

Test Report

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Radio test report
20134636300 rev 1.0

based on:
   FCC part 15C, sections 15.207 and 15.247
   (ed. 10-1-12);
   FCC part 15B, sections 15.107 and 15.109
   (ed. 10-1-12);
   IC RSS 210, Annex 8 (issue 8); IC RSS-Gen
   (issue 3)

interface equipment using IEEE 802-15-4 (Zigbee)

                                                                                               Report number:                   20134636300 rev 1.0


MAIN MODULE.............................................................................................................................................. 3
   1 ......INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 3
   2 ......PRODUCT ............................................................................................................................................... 4
   3 ......TEST SCHEDULE ..................................................................................................................................... 4
   4 ......PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION................................................................................................................... 5
   5 ......OBSERVATIONS AND COMMENTS ........................................................................................................... 5
   6 ......MODIFICATIONS TO THE SAMPLE ............................................................................................................ 5
   7 ......SUMMARY.............................................................................................................................................. 5
   8 ......CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 6
TEST RESULTS MODULE ............................................................................................................................ 7
   1 ......GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................ 7
       1.1 Equipment information ..................................................................................................................... 7
       1.2 Tested channels ................................................................................................................................. 7
   2 ......SUMMARY OF TESTS............................................................................................................................... 7
   3 ......EMISSION TESTS ..................................................................................................................................... 8
       3.1 Maximum conducted output power................................................................................................... 8
       3.2 Minimum 6 dB bandwidth ................................................................................................................ 9
       3.3 99% emission bandwidth ................................................................................................................ 10
       3.4 Tx unwanted emissions attenuation (conducted, 0.030 – 26 GHz) ................................................. 11
       3.5 Tx unwanted emissions in the restricted bands ............................................................................... 12
       3.6 Rx unwanted emissions (radiated, 0.03 – 1 GHz), exploratory....................................................... 14
       3.7 Rx unwanted emissions (radiated > 1GHz), exploratory ................................................................ 15
       3.8 Rx unwanted emissions (radiated > 1GHz), final ........................................................................... 16
       3.9 Conducted emissions into the AC mains ......................................................................................... 17
USED TEST EQUIPMENT MODULE ........................................................................................................ 19

CROSS REFERENCE TABLE..................................................................................................................... 20

REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................................... 21

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Main module                                                Report number:       20134636300 rev 1.0

Main module
1     Introduction
This report contains the result of tests performed by:

        Telefication B.V.
        Edisonstraat 12a
        6902 PK Zevenaar
        The Netherlands

Telefication complies with the accreditation criteria for test laboratories as laid down in ISO/IEC
17025:2005. The accreditation covers the quality system of the laboratory as well as the specific
activities as described in the authorized annex bearing the accreditation number L021 and is
granted on 30 November 1990 by the Dutch Council For Accreditation (RvA: Raad voor

Telefication is designated by the FCC as an Accredited Test Firm for compliance testing of
equipment subject to Certification under Parts 15 & 18. The Registration Number is: 282250.

The Industry Canada number for the Open Area Test Site of Telefication is: 4173A-1.

The contents of this test report, if reproduced, shall be copied in full, unless special consent in
writing for reproduction in part is granted by Telefication. Copyright of this test report is reserved
to Telefication.

Ordering party:

Company name       :    SALTO Systems S.L.
Address            :    C/Arkotz 9 Pol. Lanbarren
Zipcode            :    20180
City/town          :    Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa)
Country            :    Spain
Date of order      :    12 November 2013

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Main module                                                Report number:     20134636300 rev 1.0

2     Product
A sample of the following product was submitted for testing:

Product description                :   interface equipment using IEEE 802-15-4 (Zigbee)
Manufacturer                       :   SALTO Systems S.L.
Trade mark                         :   Salto
Type designation                   :   Clay-IQ
FCC ID                             :   UKCCLAYIQ
IC ID                              :   10088A-CLAYIQ
Hardware version                   :   --
Serial number                      :   --
Firmware release                   :   --

Variant model                      : Clay-REPEATER

3     Test schedule
Tests are carried out in accordance with the specification detailed in chapter 7 “Summary” of this

Tests are carried out at the following location:
        Telefication, Zevenaar

The sample of the product is received on:
        14 November 2013

Tests are carried out between:
        14 November and 3 December 2013

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Main module                                                Report number:        20134636300 rev 1.0

4     Product documentation

For production of this report the following product documentation has been used:

 Description:                                Date:             Identification:
 Technical file Clay IQ-Repeater V 1.3       12/11/2013

The above-mentioned documentation will be filed at Telefication for a period of 10 years
following the issue of this test report.

5     Observations and comments

GSM module measurements are not included in the tests.

The variant model Clay-REPEATER differs from the Clay-IQ model in the sense that the GSM
module has not been installed.

The devices are intended to be installed as wall-mounted or on a table. It appeared that in the test
set up the highest emissions were obtained in the wall mount position. Therefore results of radiated
emission tests with the device in this position are laid down in this report.

The device submitted for testing was equipped with built-in test modes.

6     Modifications to the sample

No modifications are made to the sample.

7     Summary
The product is intended for use in the following application area(s):

The sample is tested according to the following specification(s):
FCC part 15C, sections 15.207 and 15.247 (ed. 10-1-12);
FCC part 15B, sections 15.107 and 15.109 (ed. 10-1-12);
IC RSS 210, Annex 8 (issue 8); IC RSS-Gen (issue 3)

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Main module                                                Report number:       20134636300 rev 1.0

8      Conclusions

The samples of the product showed NO NON-COMPLIANCES to the specification stated in
chapter 7 of this report:

The results of the tests as stated in this report, are exclusively applicable to the product item as
identified in this report. Telefication accepts no responsibility for any stated properties of product
items in this test report, which are not supported by the tests as specified in section 7 “Summary”.

All tests are performed by:

name         : ing. P.A. Suringa

function     : Senior Engineer Radio/EMC

signature    :

Review of test report by:

name         : ing. J.C. le Clercq

function     : Test Engineer

signature    :

The above conclusions have been verified by the following signatory:

Date         : 2 January 2014

name         : ing. A. van der Valk

function     : Manager Laboratory
signature    :

                                                                            Page:                     7 of 21
Test results module                                                Report number:         20134636300 rev 1.0

Test results module
1      General information

1.1      Equipment information

Type of equipment                    Interface equipment between the two different networks IEEE
                                     802.15.4 (Zigbee) and GPRS
Modulation                           O-QPSK
Spreading type                       DSSS
Bit rate                             250 kb/s
Operating frequencies                Fc = 2405 + 5 (k-11) MHz, for k = 11, 12, ……..26
                                     where k is the channel number
Rated conducted RF power             5 dBm
Type of antenna                      PIFA
Antenna gain                         3.3 dBi
Duty cycle                           100 % (during testing)

1.2      Tested channels

           Channel                          Freq (GHz)
             11                                2.405
             19                                2.445
             26                                2.480

2      Summary of tests

FCC section               Description                                     Verdict
§ 15.247 (a) (2)          Minimum 6 dB bandwidth                          Pass
§ 15.247 (b) (3)          Maximum conducted output power                  Pass
§ 15.247 (e)              Power spectral density, conducted               Pass*)
§ 15.247 (d)              At least 20 dBc attenuation of RF               Pass
                          power in any 100 kHz bandwidth
§ 15.205                  Spurious emissions in restricted bands          Pass
§ 15.109                  Field strength of of radiated emissions         Pass
§ 15.107                  AC mains conducted emissions of                 Pass
                          unintentional radiators
§ 15.207                  AC mains conducted emissions of                 Pass
                          intentional radiators
*) This test has not been performed since maximum output power is much less than 8 dBm.
 Therefore this test shall be deemed to meet the requirement.

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Test results module                                      Report number:     20134636300 rev 1.0

3     Emission tests

3.1      Maximum conducted output power

Compliance standard   :           FCC part 15, subpart C, section 15.247 (b) (3)
Method of test        :           FCC KDB publication No. 558074 V03, section 9.1.3
Ambient temperature   :           23 C
Relative humidity     :           23 %

Test results          :

Modulation            :           on

                                           Level (dBm)
                          CH 11               CH 19             CH 26
                           2.74                 2.58             2.50

Measurement uncertainty:          + 1.6 /- 1.9 dB


Maximum conducted output power            ≤ 30 dBm (antenna gain < 6 dBi)

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Test results module                                   Report number:      20134636300 rev 1.0

3.2      Minimum 6 dB bandwidth

Compliance standard    :       FCC part 15, subpart C, section 15.247 (a) (2)
Method of test         :       FCC KDB publication No. 558074 V03, section 8.1
Ambient temperature    :       23 C
Relative humidity      :       23 %

Test results           :

         CH 11: - 6dB bandwidth = 1.36 MHz             CH 19: -6 dB bandwidth = 1.24 MHz

                                                              Intentionally left blank

         CH 26: -6dB bandwidth = 1.22 MHz

Measurement uncertainty:       + /- 2 kHz


 Minimum 6 dB bandwidth                          at least 500 kHz

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Test results module                                 Report number:     20134636300 rev 1.0

3.3      99% emission bandwidth

Compliance standard   :     IC RSS-Gen, section 4.6.1
Method of test        :     IC RSS-Gen, section 4.6.1
Ambient temperature   :     23 C
Relative humidity     :     23 %

Ch 11: 99% emission bandwidth: 2.76 MHz      Ch 19: 99% emission bandwidth: 2.76 MHz

                                                         Intentionally left blank

Ch 26: 99% emission bandwidth: 2.76 MHz

Measurement uncertainty:    + /- 2 kHz


99% emission bandwidth                       Not applicable

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Test results module                                                                                                                                 Report number:                                          20134636300 rev 1.0

3.4              Tx unwanted emissions attenuation (conducted, 0.030 – 26 GHz)

Compliance standard                                              :                    FCC part 15, subpart C, section 15.247(d)
Method of test                                                   :                    FCC KDB publication No. 558074 V03, section 11.1
Ambient temperature                                              :                    23 C
Relative humidity                                                :                    23 %

Test results                                                     :

                                                                 * RBW100 kHz        Delta 1 [T1 ]                                                                                                  * RBW   100   kHz   Delta    1       [T1    ]

                                                                  VBW 300 kHz                  -52.02 dB                                                                                             VBW    300   kHz                      -53.22            dB

        Ref     10.4 dBm              *   Att       20 dB         SWT 2.6 s               7.257160000 GHz                                     Ref     10.4   dBm           * Att       20   dB       SWT    2.6   s             7.361040000                  GHz

              Offset         0.4 dB                                                                                                           10    Offset     0.4   dB                                                 Marker       1    [T1       ]
        10                                                                           Marker 1 [T1 ]
                1                                                                                                                                     1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2.90         dBm
                                                                                                 3.05 dBm
                                                                                                                                 A                                                                                              2.419240000                  GHz    A
        0                                                                                 2.367300000 GHz                                     0

 1 PK                                                                                                                                  1 PK
 VIEW                                                                                                                                  VIEW
        -10                                                                                                                                   -10
                                                                                                                                LV L                                                                                                                               LVL

        -20                                                                                                                                   -20

        -30                                                                                                                                   -30

        -40                                                                                                                                   -40

                                                1                                                                               3D B                                                                                                                               3DB
        -50                                                                                                                                   -50

        -60                                                                                                                                   -60

        -70                                                                                                                                   -70

        -80                                                                                                                                   -80

                                                                                                                                              Start    30    MHz                            2.597   GHz/                                  Stop          26   GHz
        Start 30 MHz                                     2.597 GHz/                                    Stop 26 GHz

                                                                                                                                                                                                 CH 19
                                                              CH 11                                                                    Date: 14.NOV.2013             14:41:31

                                                                 * RBW   100   kHz   Delta    1       [T1    ]
                                                                  VBW    300   kHz                      -51.67            dB
        Ref     10.4   dBm            * Att         20   dB       SWT    2.6   s             7.412980000                  GHz

        10    Offset     0.4    dB                                                   Marker       1    [T1       ]
                                                                                                             2.63         dBm
                                                                                             2.471180000                  GHz    A

 1 PK




                                                1                                                                               3DB

        -50                                                                                                                                                               Intentionally left blank



        Start    30    MHz                               2.597   GHz/                                  Stop          26   GHz

 Date: 14.NOV.2013               14:45:07
                                                              CH 26

Measurement uncertainty:                                                              < 2 GHz: + 1.7/- 1.9 dB;
                                                                                      ≥ 2 GHz: +2.4/-2.7 dB

In any 100 kHz bandwidth                                                                                                               at least 20 dB down from the highest emission
                                                                                                                                       level within the authorized band as measured with
                                                                                                                                       a 100 kHz bandwidth.

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Test results module                                     Report number:      20134636300 rev 1.0

3.5     Tx unwanted emissions in the restricted bands

Compliance standard    :       FCC part 15, subpart C, section 15.247(d)
Method of test         :       FCC KDB publication No. 558074 V03, section 12.1
Ambient temperature    :       23 C
Relative humidity      :       23 %
EUT position           :       wall mount

Test results           :

Polarization           :       Horizontal (highest of the two orthogonal polarizations)

Restricted bands 1 – 4.5 GHz

               Transmitting on CH 11                            Transmitting on CH 19

                                                                Intentionally left blank

               Transmitting on CH 26

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Test results module                                                        Report number:            20134636300 rev 1.0

Restricted band 4.5 – 5.15 GHz

                  Transmitting on CH 11                                              Transmitting on CH 19

                                                                                         Intentionally left blank

                  Transmitting on CH 26

Frequency         Test results           Average     Resolution         Average               Peak limit
(MHz)             peak                   factor      bandwidth          Limit                 (dBm eirp)
                  (dBm eirp)             (dB)        (kHz)              (dBm eirp)*)
                    V       H
    4810          ≤ -53 ≤ -53             N/A             1000               -41.2                -21.2
    4890          ≤ -53 ≤ -53             N/A             1000               -41.2                -21.2
    4960          ≤ -53 ≤ -53             N/A             1000               -41.2                -21.2
    7335          ≤ -53 ≤ -53             N/A              100               -41.2                -21.2
    7440          ≤ -53 ≤ -53             N/A              100               -41.2                -21.2
   12025          ≤ -48 ≤ -48             N/A              100               -41.2                -21.2
   12225          ≤ -48 ≤ -48             N/A              100               -41.2                -21.2
   12400          ≤ -48 ≤ -48             N/A              100               -41.2                -21.2
   19240          ≤ -51 ≤ -51             N/A              100               -41.2                -21.2
   19560          ≤ -51 ≤ -51             N/A              100               -41.2                -21.2
   19840          ≤ -51 ≤ -51             N/A              100               -41.2                -21.2
   22320          ≤ -47 ≤ -47             N/A              100               -41.2                -21.2
*) derived from the expression EIRPdBm   = EdBµV/m – 95.2dB
 (Max. field strength at band edge: 500 µV/m @ 3 m distance (equivalent to 54 dBµV/m))

Measurement uncertainty:                   +4.5 / -6.1 dB

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Test results module                                                                                                            Report number:                                   20134636300 rev 1.0

3.6                 Rx unwanted emissions (radiated, 0.03 – 1 GHz), exploratory

Compliance standard                                    :                    FCC part 15, subpart B, section 15.109
Method of test                                         :                    ANSI C63.10-2013, section 6.5.3
Ambient temperature                                    :                    23 C
Relative humidity                                      :                    23 %

Test results                                           :

Polarization                                           :                    Vertical (highest of the two orthogonal polarizations)

                                                       * RBW   100   kHz   Marker   2   [T1   ]                                                                         * RBW   100   kHz   Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                       * VBW   100   kHz                 -47.04       dBm                                                               * VBW   100   kHz                 -49.32       dBm
        Ref   -10    dBm        * Att   0   dB          SWT    100   ms       904.940000000           MHz                Ref   -10    dBm        * Att   0   dB          SWT    100   ms       868.076000000           MHz

        -10                                                                Marker   1   [T1   ]                          -10
                                                                                         -48.58       dBm
                                                                              868.076000000           MHz    A                                                                                                                A
        -20                                                                                                              -20

 1 PK                                                                                                             1 PK
 VIEW                                                                                                             VIEW
        -30                                                                                                              -30

                                                                                                            TDF                                                                                                              TDF
        -40                                                                                                              -40
                                                                                         1                                                                                                                1
        -50                                                                                                              -50

        -60                                                                                                              -60

                                                                                                            3DB                                                                                                              3DB

        -70                                                                                                              -70

        -80                                                                                                              -80

        -90                                                                                                              -90

        -100                                                                                                             -100

        -110                                                                                                             -110

        Start   30    MHz                        97   MHz/                               Stop     1   GHz                Start   30    MHz                        97   MHz/                               Stop     1   GHz

                                                      CH 11                                                                                                            CH 19
 Date: 21.NOV.2013          12:00:46                   * RBW   100   kHz   Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                                                                  Date: 21.NOV.2013          11:53:32
                                                       * VBW   100   kHz                 -48.76       dBm
        Ref   -10    dBm        * Att   0   dB          SWT    100   ms       868.076000000           MHz



 1 PK





                                                                                                                                               Intentionally left blank




        Start   30    MHz                        97   MHz/                               Stop     1   GHz

                                                      CH 26
 Date: 21.NOV.2013          11:56:41

Remark: emission peaks at 868.076 and 904.94 MHz are ambient signals and therefore not subject
        to the requirement.
      No other emissions above measurement system noise floor have been detected, so no final
        measurements were needed.

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Test results module                                                                                                                 Report number:                                 20134636300 rev 1.0

3.7                  Rx unwanted emissions (radiated > 1GHz), exploratory

Compliance standard                                      :                    FCC part 15, subpart B, section 15.109
Method of test                                           :                    ANSI C63.10-2009: section
Ambient temperature                                      :                    23 C
Relative humidity                                        :                    23 %
EUT position                                             :                    wall mount

Test results                                             :

Polarization                                             :                    Vertical (highest of the two orthogonal polarizations)

                                                         * RBW   100   kHz   Marker   1   [T1   ]                                                                          * RBW   100   kHz   Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                         * VBW   100   kHz                 -51.07        dBm                                                               * VBW   100   kHz                 -55.58        dBm
         Ref    -10   dBm        * Att   0   dB           SWT    1.2   s          4.816000000            GHz                  Ref   -10   dBm       * Att   0   dB           SWT   1.2   s          4.888000000            GHz

         -10                                                                                                                  -10

                                                                                                                A                                                                                                                 A
         -20                                                                                                                  -20

  1 PK                                                                                                                 1 PK
  VIEW                                                                                                                 VIEW
         -30                                                                                                                  -30

                                                                                                               TDF                                                                                                               TDF
         -40                                                                                                                  -40

         -50                                                                                                                  -50

         -60                                                                                                                  -60

                                                                                                               3DB                                                                                                               3DB
         -70                                                                                                                  -70

         -80                                                                                                                  -80

         -90                                                                                                                  -90

         -100                                                                                                                 -100

         -110                                                                                                                 -110

         Start    1   GHz                         1.2   GHz/                              Stop      13   GHz                  Start   1   GHz                        1.2   GHz/                             Stop      13   GHz

                                                    CH 11                                                                                                              CH 19
  Date: 3.DEC.2013          14:59:32                    * RBW    100   kHz   Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                                                                       Date: 21.NOV.2013        11:03:53
                                                        * VBW    100   kHz                 -51.01        dBm
         Ref   -10    dBm       * Att    0   dB           SWT    1.2   s          4.960000000            GHz



  1 PK




                                                                                                                                                  Intentionally left blank




         Start    1   GHz                         1.2   GHz/                              Stop      13   GHz

                                                    CH 26
  Date: 21.NOV.2013         10:53:07

Measurement uncertainty:                                                      +4.5 / -6.1 dB


Radiated power                                                                                                       Above 1 GHz: ≤ -41.2 dBm eirp *)
*) derived from the expression EIRPdBm   = EdBµV/m – 95.2dB
 (Max. field strength at band edge: 500 µV/m @ 3 m distance (equivalent to 54 dBµV/m))

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Test results module                                   Report number:    20134636300 rev 1.0

3.8    Rx unwanted emissions (radiated > 1GHz), final

Compliance standard   :       FCC part 15, subpart B, section 15.109
Method of test        :       ANSI C63.10-2009: section
Ambient temperature   :       23 C
Relative humidity     :       23 %
EUT position          :       wall mount

The emission peaks at 4816, 4888 and 4960 MHz found during the exploratory measurements with
a RBW of 100 kHz are under the measurement system noise floor (50 dBµV/m) when measured
with the required RBW of 1MHz.

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Test results module                                                                  Report number:      20134636300 rev 1.0

3.9           Conducted emissions into the AC mains

Compliance standard           :                 FCC part 15, subparts B/C, sections 15.107/15.207
Method of test                :                 ANSI C63.10: 2009, section 6.2
Ambient temperature           :                 23 C
Relative humidity             :                 23 %
Supply voltage                :                 110 V (mains side of AC/DC adapter)

Test results                  :                 plots

AC phase

                                                       RBW      9   kHz
        Demod       AM                                 MT       1   s
                            Att       10   dB   AUTO   PREAMP   OFF

dBµV    80                        1   MHz                                 10   MHz

        70                                                                                         SGL
1 PK
CLRWR   QP55022

2 AV    60







        150   kHz                                                                       30   MHz

Date: 20.NOV.2013        17:07:33

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Test results module                                                                Report number:      20134636300 rev 1.0

AC neutral

                                                     RBW      9   kHz
        Demod       AM                               MT       1   s
                            Att    10   dB   AUTO    PREAMP   OFF

dBµV    80                     1   MHz                                  10   MHz

        70                                                                                       SGL
1 PK
CLRWR   QP55022

2 AV    60







        150   kHz                                                                     30   MHz

Measurement uncertainty :                           +/- 3.6 dB.
Date: 20.NOV.2013        17:02:51

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Used test equipment module                         Report number:   20134636300 rev 1.0

Used test equipment module

 Description                 Telef. ID   Manufacturer      Model       Used at par.
 Spectrum Analyzer           TE 11125    Rohde & Schwarz   FSP 40      3.4, 3.6, 3.7
 Power meter                 TE 00354    Hewlett Packard   437B        3.1
 Power sensor                TE 00355    Hewlett Packard   8481A       3.1
 Pre amplifier               TE 00092    Hewlett Packard   8449B       3.5, 3.7
 Pre amplifier               TE 00098    Rohde & Schwarz   ESV-Z3      3.6
 Horn antenna                TE 00531    EMCO              3115        3.5, 3.7, 3.8
 Horn antenna                TE 00818    Flann             20240-25    3.5
 Anechoic chamber            TE 01064    Euroshield        RFD-F-100   3.6, 3.7
 Semi anechoic chamber       TE 00861    Comtest           --          3.5, 3.8
 EMI test receiver           TE 01220    Rohde & Schwarz   ESR7        3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.8
 Biconilog                   TE 00967    Chase             CBL6112A    3.6
 EMI test receiver           TE 11128    Rohde & Schwarz   ESCI        3.9
 Artificial Mains Network    TE 00208    Rohde & Schwarz   ESH3-Z5     3.9

                                                   Page:             20 of 21
Cross reference table                     Report number:   20134636300 rev 1.0

Cross reference table

IC RSS-210 Issue 8, Annex 8         FCC 47 CFR Ch. 1 part 15, subpart C
                                    (10-1-12 Edition)
A8.2 (a)                            § 15.247 (a) (2)
A8.4 (4)                            § 15.247 (b) (3)
A8.2 (b)                            § 15.247 (e)
A8.5                                § 15.247 (d)
IC RSS-Gen Issue 3                  FCC 47 CFR Ch. 1 part 15, subpart C
                                    (10-1-12 Edition)
§ 4.6.1                             --
§ 7.2.4                             § 15.207
IC RSS-Gen Issue 3                  FCC 47 CFR Ch. 1 part 15, subpart B
                                    (10-1-12 Edition)
§ 7.2.3                             § 15.109
§ 7.2.4                             § 15.107

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Revision history                                              Report number:          20134636300 rev 1.0

Revision history
 REVISION     DATE         REMARKS                                                     REVISED BY
 1.0          31-12-2013   -Trademark “Clay” changed into “Salto”                      P.A. Suringa
                           - FCC and IC ID’s mentioned at variant model removed;
                             these ID’s are related to the GSM module, which is not
                             covered by this report.

Document Created: 2014-01-02 10:18:34
Document Modified: 2014-01-02 10:18:34

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