Test Report


Test Report

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   Test Report of FCC Part 15 C for FCC Certificate
                               On Behalf of

                Shenzhen SQT Electronics CO.,Ltd.

FCC ID:                       WOXSMK-78507GLMN
Product Description:          2.4GHz Wireless Laser Mouse
Model No.:                    SM-507AGL
Supplementary Model No.:      SM-503AGL,SMK-78507AGK,SMK-99507AGL,SMK-

Prepared for:          Shenzhen SQT Electronics CO.,Ltd.
                       ZhengChengFeng TechnologyZone Xinsha Road,ShaYi Village, Sha
                       jing Town, Baoan Area, Shenzhen, China
Prepared by:           Bontek Compliance Testing Laboratory Co., Ltd.
                       1/F, Block East H-3, OCT Eastern Ind. Zone, Qiaocheng East Road,
                       Nanshan, Shenzhen, China
                       Tel: 86-755-86337020
                       Fax: 86-755-86337028
Report No.:            BCT12LR407E
Issue Date:            February 20, 2013
Test Date:             December 29,2012~ January 27, 2013
Tested by:                                 Reviewed by:

                          Lion Cai                                     Kendy Wang

Approved by:

                          Tony Wu

1. GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 3
 1.1 Client Information.......................................................................................................................3
  1.2 Related Submittal(s) / Grant (s).................................................................................................3
  1.3 Test Methodology ......................................................................................................................3
 1.4 Test Facility................................................................................................................................4
2. SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION..................................................................................................... 5
 2.1 EUT Configuration .....................................................................................................................5
  2.2 EUT Exercise .............................................................................................................................5
  2.3 General Test Procedures ..........................................................................................................5
 2.4 List of Measuring Equipments ...................................................................................................6
3. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS......................................................................................................... 8
4. TEST OF CONDUCTED EMISSION ................................................................................................... 9
 4.1 Applicable Standard...................................................................................................................9
 4.2 Test Setup Diagram...................................................................................................................9
5. BAND EDGES MEASUREMENT ...................................................................................................... 10
 5.1 Limit of Band Edges Measurement ........................................................................................10
  5.2 Radiate EUT Setup..................................................................................................................10
  5.3 Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................11
 5.4 Test Result...............................................................................................................................11
6. SPURIOUS EMISSIONS.................................................................................................................... 14
 6.1 Limit of Spurious Emissions ....................................................................................................14
  6.2 EUT Setup ...............................................................................................................................15
  6.3 Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................16
 6.4 Spurious Emissions Test Result..............................................................................................17
7. ANTENNA REQUIREMENT .............................................................................................................. 27
 7.1 Standard Applicable.................................................................................................................27
  7.2 Antenna Connected Construction ...........................................................................................27

Report No.: BCT12LR407E                                        Page 2 of 27                                        FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

  1.1 Client Information

 Applicant:                       Shenzhen SQT Electronics CO.,Ltd.
 Address of applicant:            ZhengChengFeng TechnologyZone Xinsha Road,ShaYi
                                  Village, Sha jing Town, Baoan Area, Shenzhen, China
 Manufacturer:                    Shenzhen SQT Electronics CO.,Ltd.
 Address of manufacturer:         ZhengChengFeng TechnologyZone Xinsha Road,ShaYi
                                  Village, Sha jing Town, Baoan Area, Shenzhen, China

General Description of E.U.T

 Items                            Description
 EUT Description:                 2.4GHz Wireless Laser Mouse
 Trade Name:                      N/A
 Model No.:                       SM-507AGL
 Supplementary Model No.:         SM-503AGL,SMK-78507AGK,SMK-99507AGL,
 Frequency Band:                  2408 MHz ~ 2474 MHz
 Number of Channels:              34
 Channel Bandwidth:               2 MHz
 Antenna Type:                    Built-in Antenna
 Rated Voltage:                   1.5 V DC from battery

Remark* The test data gathered are from the production sample provided by the manufacturer.
       Supplementary models have the same circuit, but with different appearance

  1.2 Related Submittal(s) / Grant (s)
  This submittal(s) is a test report based on the Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) tests performed
  on the EUT. The EMI measurements were performed according to the measurement procedure
  described in ANSI C63.4 - 2003.

  The tests were performed in order to determine compliance with Section 15.107 and 15.109 under
  the FCC Rules Part 15 Subpart B and Section 15.207, 15.209,15.249 under the FCC Rules Part 15
  Subpart C.

  1.3 Test Methodology
  Both conducted and radiated testing were performed according to the procedures in ANSI C63.4 -
  2003, American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from
  Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz. Radiated testing
  was performed at an antenna to EUT distance 3 meters.

Report No.: BCT12LR407E                     Page 3 of 27                        FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

 1.4 Test Facility

 All measurement required was performed at laboratory of Bontek Compliance Testing Laboratory
 Co., Ltd at 1/F, Block East H-3, OCT Eastern Ind. Zone, Qiaocheng East Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen,

 The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:

FCC – Registration No.: 338263
Shenzhen Bontek Compliance Testing Laboratory Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered and
fully described in a report filed with the (FCC) Federal Communications Commission. The acceptance
letter from the FCC is maintained in our files. Registration 338263, March, 2011

IC Registration No.: 7631A

The 3m alternate test site of Shenzhen Bontek Compliance Testing Laboratory Co., Ltd. EMC
Laboratory has been registered by Certification and Engineer Bureau of Industry Canada for the
performance of with Registration NO.: 7631A on January, 2011.The facility also complies
with the radiated and AC line conducted test site criteria set forth in ANSI C63.4-2003.

CNAS – Registration No.: L3923

Shenzhen Bontek Compliance Testing Laboratory Co., Ltd. To ISO/IEC 17025:25 General
Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories(CNAS-CL01 Accreditation
Criteria for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories) for the competence in the field of
testing.The acceptance letter from the CNAS is maintained in our files: Registration: L3923, March,

TUV – Registration No.: 50242657-0001

Shenzhen Bontek Compliance Testing Laboratory Co., Ltd. An assessment of the laboratory was
conducted according to the”Procedures and Conditions for EMC Test Laboratories”with reference to
EN ISO/IEC 17025 by a TUV Rheinland auditor. Audit Report NO. 17010783-003

Report No.: BCT12LR407E                     Page 4 of 27                        FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

  The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with ANSI C63.4-2003 and
  FCC CFR 47 Part 15 Subpart C.

  2.1 EUT Configuration
  The EUT configuration for testing is installed on RF field strength measurement to meet the
  Commissions requirement and operating in a manner that intends to maximize its emission
  characteristics in a continuous transmiting application.

  2.2 EUT Exercise
  The calibrated antennas used to sample the radiated field strength are mounted on a non-
  conductive, motorized antenna mast 3 or 10 meters from the leading edge of the turntable.

  2.3 General Test Procedures
  Conducted Emissions The EUT is placed on the turntable, which is 0.8 m above ground plane.
  According to the requirements in Section 7.1 of ANSI C63.4-2003.Conducted emissions from the
  EUT measured in the frequency range between 0.15 MHz and 30MHz using CISPR Quasi-Peak
  detector mode. But the EUT is powed by DC 1.5V of battery,this test is not applicable.

  Radiated Emissions The EUT is a placed on as turntable, which is 0.8 m above ground plane. The
  turntable shall rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of maximum emission level. EUT is set
  3m away from the receiving antenna, which varied from 1m to 4m to find out the highest emission.
  And also, each emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization of receiving antenna
  both horizontal and vertical. In order to find out the maximum emissions, exploratory radiated
  emission measurements were made according to the requirements in Section of ANSI

Report No.: BCT12LR407E                  Page 5 of 27                      FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

       2.4 List of Measuring Equipments

                                                                                                     Last         Due
No.     Instrument no.          Equipment         Manufacturer       Model No.       S/N
                                                                                                  Calculator   Calculator
 1       BCT-EMC001       EMI Test Receiver           R&S              ESCI         100687        2012-4-17    2013-4-16

 2       BCT-EMC002       EMI Test Receiver           R&S              ESPI         100097        2012-11-1    2013-10-31

 3       BCT-EMC003              Amplifier            HP               8447D     1937A02492       2012-4-20    2013-4-19

                            Single Power
 4       BCT-EMC004                                  R&S             NNBM 8124       242          2012-4-20    2013-4-19
                          Conductor Module
                            Single Power
 5       BCT-EMC005                                  R&S             NNBM 8124       243          2012-4-20    2013-4-19
                          Conductor Module

 6       BCT-EMC006            Power Clamp       SCHWARZBECK          MDS-21         3812         2012-11-5    2013-11-4

 7       BCT-EMC007                                   C&C             CC-C-1F     MF7802113          N/A          N/A
 8                          `Electrostatic
         BCT-EMC008                                 TESEQ             NSG437         125          2012-11-2    2013-11-1
                         Discharge Simulator

                         Fast Transient Burst                        MODULA615
 9       BCT-EMC009                               SCHAFFNER                         34572         2012-4-17    2013-4-16
                              Generator                                  0
                         Fast Transient Noise
10       BCT-EMC010                                 Noiseken         FNS-105AX      10501         2012-6-26    2013-6-25
                           Color TV Pattern
11       BCT-EMC011                                 PHILIPS           PM5418      TM209947           N/A          N/A
                          Power Frequency
12       BCT-EMC012        Magnetic Field          EVERFINE                         608002        2012-4-17    2013-4-16
                         Capacitive Coupling
14       BCT-EMC014                                 TESEQ             CDN8014       25096         2012-4-17    2013-4-16

                         High Field Biconical      ELECTRO-                                                    2013-11-27
15       BCT-EMC015                                                   EM-6913        166          2011-11-28
                              Antenna              METRICS

                               Log Periodic        ELECTRO-
16       BCT-EMC016                                                   EM-6950        811          2011-11-28   2013-11-27
                                 Antenna           METRICS
                            Remote Active          ELECTRO-
17       BCT-EMC017                                                   EM-6892        304          2011-11-28   2013-11-27
                           Vertical Antenna        METRICS
                         TRILOG Broadband
18       BCT-EMC018                              SCHWARZBECK         VULB9163      9163-324       2012-5-19    2014-5-18

19       BCT-EMC019            Horn Antenna      SCHWARZBECK         BBHA9120A       0499         2011-11-28   2013-11-27

                           Teo Line Single
20       BCT-EMC020                              SCHWARZBECK         NSLK8128      8128247        2012-11-1    2013-10-31
                           Phase Module
21       BCT-EMC021      Triple-Loop Antenna       EVERFINE            LLA-2        711002        2012-11-15   2013-11-14

22       BCT-EMC022            Electric bridge        Jhai            JK2812C       803024           N/A          N/A

                                RF POWER
23       BCT-EMC026                               FRANKONIA            FLL-75     1020A1109       2012-4-17    2013-4-16

     Report No.: BCT12LR407E                          Page 6 of 27                           FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

24       BCT-EMC027               CDN           FRANKONIA         CDN M2+M3       A3027019        2012-4-17    2013-4-16

25       BCT-EMC029        6DB Attenuator       FRANKONIA             N/A          1001698        2012-4-17    2013-4-16
26       BCT-EMC030       EM Injection clamp       FCC            F-203I-23mm       091536        2012-4-17    2013-4-16
                         9kHz-2.4GHz signal                       10S/6625-99-
27       BCT-EMC031                              MARCONI                          112260/042      2012-4-17    2013-4-16
                           generator 2024                           457-8730
28       BCT-EMC032        10dB attenuator                         EM-7600           836          2012-4-17    2013-4-16
29       BCT-EMC033                ISN            TESEQ            ISN-T800         30301         2012-11-15   2013-11-14
                               10KV surge                                        048110003E
30       BCT-EMC034                               SANKI           SKS-0510M                       2012-11-01   2013-10-31
                                generator                                            321
31       BCT-EMC035                              VOLTECH            PM6000       200006700433     2012-11-20   2013-11-19
                          RE ANALYSER
32       BCT-EMC036       Spectrum Analyzer        R&S                FSP           100397        2012-11-1    2013-10-31
                               Broadband          SCH
33       BCT-EMC037                                                BBV9718         9718-182       2012-4-20    2013-4-19
                               preamplifier     WARZBECK
34       BCT-EMC038            Horn Antenna    SCHWARZBECK         BBHA9170          0483          2012-4-6     2013-4-5

     Report No.: BCT12LR407E                       Page 7 of 27                              FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

    Fundamental           FCC Rules          Description of Test                 Result
                                      Disturbance Voltage at The Mains
                           15.207                                          N/A , without AC main
                           15.249        Band Edges Measurement                    Pass
                           15.249             Spurious Emission                    Pass
                           15.203           Antenna Requirement                    Pass

Report No.: BCT12LR407E                 Page 8 of 27                     FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

  4.1 Applicable Standard

  Section 15.207: For a Low-power Radio-frequency Device is designed to be connected to the AC
  power line, the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any
  frequency or frequencies within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz shall not exceed below limits table.

                                                        Limits ( dBuV)
      Frequency Range (MHz)
                                          Quasi-Peak                      Average
             0.150~0.500                     66~56                         56~46
             0.500~5.000                        56                           46
             5.000~30.00                        60                           50

  4.2 Test Setup Diagram

  Remark: 1. The setup of EUT is according with per ANSI C63.4-2003 measurement procedure. The
            specification used was with the FCC 15.207 limits.

             2. The EUT was charged on the base,and the base was connected to a 120 VAC/ 60Hz
                power source.

Notes:The EUT is powered by DC 1.5V from battery without AC mains,this test is unapplicable.

Report No.: BCT12LR407E                 Page 9 of 27                      FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

  5.1 Limit of Band Edges Measurement

  1. In the above emission table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.

  2. As shown in Section 15.35(b), for frequencies above 1000 MHz, the above field strength limits
     in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section are based on average limits. However, the peak field
     strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted average limits specified
     above by more than 20 dB under any condition of modulation. For point-to-point operation
     under paragraph (b) of this section, the peak field strength shall not exceed 2500
     millivolts/meter at 3 meters along the antenna azimuth.

                                          Field Strength                 Field Strength
           Frequency (MHz)
                                         (µV/m at 3-meter)             (dBµV/m at 3-meter)
                 30-88                          100                               40
                 88-216                         150                              43.5
                216-960                         200                               46
               Above 960                        500                               54

  Note: (1) The tighter limit shall apply at the edge between two frequency bands.
          (2) The emission limits shown in the above table are based on measurement employing a
              CISPR quasi-peak detector and above 1000MHz are based on measurements employing
              an average detector.

  5.2 Radiate EUT Setup

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  5.3 Test Procedure
  Maximizing procedure was performed on the highest emissions to ensure that the EUT complied
  with all installation combinations.

  1). Configure the EUT according to ANSI C63.4:2003.

  2). The EUT was placed on the top of the turntable 0.8 meter above ground.

  3). The receiving antenna was placed 3 meters far away from the turntable.

  4). The turntable was rotated by 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.

  5). The height of the broadband receiving antenna was varied between one meter and four meters
      above ground to find the maximum emission field strength of both horizontal and vertical
      polarization. For each suspected emission, the antenna tower was scanned (from 1 M to 4 M)
      and then the turntable was rotated (from 0 degree to 360 degrees) to find the maximum reading.

  5.4 Test Result

    Temperature ( ℃ ) : 22~23                      EUT: 2.4GHz Wireless Laser Mouse
    Humidity (%RH ): 50~54                         M/N: SM-507AGL
    Barometric Pressure ( mbar ): 950~1000         Operation Condition: Continuous transmitting

         Frequency                                        Emission Read Value          Limits
                            Antenna Polarization
           (MHz)                                               (dBμV/m)              (dBμV/m)
           2338.15                   H                          32.55                   54
           2491.30                   H                          32.67                   54

         Frequency                                        Emission Read Value          Limits
                            Antenna Polarization
           (MHz)                                               (dBμV/m)              (dBμV/m)
           2338.15                   V                          32.12                   54
           2491.30                   V                          32.45                   54

Report No.: BCT12LR407E                   Page 11 of 27                         FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

                                                 CH Low(2408-Peak)

                        MARKER 3                                  * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 3 [T1 ]
                          2.338152 GHz                            * VBW 3 MHz           47.26 dBµV/m
                        Ref 87 dBµV/m           Att   10 dB        SWT 5 ms          2.338152000 GHz

                                                                                Marker 1 [T1 ]
                        80                                                              56.82 dBµV/m
                                                                                     2.402412000 GHz    A
                                D1 74 dB*                                       Marker 2 [T1 ]
                1 PK
                        70                                                              45.97 dBµV/m
                                                                                     2.400168000 GHz

                        60                                                                      1      TDF

                        50                  3


                        30                                                                             3DB





                        Start 2.31 GHz                    10.2 MHz/                   Stop 2.412 GHz

                                                CH Low(2408- Average)

                          DISPLAY LINE 1                          * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 3 [T1 ]
                          54 dBµV/m                               * VBW 10 Hz           32.45 dBµV/m
                        Ref 87 dBµV/m           Att   10 dB        SWT 26 s          2.338152000 GHz

                                                                                Marker 1 [T1 ]
                          80                                                            48.64 dBµV/m
                                                                                     2.402412000 GHz    A
                                                                                Marker 2 [T1 ]
                 1 PK
                          70                                                            32.67 dBµV/m
                                                                                     2.400168000 GHz

                          60                                                                           TDF

                                D1 54 dB*

                                            3                                              2

                          30                                                                           3DB





                        Start 2.31 GHz                    10.2 MHz/                   Stop 2.412 GHz

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                                                  CH High(2474-Peak)

                          MARKER 3                                  * RBW 1 MHz       Marker 3 [T1 ]
                          2.4913 GHz                                * VBW 3 MHz               45.83 dBµV/m
                        Ref 87 dBµV/m         Att       10 dB        SWT 2.5 ms            2.491300000 GHz

                                                                                      Marker 1 [T1 ]
                        80                                                                    53.64 dBµV/m
                                                                                           2.479180000 GHz    A
                                 D1 74 dB*                                            Marker 2 [T1 ]
                1 PK
                        70                                                                    46.10 dBµV/m
                                                                                           2.483560000 GHz

                        60                                                                                   TDF

                        50                                  2                     3


                        30                                                                                   3DB





                        Start 2.47 GHz                          3 MHz/                        Stop 2.5 GHz

                                              CH High(2474- Average)

                            DISPLAY LINE 1                          * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 3 [T1 ]
                          54 dBµV/m                                 * VBW 10 Hz           32.12 dBµV/m
                        Ref 87 dBµV/m             Att   10 dB        SWT 7.6 s         2.491300000 GHz

                                                                                  Marker 1 [T1 ]
                          80                                                              41.21 dBµV/m
                                                                                       2.479180000 GHz        A

                                                                                  Marker 2 [T1 ]
                 1 PK
                          70                                                              32.45 dBµV/m
                                                                                       2.483560000 GHz

                          60                                                                                 TDF

                                  D1 54 dB*

                                                            2                     3
                          30                                                                                 3DB





                          Start 2.47 GHz                        3 MHz/                       Stop 2.5 GHz

Report No.: BCT12LR407E                             Page 13 of 27                                 FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

  6.1 Limit of Spurious Emissions

  1. In the section 15.249(a): Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the field
     strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated within these frequency bands shall
     comply with the following:

  2. Except as provided elsewhere in this Subpart, the emissions from an intentional radiator
     shall not exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table:

        Fundamental Frequency      Field Strength of Fundamental    Field Strength of Harmonics
               (MHz)                    Field Strength (mV/m)                 (µmV/m)

              902-928 MHz                          50                             500

           2400 - 2483.5 MHz                       50                             500

            5725 - 5875 MHz                        50                             500

            24.0 - 24.25 GHz                      250                             2500

            Frequency (MHz)             Field Strength (µV/m)       Measurement Distance (m)

                  30-88                          100*                              3

                 88-216                          150*                              3

                 216-960                         200*                              3

               Above 960                          500                              3

    Remark: Except as provided in paragraph (g), fundamental emissions from intentional
            radiators operating under this Section shall not be located in the frequency bands
            54-72 MHz, 76-88 MHz, 174-216 MHz or 470-806 MHz. However, operation within
            these frequency bands is permitted under other sections of this Part, e.g., Sections
            15.231 and 15.241.

   3. In the above emission table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
                                         Field Strength                  Field Strength
           Frequency (MHz)
                                        (µV/m at 3-meter)             (dBµV/m at 3-meter)

                 30-88                         100                                40

                 88-216                        150                            43.5

                216-960                        200                                46

               Above 960                       500                                54

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  6.2 EUT Setup

Report No.: BCT12LR407E   Page 15 of 27   FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

  6.3 Test Procedure
  Maximizing procedure was performed on the highest emissions to ensure that the EUT complied
  with all installation combinations.

  1). Configure the EUT according to ANSI C63.4:2003.

  2). The EUT was placed on the top of the turntable 0.8 meter above ground.

  3). The receiving antenna was placed 3 meters far away from the turntable.

  4). The turntable was rotated by 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.

  5). The height of the broadband receiving antenna was varied between one meter and four meters
      above ground to find the maximum emission field strength of both horizontal and vertical
      polarization. For each suspected emission, the antenna tower was scanned (from 1 M to 4 M)
      and then the turntable was rotated (from 0 degree to 360 degrees) to find the maximum reading.

Report No.: BCT12LR407E                   Page 16 of 27                      FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

  6.4 Spurious Emissions Test Result

    Temperature ( ℃ ) : 22~23                             EUT: 2.4GHz Wireless Laser Mouse
    Humidity (%RH ): 50~54                                M/N: SK-078AG
    Barometric Pressure ( mbar ): 950~1000                Operation Condition: Continuous transmitting

Note: In this testing, the EUT was respectively tested in three different orientations. That is:

  1. EUT was lie vertically, and then its Antenna oriented upward
  2. EUT was lie vertically, and then its Antenna oriented downward
  3. EUT was lie flatwise, and then its Antenna oriented to the receiving antenna

  The worst test data see following pages
  When the EUT was lie flatwise, and its Antenna oriented to the receiving antenna, the worst test
data was got as following table.

Normal operating Mode:

                  Meter         Antenna        Cable            Emission                           Detector
Frequency                                                                     Limits      Margin
                 Reading         Factor        Loss              Levels                             Mode
   (MHz)          (dBμV)         (dB/M)        (dB)             (dBμV/M)                   (dB)     PK/QP
    0.43           21.05          8.25         1.01              30.31          67         36.69      QP
   17.16           21.33          7.57          1.2               30.1         49.5        19.4       QP
   21.52           22.28          8.64         1.05              31.97         49.5        17.53      QP
   26.72           22.51          7.22         1.69              31.42         49.5        18.08      QP

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The worst Spurious Emission Data Below 1GHz Channel Low:

EUT:                         2.4GHz Wireless Laser Mouse
M/N:                         SM-507AGL
Operating Condition:         Continuous transmitting
Test Site:                   3m CHAMBER
Operator:                    Chen
Test Specification:          DC 1.5V
Comment:                     Polarization: Horizontal
                             Tem:25℃ Hum:50%

Report No.: BCT12LR407E            Page 18 of 27           FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

The worst Spurious Emission Data Below 1GHz Channel Low:

EUT:                         2.4GHz Wireless Laser Mouse
M/N:                         SM-507AGL
Operating Condition:         Continuous transmitting
Test Site:                   3m CHAMBER
Operator:                    Chen
Test Specification:          DC 1.5V
Comment:                     Polarization: Vertical
                             Tem:25℃ Hum:50%

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The worst Spurious Emission Data Below 1GHz Channel Middle:

EUT:                         2.4GHz Wireless Laser Mouse
M/N:                         SM-507AGL
Operating Condition:         Continuous transmitting
Test Site:                   3m CHAMBER
Operator:                    Chen
Test Specification:          DC 1.5V
Comment:                     Polarization: Horizontal
                             Tem:25℃ Hum:50%

Report No.: BCT12LR407E            Page 20 of 27              FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

The worst Spurious Emission Data Below 1GHz Channel Middle:

EUT:                         2.4GHz Wireless Laser Mouse
M/N:                         SM-507AGL
Operating Condition:         Continuous transmitting
Test Site:                   3m CHAMBER
Operator:                    Chen
Test Specification:          DC 1.5V
Comment:                     Polarization: Vertical
                             Tem:25℃ Hum:50%

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The worst Spurious Emission Data Below 1GHz Channel High:

EUT:                         2.4GHz Wireless Laser Mouse
M/N:                         SM-507AGL
Operating Condition:         Continuous transmitting
Test Site:                   3m CHAMBER
Operator:                    Chen
Test Specification:          DC 1.5V
Comment:                     Polarization: Horizontal
                             Tem:25℃ Hum:50%

Report No.: BCT12LR407E            Page 22 of 27            FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

The worst Spurious Emission Data Below 1GHz Channel High:

EUT:                         2.4GHz Wireless Laser Mouse
M/N:                         SM-507AGL
Operating Condition:         Continuous transmitting
Test Site:                   3m CHAMBER
Operator:                    Chen
Test Specification:          DC 1.5V
Comment:                     Polarization: Vertical
                             Tem:25℃ Hum:50%

Report No.: BCT12LR407E            Page 23 of 27            FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

The worst Spurious Emission Data above 1GHz Channel Low
                                         Channel Low(2408MHz)
 Frequency                        Polarity and Level                      Limit        Margin
   (MHz)                              Reading                   Result   (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)
                          Height                                                                   Mark
               Polarity    (m)          dBµV          Transd    dBµV/m                            (P/Q/A)
                                        98.85           -6.5    92.35      114         -21.65       P
    2408           H        1           85.08          -6.49    78.59      94          -15.41       A
                                        93.54           -6.5    87.04      114         -26.96       P
    2408           V        1           86.21          -7.22    78.99      94          -15.01       A
                                        49.08          -5.52    43.56      74          -30.44       P
    2680           H        1           39.15          -7.06    32.09      54          -21.91       A
                                        47.36          -4.26     43.1      74           -30.9       P
    2995           V        1           38.25          -7.34    30.91      54          -23.09       A
                                        47.29          -4.03    43.26      74          -30.74       P
    3340           H        1           38.85           2.45     41.3      54           -12.7       A
                                        46.46          -2.87    43.59      74          -30.41       P
    3655           V        1           37.62           2.33    39.95      54          -14.05       A
                                        46.43           -2.5    43.93      74          -30.07       P
    3850           H        1           37.54           2.06     39.6      54           -14.4       A
                                        46.12          -1.89    44.23      74          -29.77       P
    4135           V        1           37.43           3.06    40.49      54          -13.51       A
                                        46.01           1.39     47.4      74           -26.6       P
    5065           H        1           37.15           5.72    42.87      54          -11.13       A
                                        46.5            0.8      47.3      74           -26.7       P
    4885           V        1           37.88           5.45    43.33      54          -10.67       A
                                        44.76           2.8     47.56      74          -26.44        P
    5815           H        1           36.52           7.06    43.58      54          -10.42       A
                                        45.36           2.83    48.19      74          -25.81       P
    7225           V        1           36.02           7.34    43.36      54          -10.64       A
 15247.28         ----     ----          ----           ----     ----      ----          ----       ----
 25355.34         ----     ----          ----           ----     ----      ----          ----       ----
 Remark: 1. Transd.=Antenna Factor+Cable Loss-Pre-amplifier
            Margin = Level-Limit
            Mark: P means Peak Value, Q means Quasi Peak Value, A means Average Value
             2. Data of measurement within this frequency range shown “ -” in the table above
 means the reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or
 the field strength is too small to be measured.
             3. Spectrum analyzer setting P(Peak): RBW=1MHz, VBW=1MHz, A(Average):
 RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz.
             4. The test limit distance is 3m limit

Report No.: BCT12LR407E                         Page 24 of 27                       FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

The worst Spurious Emission Data above 1GHz Channel Middle
                                       Channel Middle(2440MHz)
 Frequency                        Polarity and Level                      Limit        Margin
   (MHz)                              Reading                   Result   (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)
                          Height                                                                   Mark
               Polarity    (m)          dBµV          Transd    dBµV/m                            (P/Q/A)
                                        97.3           -6.39    90.91      114         -23.09       P
    2440           H        1           88.21          -6.63    81.58      94          -12.42       A
                                        93.06          -6.39    86.67      114         -27.33       P
    2440           V        1           89.54          -7.88    81.66      94          -12.34       A
                                        46.45          -3.11    43.34      74          -30.66       P
    3580           H        1           38.62          -7.54    31.08      54          -22.92       A
                                        47.42          -4.07    43.35      74          -30.65       P
    3235           V        1           39.03          -7.49    31.54      54          -22.46       A
                                        45.89          -1.37    44.52      74          -29.48       P
    4255           H        1           37.42           2.58      40       54           -14         A
                                        46.57          -1.67     44.9      74           -29.1       P
    4180           V        1           38.28           2.05    40.33      54          -13.67       A
                                        46.4             0       46.4      74           -27.6       P
    4705           H        1           38.83           2.42    41.25      54          -12.75       A
                                        45.81           0.19      46       74           -28         P
    4750           V        1           37.57           3.44    41.01      54          -12.99       A
                                        45.52           1.52    47.04      74          -26.96       P
    5170           H        1           37.33           5.06    42.39      54          -11.61       A
                                        45.33           1.73    47.06      74          -26.94       P
    5500           V        1           37.76           6.19    43.95      54          -10.05       A
                                        45.95           2.59    48.54      74          -25.46       P
    5755           H        1           37.41           6.28    43.69      54          -10.31       A
                            1           45.47           4.09    49.56      74          -24.44       P
    6340           V                    37.43           6.24    43.67      54          -10.33       A
 15250.08         ----     ----          ----           ----     ----      ----          ----       ----
 25358.28         ----     ----          ----           ----     ----      ----          ----       ----
 Remark: 1. Transd.=Antenna Factor+Cable Loss-Pre-amplifier
            Margin = Level-Limit
            Mark: P means Peak Value, Q means Quasi Peak Value, A means Average Value
             2. Data of measurement within this frequency range shown “ -” in the table above
 means the reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or
 the field strength is too small to be measured.
             3. Spectrum analyzer setting P(Peak): RBW=1MHz, VBW=1MHz, A(Average):
 RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz.
             4. The test limit distance is 3m limit

Report No.: BCT12LR407E                         Page 25 of 27                       FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

The worst Spurious Emission Data above 1GHz Channel High
                                        Channel High(2474MHz)
 Frequency                        Polarity and Level                      Limit        Margin
   (MHz)                              Reading                   Result   (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)
                          Height                                                                   Mark
               Polarity    (m)          dBµV          Transd    dBµV/m                            (P/Q/A)
                                        96.28          -6.29    89.99      114         -24.01       P
    2474           H        1           88.45          -6.07    82.38      94          -11.62       A
                                        93.5           -6.29    87.21      114         -26.79       P
    2474           V        1           89.25          -7.06    82.19      94          -11.81       A
                                        48.66          -4.44    44.22      74          -29.78       P
    2950           H        1           39.39          -7.29     32.1      54           -21.9       A
                                        46.6           -2.71    43.89      74          -30.11       P
    3715           V        1           37.21          -7.05    30.16      54          -23.84       A
                                        47.22          -2.98    44.24      74          -29.76       P
    3610           H        1           38.39           2.37    40.76      54          -13.24       A
                                        45.99          -1.31    44.68      74          -29.32       P
    4270           V        1           36.09           2.14    38.23      54          -15.77       A
                                        46.35          -0.86    45.49      74          -28.51       P
    4390           H        1           37.63           2.36    39.99      54          -14.01       A
                                        46.05           0.8     46.85      74          -27.15        P
    4885           V        1           37.28           4.08    41.36      54          -12.64       A
                                        45.9            1.38    47.28      74          -26.72       P
    5050           H        1           36.09           5.24    41.33      54          -12.67       A
                                        45.67           1.54    47.21      74          -26.79       P
    5245           V        1           36.28           6.03    42.31      54          -11.69       A
                                        45.22           3.3     48.52      74          -25.48        P
    6070           H        1           36.03           7.44    43.47      54          -10.53       A
                            1           46.03           3.21    49.24      74          -24.76       P
    6040           V                    36.21           7.03    43.24      54          -10.76       A
 15252.74         ----     ----          ----           ----     ----      ----          ----       ----
 25360.17         ----     ----          ----           ----     ----      ----          ----       ----
 Remark: 1. Transd.=Antenna Factor+Cable Loss-Pre-amplifier
            Margin = Level-Limit
            Mark: P means Peak Value, Q means Quasi Peak Value, A means Average Value
             2. Data of measurement within this frequency range shown “ -” in the table above
 means the reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or
 the field strength is too small to be measured.
             3. Spectrum analyzer setting P(Peak): RBW=1MHz, VBW=1MHz, A(Average):
 RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz.
             4. The test limit distance is 3m limit

Report No.: BCT12LR407E                         Page 26 of 27                       FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

  7.1 Standard Applicable

  Section 15.203:

  An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
  responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of
  an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to
  comply with the provisions of this Section. The manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken
  antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector
  is prohibited.

  7.2 Antenna Connected Construction

  The antenna connector is designed with permanent attachment and no consideration of

Report No.: BCT12LR407E                  Page 27 of 27                       FCC ID: WOXSMK-78507GLMN

Document Created: 2013-03-12 12:06:05
Document Modified: 2013-03-12 12:06:05

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