FCC ID: UUU-5411

RF Exposure Info

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                  RF Exposure Evaluation Report


                                                         Model Name:

                                                  Product Description:
                                                   Networking Device

                                                    FCC ID: UUU-5411


                            CFR Part Part1 (1.1307 & 1.1310), Part 2 (2.1091),
                         FCC KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06

                    Report number: EMC_A2ZDE-048-18001_FCC_ISED_MPE-Rev2

                                                        DATE: 2019-05-23

                                                           CETECOM Inc.
                                         411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.
                    Phone: + 1 (408) 586 6200  Fax: + 1 (408) 586 6299  E-mail: 
                                      CETECOM Inc. is a Delaware Corporation with Corporation number: 2905571

V5.0 2015-10-27                                                                                                               © Copyright by CETECOM

1   Assessment
This RF Exposure evaluation report provides evidence for compliance of the below identified device with the
RF Exposure limits for mobile devices as defined in FCC CFR Part 1 (1.1307 &1.1310), Part 2 (2.1091). The
measured or rated RF output power, antenna gain, distance towards human body and multiple transmitter
information as presented by the applicant are used in the evaluation. In addition maximum antenna gain or
minimum distance towards the human body is calculated where required.

The device meets the limits as stipulated by the above given FCC rule parts based on available specifications
and at a worse case condition at 20cm distance to the body.

           Company                               Description                               Model #
           Amazon                           Networking Device                             D5N83A

Report reviewed by: TCB Evaluator

                                                                                                  Digitally signed by Cindy Li

                                                   Cindy Li                                       DN: cn=Cindy Li, o=Cetecom Inc.,

2019-05-23         Compliance                   (Lab Manager)                                     Date: 2019.05.23 13:26:59 -07'00'

    Date             Section                        Name                                  Signature

Responsible for the Report:

                                              James Donnellan
2019-05-23         Compliance                   (Compliance)
    Date             Section                        Name                                  Signature

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2      Administrative Data
2.1     Identification of the Testing Laboratory Issuing the Test Report
Company Name:                             CETECOM Inc.
Department:                               Compliance
Street Address:                           411 Dixon Landing Road
City/Zip Code                             Milpitas, CA 95035
Country                                   USA
Telephone:                                +1 (408) 586 6200
Fax:                                      +1 (408) 586 6299
EMC Lab Manager:                          Cindy Li
Responsible Project Leader:               Rami Saman

2.2     Identification of the Client / Manufacturer

    Client Firm/Name:                      Amazon
    Street Address:                        410 Terry Ave
    City/Zip Code                          Seattle, WA 98109
    Country                                USA

Identification of the Manufacturer

    Manufacturer’s Name:                   Foxconn Cloud Network Technology Singapore Pte.
                                           No.2, 2nd Donghuan Road,10th Yousong Industrial District,
    Manufacturers Address:
                                           Longhua, Baoan,
    City/Zip Code                          Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province
    Country                                China

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      3   Equipment under Assessment
Model No:               D5N83A
HW Version :            DVT
SW Version :            emmc-denali_dvt-ipq806x-
FCC-ID:                 UUU-5411
FVIN:                   N/A
N/A                     D5N83A
PMN:                    Networking device

                              Wi-Fi 2.4GHz: 2412 MHz (ch1) – 2462 MHz (ch11), 11 channels 2
                                802.11b/g/n via 1 Qualcomm QCA9882 radio chip with dual antenna ports supporting
                               TX diversity
Regulatory Band:              Wi-Fi 5GHz: UNII-1 5150 MHz (ch36) – 5250 MHz (ch48) and
                               UNII-3 5725 MHz (ch149) – 5850 MHz (ch165)
                               Supported via 4X Qualcomm QCA9886 radio chips each driving dual antenna ports
                               supporting TX diversity.

                            Embedded 2.4GHZ,WLAN : Peak gain:
                            2400 MHz – 2483.5 MHz : 3dBi

                            Embedded 5 GHZ, WLAN : Peak gain
                             (Each of 4 5 GHz radio can drive 2 antennas with TX Diversity)
                            5150 MHz – 5250 MHz : 11 dBi
Antenna Type:               5725 MHz – 5850 MHz: 11 dBi

                              Additional Information
                              2.4 GHz antenna pair is Omni directional.
                              5 GHz Radio B2 and B3 drive two of the four side antenna pairs
                              5 GHz Radio B1 and B4 radios drive the top and bottom antenna pairs.
                              B1, B2, B3, and B4 can switch to the other two available side antenna pairs.
Maximum Conducted
                        Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz: 28 dBm
Output Power Target
                        Wi-Fi 5GHz: From 18 dBm UNII-3
plus Tune up
                        Wi-Fi 5GHz: From 18 dBm UNII-1
Power Supply/ Rated
Operating Voltage       AC/DC Adapter: Vlow:10.3 V / Vnom: 12.0 VDC / Vmax: 15.0 VDC
Operating Temperature   Low 0⁰ C, Nominal 25⁰ C, High 40⁰ C
Sample Revision         Prototype Unit;    Production Unit;      Pre-Production

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4     RF Exposure Limits FCC Basic Rules
For the specific described radio apparatus the following basic limits and rules apply for FCC

4.1    Power Density Limits acc. to FCC 1.1310(e):
              Frequency Range (MHz)                     Power density (mW/cm2)            Averaging time (minutes)
                      300 – 1500                               f (MHz) /1500                          30
                    1500 – 10,000                                    1.0                              30

4.2    Routine Environmental Evaluation Categorical Exclusion Limits acc. to FCC 2.109(c)

operating frequency < 1.5GHz: excluded if ERP < 1.5W / 31.8dBm (EIRP: 33.9);
operating frequency > 1.5GHz: excluded if ERP < 3.0W / 34.8dBm (EIRP: 36.9);

4.3    RF Exposure Estimation (MPE Estimation)
Having available the source based average output power and peak antenna gain or the ERP/EIRP of the specified device
and for a known minimum distance of its radiating structures from the body of persons according to its use cases (at least
20cm) the power density at that distance can be estimated by the following formula for plane-wave equivalent conditions
(far-field conditions), when ground reflection is neglected.

                                                             4R 2

where: S = power density (mW/cm2 or W/m2)
       P = power input to the antenna (mW or W)
       G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
       R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna (cm or m)

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5      Evaluations
5.1     Routine RF Exposure evaluation for Stand Alone Operation

                                                       FCC EIRP limit             EIRP
       Band                Lowest frequency [MHz]                                                   Verdict
                                                          [dBm]                  [dBm]

                                                                           SISO operation
      WIFI 2.4       -             2412                    36.90                 31                Complies
      WIFI 5.0    B1               5180                    36.90               29.00               Complies
      WIFI 5.0    B2               5180                    36.90               29.00               Complies
      WIFI 5.0    B3               5745                    36.90               29.00               Complies
      WIFI 5.0    B4               5745                    36.90               29.00               Complies
                                                                          MIMO Operation
      WIFI 2.4       -             2412                    36.90                 34                Complies
      WIFI 5.0    B1               5180                    36.90                 32                Complies
      WIFI 5.0    B2               5180                    36.90                 32                Complies
      WIFI 5.0    B3               5745                    36.90                 32                Complies
      WIFI 5.0    B4               5745                    36.90                 32                Complies

The single radios are exempt from routine environmental evaluation.

EUT Depiction for RF Exposure evaluation.

Evaluation is from the full impact of one of the 5 GHz antenna pairs from the front main beam M in addition to
the side lobe impact of the antenna pairs from adjacent sides a, b and c.

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5.2       Analysis of RF Exposure for simultaneous transmission
          Evaluations are based on a worst case power density limits for FCC only.
          Calculations are made for 20cm distance from the body.
          Evaluations are based on the Max. Target power plus the tune up tolerance and client declared
           antenna gains.
          While operating at Maximum target power and tune up on each of the four 5 GHz radios the
           evaluation is made with the assumption that the worst case orientation is directly in front of a
           directional antenna pair with three other 5GHz radio antenna pairs transmitting on orthogonal sides of
           the device relative to the side being evaluated.
          Relative to the side being evaluated the other three pairs of 5 GHz antennas have a gain of 0dBi in the
           direction of evaluation based on the antenna patterns provided by the client.
          For this evaluation the assumption is that we can transmit with 2 radios in both the UNII-1 and UNII-3
           bands along with the 2.4GHz radio operating at maximum target power plus tune up tolerance and
           with both chains transmitting for all radios.
          No Beamforming supported by the device per clients declaration.

                        MIMO          FCC                 comment
              Frequency                                                         Actual How much of FCC limit is
  Radio                 EIRP         [W/m2]
                [MHz]                                                          [W/m2]       used up [%]
                        [W] *         Limit
                                                                                         By Individual radios in
                                                                                           plane of interest
                                                     Main beam 2.4 GHz
 WIFI 2.4        2412      2.5119    10.000                                     4.997            49.97%
                                                Side lobe power of antenna
WIFI 5.0 B1      5180      0.1259    10.000                                     0.250             2.50%
                                                 facing adjacent direction a
                                                Side lobe power of antenna
WIFI 5.0 B2      5180      0.1259    10.000                                     0.250             2.50%
                                                facing adjacent direction b
WIFI 5.0 B3      5745      1.5849    10.000         Main beam 5 GHz M           3.153            31.53%
                                                Side lobe power of antenna
WIFI 5.0 B4      5745      0.1259    10.000                                     0.250             2.50%
                                                 facing adjacent direction c
                                                                                        By all Radios combined in
                                                                                          the plane of interest
                                                     Main beam 2.4 GHz
 WIFI 2.4        2412      2.5119    10.000                                     4.997            89.02%
                                                Side lobe power of antenna
WIFI 5.0 B1      5180      0.1259    10.000                                     0.250            89.02%
                                                 facing adjacent direction a
                                                Side lobe power of antenna
WIFI 5.0 B2      5180      0.1259    10.000                                     0.250            89.02%
                                                facing adjacent direction b
WIFI 5.0 B3      5745      1.5849    10.000         Main beam 5 GHz M           3.153            89.02%
                                                Side lobe power of antenna
WIFI 5.0 B4      5745      0.1259    10.000                                     0.250            89.02%
                                                 facing adjacent direction c

    Passes RF Exposure at a distance of 20 cm from any particular exterior of the device.
    The worst case for simultaneous transmission is with all radios transmitting on both chains.
    For above calculations two 5GHz radios operating in UNII 1 band and UNII 3 band is
      considered, in addition to the 2.4 GHz radio that is also operating on both chains.

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6      Revision History

      Date                   Report Name                 Changes to report        Report prepared by

    2019-02-26     EMC_A2ZDE-048-18001_FCC_ISED_MPE          Initial Release        James Donnellan

    2019-03-08   EMC_A2ZDE-048-18001_FCC_ISED_MPE-Rev1   Updated Mfg. Address.      James Donnellan

                                                           Updated tables and
                                                          calculations with max
                                                            target powers and
    2019-05-22   EMC_A2ZDE-048-18001_FCC_ISED_MPE-Rev2                              James Donnellan
                                                         recently provided tune
                                                             up tolerances in
                                                           sections 5.1 and 5.2

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Document Created: 2019-05-23 13:26:59
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 13:26:59

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