Test report


Test Report

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                                                                              Report No.: 07-1341-041-1
                                                                                     Page 1 of 13 Pages

                              TEST REPORT
    1. Applicant

       Name                               : SEGI LIMITED
        Address                           : Room 1808, 18/F, Tower 2, Admiralty Center, 18
                                            Harcourt road, Hongkong City,186, CHINA
    2. Products

       Name                               : Security/Remote Control transmitter(Car Alarm System)
       Model/Type                         : MR181
       Manufacturer                       : SEGI LIMITED

   3. Test Standard                       : FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Subpart C section 15.231(a)

    4. Test Method                        : ANSI C63.4-2003

    5. Test Result                        : Positive

    6. Date of Application                : November 12, 2007

    7. Date of Issue                      : December 09, 2007

   Tested by                                                              Approved by

   Sung-Kyu Cho                                                           Seok-Jin Kim
   Telecommunication Team                                                 Telecommunication Team
   Engineer                                                               Manager
  The test results contained apply only to the test sample(s) supplied by the applicant, and this test
 report shall not be reproduced in full or in part without approval of the KTL in advance.

516 Haean-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 426-901 KOREA                  Tel: +82-31-500-0132
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                     Fax: +82-31-500-0159

                                                                          Report No.: 07-1341-041-1
                                                                                 Page 2 of 13 Pages

                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

    I. GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                          3

     1. Applicant (client)
     2. Equipment (EUT)
     3. Testing Laboratory

   Ⅱ. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS                                                                      4

   Ⅲ. TEST FACILITY                                                                                5

   Ⅳ. TEST RESULTS                                                                                 6

     4.1 Transmission Requirements
     4.2 Field Strength Measurements
     4.3 Bandwidth of Momentary Signals

   APPENDIX I                                                                                     12

   APPENDIX Ⅱ                                                                                     13

516 Haean-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 426-901 KOREA            Tel : +82-31-500-0132
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                               Fax: +82-31-500-0159

                                                                              Report No.: 07-1341-041-1
                                                                                     Page 3 of 13 Pages

                               Ⅰ. GENERAL INFORMATIONS
   1.1 Applicant (Client)

                  Name                SEGI LIMITED
                                      Room 1808, 18/F, Tower 2, Admiralty Center, 18 Harcourt road,
                                      Hongkong City,186, CHINA
              Contact Person          Byung joon - Ko
              Telephone No.           +86-769-8322-4133(175)
               Facsimile No.          +86-769-8322-4130
              E-mail address          byungjoon@magicar.com

   1.2 Equipment (EUT)

            Type of equipment         Security/Remote Control transmitter(Car Alarm System)
               Model Name             MR181
                  FCC ID              VA5JR181FM907
           Operating Frequency        907.1695 MHz
              Antenna Type            Internal
         EUT Modes of Operation       Transmitter
              Type of Signal          Pulse Coded Signal
            Type of Modulation        FSK
              Power Source            DC 6 V (Battery)
           Manufacturer Name          SEGI LIMITED
                                      Chenjiapucun, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City,
          Manufacturer Address
                                      Guangdong Province, P.R.China(523-408)

1.3 Testing Laboratory
                                      Korea Testing Labortory (KTL)
       Testing Place                  516 Haean-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do,
                                      426-901, KOREA
       Test Engineer                  Sungkyu Cho
       Telephone number               +82 31 500 0312
       Facsimile number               +82 31 500 0159
       E-mail address                 skcho@ktl.re.kr
       Other Comments

516 Haean-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 426-901 KOREA                   Tel : +82-31-500-0132
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                      Fax: +82-31-500-0159

                                                                                     Report No.: 07-1341-041-1
                                                                                            Page 4 of 13 Pages

                            Ⅱ. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS

   Testing performed for : SEGI Limited

   Equipment Under Test : MR181

   Receipt of Test Sample : November 14, 2007

   Test Start Date : November 16, 2007

   Test End Date : November 30,2007

   The following table represents the list of measurements required under the FCC CFR47 Part 15.231 & RSS
   210 Annex I.

               FCC                             DESCRIPTION OF TEST                                  Result

            15.231(a)                          Transmission Requirements                             Pass

            15.231(b)      Transmitter Radiated Emissions – Fundamental, Harmonic and Spurious       Pass

            15.231(c)                               20 dB Bandwidth                                  Pass

   Note 1 : Test results reported in this document relate only to the items tested
   Note 2 : The required tests demonstrated compliance as per client declaration of test configuration, monitoring
            methodology and associated pass/fail criteria
   Note 3 : Test results apply only to the item(s) tested

   * Modifications required for compliance
     No modifications were implemented by KTL.
     All results in this report pertain to the un-modified sample provided to KTL.

516 Haean-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 426-901 KOREA                          Tel : +82-31-500-0132
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                             Fax: +82-31-500-0159

                                                                                   Report No.: 07-1341-041-1
                                                                                          Page 5 of 13 Pages

                                        Ⅲ. TEST FACILITY

 3.1 Korea Testing Laboratory test location

  All tests were conducted at Korea Testing Laboratory.
  The site address is 516 Haean-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok
  -gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 426-901, KOREA. The
  radiated emission test site is a 10-meter semi-anechoic
  chamber. The chamber meets the characteristics of
  CISPR 16-1:1993 and ANSI C63.4: 1992. For measure
  -ments, a remotely controlled flush-mount metal-top
  turntable is used to rotate the EUT a full 360 degrees.
  A remote controlled non-conductive antenna mast is
  used to scan the antenna height from one to four

 The FCC registration number is 408324. The Industry Canada filing number for this site is 6298.

 3.2 Test Equipment

   No.            Equipment           Manufacturer          Model            S/N         Effective Cal.Duration

     1           EMI Receiver              R&S               ESCI           100164            08/24/2008

     2             Amplifier                                310N            186270            08/25/2008
                                      Instrument Co.
                Biconi-Log Ant.
     3                                 Schwarzbeck       VULB9168          9168-179           04/06/2009
             (30 MHz ~ 1000 MHz)
                   Horn Ant.
     4                                    Agilent           E4448A        MY43360322          02/26/2008
               (1 GHz ~ 18 GHz)

     5           Antenna Mast           Frankonia           FAM4          1101F4006                --

     6                                     H.P.             8347A         2834A00543          05/19/2008
              ( 100 kHz ~ 3 GHz)

     7        Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent           E4407B        US41443316          12/01/2007

516 Haean-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 426-901 KOREA                     Tel : +82-31-500-0132
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                        Fax: +82-31-500-0159

                                                                                 Report No.: 07-1341-041-1
                                                                                        Page 6 of 13 Pages

                                         Ⅳ. TEST RESULTS

  4.1 Transmission Requirements (FCC Part 15.231(a) & RSS-210 A1.1.1)

  4.1.1 Limit of Transmission Time

    ■ According to 15.231(a)(1), a manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically
     deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being release.

    □ According to 15.231(a)(2), a transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5
     seconds after activation.

516 Haean-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 426-901 KOREA                      Tel : +82-31-500-0132
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                         Fax: +82-31-500-0159

                                                                                 Report No.: 07-1341-041-1
                                                                                        Page 7 of 13 Pages

  4.2 Field Strength Measurements (FCC Part 15.231(b) & RSS-210 A1.1.2)

  4.2.1 Test procedure

    ▪ Measurements were made over the frequency range of 30 MHz to ten times the highest frequency
      operating within the device.
    ▪ The measuring receiver meets the requirements of Section One of CISPR 16 and the measuring
      antenna correlates to a balanced dipole.
    ▪ From 30 to 1000 MHz, a quasi-peak detector was used for measurement. Above 1000 MHz, average
      Measurements were performed.
    ▪ The antenna is adjusted between 1m and 4m in height above the ground plane for maximum field-
      strength readings.
    ▪ The antenna-to-EUT azimuth is varied during the measurement to find the maximum field-strength
    ▪ The antenna-to-EUT polarization (horizontal and vertical) is varied during the measurements to find the
      maximum field-strength readings.
    ▪ The EUT was placed on a wooden table 80 cm above the ground reference plane.
    ▪ Equipment setup for radiated disturbance tests followed the guidelines of ANSI C63.4.
    ▪ The bandwidths of the fundamental emissions were measured 20 dB down from the modulated carrier
      using the ANSI C63.4 specified bandwidths. The bandwidth measurement was performed using a peak
      detector and the peak-hold function of the analyzer.
    ▪ The readings obtained from the measurement receiver were corrected for antenna factor, cable loss,
      and pre-amp gain.

  4.2.2 Field strength calculation

    The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Loss, and subtracting Amplifier
    Gain from the measured reading. All factors are included in the reported data.

                    FS = R + AF + CORR – FO
            Where : FS = Field Strength
                    R = Measured Spectrum analyzer Input Amplitude
                    AF = Antenna Factor
                    CORR = Correction Factor = CL + AG
                    CL = Cable Loss
                    AG = Amplifier Gain
                    FO = Distance Falloff Factor

516 Haean-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 426-901 KOREA                     Tel : +82-31-500-0132
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                        Fax: +82-31-500-0159

                                                                                                        Report No.: 07-1341-041-1
                                                                                                               Page 8 of 13 Pages

   4.2.3 Limits

    The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Loss, and subtracting Amplifier
    Gain from the measured reading. All factors are included in the reported data.

                  Fundamental                            Field Strength of                          Field Strength of
                   Frequency                              Fundamental                               Spurious Emission
                      (MHz)                              (microvolts/meter)                          (microvolts/meter)
                40.66–40.70                                   1,000                                          100
                   70-130                                       500                                           50
                   130-174                                500 to 1,500**                                   50 to 150**
                   174-260                                     1,500                                         150
                   260-470                                1,500 to 5,000**                               150 to 500**
                  Above 470                                     5,000                                          500
             ** linear interpolations

516 Haean-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 426-901 KOREA                                                 Tel : +82-31-500-0132
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                                                    Fax: +82-31-500-0159

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                                                                                Report No.: 07-1341-041-1
                                                                                      Page 10 of 13 Pages

   Note ;

        (1) Fundamental emissions from the intentional radiators were not located within any of frequency
            bands described in section 15.205(a) listed below ;

               MHz                      MHz                        MHz                     GHz
            0.090-0.110              16.42-16.423                399.9-410               4.5-5.25
            0.495-0.505              16.69475-16.69525           608-614                 5.35-5.46
            2.1735-2.1905            16.80425-16.80475            960-1240               7.25-7.75
            4.125-4.128              25.5-25.67                 1300-1427                8.025-8.5
            4.17725-4.1775           37.5-38.25                 1435-1626.5              9.0-9.2
            4.20725-4.20775          73-74.6                    1645.5-1646.5            9.3-9.5
            6.215-6.218              74.8-75.2                  1660-1710                10.6-12.7
            6.26775-6.26825          108-121.94                 1718.8-1722.2            13.25-13.4
            6.31175-6.31225          123-138                    2200-2300                14.47-14.5
            8.291-8.294              149.9-150.05               2310-2390                15.35-16.2
            8.362-8.366              156.52475-156.52525        2483.5-2500              17.7-21.4
            8.37625-8.38675          156.7-156.9                2655-2900                22.01-23.12
            8.41425-8.41475          162.0125-167.17            3260-3267                23.6-24.0
            12.29-12.293             167.72-173.2               3332-3339                31.2-31.8
            12.51975-12.52025        240-285                    3345.8-3358              36.43-36.5
            12.57675-12.57725        322-335.4                  3600-4400

             The field strength of emissions appearing within above frequency bands did not exceed the limits
             shown in section 15.209. At frequency equal to or less than 1000MHz, compliance with the limits
             section 15.209 was demonstrated using measurement employing a CISPR quasi-peak detector.
             Above 1000MHz, demonstrated based on the average value of the measured emissions.

       (2) If the intentional radiator was operated under the radiated emission limits of the general
            requirements of section 15.209, it's fundamental emissions were not located in the frequency
            bands 54-72MHz, 76-88MHz, 174-216MHz, 470-860MHz.

       (3) The level of any unwanted emissions from an intentional radiator did not exceed the level of the
           fundamental emission.

       (4) Radiated and spurious emissions were checked from 30MHz to 3GHz. And all other emissions not
           reported on data were more than 20 dB below the permitted level.

516 Haean-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 426-901 KOREA                    Tel : +82-31-500-0132
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                       Fax: +82-31-500-0159

                                                                               Report No.: 07-1341-041-1
                                                                                     Page 11 of 13 Pages

  4.3 Bandwidth of Momentary Signals (FCC Part 15.231)

  4.3.1 Limit
  The bandwidth of emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the centre frequency for devices operating between
  70~900 MHz. For devices operating above 900 MHz, the emission shall be no wider than 0.5% of the centre

      1. Carrier Frequency = 907.1695 MHz
      2. The bandwidth of emission shall be no wider than 0.5 % of center frequency.
      3. Limit : less than 4.536 MHz (907.1695 x 0.005)

  4.3.2 Test result (FCC Part 15.231(c))

                 Frequency (MHz)           Result (kHz)         Limit (MHz)            Verdict

                     907.1695                  96                  4.536                Pass

  Explanation : See attached diagram.

516 Haean-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 426-901 KOREA                        Tel : +82-31-500-0132
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                           Fax: +82-31-500-0159

                                                                          Report No.: 07-1341-041-1
                                                                                Page 12 of 13 Pages

                                               Appendix Ⅰ

                                              – 20 dB Bandwidth –

516 Haean-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 426-901 KOREA            Tel : +82-31-500-0132
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                               Fax: +82-31-500-0159

                                                                          Report No.: 07-1341-041-1
                                                                                Page 13 of 13 Pages

                                               Appendix Ⅱ

                                              – Test setup photo –

516 Haean-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 426-901 KOREA            Tel : +82-31-500-0132
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                               Fax: +82-31-500-0159

Document Created: 2007-12-08 23:17:59
Document Modified: 2007-12-08 23:17:59

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