................................................13
 5.   Test of Radiated Spurious Emission...............................................................................................14
      5.1.     Test Limit ..................................................................................................................................14
      5.2.     Test Procedures .......................................................................................................................15
      5.3.     Typical Test Setup Layout of Radiated Emission .....................................................................16
      5.4.     Test Result and Data ................................................................................................................17
      5.5.     Test Photographs (30MHz ~ 1GHz) .........................................................................................34
      5.6.     Test Photographs (1GHz ~ 25GHz) .........................................................................................35

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                                                     Issued date         : Jul. 17, 2018
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                                                                                                             FCC ID.             : ZHK-M00010TX

          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                    Report No.: TEFC1802108

                                   History of this test report

          Report No.       Issue Date      Description

          TEFC1802108      Jul. 17, 2018   Original.

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                                                                 FCC ID.       : ZHK-M00010TX

    Lo      CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORR.                                   Report No.: TEFC102108

    1. Summary of Test Procedure and Test Results
     1.1.   Applicable Standards
            ansi conarzore
            FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart C §15.249
             FCC Ruta              Description of Test             Resut
               15.207             Conducted Emission               pass

               m                    adiated E Emission
                                   Rediated                        pass

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                       Report No.: TEFC1802108

 2. Test Configuration of Equipment under Test
   2.1. Feature of Equipment under Test
         Item                         Spec.
         Frequency Range              2402MHz ~ 2480MHz
         Modulation                   FSK
         Antenna Type                 Monopole
         Antenna Gain                 2.21 dB

   2.2. Carrier Frequency of Channels
                  *01                  2402
                   02                  2429
                  *03                  2439
                   04                  2450
                  *05                  2479
        Note: Channels remarked “*” are selected to perform test.

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                      Report No.: TEFC1802108

   2.3. Test Mode and Test Software
       a. During testing, the interface cables and equipment positions were varied according to
          ANSI C63.4.
       b. The complete test system included Notebook and EUT for RF test.
       c. An executive program, ”MWP383-PXG RF Lab Test V1.0.0.2” was executed to transmit and
          receive data.
       c. The test modes of RF test as follow:
           Conducted Emissions from the AC mains power ports
           Test Mode Operating Description
                1      TX, CH01
           Radiation Fundamental
           Test Mode Operating Description
                1      TX, CH01
                2      TX, CH03
                3      TX, CH05
           Radiation (30MHz ~ 1GHz)
           Test Mode Operating Description
                1      TX, CH01
           Radiation (1GHz ~ 25GHz)
           Test Mode Operating Description
                1      TX, CH01
                2      TX, CH03
                3      TX, CH05

   2.4. Description of Test System
          Device           Manufacturer   Model No.             Description
          Notebook         DELL           VOSTRO 3560           Power Cable, Unshielding, 1.8m

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    Lo     CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORR.                                         Report No.: TEFC102108

    25. General Information of Test
                             Gerpass Technology Gorporation Test Laboratory
                             Address: No.10, Ln. 2, Liantu St. Luzhu Dis., Taoyuan City 39848,
                             Tavan (R.0.0;
                             Address: No.66—1, Shihbachongsi, Shihding Township
                             New Taipei Gity 229, Tawan, R.O.C.
         TestSite            Tel: +806—2.26634502
                             roe       twiore, twios1,twiase
                             ic        4004E—1, 9092
                                       T—2205 for Telecommunication Test
                             vagy 04663 for Conducted emission test
                                        A—3428, R—4218 for Radiated emission test
                                        G—10812, G—10813 for rediated disturbance above 1GHz
         Frequency Range     Conducted: from 160kHizto 30 MHz
         Investigated        Radiation: from 30 MHz to 25,000MHz
         Test Distance       The test distance of rediated emission from antenna to EUT is 3 M.

    26. Measurement Uncertainty
         Measurement ftem                                Uncertainty
         Hedated Sp.mous Emission(GKHz—30MHz)            2500706
         Hedated Sp.mous EmssionGOMHiz~1GHz)             sis7de
         Redated Sp.mous Emission(IGHz~16GHz)            esex6
         Redated Sp.mous Emssion(1SGHz~40Grz)            +6.6460B
         Gonducted Spurious Emission                     2125308
         6dB Bandwdn                                     maoy
         Power Spectral Density                          2os3008
         26 db Occuped Bandwdin                          510%
         Frequency Stabiity                              ssrskle
         Ghannel Frequencies Separahon                   510%
         2048Bandwidih                                   16.12%
         Dwell Time                                      21309
         Fesk Output Power(Conducted Power Meter)        20.86dB
         Temperature                                     £1.200
         Humaiy                                          #27%
         Ghannel Move Time                               21530
         Ghannel Glasing Transmission Time               sark
         Tmreshod                                        znsstos
         Non occupaney period                            £1.17%

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                         Report No.: TEFC1802108

 3. Test Equipment and Ancillaries Used for Tests
         Instrument         Manufacturer     Model No.        Serial No.                      Valid Date
        EMI Receiver           R&S             ESCI3           100821         2017/09/08      2018/09/07
            LISN           Schwarzbeck      NSLK 8127         8127-568        2018/02/26      2019/02/25
        Pulse Limiter          R&S           ESH3-Z2           101934         2018/02/22      2019/02/21
       Bilog Antenna       Schwarzbeck       VULB9168            275          2017/08/31      2018/08/30
        Active Loop
                              EMCO             6507            40855          2018/05/22      2019/05/21
       Horn Antenna           EMCO             3115            31601          2017/09/11      2018/09/10
       Horn Antenna           EMCO             3116            31970          2018/03/23      2019/03/22
        Preamplifier            EM            EM330            60658          2017/09/08      2018/09/07
        Preamplifier                       EMC051845SE         980333         2017/09/20      2018/09/19
        Preamplifier                        EMC184045          980065         2017/11/10      2018/11/09
      MXG MW Analog
                            KEYSIGHT          N5183A         MY50142931       2018/04/10      2019/04/09
      Signal Generator
                               R&S             FSP40           100047         2018/03/20      2019/03/19
                               R&S              CBT            101133         2018/04/02      2019/04/01
         Attenuator         KEYSIGHT           8491B         MY39250705       2017/09/04      2018/09/03

      Rotary Attenuator       Agilent          8495B         MY42146680       2018/03/29      2019/03/28
       Temp & Humi
                            T-MACHINE        TMJ-9712        T-12-040111      2017/09/04      2018/09/03
       Series Power
                              Anritsu        ML2495A          1224005         2018/03/23      2019/03/22
       Power Sensor           Anritsu        MA2411B          1207295         2018/03/23      2019/03/22
         Software             Farad          Ez-EMC           ver.ct3a1          N/A             N/A
          Software            AUDIX              E3          V8.2014-8-6          N/A               N/A
                                           N7607B Signal
          Software            Keysight                        V3.0.0.0            N/A               N/A
          Software            Keysight                           N/A              N/A               N/A

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                                                                    FCC ID.       : ZHK-M00010TX

              CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                       Report No.: TEFC1802108

 4. Test of Conducted Emission
   4.1. Test Limit

         Conducted Emissions were measured from 150 kHz to 30 MHz with a bandwidth of 9 KHz,
         according to the methods defined in ANSI C63.4-2014. The EUT was placed on a nonmetallic
         stand in a shielded room 0.8 meters above the ground plane. The interface cables and
         equipment positioning were varied within limits of reasonable applications to determine the
         position produced maximum conducted emissions.

                 Frequency               Quasi Peak               Average
                    (MHz)                 (dB µ V)                (dB µ V)
                  0.15 – 0.5               66-56*                  56-46*
                  0.5 – 5.0                  56                      46
                  5.0 – 30.0                 60                      50
         *Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

   4.2. Test Procedures

         a. The EUT was placed 0.4 meter from the conducting wall of the shielding room was kept at
               least 80 centimeters from any other grounded conducting surface.
         b. Connect EUT to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN).
         c. All the support units are connecting to the other LISN.
         d. The LISN provides 50 ohm coupling impedance for the measuring instrument.
         e. The FCC states that a 50 ohm, 50 micro-Henry LISN should be used.
         f.    Both sides of AC line were checked for maximum conducted interference.
         g. The frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz was searched.
         h. Set the test-receiver system to Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with
               Maximum Hold Mode.

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                  Report No.: TEFC1802108

   4.3. Typical Test Setup






               LISN                                                          LISN


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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                         Report No.: TEFC1802108

   4.4. Test Result and Data

          Power            :   From System           Pol/Phase                  : LINE
          Test Mode        :   Mode 1                Temperature                : 20 °C
          Test Date        :   Jun. 14, 2018         Humidity                   : 40 %

        Note: Level = Reading + Factor
             Margin = Level – Limit
              Factor = (LISN, ISN, PLC or current probe) Factor + Cable Loss

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                        Report No.: TEFC1802108

           Power             : From System            Pol/Phase                    :     NEUTRAL
           Test Mode         : Mode 1                 Temperature                  :     20 °C
           Test Date         : Jun. 14, 2018          Humidity                     :     40 %

          Note: Level = Reading + Factor
               Margin = Level – Limit
                Factor = (LISN, ISN, PLC or current probe) Factor + Cable Loss

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                 Report No.: TEFC1802108

 5. Test of Radiated Spurious Emission
 5.1. Test Limit

         Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be
         attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated
         emission limits in § 15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

           Frequency (MHz)          Distance            Limit (μV/ m)
              0.09 ~ 0.490           300m               2400/F(kHz)
             0.490 ~ 1.705            30m             24000/ F(kHz)
               1.705 ~ 30             30m                    30
                30 ~ 88                3m                   100
                88 ~ 216               3m                   150
               216 ~ 960               3m                   200
               Above 960               3m                   500

         Fundamental Frequency:
                                            Field strength of          Field strength of
          Fundamental Frequency
                                              fundamental                 harmonics
                                            (millivolts/meter)        (microvolts/meter)
                  902-928                           50                        500
                2400-2483.5                         50                        500
                 5725-5875                         50                        500
                24000-24250                       250                       2500

       15.215 Additional provisions to the general radiated emission limitations.:

         (c) Intentional radiators operating under the alternative provisions to the general

            emission limits, as contained in §§15.217 through 15.257 and in subpart E of this part,

            must be designed to ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission, or whatever

            bandwidth may otherwise be specified in the specific rule section under which the

            equipment operates, is contained within the frequency band designated in the rule

            section under which the equipment is operated.

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  S        cERPASs TECHNOLOGY coRP.                                         Report No.: TEFC1802108
   5.2. Test Procedures
             The EUT was placed on a rotatable table top 0.8 meter above ground.

         b.. The EUT was set 3 meters from the inferference receiing antennawhich was mounted on
             the top of a variable height anterna tower.
         c.. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
             The antenna is a broadband antenna and its height is varied between one meter and four

             meters above ground to find the maximum value of the fild strergth bath. horzontal
             polarization and vertcal polarization of the anterna are set to make the measurement.
         e. For each suspected emission the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then tune the
             antenna tower (from 1 M to 4 M) and tum table (rom 0 degree to 360 degrees) to find the
             maximurn reading.
         1. Set the testreceiver system to Pesk or GISPR quasi—peak Detect Function and speciied
             bandwich with Maximum Hold Mode.
         g.. If the emission level of the EUT in pek mode was 3 dB lower than the limit specifed, then
             testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT wl be reported, ottemise, the emissions
             which do not have 3 d8 margin will be regeated one by one using the quesi—peak method and
         h. For testing above 1GHz,the emission leve! of the EUT in peak mode was 204B lower than
            average imit (Ihat means the emission level in pek mode also comples with the limit in
            average made}, then testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT wl be reported
            atternise, the emissions wil be measured in average mode again and reported.
             "Cone of rediation® has been considered to be 34B beamwidih of the measurement
       1.. The resolution bandidih and video bandidh oftest receiverspectrum aralyzeris 120kHz for
           Pesk detection (PK) and Quasi—pesk detection (QP) at requency below 1 GHz.
       2.. The resalition bandiidh and video bandwidih of test receiver‘spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz for
           Pesk detection at requency above 1GHz.
       3.. The resalition bandwidih of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz and the video bandwidth
           is 10 Hz for Average detection (AV) at requency above 1GHz.
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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                   Report No.: TEFC1802108

   5.3. Typical Test Setup Layout of Radiated Emission
         Below 30MHz test setup

                                                                  Equipment under Test

                           1m             *   3m


                                                   Ground Plane

        30MHz- 1GHz Test Setup

                                                                  Equipment under Test

                                          *   3m


                                                   Ground Plane

        Above 1GHz Test Setup

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                Report No.: TEFC1802108

 5.4. Test Result and Data
 5.4.1. Test Result of Fundamental Emission

        Power              :   DC 5V           Pol/Phase               : VERTICAL
        Test Mode          :   Mode 1, CH01    Temperature             : 24°C
        Test Date          :   Jul. 09, 2018   Humidity                : 62 %

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                Report No.: TEFC1802108

        Power              :   DC 5V           Pol/Phase               : HORIZONTAL
        Test Mode          :   Mode 1, CH01    Temperature             : 24°C
        Test Date          :   Jul. 09, 2018   Humidity                : 62 %

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                Report No.: TEFC1802108

        Power              :   DC 5V           Pol/Phase               : VERTICAL
        Test Mode          :   Mode 1, CH03    Temperature             : 24°C
        Test Date          :   Jul. 09, 2018   Humidity                : 62 %

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                Report No.: TEFC1802108

        Power              :   DC 5V           Pol/Phase               : HORIZONTAL
        Test Mode          :   Mode 1, CH03    Temperature             : 24°C
        Test Date          :   Jul. 09, 2018   Humidity                : 62 %

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                Report No.: TEFC1802108

        Power              :   DC 5V           Pol/Phase               : VERTICAL
        Test Mode          :   Mode 1, CH05    Temperature             : 24°C
        Test Date          :   Jul. 09, 2018   Humidity                : 62 %

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                         Report No.: TEFC1802108

        Power              :   DC 5V                Pol/Phase                   : HORIZONTAL
        Test Mode          :   Mode 1, CH05         Temperature                 : 24°C
        Test Date          :   Jul. 09, 2018        Humidity                    : 62 %

 5.4.2. Test Result of 9KHz ~ 30MHz

       The 9kHz - 30MHz spurious emission is under limit 20dB more.

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                  Report No.: TEFC1802108

 5.4.3. Test Result of Unwanted Spurious emission (30MHz ~ 1GHz)

        Power              :   DC 5V             Pol/Phase               : VERTICAL
        Test Mode          :   Mode 1            Temperature             : 24°C
        Test Date          :   Jun. 17, 2018     Humidity                : 62 %

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                Report No.: TEFC1802108

        Power              :   DC 5V           Pol/Phase               : HORIZONTAL
        Test Mode          :   Mode 1          Temperature             : 24°C
        Test Date          :   Jun. 17, 2018   Humidity                : 62 %

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                  Report No.: TEFC1802108

 5.4.4. Test Result of Unwanted Spurious emission (1GHz ~ 25GHz)

        Power              :   DC 5V             Pol/Phase               : VERTICAL
        Test Mode          :   Mode 1, CH01      Temperature             : 24°C
        Test Date          :   Jul. 09, 2018     Humidity                : 62 %

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                Report No.: TEFC1802108

        Power              :   DC 5V           Pol/Phase               : HORIZONTAL
        Test Mode          :   Mode 1, CH01    Temperature             : 24°C
        Test Date          :   Jul. 09, 2018   Humidity                : 62 %

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                Report No.: TEFC1802108

        Power              :   DC 5V           Pol/Phase               : VERTICAL
        Test Mode          :   Mode 1, CH03    Temperature             : 24°C
        Test Date          :   Jul. 09, 2018   Humidity                : 62 %

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                Report No.: TEFC1802108

        Power              :   DC 5V           Pol/Phase               : HORIZONTAL
        Test Mode          :   Mode 1, CH03    Temperature             : 24°C
        Test Date          :   Jul. 09, 2018   Humidity                : 62 %

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                Report No.: TEFC1802108

        Power              :   DC 5V           Pol/Phase               : VERTICAL
        Test Mode          :   Mode 1, CH05    Temperature             : 24°C
        Test Date          :   Jul. 09, 2018   Humidity                : 62 %

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                Report No.: TEFC1802108

        Power              :   DC 5V           Pol/Phase               : HORIZONTAL
        Test Mode          :   Mode 1, CH05    Temperature             : 24°C
        Test Date          :   Jul. 09, 2018   Humidity                : 62 %

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 Lo       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORR.                               Report No.: TEFC1802108

 54.200B Bandwidth & 99% Ocoupled BW

         Frequency |20dB Bandwidth]99% Occupled BW ;fif:’;’:“g’;"‘ffl ;;ff;’;’:"’gg:‘“?:'
            cane           mane          mane         1. > 2400 MHz.| i < 2483.5MHz
            2eor           156            186            2401.1400
            2eso           182            184
            2ero           179            184                                2470.9300

         200B Bandwidth
         CHO1, 2402MHz                          CHO5, 2479MHz

         CHO3, 2439MiHz

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            CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                                                                                    Report No.: TEFC1802108

        99% Occupied BW
        CH01, 2402MHz                                                                                     CH05, 2479MHz
                                                             * RBW 120 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                                                              * RBW 120 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                             * VBW 300 kHz            113.71 dBµV
                                                                                                                                                              * VBW 300 kHz            112.80 dBµV
               Ref     127 dBµV        * Att   10 dB          SWT 2.5 ms          2.401980000 GHz
                                                                                                                Ref     127 dBµV        * Att   10 dB          SWT 2.5 ms          2.478980000 GHz
                      Offset   20 dB                                         OBW 1.860000000 MHz                       Offset   20 dB                                         OBW 1.840000000 MHz
               120                                                           Temp 1 [T1 OBW]                                                                                  Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
                                                         1                             90.07 dBµV A                                                                                     87.67 dBµV A
                                                                                  2.401060000 GHz                                                                                  2.478080000 GHz
         1 SA *                                                                                           1 SA *
                110                                                          Temp 2 [T1 OBW]                     110                                                          Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
         VIEW                                                                                             VIEW
                                                                                       93.43 dBµV LVL                                                                                   92.76 dBµV LVL
                                                                                  2.402920000 GHz                                                                                  2.479920000 GHz
               100                                                                                              100
                                                                  T2                                                                                               T2
               90                                                                                               90                               T1


                                                                                                                70                                                                                   6DB
               70                                                                                   6DB




                                                                                                                Center 2.479 GHz                        1 MHz/                         Span 10 MHz
               Center 2.402 GHz                        1 MHz/                         Span 10 MHz

         CH03, 2439MHz
                                                             * RBW 120 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                             * VBW 300 kHz            111.98 dBµV
               Ref     127 dBµV        * Att   10 dB          SWT 2.5 ms          2.438980000 GHz
                      Offset   20 dB                                         OBW 1.840000000 MHz
               120                                                           Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                       86.41 dBµV A
                                                                                  2.438080000 GHz
         1 SA *
                110                                                          Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                       91.73 dBµV LVL
                                                                                  2.439920000 GHz

               90                               T1


               70                                                                                   6DB





               Center 2.439 GHz                        1 MHz/                         Span 10 MHz

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                                                                                  Issued date                   : Jul. 17, 2018
Ver 1.0                                                                                                                                   Page No.                      : 32 of 35
                                                                                                                                          FCC ID.                       : ZHK-M00010TX

          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                      Report No.: TEFC1802108

 5.4.6. Maximum Peak and Average Output Power

          Modulation                 Frequency   Power Output (dBm)      Power Output (mW)
            Type                       (MHz)      Peak     Average       Peak          Average
                             1        2402        0.12      0.01        1.028           1.002
             FSK             3        2439        0.27      0.19        1.064           1.045
                             5        2479        0.37      0.29        1.089           1.069
       *For reference only

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                           Issued date   : Jul. 17, 2018
Ver 1.0                                                            Page No.      : 33 of 35
                                                                   FCC ID.       : ZHK-M00010TX

Document Created: 2018-07-24 10:55:35
Document Modified: 2018-07-24 10:55:35

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