Test Report


Test Report

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Product Safety Engineering, Inc
12955 Bellamy Brothers Blvd.
Dade City, FL 33525

                                            TEST REPORT


                                             The Nielsen Company
                                            501 Brooker Creek Blvd.
                                              Oldsmar, FL 34677


                                           Models - 1771, 1772, 1773
                                           In Store Tracking System

                                                       Test dates:

                                             06/19/2008 - 06/25/2008

                                                     Receive Date:

                          Prepared by: Steven E. Hoke - EMC Site Manager

          This report may only be reproduced in full without written permission from Product Safety Engineering, Inc.

The Nielsen Company                                      FCC ID: WHR001                                            Page 1 of 18

                                     Table of Contents

Page 2         Table of contents

Page 3-4       Test procedures

Page 5         Equipment Calibration

Page 6-8       Minimum Bandwidth Test Data

Page 9-11      Peak Power Spectral Density Test Data

Page 12        Output Power Test Data

Page 13        Radiated Spurious Emissions Test Data / Bandedge
Page 14-17     AC Powerline Conducted Emissions Test Data

Page 18        RF Exposure - Power Density Compliance Calculation

                                   Test Results Summary

              Test                     Requirement             Measured        Pass/Fail
 Minimum 6 dB Bandwidth                 > 500 kHz                 1.6 MHz        Pass
   Power Spectral Density           < 8 dBm / 3 kHz               -5.4 dBm       Pass
          Output Power                   < 1 watt             0.0027 watts       Pass
     Spurious Emissions             =>20 dB down               > 30 down         Pass
    Powerline Conducted                Limit Table           20.0 dB margin      Pass
          RF Exposure                1.0 mW / cm2        0.00054 mW / cm2        Pass
            Bandedge                =>20 dB down               > 20 down         Pass

The Nielsen Company                         FCC ID: WHR001                    Page 2 of 18

                                      Test Procedures
Product description: The system under test provides consumer data to a store
operator regarding the movement of each shopping cart within the retail outlet. The
received data is achieved with internal direct sequence spread spectrum transceivers
operating in the 2.4 GHz frequency band.

Powerline conducted interference: 15.207 (a) The AC powerline conducted
emissions measurements were made in accordance with ANSI C64.3 2003.

Power Output: 15.247 (b)(3) The peak output power was measured with the EUT set
to low, medium and high transmit frequencies. The EUT was transmitting at its
maximum output power. The measurements were made using the alternate field
strength method described in FCC publication “Measurements of Digital Transmissions
Systems Operating Under Section 15.247, issued March 23, 2005".

If antenna conducted tests cannot be performed on this device, radiated tests to show
compliance with the various conducted requirements of Section 15.247 are acceptable.
As stated previously, a pre-amp must be used in making the following measurements.

1. Calculate the transmitter's peak power using the following equation:
Where: E = the measured maximum field strength in V/m.

Set the RBW > 6dB bandwidth of the emission or use a peak power meter.

P = (E x d) squared / (30 x G)
G = the numeric gain of the transmitting antenna over an isotropic radiator.
d = the distance in meters from which the field strength was measured.
P = the power in watts for which you are solving:
Power Spectral Density: 15.247 (e) The peak power spectral density measurements
were measured with the EUT set to low, medium and high transmit frequencies. The
data rate of the radio was varied to determine the level that produced the worst case.
The measurements were made using the alternate field strength method described in
FCC publication “Measurements of Digital Transmissions Systems Operating Under
Section 15.247, issued March 23, 2005".
The power spectral density was measured as follows:
A. Tune the analyzer to the highest point of the maximized fundamental emission.
Reset the analyzer to a RBW = 3 kHz, VBW > RBW, span = 300 kHz, sweep =

B. From the peak level obtained in (A), derive the field strength, E, by applying the
appropriate antenna factor, cable loss, pre-amp gain, etc. Using the equation
listed in (1), calculate a power level for comparison to the + 8 dBm limit.

Minimum Bandwidth: 15.247 (a)(2) The minimum 6 dB bandwidth shall be at least
500 kHz. The RBW was set to (100) kHz and the VBW was set to (300) kHz. The (6)
dB down points were then measured.

The Nielsen Company                          FCC ID: WHR001                             Page 3 of 18

Radiated Spurious Emissions: 15.247 (d) The radiated spurious emissions
measurements were measured with the EUT set to low, medium and high transmit
frequencies. The measurements were made using our open area test site. All
emissions up to 25 Ghz were investigated and those falling into restricted bands were
measured for compliance.

Band Edge: The Spurious RF conducted emissions at the edges of the authorized band were
measured with the EUT set to low and high transmit frequencies. The data rate of the radio
was (250) kbps. The measurements were made using our open area test site. The channels
closest to the band edges were selected. The spectrum was scanned across each band edge
from 25 MHz below the band edge to 25 MHz above the band edge.

The Nielsen Company                      FCC ID: WHR001                      Page 4 of 18


Manufacturer        Model       Description               Serial Number    Cal Due

Hewlett Packard     8566B       Spectrum Analyzer         2421A00526       07/13/08
Hewlett Packard     85662A      Display                   2403A07352       07/13/08
Hewlett Packard     85650A      Quasi-Peak Adapter        2043A00209       07/13/08
Hewlett Packard     8447D       Preamp 0.1 - 1,000 MHz    2944A06832       12/18/08
Hewlett Packard     8568B       Spectrum Analyzer         2407A03213
Hewlett Packard     85662A      Display                   2340A05806
Hewlett Packard     85650A      Quasi-Peak Adapter        2043A00358
Hewlett Packard     8447D       Preamp 0.1 - 1,000 MHz    2944A06901
Hewlett Packard     8447D       Preamp 0.1 - 1,000 MHz    1937A03247
Hewlett Packard     8449B       Preamp 1 - 26.5 GHz       3008A00320       08/09/08
Hewlett Packard     8648B       Signal Generator          3443U00312
Hewlett Packard     8672A       Signal Generator          2211A02426
Eaton               96005       Log Periodic Antenna      1099
Electro-Metrics     LPA 30      Log Periodic Antenna      2280
Electro-Metrics     BIA 30      Biconical Antenna         3852
Electro-Metrics     BIA 25      Biconical Antenna         4283
Electro-Mechanics   3115        Double Ridge Guide Ant.   3810             01/16/10
Electro-Metrics     ALR30M      Magnetic Loop Antenna     824
Solar               8012        LISN                      924840
Solar               8028        LISN                      829012/809022    05/02/09
Solar               8028        LISN                      903725/903726
Agilent             E7402A      Absorbing Clamp           US39150137
Leader              EMC-30      Function Generator        8060233
Electro-Metrics     ALA-130/A   EMI Receiver              191              06/01/09
Antenna Research    63-867      Loop Antenna              106
Radio Shack         63-867A     Temp/Hygrometer           N/A
Radio Shack                     Temp/Hygrometer           N/A

The Nielsen Company                     FCC ID: WHR001                    Page 5 of 18

Test: Minimum Bandwidth per 15.247(a)(2)
Date: 06/25/08
Requirement: The (6) dB bandwidth must be at least (500) kHz
RBW: (100) kHz
VBW: (300) kHz
Channel: 1

The Nielsen Company                       FCC ID: WHR001       Page 6 of 18

Test: Minimum Bandwidth per 15.247(a)(2)
Date: 06/25/08
Requirement: The (6) dB bandwidth must be at least (500) kHz
RBW: (100) kHz
VBW: (300) kHz
Channel: 6

The Nielsen Company                       FCC ID: WHR001       Page 7 of 18

Test: Minimum Bandwidth per 15.247(a)(2)
Date: 06/25/08
Requirement: The (6) dB bandwidth must be at least (500) kHz
RBW: (100) kHz
VBW: (300) kHz
Channel: 11

The Nielsen Company                       FCC ID: WHR001       Page 8 of 18

Test: Power Spectral Density per 15.247(e)
Date: 06/25/08
Requirement: The peak power spectral density conducted from the antenna port of a direct
sequence transmitter must not be greater than (+8) dBm in any (3) kHz band during any time
interval of continuous transmission.
RBW: (3) kHz
VBW: (10) kHz
Channel: 1

Peak Power Spectral Density = (82.5 dBuV = 89.2 dBuV/m) = 28,840 uV/m = 0.029 E/m
P=(E*d)^2 / (30 *G)
P = (0.029 *3)^2 / (30)
P = 0.25 mW
P = 0.25 mW = -6.02 dBm / 3 kHz

The Nielsen Company                        FCC ID: WHR001                         Page 9 of 18

Test: Power Spectral Density per 15.247(e)
Date: 06/25/08
Requirement: The peak power spectral density conducted from the antenna port of a direct
sequencr transmitter must not be greater than (+8) dBm in any (3) kHz band during any time
interval of continuous transmission.
RBW: (3) kHz
VBW: (10) kHz
Channel: 6

Peak Power Spectral Density = (81.4 dBuv + 2 dB cable loss - 107) = -23.6 dBm / 3 kHz
Peak Power Spectral Density = (81.4 dBuV = 88.1 dBuV/m) = 25,409 uV/m = 0.025 E/m
P=(E*d)^2 / (30 *G)
P = (0.025 *3)^2 / (30)
P = 0.19 mW
P = 0.19 mW = -7.2 dBm / 3 kHz

The Nielsen Company                        FCC ID: WHR001                        Page 10 of 18

Test: Power Spectral Density per 15.247(e)
Date: 06/25/08
Requirement: The peak power spectral density conducted from the antenna port of a direct
sequencr transmitter must not be greater than (+8) dBm in any (3) kHz band during any time
interval of continuous transmission.
RBW: (3) kHz
VBW: (10) kHz
Channel: 11

Peak Power Spectral Density = (83.0 dBuV + 2 dB cable loss -107) = -22.0 dBm / 3 kHz
Peak Power Spectral Density = (83.0 dBuV = 89.7 dBuV/m) = 30,550 uV/m = 0.031 E/m
P=(E*d)^2 / (30 *G)
P = (0.031 *3)^2 / (30)
P = 0.29 mW
P = 0.29 mW = -5.37 dBm / 3 kHz

The Nielsen Company                        FCC ID: WHR001                        Page 11 of 18

Test: Output Power per 15.247(b)(3)
Date: 06/24/08
Requirement: The maximum peak output power must not exceed 1 watt.
RBW: (1) MHz
VBW: (3) MHz
Channel: See Table
Peak Output Power = (2.7) mW

 Channel     Level     ACF    Cable   Preamp     Adj.      E/m       Watts
             dBuV             Loss     Gain     Level                mW
    1         92.9     28.6    2.1     24.0     99.6       0.095      2.7
    6         91.8     28.6    2.1     24.0     98.5       0.084      2.1
   11         90.9     28.6    2.1     24.0     97.6       0.076     1.7

P=(E*D)^2 / (30 * G)
P = watts
E = volts per meter
D = distance in meters
G = transmit antenna numeric gain

P=(0.095 * 3)^2 / (30 *1)
P=(0.285)^2 / 30
P=(0.0812) / 30
P= 0.002708 watts

The Nielsen Company                       FCC ID: WHR001                    Page 12 of 18

Test: Radiated Spurious Emissions per 15.247(d)
Date: 06/24/08
Requirement: In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the authorized band, the maximum level of
radio frequency power must be at least 20 dB down from the highest emissions level within the
authorized band.

RBW: (100) kHz
VBW: (300) kHz
Channel: 1, 6, & 11

Maximum Conducted Spurious Emissions = Greater than (30) dB down
Test: Bandedge Emissions

The Nielsen Company                        FCC ID: WHR001                        Page 13 of 18

Test: AC powerline Conducted Emissions per15.207
Date: 10/19/2005
Requirement: If the EUT is connected to the AC power, it must meet the limits set forth from
(150) kHz to (30) MHz.
RBW: (9) kHz
VBW: (10) kHz
Channel: 1,6,11 (worst case shown below)
Detector: Quasi-Peak
Line Side: QP Margin = Greater than (20) dB throughout frequency range

The Nielsen Company                        FCC ID: WHR001                         Page 14 of 18

FCC ID: WHR001   Page 15 of 18

Test: AC powerline Conducted Emissions per15.207
Date: 06/25/08
Requirement: If the EUT is connected to the AC power, it must meet the limits set forth from
(150) kHz to (30) MHz.

RBW: (9) kHz
VBW: (10) kHz
Channel: 1,6,11 (worst case shown)
Detector: Quasi-Peak
Neutral Side: QP Margin is greater than (20) dB throughout frequency range

The Nielsen Company                        FCC ID: WHR001                         Page 16 of 18

FCC ID: WHR001   Page 17 of 18

RF Exposure - Power Density Compliance Calculation

15.247(I) - Systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated in a manner
that ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy levels in excess of the
Commission's guidelines.

Compliance is based upon section CFR 47 section 1.1310, Table (1) Limits for Maximum
Permissible Exposure (MPE), (b) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure. The
stated limit is (1.0) mW/cm2 and compliance was calculated using the following formula:

                                           S=(P G) / ( 4 B r2)


S = Power density in mW/cm2
P = Power in mW
G = Numerical antenna gain
r = Distance in cm

Maximum output power = (2.7) mW
Antenna gain (numeric) = 1.0 dB
Distance = 20 cm

         S = (2.7 * 1.0) / (12.57 * 400)
         S= (2.7) / (5,028)

         S= (0.00054) mW / cm2

Limit = (1.0) mW / cm2

The Nielsen Company                             FCC ID: WHR001                     Page 18 of 18

Document Created: 2009-01-08 10:57:53
Document Modified: 2009-01-08 10:57:53

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