User Manual


Users Manual

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Product number: M—DPT1MR

| ceen                                                                                                               Manual                                                                                                   Trackball Mouse

  Namesof Parts
 MTrackball main unit                                                                   1 Leftbutton                               10 LED lamp                              13 Pointer speed change switch             18 Power mode selection
                   4 10                                                                 2 Right button                                " Dringpaiingstendby satethe                  time the butonis pressed the count
                                                                                        3 Tit whool                                                                            number (movement speed of the pointed           0
                                                                                          se                                          <Wh~x|pomysON me tepisit                         between thee stages of                       one
                                                                                        4 "Back? button        .                       red fora faed tme                       soorioor                                        L Low energy mode)
                                                                                          Operateshe "Back button on the               Tinenremazmng battay becomes            Whenthe ceuntnumberiscrargedthe                 H Gghaneed mada)
                                                                                          Wt bowoes                                    low duing use,the LED binksred.         curent count mumberisshownty he             17 Pairing button
                                                                                        5 "Forward® button
                                                                                                     “                             11 USB [A) connector                        numberoftimes
                                                                                                                                                                                      a      the LED amp binks.            18 Battey cover
                                                                                               eToward" l0 90 1h° 15 Connection modeselection switch                              fotne mc                                 19 Battery storage section
                                                                                        6, Function buttons 1 to 3                       itches between 24 Giz wirdess            Wrecuime 1oocone                         20 Recaiver unit storage
                                                                                        7, Functions can be assigned to ths           connecton and Bustootn                       .             .
                                                                                        §‘ buttonAtthe time ofpurchase,no             comnecton                             14 Optical sensor reverse sideof Bal)          o4. yee connector (male)
                                                                                                      have been assigned. n           * Cannot comectto wo untsatthe 15 Ballremoval hole
                                                                                          rderto assign finctons, acquie and           sae time,suchastoaPCand                 Remove bal uring maitenance
                                                                                           instl the Eecom Mouse Assstant              ablt                   .                                 t
                                                                                        9 Tackbat                                    Bluetooh       24 CHis wreiess

                                                                                                                                       Blue indlcator Rediindicator

n Insert battery                 Onlywhen connecting 2.4 GHz wireless, Bluetooth                                            | F] Turn the power ON_on‘y when comecting 24 Giiz wireiess, Buetoot                                                             |
                                    |&nbeumdwnmnbanereswlmmmsdb/oud                                                                                            § Operaiss uth bat the poner ONOFF wren comected by cord. There is no aiference
                                                                                                                                                      u             fome reesinciead im daw hok
                               EJ Remove the battery cover.                                                                                                    EJ se the power mode selection switch to either the H i speed mode}
                               [E insert battery accorting to instructions displayed on the bottom surface.
                                                                                                                                                                  or L (Low energy mode) position.
                                                                                                                                                                       &'hflspmdmofle ¥ading peformance becomeas graater when mosing he bat
                               l Insert with the correct battery plus and minus orientation.                            ‘                                                    | qy but batry e is shetened
                                                                                                                                                                       "The LED lamp is it red fora fxed time.
                                EJ ne—attach the battery cover to its original state.                                                                                  * When remeining battey is low, the LED binksred fo a faed tme

BConneci'mglnaPc                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I
For wired connection                                                                                                           When connecting my Bluetooth connection
EJ Connect the attached USB cable to the USB microB port on this product.                                    i                 rfiggmflmm&fiffl'mm
EBJ start up the PC.                                                                                                             ForWindows® 10                                            ] [ForWindows*7                                                       1
Eiresocomeamemeaaneeinpotetnore                                                                        NI                       S|ususattus~" pesniespemetmsy
D) :+ Hancpee       e e         oenoneeeeeneieee omreten camothewed.
      If stong resstance is fit when nsering, check the shape and orentaton ofthe comector. Forcioy
                                                                                                                                      Buetooh 40.                               win           TheoccarraapercnmaiblemmSuaton
                                                                                                                                                                                              (* We cannottake responsiity for ts
      int                                                                                                                       El Changeconnection mode .                                    3| oMnPPEneen
EJ The criveris automatically installed and the trackball can be used.                                                                                                @W                                 Aée’“.;“.?im“‘;‘;‘?"m-mmm ...
When                   by 2.4 GHz wireless
                                                                                                                                [E Cick on the "Start"l button on the lower lett
                                                                                                                                   ofthe screen, and click on the "Sottings" )                  For macOS High Siera (10.19)
EJ start up the PG.                                                                                                                icon.                                                                  Everty beied o Meciicah ocmpoible wity
[EJ Change the connection mode selection switch to "2.4 GHz wireless".
                                                                                                                                                                                                EJ Change the connection mode
[EJ insert the receiver unitinto a USB port on the PC.                                                                                                                                                 selection switch to "Bluetooth®.
                                                                                                                                EJ icon "Devices" on the "Windows Settings"                                                          Bheindicstor
Oe                                                                                                                                 screen. _
                                                                                                                                                                                                [E From the Apple menu, click "System
      * Donot drectytouch thaterninal rea of the USB comector                                                                                       s @: + >                                           Preferences.." to display the system
                                                                                                                                                    i                                                  environment settings screon.

&     Energy saing mode
      In ordert recice btteynea, when pone mode selecton swichis on Hor .n is nt operated foraset perod oftme,                  [EJ Cick on "Bluetooth & other devices", and click
                                             mode.                                                                                  on "Add Bluetooth or other device".
      "Forbiototivee seconds aferrestorng kom enery saing mode, vacaal aperaton may be unsltle.

  How to clean the trackball
[JJ Use a tinger (or a per} to push the bll out from the reverse side.

[ Use a cotton bud or similar to remove the dust accumulated on the
   three contact surfaces of the red ball
     When learing around theaptical sensor, take care notto damagetsensor.                                                                                                                      EJ ouring the device
                                                                                                                                   When the add device
                                                                                                                                flslresnsdlsphysd,hdd Paiing button                                      search, hold down the ainggutton
                                                                                                                                   down the pairing button                                              pering button on the
                                                                                                                                   on the bottom for two
                                                                                                                                   use                oooto                                             tobottom
                                                                                                                                                                                                            three surtace
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and     7
                                                                                                                                           seconds,                                                     then release.
 Specifications                                                                                                                     release.                                                             Paiing mode is actated. and he LED lamp bintared.
                                                                                                                                                is actieted and the LEDlemp binksre.
Gontrumber        (scori000/1500 count enitchale)                                                                                  Click on . "DEFT Pro Trackball" to                               [EJ] Setect DEFT Pro Trackbal", and click
                                                                                                                                                                                                        "Connect"to start pairing.
Intedace          use                                                                                                              start pairing.
                    Foruredhiriess 24 Gzcomecionimade
Comectorshape     USC Amze
                  " Forviedidess 24 Gricorvectin mc
                                                                                 10010 60°Cup to BR (ntrout
                                                                                 condersaton hoveved                            EEJ when it changes to ‘Connected",
                                                                                                                                   click on "Done".
                                                                                      ofM akaine batey, M
                                                                                 A’!yn-%asetamy AA bpo ricketmetal
                                                                                 Iycide battoy                                                                                                          completed

                                                                                                                                EJ This product is added           7:
                                                                                                                                   to "M

                                                                                       raws               wne:
                                                                                  Acorosimataly 1851 cays
                                                                                  Extiated usagotime:
                    redial    in                                                  225 days                                    Bydonnloadng and sting e "Elecom Moxse Assistant fom our company Websis Lnctons such as he btton acsgnment
                     Wi47 mm xDI819rmxH572mm                                         abore s       suring the computeris      function and hgh speed scroingfincton can be used.ForWndonn®, Hgorenispouable tonorahe ltrght enctonwl hoh
                   Receierint                                                   used foreighthours a dayw 5% ofthat           wheet For Maciist, t becomes possbleto usethe Fowar® buto "Bacle
                           mm x D182mmx                                         the
                                                                                |me spent operaing                            hitp!twini.elecom.cojp/global/download/utlity/mouse_ assistant!
                                                                                                                              * Wndows#FT 6.1is not suppoted bythe Becom Mouse Acsistant

Document Created: 2018-03-12 14:10:08
Document Modified: 2018-03-12 14:10:08

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