

ID Label/Location Info

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EMMY-W1 Label and location
Topic :                 EMMY-W1 label and location
Doc.No:                 UBX-16016095
Revision                R01
                        Date:                                                      Name                                                             Signature
Created                 04-Jul-2016                                                Daniel Dietterle                                                 ddie
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.   © 2016 u-blox AG

1 Scope
This document provides information on EMMY-W1 series modules’ label contents and location on the module. It
is part of the equipment certification application issued to FCC and IC.

2 FCC/IC ID reference
Model                                                                FCC ID                                                                 IC ID

EMMY-W161                                                            XPYEMMYW161                                                            8595A-EMMYW161
EMMY-W163                                                            XPYEMMYW163                                                            8595A-EMMYW163
Table 1: FCC and IC IDs for different models of EMMY-W1 series

3 Label

3.1 Label specification
The labels of EMMY-W1 label and location include important product information as described in this section.
The data matrix code for automotive and professional grade variants of EMMY-W1 label and location includes a
serial number.
Figure 1 illustrates the sample label of the automotive grade (professional grade is similar and differs with
respect to product version (1) as mentioned in Table 2) of the EMMY-W1 label and location and includes: the u-
blox logo, product name (model), type number, FCC and IC certification number and date of unit production
encoded YY/WW (year/week).

EMMY-W1 label and location
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Figure 1: EMMY-W1 label and location – Professional grade sample label

A detailed description of the label components are listed in Table 2. The first three digits of the serial number
represent the Bluetooth MAC address.
Reference       Description
1               Text “MODEL:” followed by product type number, omitting the second dash and smaller font used for the product
                version identifier (“xxB-yy” for professional and “xxA-yy” for automotive grade).
2               Date of production encoded YY/WW (year/week)
3               FCC/IC ID which the module has been listed with

4               Data Matrix with unique serial number of 15 alphanumeric symbols.
5               u-blox logo, the red dot in the logo is also marking pin no 1

Table 2 EMMY-W1 series label description

EMMY-W1 label and location
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3.2 Product labels

Figure 2: EMMY-W161 label                               Figure 3: EMMY-W163 label

4 Label location
The label is placed on top of the shield of the EMMY-W1 series modules as shown in and (certification IDs not
printed on module prototypes, this is just to demonstrate the label location).

Figure 4: EMMY-W161 label location                      Figure 5: EMMY-W163 label location

EMMY-W1 label and location
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Document Created: 2016-07-18 12:11:09
Document Modified: 2016-07-18 12:11:09

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