Test report

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1

Test Report

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                         a B Es 2o             TRA
                         issued by an FCC listed Laboratory Reg. no. 93866.
                         The test site complies with RSS 212, Issue 1, fle no: IC 3482             Date                       Reference                        Page
                                                                                                   2005—06—27                 F51078 1—F24A                    1 (2)
         ISO/EC 17025
                         Handled by, department
                         Jonas Bremholt
                         +46 (0)33 16 54 38. jonas.bremholt@sp.se                                  ERICSSON AB
                                                                                                   RTG/I Mats Falk
                                                                                                   417 56 GOTEBORG

                         Equipment authorization measurements on WCDMA Base Station
                         Transceiver Unit with FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289—1
                         (8 appendices)

                         Test object

                         Transceiver unit ROJ 119 2289/1


                        Standard                                                                           Compliant               Appendix              Remarks
                        FCC CFR 47

                        2.1046       RF power output                                                       Yes                     2                              =
                        2.1049       Occupied bandwidth                                                    Yes                     3                              —
                        2.1051       Band edge                                                             Yes                     4                              —
                        2.1051       Spurious emission at antenna terminals                                Yes                     5                              —
                        2.1053       Field strengthof spurious radiation                                   Yes                     6                              —
                        2.1055       Frequency stability                                                   Yes                     7                              —

                        SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute
                        Electronics — EMC

                        M/4ons                                                                                  .z
                        Lasse Bergsten                                                                 Jongs Bremholt
                        Deputy Technical Manager                                                       Techhical Officer

                        SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute

                        Postal address               Office location             Phone /Fax / E—mail       Laboratories are accredited by the Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity
                        SP                           Vasterasen                  +46 33 16 50 00           Assessment (SWEDAC) under the termsof Swedish legislation. This report may
                        Box 857                      Brineligatan 4              +46 33 13 55 02           not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval of the
                        SE—501 15 Bords              Bords                       info@sp.se                issuing laboratory.
SP 302


                                         Date         Reference                Page

REPORT                                   2005-06-27   F510781-F24A             2 (2)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1

Table of contents

Description of the test object                                    Appendix 1

Operation mode during measurements                                Appendix 1

Test setups                                                       Appendix 1

Purpose of test                                                   Appendix 1

RF power output                                                   Appendix 2

Occupied bandwidth                                                Appendix 3

Band edge                                                         Appendix 4

Spurious emission at antenna terminals                            Appendix 5

Field strength of spurious radiation                              Appendix 6

Frequency stability                                               Appendix 7

Photos                                                            Appendix 8

                                               Date            Reference           Page

REPORT                                         2005-06-27      F510781-F24A        1 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                       Appendix 1

Description – Test object

Equipment:                WCDMA Transceiver unit (sTRX) 1900 MHz, single carrier

Tx Frequency range:       1932.5-1987.5 MHz

Modulations:              QPSK and 16QAM

Maximum output power: 42.4 dBm (17.4 W)

Nominal power voltage: -48 VDC

Tested channels

ARFCN     Frequency
 412      1932.5 MHz
 537      1957.5 MHZ
 687      1987.5 MHZ

Operation mode during measurements

Test models

All measurements were performed with the test object configured with the Test models 1 and 5
as defined in 3GPP TS 25.141. Test model 1 use the QPSK modulation only, and Test model 5
includes the 16QAM modulation.

Test model 1: 64 DPCH:s at 30 ksps (SF=128)
Test model 5: 6 DPCH:s at 30 ksps (SF=128) and 2 HS-PDSCH:s at 240 ksps (SF=16)

Conducted measurements

All RF conducted measurements were performed with the test object installed in a RBS 3303
cabinet powered with -48 VDC. All measurements were done at the output connector (Ant A)
of the single Antenna Interface Unit (sAIU) KRY 112 123/1. All measurements were
performed at maximum output power with both modulations.

Radiated measurements

All radiated measurements were performed with the test object installed in a RBS 3303 cabinet
powered with -48 VDC.

The sTRX was activated for maximum transmit power. The sTRX was sequentially allocated
to UARFCN 412 (1932.5 MHz) and 687 (1987.5 MHz) for downlink and to UARFCN 12
(1852.5 MHz) and 287 (1907.5 MHz) for uplink.

Purpose of test

The purpose of the tests is to verify compliance to the performance characteristics specified in

                                                  Date            Reference            Page

REPORT                                            2005-06-27      F510781-F24A         2 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                          Appendix 1


Measurements were done according to relevant parts of the following standards:
3GPP TS 25.141


The test results in this report apply only to the particular test object as declared in the report.

Delivery of test object

The test object was delivered: 2005-06-13

Manufacturer’s representative

Jan-Olof Karlsson, Ericsson AB

Test engineers

Reinhold Reul and Jonas Bremholt

Test witness

Ronny Hansson, Ericsson AB

                                            Date          Reference         Page

REPORT                                      2005-06-27    F510781-F24A      3 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                  Appendix 1

Test set-up, conducted measurements

RBS 3303: FAR 102 123/6, R-state R1A with software CXP 901 0810 rev. P9BA
          Enclosure: BDE 202 85/1, R-state: R1C, Serial No: S781303814

1.   RNC Sim CES 4780BA Mini-sim#14, Serial no.: 02101
2.   Switch, Netgear Ethernet switch DS108
3.   Computer, Naturetech, ETE ASSET ID: 207505
4.   ROJ 119 2289/1 Rev. R1H, Serial No: AE51888840 (FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1)
5.   KRB 901 17/1 Rev. R1C, Serial no: BN60000215 (FCC ID: TA8AKRB90117-1)
6.   KRY 112 123/1, Rev. R2A, Serial no: A400240185
7.   50 ohm terminator

Interfaces:                                                              Type of port:
Power, -48 VDC                                                           DC power
Iub, configured as T1 by CBU, shielded multi-wire with RJ-45 connector   Telecom
Mub, shielded multi-wire with RJ-45 connector                            Test purpose
Test, no cable attached                                                  Test purpose
Xalm, no cable attached.                                                 Signal
GPS, no cable attached.                                                  Signal

                                            Date          Reference         Page

REPORT                                      2005-06-27    F510781-F24A      4 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                  Appendix 1

Test set-up, radiated measurements

RBS 3303: FAR 102 123/6, R-state R1A with software CXP 901 0810 rev. P9BA
          Enclosure: BDE 202 85/1, R-state: R1C, Serial No: S781303814

   1.   RNC Sim CES 4780BA Mini-sim#14, Serial no.: 0210
   2.   Switch, Netgear Ethernet switch DS108
   3.   Computer, Naturetech, ETE ASSET ID: 207505
   4.   ROJ 119 2289/1 Rev. R1H, Serial No: AE51888841 (FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1)
   5.   KRB 901 17/1 Rev. R1C, Serial no: BN60000215 (FCC ID: TA8AKRB90117-1)
   6.   KRY 112 123/1, Rev. R2A, Serial no: A400240185
   7.   50 ohm terminators
   8.   Xalm connection box

Interfaces:                                                              Type of port:
Power, -48 VDC                                                           DC power
Iub, configured as T1 by CBU, shielded multi-wire with RJ-45 connector   Telecom
Mub, no cable attached                                                   Test purpose
Test, no cable attached                                                  Test purpose
Xalm, Multi-wire TEL 431 01/013                                          Signal
GPS, no cable attached                                                   Signal

                                                              Date                 Reference          Page

REPORT                                                        2005-06-27           F510781-F24A       1 (1)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                                           Appendix 2

RF power output measurements according to 47 CFR 2.1046

Date                                  Temperature                                Humidity
          2005-06-17                        22 °C ± 3 °C                                64 % ± 5 %

Test set-up and procedure

The output was connected to a Peak power analyzer. The transmitter was set up according
to Test model 1 and Test model 5 during the measurements.

Measurement equipment                       Calibration Due          SP number
Boonton RF Peak power meter/analyzer        2005-08                  503 144
Boonton Power sensor 56518-S/4              2005-08                  503 145
Multimeter Fluke 87                         2005-11                  502 190
Testo 610, Temperature and humidity meter   2006-12                  502 658

Measurement uncertainty: 0.5 dB


Rated output power level after sAIU (maximum): 42.4 dBm

                Test conditions                            Transmitter power (dBm)
        Tnom 22 °C/ Vnom -48 V DC                    Frequency Frequency Frequency
                                                       1932.5       1957.5       1987.5
                     QPSK                                42.6                    42.9          42.6
                    16QAM                                42.6                    43.0          42.7


§24.232: Maximum output power shall not exceed 100W (50dBm).

Complies?                                               Yes

                                                              Date                Reference          Page

REPORT                                                        2005-06-27          F510781-F24A       1 (1)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                                          Appendix 3

Occupied bandwidth measurements according to 47 CFR 2.1049

Date                                  Temperature                                Humidity
          2005-06-17                        22 °C ± 3 °C                                64 % ± 5 %

Test set-up and procedure

The measurements were made per definition in §2.1049. The output was connected to a
spectrum analyzer. The spectrum analyzer was connected to an external 10 MHz reference
standard during the measurements. The transmitter was set up according to Test model 1
and Test model 5 during the measurements.

Measurement equipment                       Calibration Due          SP number
R&S FSIQ                                    2005-07                  503 738
Testo 610, Temperature and humidity meter   2006-12                  502 658

Measurement uncertainty: 3.7 dB


The results are shown in appendix 3.1

OBW       4.2 MHz
Diagram 1 1957.5 MHz

OBW       4.2 MHz
Diagram 2 1957.5 MHz

                                                   Date                Reference                     Page

REPORT                                             2005-06-27          F510781-F24A                  1 (1)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                               Appendix 3.1

Diagram 1
                      Marker 1 [T1]              RBW       30 kHz      RF Att         10 dB
        Ref Lvl                  -32.78 dBm      VBW      300 kHz
        23.6 dBm             1.95366000 GHz      SWT         2 s       Unit              dBm
   20    43.6 dB Offset                                      1 [T1]            -32.78 dBm
                                                              T2                               A
                            T1                                          1.95366000 GHz
                                                            OPB         4.20841683 MHz
                                                             T1 [T1]               14.55 dBm
                                                                        1.95538577 GHz
    0                                                        T2 [T1]               15.47 dBm
                                                                        1.95959419 GHz

  -10                                                                                          1RM


  -30             1





        Center 1.9575 GHz               1 MHz/                                Span 10 MHz

Date:         17.JUN.2005   09:09:13

Diagram 2
                      Marker 1 [T1]              RBW       30 kHz      RF Att         10 dB
        Ref Lvl                  -31.30 dBm      VBW      300 kHz
        23.6 dBm             1.95366000 GHz      SWT         2 s       Unit              dBm
   20    43.6 dB Offset                                      1 [T1]            -31.30 dBm
                            T1                                T2
                                                                        1.95366000 GHz
                                                            OPB         4.22845691 MHz
                                                             T1 [T1]               15.19 dBm
                                                                        1.95538577 GHz
    0                                                        T2 [T1]               15.15 dBm
                                                                        1.95961423 GHz

  -10                                                                                          1RM







        Center 1.9575 GHz               1 MHz/                                Span 10 MHz

Date:         17.JUN.2005   09:04:59

                                                              Date                Reference          Page

REPORT                                                        2005-06-27          F510781-F24A       1 (1)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                                          Appendix 4

Band edge measurements according to 47 CFR 2.1051

Date                                  Temperature                                Humidity
          2005-06-17                        22 °C ± 3 °C                                64 % ± 5 %

Test set-up and procedure

The measurements were made per definition in §24.238. The output was connected to a
spectrum analyzer with the RMS detector activated. The spectrum analyzer was connected to
an external 10 MHz reference standard during the measurements. A resolution bandwidth of
50 kHz (1% of Emission BW) was used up to 5 MHz away from the band edges. As the FCC
rules specify a RBW of 1 MHz for measurements of emissions >1 MHz away from the band
edges, the limit was adjusted with 13 dB to -26 dBm to compensate for the reduced
measurement bandwidth. The transmitter was set up according to Test model 1 and Test
model 5 during the measurements.

Measurement equipment                       Calibration Due          SP number
R&S FSIQ                                    2005-07                  503 738
Testo 610, Temperature and humidity meter   2006-12                  502 658

Measurement uncertainty: 3.7 dB


The results are shown in appendix 4.1


Diagram 1          1932.5 MHz Band edge
Diagram 2          1987.5 MHz Band edge


Diagram 3          1932.5 MHz Band edge
Diagram 4          1987.5 MHz Band edge


The power of any emission outside the frequency band shall be attenuated below the
transmitter power (P) by at least 43 + 10 log P dB.

Complies?                                               Yes

                                                  Date             Reference                  Page

REPORT                                            2005-06-27       F510781-F24A               1 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                           Appendix 4.1

Diagram 1
                                                RBW       50 kHz   RF Att      10 dB
        Ref Lvl                                 VBW      500 kHz
        33.6 dBm                                SWT         2 s    Unit           dBm
   30    43.6 dB Offset



    0                                                                                   1RM







        Start 1.925 GHz                1 MHz/                       Stop 1.935 GHz

Date:         17.JUN.2005   11:15:41

                                                RBW       1 MHz    RF Att      10 dB
        Ref Lvl                                 VBW       10 MHz
        33.6 dBm                                SWT         2 s    Unit           dBm
   30    43.6 dB Offset



    0                                                                                   1RM

        P24                                                                             EXT






        Start 1.915 GHz                1 MHz/                       Stop 1.925 GHz

Date:         17.JUN.2005   11:14:17

                                                  Date             Reference                  Page

REPORT                                            2005-06-27       F510781-F24A               2 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                           Appendix 4.1

Diagram 2
                                                RBW       50 kHz   RF Att      10 dB
        Ref Lvl                                 VBW      500 kHz
        33.6 dBm                                SWT         2 s    Unit           dBm
   30    43.6 dB Offset



    0                                                                                   1RM







        Start 1.985 GHz                1 MHz/                       Stop 1.995 GHz

Date:         17.JUN.2005   12:05:03

                                                RBW       1 MHz    RF Att      10 dB
        Ref Lvl                                 VBW       10 MHz
        33.6 dBm                                SWT         2 s    Unit           dBm
   30    43.6 dB Offset



    0                                                                                   1RM

        P24                                                                             EXT






        Start 1.995 GHz                1 MHz/                       Stop 2.005 GHz

Date:         17.JUN.2005   12:06:47

                                                  Date             Reference                  Page

REPORT                                            2005-06-27       F510781-F24A               3 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                           Appendix 4.1

Diagram 3
                                                RBW       50 kHz   RF Att      10 dB
        Ref Lvl                                 VBW      500 kHz
        33.6 dBm                                SWT         2 s    Unit           dBm
   30    43.6 dB Offset



    0                                                                                   1RM







        Start 1.925 GHz                1 MHz/                       Stop 1.935 GHz

Date:         17.JUN.2005   11:04:26

                                                RBW       1 MHz    RF Att      10 dB
        Ref Lvl                                 VBW       10 MHz
        33.6 dBm                                SWT         2 s    Unit           dBm
   30    43.6 dB Offset



    0                                                                                   1RM

        P24                                                                             EXT






        Start 1.915 GHz                1 MHz/                       Stop 1.925 GHz

Date:         17.JUN.2005   11:08:24

                                                  Date             Reference                  Page

REPORT                                            2005-06-27       F510781-F24A               4 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                           Appendix 4.1

Diagram 4
                                                RBW       50 kHz   RF Att      10 dB
        Ref Lvl                                 VBW      500 kHz
        33.6 dBm                                SWT         2 s    Unit           dBm
   30    43.6 dB Offset



    0                                                                                   1RM







        Start 1.985 GHz                1 MHz/                       Stop 1.995 GHz

Date:         17.JUN.2005   12:11:51

                                                RBW       1 MHz    RF Att      10 dB
        Ref Lvl                                 VBW       10 MHz
        33.6 dBm                                SWT         2 s    Unit           dBm
   30    43.6 dB Offset



    0                                                                                   1RM

        P24                                                                             EXT






        Start 1.995 GHz                1 MHz/                       Stop 2.005 GHz

Date:         17.JUN.2005   12:10:39

                                                              Date                Reference          Page

REPORT                                                        2005-06-27          F510781-F24A       1 (1)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                                          Appendix 5

Conducted spurious emission measurements according to 47 CFR 2.1051

Date                                  Temperature                                Humidity
          2005-06-23                        22 °C ± 3 °C                                55 % ± 5 %

Test set-up and procedure

The measurements were made per definition in §24.238. The output was connected to a
spectrum analyzer. The spectrum analyzer was connected to an external 10 MHz reference
standard during the measurements. The transmitter was set up according to Test model 1
and Test model 5 during the measurements. A pre-measurement is first performed with peak
detector, spurious emissions closer than 10 dB to the limit is measured with the RMS

Measurement equipment                       Calibration Due          SP number
R&S FSIQ                                    2005-07                  503 738
HP filter                                   2006-04                  502 739
Testo 610, Temperature and humidity meter   2006-12                  502 658

Measurement uncertainty: 3.7 dB


The results are shown in appendix 5.1


Diagram 1:         1932.5 MHz
Diagram 2:         1987.5 MHz


Diagram 3:         1932.5 MHz
Diagram 4:         1987.5 MHz


The power of any emission outside the frequency band shall be attenuated below the
transmitter power (P) by at least 43 + 10 log P dB.

Complies?                                               Yes

                                                     Date            Reference                  Page

REPORT                                               2005-06-27      F510781-F24A               1 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                             Appendix 5.1

Diagram 1
                       Marker 1 [T1]             RBW         1 MHz   RF Att      10 dB
        Ref Lvl                    46.66 dBm     VBW         1 MHz
        43.6 dBm              1.93250000 GHz     SWT        1 10 s   Unit           dBm
   40    43.6 dB Offset



   10 1MAX                                                                                1MA







        Start 9 kHz                     299.9991 MHz/                        Stop 3 GHz

Date:          23.JUN.2005   13:59:39

                                                 RBW         1 MHz   RF Att       0 dB
        Ref Lvl                                  VBW         1 MHz
        40.1 dBm                                 SWT         10 s    Unit           dBm
         50.1 dB Offset



        1MAX                                                                              1MA







        Start 3 GHz                       1.7 GHz/                          Stop 20 GHz

Date:          23.JUN.2005   14:01:24

                                                     Date           Reference                  Page

REPORT                                               2005-06-27     F510781-F24A               2 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                            Appendix 5.1

Diagram 2
                       Marker 1 [T1]             RBW        1 MHz   RF Att      10 dB
        Ref Lvl                    46.99 dBm     VBW        1 MHz
        43.6 dBm              1.98750000 GHz     SWT        10 s
                                                            1       Unit           dBm
   40    43.6 dB Offset



   10 1MAX                                                                               1MA







        Start 9 kHz                     299.9991 MHz/                       Stop 3 GHz

Date:          23.JUN.2005   14:21:23

                                                 RBW        1 MHz   RF Att       0 dB
        Ref Lvl                                  VBW        1 MHz
        40.1 dBm                                 SWT        10 s    Unit           dBm
         50.1 dB Offset



        1MAX                                                                             1MA







        Start 3 GHz                       1.7 GHz/                         Stop 20 GHz

Date:          23.JUN.2005   14:18:51

                                                     Date            Reference                  Page

REPORT                                               2005-06-27      F510781-F24A               3 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                             Appendix 5.1

Diagram 3
                       Marker 1 [T1]             RBW         1 MHz   RF Att      10 dB
        Ref Lvl                    44.66 dBm     VBW         1 MHz
        43.6 dBm              1.93250000 GHz     SWT        1 10 s   Unit           dBm
   40    43.6 dB Offset



   10 1MAX                                                                                1MA







        Start 9 kHz                     299.9991 MHz/                        Stop 3 GHz

Date:          23.JUN.2005   14:09:31

                                                 RBW         1 MHz   RF Att       0 dB
        Ref Lvl                                  VBW         1 MHz
        40.1 dBm                                 SWT         10 s    Unit           dBm
         50.1 dB Offset



        1MAX                                                                              1MA







        Start 3 GHz                       1.7 GHz/                          Stop 20 GHz

Date:          23.JUN.2005   14:07:04

                                                     Date           Reference                  Page

REPORT                                               2005-06-27     F510781-F24A               4 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                            Appendix 5.1

Diagram 4
                       Marker 1 [T1]             RBW        1 MHz   RF Att      10 dB
        Ref Lvl                    45.91 dBm     VBW        1 MHz
        43.6 dBm              1.98750000 GHz     SWT        10 s
                                                            1       Unit           dBm
   40    43.6 dB Offset



   10 1MAX                                                                               1MA







        Start 9 kHz                     299.9991 MHz/                       Stop 3 GHz

Date:          23.JUN.2005   14:11:54

                                                 RBW        1 MHz   RF Att       0 dB
        Ref Lvl                                  VBW        1 MHz
        40.1 dBm                                 SWT        10 s    Unit           dBm
         50.1 dB Offset



        1MAX                                                                             1MA







        Start 3 GHz                       1.7 GHz/                         Stop 20 GHz

Date:          23.JUN.2005   14:13:27

                                                         Date               Reference      Page

REPORT                                                   2005-06-27         F510781-F24A   1 (2)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                                    Appendix 6

Field strength of spurious radiation measurements according to 47 CFR 2.1053

Date                                  Temperature                      Humidity
          2005-06-20                        20 °C ± 3 °C                      53 % ± 5 %
          2005-06-21                        20 °C ± 3 °C                      56 % ± 5 %
          2005-06-22                        21 °C ± 3 °C                      54 % ± 5 %
          2005-06-23                        22 °C ± 3 °C                      55 % ± 5 %

Test set-up and procedure

The chamber is listed at FCC, Columbia with registration number: 93866. The test site also
complies with RSS 212, Issue 1, Industry Canada file no.:IC 3482.
The transmitter was modulated with pseudorandom data during the measurements. The
antenna ports were terminated with 50 ohm loads.

The measurements were performed with both horizontal and vertical polarization of the
antenna. The antenna distance was 3 m in the frequency range 30 MHz – 18 GHz and 1m in
the frequency range 18-20 GHz.

A pre-measurement was first performed:
In the frequency range 30 MHz-20 GHz the measurement was performed in power with a
RBW of 1 MHz. A propagation loss in free space was calculated. The used formula was,
              ⎛ 4π D ⎞
γ = 20 log ⎜         ⎟ , γ is the propagation loss and D is the antenna distance.
              ⎝ λ ⎠
The measurement procedure was as the following:
1. The pre-measurement was first performed with peak detector. The EUT was measured
    in eight directions and with the antenna at three heights, 1.0 m, 1.5 m and 2.0 m.
2. Spurious radiation on frequencies closer than 20 dB to the limit is scanned 0-360
    degrees and the antenna is scanned 1-4 m for maximum response. The emission is then
    measured with the average detector and the average value is reported, frequencies
    closer than 10 dB to the limit measured with the average detector was measured with
    the substitution method according to the standard.

Measurement equipment                       Calibration Due     SP number
Anechoic chamber                            -                   15:115
R&S ESI 26                                  2005-08             503 292
R&S FSIQ 40                                 2005-07             503 738
Control computer                            -                   503 479
Software: R&S ES-K1, ver. 1.60              -                   -
Chase Bilog antenna CBL 6111A               2006-08             503 182
EMCO Horn Antenna 3115                      2006-11             502 548
EMCO Horn Antenna 3116                      2007-11             503 279
MITEQ Low Noise Amplifier                   2006-04             503 285
Testo 615, Temperature and humidity meter   2005-09             503 505

                                                Date          Reference          Page

REPORT                                          2005-06-27    F510781-F24A       2 (2)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                      Appendix 6

The test set-ups during the spurious radiation measurements are shown in the picture below.


                                       Spurious emission level (dBm)

                            Vertical                               Horizontal

 30-20 000      All other emission > 20 dB below       All other emission > 20 dB below
                              limit                                  limit

             Measurement uncertainty                                   4.7 dB


The power of any emission outside the frequency band shall be attenuated below the
transmitter power (P) by at least 43 + 10 log P dB.

Complies?                                    Yes

                                                              Date               Reference      Page

REPORT                                                        2005-06-27         F510781-F24A   1 (2)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                                         Appendix 7

Frequency stability measurements according to 47 CFR 2.1055

Date                     Temperature (test equipment) Humidity (test equipment)
2005-06-13 to 2005 04-29        21 °C ± 3 °C                 35 % ± 5 %

Test set-up and procedure

The measurement was made per 3GPP TS 25.141. The output was connected to a spectrum
analyzer. The spectrum analyzer was connected to an external 10 MHz reference standard
during the measurements. The transmitter was set up according to Test model 1 and Test
model 5 during the measurements.

Measurement equipment                       Calibration Due          SP number
Climate chamber                             2006-02                  501 031
R&S FSIQ                                    2005-07                  503 738
Multimeter Fluke 87                         2005-09                  502 190
Testo 610, Temperature and humidity meter   2006-12                  502 658

                                                   Date             Reference                 Page

REPORT                                             2005-06-27       F510781-F24A              2 (2)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                                            Appendix 7


Nominal Voltage -48 V DC
Nominal 42.4 dBm output power at 1957.5 MHz

        Test conditions                              Frequency error (Hz)

 Supply voltage       T (°C)               QPSK                                  16QAM
    DC (V)
      -48.0            +20                   -19                                   +13
      -55.2            +20                   -19                                   +13
      -40.8            +20                   -12                                    -5
      -48.0            +30                  +11                                    -14
      -48.0            +40                   -16                                   -11
      -48.0            +50                   -15                                   -19
      -48.0            +10                   -20                                   -27
      -48.0               0                  -30                                   -19
      -48.0               -10                -23                            -27 (Note 1)
      -48.0               -20                -29                                -26 (Note 2
      -48.0               -30                -18                            -28 (Note 3)
 Maximum freq. error (Hz)                                     -30
 Measurement uncertainty                                  < ± 1 x 10-7

Note 1: after initial power up the EUTs internal temperature control delayed activation of the
      communication interface for 15 minutes during which the build-in heating element was
      active. The TX was disabled for a total of 20 minutes after initial power up.

Note 2: after initial power up the EUTs internal temperature control delayed activation of the
      communication interface for 44 minutes during which the build-in heating element was
      active. The TX was disabled for a total of 48 minutes after initial power up.

Note 3: after initial power up the EUTs internal temperature control delayed activation of the
      communication interface for 81 minutes during which the build-in heating element was
      active. The TX was disabled for a total of 86 minutes after initial power up.

Limits (according to 3GPP TS 25.141)

The frequency Error shall be within ± 0.05 PPM (97,875 Hz).

Complies?                                      Yes

                               Date         Reference      Page

REPORT                         2005-06-27   F510781-F24A   1 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                    Appendix 8

sTRX ROJ 119 2289/1 Rev. R1H

Front side

Rear side


                           Date         Reference      Page

REPORT                     2005-06-27   F510781-F24A   2 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                Appendix 8

RBS 3303

Front side

                           Date         Reference      Page

REPORT                     2005-06-27   F510781-F24A   3 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                Appendix 8

Left side

                           Date         Reference      Page

REPORT                     2005-06-27   F510781-F24A   4 (4)

FCC ID: TA8AROJ1192289-1                Appendix 8

Right side

Document Created: 2005-07-04 16:30:43
Document Modified: 2005-07-04 16:30:43

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