Test Report


Test Report

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684 West Maude Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Tel. (650) 988-0900 Fax (650) 988-6647

              EMI Test Report

              On Model Name: WLAN 11n Mini Router
              Model Number: WA-6202
              Broad Name: CC&C
              Trade Mark: CC&C
              FCC ID:     WKLWA6202

              Prepared for CC&C Technologies, Inc.

              According to FCC Part 15 B, Class B

              Test Report #:                CCC-0809-8062-FCC
              Prepared by:                  Chris Huang
              Reviewed by:                  Harry Zhao
              QC Manager:                   Paul Chen

              Test Report Released by:                          2008, September 25
                                            ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯          ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
                                                Paul Chen          Date

Test Location

Tests performed in a Certified ANSI Semi-Anechoic
Chamber and Shielded Room performed testing.

Test Site Location:          ECMG Worldwide Certification
                            Solution, Inc. (China)
                             Building 2, 1298 Lian Xi Road,
                             Pu Dong New Area, Shanghai,
                             P.R. China 201204

Tel:                        86-21-51909300
Fax:                        86-21-51909333

FCC Registration Number: 172634

Accreditation Bodies

The report is prepared by ECMG Worldwide Certification
Solution, Inc., which is a fully accredited Test Laboratory
for ITE, ISM and Telecommunications Products.

          Table of Contents

GOVERNMENT DISCLAIMER NOTICE __________________________ 1

REPRODUCTION CLAUSE _____________________________________ 1

ADMINISTRATIVE DATA ______________________________________ 2

EUT DESCRIPTION ___________________________________________ 2

TEST SUMMARY ______________________________________________ 3

TEST MODE JUSTIFICATION __________________________________ 4

EUT EXERCISE SOFTWARE ____________________________________ 4

EQUIPMENT MODIFICATION __________________________________ 4

TEST SYSTEM DETAILS _______________________________________ 5

CONFIGURATION OF TESTED SYSTEM ________________________ 7



          Government Disclaimer Notice

          When government drawing, specification, or other data are used
          for any purpose other than in connection with a definitely
          related government procurement operation, the United States
          Government thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation
          whatsoever; and the fact that the Government may have
          formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawing,
          specifications, or other data, is not to be regarded by
          implication or otherwise in any manner licensing the holder or
          any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or
          permission to manufacture, use, or sell patented invention that
          may in any way be related thereto. This report must not be used
          to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the
          U.S. Government.

          Reproduction Clause

          Any reproduction of this document must be done in full. No
          single part of this document may be reproduced without
          permission from ECMG Worldwide Certification Solution, Inc.,
          684 West Maude Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085.

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Prepared for CC&C Technologies, Inc.
Prepared by ECMG Worldwide Certification Solution, Inc.       Page 1 of 17

          Administrative Data

          Test Sample        : WLAN 11n Mini Router

          Model Number : WA-6202

          Trade Mark         : CC&C

          Serial Number : Engineering Sample

          Date Tested        : 2008, September 23rd

           Applicant         : CC&C Technologies, Inc.
                             No.9 Building, 3rd Main Street, Kunshan Express
                              Processing Zone, Jiangsu, P.R.China

          Telephone          : 86-21-51186310

          Fax                : 86-21-51186311

         Manufacturer       : CC&C Technologies, Inc.

                           No.9 Building, 3rd Main Street, Kunshan Express
                             Processing Zone, Jiangsu, P.R.China

          EUT Description

          CC&C Technologies, Inc., model WA-6202 (referred to as the EUT
          in this report) is a router.

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           Test Summary

           The Electromagnetic Compatibility requirements on model WA-
           6202 for this test are stated below. All results listed in this
           report relate exclusively to this above-mentioned model as the
           Equipment under Test. This report confers no approval or
           endorsement upon any other component, host or subsystem
           used in the test set-up.

                                        Emission Tests

       Specifications   Description          Test Results         Test Point        Remark

     FCC Part 15.107    Conducted     For Communicating Mode:    AC Input        Attachment 1
     (150kHz –          Emission                                 Port
                                      Passed by 9.14 dB of QP
                                      Passed by 6.88 dB of AVE

     FCC Part 15.109    Radiated      For Communicating Mode:    Enclosure       Attachment 2
     (30MHz –           Emission
                                      Passed by 2.85 dB of QP

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          Test Mode Justification

          This device complies with Part 15 Class B of the FCC rules. The
          system was tested in the program mode and update Mode.

          In communicating mode: One PC pings another PC through EUT.

          EUT Exercise Software

          When playing communicating mode, an executive program,
          under WINXP, ”ping” was used to update the EUT.

          Equipment Modification

          Any modifications installed previous to testing by CC&C
          Technologies, Inc. will be incorporated in each production model
          sold or leased in United States.

          There were no modifications installed by ECMG Worldwide
          Certification Solution, Inc (China) test personnel.

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             Test System Details


    Model Name:                    WA-6202

    Description:                   WLAN 11n Mini Router

    Manufacturer:                  CC&C Technologies, Inc.

    Input Voltage:                 120V ~ 60Hz

                                    EUT Power Supply

    Model Name:                    AC Adapter

    Model Number:                  SMP012-1120

    Serial Number:                 N/A

    Input:                         100-120V, 50/60Hz,

    Output:                        12V DC, 1A

    Manufacturer:                  Senwin

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                                         Support Equipment

    Description         Model Number           Serial Number       Manufacturer    Power Cable

          PC#1            OPTIPLEX 330            HBSF92X              DELL

                                               CN0WR97964180                          1.8m
        Monitor               E178FPC                                  DELL
                                                  7CA7L4C                           unshielded

       Keyboard                 L100                                   DELL              N/A

         Mouse                MOC5UO              G1D02BPQ             DELL              N/A

    Printer converter           45CV               961217          INTEL LIGENT          N/A

     Remote control
                               IT-251B               N/A               N/A               N/A

       Notebook                PP2040          6060A0039803          COMPAQ

                                          Cable Description

    Description         From             To             Length          Shielded   Ferrite
                                                        (Meters)        (Y/N)      Loaded

    Ethernet Cable      EUT              PC             2.0             N          N

    VGA Cable           Monitor          PC             1.5             Y          Y (x2)

    Keyboard Cable      Keyboard         PC             1.8             N          N

    Mouse Cable         Mouse            PC             1.8             N          N

    Serial Cable        Control box      PC             1.2m            N          N

    Power Cable         Adapter          EUT            1.2m            N          YX1

    Parallel Cable      Converter        PC             0.5m            N          N

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          Configuration of Tested System

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CLIENT:                CC&C Technologies, Inc.           TEST REFERENCE:            FCC Part 15B, Class B

MODEL NUMBER:          WA-6202                           PRODUCT:                   WLAN 11n Mini Router

SERIAL NO.:            Engineering Sample                EUT DESIGNATION:           ITE equipment

TEMPERATURE:           23°C                              HUMIDITY:                  60%

ATM PRESSURE:          101.8Pa                           GROUNDING:                 None

TESTED BY:             Cloud Feng                        DATE OF TEST:              2008, September 23

SETUP METHOD:          ANSI C63.4-2003

TEST PROCEDURE:        a. The EUT was placed 0.4 meter from the conducting wall of the shielding room was
                       kept at least 80 centimeters from any other grounded conducting surface.

                       b. Connect EUT to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization

                       c. The LISN provides 50ohm coupling impedance for the measuring instrument

                       d. Both sides of AC line were checked for maximum conduced interference.

                       e. The frequency range from 150KHz to 30MHz was searched..

                       f. Set the test-receiver system to Peak Detect Function and Specified bandwidth.

                       g. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 20 dB lower than the specified,
                       then testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT will be reported, otherwise, the
                       emissions will be tested using the quasi-peak method in about six maximal points and
                       the results will be reported.

TESTED RANGE:          150kHz to 30MHz

TEST VOLTAGE:          120VAC/60Hz

RESULTS:               The EUT meets the requirements of test reference for Conducted Emissions on line L
                       by 9.14 dB of Quasi-Peak detector and on line N by 6.88 dB of Average detector.

                       The test results relate only to the equipment under test provided by client.

CHANGES OR             There were no modifications installed by ECMG Worldwide Certification Solution, Inc
MODIFICATIONS:         (China) test personnel.

                       Freq. ± 2x10 x Center Freq., Amp ± 2.6 dB

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                       Line L Conducted Emission Graph

                      Line N Conducted Emission Graph

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                                          Line L (Hot Lead)
 Signal    Frequency     Corrected       Limits      Margin     Frequency       Corrected     Limits        Margin
             (MHz)       QP Level         QP           QP         (MHz)          AVE           AVE           AVE
                          (dBuV)        (dBuV)                                 Level
                                                      (dB)                                    (dBuV)          (dB)

   1         0.507         46.48         56.00        -9.52        0.507         38.54        46.00         -7.46

   2         1.024         46.57         56.00        -9.43        1.024         37.95        46.00         -8.05

   3         1.317         46.86         56.00        -9.14        1.317         38.12        46.00         -7.88

   4         1.809         46.38         56.00        -9.62        1.809         37.67        46.00         -8.33

   5         2.149         45.23         56.00       -10.77        2.149         35.93        46.00         -10.07

   6         9.992         40.40         60.00       -19.60        9.992         33.56        50.00         -16.44

                                       Line N (Neutral Lead)
 Signal    Frequency      Corrected      Limits      Margin     Frequency      Corrected      Limits        Margin
             (MHz)        QP Level         QP          QP         (MHz)        AVE Level       AVE           AVE
                           (dBuV)        (dBuV)       (dB)                      (dBuV)        (dBuV)         (dB)

   1         0.165          50.15        65.22       -15.07        0.165         41.23        55.22         -13.99

   2         0.328          49.10        59.51       -10.41        0.328         40.23        49.51         -9.28

   3         0.488          44.25        56.21       -11.96        0.488         37.49        46.21         -8.72

   4         1.153          44.01        56.00       -11.99        1.153         37.20        46.00         -8.80

   5         1.809          46.68        56.00        -9.32        1.809         39.12        46.00         -6.88

   6         8.869          37.81        60.00       -22.19        8.869         32.73        50.00         -17.27

 Note: All readings are using a bandwidth of 9 kHz, with a 30 ms sweep time. A video filter was not used.

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 Test Equipment        Manufacturer        Model           Serial No.       Last Cal.         Cal. Due Date

   EMI Receiver              HP            85462A         3650A00363         11/29/07             11/28/08

        LISN                 R&S           ESH3-Z5        844249/018         12/04/07             12/03/08

Note: All testing were performed using internationally recognized standards. All test instruments were calibrated.

 SIGNED BY:                                                REVIEWED BY:
               ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯                                                 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
                   ENGINEER                                                        SENIOR ENGINEER

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                           Model Number: WA-6202

                  Conducted Emission Test Set-up View

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 CLIENT:              CC&C Technologies, Inc.            TEST REFERENCE:           FCC Part 15 B, Class B

 MODEL NUMBER:        WA-6202                            PRODUCT:                  WLAN 11n Mini Router

 SERIAL NO.:          Engineering Sample                 EUT DESIGNATION:          ITE equipment

 TEMPERATURE:         21°C                               HUMIDITY:                 60%

 ATM PRESSURE:        102.1Pa                            GROUNDING:                None

 TESTED BY:           Cloud Feng                         DATE OF TEST:             2008, September 23

 SETUP METHOD:        ANSI C63.4-2003
 TEST PROCEDURE:      a. The EUT was placed on a rotatable table with 0.8 meters above ground.
                      b. The EUT was set 3 meters from the interference-receiving antenna, which was
                      mounted on the top of a variable height antenna tower.
                      c. For each suspected emission the EUT was arranged to its worst case and turn
                      table (from 0 degree to 360 degree) to find the maximum reading.
                      d. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 20 dB lower than the specified,
                      then testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT will be reported, otherwise, the
                      emissions will be tested using the quasi-peak method in about six maximal points
                      and the results will be reported.
                      Explanation of the Correction Factor are given as follows:
                      FS= RA + AF + CF - AG
                      Where: FS = Field Strength
                      RA = Receiver Amplitude
                      AF = Antenna Factor
                      CF = Cable Attenuation Factor
                      AG = Amplifier Gain
 TESTED RANGE:        30MHz to 1000MHz
 TEST VOLTAGE:        120VAC / 60Hz

                      The EUT meets the requirements of test reference for Radiated Emissions on
 RESULTS:             vertical polarization by 2.85 dB at 500.02 MHz.
                      The test results relate only to the equipment under test provided by client.

 CHANGES OR           There were no modifications installed by ECMG Worldwide Certification Solution, Inc
 MODIFICATIONS:       (China) test personnel.

                      Freq. ± 2x10 x Center Freq., Amp ± 2.6 dB

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    Field strength Emission Plot (Peak, Max Hold Mode Horizontal)

      Field strength Emission Plot (Peak, Max Hold Mode Vertical)

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                                         Corrected    3 Meter                    Angle of
           Frequency                                                                           Height of
 Signal                 Factor (dB)      QP Level      Limits     Margin (dB)     Turner
             (MHz)                                                                            Tower (cm)
                                         dB(uV/m)    dB(uV/m)                    (degree)

   1         39.47         14.22          29.27       40.00         -10.73         293          193

   2        500.03         20.10          36.80       46.00          -9.20         354          100

   3        626.55         21.30          32.81       46.00         -13.19          28          139

   4        750.23         23.40          35.40       46.00         -10.60         148          113

   5        800.28         24.10          38.68       46.00          -7.32         104          120

   6        876.33         24.86          34.83       46.00         -11.17          83          126

                                         Corrected    3 Meter                    Angle of
           Frequency                                                                           Height of
 Signal                 Factor (dB)      QP Level      Limits     Margin (dB)     Turner
             (MHz)                                                                            Tower (cm)
                                         dB(uV/m)    dB(uV/m)                    (degree)

   1         39.55         14.25          34.65       40.00          -5.35         345          104

   2        271.25         14.98          30.26       46.00         -15.74         102          100

   3        500.02         20.10          43.15       46.00          -2.85          38          121

   4        750.23         23.40          38.67       46.00          -7.33         235          100

   5        801.04         24.11          37.63       46.00          -8.37         184          105

   6        876.33         24.86          36.57       46.00          -9.43         193          115

 Set-up/Configuration: ANSI C63.4-2003

 Comments: None

 Note: All readings are quasi-peak unless stated otherwise, using a QPA bandwidth of 120kHz, with a 30 ms
 sweep time. A video filter was not used.

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    Test Equipment         Manufacturer          Model           Serial No.     Last Cal.     Cal. Due Date

      EMI Receiver                HP             85462A         3650A00363       11/29/07        11/28/08

   Broadband Antenna            Sunol              JB5            A110503        11/29/07        11/28/08

 Note: All testing were performed using internationally recognized standards. All test instruments were

  SIGNED BY:                                             REVIEWED BY:
                ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯                                             ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
                         ENGINEER                                               SENIOR ENGINNER

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                           Model Number: WA-6202

                      Radiated Emission Test Set-Up View

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Document Created: 2008-09-26 11:25:18
Document Modified: 2008-09-26 11:25:18

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