test report 134kHz


Test Report

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                                               Elatec GmbH

                                             Lilienthalstraße 3
                                             82178 Puchheim

                                          Tel.: +49 89 5529961-13
                                          Fax: +49 89 5529961-29

                                          RF test report

                                               Elatec GmbH
                                               RFID Reader
                                               TWN4 MultiTech 3

  The test result refers exclusively
         to the tested model.
This test report may not be copied or
published in a part without the written
 of the accreditation agency and/or

         EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                      Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                           94315 Straubing
                      Tel.: +49 9421 56868-0
                     Fax: +49 9421 56868-100
                   Email: info@emv-testhaus.com


                      FCC facility registration number: 221458
                Test Firm Type “2.948 listed”: Valid until 2017-07-12
                Test Firm Type “accredited”: Valid until 2019-05-06
                 MRA US-EU, FCC designation number: DE0010
                 BnetzA-CAB-02/21-02/04 Valid until 2018-11-27

           Industry Canada test site numbers with registration expiry date:
                          3472A-1, expiring 2018-11-09
                          3472A-2, expiring 2018-11-12

                            Test Laboratory:

                        EMV TESTHAUS GmbH
                        Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35
                           94315 Straubing

The technical accuracy is guaranteed through the quality management of the
                          EMV TESTHAUS GmbH

                                                                           Elatec GmbH
          EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                                 RFID Reader
          Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                                          TWN4 MultiTech 3
             94315 Straubing
                                                       170353-AU01+W02                 Page 2 of 33

                                       Table of contents
1     Test regulations ................................................................................................................... 5
2     Summary of test results ....................................................................................................... 6
3     Equipment under Test (EUT) ............................................................................................... 7
4     AC power line conducted emissions .................................................................................. 10
5     Radiated emission measurement (<1 GHz) ....................................................................... 14
6     Radiated emission measurement (>1 GHz) ....................................................................... 26
7     Bandwidths ........................................................................................................................ 27
8     Equipment calibration status .............................................................................................. 31
9     Measurement uncertainty .................................................................................................. 32
10 Revision History................................................................................................................. 33

                                                                                                       Elatec GmbH
                                  EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                                     RFID Reader
                                  Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                                              TWN4 MultiTech 3
                                     94315 Straubing
                                                                                  170353-AU01+W02                        Page 3 of 33

                                        List of pictures
Picture 1: Outline of conducted emission test setup ................................................................. 11
Picture 2: Graphic - Conducted emission on mains, phase 1 (without termination) ................... 12
Picture 3: Graphic - Conducted emission on mains, neutral (without termination)..................... 13
Picture 4: Test setup for radiated emission measurement (< 30 MHz) ...................................... 17
Picture 5: Test setup for radiated emission measurement (< 1 GHz) ........................................ 17
Picture 6: Radiated emission 9 kHz – 30 MHz @ 3m distance ................................................. 19
Picture 7: Restricted band of operation, QP @ 3m distance ..................................................... 21
Picture 8: Restricted band of operation, AV @ 3m distance ..................................................... 22
Picture 9: Radiated emission 30 MHz - 1000MHz @ 3m distance ............................................ 25
Picture 10: Occupied bandwidth (99 %) .................................................................................... 29
Picture 11: -20 dB emission bandwidth ..................................................................................... 30

                                           List of tables
Table 1: Equipment calibration status ....................................................................................... 31
Table 2: Measurement uncertainty ........................................................................................... 32

                                                                                              Elatec GmbH
                               EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                               RFID Reader
                               Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                                        TWN4 MultiTech 3
                                  94315 Straubing
                                                                            170353-AU01+W02                    Page 4 of 33

1 Test regulations
47 CFR Part 2: 10-2016                Code of Federal Regulations Part 2 (Frequency allocation and
                                      radio treaty matters; General rules and regulations) of the Federal
                                      Communication Commission (FCC)
47 CFR Part 15: 10-2016               Code of Federal Regulations Part 15 (Radio Frequency Devices)
                                      of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
ANSI C63.10:2013-06                   American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing
                                      of Unlicensed Wireless Devices
FCC KDB 174176 D01                    AC power-line conducted emissions Frequently Asked Questions
June 3, 2015
ICES-003                              Spectrum Management and Telecommunications
Issue 6, January 2016                 Interference-Causing Equipment Standard
                                      Information Technology Equipment (ITE) – Limits and methods of
RSS-Gen                               Spectrum Management and Telecommunications
Issue 4, November 2014                Radio Standards Specification
                                      General Requirements and Information for the Certification of
                                      Radiocommunication Equimpment
RSS-210                               Spectrum Management and Telecommunications
Issue 9, August 2016                  Radio Standards Specification
                                      Licence-exempt Radio Apparatus (All Frequency Bands):
                                      Category I Equipment

                                                                              Elatec GmbH
                          EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                    RFID Reader
                          Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                             TWN4 MultiTech 3
                             94315 Straubing
                                                              170353-AU01+W02               Page 5 of 33

2 Summary of test results
Standard                                                     Test result

47 CFR Part 15,                                              Passed
sections 15.207 and 15.209

RSS-210 Issue 9 Section 4.3                                  Passed
(with appropriate references to RSS-Gen Issue 4)

Straubing, June 10, 2017

          Christian Kiermeier                                  Rainer Heller
            Test engineer                                 Head of EMC department
        EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                 EMV TESTHAUS GmbH

                                                                Elatec GmbH
                        EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                        RFID Reader
                        Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                 TWN4 MultiTech 3
                           94315 Straubing
                                                   170353-AU01+W02          Page 6 of 33

3 Equipment under Test (EUT)
Product type:                    RFID Reader
Model Name:                      TWN4 MultiTech 3
Applicant:                       Elatec GmbH
Manufacturer:                    Elatec GmbH
Serial number:                   #8
FCC ID:                          WP5TWN4F4
IC certification number:         7948A-TWN4F4
Application frequency band:      n/a
Frequency range:                 134 kHz
Operating frequency:             134 kHz
Number of RF-channels:           1
Modulation:                      ASK
Antenna types:                   PCB antenna
                                 ☐ detachable ☒ not detachable

Power supply:                    USB powered
                                 nominal: 5.0 VDC ± 15 %
Temperature range:               -20°C to +50°C

The tests were performed with 120V AC / 60Hz.

                                                                        Elatec GmbH
                           EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                             RFID Reader
                           Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                      TWN4 MultiTech 3
                              94315 Straubing
                                                           170353-AU01+W02          Page 7 of 33

3.1 Photo documentation
For external photos of the EUT see annex B, for internal ones see annex C.
For photos taken during testing and including EUT-positions see annex A.

3.2 Short description of the EUT
EUT is a RFID reader employing 3 frequencies. The other frequencies are documented within
the following test reports:
                            170353-AU01+W01 -> 125 kHz
                            170353-AU01+W03 -> 13.56 MHz

3.3 Operation mode
During the pre-tests it was observed that the “continuous-tag-reading-mode” is the respective
worst- case. Therefore this mode was selected for final testing. The device was configured by
manufacturer to activate the RFID reader for continuous transmission via RFID card.

The EUT was tested in 3 orthogonal positions. This is documented in annex A.

                                                                       Elatec GmbH
                       EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                RFID Reader
                       Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                         TWN4 MultiTech 3
                          94315 Straubing
                                                        170353-AU01+W02            Page 8 of 33

3.4 Configuration
The following peripheral devices and interface cables were connected during the tests:

            Device                                Model:             Serial or inventory no.

RFID Reader                         TWN4 MultiTech 3              ET-16/2017-26
RFID tag                            134 kHz                       ----
Test-PC                             Esprimo P9900                 E00351
Notebook                            Lifebook A531                 E00521
AC power source                     Chroma 616062                 E00633
(120 V / 60 Hz)
DC supply                           Statron 3252.1                E00541
Digital multimeter                  UT61D                         H150188102

3.5 Used cables
  Count              Description (type / lengths / remarks)                  Serial no.
     1        USB cable (1.5 m, shielded)                                        ---

                                                                          Elatec GmbH
                         EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                 RFID Reader
                         Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                          TWN4 MultiTech 3
                            94315 Straubing
                                                           170353-AU01+W02             Page 9 of 33

4 AC power line conducted emissions
   according to 47 CFR Part 15, section 15.207, and
   RSS-210, section 3.1 with RSS-Gen, section 8.8

4.1 Test location
           Description                            Manufacturer                Inventory No.
Shielded room                        Siemens - Matsushita                 E00107

4.2 Test instruments
        Description                  Manufacturer                         Inventory No.
☒ ESCS 30                 Rohde & Schwarz                        E00003
☐ ESU 26                  Rohde & Schwarz                        W00002
☐ ESCI                    Rohde & Schwarz                        E00001
☐ ESH3-Z2                 Rohde & Schwarz                        E00028
☒ ESH2-Z5                 Rohde & Schwarz                        E00004
☐ ESH2-Z5                 Rohde & Schwarz                        E00005
☒ Cable set shielded      Huber + Suhner                         E00424

4.3 Limits
    Frequency                      Quasi-peak                             Avarage
      [MHz]                         [dBµV]                                 [dBµV]

     0.15 – 0.5                      66 – 56                               56 – 46
     0.5 – 5.0                          56                                   46
      5 – 30                            60                                   50

                                                                             Elatec GmbH
                         EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                    RFID Reader
                         Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                             TWN4 MultiTech 3
                            94315 Straubing
                                                             170353-AU01+W02              Page 10 of 33

4.4 Test procedure
   1. The tests of conducted emission were carried out in a shielded room using a line
      impedance stabilization network (LISN) 50 µH/50 Ohms and an EMI test receiver.
   2. The EMI test receiver was connected to the LISN and set to a measurement bandwidth
      of 9 kHz in the frequency range from 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz.
   3. The EUT was placed on a wooden table and connected to the LISN.
   4. To accelerate the measurement the detector of the EMI test receiver was set to peak
      and the whole frequency range form 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz was scanned.
   5. After that all peaks values with less margin than 10 dB to quasi-peak limit or exceeding
      the limit were marked and re-measured with quasi-peak detector.
   6. If after that all values are under the average limit no addition measurement is necessary.
      In case there are still values between quasi-peak and average limit then these values
      were re-measured with average detector.
   7. These measurements were done on all power lines.

According to ANSI C63.10, section 6.2.2 testing of intentional radiators with detachable
antennas shall be done with a dummy load otherwise the tests should be done with connected
antenna and if adjustable fully extended.

4.5 Test setup

                      Picture 1: Outline of conducted emission test setup

Comments:    All peripheral devices were additionally decoupled by means of a line stabilization

                                                                       Elatec GmbH
                       EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                RFID Reader
                       Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                         TWN4 MultiTech 3
                          94315 Straubing
                                                        170353-AU01+W02            Page 11 of 33

4.6 Test results
Temperature:           22°C                    Humidity:                  41%

Tested by:             Christian Kiermeier     Test date:                 2017-06-07

       Picture 2: Graphic - Conducted emission on mains, phase 1 (without termination)

                                                                     Elatec GmbH
                      EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                               RFID Reader
                      Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                        TWN4 MultiTech 3
                         94315 Straubing
                                                        170353-AU01+W02           Page 12 of 33

Picture 3: Graphic - Conducted emission on mains, neutral (without termination)

                                                              Elatec GmbH
               EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                               RFID Reader
               Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                        TWN4 MultiTech 3
                  94315 Straubing
                                                170353-AU01+W02           Page 13 of 33

5 Radiated emission measurement (<1 GHz)
      according to 47 CFR Part 15, section 15.205(a), 15.209(a) and
      RSS-210, section 4.3 with RSS-Gen, sections 8.10 and 8.9

5.1 Test Location
☒ Scan with peak detector in 3 m CDC.
☒ Final CISPR measurement with quasi peak detector on 3 m open area test site.

           Description                            Manufacturer            Inventory No.
CDC                                  Albatross Projects                E00026
Open area test site (OATS)           EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                 E00354

5.2 Test instruments
                Description                       Manufacturer            Inventory No.
☒     ESCS 30 (OATS)                 Rohde & Schwarz                   E00551
☐     ESU 26                         Rohde & Schwarz                   W00002
☒     ESCI (CDC)                     Rohde & Schwarz                   E00001
☒     VULB 9163 (OATS)               Schwarzbeck                       E00013
☒     VULB 9160 (CDC)                Schwarzbeck                       E00011
☒     HFH2-Z2                        Rohde & Schwarz                   E00060
☒     Cable set CDC                  Huber + Suhner                    E00060
☒     Cable set OATS 3 m             Huber + Suhner                    E00453, E00456,
☐     Cable set OATS 10 m            Huber + Suhner                    E00453, E00455,

                                                                          Elatec GmbH
                         EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                 RFID Reader
                         Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                          TWN4 MultiTech 3
                            94315 Straubing
                                                             170353-AU01+W02          Page 14 of 33

5.3 Limits
The field strength of any emissions including spurious emissions falling into restricted bands as
specified in 15.205(a) shall not exceed the general radiated emission limits as specified in

     Frequency            Field strength Fs        Field strength        Measurement
       [MHz]                    [µV/m]               [dBµV/m]             distance d

    0.009 – 0.490            266.6 – 4.9             48.5 – 13.8               300
    0.490 – 1.705           48.98 – 14.08           33.8 – 22.97               30
    1.705 – 30.0                 30                    29.54                   30
       30 – 88                   100                     40                     3
      88 – 216                   150                    43.5                    3
      216 - 960                  200                     46                     3
     Above 960                   500                     54                     3

                                                                         Elatec GmbH
                        EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                 RFID Reader
                        Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                          TWN4 MultiTech 3
                           94315 Straubing
                                                          170353-AU01+W02            Page 15 of 33

5.4 Test procedure
  1. EUT was configured according to ANSI C63.10. It was placed on the top of the turntable
      0.8 meter above ground. The receiving antenna was placed 3 meters from the turntable.
      The test setup was placed inside a compact diagnostic chamber.
  2. EUT and all peripherals were powered on.
  3. The broadband antenna was set to vertical polarization.
  4. The EMI receiver performed a scan from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz with peak detector peak
      and measurement bandwidth set to 120 kHz.
  5. The turn table was rotated to 6 different positions (360° / 6) and the antenna polarization
      was changed to horizontal.
  6. Test procedure at step 4 and 5 was repeated.
  7. The test setup was then placed in an OATS at 3 m distance and all peak values over or
      with less margin to the limit than 6dB were marked and re-measured with a quasi-peak
  8. The turntable was rotated by 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest
  9. The height of the broadband receiving antenna was varied between one meter and four
      meters above ground to find the maximum emission field strength of both horizontal and
      vertical polarization. The highest value was recorded.
  10. For emissions below 30 MHz measurements were done using a loop antenna. Prescan
      was performed with peak detector and final measurements with quasi-peak except for
      the frequency bands 9 to 90 kHz and 110 to 490 k Hz where average detector applies.
      Antenna height was not changed during this test. Appropriate CISPR bandwidths of
      200 Hz for frequencies up to 150 kHz and 9 or 10 kHz for frequencies above were used.

                                                                       Elatec GmbH
                      EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                 RFID Reader
                      Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                          TWN4 MultiTech 3
                         94315 Straubing
                                                        170353-AU01+W02            Page 16 of 33

5.5 Test setup

             Picture 4: Test setup for radiated emission measurement (< 30 MHz)

              Picture 5: Test setup for radiated emission measurement (< 1 GHz)

5.6 Test deviation
There is no deviation from the standards referred to.

                                                                     Elatec GmbH
                        EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                             RFID Reader
                        Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                      TWN4 MultiTech 3
                           94315 Straubing
                                                        170353-AU01+W02           Page 17 of 33

5.7 Test results
Temperature:                 20°C                         Humidity:                       41%

Tested by:                   Christian Kiermeier          Test date:                      2017-06-08

Radiated Emission Measurement 9 kHz - 30 MHz

Recalculation factor is determined according to ANSI C63.10, section “Extrapolation
from the measurement of a single point”:

dnear field                 = 47.77 / fMHz, or

fMHz                        = 47.77 / dnear field

The frequency fMHz at which the near field distance is equal to the limit and/or test distance is
important for selection of the right formula for determining the recalculation factor:

fMHz(300 m)                 ≈ 0.159 MHz
fMHz(30 m)                  ≈ 1.592 MHz
fMHz(3 m)                   ≈ 15.923 MHz

For 9 kHz ≤ f ≤ 159 kHz and 490 kHz < f ≤ 1.592 MHz:
  Recalculation factor = -40 log(dlimit / dmeasure)
For 159 kHz < f ≤ 490 kHz and 1.592 MHz < f ≤ 15.923 MHz:
  Recalculation factor = -40 log(dnear field / dmeasure) - 20 log(dlimit / dnear field)
For f > 15.923 MHz:
  Recalculation factor = -20 log(dlimit / dnear field)

The limits in the graphics and value lists are derived from the general radiated emission limits
as specified in 15.209 using the recalculation factor as described above.

                                                                                      Elatec GmbH
                            EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                          RFID Reader
                            Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                                   TWN4 MultiTech 3
                               94315 Straubing
                                                                    170353-AU01+W02               Page 18 of 33

Frequency range       Step       IF              Detector              Measurement Time   Preamplifier
                      size    Bandwidth     Prescan   Final scan      Prescan  Final scan
9 kHz – 90 kHz       80 Hz      200 Hz        PK            AV            1 ms             1s                off
90 kHz – 110 kHz     80 Hz      200 Hz        PK            QPK           1 ms             1s                off
110 kHz – 150 kHz    80 Hz      200 Hz        PK            AV            1 ms             1s                off
150 kHz – 490 kHz    4 kHz       9 kHz        PK            AV            1 ms             1s                off
490 kHz – 30 MHz     4 kHz       9 kHz        PK            QPK           1 ms             1s                off

The following picture shows the worst-case-emissions for the spurious emissions at EUT-
position 1, antenna parallel.

                                               RBW      200 Hz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                               MT       50 ms               68.66 dBµV/m
                              Att 10 dB        PREAMP OFF            134.200000000 kHz

dBµV    130               100 kHz                   1 MHz                   10 MHz
/m      15-209

1 PK





        60                                                                                       DC






       9 kHz                                                                            30 MHz

                   Picture 6: Radiated emission 9 kHz – 30 MHz @ 3m distance
Date: 10.JUN.2017       09:59:43
                 Measured                           Field
 Frequency                         Recalculation             Limit
                   value  Detector                strength                                   Margin          Result
   [MHz]                            factor [dB]            [dBµV/m]
                 [dBµV/m]                        [dBµV/m]
     0.13420      68,66          PK            -80.0             -12.95           ---             ---              ---
     0.13420      68,51          AV            -80.0             -11.49          25.05           -36,54       Pass

                                                                                  Elatec GmbH
                          EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                        RFID Reader
                          Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                                 TWN4 MultiTech 3
                             94315 Straubing
                                                                170353-AU01+W02                       Page 19 of 33

Recalculation factor is determined according to ANSI C63.10, section “Extrapolation
from the measurement of a single point”:

dnear field            = 47.77 / fMHz

Recalculation factor   = -40 log(dlimit / dmeasure)

           fMHz          dnear field            dmeasure           dlimit            Recalculation
          [MHz]            [m]                   [m]               [m]                factor [dB]
        0.13424         355.855                       3.0          300.0                  -80.0

                                                                             Elatec GmbH
                       EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                      RFID Reader
                       Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                               TWN4 MultiTech 3
                          94315 Straubing
                                                            170353-AU01+W02              Page 20 of 33

Restricted band of operation from 0.090 MHz to 0.110 MHz

                                             RBW    200 Hz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                             MT     1 s                69.34 dBµV/m
                            Att 10 dB        PREAMP OFF         134.240000000 kHz

dBµV   130                   100 kHz                         Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                       19.63 dBµV/m
                                                                110.000000000 kHz
                                                             Marker 3 [T1 ]
1 PK
       15-209                                                          21.90 dBµV/m
                                                                   90.080000000 kHz





       60                                                                              DC



       20                                   F2

       80 kHz                                                                150 kHz

                  Picture 7: Restricted band of operation, QP @ 3m distance

Date: 10.JUN.2017       10:18:34
          Measured                           Field
Frequency                   Recalculation             Limit
            value  Detector                strength                                 Margin        Result
  [MHz]                      factor [dB]            [dBµV/m]
          [dBµV/m]                        [dBµV/m]
 0.10256        16,65         QP            -80.0         -63,35          27.38     -90,73         Pass

                                                                            Elatec GmbH
                        EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                    RFID Reader
                        Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                             TWN4 MultiTech 3
                           94315 Straubing
                                                          170353-AU01+W02                   Page 21 of 33

                                             RBW    200 Hz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                             MT     1 s                69.34 dBµV/m
                            Att 10 dB        PREAMP OFF         134.240000000 kHz

dBµV   130                   100 kHz                         Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                       19.63 dBµV/m
                                                                110.000000000 kHz
                                                             Marker 3 [T1 ]
1 PK
       15-209                                                          21.90 dBµV/m
                                                                   90.080000000 kHz





       60                                                                                  DC



       20                                   F2

       80 kHz                                                                    150 kHz

                  Picture 8: Restricted band of operation, AV @ 3m distance

Date: 10.JUN.2017       10:18:34
          Measured                           Field
Frequency                   Recalculation             Limit
            value  Detector                strength                                   Margin          Result
  [MHz]                      factor [dB]            [dBµV/m]
          [dBµV/m]                        [dBµV/m]
 0.13424        69,34         PK            -80.0         -10,66           ---             ---           ---
 0.13424        68,67         AV            -80.0         -11.33          25.05        -36,38          Pass

                                                                            Elatec GmbH
                        EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                    RFID Reader
                        Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                             TWN4 MultiTech 3
                           94315 Straubing
                                                          170353-AU01+W02                       Page 22 of 33

Note 1:
Recalculation factor is determined according to ANSI C63.10, section “Extrapolation
from the measurement of a single point”:

dnear field            = 47.77 / fMHz

Recalculation factor   = -40 log(dlimit / dmeasure)

           fMHz          dnear field            dmeasure           dlimit            Recalculation
          [MHz]            [m]                   [m]               [m]                factor [dB]
        0.10488         455.473                       3.0          300.0                  -80.0
        0.13424         355.855                       3.0          300.0                  -80.0

                                                                             Elatec GmbH
                       EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                      RFID Reader
                       Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                               TWN4 MultiTech 3
                          94315 Straubing
                                                            170353-AU01+W02              Page 23 of 33

Radiated Emission Measurement 30 MHz - 1000 MHz

Frequency        Polari-     Step    IF Band-            Detector        Measurement Time        Pre-
range            sation      size      width        Prescan Final scan   Prescan Final scan     amplifier
30 MHz – 1 GHz   H/V        60 kHz    120 kHz         PK       QPK        1 ms        1s         20 dB

The following pictures show the worst-case-emissions at EUT-position 1.

                                                                              Elatec GmbH
                           EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                   RFID Reader
                           Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                            TWN4 MultiTech 3
                              94315 Straubing
                                                               170353-AU01+W02             Page 24 of 33

               Efinal       Limit            Height
 f [MHz]                                               TT [°]    Polarisation        Result
             [dBV/m]      [dBµV/m]            [cm]
108,06     18,2          43,5                 100      286.8            V            Pass
108,06     19,6          43,5                 247      232.9            H            Pass
199,80     22,7          43,5                 100      127.2            V            Pass
199,80     27,6          43,5                 115       87.5            V            Pass
203,40     26,4          43,5                 126        98             V            Pass
203,40     26,3          43,5                 267      252.8            H            Pass
232,38     29,3          46,0                 250       10.2            H            Pass
232,38     31,1          46,0                 250      253.2            H            Pass
233,16     30,3          46,0                 253       78.5            H            Pass
233,16     31,5          46,0                 100      213.3            V            Pass
266,52     26,1          46,0                 127      233.6            V            Pass
266,52     31,7          46,0                 100      117.2            V            Pass
311,88     29,9          46,0                 100      126.9            V            Pass
311,88     31,5          46,0                 100      117.1            V            Pass
336,00     32,1          46,0                 111      272.6            V            Pass
336,00     33,6          46,0                 100       1.8             V            Pass

            Picture 9: Radiated emission 30 MHz - 1000MHz @ 3m distance

                                                                   Elatec GmbH
                    EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                               RFID Reader
                    Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                        TWN4 MultiTech 3
                       94315 Straubing
                                                      170353-AU01+W02           Page 25 of 33

6 Radiated emission measurement (>1 GHz)
    according to 47 CFR Part 15, section 15.209(a),
    RSS-210, section 4.3 with RSS-Gen, section 8.9


This measurement needs not to be applied for the RFID part because
   - the intentional radiator operates below 10 GHz and tenth harmonic of the highest
      fundamental frequency is lower than 1 GHz (see 47 CFR Part 15, section 15.33(a)(1),
      and RSS-Gen, section 6.13), and
   - the digital part of the device does not generate or use internal frequencies higher than
      108 MHz (see 47 CFR Part 15 section 15.33(b)(1), and RSS-Gen, section 2.3.3 with
      ICES-003, section 6.2).

                                                                       Elatec GmbH
                       EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                RFID Reader
                       Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                         TWN4 MultiTech 3
                          94315 Straubing
                                                        170353-AU01+W02            Page 26 of 33

7 Bandwidths
    according to CFR 47 Part 2, section 2.202(a), and RSS-Gen,
    section 6.6

7.1 Test Location
See clause 5.1 on page 14.

7.2 Test instruments
See clause 5.2 on page 14.

7.3 Limits
The bandwidths are recorded only.

7.4 Test setup
See clause 5.5 on page 17.

7.5 Test deviation
There is no deviation from the standards referred to.

                                                                     Elatec GmbH
                        EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                             RFID Reader
                        Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                      TWN4 MultiTech 3
                           94315 Straubing
                                                        170353-AU01+W02          Page 27 of 33

7.6 Test results
Temperature:            20°C                    Humidity:                  41%

Tested by:              Martin Müller           Test date:                 2016-12-01

Occupied bandwidth (99 %)

Test procedure

When an occupied bandwidth value is not specified in the applicable RSS, the transmitted
signal bandwidth to be reported is to be its 99% emission bandwidth, as calculated or
measured. The transmitter shall be operated at its maximum carrier power measured under
normal test conditions.
The span of the analyzer shall be set to capture all products of the modulation process,
including the emission skirts. The resolution bandwidth shall be set to as close to 1% of the
selected span as is possible without being below 1%. The video bandwidth shall be set to
3 times the resolution bandwidth. Video averaging is not permitted. Where practical, a sampling
detector shall be used given that a peak or peak hold may produce a wider bandwidth than
The trace data points are recovered and directly summed in linear terms. The recovered
amplitude data points, beginning at the lowest frequency, are placed in a running sum until
0.5% of the total is reached and that frequency recorded. The process is repeated for the
highest frequency data points. This frequency is recorded. The span between the two recorded
frequencies is the occupied bandwidth. For this purpose the appropriate measurement function
of the spectrum analyzer is used.

                                                                       Elatec GmbH
                       EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                RFID Reader
                       Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                         TWN4 MultiTech 3
                          94315 Straubing
                                                         170353-AU01+W02           Page 28 of 33

                                                     * RBW   300 Hz     Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                      VBW 1 kHz                    69.37 dBµV/m
       Ref   87 dBµV/m         * Att   10 dB          SWT 225 ms              134.240000000 kHz

                                                                        OBW     3.560000000 kHz

                                                                        Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                   40.87 dBµV/m   A

                                                                              132.480000000 kHz
1 PK
       70                                                               Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                   41.08 dBµV/m
                                                                              136.040000000 kHz

       50                                                                                         PS

                                        T1                   T2


       30                                                                                         3DB





       Center 134.24 kHz                       2 kHz/                               Span 20 kHz

                                Picture 10: Occupied bandwidth (99 %)
Date: 10.JUN.2017        10:26:06
Measured occupied bandwidth (99 %): 3,560 kHz

                                                                                      Elatec GmbH
                           EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                           RFID Reader
                           Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                                    TWN4 MultiTech 3
                              94315 Straubing
                                                                      170353-AU01+W02                  Page 29 of 33

-20 dB emission bandwidth

Test procedure

Where indicated, the -20 dB emission bandwidth is defined as the frequency range between two
points, one above and one below the carrier frequency, at which the spectral density of the
emission is attenuated 20 dB below the maximum in-band spectral density of the modulated
signal. Spectral density (power per unit bandwidth) is to be measured with a detector of
resolution bandwidth equal to approximately 1.0% of the emission bandwidth.

                                                        * RBW   300 Hz     Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                         VBW 1 kHz                    69.36 dBµV/m
       Ref   87 dBµV/m         * Att   10 dB             SWT 225 ms             134.240000000 kHz

                                                                           ndB [T1]      20.00 dB

                                                                           BW     1.440000000 kHz
                                                                           Temp 1 [T1 ndB]           A

                                                                                      49.47 dBµV/m
1 PK
       70                                                                       133.520000000 kHz
                                                                           Temp 2 [T1 ndB]
                                                                                      49.17 dBµV/m
                                                                                134.960000000 kHz TDF

                                               T1        T2
       50                                                                                            PS


       30                                                                                            3DB





       Center 134.24 kHz                       2 kHz/                                  Span 20 kHz

                                Picture 11: -20 dB emission bandwidth
Date: 10.JUN.2017        10:27:40
Measured -20 dB emission bandwidth:            1.440 kHz

                                                                                         Elatec GmbH
                           EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                              RFID Reader
                           Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                                       TWN4 MultiTech 3
                              94315 Straubing
                                                                         170353-AU01+W02                  Page 30 of 33

8 Equipment calibration status
                                                                       Inventory    Last        Next
          Description         Modell number            Serial number
                                                                       number(s) calibration calibration

Test receiver                ESCI 3              100013                 E00001     2016-02         2018-02

Test receiver                ESCI 3              100328                 E00552     2016-09         2018-09

Test receiver                ESCS 30             825442/0002            E00003     2016-04         2018-04

LISN                         ESH2-Z5             893406/009             E00005     2016-02         2018-02

Loop antenna                 HFH2-Z2             871398/0050            E00060     2016-09         2018-09

Broadband antenna            VULB 9160           9160-3050              E00011     2015-09         2017-09

Broadband antenna            VULB 9163           9163-114               E00013     2015-09         2017-09

Shielded room                P92007              B83117C1109T211        E00107               N/A

Compact diagnostic           VK041.0174          D62128-A502-A69-       E00026               N/A
chamber (CDC)                                    2-0006

Open area test site          ---                 ---                    E00354     2015-10         2017-10

Climatic chamber 340 l       VC³ 4034            58566123250010         C00015     2016-10         2018-10

Cable set shielded room      Cable no. 30        ---                    E00424     2016-07         2018-07

Cable set CDC                Cables no. 37       ---                    E00459     2017-05         2019-05
                             and 38                                     E00460

Cable set OATS 3 m           Cables no. 19, 34 ---                      E00453     2015-11         2017-11
                             and 36                                     E00456

                                   Table 1: Equipment calibration status

Note 1:       Expiration date of measurement facility registration (OATS) by
              - FCC (registration number 221458):                            2017-07
              - Industry Canada (test sites number 3472A-1 and 3472A-2): 2018-11
Note 2:       Expiration date of test firm accreditation for OATS and SAC:
              FCC test firm type “accredited”:                               2019-05

                                                                               Elatec GmbH
                          EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                     RFID Reader
                          Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                              TWN4 MultiTech 3
                             94315 Straubing
                                                                 170353-AU01+W02           Page 31 of 33

9 Measurement uncertainty
                          Description                                  Max. deviation               k=

Conducted emission AMN                                            ± 3.8 dB                      2
(9kHz to 30 MHz)
Radiated emission open field (3 m)                                                              2
(30 MHz to 300 MHz)                                               ± 5.4 dB
(300MHz to 1 GHz)                                                 ± 5.9 dB
Radiated emission absorber chamber                                ± 4.5 dB                      2
(> 1000 MHz)
                                 Table 2: Measurement uncertainty

The uncertainty stated is the expanded uncertainty obtained by multiplying the standard uncertainty by
the coverage factor k. For a confidence level of 95 % the coverage factor k is 2.

                                                                              Elatec GmbH
                         EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                                     RFID Reader
                         Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35                              TWN4 MultiTech 3
                            94315 Straubing
                                                            170353-AU01+W02               Page 32 of 33

10 Revision History
   Date     Description                                   Person             Revision
2017-06-10 First edition                               Ch. Kiermeier            0

                                                           Elatec GmbH
                     EMV TESTHAUS GmbH                      RFID Reader
                     Gustav-Hertz-Straße 35               TWN4 MultiTech 3
                        94315 Straubing
                                              170353-AU01+W02          Page 33 of 33

Document Created: 2017-06-19 16:38:30
Document Modified: 2017-06-19 16:38:30

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