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Users Manual

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AUTHENTICATION                                                     Installation Instructions
PREPARED BY                     DATE                                for In-Store Tracking
Fred Martensen                  08/07/2008               SHEET            NMR#
Rafael Alonso
Lore Eargle                                              1 of 24          403-2338-018

                     Copyright © 2008. The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved.

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                                                                                                     Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

1.   Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
     1.1.       Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 1
     1.2.       Background................................................................................................................................ 2
     1.3.       Description................................................................................................................................. 3
2.   Related Documents .............................................................................................................................. 4
3.   Operational Specifications .................................................................................................................... 5
     3.1.       Shelf Transmitter Module .......................................................................................................... 5
     3.2.       Shelf Receiver Module .............................................................................................................. 5
     3.3.       Cart Module ............................................................................................................................... 6
     3.4.       Checkout/Repeater Module....................................................................................................... 6
4.   Required Parts and Tools ..................................................................................................................... 7
                Tools Required for Installation................................................................................................... 7
5.   FCC....................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.   Installation Procedures ......................................................................................................................... 9
     6.1.       Installing the Shelf Transmitter Module: .................................................................................... 9
     6.2.       Installing the Shelf Receiver Module with Battery/Communications Pack .............................. 12
     6.3.       Installing the Cart Module........................................................................................................ 14
     6.4.       Installing the Checkout/Repeater Module ............................................................................... 16
7.   Verification Test .................................................................................................................................. 17
     7.1.       Required Parts......................................................................................................................... 17
     7.2.       Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................ 17
8.   Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................. 18

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Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

List of Figures
Figure 1. Module Interactions ....................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2. Zone Layout 1 ................................................................................................................................ 3
Figure 3. Shelf Transmitter and its Battery Unit ............................................................................................ 5
Figure 4. Shelf Receiver and its Battery/COM Unit ...................................................................................... 5
Figure 5. Cart Module ................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 6. Checkout/Repeater Module ........................................................................................................... 6
Figure 7. Positions as Viewed from the End ................................................................................................. 9
Figure 8. Shelf Transmitter with Screws Removed....................................................................................... 9
Figure 10. Installed Shelf Transmitter ......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 11. Installed Shelf Transmitter and Battery Unit .............................................................................. 11
Figure 12. Installed Shelf Receiver ............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 13. Installed Shelf Receiver ............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 14. Installed Battery Pack/COM Unit ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 15. Back plate mounted on shopping cart ....................................................................................... 14
Figure 16. Correct placement of Cart Module between thick cart rails....................................................... 15
Figure 17. Wrong placement of Cart Module straddling thick cart rails ...................................................... 15
Figure 18. Checkout/Repeater Module Attached with Zip Ties .................................................................. 16
Figure 19. Checkout/Repeater Module--Wall Mount .................................................................................. 16
Figure 20. Battery Unit for Shelf Transmitter .............................................................................................. 18

List of Tables
Table 1. Parts Required for Installation......................................................................................................... 7

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                                                               Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

1.        Introduction
          Nielsen In-Store is a global measurement service designed to help marketing
          professionals better understand how to reach and influence consumers in retail
          environments. Nielsen In-Store measures consumer exposure to in-store marketing
          vehicles, including television, radio, shelf talkers, digital signage, and other point-of-
          purchase displays.

1.1.      Purpose
          This document provides installation instructions on installing four modules in the In-
          Store Tracking system:
               •   Shelf Transmitter Module and Battery Pack
               •   Shelf Receiver Module and Battery Pack/COM Module
               •   Cart Module
               •   Checkout/Repeater Module
          It does not cover installation of the In-Store Unit (ISU).

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Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

1.2.        Background
            The In-Store Tracking system consists of several devices that transmit and receive
            signals throughout a store and send counting information to a PC known as the In-
            Store Unit (ISU). Each module that is battery-operated has a built-in alert system
            which informs the ISU when the battery is approaching the end of its charge.

                                            Figure 1. Module Interactions

                         See the diagram provided with the installation kit for specifics on setting up a
                         specific store.

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                                                               Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

1.3.      Description
          In-Store Operations divides a store floor plan is into zones of interest, typically aisles
          and end caps. They designate the placement of the equipment throughout the store.
          The marked-up floor plan shows the location for each Shelf Transmitter, as
          designated by its unique ID, and assigns the transmitters throughout the store to
          achieve the desired granularity. The carts are fitted with Cart Modules. As a Cart
          Module passes a Shelf Transmitter, the Cart Module timestamps and captures the
          unique ID of the Shelf Transmitter.
          Acting solely as a bridge, the Checkout/Repeater Module relays the data to a 900
          MHz RF modem that links to the In-Store Unit (ISU), a Linux-based PC located in the
          office of the retail store. The ISU transmits the captured data from the store and
          sends this data to the Back Office. [Note: In Europe and other locations, the
          Checkout/Repeater Module transmits at 2.4 GHz.]

                                           Figure 2. Zone Layout 1

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Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

2.          Related Documents
            •   In-Store Tracking Device Diagram
            •   System Diagram

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                                                               Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

3.        Operational Specifications
3.1.      Shelf Transmitter Module
          Shelf Transmitter (Tx) Module—located on shelves throughout a retail store. Each
          has a separate Battery Unit and transmits two infrared (IR) beams, a tracking and a
          counting beam.

                               Figure 3. Shelf Transmitter and its Battery Unit
          •    The counting beam points across to the Shelf Receiver Module mounted on the
               self edge on the same aisle opposite the Shelf Transmitter Module.
          •    The tracking beam has a unique ID that identifies its location within the store. It
               points downward so that a Cart Module can detect the beam as the cart passes

3.2.      Shelf Receiver Module
          Shelf Receiver (Rx) Module—located on a store shelf opposite a Shelf Transmitter
          Module, it looks just like the transmitter except that it has a flat Battery-Pack/COM
          Module attached to it. The Receiver has two IR sensors that receive transmissions
          from the Shelf Transmitter across the aisle. The receiver counts traffic and detects
          the direction of travel. It uses an RF transmitter (802.15.4) to report traffic to the
          Checkout/Repeater Module. When its sensors are triggered, its MCU receives an
          interrupt, and it checks the status of its two IR sensors.

                              Figure 4. Shelf Receiver and its Battery/COM Unit
          •    If both sensors are triggered, no one is crossing.

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Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

            •   If one sensor is on and the other is off, one trip is captured. It records the
                direction and timestamp stored in the buffer.
            •   When its buffer is full or after a preset interval, whichever occurs first, the Shelf
                Receiver and Battery Pack/COM Module sends the received data to the ISU.

3.3.        Cart Module
            The Cart Module is mounted on shopping carts. This module receives and stores the
            IR IDs transmitted from the Shelf Transmitter Modules. It uses an RF transmitter
            (802.15.4) to report traffic to the Checkout/Repeater Module. When its buffer is full or
            at a preset interval, it sends the data to the ISU through the Checkout/Repeater
            Module. The Cart Module consists of the following:
            •    IR receiver
            •   Micro controller
            •   Radio frequency transmitter

                                                 Figure 5. Cart Module

3.4.        Checkout/Repeater Module
            The Checkout/Repeater Module is located throughout the store. It is wall-powered. It
            uses RF (802.15.4) to receive data from the Shelf Receiver and Cart Modules. Using
            an attached (off-the-shelf) 900 MHz RF transmitter module, it forwards data to the
            ISU. [In Europe and other locations, it transmits at 2.4 GHz.] The Checkout/Repeater
            simply receives data from either the Shelf Receiver Module or the Cart Module via
            RF (802.15.4) and forwards the data to the ISU via the 900 Mhz (or 2.4 GHz) RF
            transmitter module.

                                           Figure 6. Checkout/Repeater Module

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                                                                Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

4.        Required Parts and Tools
                                Table 1. Parts Required for Installation
                                      Item                          Part #

                Alcohol wipes                              006-1251-000

                Cart Module                                501-2227-000

                Fastener, 3M™ Dual Lock™ reclosable        269-0083-000

                Module, Checkout/Repeater                  501-1508-000

                Module, Shelf Receiver (Rx) with Battery   501-1509-000
                Pack/Communications (COM) Unit

                Module, Shelf Transmitter (Tx)             501-1510-000

                Nut, hex with cap                          272-0031-000

                Screws, #8 =32x1/2”                        062-0310-000

                Screws, #8-32x3/4”                         062-0317-000

                Screw, #8x1”                               062-0316-000

                Tape, double-stick                         269-0072-000

                Tie wrap, 4”, thick                        267-0017-001

                Tie wrap, 4”, thin                         267-0001-001

                Tie wrap anchor, 1” pressure-sensitive     267-0015-000

          Tools Required for Installation
          •    Ladder, 6-foot
          •    Ladder, 12-foot
          •    Pliers
          •    Scissors
          •    Screwdriver, #1 Phillips
          •    Screwdriver, #2 Phillips
          •    Utility cart
          •    Wire cutters

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Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

5.          FCC
            This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
            following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
            this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
            cause undesired operation.
            Modular Approval: The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to
            provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-
            located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users
            and installers must be provided with antenna installation and transmitter operating
            conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.
            Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
            compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

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                                                             Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

6.        Installation Procedures

                                 Figure 7. Positions as Viewed from the End

6.1.      Installing the Shelf Transmitter Module:
          1. The module arrives with the power off. To turn the unit on, while looking at the
             unit from the top, slide the switch toward the cable.
          2. Do the following:

                            Figure 8. Shelf Transmitter with Screws Removed

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Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

            3. Using the screws, washers, and nuts, attach the unit to a shelf in a position with
               these characteristics:
                o    With the black, plastic housing facing toward the aisle.
                o    40” to 50” above the floor, which should be barely higher (and never lower)
                     than the handle of a store shopping cart.
                o    For shelving with an endcap—a minimum of 12 inches from the shelf end.
                o    For shelving with no endcap—a minimum of 24 inches from the shelf end.

                                   Figure 9. Positions as Viewed from Above
                o    Away from any shelf space that would be used for store products and yet with
                     a clear line of sight to the position where you will place the receiver.
                o    If either the Transmitter or the Receiver has to be placed higher, select the
                     Transmitter as the higher one.
                o    If the assigned location does not let you properly align the two modules
                     because of shelf design or product layout, adjust the horizontal placement of
                     the Transmitter and Receiver as necessary within the aisle.

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                                                               Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

                                     Figure 10. Installed Shelf Transmitter
          4. Route the cord between the transmitter and the battery pack unit so that it is
             hidden beneath the shelves and behind the supports.
          5. Plug into header P1.
          6. Using alcohol wipes, clean the areas where you will place the tie wrap anchors
             and reclosable fasteners.
          7. So the cord cannot easily be disturbed or removed, attach it to the shelving with
             pressure-sensitive adhesive tie wrap anchors.
          8. Attach the battery unit to the shelving with reclosable fasteners in the following
               o   On the upright for the shelf.
               o   Away from store products.
               o   With the switch accessible.

                            Figure 11. Installed Shelf Transmitter and Battery Unit

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Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

6.2.        Installing the Shelf Receiver Module with
            Battery/Communications Pack
            1. The module arrives with the power off. To turn the unit on, while looking at the
               unit from the top, slide the switch toward the cable.
            2. Do the following:

                                           Figure 12. Installed Shelf Receiver
            3. Using the screws, washers, and nuts, attach the receiver unit so the black plastic
               housing is in line with the transmitter unit across the aisle.

                                           Figure 13. Installed Shelf Receiver
                o    With the black, plastic housing facing toward the aisle.
                o    40” to 50” above the floor, which should be barely higher (and never lower)
                     than the handle of a store shopping cart.
                o    Away from any shelf space that would be used for store products and yet with
                     a clear line of sight to the position where you placed the Transmitter.
                o    If either the Transmitter or the Receiver has to be higher than the other,
                     select the Transmitter as the higher one.
            4. Using alcohol wipes, clean the areas where you will place the tie wrap anchors
               and reclosable fasteners.
            5. Attach the cord to the shelving with pressure-sensitive adhesive tie wrap anchors
               so it cannot easily be disturbed or removed.

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                                                             Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

          6. Route the cord between the receiver and the Battery Pack/COM Module so that it
             is hidden beneath the shelves and behind the supports.
          7. Plug the cable into P1.
          8. Place the Battery Pack/COM Module as follows:
               o   On the upright above the top shelf.
               o   Away from store products.
               o   With the antenna pointing up and away from the shelving.

                                 Figure 14. Installed Battery Pack/COM Unit
          9. Attach the Battery Pack/COM Module to the upright with reclosable fasteners.

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Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

6.3.        Installing the Cart Module
            1. Position the back plate so it and the cart module meet the following criteria:
                •    Back plate—inside the front panel of the cart.
                •    Cart module—outside the front panel of the cart.
                •    Both—
                     o   In the lowest section of the front panel and low enough that the module is
                         protected from coming into contact with another cart when the cart is
                         stacked or pushed into a corral
                     o   Not near any of the corners on the front of the cart.
                     o   In an area wide enough for the holes in the back plate to be unobstructed.

                                   Figure 15. Back plate mounted on shopping cart
            2. Insert the appropriate (long enough) machine screw through the back-plate and
               through the corresponding hole in the module and into the hex nut cap. The cap
               should fit into the hole in the module enclosure.
            3. Secure the machine screw to the hex nut cap.


                         Position the cart module so the tapered end points up
                         and, if possible, so it is between the thicker rails on the
                         shopping cart.

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                                                            Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

                   Figure 16. Correct placement of Cart Module between thick cart rails

                  Figure 17. Wrong placement of Cart Module straddling thick cart rails
          4. Repeat until the 4 machine screws are secure. If a machine screw is not long
             enough, try one that is ¼” to 1“ longer.
          5. Once all machine screws are in place, fully tighten the screws, but do not over-

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Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

6.4.        Installing the Checkout/Repeater Module
            1. Determine a location that does the following:
                •    Fulfills the assignment on the schematic.
                •    Provides electrical power to the Checkout/Repeater Module.
            2. Using alcohol wipes, clean the areas where you will place the reclosable
            3. Attach the module with reclosable fasteners.
            4. Ensure the antenna is pointing up.

                         If the best location is the brackets for a drop ceiling, attach the module with zip

                           Figure 18. Checkout/Repeater Module Attached with Zip Ties

                                 Figure 19. Checkout/Repeater Module--Wall Mount

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                                                             Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

7.        Verification Test
7.1.      Required Parts
          The parts needed to verify the installation are:


               Camera (digital or cell phone)

7.2.      Test Procedure
          To verify the installation:
          1. Aim the lens at the transmitter as though you are taking a photo.
          2. Look through the view finder for a flashing LED.
          3. To see the other LED, hold the camera so the lens is at a 45° angle to the
          4. Look through the view finder for a flashing LED.

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Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

8.          Troubleshooting
            Each device has a unique serial number, part number, and device ID programmed in
            flash at the factory. The Checkout/Repeater Module has an additional IRID
            When new devices are needed, verify with Back Office that the ID is not in use at the
            given installation site.

                                      Figure 20. Battery Unit for Shelf Transmitter

                                If…                                        Do this:

                  The LED on the Transmitter              Check that the switch is set to on.
                  Module does not flash in a
                  camera view finder                      a.   To turn the unit on, while looking at the unit
                                                               from the top, slide the switch toward the
                                                          b.   If you decide that the unit was on and is
                                                               now off, wait 30 seconds before moving the
                                                               switch again.
                                                          Check that the cord is firmly attached at both
                                                          Check that the cable is not damaged.
                                                          Ensure the batteries are firmly seated.
                                                          Ensure all batteries are installed.

                  Any of the other equipment is      Contact the Operations team.
                  not working

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                                                                 Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking


Cart Module                Tracking device located on a shopping cart.

Checkout/                  Located at or near the checkout counter, it forwards data from either the
Repeater Module            Shelf Receiver or the Cart Modules. In the United States, it contains (off-the-
                           shelf) 900MHz radio frequency transceiver. In Europe, it contains a 2.4 GHz

Installation Module         Infrared ID Receiver (for device installation assistance).

IR                          Infrared.

ISU                         In-Store Unit - In-Store Personal Computer.

RF                          Radio Frequency.

Shelf Receiver Module       Counting device located on the shelf opposite the Shelf Transmitter Module.
                            It includes a Battery/Communications Unit.
Shelf Transmitter Module    Dual-purposed module used as a transmitter device for counting/tracking
                            and, in a special configuration, to signify the end of a shopping trip.

uC                           Micro controller.

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Installation Guide for In-Store Tracking

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Document Created: 2008-08-15 14:41:03
Document Modified: 2008-08-15 14:41:03

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