Test report


Test Report

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                                                   TEST REPORT
Report Reference No. .................... :               TRE1805007001                 R/C…….: 87410

FCC ID ............................................. :    YAMGTW-RFID

Applicant’s name ........................... :            Hytera Communications Corporation Limited

Address ............................................. :   Hytera Tower, Hi-Tech Industrial Park North, 9108# Beihuan
                                                          Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China

Manufacturer....................................:         Hytera Communications Corporation Limited

Address ............................................. :   Hytera Tower, Hi-Tech Industrial Park North, 9108# Beihuan
                                                          Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China

Test item description .................... :              Patrol Beacon

Trade Mark ....................................... :      Hytera

Model/Type reference ....................... :            GTW-RFID_In

Listed Model(s) ................................. :       GTW-RFID_Out

Standard ......................................... :      FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.249

Date of receipt of test sample……….:                       May.09,2018

Date of testing………………………...:                              May.09,2018-May.17,2018

Date of issue…………………………..:                                May.17,2018

Result .................. …………………...:                     PASS

Compiled by
( position+printedname+signature) ... :                   File administrators Fanghui Zhu

Supervised by
(position+printedname+signature) .... :                   Project Engineer Chaohui Ouyang

Approved by
(position+printedname+signature) .... :                   RF Manager Hans Hu

Testing Laboratory Name ............. :                   Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.

Address ............................................. :   1/F, Bldg 3, Hongfa Hi-tech Industrial Park, Genyu Road,
                                                          Tianliao, Gongming, Shenzhen, China

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes as long as the
Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. is acknowledged as copyright owner and source
of the material. Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. takes no responsibility for and will
not assume liability for damages resulting from the reader's interpretation of the reproduced material due to
its placement and context.
The test report merely correspond to the test sample.

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1.      TEST STANDARDS AND REPORT VERSION                                                           3

1.1.    Test Standards                                                                          3
1.2.    Report version information                                                              3

2.      TEST DESCRIPTION                                                                            4

3.      SUMMARY                                                                                     5

3.1.    Client Information                                                                      5
3.2.    Product Description                                                                     5
3.3.    EUT operation mode                                                                      5
3.4.    EUT configuration                                                                       6
3.5.    Modifications                                                                           6

4.      TEST ENVIRONMENT                                                                            7

4.1.    Address of the test laboratory                                                          7
4.2.    Test Facility                                                                           7
4.3.    Environmental conditions                                                                8
4.4.    Statement of the measurement uncertainty                                                8
4.5.    Equipments Used during the Test                                                         9

5.      TEST CONDITIONS AND RESULTS                                                             11

5.1.    Antenna requirement                                                                     11
5.2.    AC Power Conducted Emissions                                                            12
5.3.    20 dB Occupied Bandwidth                                                                13
5.4.    Radiated field strength of the fundamental signal                                       14
5.5.    Radiated Spurious Emissions and Bandedge Emission                                       16

6.      TEST SETUP PHOTOS OF THE EUT                                                            21

7.      EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL PHOTOS OF THE EUT                                                 22

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1.1. Test Standards
The tests were performed according to following standards:
FCC Rules Part 15.249: Operation within the bands 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz, 5725-5875 MHz, and
24.0-24.25 GHz.
ANSI C63.10-2013: American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices.

1.2. Report version information
      Revision No.                Date of issue                          Description
          N/A                      2018-01-29                              Original

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               Test Item                        Section in CFR 47             Result       Test Engineer
          Antenna requirement                         15.203                   Pass          Baozhu Hu
 AC Power Line Conducted Emissions                    15.207                    N/A             N/A
       20dB Occupied Bandwidth                    15.215/15.249                Pass          Baozhu Hu
Field strength of the Fundamental signal             15.249(a)                 Pass          Jiuru Pan
          Spurious Emissions                     15.209/15.249(a)              Pass          Jiuru Pan
         Band edge Emissions                     15.205/15.249(d)              Pass          Jiuru Pan

Remark: The measurement uncertainty is not included in the test result.

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3.1. Client Information
Applicant:                   Hytera Communications Corporation Limited

                             Hytera Tower, Hi-Tech Industrial Park North, 9108# Beihuan Road, Nanshan
                             District, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China

Manufacturer:                Hytera Communications Corporation Limited

                             Hytera Tower, Hi-Tech Industrial Park North, 9108# Beihuan Road, Nanshan
                             District, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China

3.2. Product Description
Name of EUT:                 Patrol Beacon

Trade Mark:                  Hytera

Model No.:                   GTW-RFID_In

Listed Model(s):             GTW-RFID_Out

Power supply:                DC3V 2*AA Size Battery

Adapter information:         -

RF Specification

Operation frequency:         2450MHz

Channel number:              1

Modulation Type:             GFSK

Antenna type:                Integral antenna

Antenna gain:                -2.2dBi

3.3. EUT operation mode
   Test frequency list
    According to section 15.31(m), regards to the operating frequency range over 10 MHz, must select three
    channel which were tested. the Lowest frequency, the middle frequency, and the highest frequency of
    channel were selected to perform the test, please see the above gray bottom.
                          Channel                                         Frequency (MHz)
                                 1                                             2450

      For RF test items
      The engineering test program was provided and enabled to make EUT continuous transmit.
      For AC power line conducted emissions:
      The EUT was set to connect with large package sizes transmission.
     Note:New battery is used during all test

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3.4. EUT configuration
The following peripheral devices and interface cables were connected during the measurement:
● - supplied by the manufacturer
○ - supplied by the lab

                                             Manufacturer : /
                                                Model No. : /
                                             Manufacturer : /
                                                Model No. : /

3.5. Modifications
No modifications were implemented to meet testing criteria.

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4.1. Address of the test laboratory
Laboratory: Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.
Address: 1/F, Bldg 3, Hongfa Hi-tech Industrial Park, Genyu Road, Tianliao, Gongming, Shenzhen, China
Phone: 86-755-26748019 Fax: 86-755-26748089
4.2. Test Facility
The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:

CNAS-Lab Code: L1225

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. has been assessed and proved to be in compliance
with CNAS-CL01 Accreditation Criteria for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (identical to ISO/IEC17025:
2005 General Requirements) for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

A2LA-Lab Cert. No. 3902.01

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been accredited by A2LA for
technical competence in the field of electrical testing, and proved to be in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025:
2005 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories and any additional
program requirements in the identified field of testing.

FCC-Registration No.: 762235

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully
described in a report filed with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). The acceptance letter from
the FCC is maintained in our files. Registration 762235.

IC-Registration No.: 5377B-1

Two 3m Alternate Test Site of Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. has been registered by
Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada for the performance of radiated measurements with
Registration No. 5377B-1.


Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory can also perform testing for the
Australian C-Tick mark as a result of our A2LA accreditation.

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4.3. Environmental conditions
During the measurement the environmental conditions were within the listed ranges:
Temperature:                                         15~35°C
Relative Humidity:                                       30~60 %
Air Pressure:                                            950~1050mba

4.4. Statement of the measurement uncertainty
The data and results referenced in this document are true and accurate. The reader is cautioned that there
may be errors in calibration limits of the equipment and facilities. The measurement uncertainty was
calculated for all measurements listed in this test report according to TR-100028-01 “Electromagnetic
compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio
equipment characteristics;Part 1” and TR-100028-02 “Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum
Matters (ERM);Uncertainties in the measurementof mobile radio equipment characteristics;Part 2” and is
documented in the Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd quality system according to
ISO/IEC 17025. Further more, component and process variability of devices similar to that tested may result
in additional deviation. The manufacturer has the sole responsibility of continued compliance of the device.

Here after the best measurement capability for Shenzhen Huatongwei is reported:

                      Test Items                           Measurement Uncertainty             Notes
Conducted spurious emissions 9KHz-30MHz                              3.39 dB                     (1)
Radiated Emissions 30~1000MHz                                        4.24 dB                     (1)
Radiated Emissions 1~18GHz                                           5.16 dB                     (1)
Radiated Emissions 18-40GHz                                          5.54 dB                     (1)
Occupied Bandwidth                                                   ---------                   (1)
(1) This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95% confidence
    level using a coverage factor of k=1.96.

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4.5. Equipments Used during the Test
Conducted Emissions
        Test                                                                Last Cal.     Next Cal.
Item                       Manufacturer         Model No.      Serial No.
        Equipment                                                           (mm-dd-yy)    (mm-dd-yy)
        EMI Test
1                          R&S                  ESCI           101247       11/11/2017    11/10/2018
2       Artificial Mains   SCHWARZBECK          NNLK 8121      573          11/11/2017    11/10/2018
        2-Line V-
3                          R&S                  ESH3-Z5        100049       11/11/2017    11/10/2018
4       Pulse Limiter      R&S                  ESH3-Z2        101488       11/11/2017    11/10/2018
5       Connection         HUBER+SUHNER         EF400          N/A          11/21/2017    11/20/2018
6       Test Software      R&S                  ES-K1          N/A          N/A           N/A

Radiated Emissions
        Test                                                                Last Cal.     Next Cal.
Item                       Manufacturer         Model No.      Serial No.
        Equipment                                                           (mm-dd-yy)    (mm-dd-yy)
1       Anechoic           Albatross projects   SAC-3m-01      C11121       10/16/2016    10/15/2019
        EMI Test
2                          R&S                  ESCI           100900       11/11/2017    11/10/2018
3       Loop Antenna       R&S                  HFH2-Z2        100020       11/20/2017    11/19/2020
4       Broadband          SCHWARZBECK          VULB9163       538          4/5/2017      4/4/2020
5       Horn Antenna       SCHWARZBECK          9120D          1011         3/27/2017     3/26/2020
        Broadband                                              BBHA9170
6                          SCHWARZBECK          BBHA9170                    3/27/2017     3/26/2020
        Horn Antenna                                           472
7       Pre-amplifier      SCHWARZBECK          BBV 9743       9743-0022    10/18/2017    10/17/2018
8                          SCHWARZBECK          BBV 9718       9718-248     10/18/2017    10/17/2018
9                          R&S                  FSP40          100597       11/11/2017    11/10/2018
        RF Connection      HUBER+SUHNE
10                                              RE-7-FL        N/A          11/21/2017    11/20/2018
        Cable              R
        RF Connection      HUBER+SUHNE
11                                              RE-7-FH        N/A          11/21/2017    11/20/2018
        Cable              R
12      Test Software      Audix                E3             N/A          N/A           N/A
13      Test Software      R&S                  ES-K1          N/A          N/A           N/A
14      Turntable          Maturo Germany       TT2.0-1T       N/A          N/A           N/A
15      Antenna Mast       Maturo Germany       CAM-4.0-P-12   N/A          N/A           N/A

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RF Conducted Test
        Test                                                                  Last Cal.    Next Cal.
Item                    Manufacturer         Model No.        Serial No.
        Equipment                                                             (mm-dd-yy)   (mm-dd-yy)
1                       R&S                  FSV40            100048          11/11/2017   11/10/2018
        EXA Signal
2                       Agilent              N9020A           184247          9/22/2017    9/21/2018
3       Power Meter     Agilent              U2021XA          178231          9/22/2017    9/21/2018
4       OSP             R&S                  OSP120           101317          N/A          N/A

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5.1. Antenna requirement
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.203:
An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of anantenna
that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator, the manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken
antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is

Refer to statement below for compliance.
The manufacturer may design the unit so that the user can replace a broken antenna, but the use of a
standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited. Further, this requirement does not apply to
intentional radiators that must be professionally installed.


   Passed               Not Applicable

The directional gain of the antenna less than 6 dBi, please refer to the below antenna photo.

                                                                RF antenna

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5.2. AC Power Conducted Emissions
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.207:
                                                                      Limit (dBuV)
          Frequency range (MHz)
                                                      Quasi-peak                        Average
                  0.15-0.5                             66 to 56*                        56 to 46*
                    0.5-5                                 56                               46
                    5-30                                  60                               50
* Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.



1. The EUT was setup according to ANSI C63.10:2013
2. The EUT was placed on a plat form of nominal size, 1 m by 1.5 m, raised 10 cm above the conducting
   ground plane. The vertical conducting plane was located 40 cm to the rear of the EUT. All other surfaces
   of EUT were at least 10 cm from any other grounded conducting surface.
3. The EUT and simulators are connected to the main power through a line impedance stabilization
   network (LISN). The LISN provides a 50ohm / 50uH coupling impedance for the measuring equipment.
4. The peripheral devices are also connected to the main power through a LISN. (Please refer to the block
   diagram of the test setup and photographs)
5. Each current-carrying conductor of the EUT power cord, except the ground (safety) conductor,was
   individually connected through a LISN to the input power source.
6. The excess length of the power cord between the EUT and the LISN receptacle were folded back and
   forth at the center of the lead to form a bundle not exceeding 40 cm in length.
7. Conducted emissions were investigated over the frequency range from 0.15MHz to 30MHz using a
   receiver bandwidth of 9 kHz.
8. During the above scans, the emissions were maximized by cable manipulation.


   Passed              Not Applicable

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5.3. 20 dB Occupied Bandwidth
Operation frequency range 2400MHz~2483.5MHz.



1.    The transmitter output was connected to the spectrum analyzer through an attenuator, the path loss was
      compensated to the results for each measurement.
2.    Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously
3.    Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
      Span = approximately 2 to 3 times the 20 dB bandwidth, centered on a hopping channel
      RBW ≥ 1% of the 20 dB bandwidth, VBW ≥ RBW
      Sweep = auto, Detector function = peak, Trace = max hold
4.    Measure and record the results in the test report.

Please refer to the clause 3.3


     Passed             Not Applicable

     Channel Frequency(MHz)              20dB Bandwidth(MHz)                         Result
              2450                               1.06                                PASS


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5.4. Radiated field strength of the fundamental signal

                                         Field strength of fundamental         Field strength of harmonics
      Fundamental frequency
                                                (millivolts/meter)                  (microvolts/meter)
           902-928 MHz                       50 (94dBuV/m @3m)                   500 (54dBuV/m @3m)
         2400-2483.5 MHz                     50 (94dBuV/m @3m)                   500 (54dBuV/m @3m)
          5725-5875 MHz                      50 (94dBuV/m @3m)                   500 (54dBuV/m @3m)
          24.0-24.25 GHz                   250 (108dBuV/m @3m)                   2500 (68dBuV/m @3m)
Frequencies above 1000 MHz, the field strength limits are based on average limits



1.    The EUT was setup and tested according to ANSI C63.10:2013 requirements.
2.    The EUT is placed on a turn table which is 1.5 meter above ground. The turn table is rotated 360 degrees
      to determine the position of the maximum emission level.
3.    The EUT waspositioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 3 meters.
4.    The antenna is scanned from 1 meter to 4 meters to find out the maximum emission level. Thisis
      repeated for both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna. In order to find the maximum
      emission, all of the interface cables were manipulated according to ANSI C63.10:2013 on radiated
5.    The receiver set as follow:
      RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz Peak detector for Peak value.
      RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz RMS detector for Average value.

Please refer to the clause 3.3


     Passed             Not Applicable

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             Read    Antenna    Cable    Preamp                            Over
Frequency                                            Level    Limit Line                            Test
             Level    Factor    Loss      Factor                           Limit    Polarization
  (MHz)                                            (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)                              value
            (dBuV)    (dB/m)     (dB)      (dB)                            (dB)
 2449.66     37.80     27.40     6.80     0.00       72.00     114.00      -42.00     Vertical      Peak
 2450.08     49.30     27.40     6.80     0.00       83.50     114.00      -30.50   Horizontal      Peak
 2449.76     37.10     27.40     6.80     0.00       71.30      94.00      -22.70     Vertical     Average
 2449.24     43.40     27.40     6.80     0.00       77.60      94.00      -16.40   Horizontal     Average

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5.5. Radiated Spurious Emissions and Bandedge Emission
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.209
             Frequency                        Limit (dBuV/m @3m)                       Value
            30MHz~88MHz                                  40.00                      Quasi-peak
           88MHz~216MHz                                  43.50                      Quasi-peak
          216MHz~960MHz                                  46.00                      Quasi-peak
            960MHz~1GHz                                  54.00                      Quasi-peak
                                                         54.00                        Average
             Above 1GHz
                                                         74.00                         Peak
   9 kHz ~ 30 MHz

   30 MHz ~ 1 GHz

   Above 1 GHz

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1.    The EUT was setup and tested according to ANSI C63.10:2013 requirements.
2.    The EUT is placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter above ground for below 1 GHz, and 1.5 m for above
      1 GHz. The turn table is rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level.
3.    The EUT was set 3 meters from the receiving antenna, which was mounted on the top of a variable
      height antenna tower.
4.    For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then tune the Antenna tower
      (from 1 m to 4 m) and turntable (from 0 degree to 360 degrees) to find the maximum reading. A pre-amp
      and a high pass filter are used for the test in order to get better signal level to comply with the guidelines.
5.    Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously.
6.    Use the following spectrum analyzer settings
      (1) Span shall wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured;
      (2) Below 1 GHz:
           RBW=120 kHz, VBW=300 kHz, Sweep=auto, Detector function=QP, Trace=max hold;
           If the emission level of the EUT measured by the peak detector is 3 dB lower than the applicable limit,
           the peak emission level will be reported. Otherwise, the emission measurement will be repeated
           using the quasi-peak detector and reported.
      (3) From 1 GHz to 10 harmonic:
           RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz Peak detector for Peak value.
           RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz RMS detector for Average value.

Please refer to the clause 3.3


     Passed              Not Applicable

1) Above 1GHz Final Level =Receiver Read level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Preamplifier Factor
2) The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.

Radiated Spurious Emissions

     9 kHz ~ 30 MHz
      The EUT was pre-scanned the frequency band (9 kHz ~ 30 MHz), found the radiated level lower than the
      limit, so don’t show on the report.

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 30 MHz ~ 1 GHz
Polarization:                                            Vertical

Polarization:                                            Horizontal

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 Above 1 GHz
Test channel                                               2450MHz
               Read      Antenna     Cable     Preamp                                  Over
Frequency                                                    Level       Limit Line                                Test
               Level      Factor     Loss       Factor                                 Limit      Polarization
  (MHz)                                                    (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)                                  value
              (dBuV)      (dB/m)      (dB)       (dB)                                  (dB)
 1173.94       37.27      26.10       4.60      37.24        30.73         74.00       -43.27       Vertical       Peak
 4045.06       34.17      29.79       8.82      36.72        36.06         74.00       -37.94       Vertical       Peak
 5747.59       32.46      31.84       10.51     34.28        40.53         74.00       -33.47       Vertical       Peak
 7470.56       32.37      36.16       12.30     33.07        47.76         74.00       -26.24       Vertical       Peak
 1385.18       36.53      25.94       4.97      37.12        30.32         74.00       -43.68     Horizontal       Peak
 3561.64       34.57      29.19       8.21      37.09        34.88         74.00       -39.12     Horizontal       Peak
 5151.68       33.77      31.69       9.79      35.08        40.17         74.00       -33.83     Horizontal       Peak
 6331.33       33.23      33.16       11.00     33.79        43.60         74.00       -30.40     Horizontal       Peak

1. Final Level =Receiver Read level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Preamplifier Factor
2. The peak level is lower than average limit(54dBuV/m), this data is the too weak instrument of signal is unable to test.
3. The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.

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Bandedge Emission

Low edge
               Read      Antenna      Cable    Preamp                                  Over
Frequency                                                    Level       AV Limit                                  Test
               Level      Factor      Loss      Factor                                 Limit     Polarization
  (MHz)                                                    (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)                                  value
              (dBuV)      (dB/m)       (dB)      (dB)                                  (dB)
 2310.00       31.81      28.05       6.62       37.59       28.89         54.00       -25.11      Vertical        Peak
 2390.03       31.78      27.65       6.75       37.59       28.59         54.00       -25.41      Vertical        Peak
 2400.18       31.87      27.60       6.77       37.59       28.65         54.00       -25.35      Vertical        Peak
 2310.00       32.56      28.05       6.62       37.59       29.64         54.00       -24.36     Horizontal       Peak
 2390.03       31.90      27.65       6.75       37.59       28.71         54.00       -25.29     Horizontal       Peak
 2400.18       33.00      27.60       6.77       37.59       29.78         54.00       -24.22     Horizontal       Peak

High edge
               Read      Antenna      Cable    Preamp                                  Over
Frequency                                                    Level       AV Limit                                  Test
               Level      Factor      Loss      Factor                                 Limit     Polarization
  (MHz)                                                    (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)                                  value
              (dBuV)      (dB/m)       (dB)      (dB)                                  (dB)
 2483.48       25.64      27.26       6.83       37.59       22.14         54.00       -31.86      Vertical        Peak
 2500.00       24.79      27.20       6.84       37.59       21.24         54.00       -32.76      Vertical        Peak
 2483.48       26.72      27.26       6.83       37.59       23.22         54.00       -30.78     Horizontal       Peak
 2500.00       24.62      27.20       6.84       37.59       21.07         54.00       -32.93     Horizontal       Peak
1. Final Level =Receiver Read level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Preamplifier Factor
2. The peak level is lower than average limit(54dBuV/m), this data is the too weak instrument of signal is unable to test.
3. The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.

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Radiated Emissions

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                                         External Photos

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                                          Internal Photos

                                                              RF antenna


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                                        --------End of Report--------

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.          Report Template Version: V01 (2018-01)

Document Created: 2018-06-01 23:42:31
Document Modified: 2018-06-01 23:42:31

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