Test setup photo _SAR

FCC ID: W2Z-02000002

Test Setup Photos

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                                                                                                                                    Report No. : EN/2015/A0023
                                                                                                                                    Page: 1 of 7

             APPENDI X
             10. Photographs of Test Setup

                                                     Fig.1 Photograph of the SAR measurement system

Unless athanviseatted the resuls shoun in ts tetreport efer ony to the sample(e)tested and such sample(s) are retainefor 20 days only
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                           §08 Taran Lid. No: 134W Kung Road. New Tapel Industrial Park, Wuku Distict, New "alpel CityTalwan 2480B/er 2kt 28# kd 8tE2 214 194 st
            6Aonumtmt                          1 (one2) 2000—s079                             1(see—2) 2e0e.0408                  wantwsgs.com
                                           |                                                                                      Member o 5GS Group

                                                                                                                                    Report No. : EN/2015/A0023
                                                                                                                                    Page: 2 of 7

                               Photograph of the Tissue Simulant Fluid Liquid Depth 15cm (Head & Bod

                      2450MHz                       ‘                                                      2450MHz                             .


Unless athanviseatted the resuls shoun in ts tetreport efer ony to the sample(e)tested and such sample(s) are retainefor 20 days only
Yedhsfriam ce mimbreiiucis m> meeecieineerero + cedieo mue o rolminies >
This document is ied by the Company subject to ts General Conditons of Senvies pited ovelea, avalable on request or seceesible at w sgs.comtemsandcondons hm and,for lscionieformat
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                           §08 Taran Lid. No: 134W Kung Road. New Tapel Industrial Park, Wuku Distict, New "alpel CityTalwan 2480B/er 2kt 28# kd 8tE2 214 194 st
            6Aonumtmt                          1 (one2) 2000—s079                             1(see—2) 2e0e.0408                  wantwsgs.com
                                           |                                                                                      Member o 5GS Group

                                                                                                                                    Report No. : EN/2015/A0023
                                                                                                                                    Page: 3 of 7

                                                                  Fig.3 EUT Back side to flat phantom

Unless athanviseatted the resuls shoun in ts tetreport efer ony to the sample(e)tested and such sample(s) are retainefor 20 days only
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                           §08 Taran Lid. No: 134W Kung Road. New Tapel Industrial Park, Wuku Distict, New "alpel CityTalwan 2480B/er 2kt 28# kd 8tE2 214 194 st
            6Aonumtmt                          1 (one2) 2000—s079                             1(see—2) 2e0e.0408                  wantwsgs.com
                                           |                                                                                      Member o 5GS Group

                                                                                                                                    Report No. : EN/2015/A0023
                                                                                                                                    Page: 4 of 7

Unless athanviseatted the resuls shoun in ts tetreport efer ony to the sample(e)tested and such sample(s) are retainefor 20 days only
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This document is ied by the Company subject to ts General Conditons of Senvies pited ovelea, avalable on request or seceesible at w sgs.comtemsandcondons hm and,for lscionieformat
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                          $0S Taan Lid. No: 134WKung Road. New Tabel Industrial Park, Wuku Distict, New "alpel CityTalwan 24808/e 2k t 28# k d 8E £ 214 194 st
             6Aonumtmt 1 (one2) 2000—s079                                                1(see—2) 2e0e.0408                   wantwsgs.com
                                            |                                                                                 Member o 5GS Group

                                                                                                                                    Report No. : EN/2015/A0023
                                                                                                                                    Page: 5 of 7

                                                                   Fig.9 EUT Left side to flat phantom

Unless athanviseatted the resuls shoun in ts tetreport efer ony to the sample(e)tested and such sample(s) are retainefor 20 days only
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                          $0S Taan Lid. No: 134WKung Road. New Tabel Industrial Park, Wuku Distict, New "alpel CityTalwan 24808/e 2k t 28# k d 8E £ 214 194 st
             6Aonumtmt 1 (one2) 2000—s079                                                1(see—2) 2e0e.0408                   wantwsgs.com
                                            |                                                                                 Member o 5GS Group

                                                                                                                                    Report No. : EN/2015/A0023
                                                                                                                                    Page: 6 of 7

             11. Photographs of the EUT

                                                                            Fig.11 Back view of EUT

Unless athanviseatted the resuls shoun in ts tetreport efer ony to the sample(e)tested and such sample(s) are retainefor 20 days only
Yedhsfriam ce mimbreiiucis m> meeecieineerero + cedieo mue o rolminies >
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                           §08 Taran Lid. No: 134W Kung Road. New Tapel Industrial Park, Wuku Distict, New "alpel CityTalwan 2480B/er 2kt 28# kd 8tE2 214 194 st
            6Aonumtmt                          1 (one2) 2000—s079                             1(see—2) 2e0e.0408                  wantwsgs.com
                                           |                                                                                      Member o 5GS Group

                                                                                                                                    Report No. : EN/2015/A0023
                                                                                                                                    Page: 7 of 7

                                                                                                              risoe                      J


                                                                      Fig.12 Antenna position of EUT

                                                                            — End of Report —

Unless athanviseatted the resuls shoun in ts tetreport efer ony to the sample(e)tested and such sample(s) are retainefor 20 days only
Yedhsfriam ce mimbreiiucis m> meeecieineerero + cedieo mue o rolminies >
This document is ied by the Company subject to ts General Conditons of Senvies pited ovelea, avalable on request or seceesible at w sgs.comtemsandcondons hm and,for lscionieformat
doesment, subjtto Terms and Conditons for Eleatnie Documents t wm.sgs.comterms,«—documenthon... Attertan s drim to the Iimtatono lablly, indemnifeaton and Juredicton fsaues dated
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Company s sole responstollyis t ts Clent and hidocument daes not exnerate parts o tnsaconfam exereisingallthlrrghts and onligalons under he ransaction docsments "he doeymant cannot
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                           §08 Taran Lid. No: 134W Kung Road. New Tapel Industrial Park, Wuku Distict, New "alpel CityTalwan 2480B/er 2kt 28# kd 8tE2 214 194 st
            6Aonumtmt                          1 (one2) 2000—s079                             1(see—2) 2e0e.0408                  wantwsgs.com
                                           |                                                                                      Member o 5GS Group

Document Created: 2015-12-09 10:38:38
Document Modified: 2015-12-09 10:38:38

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