

Test Report

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FCC Measurement/Technical Report on


IC: 8595A-1EHQ37NN

Test Report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1717_FCCd_rev01

Test Laboratory:
7layers GmbH
Borsigstrasse 11
40880 Ratingen

The following test results relate only to the devices specified in this document. This report shall not be reproduced in parts
without the written approval of the test laboratory.

7layers GmbH                       Geschäftsführer/
Borsigstraße 11                    Managing Directors:                Registergericht/registered:                           a Bureau Veritas
40880 Ratingen, Germany            Frank Spiller                      Düsseldorf HRB 75554                                  Group Company
T +49 (0) 2102 749 0               Bernhard Retka                     USt-Id.-Nr./VAT-No. DE203159652
F +49 (0) 2102 749 350             Alexandre Norré-Oudard             Steuer-Nr./TAX-No. 147/5869/0385            

Commerzbank AG     Account No. 303 016 000 Bank Code 300 400 00    IBAN DE81 3004 0000 0303 0160 00 Swift Code COBADEFF

Table of Contents

1 Applied Standards and Test Summary                        3
1.1   Applied Standards                                      3
1.2   FCC-IC Correlation Table                               4
1.3   Measurement Summary / Signatures                       4

2 Administrative Data                                       6
2.1   Testing Laboratory                                     6
2.2   Project Data                                           6
2.3   Applicant Data                                         6
2.4   Manufacturer Data                                      6

3 Test object Data                                          7
3.1   General EUT Description                                7
3.2   EUT Main components                                    7
3.3   Ancillary Equipment                                    8
3.4   Auxiliary Equipment                                    8
3.5   EUT Setups                                             9
3.6   Operating Modes                                        9
3.7   Product labelling                                      9

4 Test Results                                            10
4.1   Conducted Emissions at AC mains                      10
4.2   Radiated Emissions                                   13

5 Test Equipment                                          18

6 Antenna Factors, Cable Loss and Sample Calculations     20
6.1   LISN R&S ESH3-Z5 (150 kHz – 30 MHz)                  20
6.2   Antenna R&S HFH2-Z2 (9 kHz – 30 MHz)                 21
6.3   Antenna R&S HL562 (30 MHz – 1 GHz)                   22
6.4   Antenna R&S HF907 (1 GHz – 18 GHz)                   23
6.5   Antenna EMCO 3160-09 (18 GHz – 26.5 GHz)             24
6.6   Antenna EMCO 3160-10 (26.5 GHz – 40 GHz)             25

7 Setup Drawings                                          26

8 Measurement Uncertainties                               27

9 Photo Report                                            27

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Applicable FCC Rules

Prepared in accordance with the requirements of FCC Rules and Regulations as listed in 47 CFR
Ch.1 Parts 2 and 15 (10-1-15 Edition). The following subparts are applicable to the results in
this test report.

Part 2, Subpart J - Equipment Authorization Procedures, Certification

Part 15, Subpart B – Unintentional Radiators

§ 15.107   Conducted limits

§ 15.109   Radiated emission limits; general requirements

ANSI C63.4–2014 is applied.

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Summary Test Results:

The EUT complied with all performed tests as listed in chapter 1.3 Measurement
Summary / Signatures.


                 Correlation of measurement requirements for
                   Information Technology Equipment (ITE)
                                  FCC and IC

 Measurement                   FCC reference               IC reference
 Conducted Emissions           §15.107                     ICES-003 Issue 6: 6.1
 (AC Power Line)
 Radiated Spurious Emissions   §15.109                     ICES-003 Issue 6: 6.2


1. FCC Part 15 subpart B, ICES 003 and CISPR 22 contain different definitions of Class A and
   Class B limits, i.e. which class is applicable to which kind of EUT.
   ICES 003 and CISPR 22 distinguish between the location where the EUT is intended to
   operate whilst FCC refers to the method of commercial distribution (distributive trades).
2. The correct assignment of the appropriate class to the concrete EUT is not scope of this
   test report!
3. A radio apparatus that is specifically subject to an Industry Canada Radio Standard
   Specification (RSS) and which contains an ITE is not subject to ICES-003 provided the ITE
   is used only to enable operation of the radio apparatus and the ITE does not control
   additional functions or capabilities.
4. ISM (Industrial, Scientific or Medical) radio frequency generators, though they may contain
   ITE, are excluded from the definition of ITE and are not subject to ICES-003. They are
   instead subject to the Interference-Causing Equipment Standard ICES-001, which
   specifically addresses ISM radio frequency generators.

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                                                                               7layers A Bureau Veritas Group Company


47 CFR CHAPTER I FCC PART 15 Subpart B                              § 15.107 Class A / Class B
Conducted Emissions at AC mains
The measurement was performed according to ANSI C63.4                                 Final Result

OP—Mode                                                               Setup           FCC            IC
AC mains connection, Test setup
AC/DC—Adapter, computer peripheric                                    S01_BAO1        Passed         Passed

47 CFR CHAPTER I FCC PART 15 Subpart B                              § 15.109 Class A / Class B
Radiated Emissions
The measurement was performed according to ANSI C63.4                                 Final Result

OP—Mode                                                               Setup           FCC            IC
AC mains connection, Measurement range, Test setup
AC/DC—Adapter, 1 GHz — 18 GHz, computer peripheric                    S01_BAOL        Passed         Passed
AC/DC—Adapter, 30 MHz — 1 GHz, computer peripheric                    S01_BAO1        Passed         Passed

Revision History

                                       Report version control
 Version          Release date          Change Description                    Version validity
 initial          2018—10—11            ——                                    invalid
 revO1            2018—10—17            SW Version on page 7 changed          valid

                  fiw                                         /\ \ \/\M«\\\
         (responsible for actreditation scope)               (réspo S|Bfe for testing and report)
             Dip!.—Ing. Daniel Gall                             ‘      .Sc. Jens Dorwald

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Company Name:                            7layers GmbH

Address:                                 Borsigstr. 11
                                         40880 Ratingen

This facility has been fully described in a report submitted to the ISED and accepted under
the registration number: Site# 3699A-1.

The test facility is also accredited by the following accreditation organisation:

Laboratory accreditation no:             DAkkS D-PL-12140-01-00

FCC Designation Number:                  DE0015

FCC Test Firm Registration:              929146

Responsible for accreditation scope:     Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Gall

Report Template Version:                 2018-01-10


Responsible for testing and report:      B.Sc. Jens Dörwald

Employees who performed the tests:       documented internally at 7Layers

Date of Report:                          2018-10-11

Testing Period:                          2018-09-13 to 2018-09-14


Company Name:                            u-blox AG

Address:                                 Zürcherstrasse 68
                                         CH-8800 Thalwil

Contact Person:                          Mr. Giulio Comar


Company Name:                            See Applicant data

Contact Person:

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Kind of Device                   GSM/UMTS/LTE Data module
product description
Product name                     TOBY-L4006
Type                             TOBY-L4006

Declared EUT data by the supplier

Power Supply Type                DC via AC/DC Wall Adapter
Nominal Voltage /                -
Test Voltage /                   120 V / 60 Hz
Highest internal                 2690 MHz
General Description              The EUT is a GSM/UMTS/LTE Data module.
Ports                            USB
Special software used            -
for testing

The main components of the EUT are listed and described in chapter 3.2 EUT Main


Sample Name                       Sample Code                                  Description
BA01                              BA01                                         Standard Sample
   Sample Parameter                                                       Value
Serial No.                        355958080034242
HW Version                        294CA0
SW Version                        40.34
Comment                           -

NOTE:The short description is used to simplify the identification of the EUT in this test report.

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For the purposes of this test report, ancillary equipment is defined as equipment which is used
in conjunction with the EUT to provide operational and control features to the EUT. It is
necessary to configure the system in a typical fashion, as a customer would normally use it.
But nevertheless Ancillary Equipment can influence the test results.

Device                     Details                                    Description
                           (Manufacturer, Type Model, OUT
ANC1: AC/DC converter      u-blox GmbH, UUX324-1215, AC/DC 1          AC/DC converter
ANC2: Evaluation test      u-blox GmbH, EVB-WL3, EVB 1                Evaluation test board


For the purposes of this test report, auxiliary equipment is defined as equipment which is used
temporarily to enable operational and control features especially used for the tests of the EUT
which is not used during normal operation or equipment that is used during the tests in
combination with the EUT but is not subject of this test report. It is necessary to configure the
system in a typical fashion, as a customer would normally use it.
But nevertheless Auxiliary Equipment can influence the test results.

Device                      Details                                    Description
                            (Manufacturer, HW, SW, S/N)
AUX1:                       Fujitsu Ltd., -, -, 05335621F              Model SEB100P2-19.0
AC Adapter (for Laptop
RE 02)
AUX2:                       CHERRY, -, -, G 0000273 2P28               RS 6000 USB ON
Keyboard 1 (CHERRY)
AUX3:                       Fujitsu Ltd., -, -, DSCM004672             Lifebook E series E782
Laptop RE 02 (Fujitsu)
AUX4:                       Logitech, -, -, HC60915A2XC                M-BT58
Mouse 1 (Logitech)
AUX5:                       LG, -, -, 412WAPL0U560                     L17MB-P
TFT Display EMC TFT 5

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This chapter describes the combination of EUTs and equipment used for testing. The rationale
for selecting the EUTs, ancillary and auxiliary equipment and interconnecting cables, is to test
a representative configuration meeting the requirements of the referenced standards.

   Setup            Combination of EUTs                   Description and Rationale
 S01_BA01       BA01, ANC1, ANC2, AUX1 – AUX5             Computer Peripheral setup

This chapter describes the operating modes of the EUTs used for testing.

eFDD 5 idle mode + USB traffic

30 MHz – 1 GHz: eFDD2 idle mode + USB traffic
1 GHz – 18 GHz: eFDD5 idle mode + USB traffic


Please refer to the documentation of the applicant.

Please refer to the documentation of the applicant.

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Standard      FCC Part 15 Subpart B

The test was performed according to:
ANSI C63.4


The test set-up was made in accordance to the general provisions of ANSI C 63.4
The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was setup in a shielded room to perform the conducted
emissions measurements in a typical installation configuration. The EUT was powered from
50µH || 50 Ohm Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN). The LISN’s unused connections
were terminated with 50 Ohm loads.

The measurement procedure consists of two steps. It is implemented into the EMI test
software EMC-32 from R&S.

Step 1: Preliminary scan
Intention of this step is, to determine the conducted EMI-profile of the EUT.
EMI receiver settings:
- Detector: Peak – Maxhold & Average
- Frequency range: 150 kHz – 30 MHz
- Frequency steps: 2.5 kHz
- IF–Bandwidth: 9 kHz
- Measuring time / Frequency step: 100 ms (FFT-based)
- Measurement on phase + neutral lines of the power cords

On basis of this preliminary scan the highest amplitudes and the corresponding frequencies
relative to the limit are identified. Emissions above the limit and emissions which are in the 10
dB range below the limit are considered.

Step 2: Final measurement
Intention of this step is, to determine the highest emissions with the settings defined in the
test specification for the frequencies identified in step 1.
EMI receiver settings:
- Detector: Quasi-Peak
- IF Bandwidth: 9 kHz
- Measuring time: 1 s / frequency

At each frequency determined in step 1, four measurements are performed in the following
1) Neutral lead - reference ground (PE grounded)
2) Phase lead - reference ground (PE grounded)
3) Neutral lead - reference ground (PE floating)
4) Phase lead - reference ground (PE floating)

The highest value is reported.

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FCC Part 15, Subpart B, §15.107

Class B:
 Frequency (MHz)      QP Limits (dBµV)            AV Limits (dBµV)
 0.15 – 0.5           66 - 56                     56 - 46
 0.5 - 5              56                          46
 5 - 30               60                          50

Class A:
 Frequency (MHz)      QP Limits (dBµV)            AV Limits (dBµV)
 0.15 – 0.5           79                          66
 0.5 - 30             73                          60


    Frequency       QuasiPeak       CAverage       Limit     Margin     Meas.     Bandwidth           Line    PE     Corr.
      (MHz)          (dBµV)          (dBµV)       (dBµV)      (dB)      Time        (kHz)                            (dB)
         0.156750             ---        37.51       55.63      18.12    1000.0          9.000   L1          GND       10.1
         0.433500          45.00            ---      57.19      12.18    1000.0          9.000   L1          GND       10.1
         0.435750             ---        35.23       47.14      11.92    1000.0          9.000   L1          GND       10.1
         7.910250          39.83            ---      60.00      20.17    1000.0          9.000   N           GND       10.5
         8.137500             ---        33.43       50.00      16.57    1000.0          9.000   N           GND       10.5
        28.569750             ---        14.71       50.00      35.29    1000.0          9.000   L1          GND       11.3

Remark: Please see next sub-clause for the measurement plot.

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                                                                                      L imit_ 1 5 _ 1 0 7 _ Q P _ Cla s sB
      Level in dBµV

                                                                                      L imit_ 1 5 _ 1 0 7 _ A V _ Cla ss B




                      150k   3 0 0 4 0 05 0 0   8 0 01 M        2M       3M 4M 5M 6   8 10M            20M 30M
                                                           F re q u e n c y in H z

  -   Conducted Emissions FCC

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Standard      FCC Part 15 Subpart B

The test was performed according to:
ANSI C63.4


The test set-up was made in accordance to the general provisions of ANSI C63.4 in a typical
installation configuration. The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was set up on a non-conductive
table 1.0 x 2.0 m² in the semi-anechoic chamber. The influence of the EUT support table that
is used was evaluated. For the measurement above 1 GHz an absorber field with 30 cm
pyramidical absorber is placed between EUT table and antenna (required to fulfil the CISPR
16.1.4 S-VSWR criteria).
The measurement procedure is implemented into the EMI test software EMC32 from R&S.

1. Measurement above 30 MHz and up to 1 GHz

Step 1: Preliminary scan
This is a preliminary test to identify the highest amplitudes relative to the limit.
Settings for step 1:
- Antenna distance: 3 m
- Detector: Peak-Maxhold / Quasipeak (FFT-based)
- Frequency range: 30 – 1000 MHz
- Frequency steps: 30 kHz
- IF–Bandwidth: 120 kHz
- Measuring time / Frequency step: 100 ms
- Turntable angle range: –180° to 90°
- Turntable step size: 90°
- Height variation range: 1 – 3 m
- Height variation step size: 2 m
- Polarisation: Horizontal + Vertical
Intention of this step is, to determine the radiated EMI-profile of the EUT. Afterwards the
relevant emissions for the final measurement are identified.

Step 2: Adjustment measurement
In this step the accuracy of the turntable azimuth and antenna height will be improved. This is
necessary to find out the maximum value of every frequency.
For each frequency, which was determined the turntable azimuth and antenna height will be
adjusted. The turntable azimuth will slowly vary by ± 45° around this value. During this action,
the value of emission is continuously measured. The turntable azimuth at the highest emission
will be recorded and adjusted. In this position, the antenna height will also slowly vary by ±
100 cm around the antenna height determined. During this action, the value of emission is
also continuously measured. The antenna height of the highest emission will also be recorded
and adjusted.
- Detector: Peak – Maxhold
- Measured frequencies: in step 1 determined frequencies
- IF – Bandwidth: 120 kHz
- Measuring time: 100 ms
- Turntable angle range: ± 45 ° around the determined value
- Height variation range: ± 100 cm around the determined value

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- Antenna Polarisation: max. value determined in step 1

Step 3: Final measurement with QP detector
With the settings determined in step 3, the final measurement will be performed:
EMI receiver settings for step 4:
- Detector: Quasi-Peak
- Measured frequencies: in step 1 determined frequencies
- IF – Bandwidth: 120 kHz
- Measuring time: 1 s

2. Measurement above 1 GHz

Step 1: Preliminary scan
This is a preliminary test to identify the highest amplitudes relative to the limit.
Settings for step 1:
- Antenna distance: 3 m
- Detector: Peak-Maxhold / Average (up to 7 GHz FFT-based)
- Frequency range: 1 GHz – 18 GHz
- Frequency steps: 250 kHz
- IF–Bandwidth: 1 MHz
- Measuring time / Frequency step: 100 ms (up to 7 GHz) / 500µs (above 7 GHz
- Turntable angle range: –180° to 135°
- Turntable step size: 45°
- Height variation range: 1 – 3.7 m (due to the small antenna lobe, a tilt-mast is used)
- Height variation step size: 0.9 m
- Polarisation: Horizontal + Vertical
Intention of this step is, to determine the radiated EMI-profile of the EUT. Afterwards the
relevant emissions for the final measurement are identified.

Step 2: Adjustment measurement
In this step the accuracy of the turntable azimuth and antenna height will be improved. This is
necessary to find out the maximum value of every frequency.
For each frequency, which was determined the turntable azimuth and antenna height will be
adjusted. The turntable azimuth will slowly vary by ± 22.5° around this value. During this
action, the value of emission is continuously measured. The turntable azimuth at the highest
emission will be recorded and adjusted. In this position, the antenna height will also slowly
vary by ± 45 cm around the antenna height determined. During this action, the value of
emission is also continuously measured. The antenna height of the highest emission will also
be recorded and adjusted.
- Detector: Peak – Maxhold
- Measured frequencies: in step 1 determined frequencies
- IF – Bandwidth: 1 MHz
- Measuring time: 100 ms
- Turntable angle range: ± 22.5 ° around the determined value
- Height variation range: ± 45 cm around the determined value
- Antenna Polarisation: max. value determined in step 1

Step 3: Final measurement with Max-Peak / CISPR-Average detector
With the settings determined in step 2, the final measurement will be performed:
EMI receiver settings for step 3:
- Detector: Max-Peak / CISPR-Average
- Measured frequencies: in step 1 determined frequencies
- IF – Bandwidth: 1 MHz
- Measuring time: 200 ms

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After each measurement, a report will be generated which contains a diagram with the results
of the preliminary scan and a table with the frequencies, values and polarisation of the results
of the final measurement.


FCC Part 15, Subpart B, §15.109, Radiated Emission Limits

Class B:
 Frequency (MHz)      Limit (µV/m)                                    Limits (dBµV/m)
                                                  distance (m)
 30 – 88              100@3m                      3                   40.0@3m
 88 – 216             150@3m                      3                   43.5@3m
 216 – 960            200@3m                      3                   46.0@3m
 960 - 26000          500@3m                      3                   54.0@3m
 26000 - 40000        500@3m                      1                   54.0@3m

Class A:
 Frequency (MHz)      Limit (µV/m)                                    Limits (dBµV/m)
                                                  distance (m)
 30 – 88              90@10m                      3                   39.1@10m
 88 – 216             150@10m                     3                   43.5@10m
 216 – 960            210@10m                     3                   46.4@10m
 960 - 26000          300@10m                     3                   49.5@10m
 26000 - 40000        300@10m                     1                   49.5@10m

The measured values for Class A and for Class B (> 26 GHz) measurements are corrected with
an inverse linear distance extrapolation factor (20 dB/decade).

§15.35(b) ..., there is also a limit on the radio frequency emissions, as measured using
instrumentation with a peak detector function, corresponding to 20 dB above the maximum
permitted average limit....

Used conversion factor: Limit (dBµV/m) = 20 log (Limit (µV/m)/1µV/m)

     Frequency        QuasiPeak         Limit        Margin      Meas.       Bandwidth       Height         Pol    Azimuth
       (MHz)          (dBµV/m)        (dBµV/m)        (dB)       Time          (kHz)          (cm)                  (deg)
          41.070000           33.13       40.00           6.87     1000.0          120.000      141.0   V             -28.0
          46.290000           34.63       40.00           5.37     1000.0          120.000      104.0   V             -53.0
         151.200000           41.31       43.50           2.19     1000.0          120.000      259.0   H             116.0
         195.540000           31.94       43.50          11.56     1000.0          120.000      103.0   V            -187.0
         207.750000           31.51       43.50          11.99     1000.0          120.000      163.0   H             -94.0
         343.920000           29.07       46.00          16.93     1000.0          120.000      130.0   H             -23.0
         480.030000           27.61       46.00          18.39     1000.0          120.000      120.0   H              92.0
         487.320000           33.37       46.00          12.63     1000.0          120.000      118.0   V            -166.0
         799.710000           28.24       46.00          17.76     1000.0          120.000      100.0   V              -1.0

Remark: Please see next sub-clause for the measurement plot.

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                         AC mains connection = via ANC1, Measurement range = 30 MHz - 1 GHz,
                                           Test setup = computer peripheric


                        55                                              FCC_15.109_ClassB@3m_30MHz-1GHz




      Level in dBµV/m









                         30M      50   60   80 100M            200         300   400   500      800   1G
                                                      Frequency in Hz

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                         AC mains connection = via ANC1, Measurement range = 1 GHz - 18 GHz,
                                           Test setup = computer peripheric




      Level in dBµV/m





                         1G             2G       3G       4G     5G     6     8   10G             18G
                                                      Frequency in Hz

  -   Radiated Emissions SAC

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1       Conducted Emissions FCC
        Conducted Emissions power line for FCC standards

Ref.No. Device Name Description           Manufacturer       Serial Number       Last    Calibration
                                                                             Calibration     Due
1.1     Opus10 TPR      ThermoAirpres Lufft Mess- und        13936           2017-04     2019-04
        (8253.00)       sure           Regeltechnik GmbH
                        Datalogger 13
1.2     Fluke 177       Digital        Fluke Europe B.V.     86670383        2018-04     2020-04
                        Multimeter 03
1.3     ESH3-Z5         Two-Line V-    Rohde & Schwarz       828304/029      2017-05     2019-05
1.4     EP 1200/B,      Amplifier with Spitzenberger &       B6278
        NA/B1           integrated     Spieß
1.5     Chroma 6404     AC Power       Chroma ATE INC.       64040001304
1.6     Shielded Room   Shielded Room Frankonia              -
        02              for conducted
                        testing, 12qm
1.7     ESH3-Z5         Two-Line V-    Rohde & Schwarz       829996/002      2017-05     2019-05
1.8     ESR 7           EMI Receiver / Rohde & Schwarz       101424          2016-11     2018-11
1.9     Opus10 THI      ThermoHygro Lufft Mess- und          7489            2017-04     2019-04
        (8152.00)       Datalogger 02 Regeltechnik GmbH
1.10    ESIB 26         Spectrum       Rohde & Schwarz       830482/004      2018-01     2020-01

2       Radiated Emissions
        Lab to perform radiated emissions

Ref.No. Device Name Description           Manufacturer       Serial Number       Last    Calibration
                                                                             Calibration     Due
1.1     NRV-Z1         Sensor Head A    Rohde & Schwarz      827753/005
1.2     MFS            Rubidium         Datum GmbH           002             2017-10     2018-10
                       Normal MFS
1.3     Opus10 TPR     ThermoAirpres    Lufft Mess- und   13936              2017-04     2019-04
        (8253.00)      sure             Regeltechnik GmbH
                       Datalogger 13
1.4     Anechoic       10.58 x 6.38 x   Frankonia            none            2016-05     2019-05
        Chamber        6.00 m³
1.5     5HC2700/12750 High Pass         Trilithic            9942012
        -1.5-KK        Filter
1.6     ASP 1.2/1.8-10 Antenna Mast     Maturo GmbH          -
1.7     Fully Anechoic 8.80m x          Albatross Projects   P26971-647-001- 2018-06     2021-06
        Room           4.60m x                               PRB
                       4.05m (l x w x

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Ref.No. Device Name Description          Manufacturer        Serial Number       Last    Calibration
                                                                             Calibration     Due
1.8     Fluke 177         Digital        Fluke Europe B.V.   86670383        2018-04     2020-04
                          Multimeter 03
1.9     JS4-18002600-     Broadband      Miteq               849785
        32-5P             Amplifier 18
                          GHz - 26 GHz
1.10    ESW44             EMI Test       Rohde & Schwarz     101603          2018-05     2019-05
                          Receiver       GmbH & Co. KG
1.11    FSW 43            Spectrum       Rohde & Schwarz     103779          2016-12     2018-12
1.12    3160-09           Standard Gain EMCO Elektronic      00083069
                          / Pyramidal    GmbH
                          Horn Antenna
                          26.5 GHz
1.13    WHKX 7.0/18G-     High Pass      Wainwright          09
        8SS               Filter
1.14    4HC1600/12750     High Pass      Trilithic           9942011
        -1.5-KK           Filter
1.15    Chroma 6404       AC Power       Chroma ATE INC.     64040001304
1.16    JS4-00102600-     Broadband      Miteq               619368
        42-5A             Amplifier 30
                          MHz - 26 GHz
1.17    TT 1.5 WI         Turn Table     Maturo GmbH         -
1.18    HL 562 Ultralog   Log.-per.      Rohde & Schwarz     100609          2016-04     2019-04
1.19    3160-10           Standard Gain EMCO Elektronic      00086675
                          / Pyramidal    GmbH
                          Horn Antenna
                          40 GHz
1.20    5HC3500/18000     High Pass      Trilithic           200035008
        -1.2-KK           Filter
1.21    HFH2-Z2           Loop Antenna Rohde & Schwarz       829324/006      2018-01     2020-01
1.22    Opus10 THI        ThermoHygro Lufft Mess- und        12482           2017-03     2019-03
        (8152.00)         Datalogger 12 Regeltechnik GmbH
1.23    ESR 7             EMI Receiver / Rohde & Schwarz     101424          2016-11     2018-11
1.24    JS4-00101800-     Broadband      Miteq               896037
        35-5P             Amplifier 30
                          MHz - 18 GHz
1.25    AS 620 P          Antenna mast HD GmbH               620/37
1.26    Tilt device       Antrieb TD1.5- Maturo GmbH         TD1.5-
        Maturo            10kg                               10kg/024/37907
        (Rohacell)                                           09
1.27    ESIB 26         Spectrum     Rohde & Schwarz         830482/004     2018-01      2020-01
1.28    PAS 2.5 - 10 kg Antenna Mast Maturo GmbH             -
1.29    AM 4.0          Antenna mast Maturo GmbH             AM4.0/180/1192
1.30    HF 907            Double-ridged Rohde & Schwarz      102444         2018-07      2021-07
1.31    HF 906            Double-ridged Rohde & Schwarz      357357/001      2018-03     2021-03
The calibration interval is the time interval between “Last Calibration” and “Calibration Due”

 TEST REPORT REFERENCE: MDE_UBLOX_1717_FCCd_rev01                                      Page 19 of 27

This chapter contains the antenna factors with their corresponding path loss of the used
measurement path for all antennas as well as the insertion loss of the LISN.

6.1    LISN R&S ESH3-Z5 (150 KHZ – 30 MHZ)
                                              LISN        loss
                                           insertion   (incl. 10
                                              loss         dB
                                             ESH3-      atten-
  Frequency                 Corr.              Z5       uator)
     MHz                     dB                dB          dB
       0.15                   10.1               0.1        10.0
          5                   10.3               0.1        10.2
          7                   10.5               0.2        10.3
         10                   10.5               0.2        10.3
         12                   10.7               0.3        10.4
         14                   10.7               0.3        10.4
         16                   10.8               0.4        10.4
         18                   10.9               0.4        10.5
         20                   10.9               0.4        10.5
         22                   11.1               0.5        10.6
         24                   11.1               0.5        10.6
         26                   11.2               0.5        10.7
         28                   11.2               0.5        10.7
         30                   11.3               0.5        10.8

Sample calculation

  ULISN (dB µV) = U (dB µV) + Corr. (dB)
  U = Receiver reading
  LISN Insertion loss = Voltage Division Factor of LISN
  Corr. = sum of single correction factors of used LISN, cables, switch units (if used)
  Linear interpolation will be used for frequencies in between the values in the table.

 TEST REPORT REFERENCE: MDE_UBLOX_1717_FCCd_rev01                                         Page 20 of 27

6.2    ANTENNA R&S HFH2-Z2 (9 KHZ – 30 MHZ)
                                              cable        cable        cable        cable     distance     dLimit      dused
                                              loss 1       loss 2      loss 3       loss 4       corr.     (meas.      (meas.
                  AF                         (inside      (outside    (switch         (to      (-40 dB/   distance    distance
  Frequency    HFH-Z2)       Corr.          chamber)     chamber)       unit)     receiver)    decade)     (limit)     (used)
     MHz       dB (1/m)       dB                dB           dB          dB           dB          dB          m          m
      0.009      20.50        -79.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -80        300            3
       0.01      20.45        -79.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -80        300            3
      0.015      20.37        -79.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -80        300            3
       0.02      20.36        -79.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -80        300            3
      0.025      20.38        -79.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -80        300            3
       0.03      20.32        -79.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -80        300            3
       0.05      20.35        -79.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -80        300            3
       0.08      20.30        -79.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -80        300            3
        0.1      20.20        -79.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -80        300            3
        0.2      20.17        -79.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -80        300            3
        0.3      20.14        -79.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -80        300            3
       0.49      20.12        -79.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -80        300            3
   0.490001      20.12        -39.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -40          30           3
        0.5      20.11        -39.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -40          30           3
        0.8      20.10        -39.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -40          30           3
          1      20.09        -39.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -40          30           3
          2      20.08        -39.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -40          30           3
          3      20.06        -39.6                0.1          0.1         0.1          0.1        -40          30           3
          4      20.05        -39.5                0.2          0.1         0.1          0.1        -40          30           3
          5      20.05        -39.5                0.2          0.1         0.1          0.1        -40          30           3
          6      20.02        -39.5                0.2          0.1         0.1          0.1        -40          30           3
          8      19.95        -39.5                0.2          0.1         0.1          0.1        -40          30           3
         10      19.83        -39.4                0.2          0.1         0.2          0.1        -40          30           3
         12      19.71        -39.4                0.2          0.1         0.2          0.1        -40          30           3
         14      19.54        -39.4                0.2          0.1         0.2          0.1        -40          30           3
         16      19.53        -39.3                0.3          0.1         0.2          0.1        -40          30           3
         18      19.50        -39.3                0.3          0.1         0.2          0.1        -40          30           3
         20      19.57        -39.3                0.3          0.1         0.2          0.1        -40          30           3
         22      19.61        -39.3                0.3          0.1         0.2          0.1        -40          30           3
         24      19.61        -39.3                0.3          0.1         0.2          0.1        -40          30           3
         26      19.54        -39.3                0.3          0.1         0.2          0.1        -40          30           3
         28      19.46        -39.2                0.3          0.1         0.3          0.1        -40          30           3
         30      19.73        -39.1                0.4          0.1         0.3          0.1        -40          30           3

Sample calculation

  E (dB µV/m) = U (dB µV) + AF (dB 1/m) + Corr. (dB)
  U = Receiver reading
  AF = Antenna factor
  Corr. = sum of single correction factors of used cables, switch unit, distance correction, amplifier (if applicable)
  distance correction = -40 * LOG (dLimit/ dused)
  Linear interpolation will be used for frequencies in between the values in the table.
  Table shows an extract of values

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6.3    ANTENNA R&S HL562 (30 MHZ – 1 GHZ)
(dLimit = 3 m)
                                              cable       cable         cable       cable     distance     dLimit       dused
                    AF                        loss 1      loss 2       loss 3      loss 4       corr.     (meas.       (meas.
                   R&S                       (inside     (outside     (switch        (to      (-20 dB/   distance     distance
  Frequency       HL562      Corr.          chamber)    chamber)        unit)    receiver)    decade)     (limit)      (used)
     MHz         dB (1/m)     dB                dB          dB           dB          dB          dB          m           m
         30          18.6       0.6              0.29        0.04         0.23         0.02        0.0            3           3
         50           6.0       0.9              0.39        0.09         0.32         0.08        0.0            3           3
        100           9.7       1.2              0.56        0.14         0.47         0.08        0.0            3           3
        150           7.9       1.6              0.73        0.20         0.59         0.12        0.0            3           3
        200           7.6       1.9              0.84        0.21         0.70         0.11        0.0            3           3
        250           9.5       2.1              0.98        0.24         0.80         0.13        0.0            3           3
        300          11.0       2.3              1.04        0.26         0.89         0.15        0.0            3           3
        350          12.4       2.6              1.18        0.31         0.96         0.13        0.0            3           3
        400          13.6       2.9              1.28        0.35         1.03         0.19        0.0            3           3
        450          14.7       3.1              1.39        0.38         1.11         0.22        0.0            3           3
        500          15.6       3.2              1.44        0.39         1.20         0.19        0.0            3           3
        550          16.3       3.5              1.55        0.46         1.24         0.23        0.0            3           3
        600          17.2       3.5              1.59        0.43         1.29         0.23        0.0            3           3
        650          18.1       3.6              1.67        0.34         1.35         0.22        0.0            3           3
        700          18.5       3.6              1.67        0.42         1.41         0.15        0.0            3           3
        750          19.1       4.1              1.87        0.54         1.46         0.25        0.0            3           3
        800          19.6       4.1              1.90        0.46         1.51         0.25        0.0            3           3
        850          20.1       4.4              1.99        0.60         1.56         0.27        0.0            3           3
        900          20.8       4.7              2.14        0.60         1.63         0.29        0.0            3           3
        950          21.1       4.8              2.22        0.60         1.66         0.33        0.0            3           3
       1000          21.6       4.9              2.23        0.61         1.71         0.30        0.0            3           3

(dLimit = 10 m)
           30       18.6        -9.9             0.29         0.04        0.23        0.02       -10.5          10           3
           50        6.0        -9.6             0.39         0.09        0.32        0.08       -10.5          10           3
          100        9.7        -9.2             0.56         0.14        0.47        0.08       -10.5          10           3
          150        7.9        -8.8             0.73         0.20        0.59        0.12       -10.5          10           3
          200        7.6        -8.6             0.84         0.21        0.70        0.11       -10.5          10           3
          250        9.5        -8.3             0.98         0.24        0.80        0.13       -10.5          10           3
          300       11.0        -8.1             1.04         0.26        0.89        0.15       -10.5          10           3
          350       12.4        -7.9             1.18         0.31        0.96        0.13       -10.5          10           3
          400       13.6        -7.6             1.28         0.35        1.03        0.19       -10.5          10           3
          450       14.7        -7.4             1.39         0.38        1.11        0.22       -10.5          10           3
          500       15.6        -7.2             1.44         0.39        1.20        0.19       -10.5          10           3
          550       16.3        -7.0             1.55         0.46        1.24        0.23       -10.5          10           3
          600       17.2        -6.9             1.59         0.43        1.29        0.23       -10.5          10           3
          650       18.1        -6.9             1.67         0.34        1.35        0.22       -10.5          10           3
          700       18.5        -6.8             1.67         0.42        1.41        0.15       -10.5          10           3
          750       19.1        -6.3             1.87         0.54        1.46        0.25       -10.5          10           3
          800       19.6        -6.3             1.90         0.46        1.51        0.25       -10.5          10           3
          850       20.1        -6.0             1.99         0.60        1.56        0.27       -10.5          10           3
          900       20.8        -5.8             2.14         0.60        1.63        0.29       -10.5          10           3
          950       21.1        -5.6             2.22         0.60        1.66        0.33       -10.5          10           3
         1000       21.6        -5.6             2.23         0.61        1.71        0.30       -10.5          10           3

Sample calculation
  E (dB µV/m) = U (dB µV) + AF (dB 1/m) + Corr. (dB)
  U = Receiver reading
  AF = Antenna factor
  Corr. = sum of single correction factors of used cables, switch unit, distance correction, amplifier (if applicable)
  distance correction = -20 * LOG (dLimit/ dused)
  Linear interpolation will be used for frequencies in between the values in the table.
  Tables show an extract of values.

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6.4    ANTENNA R&S HF907 (1 GHZ – 18 GHZ)
                                               cable                   loss 3
                                              loss 1                  (switch
                                             (relay +      cable        unit,
                  AF                           cable       loss 2     atten-        cable
                 R&S                          inside      (outside    uator &     loss 4 (to
  Frequency     HF907        Corr.          chamber)     chamber)    pre-amp)     receiver)
     MHz       dB (1/m)       dB                dB           dB          dB           dB
       1000        24.4       -19.4               0.99        0.31      -21.51         0.79
       2000        28.5       -17.4               1.44        0.44      -20.63         1.38
       3000        31.0       -16.1               1.87        0.53      -19.85         1.33
       4000        33.1       -14.7               2.41        0.67      -19.13         1.31
       5000        34.4       -13.7               2.78        0.86      -18.71         1.40
       6000        34.7       -12.7               2.74        0.90      -17.83         1.47
       7000        35.6       -11.0               2.82        0.86      -16.19         1.46

                                                                                    loss 4
                                               cable                               (switch
                                              loss 1       cable       cable         unit,                  used
                  AF                          (relay       loss 2      loss 3      atten-        cable      for
                 R&S                          inside      (inside     (outside     uator &     loss 5 (to   FCC
  Frequency     HF907        Corr.          chamber)     chamber)    chamber)     pre-amp)     receiver)    15.247
     MHz       dB (1/m)       dB                dB           dB          dB           dB           dB
       3000        31.0       -23.4               0.47        1.87        0.53       -27.58         1.33
       4000        33.1       -23.3               0.56        2.41        0.67       -28.23         1.31
       5000        34.4       -21.7               0.61        2.78        0.86       -27.35         1.40
       6000        34.7       -21.2               0.58        2.74        0.90       -26.89         1.47
       7000        35.6       -19.8               0.66        2.82        0.86       -25.58         1.46

                                              loss 1      cable        cable        cable        cable         cable
                  AF                          (relay      loss 2       loss 3       loss 4       loss 5       loss 6
                 R&S                          inside      (High         (pre-      (inside      (outside        (to
  Frequency     HF907        Corr.          chamber)      Pass)        amp)       chamber)     chamber)     receiver)
     MHz       dB (1/m)       dB                dB          dB            dB          dB           dB           dB
       7000        35.6       -57.3               0.56       1.28        -62.72        2.66         0.94          1.46
       8000        36.3       -56.3               0.69       0.71        -61.49        2.84         1.00          1.53
       9000        37.1       -55.3               0.68       0.65        -60.80        3.06         1.09          1.60
      10000        37.5       -56.2               0.70       0.54        -61.91        3.28         1.20          1.67
      11000        37.5       -55.3               0.80       0.61        -61.40        3.43         1.27          1.70
      12000        37.6       -53.7               0.84       0.42        -59.70        3.53         1.26          1.73
      13000        38.2       -53.5               0.83       0.44        -59.81        3.75         1.32          1.83
      14000        39.9       -56.3               0.91       0.53        -63.03        3.91         1.40          1.77
      15000        40.9       -54.1               0.98       0.54        -61.05        4.02         1.44          1.83
      16000        41.3       -54.1               1.23       0.49        -61.51        4.17         1.51          1.85
      17000        42.8       -54.4               1.36       0.76        -62.36        4.34         1.53          2.00
      18000        44.2       -54.7               1.70       0.53        -62.88        4.41         1.55          1.91

Sample calculation

  E (dB µV/m) = U (dB µV) + AF (dB 1/m) + Corr. (dB)
  U = Receiver reading
  AF = Antenna factor
  Corr. = sum of single correction factors of used cables, switch unit, distance correction, amplifier (if applicable)
  Linear interpolation will be used for frequencies in between the values in the table.
  Tables show an extract of values.

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6.5    ANTENNA EMCO 3160-09 (18 GHZ – 26.5 GHZ)
                                              cable        cable      cable         cable       cable
                  AF                          loss 1      loss 2      loss 3       loss 4      loss 5
                EMCO                         (inside       (pre-     (inside      (switch        (to
  Frequency    3160-09       Corr.          chamber)      amp)      chamber)        unit)    receiver)
     MHz       dB (1/m)       dB                dB          dB          dB           dB          dB
      18000        40.2       -23.5              0.72      -35.85        6.20         2.81         2.65
      18500        40.2       -23.2              0.69      -35.71        6.46         2.76         2.59
      19000        40.2       -22.0              0.76      -35.44        6.69         3.15         2.79
      19500        40.3       -21.3              0.74      -35.07        7.04         3.11         2.91
      20000        40.3       -20.3              0.72      -34.49        7.30         3.07         3.05
      20500        40.3       -19.9              0.78      -34.46        7.48         3.12         3.15
      21000        40.3       -19.1              0.87      -34.07        7.61         3.20         3.33
      21500        40.3       -19.1              0.90      -33.96        7.47         3.28         3.19
      22000        40.3       -18.7              0.89      -33.57        7.34         3.35         3.28
      22500        40.4       -19.0              0.87      -33.66        7.06         3.75         2.94
      23000        40.4       -19.5              0.88      -33.75        6.92         3.77         2.70
      23500        40.4       -19.3              0.90      -33.35        6.99         3.52         2.66
      24000        40.4       -19.8              0.88      -33.99        6.88         3.88         2.58
      24500        40.4       -19.5              0.91      -33.89        7.01         3.93         2.51
      25000        40.4       -19.3              0.88      -33.00        6.72         3.96         2.14
      25500        40.5       -20.4              0.89      -34.07        6.90         3.66         2.22
      26000        40.5       -21.3              0.86      -35.11        7.02         3.69         2.28
      26500        40.5       -21.1              0.90      -35.20        7.15         3.91         2.36

Sample calculation

  E (dB µV/m) = U (dB µV) + AF (dB 1/m) + Corr. (dB)
  U = Receiver reading
  AF = Antenna factor
  Corr. = sum of single correction factors of used cables, switch unit, distance correction, amplifier (if applicable)
  Linear interpolation will be used for frequencies in between the values in the table.
  Table shows an extract of values.

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6.6    ANTENNA EMCO 3160-10 (26.5 GHZ – 40 GHZ)
                                              cable        cable        cable       cable    distance      dLimit       dused
                  AF                          loss 1       loss 2      loss 3      loss 4      corr.      (meas.       (meas.
                EMCO                         (inside      (outside    (switch        (to     (-20 dB/    distance     distance
  Frequency    3160-10       Corr.          chamber)     chamber)       unit)    receiver)   decade)      (limit)      (used)
     GHz       dB (1/m)       dB                dB           dB          dB          dB         dB           m           m
       26.5        43.4       -11.2                4.4                                          -15.6             3         0.5
       27.0        43.4       -11.2                4.4                                          -15.6             3         0.5
       28.0        43.4       -11.1                4.5                                          -15.6             3         0.5
       29.0        43.5       -11.0                4.6                                          -15.6             3         0.5
       30.0        43.5       -10.9                4.7                                          -15.6             3         0.5
       31.0        43.5       -10.8                4.7                                          -15.6             3         0.5
       32.0        43.5       -10.7                4.8                                          -15.6             3         0.5
       33.0        43.6       -10.7                4.9                                          -15.6             3         0.5
       34.0        43.6       -10.6                5.0                                          -15.6             3         0.5
       35.0        43.6       -10.5                5.1                                          -15.6             3         0.5
       36.0        43.6       -10.4                5.1                                          -15.6             3         0.5
       37.0        43.7       -10.3                5.2                                          -15.6             3         0.5
       38.0        43.7       -10.2                5.3                                          -15.6             3         0.5
       39.0        43.7       -10.2                5.4                                          -15.6             3         0.5
       40.0        43.8       -10.1                5.5                                          -15.6             3         0.5

Sample calculation

  E (dB µV/m) = U (dB µV) + AF (dB 1/m) + Corr. (dB)
  U = Receiver reading
  AF = Antenna factor
  Corr. = sum of single correction factors of used cables, switch unit, distance correction, amplifier (if applicable)
  Linear interpolation will be used for frequencies in between the values in the table.
  distance correction = -20 * LOG (dLimit/ dused)
  Linear interpolation will be used for frequencies in between the values in the table.
  Table shows an extract of values.

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Setup Drawings

Setup in the Anechoic chamber. For measurements below 1 GHz the ground was replaced by a
conducting ground plane.

                LISN                        Analyzer

Setup in the shielded room for conducted measurements at AC mains port

 TEST REPORT REFERENCE: MDE_UBLOX_1717_FCCd_rev01                            Page 26 of 27


   Test Case                                    Parameter        Uncertainty
   Conducted Emissions at AC mains              Voltage          ± 3.4 dB

   Radiated Emissions                           Field Strength   ± 5.5 dB


Please see separate photo report.

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Document Created: 2019-04-12 05:04:19
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 05:04:19

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