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AGCLZILZLE®                       Aftestation of Global Compliance

                                            COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                   Ref ACR.348.3.15.SATU.A

                                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

              $     (REVICS AJTIET ESSE : ooo ooo n reemmenenmnennmennnnmennmnnmennmenemmennemennemennmmenmenennenennenennones                 4
              2     PIOGUCt D@SCHIDHOR .......c....clcll lc lc cccc oc cccccoccccoccccnccccnccncvecncvenncvenncvenncnnncnenncnecncccins 4

                  2.1       General Information                                                                                                             4
              3     Measurement MetHOd ...........l..lclllsls cssc 4
                  3.1       Linearity                                                                                                                       4

                  3.2       Sensitivity                                                                                                                     5

                  3.3       Lower Detection Limit                                                                                                            5
                  3 4       Isatropy                                                                                                                        5

                  3.5       Boundary Effect                                                                                                                 5

              4     Measurement Uncertitity..................l.lllllllllllllcllllcclccclcclcccccccccccccccccccicicilss
              5     Calibration Measurement Results ... 6
                  5.1       Sensitivityin air                                                                                                               6
                  5.2       Linearity                                                                                                                       7
                  5.3       Sensitivityin liquid                                                                                                            7
                  5.4       Isotropy                                                                                                                        8

              6     LiSt Of EQUIPM@RI ... ... .. clc lc clc l0 sc c0 sc ccccccccccccccccccoccccncccnccncvenncvenncvenncmenncnnncnencnnnc en 9

                                                                                  Page: 39
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                                 report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document is
issued by A                      cannot be reproduced except in full with our prior written permission. The document is available on request and the brief information
for its val

Attesta                      on pliance                  Tel: (86—755) 29081955           Fax: (86—755) 26008484            HitpJwww.age—      E—mail: age@age—
                                                         Add:   2F. , No.2 Building, Huafeng No.1 Technical Industrial Park, Sanwel, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen

AGCLZILZLE®                           Aftestation of Global Compliance

                   mtc                          COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                Ref ACR 3443 15.SATUA

                   1                DEVICE UNDER TEST

                                                                           Device Under Test
                         Device Type                                                      COMOSAR DOSIMETRIC E FIELD PROBE
                         Manufacturer                                                     MVG
                         Model                                                            SSE5
                         Serial Number                                                    SN 22/12 EP159
                         Product Condition (new/ used)                                    Used
                         Frequency Range of Probe                                         045 GHz—3.7 GHz
                         Resistance of Three Dipoles at Connector                         Dipole 1: R1=0.205 MQ
                                                                                          Dipole 2: R2=0.210 MQ
                                                                                          Dipole 3: R3=0.206 MQ

                   A yearly calibration interval is recommended.

                   2                PRODUCT DESCRIPTION

                   2.1          GENERAL INFORMATION

                   MVG‘s COMOSAR E field Probes are built in accordance to the IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C and
                   CEUIEC 62209 standards

                                                   Figure 1 — MPG COMOSAR Dosimerric Efield Dipole

                         Probe Length                                                     330 mm
                         Length of Individual Dipoles                                     4.5 mm
                         Maximum external diameter                                        8 mm
                         Probe Tip External Diameter                                      5 mm
                         Distance between dipoles / probe extremity                       2.7 mm

                            3         MEASUREMENT METHOD
                   The IEEE 1528 OET 65 Bulletin C. CENELEC EN50361 and CEIIEC 62209 standards provide
                   recommended practices for the probe calibrations, including the performance characteristics of
                   interest and methods by which to assess their affect. All calibrations / measurements performed meet
                   the fore mentioned standards.

                             3.1       LINEARITY
                   The evaluation of the linearity was done in free space using the waveguide, performing a power
                   sweep to coverthe SAR range 0.01 W/kg to 100W/kg.

                                                                                     Page: 4/9
                                        This document shall notbe reproduced, exceptin full or inpart, without the writien appraval ofMVG
                                        The iformation contained hereinis to be used onlyforthe purpacefor which itis submirzed and is not to
                                        be released in whole orpart without written approval ofMPG

               .                      report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document is
issued by A                          cannot be reproduced except in full with our prior written permission. The document is available on request and the brief information
for its validat                       able and confirmed at hitp:Jwww.age—

Attesta                            on pliance               Tel: (86—755) 29081955          Fax: (86—755) 26008484           HitpJwww.age—    E—mail: age@age—
                                                            Add: 2F. , No.2 Building, Huafeng No.1 Technical Industrial Park, Sanwel, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen

AGCLZILZLE®                       Aftestation of Global Compliance

                                            COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                  Bs ACE304515 RATEAA

                         3.2     SENSITIVITY
              The sensitivity factors of the three dipoles were determined using a two step calibration method (air
              and tissue simulating liquid) using waveguides as outlinedin the standards.

                         3.3      LOWER DETECTION LIMIT
              The lower detection limit was assessed using the same measurement set up as used for the linearity
              measurement. The required lower detection limit is 10 mW/kg

                         34       ISOTROPY
              The axial isotropy was evaluated by exposing the probe to a reference wave from a standard dipole
              with the dipole mounted under the flat phantom in the test configuration suggested for system
              validations and checks. The probe was rotated along its main axis from 0 — 360 degrees in 15 degree
              steps.   The hemispherical isotropyis determined by inserting the probe in a thin plastic box filled
              with tissue—equivalent liquid. with the plastic box illnminated with the fields from a half wave dipole.
              The dipole is rotated about its axis (0°—180°) in 15° increments. At each step the probe is rotated
              aboutits axis (0°—360°).

                         3.5      BOUNDARY EFFECT
              The boundary effect is defined as the deviation between the SAR measured data and the expected
              exponential decayin the liquid when the probe is oriented normal to the interface. To evaluate this
              effect. the liquid filled flat phantom is exposed to fields from either a reference dipole or waveguide
              With the probe normal to the phantom surface, the peak spatial average SAR is measured and
              compared to the analytical value at the surface

              4                 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY

              The guidelines outlined in the IEEE 1528 OET 65 Bulletin C, CENELEC EN50361 and CELTEC
              62209 standards were followed to generate the measurement uncertainty associated with an E—field
              probe calibration using the waveguide technique. All uncertainties listed below represent an
              expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95%confidence level using a coverage factor
              of k=2. traceable to the Internationally Accepted Guides to Measurement Uncertainty
                  Uncertainty analysis of the probe calibration in waveguide
                           an           .                       Uncertainty            Probability                o                       .        Standard
                          EERORSOURCEE                            value (%)            Distribution             BlW3ser              *>       Uncertainty (%)
                  Incident or forward power                         3.00%              Rectangular                  [3                1             1.732%
                  Reflected power                                   3.00%              Rectangular           ——\/3                    1            1.732%
                  Liquid conductivity                               5.00%              Rectangular           —— /3                    1            2.887%
                  Liquid permittivity                               4.00%              Rectangular           ——,/3                    1            2.309%
                  Field homogeneity                                 3.00%              Rectangular                  [3                1             1.732%
                  Field probe positioning                           5.00%              Rectangular                  [3                1            2.887%

                                                                                 Page: 5/9
                                  This document shall not be reproduced, exceptin full or in part, without the written approval afMVG
                                  The information contained hareinis to be used only for the purposefor which it is submitted and is not to
                                  be released in whele orpart withour written approval ofMPG

              .                   report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document is
issued by A                       cannot be reproduced except in full with our prior written permission. The document is available on request and the brief information
for its val

Attesta                        on pliance               Tel: (86—755) 29081955            Fax: (86—755) 26008484           HitpJwww.age—      E—mail: age@age—
                                                        Add:    2F. , No.2 Building, Huafeng No.1 Technical Industrial Park, Sanwel, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen

AGCLZILZLE®                     Aftestation of Global Compliance

                                         COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                   RmfarpGesacmaita

               Field probe linearity                              3.00%               Rectangular                 «[3               1
                Combined standard uncertainty                                                              ————I                                5.831%
                     Expanded uncertair
                   95 %confidence level k

                      5     CALIBRATION MEASUREMENT RESULTS

                                                                 Calibration Parameters
                 Liquid Temperature                                                 21 °C
                 Lab Temperature                                                    21 °C
                 Lab Humidity                                                       45 %

                      5.1     SENSTTTVITY IN AIR

                                                   Normx dipole            Normydipole             Normz dipole
                                                   1 (uV/(V/mY) 2 (uV/i(V/im) 3 (uV/(V/my")
                                                          4.74                    4.99                    5.21

                                                   DCP dipole 1            DCP dipole 2            DCP dipole 3
                                                      (mV)                    (mV)                    (mV)
                                                           99                       96                     98

              Calibration curves ei=f(V) (i=1.2.3) allowto obtain H—field value using the formula:

                                                             Calibration curves
                                           see—                                                       e
                                       g99                                 [
                                                                                    *\                               Dipclo 1
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                                       &                                                                             Dissie 2
                                       &                     L                                                       Diseio 3
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                                                                        Vokage N)

                                                                               Page: 6/9
                                This document shall not be reproduced, exceptin full or in part, withoutthe writien agproval ofMVG.
                                The information contained herein is to be used only for thepurposefor which it is submitted and is not to
                                be released in whole arpart without written approval ofMYVG

                                report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document is
issued by A                     cannot be reproduced except in full with our prior written permission. The document is available on request and the brief information
for its val

                                                      Tel: (86—755) 29081955             Fax: (86—755) 26008484         HitpJwww.age—    E—mail: age@age—
                                                      Add: 2F. , No.2 Building, Huafeng No.1 Technical Industrial Park, Sanwel, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen

AGCLZILZLE®                                Aftestation of Global Compliance

                                                    COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                  es Acg 3068 179070A

                  Unesiily Eirer (4B)

                                                                  EFiekd [¥/mi

                     Linesrity             1+/1.1 3% (+0.0508

                             5.3           SENSITIVITY IN LIOUID

                Liquid                         Frequency            Permittiviny        Epsiton (S/m)              ConvE
                                                (MHz +/
                                                                        44.12                 0.58
                                                                        58.92                 1.00
                                                                        42.24                 0.90
                                                                        56.45                 0.99
                                                                        43.02                 0.90


              LOWER DETECTION LIMIT: $mW/ke

                                            This document shall notbe reproduced, axcept in full or in part, withoutthe writtenapproval afMVG
                                            The informaiion contained herein is to be used onlyforthe purposeforwhich it is submitted and is not to
                                            be released in whole orpart without writien enproval ofMPG

                                           report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document is
issued by A                               cannot be reproduced except in full with our prior written permission. The document is available on request and the brief information
for its val

Attesta                                 on pliance               Tel: (86—755) 29081955           Fax: (86—755) 26008484          HitpJwww.age—   E—mail: age@age—
                                                                 Add:   2F. , No.2 Building, Huafeng No.1 Technical Industrial Park, Sanwel, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen

AGCLZILZLE®                Aftestation of Global Compliance

                                   COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                   e ace ids passanind

                  54     ISOTROPY
           HL900 MHz
           — Axial isotropy:                                0.0

           — Hemispherical isotropy:                        0.0

                                                            tsntropy curves


                                               1el                             h
                                                 e ar on o+ wz 4o or oe os se oh

           HL1800 MHz
           — Axial isotropy:                                0. 0    dB

           — Hemispherical isotropy:                        0. 0    dB


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                                                   e ar on o+ wz 40 or oe os se th

                                                                              Page: 870
                          This document shall not be reproduced, except in full or inpart, without the written approval ofMVG
                          The information contained herein is to be used only for thepurposefor which it is submitted and is not to
                          be released in whole orpart without written approval ofMPG.

The results s             report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document is
issued by A               cannot be reproduced except in full with our prior written permission. The document is available on request and the brief information
for its val               able and confirmed at http:/www.age—

Attesta                on pliance                  Tel: (86—755) 29081955           Fax: (86—755) 26008484        HitpJwww.age—   E—mail: age@age—
                                                   Add:   2F. , No.2 Building, Huafeng No.1 Technical Industrial Park, Sanwel, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen

AG                 € T 1 i i
                   Aftestation of Global Compliance

                             COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                  Ref ACKR 344.3 15.SATUA

         6    LIST OF EQUIPMENT

                                                  Equipment Summary Sheet

      Equipment                Manufacturer /              Identification No                      Current                Next Calibration
     Description                      Model                                           ‘|    Calibration Date                      Date
                                                                                             alidated. No cal            alidated.       No    cal
      Flat Phantom                      MVG                  SN—20/09—SAM7 1               Fequired                     equired

 COMOSAR Test Bench                  Version 3                         NA                   gixigion No cal
                                                                                                                                          Sho :cal
   Network Analyzer            Rh"degvid““arz                     sN100132                         0272013                     022016
    Reference Probe                     MVG                   EP 94 SN 37708                       10/2015                      10/2016

       Multimeter                 Keithley 2000                     1188656                        1272013                      122016

    Signal Generator             Agilent E4438C                 MY49070581                         1272013                      122016

             7                                                                             Characterized prior to |Characterized prior to
        Ampliter                   Aelbersomin                      snOIP                  test. No cal required. |test. No cal required.

      Power Meter                   HP E4418A                   US38261498                         1272013                      122016

     Power Sensor                HP ECP—E26A                    Us37181460                         1272013                      122016

   Directional Coupler           Narda 4216—20                       o1386                 Characterized prior to |Characterized prior to
                                                                                           test. No cal required. test. No cal required.

      Waveguide                  Mega Industries            069Y7—158—13—712 r;;flf:_i"- No cal                          :q"lflf;f,d- No cal
 Waveguide Transition            Mega Industries            0E9Y7—158—13—701               rean::!if:id. Wc sal         :;Ifiijzd' Ne salt

 Waveguide Termination|           Mega Industries           0E9Y7—158—13—701               reif:’iféid' o cal           e?qllj‘f;?!d. is cal

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                    This document shall not be reproduced, exceptin full or in part, without the writen approval ofMTG
                    The information contained herein is to be used onlyforthe purposefor which it is subminied and is not to
                    be released in whole orpart withour written approval ofMVG.

                   report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document is
                   cannot be reproduced except in full with our prior written permission. The document is available on request and the brief information

                                          Tel : (86—755) 29081955           Fax: (86—755) 26008484          HitpJwww.age—        E—mail: age@age—
                                          Add: 2F. , No.2 Building, Huafeng No.1 Technical Industrial Park, Sanwel, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen


Document Created: 2016-08-09 17:14:19
Document Modified: 2016-08-09 17:14:19

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