Users Manual_qsg


Users Manual

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Datalogic S.r.l.
Via San Vitalino 13
                                                                                                                                                                 Out of the Box                                                           Charge the Battery
40012 Calderara di Reno (BO)                                                                                                                                                                                            The battery comes fully discharged, you need to charge it for a couple of
Italy                                                                                                                                                        Taskbook Device                 Internal Rod Battery       hours in order to achieve a full charge.
Tel. +39 051 3147011                                                                                                                                                                                                    To charge the battery, connect the TaskBook to a power outlet using the
Fax +39 051 3147205                                                                                                                                                                                                     USB-C port. A very efficient USB-C charger is available as accessory (PN

©2019 Datalogic S.p.A. and/or its affiliates
                                                                                                TaskBook                                                                                                                94ACC0228) but you can use any USB-C charger with minimum 9V (max
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        20V) and minimum 3A.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        When a power source is connected, the red led CHARGE on the side button
w All rights reserved. w Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part
of this documentation may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a
                                                                                      Rugged Industrial Tablet                                                                                                          bar turns on, the green led "INT BAT" blinks and then goes solid to indicate
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or for any                                                                                                                                                that the battery is charging. When charge is complete, the red led CHARGE
purpose, without the express written permission of Datalogic S.p.A. and/                                                                                                                                                turns off.
or its affiliates. Owners of Datalogic products are hereby granted a non-                                                                                                                                               You can use the device while charging.
exclusive, revocable license to reproduce and transmit this documentation                                                                                                                                               As further options, the TaskBook can be charged inserting the device in a
for the purchaser’s own internal business purposes. Purchaser shall                                                                                                                                                     DockStation (PN from 94ACC0214 to 94ACC0225) connected to the power
not remove or alter any proprietary notices, including copyright notices,                                                                                                                                               line/ vehicle battery or attaching the handgrip (PN from 94ACC0211 to
                                                                                                                                                         Keep the original packaging for use when sending products to   94ACC0213) containing a charged external battery inside.
contained in this documentation and shall ensure that all notices appear
                                                                                                                                                         the technical assistance center. Damage caused by improper
on any reproductions of the documentation. Should future revisions of this
                                                                                                                                                         packaging is not covered under the warranty.
manual be published, you can acquire printed versions by contacting your                                                                     CAUTION
Datalogic representative. Electronic versions may either be downloadable
from the Datalogic website ( or provided on appropriate
media. If you visit our website and would like to make comments or
suggestions about this or other Datalogic publications, please let us know                                                                      TaskBook Battery Management
via the “Contact Datalogic” page.
                                                                                                                                           Your TaskBook device is equipped with an internal rechargable Li-Ion
Disclaimer                                                                                                                                 battery rod, 7.2V. 2500 mAh. Depending on the operating system settings,
                                                                                                                                           application and handling, the device battery lasts typically between 2 and
Datalogic has taken reasonable measures to provide information in this
                                                                                                                                           4 hours.
manual that is complete and accurate, however, Datalogic reserves the
                                                                                                                                           An additional external and hot swappable extended battery is available for
right to change any specification at any time without prior notice. Datalogic
                                                                                                                                           the handgrip accessories 94ACC0211-94ACC0212-94ACC0213 (different
                                                                                      Quick Start Guide
and the Datalogic logo are registered trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. in
                                                                                                                                           PN for different scanner selection).
many countries, including the U.S.A. and the E.U.
Taskbook is a trademark of Datalogic S.p.A. and/or its affiliates. All other
brand and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Patents                                                                                                                                                                                                                               TaskBook comes with Power Settings specifically set to guarantee
See for patent list.                                                                                                                                                                                        a good energy saving that preserves the battery charge. Changes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to power settings profile may result in decreasing battery lasting.
                                                                                          822002940 (Rev. A) Jan. 2019                                                                                                      NOTE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Switch the TaskBook On
Reference Documentation                                                                                                                                                                                                 Press the power button for a few seconds to start the TaskBook or to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        resume the Windows operating system. On the upper right side of the
For further information regarding Taskbook refer to the SDK Help on-                                                                                                                                                    screen, an icon will appear showing the current battery level of the internal
line and to the Taskbook User’s Manual, downloadable from our website                                                                                                                                                   battery.

Support Through the Website
Datalogic provides several services as well as technical support through
its website. Log on to and click on the SUPPORT link          See the Safety & Regulatory Addendum included with
which gives you access to:                                                      your product for additional regulatory, safety and legal
Downloads by selecting your product model from the dropdown list in             information.
the Search by Product field for specific Data Sheets, Manuals, Software &
Utilities, and Drawings;
Repair Program for On-Line Return Material Authorizations (RMAs) plus
Repair Center contact information;
Customer Service containing details about Maintenance Agreements;               ©2019 Datalogic S.p.A. and/or its affiliates. All
Technical Support through email or phone.                                       rights reserved. Datalogic and the Datalogic logo
                                                                                are registered trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. in
                                                                                many countries, including the U.S. and the E.U.
Warranty Terms and Conditions
The warranty period is 1 year for the device and 90 days for consumables
(e.g. battery, power supply, cable etc.) from date of purchase at our


                         Buttons Bar                                             Menu – Button
                                                                                 The Menu button calls up the Software menu.

                                                                                 The following options are available:
                                                                                  yyActivate scan function for the buttons bar
                 Status - LEDs                                                    yyActivate key lock
                                                                                  yyAdjust the brightness of the buttons bar
                 Brightness Sensor                                                yyChange the volume
                                                                                  yyRotate the display orientation (portrait or landscape)
                 S Button                                                         yyChange the Brightness

                                                                                 Key – Button
                 Menu Button
                                                                                 Touch the key button to call up or remove the SoftKey Keyboard. The
                                                                                 SoftKey Keyboard has 3 different modes: QWERTY, NUMPAD, FUNCTION
                                                                                 MODE. In addition, each mode can be displayed in 3 different sizes.
                 Key Button
                                                                                             Changes the keyboard layout to numpad mode.

                 Power Button
                                                                                             Changes the keyboard layout to QWERTY mode.

Status - LEDs                                                                                Changes the keyboard layout to F1 - F12 - mode.
The buttons/sensor bar has 5 status LEDs:
                                                                                             Toggles the 3 keyboard sizes (small, medium, large).
Charge – LED lights up solid red when the internal battery is charging. If it
blinks, the internal battery is faulty and must be checked.
INT BAT – LED                                                                                Tap and hold this symbol to position the keyboard freely on
The INT BAT – LED provides information about the status of the internal                      the screen.
rod battery. If the charge level is between 100% and 30%, the LED lights
up solid green. If the capacity of the power pack falls below 30%, the LED
blinks green.                                                                    Qwerty
The EXT BAT LED lights up solid green as soon as an external power source
is connected. External power sources include the docking station, the USB-C
charger and the handgrip power pack. The LED on the handgrip battery
pack starts blinking as soon as the battery capacity drops below 30%. The
INT BAT – LED and EXT BAT – LED don't necessarily blink simultaneously.
If the temperature of the TaskBook falls below the minimum rated
specification or exceeds the maximum rated specification, the TaskBook           Numpad
will automatically switch off to protect itself from damage. In this case, the
Temp – LED lights up red and will only stop when the internal temperature
has returned to normal. If the Temp – LED is lit up, the TaskBook cannot
be switched on.
The Status – LED indicates whether the device is switched on or not. It also
blinks green when the screen blanking is active. The screen blanking can be
activated via a signal on the docking station's COM interface.

Brightness sensor
The brightness sensor adjusts the display brightness automatically. This
is disabled by default.                                                          Function Keys

S – Button
The S – Button is a programmable button. It can be used as a shortcut for
frequently used programs.

                                                                                 Power Button
                                                                                 Press the power button for at least 5 seconds to suspend the TaskBook.
                                                                                 Hold the power button for at least 10 seconds for a hard reset.
                                                                                 To switch on the device, either the INT BAT – LED or the EXT BAT – LED
                                                                                 must be lit up green.

Document Created: 2019-01-21 11:26:34
Document Modified: 2019-01-21 11:26:34

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