Test Report


Test Report

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                                  FCC CERTIFICATION
                                       On Behalf of
                           Shenzhen Kingsun Enterprises Co., Ltd.

                                      Wireless Headphone
                                      Model No.: MF-210

                                    FCC ID: UYFMF210T

            Prepared for       :   Shenzhen Kingsun Enterprises Co., Ltd.
            Address            :   25F, CEC Information Building, Xinwen Rd., Shenzhen
                                   Guangdong, P.R.China
            Prepared by        :   ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD
            Address            :   F1, Bldg. A, Changyuan New Material Port, Keyuan Rd.
                                   Science & Industry Park, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong
                                   P.R. China

                                   Tel: (0755) 26503290
                                   Fax: (0755) 26503396

            Report Number      :   ATE20070164
            Date of Test       :   January 15, 2007
            Date of Report     :   January 19, 2007

FCC ID: UYFMF210T                                         ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD REPORT NO. ATE20070164

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                                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
     Description                                                                                                                                                    Page
     Test Report Certification
     1.       GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 4
          1.1.        Description of Device (EUT)....................................................................................................................4
          1.2.        Description of Test Facility ......................................................................................................................4
          1.3.        Measurement Uncertainty.........................................................................................................................4
     2.       MEASURING DEVICE AND TEST EQUIPMENT ..................................................................... 5
     3.       RADIATED EMISSION FOR FCC PART 15 SECTION 15.239(C)........................................... 6
          3.1.        Block Diagram of Test Setup....................................................................................................................6
          3.2.        The Emission Limit for section 15.239(c) ................................................................................................6
          3.3.        Configuration of EUT on Measurement ...................................................................................................7
          3.4.        Operating Condition of EUT ....................................................................................................................7
          3.5.        Test Procedure ..........................................................................................................................................7
          3.6.        The Field Strength of Radiation Emission Measurement Results ............................................................8
     4.       FUNDAMENTAL RADIATED EMISSION FOR FCC PART 15 SECTION 15.239(B) .......... 9
          4.1.        Block Diagram of Test Setup....................................................................................................................9
          4.2.        The Emission Limit For Section 15.239(b) ..............................................................................................9
          4.3.        EUT Configuration on Measurement .....................................................................................................10
          4.4.        Operating Condition of EUT ..................................................................................................................10
          4.5.        Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................................10
          4.6.        The Emission Measurement Result ........................................................................................................11
     5.       OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH FOR FCC PART 15 SECTION 15.239(A) ................................... 14
          5.1.        The Requirement For Section 15.239(a).................................................................................................14
          5.2.        EUT Configuration on Measurement .....................................................................................................14
          5.3.        Operating Condition of EUT ..................................................................................................................14
          5.4.        Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................................14
          5.5.        Test Result ..............................................................................................................................................15
     6.       TUNING RANGE ........................................................................................................................... 16
          6.1.  The Requirement For Section 15.239 .....................................................................................................16
          6.2.  EUT Configuration on Measurement .....................................................................................................16
          6.3.  Operating Condition of EUT ..................................................................................................................16
          6.4.  Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................................16
          6.5.  Test Result ..............................................................................................................................................17
             APPENDIX I ( TEST CURVES) (3pages)

FCC ID: UYFMF210T                                                                               ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD REPORT NO. ATE20070164

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                                      Test Report Certification

             Applicant          :   Shenzhen Kingsun Enterprises Co., Ltd.
             Manufacturer       :   Shenzhen Kingsun Enterprises Co., Ltd.
             EUT Description    :   Wireless Headphone
                                     (A) MODEL NO.: MF-210
                                     (B) SERIAL NO.: N/A
                                     (C) POWER SUPPLY: DC 3.0V (AAA Battery ¯2)

             Measurement Procedure Used:

             FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.239: 2006

             The device described above is tested by ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD to determine
             the maximum emission levels emanating from the device. The maximum emission levels are
             compared to the FCC Part 15 Subpart C Section15.239 limits. The measurement results are
             contained in this test report and ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD is assumed full
             responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these measurements. Also, this report shows
             that the Equipment Under Test (EUT) is to be technically compliant with the FCC requirements.

             This report applies to above tested sample only. This report shall not be reproduced in part
             without written approval of ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.

             Date of Test :                                       January 15, 2007

             Prepared by :


             Reviewer :

                                                                 (Quality Manager)

             Approved & Authorized Signer :


FCC ID: UYFMF210T                                           ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD REPORT NO. ATE20070164

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                1.1.Description of Device (EUT)
                    EUT                     :   Wireless Headphone
                    Model Number            :   MF-210
                    Power Supply            :   DC 3.0V (AAA Battery ¯2)
                    Operate Frequency       :   88.4MHz
                    Channel                 :   1
                    iPod                    :   Manufacturer: Apple
                                                M/N: A1136
                                                S/N: JQ543GF9SZA
                    Applicant               :   Shenzhen Kingsun Enterprises Co., Ltd.
                    Address                 :   25F, CEC Information Building, Xinwen Rd., Shenzhen
                                                  Guangdong, P.R.China
                    Manufacturer            :   Shenzhen Kingsun Enterprises Co., Ltd.
                    Address                 :   25F, CEC Information Building, Xinwen Rd., Shenzhen
                                                Guangdong, P.R.China
                    Date of sample received :   January 09, 2007
                    Date of Test            :   January 15, 2007

                1.2.Description of Test Facility
                    EMC Lab                 :   Accredited by TUV Rheinland Shenzhen, May 10, 2004

                                                Accredited by FCC, May 10, 2004
                                                The Certificate Registration Number is 253065

                                                Accredited by Industry Canada, May 18, 2004
                                                The Certificate Registration Number is IC 5077

                    Name of Firm            :   ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD
                    Site Location           :   F1, Bldg. A, Changyuan New Material Port, Keyuan Rd.
                                                Science & Industry Park, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong
                                                P.R. China

                1.3.Measurement Uncertainty
                    Conducted emission expanded uncertainty      =    2.23dB, k=2

                    Radiated emission expanded uncertainty       =    4.12dB, k=2

FCC ID: UYFMF210T                                            ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD REPORT NO. ATE20070164

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               Table 1: List of Test and Measurement Equipment
                    Kind of equipment Manufacturer    Type            S/N               Calibrated until
                    EMI Test Receiver Rohde&Schwarz   ESCS30          100307            03.31.2007
                    EMI Test Receiver Rohde&Schwarz   ESI26           838786/013        01.24.2008
                    Bilog Antenna     Schwarzbeck     VULB9163        9163-194          03.31.2007
                    Bilog Antenna     Chase           CBL6112B        2591              03.31.2007
                    Horn Antenna      Rohde&Schwarz   HF906           100013            01.24.2008
                    Spectrum Analyzer Anritsu         MS2651B         6200238856        03.31.2007
                    Pre-Amplifier     Agilent         8447D           2944A10619        03.31.2007
                    L.I.S.N.          Rohde&Schwarz   ESH3-Z5         100305            03.31.2007
                    L.I.S.N.          Rohde&Schwarz   ESH3-Z5         100310            03.31.2007

FCC ID: UYFMF210T                                        ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD REPORT NO. ATE20070164

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                3.1.Block Diagram of Test Setup
                        3.1.1.Block diagram of connection between the EUT and simulators

                                   iPod             EUT

                                (EUT: Wireless Headphone)

                        3.1.2.Anechoic Chamber Test Setup Diagram

                                    ANTENNA ELEVATION VARIES FROM 1 TO 4 METERS
                                                   3 METERS


                                                                                       0.8 METER

                                  GROUND PLANE
                                (EUT: Wireless Headphone)

                3.2.The Emission Limit for section 15.239(c)
                        3.2.1   The field strength of any emissions radiated on any frequency outside of the
                                specified 200kHz band shall not exceed the general radiated emission limits in
                                section 15.209
                     Radiation Emission Measurement Limits According to Section 15.209
                      Frequency           Field Strength of      Field Strength of The final measurement
                                          Quasi-peak Value       Quasi-peak Value        in band 9-90kHz,
                                           (microvolts/m)            (dBμV/m)             110-490kHz and
                                                                                        above 1000MHz is
                        30 - 88                  100                     40                performed with
                                                                                         Average detector.
                       88 - 216                  150                    43.5                Except those
                                                                                          frequency bands

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                                                                                          mention above, the
                       216 - 960                   200                   46
                                                                                        final measurement for
                                                                                          frequencies below
                                                                                             1000MHz is
                      Above 960                    500                   54
                                                                                        performed with Quasi
                                                                                            Peak detector.

                3.3.Configuration of EUT on Measurement
                    The following equipment are installed on Radiated Emission Measurement to meet the
                    commission requirements and operating regulations in a manner which tends to maximize
                    its emission characteristics in normal application.
                       3.3.1.Wireless Headphone (EUT)
                            Model Number       :     MF-210
                            Serial Number      :     N/A
                            Manufacturer       :     Shenzhen Kingsun Enterprises Co., Ltd.

                3.4.Operating Condition of EUT
                       3.4.1.Setup the EUT and simulator as shown as Section 3.1.

                       3.4.2.Turn on the power of all equipment.
                               Let the EUT work in TX modes [Connect EUT audio cable to iPod headphone
                               jack and iPod playing typical audio signal(music song) with maximum audio
                               level] measure it.
             Note: The EUT is connected to iPod by the base interface of iPod. The input signal of EUT is
             controlled by iPod. so the volume control of iPod was set to maximum during the test. It means
             that the test was performed with the maximum audio input.

                3.5.Test Procedure
                    The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turntable, which is 0.8 meter high above
                    ground. The turntable can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum
                    emission level. EUT is set 3.0 meters away from the receiving antenna, which is mounted
                    on an antenna tower. The antenna can be moved up and down between 1.0 meter and 4
                    meters to find out the maximum emission level. Broadband antenna (calibrated bilog
                    antenna) is used as receiving antenna. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the
                    antenna are set on measurement. In order to find the maximum emission levels, all of the
                    interface cables must be manipulated according to ANSI C63.4: 2003 on radiated
                    emission measurement.
                    The bandwidth of test receiver (R&S ESCS30) is set at 120KHz in 30-1000MHz; Set at
                    1MHz in above 1000MHz.
                    The frequency range from 30MHz to 1000MHz is checked.
                     The final measurement in band 9-90kHz, 110-490kHz and above 1000MHz is performed
                     with Average detector. Except those frequency bands mention above, the final
                     measurement for frequencies below 1000MHz is performed with Quasi Peak detector.

FCC ID: UYFMF210T                                             ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD REPORT NO. ATE20070164

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                3.6.The Field Strength of Radiation Emission Measurement Results
                       The frequency range 30MHz to 1000MHz is investigated.

         Date of Test:    January 15, 2007                         Temperature:       25oC
         EUT:             Wireless Headphone                       Humidity:          55%
         Model No.:       MF-210                                   Power Supply:      DC 3.0V (AAA Battery ¯2)
         Test Mode:       TX                                       Test Engineer:     Andy

                        Frequency Reading(dBμV/m)         Factor Result(dBμV/m) Limits(dBμV/m) Margin(dBμV/m)
                          (MHz)                          Corr.( dB)                    QP            QP
                                          QP                            QP
         Horizontal      176.804         25.4               8.1        33.5           43.5           10.0

         Horizontal      265.205           23.0             10.9          33.9              46.0              12.1

         Horizontal      353.607           22.5             13.9          36.4              46.0               9.6

         Horizontal      442.010           17.0             15.9          32.9              46.0              13.1

         Horizontal      530.411           13.7             17.5          31.2              46.0              14.8

         Horizontal      618.813           11.2             18.8          30.0              46.0              16.0

         Horizontal      707.215           10.1             20.0          30.1              46.0              15.9

          Vertical       176.812           26.3              8.5          34.8              43.5               8.7

          Vertical       265.203           25.9              9.9          35.8              46.0              10.2

          Vertical       353.603           20.4             14.0          34.4              46.0              11.6

          Vertical       442.015           22.5             16.4          38.9              46.0               7.1

          Vertical       530.403           17.2             18.3          35.5              46.0              10.5

          Vertical       619.000           12.4             19.9          32.3              46.0              13.7

          Vertical       707.202            9.1             21.4          30.5              46.0              15.5

        The spectral diagrams in appendix I display the measurement of un-weighted peak values.
         The field strength is calculated by adding the antenna factor, high pass filter loss(if used) and cable loss, and
subtracting the amplifier gain(if any)from the measured reading. The basic equation calculation is as follows:
            Result = Reading + Corrected Factor
       Where Corrected Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + High Pass Filter Loss – Amplifier Gain

                                                                         Reviewer :

FCC ID: UYFMF210T                                                  ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD REPORT NO. ATE20070164

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               SECTION 15.239(B)

                4.1.Block Diagram of Test Setup
                        4.1.1.Block diagram of connection between the EUT and simulators

                                   iPod            EUT

                                (EUT: Wireless Headphone)

                        4.1.2.Anechoic Chamber Test Setup Diagram

                                   ANTENNA ELEVATION VARIES FROM 1 TO 4 METERS

                                                  3 METERS


                                                                                       0.8 METER

                                  GROUND PLANE

                                (EUT: Wireless Headphone)

                4.2.The Emission Limit For Section 15.239(b)
                     4.2.1 The field strength of any emission within the permitted 200kHz band shall not
                     exceed 250microvolts/meter at 3 meters. The emission limit in this paragraph is based on
                     measurement instrumentation employing an average detector. The provisions in section
                     15.35 for limiting peak emissions apply.

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                4.3.EUT Configuration on Measurement
                    The following equipment are installed on the emission Measurement to meet the
                    commission requirements and operating regulations in a manner which tends to maximize
                    its emission characteristics in normal application.
                      4.3.1.Wireless Headphone (EUT)
                           Model Number       :   MF-210
                           Serial Number      :   N/A
                           Manufacturer       :   Shenzhen Kingsun Enterprises Co., Ltd.

                4.4.Operating Condition of EUT
                      4.4.1.Setup the EUT and simulator as shown as Section 4.1.

                      4.4.2.Turn on the power of all equipment.
                            Let the EUT work in TX modes [Connect EUT audio cable to iPod headphone
                            jack and iPod playing typical audio signal(music song) with maximum audio
                            level] measure it.
                      Note: The EUT is connected to iPod by the base interface of iPod. The input signal of
                          EUT is controlled by iPod. so the volume control of iPod was set to maximum
                          during the test. It means that the test was performed with the maximum audio

                4.5.Test Procedure
                    The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turntable, which is 0.8 meter high above
                    ground. The turntable can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum
                    emission level. EUT is set 3.0 meters away from the receiving antenna, which is mounted
                    on an antenna tower. The antenna can be moved up and down between 1.0 meter and 4
                    meters to find out the maximum emission level. Broadband antenna (calibrated bilog
                    antenna) is used as receiving antenna. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the
                    antenna are set on measurement. In order to find the maximum emission levels, all of the
                    interface cables must be manipulated according to ANSI C63.4: 2003 on radiated
                    emission measurement.

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                        4.6.The Emission Measurement Result


                 Date of Test:   February 7, 2007                          Temperature:       25oC
                 EUT:            Wireless Headphone                        Humidity:          55%
                 Model No.:      MF-210                                    Power Supply:      DC 3.0V (AAA Battery ¯2)
                 Test Mode:      TX                                        Test Engineer:     Andy

               Fundamental Radiated Emissions

Frequency     Reading(dBμV/m)         Factor(dB)      Result(dBμV/m)       Limit(dBμV/m)         Margin(dBμV/m) Polarizati
(MHz)            AV         PEAK      Corr.            AV       PEAK         AV       PEAK        AV     PEAK
    88.4         40.6        44.3          6.3         46.8       50.6        48         68        1.2         17.4    Vertical
    88.4         35.8        39.4          8.3         44.1       47.7        48         68        3.9         20.3    Horizontal

                The Average measurement plots are attached as below.
                The data of Average measurement in plots are with corrected factors.
                 The field strength is calculated by adding the antenna factor, high pass filter loss (if used) and cable loss, and
        subtracting the amplifier gain(if any)from the measured reading. The basic equation calculation is as follows:
                    Result = Reading + Corrected Factor
               Where Corrected Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + High Pass Filter Loss – Amplifier Gain

        FCC ID: UYFMF210T                                                  ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD REPORT NO. ATE20070164

            asat/m              10 as                              soo0000 xiz

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             ceoss on                    ie                        Span    im

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            TX antonna rolantzation:nortzontal
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                                                           Page 13 of 21


                                                                                                      Page 14 of 21



                 5.1.The Requirement For Section 15.239(a)
                      5.1.1. Emission from the device shall be confined within a band 200kHz wide centered on
                             the operating frequency. The 200kHz band shall lie wholly within the frequency
                             range of 88-108MHz.

                 5.2.EUT Configuration on Measurement
                      The following equipment are installed on the emission Measurement to meet the
                      commission requirements and operating regulations in a manner which tends to maximize
                      its emission characteristics in normal application.
                         5.2.1.Wireless Headphone (EUT)
                              Model Number       :   MF-210
                              Serial Number      :   N/A
                              Manufacturer       :   Shenzhen Kingsun Enterprises Co., Ltd.

                 5.3.Operating Condition of EUT
                         5.3.1.Setup the EUT and simulator as shown as Section 4.1.

                         5.3.2.Turn on the power of all equipment.
                                 Let the EUT work in TX modes [Connect EUT audio cable to iPod headphone
                                 jack and iPod playing typical audio signal(music song) with maximum audio
                                 level] measure it.
               Note: The EUT is connected to iPod by the base interface of iPod. The input signal of EUT is
               controlled by iPod. so the volume control of iPod was set to maximum during the test. It means
               that the test was performed with the maximum audio input.

                 5.4.Test Procedure
                       5.4.1. The EUT was placed on a turn table which is 0.8m above ground plane.
                       5.4.2. Set EUT as normal operation. Playing MP3.(the volume control of iPod was set to
                       5.4.3. Set EMI test r e c e i v e r Center Frequency = fundamental frequency, RBW,
                           VBW= 10kHz, Span=300kHz.
                       5.4.4. Set EMI test r e c e i v e r Max hold. Mark peak, -26dB.

FCC ID: UYFMF210T                                              ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD REPORT NO. ATE20070164

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                5.5.Test Result

                      The EUT does meet the FCC requirement.

                    Input signal : play typical audio signal(music song)
                    FM 88.4MHz
                    -26dB bandwidth = 157.8kHz

                                                                      Reviewer :

FCC ID: UYFMF210T                                               ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD REPORT NO. ATE20070164

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          6. TUNING RANGE

                6.1.The Requirement For Section 15.239

                6.2.EUT Configuration on Measurement
                    The following equipment are installed on the emission Measurement to meet the
                    commission requirements and operating regulations in a manner which tends to maximize
                    its emission characteristics in normal application.
                      6.2.1.Wireless Headphone (EUT)
                           Model Number      :   MF-210
                           Serial Number     :   N/A
                           Manufacturer      :   Shenzhen Kingsun Enterprises Co., Ltd.

                6.3.Operating Condition of EUT
                      6.3.1.Setup the EUT and simulator as shown as Section 4.1.

                      6.3.2.Turn on the power of all equipment.
                            Let the EUT work in TX modes

                6.4.Test Procedure
                      6.4.1. The EUT was placed on a turn table which is 0.8m above ground plane.
                      6.4.2. Set the EUT working on the working frequency.
                      6.4.3. Set EMI test receiver center frequency = working frequency, RBW, VBW=
                             10kHz, Span=300kHz.
                      6.4.4. Measuring the working frequency.
                      6.4.5. The working frequency should be inside 88-108MHz.

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                6.5.Test Result

                      The EUT does meet the FCC requirement.

                    Working Frequency= 88.4018MHz

                    The working frequency can not to be displayed and adjusted on EUT.
                    The EUT just one working frequency.

                                                                   Reviewer :

FCC ID: UYFMF210T                                            ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD REPORT NO. ATE20070164

                                                                   Page 18 of 21

                    APPENDIX I
                    (Test Curves)


        Lo (@BuSin)

                                                         | FCC class—B
                                                         :                s

        an            ne       «s                  a2    see                  1000
                                    Prequency OM
Trace:                                                       Ref Trace:
Condition: roo chass—p 3n AtC vUrs9163(WE#) mortzontat
out          uzreuess meappions M/inme—210
power        bo 3. ov
meno       cogk
manu£        rmesun
sauple no.: 070133

   ®s                24                                   i06           1000
                                    Frequency (MHz)

Trace:                                                     Ref Trace:

eut            WIRELESS HEADPHONE M/N:MP—210
power          pe 3. 0V
memo           TX
manuf          KiNGsuN
sample no.:    070133

     zux oe                sn
              ap ot   zx        wien us   soe

Document Created: 2007-02-13 11:06:08
Document Modified: 2007-02-13 11:06:08

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