Test report


Test Report

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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

               Submittal Application

 Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2
  and RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
               5745-5825 MHz
   Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO)
   Broadband Digital Transmission System
         FCC ID: TV7SXTG-5HPND

                          MIKROTIKLS SIA
                                    Pernavas 46
                                Riga, Latvia LV-1009

                           Test Report Number: 140120

Authorized Signatory:
                        Scot D. Rogers

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
Revision 1                      File: Mikrotikls RBSXTG5HPND TstRpt 140120    Page 1 of 34

NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

                         ROGERS LABS, INC.
                         4405 West 259th Terrace
                         Louisburg, KS 66053
                         Phone / Fax (913) 837-3214

                 Engineering Test Report for
               Grant of Certification Application
                       CFR 47, PART 15C - Intentional Radiators
                              CFR 47 Paragraph 15.247
                         License Exempt Intentional Radiator

                              MIKROTIKLS SIA
                                          Pernavas 46
                                      Riga, Latvia LV-1009

                          MIMO Broadband Digital Transmission System

                        Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2 and
                             RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
                                Frequency Range 5745-5825 MHz
                                  FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND

Test Date: January 20, 2014

Certifying Engineer:
                        Scot D. Rogers
                        Rogers Labs, Inc.
                        4405 West 259th Terrace
                        Louisburg, KS 66053
                        Telephone/Facsimile: (913) 837-3214

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory.
This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or
endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the Federal Government.

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Table Of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................. 3

REVISIONS..................................................................................................................... 4

FORWARD ..................................................................................................................... 5

OPINION / INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS ............................................................... 5

EQUIPMENT TESTED .................................................................................................... 5

APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION ........................................................................... 6

EQUIPMENT FUNCTION AND CONFIGURATION........................................................ 7

     Equipment Configuration....................................................................................................................................7

APPLICABLE STANDARDS & TEST PROCEDURES .................................................. 8

EQUIPMENT TESTING PROCEDURES ........................................................................ 8

     AC Line Conducted Emission Test Procedure ..................................................................................................8
     Radiated Emission Test Procedure .....................................................................................................................8
       Diagram 1 Test arrangement for Conducted emissions .......................................................................................9
       Diagram 2 Test arrangement for radiated emissions of tabletop equipment ...................................................... 10
       Diagram 3 Test arrangement for radiated emissions tested on Open Area Test Site (OATS) ........................... 11

TEST SITE LOCATIONS .............................................................................................. 11

LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................ 12

UNITS OF MEASUREMENTS ...................................................................................... 13

ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS................................................................................ 13

INTENTIONAL RADIATORS ........................................................................................ 13

     Antenna Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 13
     Restricted Bands of Operation .......................................................................................................................... 14
       Table 1 Radiated Emissions in Restricted Bands Data ...................................................................................... 14
     Summary of Results for Radiated Emissions in Restricted Bands ................................................................ 14
     AC Line Conducted Emissions Procedure ....................................................................................................... 15
       Figure 1 AC Line Conducted Emissions Line 1 ................................................................................................ 16
Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

       Figure 2 AC Line Conducted Emissions Line 2 ................................................................................................ 16
       Table 2 AC Line Conducted Emissions Data (Highest Emissions Line L1) ..................................................... 17
       Table 3 AC Line Conducted Emissions Data (Highest Emissions Line L2) ..................................................... 17
     Summary of Results for AC Line Conducted Emissions ................................................................................ 17
     General Radiated Emissions Procedure ........................................................................................................... 18
       Table 4 General Radiated Emissions from EUT Data (Highest Emissions) ...................................................... 19
     Summary of Results for General Radiated Emissions .................................................................................... 19
     Operation in the Band 5725-5850 MHz ............................................................................................................ 20
       Figure 3 Plot of Transmitter Emissions (Across Operational Band, Chain 0, 20 MHz Channel) ...................... 21
       Figure 4 Plot of Transmitter Emissions (Across Operational Band, Chain 1, 20 MHz Channel) ...................... 21
       Figure 5 Plot of Transmitter Emissions (Across Operational Band, Chain 0, 40 MHz Channel) ...................... 22
       Figure 6 Plot of Transmitter Emissions (Across Operational Band, Chain 1, 40 MHz Channel) ...................... 22
       Figure 7 Plot of Transmitter Low Band Edge (20 MHz Channel) ..................................................................... 23
       Figure 8 Plot of Transmitter Low Band Edge (40 MHz Channel) ..................................................................... 23
       Figure 9 Plot of Transmitter High Band Edge (20 MHz Channel) .................................................................... 24
       Figure 10 Plot of Transmitter High Band Edge (40 MHz Channel) .................................................................. 24
       Figure 11 Plot of Transmitter Occupied Bandwidth (20 MHz Channel) ........................................................... 25
       Figure 12 Plot of Transmitter Occupied Bandwidth (40 MHz Channel) ........................................................... 25
     Transmitter Emissions Data .............................................................................................................................. 26
       Table 5 Transmitter Antenna port Conducted Emissions Data (Total Highest) ................................................ 26
       Table 6 Transmitter Antenna Conducted Emissions Data ................................................................................. 26
       Table 7 Transmitter Radiated Emission ............................................................................................................. 27
     Summary of Results for Transmitter Radiated Emissions of Intentional Radiator ..................................... 28

STATEMENT OF MODIFICATIONS AND DEVIATIONS ............................................. 28

ANNEX .......................................................................................................................... 29

     Annex A Measurement Uncertainty Calculations ........................................................................................... 30
     Annex B Rogers Labs Test Equipment List ..................................................................................................... 31
     Annex C Rogers Qualifications ......................................................................................................................... 32
     Annex D FCC Site Registration Letter ............................................................................................................. 33
     Annex E Industry Canada Site Registration Letter ........................................................................................ 34

Revision 1 Issued February 12, 2014

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0


The following information is submitted for consideration in obtaining Grant of Certification for
License Exempt Digital Transmission System Intentional Radiator operating under CFR 47
Paragraph 15.247 modular equipment.

       Name of Applicant:   Mikrotikls SIA
                            Pernavas 46
                            Riga, Latvia LV-1009
       Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
              FCC ID: TV7SXTG-5HPND                 FRN: 0014 43 1100
       Frequency Range: 5745-5825 MHz (20 MHz channel operation), 5755-5815 MHz (40 MHz
                         channel operation)
       Total Operating Power: 0.5 watts per chain, 1.0-watt output power
       Authorized Antennas include 16.5-dBi gain (HG) and 13-dBi gain (SA)
Opinion / Interpretation of Results
                     Tests Performed                          Margin (dB)         Results
 Emissions as per CFR 47 paragraphs 2 and 15.205                  -15.9         Complies
 Emissions as per CFR 47 paragraphs 2 and 15.207                  -10.9         Complies
 Emissions as per CFR 47 paragraphs 2 and 15.209                  -5.3          Complies
 Harmonic Emissions per CFR 47 15.247                             -10.0         Complies
 Peak Power Spectral Density per CFR 47 15.247                    -8.9          Complies

Equipment Tested
Equipment             Model                                        FCC I.D.
EUT                   RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2                TV7SXTG-5HPND
EUT                   RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2                TV7SXTG-5HPND
AC Adapter            FLD301-240120-U                              N/A
Laptop Computer       Dell Latitude                                6CD35Q1

Antenna/Type                                                                      Gain
Printed Circuit Board Panel, Model: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2                 16.5 dBi
Printed Circuit Board Panel, Model: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2                 13 dBi

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Application for Certification
(1)    Manufacturer:          Mikrotikls SIA
                              Pernavas 46
                              Riga, Latvia LV-1009
(2) Identification: Models:   RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2 and
                              RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
                              FCC I.D.: TV7SXTG-5HPND

(3)    Instruction Book:

       Refer to Exhibit for Instruction Manual.

(4)    Description of Circuit Functions:

       Refer to Exhibit of Operational Description.

(5)    Block Diagram with Frequencies:

       Refer to Exhibit of Operational Description.

(6)    Report of Measurements:

       Report of measurements follows in this Report.

(7)    Photographs: Construction, Component Placement, etc.:

       Refer to Exhibit for photographs of equipment.

(8)    List of Peripheral Equipment Necessary for operation. The equipment operates from power
       received from authorized AC/DC power adapter. The EUT provides single Ethernet port for
       communications and power. During testing, the EUT was connected to CPU through
       network cable. The EUT received power supplied from external AC/DC supply connected
       to the Power Over Ethernet (POE) adapter.

(9)    Transition Provisions of CFR47 15.37 are not requested

(10)   Not Applicable. The unit is not a scanning receiver.

(11)   Not Applicable. The EUT does not operate in the 59 – 64 GHz frequency band.

(12)   The equipment is not software defined and this section is not applicable.

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Equipment Function and Configuration

The EUT is a 5745-5825 MHz MIMO Digital Transmission System used to transmit data in
applications offering broadband wireless connectivity. The design utilizes permanently attached
printed circuit board antenna system provided in either 16.5-dBi gain configuration (model:
RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2) or 13 dBi configuration (model: RouterBOARD SXT G-
5HPND-SA r2). For testing purposes, the EUT transceiver was connected to the manufacturer
supplied POE and AC/DC adapter and communicating to the laptop computer through Ethernet
network interface. This configuration offered operational control of the transmitter and
communications over the network interface between the EUT and supporting computer system.
The RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2 offers a single
Ethernet network interface port for connection to the network and powering the device. No other
interfacing options are provided. For testing purposes, the EUT received powered from the POE
and AC/DC adapter and configured to transmit in available data modes. The transmitter design
offers 500 mW output power per chain and is designed for operation with printed circuit board
antenna systems of 16.5-dBi gain or less. The antenna system complies with requirements for
unique antenna connection port.

Equipment Configuration

                                            Network Cable

                                                                 Laptop Computer
                                                 POE                  (CPU)

                                               AC/DC              CPU AC Power
                                               Adapter              Adapter

                                                                   Utility Power

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Applicable Standards & Test Procedures

In accordance with the Federal Communications Code of Federal Regulations, dated October 1,
2013, Part 2, Subpart J, Paragraphs 2.907, 2.911, 2.913, 2.925, 2.926, 2.1031 through 2.1057,
and applicable parts of paragraph 15, Part 15C Paragraph 15.247 the following information is
submitted. Test procedures used are the established Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise
Emissions as described in ANSI C63.10-2009, KDB 558074 D01 v03r1, KDB 662911 D02
MIMO v02, and KDB 913591. Testing for the AC line-conducted and radiated emissions testing
were performed as defined in section 6 of ANSI C63.10-2009.

Equipment Testing Procedures
AC Line Conducted Emission Test Procedure
Testing for the AC line-conducted emissions was performed as defined in ANSI C63.10-2009. The
test setup, including the EUT, was arranged in the test configurations as presented during testing.
The test configuration was placed on a 1 x 1.5-meter wooden bench, 0.8 meters high located in a
screen room. The power lines of the system were isolated from the power source using a standard
LISN with a 50-µHy choke. EMI was coupled to the spectrum analyzer through a 0.1 µF capacitor
internal to the LISN. The LISN was positioned on the floor beneath the wooden bench supporting
the EUT. The power lines and cables were draped over the back edge of the table. Refer to diagram
1 showing typical test arrangement and photographs in exhibits for EUT placement used during

Radiated Emission Test Procedure
The EUT was placed on a rotating 1 x 1.5-meter wooden platform, 0.8 meters above the ground
plane at a distance of 3 meters from the FSM antenna. Radiated emissions testing were
performed as required in CFR47 paragraph 15C, RSS-210 and as specified in sections 6 and 7 of
ANSI C63.10-2009. EMI energy was maximized by equipment placement, raising and lowering
the FSM antenna, changing the antenna polarization, and by rotating the turntable. Each
emission was maximized before data was taken using a spectrum analyzer. The frequency
spectrum from 9 kHz to 25,000 MHz was searched for during preliminary investigation. Refer
to diagrams 2 and 3 showing typical test arrangement and photographs in the test setup exhibits
for specific EUT placement during testing.

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

1. Interconnecting cables that hang closer than 40 cm to the ground plane shall be folded back
   and forth in the center forming a bundle 30 cm to 40 cm long see (see
2. I/O cables that are not connected to an accessory shall be bundled in the center. The end of
   the cable may be terminated, if required, using the correct terminating impedance. The
   overall length shall not exceed 1 m (see 6.2.2).
3. EUT connected to one LISN. Unused LISN measuring port connectors shall be terminated in
   50 Ω loads. LISN can be placed on top of, or immediately beneath, reference ground plane
   (see 6.2.2 and 6.2.3).
     3.1 All other equipment powered from additional LISN(s).
     3.2 Multiple-outlet strip can be used for multiple power cords of non-EUT equipment.
     3.3 LISN at least 80 cm from nearest part of EUT chassis
4. Non-EUT components of EUT system being tested
5. Rear of EUT, including peripherals, shall all be aligned and flush with rear of tabletop (see
6. Edge of tabletop shall be 40 cm removed from a vertical conducting plane that is bonded to
   the ground plane (see 6.2.2 for options).
7. Antenna may be integral or detachable. If detachable, the antenna shall be attached for this
Diagram 1 Test arrangement for Conducted emissions

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

1. A LISN is optional for radiated measurements between 30 MHz to 1000 MHz, but not allowed
   for measurements below 30 MHz and above 1000 MHz (See 6.4.3, 6.5.1, and 6.6.3). If used,
   connect EUT to one LISN. Unused LISN measuring port connectors shall be terminated in
   50Ω. LISN can be placed on top of, or immediately beneath, reference ground plane (see
   6.2.2 and
    1.1 LISN spaced at least 80 cm from nearest part of EUT chassis.
2. The EUT shall be placed in the center of the table to the extent possible (See and
3. A vertical conducting plane, if used for conducted tests per 6.2.2, shall be removed for
   radiated emission tests.
4. Antenna may be integral or detachable, depending on the EUT.
5. Interconnecting cables that hang closer than 40 cm to the ground plane shall be folded back
   and forth in the center forming a bundle 30 cm to 40 cm long.

Diagram 2 Test arrangement for radiated emissions of tabletop equipment

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0


   Frequency: 9 kHz-30 MHz        Frequency: 30 MHz- 1 GHZ           Frequency: Above 1 GHz
          Loop Antenna                Broadband Biconilog                    Horn
          RBW = 9 kHz                   RBW = 120 kHz                    RBW = 1 MHz
         VBW = 30 kHz                   VBW = 120 kHz                    VBW = 1 MHz
       Sweep time = Auto               Sweep time = Auto               Sweep time = Auto
      Detector = PK, QP           Detector = PK, QP            Detector = PK, AV
Diagram 3 Test arrangement for radiated emissions tested on Open Area Test Site (OATS)

Test Site Locations
Conducted EMI         The AC power line conducted emissions testing performed in a shielded
                      screen room located at Rogers Labs, Inc., 4405 W. 259th Terrace,
                      Louisburg, KS

Radiated EMI          The radiated emissions tests were performed at the 3 meters, Open Area
                      Test Site (OATS) located at Rogers Labs, Inc., 4405 W. 259th Terrace,
                      Louisburg, KS

Site Registration     Refer to Annex for Site Registration Letters

NVLAP Accreditation           Lab code 200087-0

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

List of Test Equipment
A Rohde and Schwarz ESU40 and/or Hewlett Packard 8591EM was used as the measuring device
for the emissions testing of frequencies below 1 GHz. A Rohde and Schwarz ESU40 and/or
Hewlett Packard 8562A Spectrum Analyzer was used as the measuring device for testing the
emissions at frequencies above 1 GHz. The analyzer settings used are described in the following
table. Refer to the appendix for a complete list of test equipment.

                      AC Line Conducted Emissions (0.150 -30 MHz)
             RBW                          AVG. BW                     Detector Function
             9 kHz                          30 kHz                    Peak / Quasi Peak
                                  Emissions (30-1000 MHz)
             RBW                          AVG. BW                     Detector Function
            120 kHz                        300 kHz                    Peak / Quasi Peak
                                Emissions (Above 1000 MHz)
             RBW                          Video BW                    Detector Function
            100 kHz                        100 kHz                          Peak
             1 MHz                          1 MHz                      Peak / Average

Equipment      Manufacturer    Model (SN)          Band        Cal Date                    Due
   LISN        Comp. Design FCC-LISN-2-MOD.CD(126).15-30MHz 10/13                         10/14
   Cable       Time Microwave 750HF290-750 (L10M) 9kHz-40 GHz 10/13                       10/14
   Cable       Belden          RG-58 (L1-CAT3-11509)9kHz-30 MHz10/13                      10/14
   Cable       Belden          RG-58 (L2-CAT3-11509)9kHz-30 MHz10/13                      10/14
   Antenna     ARA             BCD-235-B (169)     20-350MHz 10/13                        10/14
   Antenna     EMCO            3147 (40582)        200-1000MHz 10/13                      10/14
   Antenna     Com Power       AH-118 (10110)      1-18 GHz    10/13                      10/14
   Antenna     Com Power       AH-840 (101046)     18-40 GHz   5/13                       5/14
   Antenna     EMCO            6509 (9502-1374)    .001-30 MHz 10/13                      10/14
   Antenna     Sunol           JB-6 (A100709)      30-1000 MHz 10/13                      10/14
   Antenna     Standard        FXRY638A (621786) 10-18 GHz     5/13                       5/14
   Antenna     EMCO            3143 (9607-1277)    20-1200 MHz 5/13                       5/14
   Analyzer    HP              8591EM (3628A00871) 9kHz-1.8GHz5/13                        5/14
   Analyzer    HP              8562A (3051A05950) 9kHz-110GHz 5/13                        5/14
   Analyzer    Rohde & Schwarz ESU40 (100108)      20Hz-40GHz 5/13                        5/14
   Amplifier   Com-Power       PA-010 (171003)     100Hz-30MHz 10/13                      10/14
   Amplifier   Com-Power       CPPA-102 (01254)    1-1000 MHz 10/13                       10/14
   Amplifier   Com-Power       PAM-118A (551014) 0.5-18 GHz 10/13                         10/14
Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Units of Measurements
Conducted EMI          Data is in dBµV; dB referenced to one microvolt

Radiated EMI           Data is in dBµV/m; dB/m referenced to one microvolt per meter

Sample Calculation:
               RFS = Radiated Field Strength, FSM = Field Strength Measured
               A.F. = Receive antenna factor, Gain = amplification gains and/or cable losses
               RFS (dBµV/m @ 3m) = FSM (dBµV) + A.F. (dB) - Gain (dB)

Environmental Conditions
       Ambient Temperature             20.1° C
       Relative Humidity               33%
       Atmospheric Pressure            1013.4 mb

Intentional Radiators

As per CFR47, Subpart C, paragraph 15.247 the following information is submitted.

Antenna Requirements

The EUT utilizes permanently attached printed circuit board antenna system. The design is offered
in either a 13-dBi or a 16.5-dBi gain configuration. The antenna connection point complies with the
unique antenna connection requirements. The requirements of 15.203 are fulfilled; there are no
deviations or exceptions to the specification.

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Restricted Bands of Operation

Spurious emissions falling in the restricted frequency bands of operation were measured at the
OATS. The EUT utilizes frequency, determining circuitry, which generates harmonics falling in the
restricted bands. Emissions were investigated at the OATS, using appropriate antennas or
pyramidal horns, amplification stages, and spectrum analyzer. Peak and average amplitudes of
frequencies above 1000 MHz were compared to the required limits with worst-case data presented
below. Test procedures of ANSI C63.10-2009 paragraph 6 were used during testing. No other
significant emission was observed which fell into the restricted bands of operation. Computed
emission values take into account the received and measured radiated field strength, receive antenna
correction factor, amplifier gain stage, and test system cable losses.

Table 1 Radiated Emissions in Restricted Bands Data
   Frequency in   Horizontal   Horizontal   Horizontal    Vertical    Vertical     Vertical   Limit @ 3m
      MHz           Peak       Quasi-Peak    Average       Peak      Quasi-Peak    Average     (dBµV/m)
                  (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)    (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)

    11490.0         49.5         N/A          36.9        50.3         N/A         37.1         54.0

    11570.0         50.1         N/A          37.2        49.8         N/A         37.3         54.0

    11650.0         49.4         N/A          36.9        49.3         N/A         37.0         54.0

    22980.0         40.9         N/A          38.1        41.0         N/A         38.0         54.0
Other emissions present had amplitudes at least 20 dB below the limit. Peak and Quasi-Peak
amplitude emissions are recorded above for frequency range below 1000 MHz. Peak and
Average amplitude emissions are recorded above for frequency range above 1000 MHz.

Summary of Results for Radiated Emissions in Restricted Bands

The EUT demonstrated compliance with the radiated emissions requirements of CFR 47 Part
15C Intentional Radiators. The EUT demonstrated a worst-case minimum margin of -15.9 dB
below the radiated emissions requirements in restricted frequency bands. Peak, Quasi-peak, and
average amplitudes were checked for compliance with the regulations. Worst-case emissions are
reported with other emissions found in the restricted frequency bands at least 20 dB below the

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

AC Line Conducted Emissions Procedure

The EUT was arranged in a typical equipment configuration and placed on a 1 x 1.5-meter
wooden bench 80 cm above the conducting ground plane, floor of a screen room. The bench was
positioned 40 cm away from the wall of the screen room. The LISN was positioned on the floor
of the screen room 80-cm from the rear of the EUT. The manufacturer supplied AC power
adapter for the EUT was connected to the LISN. A second LISN was positioned on the floor of
the screen room 80-cm from the rear of the supporting equipment of the EUT. All power cords
except the EUT were then powered from the second LISN. EMI was coupled to the spectrum
analyzer through a 0.1 μF capacitor, internal to the LISN. Power line conducted emissions
testing were carried out individually for each current carrying conductor of the EUT. The excess
length of lead between the system and the LISN receptacle was folded back and forth to form a
bundle not exceeding 40 cm in length. The screen room, conducting ground plane, analyzer, and
LISN were bonded together to the protective earth ground. Preliminary testing was performed to
identify the frequency of each emission displaying the highest amplitude. The cables were
repositioned to obtain maximum amplitude of measured EMI level. Once the worst-case
configuration was identified, plots were made of the EMI from 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz then the
data was recorded with maximum conducted emissions levels. Refer to figures one and two for
plots of the EUT AC Line Conducted emissions while operating with the manufacturer supplied
AC/DC adapter and POE.

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Figure 1 AC Line Conducted Emissions Line 1

Figure 2 AC Line Conducted Emissions Line 2

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Table 2 AC Line Conducted Emissions Data (Highest Emissions Line L1)

Other emissions present had amplitudes at least 20 dB below the limit.
Table 3 AC Line Conducted Emissions Data (Highest Emissions Line L2)

Other emissions present had amplitudes at least 20 dB below the limit.

Summary of Results for AC Line Conducted Emissions

The EUT demonstrated compliance to the conducted emissions requirements of CFR47 Part 15C
equipment. The EUT demonstrated minimum margin of -10.9 dB below the limit.
Measurements were taken using the peak, quasi peak, and average, measurement function for
each emissions amplitude and were below the limits stated in the specification. Other emissions
were present with recorded data representing worst-case amplitudes.

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

General Radiated Emissions Procedure

The EUT was arranged in a typical equipment configuration and operated through all available
modes with worst-case data recorded. Preliminary testing was performed in a screen room with
the EUT positioned 1 meter from the FSM. Radiated emissions measurements were performed
to identify the frequencies, which produced the highest emissions. Each radiated emission was
then maximized at the OATS location before final radiated emissions measurements were
performed. Final data was taken with the EUT located at the OATS at a distance of 3 meters
between the EUT and the receiving antenna. The frequency spectrum from 9 kHz to 60,000
MHz was searched for general radiated emissions. Measured emission levels were maximized
by EUT placement on the table, rotating the turntable through 360 degrees, varying the antenna
height between 1 and 4 meters above the ground plane and changing antenna position between
horizontal and vertical polarization. Antennas used were Loop from 9 kHz to 30 MHz,
Broadband Biconical from 30 to 200 MHz, Biconilog from 30 to 1000 MHz, Log Periodic from
200 MHz to 1 GHz and or Double Ridge or pyramidal horns and mixers from 1 GHz to 60 GHz,
notch filters, and appropriate amplifiers and external mixers were utilized.

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Table 4 General Radiated Emissions from EUT Data (Highest Emissions)
   Frequency in   Horizontal   Horizontal   Horizontal    Vertical    Vertical     Vertical   Limit @ 3m
      MHz           Peak       Quasi-Peak    Average       Peak      Quasi-Peak    Average     (dBµV/m)
                  (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)    (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)

      50.3          30.3         25.3         N/A         35.3         29.6        N/A          40.0

      85.1          29.3         24.0         N/A         37.6         31.9        N/A          40.0

      93.7          35.8         31.9         N/A         33.6         28.0        N/A          43.5

      93.8          40.6         32.8         N/A         35.9         31.8        N/A          43.5

      94.4          34.3         29.5         N/A         32.4         27.9        N/A          43.5

     107.8          35.1         30.1         N/A         34.5         29.5        N/A          43.5

     113.8          33.8         28.6         N/A         31.6         25.2        N/A          43.5

     125.0          39.3         37.4         N/A         32.6         30.0        N/A          43.5

     176.2          32.5         27.0         N/A         25.2         20.4        N/A          43.5

     177.0          33.5         27.5         N/A         25.6         20.9        N/A          43.5

     375.0          42.9         40.7         N/A         37.8         36.1        N/A          46.0
Other emissions present had amplitudes at least 20 dB below the limit. Peak and Quasi-Peak
amplitude emissions are recorded above for frequency range below 1000 MHz. Peak and
Average amplitude emissions are recorded above for frequency range above 1000 MHz.

Summary of Results for General Radiated Emissions

The EUT demonstrated compliance with the radiated emissions requirements of CFR47 Part 15C
paragraph 15.209 Intentional Radiators. The EUT demonstrated a minimum margin of -5.3 dB
below the requirements. Other emissions were present with amplitudes at least 20 dB below the

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Operation in the Band 5725-5850 MHz

The transmitter fundamental output power was measured at the antenna port of each chain. Radiated
emissions were measured on the Open Area Test Site (OATS) at a three-meter distance. The EUT
was placed on a wooden turntable 0.8 meters above the ground plane at a distance of 3 meters from
the FSM antenna located on the OATS. The peak and quasi-peak amplitude of the frequencies
below 1000 MHz were measured using a spectrum analyzer. The peak and average amplitude of
emissions above 1000 MHz were measured using a spectrum analyzer. Emissions data was recorded
from the measurement results. Data presented reflects measurement result corrected to account for
measurement system gains and losses. Plots were made of transmitter performance for reference
purposes. Refer to figures three through twelve showing plots of the EUT performance displaying
compliance with the specifications.

This product utilizes permanently attached antenna system and offers no provision for antenna port
conducted measurements. As such, the testing procedures as defined in publications KDB 558074
D01 DTS Meas Guidance v03r01, KDB 662911 D02, and ANSI C63.10-2009 were utilized during
compliance testing. These procedures provide for antenna port measurement or measurement of
maximum field strength (summing horizontal and vertical for total output power) and conversion
calculations for comparison with requirements.

   1. Calculate the transmitter's peak power using the following equations:
      Measure and Sum emissions in both polarizations, convert to power based on antenna
      gain, and sum the power across the two polarizations.
               P = (E * d)2 / (30 * G)
      Where: E = the measured maximum field strength in V/m.
              G = the numeric gain of the transmitting antenna over an isotropic radiator.
              d = the distance in meters from which the field strength was measured.
              P = the power in watts
      Setting the RBW > 6dB bandwidth of the emission or using a peak power meter

   2.   Emission Bandwidth was measured in compliance with KDB 558074 paragraph 8.
   3.   Maximum Peak Output Power was measured in compliance with KDB 662911.
   4.   Maximum Power Spectral Density was measured in compliance with KDB 662911.
   5.   Maximum Unwanted Emissions Levels were measured in compliance with KDB 558074
        paragraph 11, and KDB 662911, and CFR47 paragraph 15C at 3-meters distance located
        on the OATS.

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Figure 3 Plot of Transmitter Emissions (Across Operational Band, Chain 0, 20 MHz Channel)

Figure 4 Plot of Transmitter Emissions (Across Operational Band, Chain 1, 20 MHz Channel)

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Figure 5 Plot of Transmitter Emissions (Across Operational Band, Chain 0, 40 MHz Channel)

Figure 6 Plot of Transmitter Emissions (Across Operational Band, Chain 1, 40 MHz Channel)

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Figure 7 Plot of Transmitter Low Band Edge (20 MHz Channel)

Figure 8 Plot of Transmitter Low Band Edge (40 MHz Channel)

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Figure 9 Plot of Transmitter High Band Edge (20 MHz Channel)

Figure 10 Plot of Transmitter High Band Edge (40 MHz Channel)

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Figure 11 Plot of Transmitter Occupied Bandwidth (20 MHz Channel)

Figure 12 Plot of Transmitter Occupied Bandwidth (40 MHz Channel)

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Transmitter Emissions Data

Table 5 Transmitter Antenna port Conducted Emissions Data (Total Highest)
 Channel Mode        Total Output Power (dBm / Watts)        Total Power Spectral Density (dBm)

    20 MHz                 30.0 dBm / 1.0 Watts                               -0.92

    40 MHz                 29.2 dBm / 0.8 Watts                               -5.06

Table 6 Transmitter Antenna Conducted Emissions Data

   Frequency      Antenna Conducted         Occupied         Power Spectral
     MHz          Output Power dBm        Bandwidth kHz       Density dBm

                            Chain 0, 20 MHz Channel

    5745.0                26.02              17,308              -4.34

    5785.0                26.76              16,987              -4.50

    5825.0                27.22              17,147              -5.73

                            Chain 1, 20 MHz Channel

    5745.0                26.02              17,227              -3.87

    5785.0                26.37              17,227              -3.43

    5825.0                26.77              16,987              -2.99

                            Chain 0, 40 MHz Channel

    5755.0                25.33              38,462              -8.41

    5795.0                26.11              37,950              -8.20

    5815.0                26.10              38,205              -8.41

                            Chain 1, 40 MHz Channel

    5755.0                25.14              36,982              -8.30

    5795.0                25.89              38,141              -7.95

    5815.0                26.25              38,141              -7.83

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
Revision 1                      File: Mikrotikls RBSXTG5HPND TstRpt 140120    Page 26 of 34

NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Table 7 Transmitter Radiated Emission
  Frequency in     Horizontal       Horizontal      Vertical Peak   Vertical Average   Limit @ 3m
     MHz         Peak (dBµV/m)   Average (dBµV/m)    (dBµV/m)          (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)

    5745.0          131.2             121.2            132.5            123.1              --

   11490.0           49.5             36.9             50.3              37.1            54.0

   17235.0           55.3             42.4             55.3              42.5            54.0

   22980.0           40.9             38.1             41.0              38.0            54.0

   28725.0           34.5             31.9             36.2              31.9            54.0

    5785.0          131.1             119.2            130.8            120.6              --

   11570.0           50.1             37.2             49.8              37.3            54.0

   17355.0           55.7             42.9             56.1              42.9            54.0

   23140.0           40.1             38.0             40.0              37.1            54.0

   28925.0           43.9             31.3             43.8              31.3            54.0

    5825.0          130.2             118.5            132.0            119.7              --

   11650.0           49.4             36.9             49.3              37.0            54.0

   17475.0           56.1             43.7             57.3              44.0            54.0

   23300.0           38.7             35.8             38.9              36.0            54.0

   29125.0           43.8             31.3             43.6              31.8            54.0
Other emissions present had amplitudes at least 20 dB below the limit. Peak and Quasi-Peak
amplitude emissions are recorded above for frequency range below 1000 MHz. Peak and
Average amplitude emissions are recorded above for frequency range above 1000 MHz.

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
Revision 1                      File: Mikrotikls RBSXTG5HPND TstRpt 140120    Page 27 of 34

NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Summary of Results for Transmitter Radiated Emissions of Intentional Radiator

The EUT demonstrated compliance with the radiated emissions requirements of CFR47 Part
15.247. Peak antenna port conducted power of 0.5 watts per chain, 1.0-Watt total. The peak
power spectral density presented a minimum margin of -8.9 dB below the requirements. The
EUT demonstrated a minimum margin of -10.0 dB below the harmonic emissions requirements.
There were no other significantly measurable emissions in the restricted bands other than those
recorded in this report. Other emissions were present with amplitudes at least 20 dB below the
requirements. There were no other deviations or exceptions to the requirements.

Statement of Modifications and Deviations

No modifications to the EUT were required for the unit to demonstrate compliance with the
CFR47 Part 15C emissions standards. There were no deviations or modifications to the

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0


   Annex A Measurement Uncertainty Calculations

   Annex B Rogers Labs Test Equipment List

   Annex C Rogers Qualifications

   Annex D FCC Site Registration Letter

   Annex E Industry Canada Site Registration Letter

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
Revision 1                      File: Mikrotikls RBSXTG5HPND TstRpt 140120    Page 29 of 34

NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Annex A Measurement Uncertainty Calculations

Measurement uncertainty calculations were made for the laboratory. Result of measurement
uncertainty calculations are recorded below for AC line conducted and radiated emission

Measurement Uncertainty                                          U(E)               U(lab)

3 Meter Horizontal 30-200 MHz Measurements                       2.08                4.16

3 Meter Vertical 30-200 MHz Measurements                         2.16                4.33

3 Meter Vertical Measurements 200-1000 MHz                       2.99                5.97

10 Meter Horizontal Measurements 30-200 MHz                      2.07                4.15

10 Meter Vertical Measurements 30-200 MHz                        2.06                4.13

10 Meter Horizontal Measurements 200-1000 MHz                    2.32                4.64

10 Meter Vertical Measurements 200-1000 MHz                      2.33                4.66

3 Meter Measurements 1-6 GHz                                     2.57                5.14

3 Meter Measurements 6-18 GHz                                    2.58                5.16

AC Line Conducted                                                1.72                3.43

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
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NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Annex B Rogers Labs Test Equipment List

Equipment (Serial Number)                                                  Calibration Due

Spectrum Analyzer: Rohde & Schwarz ESU40 (100108)                                 5/14
Spectrum Analyzer: HP 8562A, 11518, 11519, and 11520 (3051A05950)                 5/14
        Mixers: 11517A, 11970A, 11970K, 11970U, 11970V, 11970W
Spectrum Analyzer: HP 8591EM (3628A00871)                                         5/14
Antenna: EMCO Biconilog Model: 3143 (9607-1277)                                   5/14
Antenna: Sunol Biconilog Model: JB6 (A100709)                                     10/14
Antenna: EMCO Log Periodic Model: 3147 (40582)                                    10/14
Antenna: Com Power Model: AH-118 (10110)                                          10/14
Antenna: Com Power Model: AH-840 (101046)                                         10/14
Antenna: Antenna Research Biconical Model: BCD 235 (169)                          10/14
Antenna: EMCO 6509 (9502-1374)                                                    10/14
LISN: Compliance Design Model: FCC-LISN-2.Mod.cd (126)                            10/14
R.F. Preamp Com-Power Model: CPPA-102 (01254)                                     10/14
Cable: Belden RG-58 (L1-CAT3-11590)                                               10/14
Cable: Belden RG-58 (L2-CAT3-11590)                                               10/14
Cable: Belden 8268 (L3)                                                           10/14
Cable: Time Microwave: 4M-750HF290-750 (L4M)                                      10/14
Cable: Time Microwave: 10M-750HF290-750 (L10M)                                    10/14
Frequency Counter: Leader LDC825                                                  2/14
Oscilloscope Scope: Tektronix 2230                                                2/14
Wattmeter: Bird 43 with Load Bird 8085                                            2/14
Power Supplies: Sorensen SRL 20-25, SRL 40-25, DCR 150, DCR 140                   2/14
R.F. Generators: HP 606A, HP 8614A, HP 8640B                                      2/14
R.F. Power Amp 65W Model: 470-A-1010                                              2/14
R.F. Power Amp 50W M185- 10-501                                                   2/14
R.F. Power Amp A.R. Model: 10W 1010M7                                             2/14
R.F. Power Amp EIN Model: A301                                                    2/14
LISN: Compliance Eng. Model 240/20                                                2/14
LISN: Fischer Custom Communications Model: FCC-LISN-50-16-2-08                    2/14
Antenna: EMCO Dipole Set 3121C                                                    2/14
Antenna: C.D. B-101                                                               2/14
Antenna: Solar 9229-1 & 9230-1                                                    2/14
Audio Oscillator: H.P. 201CD                                                      2/14
ELGAR Model: 1751                                                                 2/14
ELGAR Model: TG 704A-3D                                                           2/14
ESD Test Set 2010i                                                                2/14
Fast Transient Burst Generator Model: EFT/B-101                                   2/14
Field Intensity Meter: EFM-018                                                    2/14
KEYTEK Ecat Surge Generator                                                       2/14

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
Revision 1                      File: Mikrotikls RBSXTG5HPND TstRpt 140120    Page 31 of 34

NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Annex C Rogers Qualifications

Scot D. Rogers, Engineer

Rogers Labs, Inc.

Mr. Rogers has approximately 17 years’ experience in the field of electronics. Engineering
experience includes six years in the automated controls industry and remaining years working
with the design, development and testing of radio communications and electronic equipment.

Positions Held

       Systems Engineer:      A/C Controls Mfg. Co., Inc. 6 Years

       Electrical Engineer:   Rogers Consulting Labs, Inc. 5 Years

       Electrical Engineer:   Rogers Labs, Inc. Current

Educational Background

1)     Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from Kansas State University.

2)     Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration Kansas State University.

3)     Several Specialized Training courses and seminars pertaining to Microprocessors and
       Software programming.

Scot D. Rogers

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
Revision 1                      File: Mikrotikls RBSXTG5HPND TstRpt 140120    Page 32 of 34

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                                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                                         Laboratory Division
                                                                                                    7435 Oakland Mills Road
                                                                                                        Columbia, MD 21046

                                                                                                                  June 28, 2013

                                                                                                                                                                                  Registration Number: 90910
     Rogers Labs, Inc.
     4405 West 259th Terrace,
     Louisburg, KS 66053

     Attention:                                   Scot Rogers,

     Re:                                          Measurement facility located at Louisburg
                                                  3 & 10 meter site
                                                  Date of Renewal: June 28, 2013

     Dear Sir or Madam:

     Your request for renewal of the registration of the subject measurement facility has been received. The information
     submitted has been placed in your file and the registration has been renewed. The name of your organization will
     remain on the list of facilities whose measurement data will be accepted in conjunction with applications for
     Certification under Parts 15 or 18 of the Commission‘s Rules. Please note that the file must be updated for any
     changes made to the facility and the registration must be renewed at least every three years.

     Measurement facilities that have indicated that they are available to the public to perform measurement services on a
     fee basis may be found on the FCC website www.fce.gov under E—Filing, OET Equipment Authorization Electronic
     Filing, Test Firms.

                                                                                                                                                               PhYyilis Parrish
                                                                                                                                                               Industry Analyst

               I   PR CLLA L      t    Z P OJ P   UJQJ 7 C L L CT                o NJb     ENX +0    Noib ow   d     NoA e e en   nb   Z                                                          v

                                                                                           A y a a ama vo sbama ns   m wl m ce ze          e e n in e e   .e    22c .   1              «_
 IXV Y1OIUIL               L                                                     n waw e

NVLAP Lab Code 200087-0

Annex E Industry Canada Site Registration Letter

Rogers Labs, Inc.               Mikrotikls SIA SN’s: 464700000000 and 438002C7DF9B/316
4405 W. 259th Terrace   Models: RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPnD-HG r2, RouterBOARD SXT G-5HPND-SA r2
Louisburg, KS 66053             Test #: 140120                                FCC ID#: TV7SXTG-5HPND
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214       Test to: CFR47 (15.247)                       Date: February 12, 2014
Revision 1                      File: Mikrotikls RBSXTG5HPND TstRpt 140120    Page 34 of 34

Document Created: 2014-02-12 12:07:53
Document Modified: 2014-02-12 12:07:53

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