Test Report


Test Report

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                                         Shenzhen Certification Technology Service Co., Ltd
                                         3F, Bldg27,Area A, Tanglang Industrial Zone, Xili Town, Nanshan
                                         District, ShenZhen, Guang dong, P.R. China.

                                      TEST REPORT
                                          FCC ID: W8D-F9B

Applicant             : Shenzhen Onuoda Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd
Address               : 3F D building Jingfu industry zone Airway(West) Gushu village
                        Xixiang town Bao’an district Shenzhen city Guangdong China

Equipment under Test (EUT):

       Name               :FM transmitter
       Model              : F9B

Standards                 : FCC Part15.239

Report No.               : STE090908501
Date of Test             : September 12, 2009
Date of Issue            : September 13, 2009

Test Result :              PASS *

* In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the standards specified above

Authorized Signature

  (Mark Zhu)
General Manager

The manufacture should ensure that all the products in series production are in conformity with the product
sample detailed in this report.
If the product in this report is used in any configuration other than that detailed in the report, the manufacturer
must ensure the new system complies with all relevant standards. Any mention of Shenzhen Certification
Technology Service Co., Ltd. Or test done by Shenzhen Certification Technology Service Co., Ltd. Approvals
in connection with, distribution or use of the product described in this report must be approved by Shenzhen
Certification Technology Service Co., Ltd. Approvals in writing.

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Report No.:STE090908501

                                        TABLE OF CONTENT

Description                                                                                           Page

1   General Information----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
    1.1 Description of Device (EUT) --------------------------------------------------------------- 3
    1.2 Description of Test Facility----------------------------------------------------------------- 4
2   Test Equipment List ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
3   Summary of Measurement ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
4   Radiated Emission Test ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
    4.1 Radiated Emission Limits(15.209&239)------------------------------------------------- 6
    4.2 Test Setup for Emission measurement ------------------------------------------------- 7
    4.3 Test Procedure---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
    4.4 Test Condition----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
    4.5 Test Results------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
5   Bandwidth Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
    5.1 Limit for Bandwidth-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
    5.2 Method of measurement-------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
    5.3 Test Setup --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
    5.4 Test Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15
6   Band Edge Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
    6.1 Test Limit---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
    6.2 Test Procedure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
    6.3 Test Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17
7   Antenna Requirement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19
    7.1 Standard requirement----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
    7.2 Result -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
8   Photographs of Test Setup ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
9   Photographs of EUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21

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Report No.:STE090908501
1 General Information
1.1         Description of Device (EUT)

      Trade Name              : N/A
      EUT                     : FM Transmitter

      Model No.               : F9B

      Type of Antenna         : Integral Antenna

                                  88.1-107.9MHZ(All turning channels is manually verified
      Operation Frequency     :
                                  Which will be only between 88MHZ~108MHZ)
      Modulation type             FM

      Power Supply            : DC12V
      Rated RF output Power       48.72 dBuV(PK detector)

      Applicant               : Shenzhen Onuoda Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd
      Address                 : 3F D building Jingfu industry zone Airway(West)

                                  Gushu village Xixiang town Bao’an district Shenzhen city
                                  Guangdong China

      Manufacturer            : Shenzhen Onuoda Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd
      Address                 : 3F D building Jingfu industry zone Airway(West)
                                Gushu village Xixiang town Bao’an district Shenzhen city
                                Guangdong China

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Report No.:STE090908501

1.2        Description of Test Facility
           Shenzhen Certification Technology Service Co.,Ltd.
           3F, Bldg.27, Area A, Tanglang Industrial Zone, Xili Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
           518055, Guangdong, P.R. China
           FCC Registered No.:305283

2 Test Equipment List

      Equipment        Manufacture        Model No.      Serial No.   Last cal. Cal Interval
3m Semi-Anechoic     ETS-LINDGREN      N/A              SEL0017       16/06/2009    1Year

Spectrum analyzer    Agilent           E4443A           MY46185649 06/06/2009       1Year

Receiver             R&S               ESCI             100492        04/06/2009    1Year

Receiver             R&S               ESCI             101202        07/01/2009    1Year

Bilog Antenna        Sunol             JB3              A121206       04/06/2009    1Year

Horn Antenna         EMCO              3115             640201028-0 04/06/2009      1Year
ETS Horn Antenna     ETS               3160             SEL0076     12/08/2008      1Year

Active Loop Antenna Beijing Daze       ZN30900A         SEL0097       15/06/2009    1Year

Cable                Resenberger       N/A              No.1          04/06/2009    1Year

Cable                SCHWARZBECK N/A                    No.2          04/06/2009    1Year

Cable                SCHWARZBECK N/A                    No.3          04/06/2009    1Year

Pre-amplifier        R&S               AFS42-00101    SEL0081         18/06/2009    1Year
Pre-amplifier        R&S               AFS33-18002650 SEL0080         18/06/2009    1Year

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Report No.:STE090908501

3 Summary of Measurement

        Test Item        Test Requirement     Standard Paragraph         Result

Antenna Requirement     FCC PART15          15.203                   Compliance

Conducted Emission      FCC PART15          15.207                   Not applicable

Radiation Emission      FCC PART15          15.209&15.239            Compliance

Bandwidth Requirement   FCC PART15          15.239                   Compliance

Band edge Requirement   FCC PART15          15.239                   Compliance

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Report No.:STE090908501
4 Radiated Emission Test

   4.1    Radiated Emission Limits(15.209&239)

         Frequency                     Field Strength
           (MHZ)                Limits at 3 metres (watts,e.i.r.p.)
                          uV/m               dB uV/m            Measurement
         0.009-0.490   2400/F(kHz)             XX                    300

         0.490-1.705   24000/F(kHz)            XX                   30

          1.705-30          30                 29.5                 30

           30~88          100(3nW)             40                   3

           88~216      150(6.8nW)              43.5                 3

          216~960       200(12nW)              46                   3

          Above960      500(75nW)              54                   3

            Carrier         250              48(AV)                 3
            Carrier                          68(PK)                 3

    a) The tighter limit applies at the band edges.
    b) Emission Level(dB uV/m)=20log Emission Level(uV/m)
    c) XX means the limit is unsure

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Report No.:STE090908501
4.2Test Setup for Emission measurement
Test Setup for Emission Below 30MHz

Test Setup for Emission above 30MHz

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Report No.:STE090908501
  Test Setup for Emission above 1GHz

4.3 Test Procedure
      a)   The measuring distance of 3m shall be used for measurements at frequency up to
           1GHZ and above 1 GHZ, The EUT was placed on a rotating 0.8 m high above
            ground. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the
            highest radiation

      b)   The Test antenna shall vary between 1m and 4m. Both Horizontal and Vertical
           antenna are set to make measurement.

      c)   The initial step in collecting conducted emission data is a spectrum analyzer Peak
           detector mode pre-scanning the measurement frequency range. Significant
           Peaks are then marked and then Qusia Peak Detector mode premeasured

      d)   If Peak value comply with QP limit Below 1GHZ.The EUT deemed to comply with
           QP limit. But the Peak value and average value both need to comply with
           applicable limit above 1GHZ.

      e) Repeated step a and d test with EUT in X, Y,Z position, and the maximum
         emissions data were recorded when EUT in X position as the test photo indicated.

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Report No.:STE090908501

         f) For the actual test configuration, please see the test setup photo.

         g)   Test Equipment Setting For emission test:

           RBW 120KHZ VBW 300KHZ

          Above 1GHZ :
           RBW 1MHZ VBW 3MHZ for Peak value
           RBW 1MHZ VBW 10HZ for Average Value

4.4 Test Condition
 Test Audio Signal has been set to maximum Level and Continuous Transmitting in
  maximum power. We have scanned up the 10th harmonics about the EUT.

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Report No.:STE090908501
4.5 Test Results

 Radiated Emissions Result of Outside the band (88~108MHZ)

EUT              FM Transmitter             Model Name          F8
Temperature      26oC                       Relative Humidity   54%
Pressure         960hPa                     Test voltage        DC12V
Test Mode        TX(IPod)                   TX frequency        88.1MHZ

                             Antenna polarization: Vertical
Frequency Reading Cable Antenna Amplifier Correct Measurement  Limit
                  Loss   Factor           Factor     Result     line  Over
   MHZ     dBuV     dB      dB    Gain      dB      dBuV/m    dBuV/m Margin
   52.72   41.87   0.84    7.81  28.04    -19.39     22.48     40.00 -17.52
   82.48   48.50   1.26    6.45  27.69    -19.98     28.52     40.00 -11.48
  120.90   47.78   1.76    6.02  27.34    -19.56     28.22     43.50 -15.28
  343.48   43.30   2.18   11.54  27.18    -13.46     29.84     46.00 -16.16
  444.48   39.59   2.53  14.08   26.98    -10.37     29.22     46.00 -16.78
  587.57   38.76   2.79   17.11  26.49     -6.59     32.17     46.00 -13.83
     --      --      --      --    --        --        --         --   --

                            Antenna polarization: Horizontal
Frequency Reading Cable Antenna Amplifier Correct Measurement  Limit  Over
                  Loss   Factor           Factor     Result     line
   MHZ     dBuV     dB     dB     Gain      dB      dBuV/m    dBuV/m Margin
   75.45   41.00   0.79   7.19   28.14    -20.16     20.84     40.00 -19.16
  114.40   42.63   1.54   6.35   27.68    -19.79     22.84     43.50 -20.66
  149.57   49.09   1.97   6.42   27.53    -19.14     29.95     43.50 -13.55
  433.26   45.89   2.24  14.25   27.15    -10.67     35.22     46.00 -10.78
  521.64   40.44   2.47  15.40   26.84     -8.97     31.47     46.00 -14.53
  704.01   33.82   2.86  18.63   26.37     -4.88     28.94     46.00 -17.06
     --      --      --     --     --        --        --         --   --

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Report No.:STE090908501

EUT              FM Transmitter             Model Name          F8
Temperature      26oC                       Relative Humidity   54%
Pressure         960hPa                     Test voltage        DC12V
Test Mode        TX(IPod)                   TX frequency        98.1MHZ

                             Antenna polarization: Vertical
Frequency Reading Cable Antenna Amplifier Correct Measurement  Limit
                  Loss   Factor           Factor     Result     line  Over
   MHZ     dBuV     dB      dB    Gain      dB      dBuV/m    dBuV/m Margin
   52.72   41.87   0.84    7.81  28.04    -19.39     22.48     40.00 -17.52
   82.48   48.50   1.26    6.45  27.69    -19.98     28.52     40.00 -11.48
  120.90   47.78   1.76    6.02  27.34    -19.56     28.22     43.50 -15.28
  343.48   43.30   2.18   11.54  27.18    -13.46     29.84     46.00 -16.16
  444.48   39.59   2.53  14.08   26.98    -10.37     29.22     46.00 -16.78
  587.57   38.76   2.79   17.11  26.49     -6.59     32.17     46.00 -13.83
     --      --      --      --    --        --        --         --   --

                            Antenna polarization: Horizontal
Frequency Reading Cable Antenna Amplifier Correct Measurement  Limit  Over
                  Loss   Factor           Factor     Result     line
   MHZ     dBuV     dB     dB     Gain      dB      dBuV/m    dBuV/m Margin
   75.45   41.00   0.79   7.19   28.14    -20.16     20.84     40.00 -19.16
  114.40   42.63   1.54   6.35   27.68    -19.79     22.84     43.50 -20.66
  149.57   49.09   1.97   6.42   27.53    -19.14     29.95     43.50 -13.55
  433.26   45.89   2.24  14.25   27.15    -10.67     35.22     46.00 -10.78
  521.64   40.44   2.47  15.40   26.84     -8.97     31.47     46.00 -14.53
  704.01   33.82   2.86  18.63   26.37     -4.88     28.94     46.00 -17.06
     --      --      --     --     --        --        --         --   --

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Report No.:STE090908501
EUT            FM Transmitter                   Model Name                F8
Temperature      26oC                           Relative Humidity         54%
Pressure         960hPa                         Test voltage              DC12V
Test Mode        TX(IPod)                       TX frequency              107.9MHZ

                               Antenna polarization: Vertical
Frequency Reading Cable Antenna Amplifier Correct Measurement  Limit
                  Loss   Factor           Factor     Result     line  Over
   MHZ     dBuV     dB      dB    Gain      dB      dBuV/m    dBuV/m Margin
   52.72   41.87   0.84    7.81  28.04    -19.39     22.48     40.00 -17.52
   82.48   48.50   1.26    6.45  27.69    -19.98     28.52     40.00 -11.48
  120.90   47.78   1.76    6.02  27.34    -19.56     28.22     43.50 -15.28
  343.48   43.30   2.18   11.54  27.18    -13.46     29.84     46.00 -16.16
  444.48   39.59   2.53  14.08   26.98    -10.37     29.22     46.00 -16.78
  587.57   38.76   2.79   17.11  26.49     -6.59     32.17     46.00 -13.83
     --      --      --      --    --        --        --         --   --

                              Antenna polarization: Horizontal
Frequency Reading Cable Antenna Amplifier Correct Measurement  Limit  Over
                  Loss   Factor           Factor     Result     line
   MHZ     dBuV     dB     dB     Gain      dB      dBuV/m    dBuV/m Margin
   75.45   41.00   0.79   7.19   28.14    -20.16     20.84     40.00 -19.16
  114.40   42.63   1.54   6.35   27.68    -19.79     22.84     43.50 -20.66
  149.57   49.09   1.97   6.42   27.53    -19.14     29.95     43.50 -13.55
  433.26   45.89   2.24  14.25   27.15    -10.67     35.22     46.00 -10.78
  521.64   40.44   2.47  15.40   26.84     -8.97     31.47     46.00 -14.53
  704.01   33.82   2.86  18.63   26.37     -4.88     28.94     46.00 -17.06
     --      --      --     --     --        --        --         --   --

Notes: --Means other frequency and mode comply with standard requirements and at least have 20dB
        Correct Factor=Cable Loss+Antenna Factor-Amplifier Gain
        Measurement Result=Reading + Correct Factor
        Margin=Measurement Result-Limit

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  Report No.:STE090908501

  Radiated Emissions Result of Inside band (88~108MHZ)
  EUT                FM Transmitter               Model Name              F8
  Temperature        26oC                         Relative Humidity       54%
  Pressure           960hPa                       Test voltage            DC12V
  Test Mode          TX (IPod)                    Antenna polarization    Horizontal/Vertical

                                       Channel Low(88.1MHZ)
Fre. Plority    Reading
                     Antenna          Cable Amplifier Correct Measure Result    Limit     Margin
                 dBuV Factor          Loss   Gain     Factor     dBuV/m        dBuV/m      dB
MHz    H/V             dB               dB    dB        dB
88.1    H 65.42(PK)    5.7             0.57  26.65    -20.38      45.04          68        -22.96
88.1    H 61.13 (AV)   5.7             0.57  26.65    -20.38      40.75          48         -7.25
 --     H       --      --               --    --        --         --           --           --

88.1    V      65.89(PK)      5.7      0.57   26.65   -20.38      45.51          68        -22.49
88.1    V      60.74 (AV)     5.7      0.57   26.65   -20.38      40.36          48         -7.64
 --     V           --         --       --      --      --          --           --           --

                                      Channel Middle(98.1MHZ)
Fre. Plority    Reading
                     Antenna          Cable Amplifier Correct Measure Result    Limit     Margin
                 dBuV Factor          Loss   Gain     Factor     dBuV/m        dBuV/m      dB
MHz    H/V             dB               dB    dB        dB
98.1    H 66.24(PK)    8.4             0.61  26.75    -17.74      48.50          68        -19.50
98.1    H 61.07 (AV)   8.4             0.61  26.75    -17.74      43.33          48         -4.67
 --     H       --      --               --    --        --         --           --           --

98.1    V      65.37(PK)      8.4      0.61   26.75   -17.74      47.63          68        -20.37
98.1    V      61.28 (AV)     8.4      0.61   26.75   -17.74      43.54          48         -4.46
 --     V           --         --       --      --      --          --           --           --

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  Report No.:STE090908501

                                      Channel High(107.9MHZ)
Fre. Plority     Reading    Antenna   Cable Amplifier Correct Measure Result     Limit      Margin
                  dBuV       Factor   Loss   Gain     Factor     dBuV/m         dBuV/m       dB
MHz     H/V                   dB       dB     dB        dB
107.9   H      63.45(PK)     10.9      0.68   26.65    -15.07      48.38           68       -19.62
107.9   H      58.24 (AV)    10.9      0.68   26.65    -15.07      43.17           48           -4.83
 --     H           --        --        --      --       --          --            --            --

107.9   V      63.79(PK)     10.9      0.68   26.65    -15.07      48.72           68       -19.28
107.9   V      57.13 (AV)    10.9      0.68   26.65    -15.07      42.06           48           -5.94
 --     V           --        --        --      --       --          --            --            --

  Notes: --Means other frequency and mode comply with standard requirements and at least have 20dB
          Correct Factor=Cable Loss+Antenna Factor-Amplifier Gain
          Measurement Result=Reading + Correct Factor
          Margin=Measurement Result-Limit

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Report No.:STE090908501
5 Bandwidth Test

5.1     Limit for Bandwidth

        The occupied bandwidth shall not exceed 200 KHZ

5.2   Method of measurement

      a) The bandwidth is measured at an amplitude level reduced 20dB from the reference
        level. The reference level is the level of the highest amplitude signal observed from
        the transmitter at the fundamental frequency. Once the reference level is established,
        the equipment is conditioned with typical modulating signal to produce the worst-case
        (i.e. the widest) bandwidth.

      b) The test receiver RBW set 10KHZ,VBW set 30KHZ

5.3   Test Setup
       same as section 5.2

5.4     Test Results

                             88.1MHZ bandwidth test plot

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Report No.:STE090908501

                            98.1MHZ bandwidth test plot

                          107.9MHZ bandwidth test plot

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Report No.:STE090908501
6 Band Edge Test

6.1     Test Limit
         Please see the part 15.239a
6.2     Test Procedure

a) Put the EUT on a 0.8m high table,power on the EUT. Emissions were scanned and
  measured rotating the EUT to 360 degrees,Find the maximum Emission

b) Turning to Low and High frequency,then reduced 20dB from the reference level. The
    reference level is the level of the highest amplitude signal observed from the transmitter
    at the fundamental frequency.

c) Check the spurious emissions out of band.

d) RBW,VBW Setting, please see the following test plot.

6.3     Test Results


        Detailed information, please see the following page.

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Report No.:STE090908501

                          88.1MHZ Test Plot

                              107.9MHZ Test Plot

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Report No.:STE090908501
7 Antenna Requirement
7.1   Standard requirement
      An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
      furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a
      permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the
      intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this
      Section. The manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna can be
      replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is

7.2   Result
      The device is integral antenna, it comply with the standard requirement.

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Report No.:STE090908501
8 Photographs of Test Setup

           Photographs-Radiated Emission Test Setup in Chamber

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Report No.:STE090908501
9 Photographs of EUT

      Figure 1

      Photo of EUT

      Front View   [   ]

      Rear View    [   ]

      Top View     [   ]

      Bottom View[     ]

      Left View    [   ]

      Right View   [   ]

      Full View    [√]

      Figure 2

      Photo of EUT

      Front View   [   ]

      Rear View    [   ]

      Top View     [√]

      Bottom View[     ]

      Left View    [   ]

      Right View   [   ]

      Internal View [ ]

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Report No.:STE090908501

      Figure 3

      Photo of EUT

      Front View [ ]

      Rear View    [   ]

      Top View     [   ]

      Bottom View[√]

      Left View    [   ]

      Right View   [   ]

      Internal View [ ]

      Figure 4

      Photo of EUT

      Front View [√]

      Rear View    [   ]

      Top View     [   ]

      Bottom View[     ]

      Left View    [   ]

      Right View [ ]

      Internal View [ ]

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Report No.:STE090908501

      Figure 5

      Photo of EUT

      Front View   [   ]

      Rear View    [   ]

      Top View     [   ]

      Bottom View[     ]

      Left View    [√]

      Right View   [   ]

      Internal View [ ]

      Figure 6

      Photo of EUT

      Front View   [   ]

      Rear View    [√]

      Top View     [   ]

      Bottom View[     ]

      Left View    [   ]

      Right View [ ]

      Internal View [ ]

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Report No.:STE090908501

      Figure 7

      Photo of EUT

      Front View   [    ]

      Rear View    [    ]

      Top View     [    ]

      Bottom View[      ]

      Left View    [    ]

      Right View [√]

      Internal View [       ]

      Figure 8

      Photo of EUT

      Front View   [    ]

      Rear View    [    ]

      Top View     [    ]

      Bottom View[      ]

      Left View    [    ]

      Right View [ ]

      Internal View [√]

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Report No.:STE090908501
      Figure 9

      Photo of EUT

      Front View   [   ]

      Rear View    [   ]

      Top View     [   ]

      Bottom View[     ]

      Left View    [   ]

      Right View   [   ]

      Internal View [√]

                           ------- THE END OF REPORT-------

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Document Created: 2019-09-11 01:54:46
Document Modified: 2019-09-11 01:54:46

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