Test Report


Test Report

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Microfest Infernational

                                    FCC ID: XUJPADIVHD

                                    Date of issue: Nov. 21, 2016

     Sample Description:                             Heavy duty/Medium duty/Light duty Vehicle
                                                     Communication Interface

     Model:                                          HD IV

     Applicant:                                      Launch Tech Co., Ltd.

     Address:                                        Launch Industrial Park, North of Wuhe Road,
                                                     Banxuegang Industrial Zone, Longgang District,
                                                     Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province 518129, P. R.

     Date of Test:                                   Nov. 09. 2016 to Nov. 21, 2016

                                        Shenzhen Microtest Co., Ltd.

This test report is valld for the tested samples only. it cannot be reproduced except in full without prior witten consent of Shenzhen
Mieratest Co., Ltd
Tel{se—rss)sseso13s          Fax: (se—rse) seesorse                 hito:fwwniitest.com                 E—mail mti@5mt.com
 Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xixang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microfest Infernational

                                                      — Page 2 of 25 —                       Report No.: MTi161108E029

                                               Table of Contents

TABI@ Of CONE@MES..............ccsceseeneen en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en nnnnennennennen 2
1      G@N@FAL A@SCTIDNION................cceseeseen en en en en en en mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm ennennencenne 5

1.1      F@@RUT® Of @qUIPMENtUNG@T t@St (EUT) ........... .0. se senencencencencnnv mm mm mm nc nennennencncncnn 5
1.2.     ORBETAtION CAQNMEN IISh........... .0. .0. l0 sc cncencencencenvnnvnv mm mm mm nc ne nc ne nc nnc nc nnc nc nne mm nc 5
1.3      Test Frequency Channel.
1.4        EUT operation mode ......
1.5.     T&SE OONUIINIONS....... ... .c scnencencencencnncnncnne mm mm mm nc ne nc ne nc ne nc nne enc enc nc nnenncnnenencncen 5
1.6       Ancillary equipmentlist......
1.7      Measurement uncertainty ..
P      Co1 ) e 7

3      List of test equipment
4      Test Result..

4.1      Antenna requirement...
4.2      Conducted emission ...                                                                                                 ..
4.3      PBAK OUDUE DOWB@T ........ ... .cs lcccccccencencencnncncnc mm mm nc nc nc ne nc nc nc nc nc nc mm nc mm nc ncnced 13
4.4      20dB emission bandwidth.....
4.5      Carrier frequency separation                                                                                           ..
4.6      NUMbB@F Of RODPIMG CR@BMM@I ............... l0 sccncencencencencnncncnnc mm nc nc nc nc enc mm nc nnc nc ncncneed 19
4.7      Time of occupancy (dwell time)
4.8        Band edge emission....
4.9      Radiated emission....

Tel:{86—755)88850135         Fax (8e—75e) sessor36                hito: umm mitest.com               E—mail mti@5 imt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microtest International

                                                        — Page 3 of 25 —                        Report No.: MTi161108E029


Applicant‘s name:                             Launch Tech Co., Ltd.
                                              Launch Industrial Park, North of Wuhe Road, Banxuegang
Address:                                      Industrial Zone, Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong
                                              Province 518129, P. R. China
Manufacture‘s Name:                           Launch Tech Co., Ltd.
                                              Launch Industrial Park, North of Wuhe Road, Banxuegang
Address:                                      Industrial Zone, Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong
                                              Province 518129, P. R. China

                                              Heavy duty/Medium duty/Light duty Vehicle Communication
Product name:
Trademark:                                    LAUNCH

Model name:                                   HD IV

Standards:                                    FCC Part 15.247
                                             ANSI C63.10—2013
Test Procedure:
                                             558074 DO1 DTS Meas Guidance v03r05

This device described above has been tested by Shenzhen Microtest Co., Ltd. and the test results
show that the equipment under test (EUT) is in compliance with the FCC requirements. And it is
applicable only to the tested sample identified in the report.

                       Tested by:                                        PMI.U( GAM

                                                                    David Chen                        Nov. 21, 2016

                   Reviewed by:                                            (W         & L“Q’\"

                                                                    Leon Chen                        Nov. 21, 2016

                   Approved by:                                             /M {;% .

                                                                      Ares Liu                       Nov. 21, 2016

Tel:(86—755)88850135         Fax: (86—755) 88850136                 hitp//wwww.mtitest.com              E—mail:mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bac‘an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microfest Infernational

                                                        — Page 4 of 25 —                     Report No.: MTi161108E029

                                      SsUMMARY OF TEST RESULT

        Item        FCC Part No.                            Description of Test                             Result

          1            15.203                               Antenna requirement                               Pass
                                                            AC power line conducted
          2            15.207                               emission                                          Pass

          3            15.247(b)(1)                         Peak output power                                 Pass

          4            15.247(a)(1)                         20dB emission bandwidth                           Pass

          5            15.247(a)(1)                         Carrier frequency separation                      Pass

          6            15.247(a)1                           Number of hopping channel                         Pass

          7            15.247(a)(1)                         Time of occupancy (dwell time)                    Pass
                                                            Band edge spurious emission,
          8            15.247(d)                            conducted spurious emission                       Pass
          9            15.247(d), 15.205, 15.209            Radiated emission                                 Pass

Tel:{86—755)88850135            Fax (8e—75e) sessor36             hito: umm mitest.com               E—mail mti@5 imt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microfest Infernational

                                                        — Page 5 of 25 —                       Report No.: MTi161108E029

1    General description
1.1 Feature of equipment under test (EUT)

                                         Heavy duty/Medium duty/Light duty Vehicle Communication
    Product name:                        Interface
    Model name:                          HD IV

    Tx/Rx frequency range:               Tx/Rx: 2402MHz~2480MHz

    Bluetooth version:                   V2.1

    Modulation Type:                     GFSK

    Power Source:                        DC 9V —36V

    Antenna Designation:                 PCB antenna (Antenna Gain: —2.140Bi)

1.2 Operation channel list

       Channel            Frequency             Channel          Frequency            Channel            Frequency
            0             2402MHz                  20             2422MHz                 40             2442MHz
            1             2403MHz                  21             2423MHz                 41             2443MHz

           18             2420MHz                  38             2440MHz                 77             2479MHz
           19             2421MHz                  39             2441MHz                 78             2480MHz

1.3 Test Frequency Channel

                              Low                                                     2402MHz
                             Middle                                                   2441MHz
                              High                                                    2480MHz

1.4 EUT operation mode
During testing, RF test program provided by the manufacture to control the Tx operation followed
the test requirement.
1.5 Test conditions
During the measurement the environmental conditions were within the listed ranges:
    — Temperature: 20°C~30°C
    — Humidity: 30%~70%
    — Atmospheric pressure: 98kPa~101kPa

Tel(se—rss)sssso13s          Fax: (se—7se) seasorse                 hito:fiwwmiitest.com               E—mail mti@5tmt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


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                                                      — Page 6 of 25 —                       Report No.: MTi161108E029

1.6 Ancillary equipment list

        Equipment                  Model                    SN                Manufacturer            Cer?li{/igztion
          Adapter              WTO900500                      /                       /                 FCC Voc

1.7 Measurement uncertainty
Measurement Uncertainty for a Level of Confidence of 95 %, U=2xUc(y)

     RF frequency                                                 1x 10—7
     RF power, conducted                                          +1 dB
     Conducted emission(150kHz~30MHz)                             £2.5 dB
     Radiated emission(3OMHz~1GHz)                                + 4.2 dB
     Radiated emission (above 1GHz)                               + 4.3 dB
    Temperature                                                   +1 degree
     Humidity                                                     +5 %

Tel:{86—755)88850135         Fax (8e—75e) sessor36                 hito: umm mitest.com              E—mail mti@5 imt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microfest Infernational

                                                      — Page 7 of 25 —                       Report No.: MTi161108E029

2    Testing site
     Test Site                        Shenzhen Toby Technology Co., Ltd.
     Test Site Location               1 A/F., Bldg.6, Yusheng Industrial Zone The National Road
                                      No. 107 Xixiang Section 467, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
     E((.;,C Registration             811562

     CNAS Registration                CNAS Lseqs

Tel:{86—755)88850135         Fax (8e—75e) sessor36                hito: umm mitest.com               E—mail mti@5 imt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microfest Infernational

                                                      — Page 8 of 25 —                       Report No.: MTi161108E029

3    List of test equipment
For AC powerline conducted emission:

          Equipment                Manufacturer               Model             Serial No.         Calibration Due
              LISN                       R&S                 ENV216               101313              2016.12.06
              LISN              SCHWARZBECK                NNLK 8129             8129245              2016.12.25
         Pulse Limiter          SCHWARZBECK               VTSD 9561F               9716               2016.12.25
          Test Cable                     N/A                    N/A                 CO1               2016.12.06
     EMI Test Receiver                   R&S                   ESCI               101160              2016.12.06

For Radiated emission:

          Equipment                Manufacturer               Model             Serial No.         Calibration Due

     Log—Bicon Antenna MESSELEKTRO vure g1e0                                       3058               20161211
        Hom Antenna                Schwarzbeck            BBHA 9120D                631               2016.12.05
        Hom Antenna                Schwarzbeck             BBHA 9170                373               2016.12.05
          Test Cable            United Microwave              57793                  im               2016.12.05
          Test Cable            United Microwave A30A30—5006                        10m               2016.12.05
          Microwave                     .
         Pre—amplifier               Agilent        8449B                     3008A01714              2016.12.05

         Pre—Amplifier                 Anritsu               MHG48A              MO9961               2016.12.05
     EMI Test Receiver                   R&S                  ESCH—7              101318              2016.12.05
      Spctrum analyzer                 Agient                E4470B           MY41441082              2017.06.01

For RF conducted emission:

          Equipment                Manufacturer               Model             Serial No.         Calibration Due
      Spctrum analyzer                 Agient                E4470B           MY41441082              2017.06.01

Note: the calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are
traceable to international system unit (S1).

Tel(se—rss)sssso13s          Fax: (se—7se) seasorse                 hito:fiwwmiitest.com               E—mail mti@5tmt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microfest Infernational

                                                      — Page 9 of 25 —                       Report No.: MTi161108E029

4    Test Result
4.1 Antenna requirement
4.1.1      Requirement defined in FCC 15.203
An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that fumished by the
responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently aftached antenna or of an
antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to
comply with the provisions of this section. The manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken
antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector
is prohibited. This requirement does not apply to carrier current devices or to devices operated
under the provisions of §15.211, §15.213, §15.217, §15.219, or §15.221. Further, this requirement
does not apply to intentional radiators that must be professionally installed, such as perimeter
protection systems and some field disturbance sensors, or to otherintentional radiators which, in
accordance with §15.31(d), must be measured at the installation site. However, the installer shall be
responsible for ensuring that the proper antenna is employed so thatthe limits in this part are not
4.1.2      EUT antenna description
The Bluetooth antenna of EUT is an intemal permanently attached antenna (PCB antenna), the
maximum gain is —2.14dBi. So the antenna meets the requirement of this part.

Tel(se—rss)sssso13s          Fax: (se—7se) seasorse                 hito:fiwwmiitest.com               E—mail mti@5tmt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microfest Infernational

                                                      — Page 10 of 25 —                      Report No.: MTi161108E029

4.2 Conducted emission
4.2.1.      Limit

                          Frequency                                                      Limit
                            (MHz)                                     Quasi—peak                      Average
                           0.15—0.5                                     66 to 56                      56 to 46
                             0.5—5                                          56                           46
                              5—30                                          60                           50

Note: Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency from 0. 15MHz to 0.SMHz.
4.2.2.      Test method
1. The EUT was placed 0.8 meters from the horizontal ground plane with EUT being connected to
the power mains through line impedance stabilization network (LISN). All other support equipment
powered from additional LISN(s). The LISN provide 50 Ohm/50uH of coupling impedancefor the
measuring instrument.
2. Interconnecting cables that hang closer than 40 cm to the ground plane shall be folded back and
forth in the center forming a bundle 30 to 40 cm long.
3. VO cables that are not connected to a peripheral shall be bundled in the center. The end of the
cable may be terminated, if required, using the correct terminating impedance. The overall length
shall not exceed 1 m.
4. LISN is at least 80 cm from nearest part of EUT chassis.
5. The resolution bandwidth of EMI test receiver is set at 9KHz.
4.2.3.      Test Result

Tel(se—rss)sssso13s          Fax: (se—7se) seasorse                 hito:fiwwmiitest.com               E—mail mti@5tmt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microfest Infernational

                                                        — Page 11 of 25 —                                Report No.: MTi161108E029

    Temperature:                     24°C                                Relative Humidity:              58%
    Pressure:                        101kPa                              Polarization:                   L
    Test voltage:                    |AC 120V/60Hz                       Test mode:                      Transmitting
    110.0        dbu¥





                                                                                   FECPait15 ClassC AC Conduction{UP]

    r                                                                             PECPart9 ClassC: AC Conduction(AVG]


    2o                                                      *

    19                                                                                                                        lave


         0.150                      05                          (MHta)                   5                               20.000

                                            Reading   Correct— Measure—
                        No. Mk.    Freq.     Level     Factor    ment   Limit                Over
                                   Miiz      dBuv      cB                dBuy    dBuv         db    Detecior   Comment

                          1       oess        d216    oo3            3213       s5i1     «4298        oP
                         2          iées     ra7r     wos             7a4        S§11    3797         ave
                         a *       oS40r     ases     003             S6mo      se00     —1920         OP
                         4        osa9r      d230     o03            422        deno     4373         ave
                         5        12086       ai.98    —0.04         3194       5600     2406          OP
                         6        12086      1509      —0.04         1505       4600     4095         Avo
                         7        léoo       2072     004            2ob         Se00    2632          OP
                         a        léroo       i1.09   004            11056      4600     3495         Avo
                         9        40426      2465     oo5            2460       5600     2140          oP
                        10        40426      i0.7a    .005            doéa      4600     2532         ave
                        11        a5ea9      2250     008            2242       6000     3758         oP
                        12        9.5e49     1206      0.08          1298       5000     3702         Ave

Tel(se—rss)sssso13s          Fax: (se—7se) seasorse                 hito:fiwwmiitest.com               E—mail mti@5tmt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microfest Infernational

                                                           — Page 12 of 25 —                           Report No.: MTi161108E029

    Temperature:                      24°C                               Relative Humidity:            58%
    Pressure:                         101kPa                             Polarization:                 N
    Test voltage:                     AC 120V/60Hz                       Test mode:                    Transmitting
    110.0        dBuv

                                                                                    FCCPart1S Class AC Conduction{OP)
    in                                                                             TECFar15 ClaisC: AE Conduction{AVG)

    so                                                                                                                         peok

    19                                                                                                                         lave
         0.150                       as                           thia                   5                                so.o0o

                                           Reading   Correct        Measure—
                        No. Mk.    Freq.     Level       Factor          ment                Over
                                   Nnz        douy        ds             douy    dBaV         dB Delecior      Comment
                         1        0.1542     3420        0.04        3425        6577 4152           Of
                         2        0.1542     18.81       —0.04       18.77       §5.77. —37.00       AVG
                         k        0.5519     37.30       —0.03       37.27       5§6.00 —18.73       oP
                         4        0.5519     14.78       —0.03       14.75       46.00 3125          AVG
                         5        0.7449     3140        —0.03       31.37       §6.00 —24.63        aP
                         6        0.7449      9.05       —0.03           9.02    46.00 36.98         AVG
                         T        1.1412     29.17       —0.04       29.13       56.00 —26.87        oP
                         8        1.1412     1343        —0.04       13.39       46.00 —32.61        AVG
                         9        2.2106     26.27       —0.05       2622        56.00 —29.78        oP
                        10        2.2106      9.28       —0.05           9.23    46.00 —36.77        AVG
                        11        9.8020     22.68       —0.09       22.59       80.00 —37.41        oP
                        12        9.8020     1239        —0.08       1230         §0.00 —47.70       AvG

Tel:{86—755)88850135              Fax (8e—5e) sessor3e                     hito:furim mitest.com                E—mail mti@5 imt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microfest Infernational

                                                      — Page 13 of 25 —                      Report No.: MTi1611082029

4.3 Peak output power
4.3.1      Limits

Conducted peak output power limit is 125mW (21dBm)
4.3.2     Test Method
Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
Span = approximately 5 times the 20 dB bandwidth, centered on a hopping channel
RBW > the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission being measured
Sweep = auto
Detector function = peak
Trace = max hold
Allow the trace to stabilize. Use the marker—to—peak function to set the marker to the peak of the
4.3.3     Test Result
            Frequency (MHz)                    Peak output power (dBm)                         Limit (dBm)
                    2402                                   2.838                                     21
                    2441                                   —0.710                                    21
                    2480                                   3.364                                     21

Test plots as below

Tel:{86—755)88850135         Fax (8e—75e) sessor36                hito: umm mitest.com               E—mail mti@5 imt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microtest International

                                                            — Page 14 of 25 —                         Report No.: MTi161108E2029

                                                                                  l      Peak Search
                                            «Atten 30 d
                                                                                           Heas Tools»

                                                                                               Next Peak

                                                                                          Next P Right

                                                                                           Next Pi Left

                                                                                               Min Search

                                                                                         Pk—Pk Search

                                                                                                    1 of 2

                              % Aglent                                                   Peak Search

                                                                                           Heas Tools»

                                                                                               Next Peak

                                                                                           Next P Left

                                                                                               Min Search

                                                                                         Pk—Pk Search

                                                                                                    1 of 2

                                                                                         Peak Search
                                             «Atten 30 d8
                                                                                           Heas Tools»

                                                                                               Next Peak

                                                                                          Next P Right

                                                                                          Next Pi Left

                                                                                               Min Search

                                                                                                    1 of 2

Tel:(86—755)88850135         Fax: (86—755) 88850136                   hitp Jworwe mitest.com                 E—mail, mti@5 1 mt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bacian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microfest Infernational

                                                      — Page 15 of 25 —                      Report No.: MTi161108E029

4.4 204B emission bandwidth
4.4.1     Test method

Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
Span = approximately 2 to 3 times the 20 dB bandwidth, centered on a hopping channel
RBW 21% of the 20 dB bandwidth
Sweep = auto
Detector function = peak
Trace = max hold
The EUT should be transmitting at its maximum data rate. Allow the trace to stabilize. Use the
marker—to—peak function to set the marker to the peak of the emission. Use the marker—delta
function to measure 20 dB down one side of the emission. Reset the marker—delta function, and
move the marker to the other side of the emission, until it is (as close as possible to) even with the
reference marker level. The marker—delta reading at this point is the 20 dB bandwidth of the
4.4.2     Test result

                      Frequency (MHz)                                   20dB emission bandwidth (MHz)
                              2402                                                       0.835
                              2441                                                       0.856
                              2480                                                       0.853

Test plots as below

Tel(se—rss)sssso13s          Fax: (se—7se) seasorse                 hito:fiwwmiitest.com               E—mail mti@5tmt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Microtest International

                                                                     — Page 16 of 25 —                         Report No.: MTi161108E2029

                                 h                                                          &   _T   Peak Search
                                        Ch Freq     2.402 CHz               Trig Free
                              Occupied Bandridth                         ooo t                         Heas Tools»

                              Marker 2401995000 6Hz
                                                                                                        Next Peak
                              Ref 10 dn            deeredes
                                                                                                     Next P Right

                                                                                                      Next P Left

                                                                                                       Min Search

                               [WesTeEoiEETsolul                                   EXPMER            Pi—Pk Search
                                          852.8029 kHz                            S
                               uo ce Eons                                                                     Hore
                               x dB Bandnidth                                                                1 of 2

                                 hn                                                         &   _T   Ppeak Search
                                        Ch Freq     2.441 CHz                Trig Free
                              Occupied Bandridth                         Eooo t                        Heas Tools»

                                                                                 Imwa                   Next Posk
                              [dE                  »Atten 20 d                           ~1.046dBn
                                                                                                     Next P Right

                                                                                                      Next P Left

                                                                                                       Min Search
                                                                WBX 100 ie

                               [WesTeEoiEETsolul                             cceE                    Pk—Pk Search
                                                   cceA                           e
                               uoc cce                           x                                            Hore
                               x dB Bandnidth                                                                1 of 2

                                  h                                                         &   _T   Peak Search
                                        Ch Freq      2.48 CHz
                              Occupied Barddth                                                         Heas Tools»

                                                                                                        Next Peak
                              (Ceoesu              «Atten 20 d8

                                                                                                     Next P Right

                                                                                                      Next Pi Left

                                                                                                       Min Search

                               Occupied Bandvidth                                                    Pk—Pk Search
                               C olueccud                                                                     Hore
                               Lababciencl                  &                                                1 of 2

Tel;(86—755)88850135         Fax: (86—755) 88850136                 hitp Jworwe mitest.com                E—mail. mti@5 1 mt com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bacian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microfest Infernational

                                                      — Page 17 of 25 —                      Report No.: MTi161108E029

4.5 Carrier frequency separation
4.5.1      Limits
Frequency hopping systems operating in the 2400—2483.5 MHz band may have hopping channel
carrier frequencies that are separated by 25 kHz or two—thirds of the 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping
channel, whicheveris greater.

4.5.2     Test method
The EUT must have its hopping function enabled. Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
Span = wide enough to capture the peaks of two adjacent channels
Resolution (or IF) Bandwidth (RBW) 21% of the span
Video (or Average) Bandwidth (VBW) 2RBW
Sweep = auto
Detector function = peak
Trace = max hold
Allow the trace to stabilize. Use the marker—delta function to determine the separation between the
peaks of the adjacent channels.
4.5.3     Test result
             Channels (MHz)                         Separation (MHz)                           Limit (MHz)
                24022403                                   0.998                                    0.57
                2441—2442                                  0.998                                    0.57
                2479—2480                                  0.998                                    0.57

Tel(se—rss)sssso13s          Fax: (se—7se) seasorse                 hito:fiwwmiitest.com               E—mail mti@5tmt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Microtest International

                                                        — Page 18 of 25 —                             Report No.: MTi161108E2029

                                   Agient                                      RoT           Marker

                                                                                       Select Narker



                                                                                              Delta Pair
                                                                                         (Tracking Ref)
                                                                                      Ref         Dcta

                                                                                              Span Pair
                                                                                      Span       Center


                                                                                                  1 of 2

                                   Aglent                                      R_T           Harker
                                                                                      Select Narker
                                                                                      Lor         3     a



                                                                                              Delta Pair
                                                                                         (Tracking Ref)
                                                                                      Ref         Dcta

                                                                                              Span Pair
                                                                                      Span       Center


                                                                                                  1 of 2

                                                     247 9MHz~2480MHz
                                   Agient                                      RoT           Marker
                              Ref 10 dn      ditol
                              i9                                                       Select Narker



                                                                                              Delta Pair
                                                                                         (Tracking Ref)
                                                                                      Ref         Dcta

                                                                                              Span Pair
                                                                                      Span       Center


                                                                                                  1 of 2

Tel;(86—755)88850135         Fax: (86—755) 88850136                 hitp Jworwe mitest.com                E—mail. mti@5 1 mt com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bacian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 19 of 25 -                      Report No.: MTi161108E029

4.6 Number of hopping channel
4.6.1      Limits
Frequency hopping systems in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band shall use at least 15 channels.
4.6.2      Test method
The EUT must have its hopping function enabled. Use the following spectrum analyser settings:
Span = the frequency band of operation
RBW ≥1% of the span
Sweep = auto
Detector function = peak
Trace = max hold
Allow the trace to stabilize.
4.6.3      Test Result

               Number of hopping channels                                                    79

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  http://www.mtitest.com                E-mail:mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microtest International

                                                        — Page 20 of 25 —                                   Report No.: MTi161108E029

4.7 Time of occupancy (dwell time)
4.7.1      Limit
The average time of occupancy on any channel shall not be greater than 0.4 seconds within a
period of 0.4 seconds multiplied by the number of hopping channels employed.

4.7.2       Test method

The EUT must have its hopping function enabled. Use the following spectrum analyser settings:

Span = zero span, centered on a hopping channel
RBW = 1 MHz
Sweep = as necessary to capture the entire dwell time per hopping channel
Detector function = peak
Trace = max hold

Use the marker—delta function to determine the dwell time.

4.7.3      Test Result


               Packet type             Pulse Duration (ms)             Dwell time (s)                           Limit (s)
                    DHS                         3.14                        0.335                                 0.4

                                 % Aglent                                     ROT            Warker

                                                                                         elect Narker
                                                                                        1or      304
                                                                                         Marker Trace
                                                                                        Buo 10203


                                                                                    §    Marker Table
                                                                                        Un            off

                                                                                         Marker All Off

                                                                                                  2 of 2

Note: for the worst mode of DHS packet type, in normal hopping mode, hopping rate is 1600hops/s
with 6 slots in 79 hopping channel

Tel:(86—755)88850135         Fax: (66—755) 88850136                 htto:wrw mtitest.com                  E—mail:mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bac‘an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microfest Infernational

                                                      — Page 21 of 25—                       Report No.: MTi161108E029

4.8 Band edge emission
4.8.1      Limit

In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally
modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the
intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that
contains the highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated
measurement, provided the transmitter demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power
4.8.2     Test method
Use the following spectrum analyser settings:
Set RBW=100 kHz. VBWzSRBW. Detector =peak, Sweep time = auto couple, Trace mode = max
4.8.3     Test Result

Tel(se—rss)sssso13s          Fax: (se—7se) seasorse                 hito:fiwwmiitest.com               E—mail mti@5tmt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microtest International

                                                           — Page 22 of 25 —                   Report No.: MTi161108E029

Band edge (GFSK mode)
                          Left — no hop                                                 Left — hop

                                                          Display         Acient                           R_T             Narker

                                                         Full Screen                                                Selezct Mzrker
                                                         Display Line
                                                           ~21.78 dan                                                              Normal
                                                    On              oft

                                                                                                                            Delta Pair
                                                               Linits»                                                 (Trcking Ref)
                                                                                                                    Ref        Delta
                                                         Active Fotn                                                                     m
                                                                h                                                           Span     P
                                                            Position:                                               Spon _Cencer
                                                                Title»                                                                 Off

                                                     Preferences»                                                                   1M g{‘;

                                                                                       2480 — hop

                                                          Display         Acient                       _   R   _T          Narker

                                                         Full Screen                                                Selezct Mzrker
                                                         Display Line
                                                           ~20.03 dn                                                               Normal
                                                    On              oft

                                                                                                                            Delta Pair
                                                              Linits»                                                  (Trcking Ref)
                                                                                                                    Ref        Delta
                                            Stae®        NS                                                                 Span Pair
                                            page               tne:                                                 Span           Center
                                                               Title»                                                                  Off

                                                     Preferences»                                                                   1M g{g

Tel:(86—755)88850135         Fax: (86—755) 88850136                 http://wwrw.mtitest.com               E—mail;mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bac‘an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Microfest Infernational

                                                      — Page 23 of 25 —                      Report No.: MTi1611082029

4.9 Radiated emission
4.9.1      Limit

In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally
modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the
intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that
contains the highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated
measurement, provided the transmitter demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power
limits. Attenuation below the general limits specified in §15.209(a) is not required. in addition,
radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also comply
with the radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a).
                                                 Field               Field
                Fr?&tfiezr;cy                   strength            strength           Detector         Medaizg'fiCmeent
                                                 pV/im             dBuV/im
                   30—88                          100                 40                  QP
                  88—216                          150                43.5                 QP
                 216—960                         200                  46                  QP                   3
                960—1000                         500                  46                  QP                       m
               Above 1000                        500                  54                  AV
               Above 1000                        5000                 74                  PK
Restricted bands defined in FCC 15.205:

               MHz                           MHz                            MHz                          GHz
           0.090—0.110                  16.42—16.423                    309.0—410                     4.5—5.15
           0.495—0.505               16.69475—16.69525                   608—614                      5.35—5.46
          2.1735—2.1905              16.80425—16.80475                  960—1240                      7.25—7.75
           4.125—4.128                   25.5—25.67                    1300—1427                      8.025—8.5
         4.17725—4.17775                 37.5—38.25                   1435—1626.5                      9.0—9.2
         4.20725—4.20775                   73—74.6                   1645.5—1646.5                     9395
           6.215—6.218                    74.875.2                     1660—1710                      10.6—12.7
         6.26775—6.26825                 108—121.94                  1718.8—1722.2                   13.25—13.4
         6.31175—6.31225                   123138                      2200—2300                     14.47—14.5
           8.291—8.294                  149.9—150.05                   2310—2390                     15.35—16.2
           8.362—8.366             156,52475—156,52525                2483.5—2500                     17.7—21.4
         8.37625—8.38675                 156.7—156.9                   2690—2900                    22.01—23.12
         8.41425—8.41475              162.0125—167.17                  3260—3267                      23.6—24.0
          122912293                     167.72—173.2                   3332—3330                      31.2—31.8
        12.51975—12.52025                  240—285                    3345.8—3358                    36.43—36.5
        12.57675—12.57725                 322—335.4                    3600—4400                    Above 38.6

Tel(se—rss)sssso13s          Fax: (se—7se) seasorse                 hito:fiwwmiitest.com               E—mail mti@5tmt.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industria! Park, Xingye Road, Xxang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 24 of 25 -                      Report No.: MTi161108E029

4.9.2      Test method
1. The EUT is placed on a turntable, which is 0.8m above ground plane for test frequency range
blew 1GHz, and 1.5m above ground plane for test frequency range above 1GHz.
2. EUT is set 3m away from the receiving antenna, which is varied from 1m to 4m to find out the
highest emissions.
3. Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
Span = wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured, RBW = 1 MHz for f ≥ 1GHz, 100
kHz for f < 1 GHz, VBW ≥ RBW, Sweep = auto, Detector function = peak, Trace = max hold
4. Follow the guidelines in ANSI C63.4-2014 with respect to maximizing the emission by rotating the
EUT, adjusting the measurement antenna height and polarization, etc. The peak reading of the
emission, after being corrected by the antenna factor, cable loss, pre-amp gain, etc., is the peak
field strength, submit this data. Each emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization of
receiving antenna both horizontal and vertical.
5. The peak level, once corrected, must comply with the limit specified in Section 15.209. Set the
RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 10Hz, Detector = PEAK for AV value, while maintaining all of the
other instrument settings.
6. The three orthogonal axis (x, y, z) are pre-tested, only the worst emission were reported
4.9.3      Test Result

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  http://www.mtitest.com                E-mail:mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                        - Page 25 of 25 -                      Report No.: MTi161108E029

Radiated emission (GFSK mode)
  Transmitter channel: 2402MHz
      Frequency                                        Emission level               Limits
                       Polarization                                                                  Detector Result
        (MHz)             H/V                              dBμV/m                  dBμV/m
         37.38              V                               36.72                    40                 QP
        239.65              H                               38.64                    46                 QP
         2390               V                               45.83                    74                 PK
         2390               H                               46.21                    74                 PK
         4804               V                               51.96                    74                 PK
         4804               H                               52.59                    74                 PK
  Transmitter channel: 2441MHz
      Frequency                                        Emission level               Limits
                       Polarization                                                                  Detector
        (MHz)             H/V                              dBμV/m                  dBμV/m
         35.72              V                               34.39                    40                 QP         Result
        241.24              H                                39.9                    46                 QP
         4882               V                               51.73                    74                 PK
         4882               H                               53.85                    74                 PK
  Transmitter channel: 2480MHz
      Frequency                                        Emission level               Limits
                       Polarization                                                                  Detector
        (MHz)             H/V                              dBμV/m                  dBμV/m
         35.5               V                               35.85                    40                 QP
        241.53              H                               37.72                    46                 QP         Result
        2483.5              V                               45.85                    74                 PK
        2483.5              H                               49.32                    74                 PK
         4960               V                               52.78                    74                 PK
         4960               H                               51.24                    74                 PK
If the PK measured values lower than average mode limit, the EUT shall be deemed to
meet average limits and then no additional average mode measurement performed.
H and V all have been tested ,only worse case is reported.

                                              ----END OF REPORT----

Tel:(86-755)88850135        Fax: (86-755) 88850136                  http://www.mtitest.com                E-mail:mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Document Created: 2016-12-09 14:26:50
Document Modified: 2016-12-09 14:26:50

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