Test Report - DFS


Test Report

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                                                        TEST REPORT
                                             Test report no.: 1-2904/16-01-02-B

                  Testing laboratory                                                             Applicant
 CTC advanced GmbH                                                          Datalogic S.r.l.
 Untertuerkheimer Strasse 6 – 10                                            Via San Vitalino, 13
 66117 Saarbruecken / Germany                                               40012 Lippo di Calderara di Reno (Bologna) / ITALY
 Phone:    + 49 681 5 98 - 0                                                Phone:    +39 05 13 14 70 11
 Fax:      + 49 681 5 98 - 9075                                             Contact: Eucarpio Guarisco
 Internet: http://www.ctcadvanced.com                                       e-mail:   eucarpio.guarisco@datalogic.com
 e-mail:   mail@ctcadvanced.com                                             Phone:    +39 05 13 14 72 85
 Accredited Testing Laboratory:
 The testing laboratory (area of testing) is accredited
 according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 (2005) by the                                              Manufacturer
 Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS)                                Datalogic S.r.l.
 The accreditation is valid for the scope of testing                        Via San Vitalino, 13
 procedures as stated in the accreditation certificate with                 40012 Lippo di Calderara di Reno (Bologna) / ITALY
 the registration number: D-PL-12076-01-01

                                                             Test standard/s
 47 CFR Part 15                Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations; Chapter I; Part 15 - Radio frequency
 RSS - 247 Issue 2             Digital Transmission Systems (DTSs), Frequency Hopping Systems (FHSs) and
                               Licence - Exempt Local Area Network (LE-LAN) Devices
 RSS - Gen Issue 4             Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Radio Standards Specifications -
                               General Requirements and Information for the Certification of Radio Apparatus
 For further applied test standards please refer to section 3 of this test report.

                                                                     Test Item
 Kind of test item:           Mobile Computer
 Model name:                  SKORPIO X4
 FCC ID:                      U4GSX4WB
 IC:                          3862E-SX4WB
                              RLAN bands
 Frequency:                   5150 MHz to 5250 MHz; 5250 MHz to 5350 MHz;
                              5470 MHz to 5725 MHz
                              WLAN (OFDM/a-mode; n/ac HT20- & n/ac HT40-
 Technology tested:
 Antenna:                     Integrated antenna
 Power supply:                3.7 V DC by Li-Ion battery
 Temperature range:           -20°C to +50°C

This test report is electronically signed and valid without handwriting signature. For verification of the electronic signatures,
the public keys can be requested at the testing laboratory.

 Test report authorized:                                                  Test performed:
                               cn=Rene Oelmann, o=CTC Advanced                                        Digital unterschrieben von David Lang
                               GmbH, ou=OEL-161129,                                                   DN: cn=David Lang, o=CTC advanced GmbH,
                               email=rene.oelmann@ctcadvanced.com,                                    ou=LNG-161129,
                               c=DE                                                                   email=david.lang@ctcadvanced.com, c=DE
                               2017.06.22 06:07:10 +02'00'                                            Datum: 2017.06.21 14:53:46 +02'00'

 René Oelmann                                                             David Lang
 Lab Manager                                                              Lab Manager
 Radio Communications & EMC                                               Radio Communications & EMC

                Test report no.: 1-2904/16-01-02-B

1      Table of contents

1    Table of contents ............................................................................................................................................2
2    General information .......................................................................................................................................3
     2.1         Notes and disclaimer .........................................................................................................................3
     2.2         Application details .............................................................................................................................3
     2.3         Test laboratories sub-contracted .....................................................................................................3
3    Test standard/s and references ....................................................................................................................4
4    Test environment ............................................................................................................................................5
5    Test item ..........................................................................................................................................................5
     5.1         General description ...........................................................................................................................5
     5.2         Additional information ......................................................................................................................5
6    Measurement uncertainty ..............................................................................................................................6
7    Summary of measurement results ...............................................................................................................7
8    Additional comments .....................................................................................................................................8
9    RF measurements ..........................................................................................................................................9
     9.1         Description of test setup ...................................................................................................................9
     9.1.1       Conducted measurements...................................................................................................................9
     9.2         Parameters of DFS test signals ......................................................................................................11
     9.2.1       DFS Detection Thresholds for Master Devices as well as Client Devices With Radar Detection .....11
     9.2.2       DFS Response Requirement Values .................................................................................................11
     9.2.3       Radar Test Waveforms ......................................................................................................................12
     9.3         Test preparation ...............................................................................................................................15
     9.3.1       Channel loading .................................................................................................................................15
     9.3.2       Radar burst timing signal ...................................................................................................................16
     9.4         Test results (during normal operation) .........................................................................................17
     9.4.1       Channel move time / channel closing transmission time ...................................................................17
     9.4.2       Non-Occupancy Period ......................................................................................................................19
10       Observations ............................................................................................................................................20
Annex A          Document history ............................................................................................................................20
Annex B          Further information .........................................................................................................................20
Annex C          Accreditation Certificate .................................................................................................................21

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            Test report no.: 1-2904/16-01-02-B

2      General information

2.1    Notes and disclaimer
The test results of this test report relate exclusively to the test item specified in this test report. CTC advanced
GmbH does not assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations drawn from the test results with
regard to other specimens or samples of the type of the equipment represented by the test item.
The test report may only be reproduced or published in full. Reproduction or publication of extracts from the report
requires the prior written approval of CTC advanced GmbH.
The testing service provided by CTC advanced GmbH has been rendered under the current "General Terms and
Conditions for CTC advanced GmbH".
CTC advanced GmbH will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from false, inaccurate, inappropriate or
incomplete product information provided by the customer.
Under no circumstances does the CTC advanced GmbH test report include any endorsement or warranty
regarding the functionality, quality or performance of any other product or service provided.
Under no circumstances does the CTC advanced GmbH test report include or imply any product or service
warranties from CTC advanced GmbH, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability,
fitness for purpose, or non-infringement, all of which are expressly disclaimed by CTC advanced GmbH.
All rights and remedies regarding vendor’s products and services for which CTC advanced GmbH has prepared
this test report shall be provided by the party offering such products or services and not by CTC advanced GmbH.
In no case this test report can be considered as a Letter of Approval.

This test report is electronically signed and valid without handwritten signature. For verification of the electronic
signatures, the public keys can be requested at the testing laboratory.

This test report replaces the test report with the number 1-2904/16-01-02-A and dated 2017-06-09

2.2    Application details
Date of receipt of order:                2017-04-11
Date of receipt of test item:            2017-05-19
Start of test:                           2017-05-19
End of test:                             2017-05-19
Person(s) present during the test:       -/-

2.3    Test laboratories sub-contracted

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3   Test standard/s and references
Test standard            Date          Description
47 CFR Part 15                         Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations; Chapter I; Part 15 -
                                       Radio frequency devices
RSS - 247 Issue 2        February      Digital Transmission Systems (DTSs), Frequency Hopping
                         2017          Systems (FHSs) and Licence - Exempt Local Area Network (LE-
                                       LAN) Devices
RSS - Gen Issue 4        November      Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Radio Standards
                         2014          Specifications - General Requirements and Information for the
                                       Certification of Radio Apparatus

Guidance                 Version       Description

                                       Guidelines for Compliance Testing of Unlicensed National
UNII: KDB 789033 D02     v01r04
                                       Information Infrastructure (U-NII) Devices - Part 15, Subpart E
                                       American national standard for methods of measurement of radio-
ANSI C63.4-2014          -/-           noise emissions from low-voltage electrical and electronic
                                       equipment in the range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz
                                       American national standard of procedures for compliance testing
ANSI C63.10-2013         -/-
                                       of unlicensed wireless devices
                                       Compliance measurement procedures for unlicensed - national
                                       information infrastructure devices operating in the 5250 - 5350
UNII: KDB 905462 D02     v02
                                       MHz and 5470 - 5725 MHz bands incorporating dynamic
                                       frequency selection
UNII: KDB 905462 D03     v01r02        Client Without DFS New Rules
UNII: KDB 905462 D04     v01           Operational Modes for DFS Testing New Rules

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4      Test environment

                                   Tnom    -22 °C during room temperature tests
Temperature                  :     Tmax    +50 °C during high temperature tests
                                   Tmin     -20 °C during low temperature tests
Relative humidity content    :             52 %
Barometric pressure          :             986 hpa
                                   Vnom    3.7 V DC by Li-Ion battery
Power supply                 :     Vmax    -/- V
                                   Vmin    -/- V

5      Test item

5.1    General description

Kind of test item            :   Mobile Computer
Type identification          :   SKORPIO X4
HMN                          :   -/-
PMN                          :   SKORPIO X4
HVIN                         :   SX4 WB GUN (Pistol Grip variants)
FVIN                         :   -/-
S/N serial number            :   Z16P01724
HW hardware status           :   Beta HW version
SW software status           :   2.01.38 (Android 4.4)
                                 RLAN bands
Frequency band               :
                                 5150 MHz to 5250 MHz; 5250 MHz to 5350 MHz; 5470 MHz to 5725 MHz
Type of radio transmission :
Use of frequency spectrum :
Type of modulation         :     (D)BPSK, (D)QPSK, 16 – QAM, 64 – QAM
Antenna                      :   Integrated antenna
DFS Classification           :   Client device without radar detection
Power supply                 :   3.7 V DC by Li-Ion battery
Temperature range            :   -20°C to +50°C

5.2    Additional information
The content of the following annexes is defined in the QA. It may be that not all of the listed annexes are
necessary for this report, thus some values in between may be missing.

Test setup- and EUT-photos are included in test report:         1-2904/16-01-01_AnnexA

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          Test report no.: 1-2904/16-01-02-B

6   Measurement uncertainty

                                       Measurement uncertainty
                           Test case                                   Uncertainty
Frequency accuracy (radar burst)                            0.1 Hz
Level accuracy (radar burst)                                ± 0.8 dB

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7         Summary of measurement results

          ☐            No deviations from the technical specifications were ascertained

          ☐            There were deviations from the technical specifications ascertained
                       This test report is only a partial test report.
          ☒            The content and verdict of the performed test cases are listed below.

TC Identifier                           Description                           Verdict                Date             Remark
    DFS-Testing                   CFR Part 15, FCC 06-96                        Pass               2017-06-21        DFS only

     Test Standard
                                           Test Case                       Bandwidth           C     NC     NA   NP     Remark
          7.8.1*3                  U-NII Detection Bandwidth                    -/-          ☐        ☐     ☒    ☐         *3

      §15.407 (h)(2)                DFS Detection Threshold                     -/-          ☐        ☐     ☒    ☐         *3

 §15.407 (h)(2) (ii)
         &                      Channel Availability Check Time                 -/-          ☐        ☐     ☒    ☐         *3
 §15.407 (h)(2) (iv)
         &                           Non-Occupancy Period                    40 MHz          ☒        ☐     ☐    ☐         *1
    §15.407 (h)(2) (iii)
                             Channel Move Time / Channel Closing
                                     Transmission Time
                                                                             40 MHz          ☒        ☐     ☐    ☐         *2
                                     In-Service Monitoring /
     7.8.3 & 7.8.4*3
                                 Statistical Performance Check
                                                                                -/-          ☐        ☐     ☒    ☐         *3


 C          Compliant
 NC         Not compliant
 NA         Not applicable
 NP         Not performed
 *1         Prior to use of a channel
 *2         During normal operation
 *3         Not applicable for Client Devices without radar detection.

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8     Additional comments
Reference documents:          None

Special test descriptions:    All tests except the In-Service Monitoring are conducted with Pulse Type 0.

                              A sample with temporary antenna connector was provided to perform the
                              measurements in a conducted way.

Configuration descriptions:   Iperf was used to generate the required channel load (duty cycle greater 17

DFS functionality:            ☐ Master device
                              ☐ Client with radar detection
                              ☒ Client without radar detection

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9       RF measurements

9.1     Description of test setup

9.1.1 Conducted measurements

Figure 1 shows a setup whereby the UUT is a RLAN device operating in slave mode, without Radar Interference
Detection function. This setup also contains a RLAN device operating in master mode. The radar test signals
are injected into the master device. The UUT (slave device) is associated with the master device.

Figure 1 shows an example

                                              Figure 1: Setup

(RPP-radar pulse power; SG-signal generator power; CA-loss signal path)

Example calculation:
RPP [dBm] = -30.0 [dBm] – 33.0 [dB] = -63.0 [dBm]

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Equipment table:

          Lab /                                                                                         Kind of       Last        Next
  No.                 Equipment             Type          Manufacturer        Serial No.    INV. No.
          Item                                                                                         Calibration Calibration Calibration
                     Vector Signal
  1        A                              SMU200A              R&S             101633      300003496       k       24.01.2017   23.01.2020
                   Spectrum Analyzer
  2        A        9kHz to 30GHz -        FSP30               R&S             100886      300003575       k       24.01.2017   23.01.2019
                                       Latitude 15 6000
  3        A           Notebook                                Dell                        300004737       ne          -/-          -/-
                   Dual Band Gigabit
  4        A*                            RT-AC68U             Asus          F1IMOH056666   400001244       ne          -/-          -/-
  5        A              PC               ExOne              F+W           2890296v001    300005102       ne          -/-          -/-
                    RF-Cable DFS-                                             Batch no.
  6        A                           Enviroflex 316 D   Huber & Suhner                   400001257       ev          -/-          -/-
                     Tester No. 1                                             1560522
                    RF-Cable DFS-                                             Batch no.
  7        A                           Enviroflex 316 D   Huber & Suhner                   400001258       ev          -/-          -/-
                     Tester No. 2                                             1560522
                    RF-Cable DFS-                                             Batch no.
  8        A                           Enviroflex 316 D   Huber & Suhner                   400001259       ev          -/-          -/-
                     Tester No. 3                                             1560522
                    RF-Cable DFS-                                             Batch no.
  9        A                           Enviroflex 316 D   Huber & Suhner                   400001261       ev          -/-          -/-
                     Tester No. 5                                             1560522
                    RF-Cable DFS-                                             Batch no.
  10       A                           Enviroflex 316 D   Huber & Suhner                   400001262       ev          -/-          -/-
                     Tester No. 6                                             1560522


Agenda: Kind of Calibration

  k        calibration / calibrated                                   EK      limited calibration
  ne       not required (k, ev, izw, zw not required)                 zw      cyclical maintenance (external cyclical
  ev       periodic self verification                                 izw     internal cyclical maintenance
  Ve       long-term stability recognized                             g       blocked for accredited testing
  vlkI!    Attention: extended calibration interval
  NK!      Attention: not calibrated                                  *)      next calibration ordered / currently in progress

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9.2   Parameters of DFS test signals

9.2.1 DFS Detection Thresholds for Master Devices as well as Client Devices With
      Radar Detection

             Maximum Transmit Power EIRP
                                                                                (see note)

                         ≥ 200 mW                                                -64 dBm

                         < 200 mW and
                                                                                      -62 dBm
             power spectral density < 10 dBm/MHz
                         < 200 mW and
                                                                                      -64 dBm
 that do not meet the power spectral density < 10 dBm/MHz
  Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.
  Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of the test
  transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will ensure that the test
  signal is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.
  Note3: EIRP is based on the highest antenna gain. For MIMO devices refer to KDB Publication 662911

9.2.2 DFS Response Requirement Values

                      Parameter                                                 Value

                Non-occupancy period                                    minimum 30 minutes

           Channel Availability Check Time                                   60 seconds

                                                                            10 seconds
                 Channel Move Time
                                                                            See Note 1.
                                                         200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60 milliseconds
         Channel Closing Transmission Time                        over remaining 10 second period.
                                                                         See Notes 1 and 2.
                                                           Minimum 100% of the U-NII 99% transmission
              U-NII Detection Bandwidth
                                                                    power bandwidth. See Note 3.

 Note 1: Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time should be performed with Radar
         Type 0. The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.
 Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the beginning
         of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitate a
         Channel move (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period.
         The aggregate duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.
 Note 3: During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 0 should be used. For each
         frequency step the minimum percentage of detection is 90 percent. Measurements are performed
         with no data traffic.

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9.2.3 Radar Test Waveforms
This section provides the parameters for required test waveforms, minimum percentage of successful
detections, and the minimum number of trials that must be used for determining DFS conformance.

Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms

 Radar Type        Pulse Width       PRI (µsec)             Number of    Minimum            Minimum
                   (µsec)                                   Pulses       Percentage of      Number of
                                                                         Successful         Trials
        0                 1                  1428              18          See Note 1         See Note 1
        1                 1          Test A: 15 unique       Roundup          60%                 30
                                          PRI values
                                     randomly selected
                                      from the list of 23
                                         PRI values in
                                           Table 5a
                                          Test B: 15
                                          unique PRI
                                       values randomly
                                        selected within
                                      the range of 518-
                                       3066 μsec, with
                                          a minimum
                                        increment of 1
                                       μsec, excluding
                                          PRI values
                                       selected in Test
        2                  1-5             150-230            23-29            60%                 30
        3                 6-10             200-500            16-18            60%                 30
        4                11-20             200-500            12-16            60%                 30
 Aggregate (Radar Types 1-4)                                                   80%                120
 Note 1: Short Pulse Radar Type 0 should be used for the detection bandwidth test, channel move time, and
 channel closing time tests.

A minimum of 30 unique waveforms are required for each of the Short Pulse Radar Types 2 through 4.

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Pulse Repetition Intervals Values for Test A

   Pulse Repetition Frequency         Pulse Repetition Frequency          Pulse Repetition Interval
   Number                             (Pulses Per Second)                 (Microseconds)
                1                                 1930.5                               518
                2                                 1858.7                               538
                3                                 1792.1                               558
                4                                 1730.1                               578
                5                                 1672.2                               598
                6                                 1618.1                               618
                7                                 1567.4                               638
                8                                 1519.8                               658
                9                                 1474.9                               678
               10                                 1432.7                               698
               11                                 1392.8                               718
               12                                  1355                                738
               13                                 1319.3                               758
               14                                 1285.3                               778
               15                                 1253.1                               798
               16                                 1222.5                               818
               17                                 1193.3                               838
               18                                 1165.6                               858
               19                                  1139                                878
               20                                 1113.6                               898
               21                                 1089.3                               918
               22                                 1066.1                               938
               23                                 326.2                               3066

Long Pulse Radar Test Waveform

 Radar     Pulse      Chirp Width       PRI     Number of      Number          Minimum           Minimum
 Type      Width        (MHz)         (µsec)    Pulses per       of          Percentage of       Number
           (µsec)                                 Burst        Bursts         Successful         of Trails
   5       50-100         5-20        1000-         1-3         8-20             80%                  30

The parameters for this waveform are randomly chosen. Thirty unique waveforms are required for the Long
Pulse Radar Type waveforms.

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Frequency Hopping Radar Test Waveform

 Radar     Pulse         Chirp       Pulses      Hopping         Hopping         Minimum           Minimum
 Type      Width         Width       per Hop    Rate (kHz)      Sequence       Percentage of       Number
           (µsec)        (MHz)                                    Length        Successful         of Trails
                                                                  (msec)         Detection
   6          1           333           9          0.333            300            70%                30

For the Frequency Hopping Radar Type, the same Burst parameters are used for each waveform. The hopping
sequence is different for each waveform and a 100-length segment is selected from the hopping sequence
The first frequency in a hopping sequence is selected randomly from the group of 475 integer frequencies from
5250 – 5724 MHz. Next, the frequency that was just chosen is removed from the group and a frequency is
randomly selected from the remaining 474 frequencies in the group. This process continues until all 475
frequencies are chosen for the set.

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9.3   Test preparation

9.3.1 Channel loading
Timing plots are required with calculations demonstrating a minimum channel loading of approximately 17% or
greater. For example, channel loading can be estimated by setting the spectrum analyzer for zero span and
approximate the Time On/ (Time On + Off Time). This can be done with any appropriate channel BW and
modulation type.
                                                                              RBW    10    MHz
                                                                             * VBW   10    MHz
                        Ref   0   dBm                 * Att   20   dB         SWT    100    ms


                        -5                                                                       A
                 1 PK



                                  TH    -26.3   dBm








                        Center    5.51   GHz                            10   ms/

                Date: 19.MAY.2017               14:22:12

                                         Plot 1: HT40-Mode: Calculated duty cycle = 28%

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9.3.2 Radar burst timing signal
To accurately determine the channel closing time and channel closing transmission time the spectrum analyser
is triggered at the end of the radar burst (see marker at t = 0ms).

                                                example plot

                                            Plot 2: example plot

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9.4     Test results (during normal operation)

9.4.1 Channel move time / channel closing transmission time
After a radar’s presence is detected, all transmissions shall cease on the operating channel within 10 seconds.
Transmissions during this period shall consist of normal traffic for a maximum of 200 ms after detection of the
radar signal. In addition, intermittent management and control signals can be sent during the remaining time to
facilitate vacating the operating channel not exceeding 60ms.

The test is performed during normal operation with the highest bandwidth supported by the DUT.
                                                                                   RBW    3    MHz   Marker   2    [T1   ]
                                                                                  * VBW   3    MHz                  -25.51   dBm
                           Ref   0   dBm              * Att       10   dB          SWT    15    s                 3.965625   s

                           0                                                                         Marker   1    [T1   ]
                                                                                                                    -18.07   dBm
                                                                                                                  0.000000   s     A

                  1 PK *
                  CLRWR                                                                                                            TRG





                           -40                                                                                                     3DB




                           Center    5.51   GHz                             1.5    s/

                  Date: 19.MAY.2017               14:24:10

                                                        Plot 3: Channel Closing Time

Note:    With Marker 1 at the end of the radar pulse (t = 0ms) the Channel Closing Time is determined by setting
         a Delta-Marker to the point where the last transmission occurred.

         The Channel Closing Time is 3.97s.

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                                                                              RBW    3   MHz   Marker   1    [T1   ]
                                                                             * VBW   3   MHz                  -17.48       dBm
                          Ref   0   dBm              * Att   10   dB          SWT    5   s                  0.000000       s

                          0                                                                    Marker   2    [T1   ]
                                                                                                              -25.93       dBm
                                                                                                            4.164375       s     A

                 1 PK *
                 CLRWR                                                                                                           TRG




                          -40                                                                                                    3DB




                          Center    5.51   GHz                         500   ms/

                 Date: 19.MAY.2017               14:30:25

                                             Plot 4: Channel Closing Transmission Time

Note:   The accumulated transmission time is calculated by the number of bins occurring after t = 0ms
        multiplied with the Time-per-sweep point-factor resulting from the Sweep Time and number of Sweep
        Points of the Spectrum Analyser.

        The Channel Closing Transmission Time is 41.9ms.

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9.4.2 Non-Occupancy Period
A channel that has been flagged as containing a radar system, either by a channel availability check or in-
service monitoring, is subject to a non-occupancy period of at least 30 minutes. The non occupancy period
starts at the time when the radar system is detected.
                                                                                  RBW    3   MHz       Marker   1    [T1   ]
                                                                                 * VBW   3   MHz                      -24.86   dBm
                          Ref       0   dBm              * Att   10   dB          SWT    1820      s                0.000000   s



                 1 PK *
                 CLRWR                                                                                                               TRG



                              -40                                                                                                    3DB




                          Center        5.51   GHz                         182    s/

                 Date: 19.MAY.2017                   17:07:39

                                                          Plot 5: Non-Occupancy Period

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10    Observations
No observations except those reported with the single test cases have been made.

Annex A           Document history

  Version                                  Applied changes                         Date of release

                                              Initial release                        2017-06-07

     -A                        Applicant’s and manufacturer’s name revised           2017-06-09

     -B                            HW/SW revision information added                  2017-06-21

Annex B           Further information

AVG        -    Average
DUT        -    Device under test
EMC        -    Electromagnetic Compatibility
EN         -    European Standard
EUT        -    Equipment under test
ETSI       -    European Telecommunications Standard Institute
FCC        -    Federal Communication Commission
FCC ID     -    Company Identifier at FCC
HW         -    Hardware
IC         -    Industry Canada
Inv. No.   -    Inventory number
N/A        -    Not applicable
PP         -    Positive peak
QP         -    Quasi peak
S/N        -    Serial number
SW         -    Software
PMN        -    Product marketing name
HMN        -    Host marketing name
HVIN       -    Hardware version identification number
FVIN       -    Firmware version identification number
OBW             Occupied Bandwidth
OC              Operating Channel
OCW             Operating Channel Bandwidth
OOB             Out Of Band

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Annex C       Accreditation Certificate

                       first page                                     last page

The current certificate including annex can be received on request.

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Document Created: 2017-06-22 06:07:10
Document Modified: 2017-06-22 06:07:10

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