12422353-E2V2 FCC Report 15B_No Photos


Test Report

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REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                              DATE: 7/23/2019
FCC ID: YRWITML                                       MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

     Report Number:            12422353-E2V2

     Issue Date:                  7/23/2019

     Product Name:           Payment terminal with
                           magnetic card reader and
                            contactless card reader

     Model Number:          INFINEA TAB M LITE

Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Report


             DATECS Ltd.
            4 “Datecs” Str.
        1592 SOFIA, BULGARIA

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                                               DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                                                        MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

                                                        Test Report Details
Tests Performed By:                                 UL Verification Services
                                                    47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538

Tests Performed For:                                 DATECS Ltd.
                                                     DEPARTMENT OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES
                                                     4 “Datecs” Str.
                                                     1592 SOFIA, BULGARIA

Issue Date:                                         7/23/2019

Product Name:                                       Payment terminal with magnetic card reader and contactless card

Model Number:                                       INFINEA TAB M LITE

Sample Serial Number:                               2618900001

Product Standards:                                  FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART B

Testing Start Date:                                 September 7, 2018

Date Testing Complete:                              September 11, 2018
Overall Results:                                    Compliant
UL LLC reports apply only to the specific samples tested under stated test conditions. All samples tested were in good operating condition
throughout the entire test program. It is the manufacturer's responsibility to assure that additional production units of this model are manufactured
with identical electrical and mechanical components. UL LLC shall have no liability for any deductions, inferences or generalizations drawn by the
client or others from UL LLC issued reports. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by
NVLAP, NIST, any agency of the Federal Government, or any agency of any government.

*This report may contain test results that are not covered by the NVLAP or A2LA accreditation. The scope of accreditation is limited to the specific
tests that are listed on the NVLAP and/or A2LA websites referenced at the end of this report.

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   REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                                                                  DATE: 7/23/2019
   FCC ID: YRWITML                                                                                                           MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

                                                                     Report Directory
1.0         Summary ............................................................................................................................................................5

    1.1         Deviations from standard test methods .........................................................................................................5
    1.2         Device Modifications Necessary for Compliance ...........................................................................................5
    1.3         Applicable Standards .....................................................................................................................................5
    1.4         Summary of Tests ..........................................................................................................................................6
2.0         CALIBRATION AND UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................................................7

    2.1         Measuring Instrument Calibration ..................................................................................................................7
    2.2         Sample Calculation ........................................................................................................................................7
    2.3         Measurement Uncertainty ..............................................................................................................................7
3.0         GENERAL - Product Description ........................................................................................................................9

    3.1         Equipment Description ...................................................................................................................................9
    3.2         Equipment Marking Plate ...............................................................................................................................9
    3.3     Device Configuration During Test ............................................................................................................... 10
       3.3.1 Equipment Used During Test: ................................................................................................................. 10
       3.3.2 Input/Output Ports: .................................................................................................................................. 10
       3.3.3 EUT Internal Operating Frequencies: ..................................................................................................... 10
       3.3.4 Power Interface: ...................................................................................................................................... 10
       3.3.5 Software and Firmware ........................................................................................................................... 11
    3.4         Block Diagram: ............................................................................................................................................ 11
    3.5         EUT Configurations ..................................................................................................................................... 12
    3.6         Rational for EUT Configurations ................................................................................................................. 12

4.0         APPLICABLE EMISSIONS LIMITS AND TEST RESULTS ............................................................................ 13

    4.1         Test Conditions and Results - MAINS TERMINAL - CONDUCTED EMISSIONS ...................................... 14
    4.2         Test Conditions and Results - RADIATED EMISSIONS............................................................................. 19
Appendix A ................................................................................................................................................................... 24
    Facilities, Accreditations and Authorizations ............................................................................................................ 24

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 REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                         DATE: 7/23/2019
 FCC ID: YRWITML                                                  MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

Report Revision History

 Revision      Revision          Description             Revised By       Revision Reviewed
   Date        Version                                                            By
  9/17/18        V1               Initial Issue
  7/23/19        V2         Report revised based on      Bobby Bayani        Dan Coronia
                             reviewer’s comments.

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                       DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                                MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

1.0     Summary

The tests listed in the Summary of Testing section of this report have been performed and the results recorded by UL
LLC in accordance with the procedures stated in each test requirement and specification. The applicant determined
the list of tests performed were applicable to the Equipment Under Test. As a result, the subject product has been
verified to comply or not comply as noted in the Summary of Testing with each test specification. The test results
relate only to the items tested.

1.1     Deviations from standard test methods

1.2     Device Modifications Necessary for Compliance

1.3     Applicable Standards

                                       FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART B

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                        DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                                 MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

1.4     Summary of Tests

This product is considered Class B

                                    Requirement – Test                               Result (Compliant / Non-
      CONDUCTED EMISSIONS                                                         Compliant
      RADIATED EMISSIONS                                                          Compliant

 Reviewed By:                                                   Prepared By:

 Bobby Bayani                                                   Adrian Fong
 Lead Project Engineer                                          Laboratory Engineer
 UL Verification Service Inc.                                   UL Verification Services Inc.

 Approved & Released For
 UL Verification Services Inc By:

 Dan Coronia
 Operations Leader
 UL Verification Service Inc.

Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any
authorized licensee of UL.

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                          DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                                   MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE


2.1     Measuring Instrument Calibration

All test equipment and test accessories are calibrated on a regular basis. The maximum time between calibrations is
one year or the manufacturers’ recommendation, whichever is less.

All test equipment calibrations are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); therefore,
all test data recorded in this report is traceable to NIST.

2.2     Sample Calculation

Where relevant, the following sample calculation is provided:
Field Strength (dBuV/m) = Measured Voltage (dBuV) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Loss (dB) – Preamp Gain
36.5 dBuV + 18.7 dB/m + 0.6 dB – 26.9 dB = 28.9 dBuV/m

Where relevant, the following sample calculation is provided:
Final Voltage (dBuV) = Measured Voltage (dBuV) + Cable Loss (dB) + Limiter Factor (dB) + LISN Insertion Loss.

36.5 dBuV + 0 dB +10.1 dB+ 0 dB = 46.6 dBuV

2.3     Measurement Uncertainty

Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests performed on the

             PARAMETER                         UNCERTAINTY
Worst Case Conducted Disturbance, 9KHz
                                               3.84 dB
to 0.15 MHz
Worst Case Conducted Disturbance, 0.15 to
                                               3.65 dB
30 MHz
Worst Case Radiated Disturbance, 9KHz to
                                               3.15 dB
30 MHz
Worst Case Radiated Disturbance, 30 to
                                               5.36 dB
1000 MHz
Worst Case Radiated Disturbance, 1000 to
                                               4.32 dB
18000 MHz
Worst Case Radiated Disturbance, 18000 to
                                               4.45 dB
26000 MHz
Worst Case Radiated Disturbance, 26000 to
                                               5.24 dB
40000 MHz

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                   DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                            MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

             PARAMETER                                     UNCERTAINTY
                                          UL Verification Services EMCE Engineering
 Power Line Conducted Emission                    3.65 dB                 N/A
 Radiated Emission, 30 to 1000 MHz                5.36 dB              ± 4.98 dB
 Radiated Emission, 1 to 6 GHz                    4.32 dB                 N/A

Uncertainty figures are valid to a confidence level of 95%.

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                      DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                               MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

3.0     GENERAL - Product Description

3.1     Equipment Description
      Payment terminal with magnetic card reader and contactless card reader.

3.2     Equipment Marking Plate
      Not Provided

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                                          DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                                                   MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

3.3        Device Configuration During Test

           Mode #                                                       Description
               1        Normal

3.3.1      Equipment Used During Test:

         Use          Product Type                Manufacturer                    Model                     Comments
         EUT          Magnetic Card                 Datecs LTD             INFINEA TAB M                        None
                        Reader                                                  LITE
          AE               Laptop                      Lenovo                     T460                  Support Equipment
        Note: EUT - Equipment Under Test, AE - Auxiliary/Associated Equipment, or SIM - Simulator (Not Subjected to Test)

3.3.2              Input/Output Ports:

      Port #               Name                 Type*        Cable    Cable                             Comments
                                                            Max. >3m Shielded
                                                             (Y/N)    (Y/N)
          0         Lightning Connector           DC           N              N                    Connects to iPhone
          1        USB Communication              DC           N              N               Connects to charger or laptop
      AC     = AC Power Port           DC = DC Power Port                  N/E = Non-Electrical
      I/O    = Signal Input or Output Port (Not Involved in Process Control)
      TP     = Telecommunication Ports

3.3.3      EUT Internal Operating Frequencies:

              Frequency (MHz)                                                     Description
                   12.000MHz                                                      Main CPU
                   32.768KHz                                                      Main CPU
                   27.12MHz                                                        NFC Chip

3.3.4      Power Interface:

          Mode         Voltage         Current      Power        Frequency         Phases                  Comments
           #             (V)             (A)         (W)        (DC/AC-Hz)           (#)
          Rated            5                -           -             DC            Single                    Battery

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                   DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                            MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

3.3.5   Software and Firmware

The test utility software used during testing was IRETest.exe, rev. 2.0.3.

3.4     Block Diagram:

The diagram below illustrates the configuration of the equipment above.

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                  DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                           MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

3.5    EUT Configurations

      Configuration #                                     Description
            1           The EUT was operated in normal condition.

3.6    Rational for EUT Configurations

      Configuration #                                    Description
             1          The selected EUT configuration was chosen to maximize emissions

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                                                DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                                                         MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE


The emissions tests were performed according to following regulations:

--------------------------------------------- United States ---------------------------------------------------

Code of Federal Regulations Title 47                Part 15, Subpart B, Radio Frequency Devices – Unintentional

------------------------------------------------- International ------------------------------------------------

EMC               EMC - 2014/30/EU (OJ C 293 of 2014-04-12)

Unless specified otherwise in the individual Methods, the tests shall be conducted under the following ambient
conditions. Confirmation of these conditions shall be verified at the time the test is conducted.

Ambient                                         Relative                                     Barometric
                              22.5 ± 2.5                                   45 ± 15                                 950 ± 150
Temperature, °C                                 Humidity, %                                  Pressure, mBar

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                   DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                            MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

4.1     Test Conditions and Results - MAINS TERMINAL - CONDUCTED EMISSIONS

Test        Measurements were made on a ground plane. All power was connected to the system
Description through Artificial Mains Network (AMN). Conducted voltage measurements on mains lines
            were made at the output of the AMN.
Standards                               FCC Part 15 Subpart B
Test Engineer                           19497 AF
                                       Frequency range on each side of       Measurement Point
Fully configured sample scanned over           150kHz to 30MHz                      Mains
the following frequency range
                                            Limits - Class A
                                                       Limit (dBµV)
Frequency (MHz)                   Quasi-Peak                                Average
      0.15-0.5                         79                                      66
      0.5-30                           73                                      60
                                            Limits - Class B
                                                       Limit (dBµV)
Frequency (MHz)                   Quasi-Peak                                Average
      0.15-0.5                     66 to 56                                 56 to 46

       0.5-5                           56                                      46

       5-30                            60                                      50
Supplementary information: None

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                         MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

Conducted Emissions EUT Configuration Settings

    Power Interface Mode #           EUT Configurations Mode #        EUT Operation Mode #
             Rated                              1                              1
Supplementary information: None

Conducted Emissions Test Equipment

                                         Test Equipment List
    Description          Manufacturer         Model        Local ID    Cal Date       Cal Due
                                                            (T No.)
 EMI Test Receiver      Rohde&Schwarz         ESR26      PRE0176493    2/21/2019     2/21/2017
Signal Condition Unit        Schaffner                          133    8/08/2019     8/08/2018
 AC Power source             Schaffner       NSG1007            134    8/08/2019     8/08/2018
                                             FCC LISN
       L.I.S.N               FCC INC.                          1310    6/15/2018     6/15/2019

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 REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                   DATE: 7/23/2019
 FCC ID: YRWITML                            MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

Results – 120 V, 60 Hz

Conducted Emissions Graph

                               Line 1

                               Line 2

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                                      DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                                               MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

Conducted Emissions Data Points

Line-L1 .15 - 30MHz

 Range 1: Line-L1 .15 - 30MHz
Marker   Frequency    Meter   Det   LISN L1    LC      Limiter   Corrected   CFR 47      QP        CFR 47    Av(CISPR
           (MHz)     Readin                   Cables    (dB)     Reading     Part 15   Margin      Part 15    )Margin
                        g                     C1&C3               dBuV       Class B    (dB)       Class B      (dB)
                     (dBuV)                                                    QP                    Avg
  1       .19275     41.82    Qp       0         0     10.1       51.92      63.92       -12         -           -
  2         .195     25.5     Ca       0         0     10.1       35.6         -          -        53.82      -18.22
  3       .33675     28.32    Qp       0         0     10.1       38.42      59.28     -20.86        -           -
  4        .3435     13.4     Ca       0         0     10.1       23.5         -          -        49.12      -25.62
  5       2.00175    21.47    Qp       0        .1     10.1       31.67       56       -24.33        -           -
  6       2.00175    11.79    Ca       0        .1     10.1       21.99        -          -         46        -24.01
  7        4.695     23.93    Qp       0        .1     10.1       34.13       56       -21.87        -           -
  8       4.6905     13.78    Ca       0        .1     10.1       23.98        -          -         46        -22.02
  9      11.80275    17.56    Qp      .1        .2     10.2       28.06       60       -31.94        -           -
 10       11.805     11.11    Ca      .1        .2     10.2       21.61        -          -         50        -28.39
 11      21.46875    25.87    Qp      .1        .3     10.4       36.67       60       -23.33        -           -
 12        21.48     18.3     Ca      .1        .3     10.4       29.1         -          -         50         -20.9

Qp - Quasi-Peak detector
Ca - CISPR average detection

Line-L2 .15 - 30MHz

 Range 2: Line-L2 .15 - 30MHz
Marker   Frequency    Meter   Det   LISN L2    LC      Limiter   Corrected   CFR 47      QP        CFR 47    Av(CISPR
           (MHz)     Readin                   Cables    (dB)     Reading     Part 15   Margin      Part 15    )Margin
                        g                     C2&C3               dBuV       Class B    (dB)       Class B      (dB)
                     (dBuV)                                                    QP                    Avg
 13       .18825     40.92    Qp       0         0     10.1       51.02      64.11     -13.09        -           -
 14       .19275     23.74    Ca       0         0     10.1       33.84        -          -        53.92      -20.08
 15        .3255     27.74    Qp       0         0     10.1       37.84      59.57     -21.73        -           -
 16        .3255     11.18    Ca       0         0     10.1       21.28        -          -        49.57      -28.29
 17       2.00175    26.1     Qp       0        .1     10.1       36.3        56        -19.7        -           -
 18       2.00175    13.25    Ca       0        .1     10.1       23.45        -          -         46        -22.55
 19       4.7085     25.85    Qp       0        .1     10.1       36.05       56       -19.95        -           -
 20       4.7085     12.93    Ca       0        .1     10.1       23.13        -          -         46        -22.87
 21      12.03113    16.69    Qp      .1        .2     10.2       27.19       60       -32.81        -           -
 22      12.02775    10.24    Ca      .1        .2     10.2       20.74        -          -         50        -29.26
 23       21.399     24.8     Qp      .1        .3     10.4       35.6        60        -24.4        -           -
 24      21.39225    15.08    Ca      .1        .3     10.4       25.88        -          -         50        -24.12

Qp - Quasi-Peak detector
Ca - CISPR average detection

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                            DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                                     MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

4.2     Test Conditions and Results - RADIATED EMISSIONS

Test            Measurements were made in a 3-meter/10-meter semi-anechoic chamber that complies to
Description     CISPR 16/ANSI C63.4. Preliminary (peak) measurements were performed at an antenna to
                EUT separation distance of 3 meter/10-meter. The EUT was rotated 360° about its azimuth
                with the receive antenna located at various heights in both horizontal and vertical polarities.
                Final measurements (quasi-peak or average as noted) were then performed by rotating the
                EUT 360° and adjusting the receive antenna height from 1 to 4-meters. All frequencies were
                investigated in both horizontal and vertical antenna polarity, where applicable.
Standards                                FCC Part 15 Subpart B
Test Engineer                           19497 AF
                                                    Frequency range                    Measurement Point
Fully configured sample scanned                                                        (3 meter/10 meter
over the following frequency range                 30MHz – 40 GHz
                                                                                     measurement distance)
                                               Limits - Class B

                                                             Limit (dBµV/m)
        Frequency (MHz)
          CISPR Limits for radiated disturbance of Class B ITE at measuring distance of 10 m
                                             Quasi-Peak                          Average
             30-230                              30                                NA

              230-1000                                37                                    NA
              FCC Limits for radiated disturbance of Class B ITE at measuring distance of 3 m
                30-88                               40                                NA

               88-216                                43.5                                   NA

               216-960                                46                                    NA

              Above 960                               54                                    NA
                                                     Peak                                Average
          Above 1 GHz                                 74                                   54
          CISPR Limits for radiated disturbance of Class B ITE at measuring distance of 3 m
                                               Peak                              Average

              1000-3000                               70                                    50

              3000-6000                               74                                    54

Supplementary information: None

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 REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                             DATE: 7/23/2019
 FCC ID: YRWITML                                                      MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

Radiated Emissions EUT Configuration Settings

    Power Interface Mode #          EUT Configurations Mode #     EUT Operation Mode #
             Rated                              1                              1
Supplementary information: None

Radiated Emissions Test Equipment

                                   Test Equipment List
TEST EQUIPMENT          Manufacturer     Model      Local ID      Cal Due          Last Cal
      LIST                                           (T No.)
   Description          Manufacturer         Model       ID Num   Cal Due          Last Cal
Antenna, Broadband
                        Sunol Sciences
 Hybrid, 30MHz to                             JB1          T130   10/16/2018       10/16/2017
   Semianechoic             TDK RF
                                              N/A         T1199   6/12/2019        6/12/2018
    Chamber A          SOLUTIONS INC.
                       Agilent (Keysight)
Spectrum Analyzer                           N9030A         T818   6/12/2019        6/12/2018
Spectrum Analyzer,     Agilent (Keysight)
                                            N9030A        T1466   04/16/2019       04/16/2018
PXA, 3Hz to 44GHz       Technologies
Amplifier, 100KHz to   Agilent (Keysight)
                                             8447D         T15    10/16/2018       10/16/2017
   1GHz, 32dB           Technologies

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 REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                      DATE: 7/23/2019
 FCC ID: YRWITML                                               MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE


Radiated Emissions Graph


                                VERTICAL PLOTS

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                                                       DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                                                                MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

Radiated Emissions Data Points

Trace Markers
Marker   Frequency    Meter      Det   AF T130 (dB/m)     Amp/Cbl (dB/m)     Corrected   Class B QPk Limit     Margin    Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (MHz)     Reading                                                  Reading        (dBuV/m)           (dB)      (Degs)    (cm)
                     (dBuV)                                                  (dBuV/m)
  1       75.7843      47.88     Pk        11.9               -26.7           33.08            40               -6.92     0-360     200        H
  2       75.7843      40.49     Pk        11.9               -26.7           25.69            40              -14.31     0-360     100        V
  3      185.2077      39.24     Pk        15.1               -25.5           28.84           43.52            -14.68     0-360     100        V
  4      212.3016      46.61     Pk        14.5               -25.1           36.01           43.52             -7.51     0-360     101        H
  5      328.8167      51.32     Pk        17.9               -24.7           44.52           46.02              -1.5     0-360     101        H
  6      329.2168      44.35     Pk        17.9               -24.7           37.55           46.02             -8.47     0-360     101        V

Pk - Peak detector

Radiated Emissions
Frequency      Meter       Det     AF T130 (dB/m)       Amp/Cbl (dB/m)       Corrected    Class B QPk        Margin     Azimuth    Height   Polarity
  (MHz)       Reading                                                         Reading    Limit (dBuV/m)       (dB)       (Degs)     (cm)
              (dBuV)                                                         (dBuV/m)
328.9981       35.92       Qp          17.9                 -24.7              29.12         46.02           -16.9       318        102         H

Qp - Quasi-Peak detector

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                          DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                                   MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

Appendix A

Facilities, Accreditations and Authorizations

                                             NVLAP Lab code: 200065-0

NVLAP: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) administers the National Voluntary Laboratory
Accreditation Program (NVLAP). NVLAP is comprised of laboratory accreditation programs (LAPs) which are
established on the basis of requests and demonstrated need. Each LAP includes specific calibration and/or test
standards and related methods and protocols assembled to satisfy the unique needs for accreditation in a field of
testing or calibration. NVLAP accredits public and private laboratories based on evaluation of their technical
qualifications and competence to carry out specific calibrations or tests. Accreditation criteria are established in
accordance with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR, Title 15, Part 285), NVLAP Procedures and General
Requirements, and encompass the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. For a full scope listing see

FCC: Details of the measurement facilities used for these tests have been filed with the Federal Communications
Commission’s Laboratory in Columbia, Maryland (Ref. No. 91044).

Industry of Canada: Accredited by Industry Canada for performance of radiated measurements. Our test site
complies with RSP 100, Issue 7, Section 3.3. File #: IC 2180

VCCI: Accepted as an Associate Member to the VCCI. The measurement facilities detailed in this test report have
been registered in accordance with Regulations for Voluntary Control Measures, Article 8. Registration Nos.:
Radiated Emissions R-621, Conducted Emissions C-642.

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                        DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                                 MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

ICASA: ICASA (Independent Communications Authority of South Africa) has appointed UL as a Designated Test
Laboratory to test Telecommunications equipment for type approval in compliance with CISPR 22 to assist in fulfilling
its mandate under section 54(1) of the Telecommunications Act, 1996 (Act 103 of 1996).
NIST/CAB: Validated by the European Commission as a U.S. Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) of the U.S.-EU

Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for the Electromagnetic Compatibility - Council Directive 2004/108/EC, Annex
III (2-3). Also validated for the Telecommunication Equipment-Council Directive 99/5/EC, Annex III and IV,
Identification Number: 0983.
NIST/CAB: Provisioned to act as a U.S. Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) under Appendix B, Phase I Procedures,
of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) MRA between the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the
United States. Our laboratory is considered qualified to test equipment subject to the applicable EMC regulations of
the Chinese Taipei Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) which require testing to CNS 13438
(CISPR 22).
NIST/CAB: Recognized by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) under the Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation Mutual Recognition Agreement (APEC MRA). Our laboratory is provisionally designated to act as a
Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) under Appendix B, Phase I Procedures, of the APEC MRA. Our scope of
designation includes IDA TS EMC (CISPR 22), IEC 61000-4-2, -4-3, -4-4, -4-5, and -4-6

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  REPORT NO: 12422353-E2V2                                                         DATE: 7/23/2019
  FCC ID: YRWITML                                                                  MODEL: INFINEA TAB M LITE

The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at 47173 and 47266 Benicia Street, and
47658 Kato Road, Fremont, California, USA. Line conducted emissions are measured only at the 47173 address.
The following table identifies which facilities were utilized for radiated emission measurements documented in this
report. Specific facilities are also identified in the test results sections.

       47173 Benicia Street                    47266 Benicia Street                        47658 Kato Rd
             Chamber A                               Chamber D                                 Chamber I
         (ISED:2324B-1)                          (ISED:22541-1)                           (ISED:2324A-5)
             Chamber B                               Chamber E                                Chamber J
         (ISED:2324B-2)                          (ISED:22541-2)                           (ISED:2324A-6)
             Chamber C                               Chamber F                                Chamber K
         (ISED:2324B-3)                          (ISED:22541-3)                           (ISED:2324A-1)
                                                     Chamber G                                Chamber L
                                                 (ISED:22541-4)                           (ISED:2324A-3)
                                                     Chamber H

The above test sites and facilities are covered under FCC Test Firm Registration # 208313. Chambers above are
covered under Industry Canada company address and respective code

UL Verification Services Inc. is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 200065-0.

                                       END OF TEST REPORT

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Document Created: 2019-10-15 23:44:00
Document Modified: 2019-10-15 23:44:00

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