
FCC ID: T8H-W2000

Users Manual

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   a. Mark the location of the Latch Bolt on the Door Frame.                                                                                STRIKE                                                              SECURITY OMNILOCK®
   b. Center the Strike over the Latch Bolt Mark and, using the Strike as a template, mark
      the Frame.
                                                                                                                                      #12 X 3/4"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                DEVICES  ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS
   c. Using the Strike Box as a template, mark the Frame.                                                                             (2 REQ’D)
   d. Mortise the Frame to accept the Strike and Strike Box.
   e. Install the Strike Box and the Strike and secure with the Screws.                                                                           STRIKE                       INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPW2000 SERIES
   SECTION 7: PROGRAM THE LOCKSET                                                                                                                                              NON-WEATHERIZED, CYLINDRICAL LOCKSET USING
 IMPORTANT: To avoid unauthorized access, it is important to program a new Programmer ID.
 Refer to the OMNILOCK Administrator’s Guide for programming instructions. If the System has been installed on a door before the
                                                                                                                                                                               ARROW™ Q-SERIES LOCK (LEVER)
 required programming information is available, and your system has a keypad, the access Level may be set to Unlocked as follows:                                              WARNING: THIS PRODUCT IS NOT WARRANTED FOR OUTDOOR USE!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I.C.CORE                                                          CONTROL
   a. Enter the Default Manager ID 2222, at the keypad, the green light will flash.                                                                                            WARNING: CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS NOT EXPRESSLY
                                                                                                                                                                               APPROVED BY OSI SECURITY DEVICES COULD VOID THE                                                                                            KEY
   b. Press 2, the green light will flash.                                                                                                                                                                                              USE APPLICABLE
   c. Press and hold the CL key until the green light flashes four times. (The light will flash once when the CL key is pressed,                                               USER’S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.                     TAILPIECE
      continue to hold the key until the light flashes three more times.)                                                                                                      NOTE: A DOOR-CLOSER IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR
   d. The System will remain in the Unlocked mode.                                                                                                                             USE WITH THIS PRODUCT.                          I.C. OUTSIDE
                                                                                                                                                                               THIS PRODUCT IS NORMALLY FACTORY-PACKED                LEVER
   SECTION 8: INTERCHANGEABLE CORE                                                                                                                                                  FOR RIGHT-HAND 1-3/4” THICK DOORS.                                                                                            OUTSIDE
   8-1 INTERCHANGEABLE (I.C.) CORE AND TAILPIECE                                                       8-2 INTERCHANGEABLE (I.C.) CORE INSTALLATION                                   TO CHANGE HAND OF LOCK SEE
         INSTRUCTIONS FOR ARROW I.C. CORES                                                                                                                                                INSTRUCTION SECTION 3                                                                                                              KEY
                                                                                                       Insert the applicable I.C. Tailpiece into the I.C. Core. Insert                                                         HOUSING
   Be certain to use the correct Tailpiece with the Core. Six-Pin                                                                                                               DO NOT USE ON DOORS THICKER THAN 1-3/4”.
                                                                                                       the Control Key into the I.C. Core and turn it 15°                                                                                                   ASSEMBLY
   Cores use only the “L6” Tailpiece and Seven-Pin Cores use                                           clockwise. Insert the Core into the I.C. Outside Lever and                          RIGHT HAND SHOWN                                                  AA ALKALINE
   only the “L7” Tailpiece.                                     I.C.                                   turn the Control Key 15° counterclockwise to lock the Core                   LEFT              DOOR HANDLING                     RIGHT         BATTERY, 1.5V, 3VOLT
 NOTE:                                                 TAILPIECE                          CORE                                                                                     HAND                                                 HAND
                                                                                                       in the Lever. Remove the Control Key.                                                                                                                      (4 REQ’D)
 There are two styles of Tailpieces, one                (EQUAL                                                                                                 CONTROL
 style has equal length pins and the                 LENGTH PINS)                                              I.C. CORE                                         KEY                                      OUTSIDE
 other style has unequal length pins.
 Use the Tailpiece with equal length                                                                                                                                             LEFT HAND                                          RIGHT HAND        MOTOR
                                                                                     O-RING            I.C. TAILPIECE                                                                                     OUTSIDE                                   CONNECTOR
 pins if the pins will completely enter the                                                                                                                                       REVERSE                                           REVERSE                                     -

                                                                                                                                                                                     BEVEL                                          BEVEL                                           -

 holes in the Core. Otherwise use the                                                                                                                                                        DOOR HANDS DETERMINED FROM OUTSIDE

 Tailpiece with unequal length pins and                           TAILPIECE                                          I.C OUTSIDE                                                                                                                                   ROSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            KEY DETECTION                                           +

 install the O-ring onto the Tailpiece tab.                 (UNEQUAL LENGTH PINS)                                          LEVER                                                                                              CONNECTOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FLEXIBLE       PUSH PIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (OPTION 1)
   SECTION 9: REMOVAL OF LEVERS                                                                                                                                                    CONNECTOR                                                                 NUT                                       ADAPTER       (PROVIDED)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RESET BUTTON
   9-1 REMOVING OUTSIDE LEVER WITH STANDARD CYLINDER 9-2 REMOVING OUTSIDE LEVER WITH INTERCHAN-                                                                                                                                         LOCK
   a. Insert the Key into the Cylinder and turn 45°       KEY                                                   GEABLE (I.C.) CORE                                                                                                      BODY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               OUTSIDE ROSE
      clockwise.                                                                                           a. Insert the control Key into the I.C. Core and rotate it                                                                                                                        INSERT ASSEMBLY
   b. Depress the Lever Catch through the                                                                     15° clockwise. Pull on the Key to remove the I.C.                                                                                                           PLATE
      hole in the Outside Lever by using the                                                                  Core. Be sure that the I.C. Tailpiece is removed with
      Push Pin provided or another suitable
                                                                                                              the Core.
                                                                                                           b. Ensure that the Retaining
                                                                                                                                                    OUTSIDE SPINDLE                -                                         RED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             WIRE                                                                              BATTERY
                                                       PUSH PIN                                                                                         END VIEW                                                                                                   DOOR
   c. Slide the Outside Lever from the Spindle.                                                               Ring and the Anti-Pick Plate                                                                                                                                                                     COVER
                                                                           (PROVIDED)                                                            LEVER       RETAINING                                                                                                           SEMS,
                                                                                                              are aligned with the Lever                        RING                                                         BLACK
                                                                                                                                                 CATCH                                                                                                                      PAN HEAD,
 9-3 REMOVING THE INSIDE LEVER                                                        INTSIDE                 Catch as shown.                                                                                                WIRE                                         #4-40 X 1/4LG
   a. Depress the Lever Catch through the                                             LEVER                c. Insert an awl or a small                                                                                                          SPINDLE
      hole in the Inside Lever by using the
      Push Pin provided or another suitable
                                                                                                              screwdriver through the I.C.
                                                                                                              Outside Lever and into the slot in
                                                                                                                                                                                   +                                           MOTOR
      tool.                                                                                                   the Anti-Pick Plate. Depress the                                                                                                                                                                    BACK
   b. Slide the Inside Lever from the         PUSH PIN                                                        Lever Catch toward the Door                                                                                                                                                                         PLATE
      Spindle.                              (PROVIDED)                                                        Hinge and slide the I.C. Outside OUTSIDE ANTI-PICK
                                                                                                              Lever from the Spindle.                          PLATE                                                   KEY                SCREW, PAN HEAD,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    DETECTION                #6 X 3/4”LG
                                                                                                                                                                                  2 YELLOW
   SECTION 10: REMOTE SWITCH                                                                                                                                                      WIRES NO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    CONNECTOR                 (2 REQ’D)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SCREW, FLAT HEAD,
                                                                                                                                                                                  POLARITY                                                                                 LATCH                        #8-32 X 3/8” LG
   a. Remote operation of the System may be accomplished by a momentary Switch closure. This                                                                    SWITCH         (OPTION 1 ONLY)                                                                              UNIT                        (4 REQ’D)
      may be desirable for someone monitoring a protected entrance, such as a receptionist.                                                                                                                                                                                                  GASKET
      Momentarily pressing the Switch will cause the System to go through a normal unlock and                                                                                                                                           PLATE
                                                                                                                                                                                             SCREW, FLAT HEAD,                                                                                  SCREW, FLAT HEAD,
      lock sequence. If the Switch is held closed, the open time will be extended.                                                     OMNILOCK

                                                                                                                                                                                                #10-32 X 2-1/4”LG                 NUT                                                           #12 X 3/4” LG
   b. Connect a twisted pair of wires from the Terminal Block on the PC Board to a normally open                                                                                                       (2 REQ’D)                                                                                (2 REQ’D)
      momentary contact Switch. Plan the route for your wire and the access route through the                                                                                                 FLEXIBLE
      door to the PC Board in the OMNILOCK Module. Plan for disconnecting the wires in the Lock                                                            TWISTED                            ADAPTER                                                                                                       STRIKE BOX
      area so that the System can be removed from the door to change the Batteries as required.                                                             PAIR                                                                                   OUTSIDE ROSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   INSERT ASSEMBLY
Copyright 2003 OSI Security Devices Inc. All Rights Reserved.
OMNILOCK is a Registered Trademark of OSI Security Devices Inc.   Arrow is a Trademark of Arrow Lock Co.                                                         12831 Rev.A
                                                                                                                                                                                 INSIDE                                                                   SCREW, FLAT HEAD,
                                                                                                                                                                                 LEVER                                                                           #8 X 3/4” LG
                                                                            (Website: WWW.OMNILOCK.COM)                       1580 JAYKEN WAY                                                                                            ROSE                      (2 REQ’D)        STRIKE
                       SECURITY                                                                                               CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA 91911
                       DEVICES                                                              PAGE 4 OF 4                                                                          READ COMPLETE INSTRUCTION BEFORE PROCEEDING.                                                                                        PAGE 1 OF 4
                                                                                                                              (619) 628-1000 FAX (619) 628-1001

 SECTION 1: INSTALL THE KEY CYLINDER AND OUTSIDE LEVER                                                                                       SECTION 4: PREPARE THE DOOR
 1-1 If the Lever requires a standard Key cylinder, proceed as follows: CYLINDER                                                             4-1 MARK HOLE LOCATIONS
 a.   Using standard Pliers, pull out the Outside Retainer.
 b.   Insert the Cylinder into the Outside Lever.                                                                                            a. Mark a height line on the door faces and edge (suggested height
 c.   Secure the Cylinder by pressing the retainer until it is flush with the shelf.                                                            is 38" from the floor).                                                                                        DOOR
                                                                                              RETAINER                           OUTSIDE
 d.   Slide the Outside Lever onto the Outside Spindle as far as possible. Insert the                                                        b. Line up the Template at the correct marking for the Door Bevel
                                                                                                                                 LEVER                                                                                                           HIGH
      Key and turn ot 45° clockwise. Push the Lever again , until the Lever Catch is                                                            (high or low bevel, or flat). Position the centerline of the Template                                                 DOOR STOP
      engaged, securing the Lever.                                                                                                              on the height line. Note whether the holes should be marked on
                                                                                                                                                the inside, outside, or both sides of the door. Mark the centers as
 1-2      If the Lever requires an Interchangeable core (I.C.), proceed as follows:                OUTSIDE SPINDLE                              required for the holes.
                                                                                                      END VIEW                  RETAINING    c. Mark the center of the Door thickness on the height line.
 a. Ensure that the retaining Ring and Anti-pick Plate are oriented as shown.                  LEVER                            RING                                                                                                      TEMPLATEATE
 b. Push the I.C. Lever onto the Outside Spindle until the Lever Catch is engaged.             CATCH
 c. Install the Interchangeable Core per Section 8.                                                                             ANTI-PICK
                                                                                              SPINDLE                           PLATE
                                                                                                                                             4-2   DRILL HOLES
 SECTION 2: CHECK OPERATION                                                                                                                  a. Bore the 2-1/8" hole and the 7/16" holes half way through the door from both sides to
                                                                                                                                                avoid splintering.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2-1/8” HOLE
 a. Verify proper operation of the System using the Default Programmer ID Proximity card. Momentarily place the center of the                                                                                                                   1” HOLE
    Proximity Card (Included in the OMNILOCK Administrator’s Kit) over the recess in the front of the OP2000. The OP2000                     b. Add the notches to both sides of the door.
    will flash green once and unlock, then, during the Open Delay Time, it will flash green five times. The OP2000 will flash                c. Bore a 1" hole into the door edge center on the height line. Use the Latch Unit
    red and lock. While unlocked, check for proper operation of the lock.                                                                       Faceplate as a pattern and mark the door edge. Mortise the door edge so that the front
 b. If your System has a Keypad Proceed as follows, otherwise go to Step c: Verify proper operation of the System using the                     of the faceplate will be flush with the door edge. Insert the Latch Unit into the 1" hole,
    Keypad. Enter the Default Programmer ID, 1 2 3 4 , at the Keypad. The Lights will flash as in the previous step.                            making certain that the Latch Bolt Bevel faces the direction of the closing Door.
 c. If Key Detection is installed, proceed as follows, otherwise go to step d: Verify proper operation of the Key Detection                  d. Secure the Latch Unit with the Screws supplied.                                                                          (4 REQ’D)
    Indicator by inserting the Key into the Key Cylinder and rotating clockwise. The green light will flash.                                                                                                                                                      7/16” HOLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             LATCH UNIT             (REQ’D)
 d. If the System malfunctions remove the Battery Cover and check for proper orientation and seating of the Batteries, Motor
    Connector and Key Detection Connector. Ensure that the wires are not pinched. Reset the electronics by pressing and
    holding the Reset Button on the circuit board until the light flashes green, approximately three seconds. The System will go             SECTION 5: INSTALL THE SYSTEM ON THE DOOR
    through a self-test and flash green 5 times. Any red flash indicates an electronics or motor problem. Repeat the verification
    process if all flashes are green.                                                                                                        5-1 NOTE: DO NOT USE ON A DOOR THICKER THAN 1-3/4" UNLESS
                                                                                                                                                   THE SYSTEM IS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR A THICKER                                    SHORT MARK
 SECTION 3: ADJUST THE LOCK HAND                                                                                                                   DOOR                                                                                 LOCATED ON
 3-1 This section is only required if the lock hand does not meet your requirements. The Lockset is normally preset for a right              a. The Lockset is preset for a 1-3/4" Door. For 1-3/4" Door the "short mark” on
         hand door. Verify the handing of the Lock and, if required, change the hand of the Lock as follows after checking per                  the Lockset Plate is aligned with the edge on the Lock Body.
         Section 2.                                                                     BATTERY                                              b. For a 1-3/4" door with a Push Plate (.050" max.) turn the Nut counter clock-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       LOCK BODY                                 NUT
                                                                                          COVER               -                HOUSING          wise until the short mark is the thickness of the Push Plate from the edge of
 a. Carefully release the Gasket from the edge of the Housing Assembly          SEM

                                                                                                                                                the Lock Body. Adjust the Outside Nut with a pair of narrow jaw Pliers, a
    using your fingers, and remove the Gasket. Remove the Screw from            #4-40 X .25                       +

                                                                                PAN HEAD
                                                                                                                                                small Screwdriver, a Scribe, or your Fingers.
    the Battery Cover and remove the Cover. Disconnect the Motor
    Connector and Key Detection connector, if Key Detection is installed,                                                     LOCKSET        c. If a Remote Switch is to be used to operate the System, see Section 10.
    from the CPU Board.                                                                                                       ASSEMBLY
 b. Remove four Flat Head Screws from the Back Plate and remove the
                                                                              GASKET                                      BACK PLATE
                                                                                                                                             5-2                                                                    5-3
    Back Plate.                                                                                                                              Install the System on the outside of the door. The Lock Body           Install the Plate and Nut on the inside,
                                                                                                                                             must engage the Latch Unit Prongs as shown. The Lock Body              and secure the Plate with the Screws.
                                                                                                                                             Retractor must engage the Latch Unit Tailpiece.
 3-2                                                                                CONNECTOR                                                     LOCK                                  LATCH UNIT
 a. Rotate the lockset to left-hand orientation.                                                                                    RESET         BODY                                  PRONGS                                           SCREW PAN
 b. Route the Wires close to the center of the Lockset and to the upper                                                             BUTTON                                                                                             HEAD #6 X 3/4"
                                                                            2 YELLOW WIRES                                                                                                                                                 (2 REQ’D)
    center of the Outside Rose.                                               NO POLARITY
 c. Align Wires into the notch of the Back Plate under the Translucent Label.
                                                                                                          -                         RED
                                                                                                                                              LOCK BODY
                                                                                                                                    WIRE                                               LATCH UNIT                                                          NUT
    Install the Back Plate and four Screws into the Housing Assembly.                                                                        RETRACTOR
 WARNING: Ensure that the Wires are not pinched                                           CPU PC                                     BLACK
                                                                                                          +                          WIRE
          before and after tightening the Screws.                                       BOARD ASSY                                           5-4                                                                                           FLEXIBLE ADAPTER
                                                                      BATTERY                                                                a. Align the Tab of the Flexible Adapter opposite to the Lever Catch.                                 INSIDE
 d. Install the Motor Connector with the Black Wire to                 COVER                                                                                                                                                                      SPINDLE
    the left (see label on CPU Board). Install the Key                                               KEY DETECTION                           b. Slide the Rose Insert onto the Inside Spindle so that the projections of the
                                                               SEMS                                                           MOTOR             Flexible Adapter line up with matching depressions of the Rose Insert                           ROSE
    Detection Connector (if available). Arrange the                                                   CONNECTOR
                                                             #4-40 X .25                                                    CONNECTOR           Assembly and secure the Rose Insert with the Screws.                                          INSERT
    excess wire between the Battery Holders.
                                                             PAN HEAD
 e. Install the Battery Cover and secure it with the                                                                                         c. Place the Inside Rose onto the Rose Insert aligning the dimples with the                  SCREW,
    Screw.                                                                                                                                      recesses in the Rose Insert and turn clockwise to secure it. Slide the Inside         FLAT HEAD
 f. Install the Gasket so that it seats inside the edge                                                                                                                                                                            #10-24 X 2-1/4”
                                                                                                                                                Lever on the Inside Spindle. Make certain that the Lever Catch on the                   (2 REQ’D)
    of the Housing.                                                                                    SCREW                                    Spindle is engaged with the Lever.
                                                                                                      PAN HEAD               LEFT HAND
                                                                                                     #8-32 X .375                            d. Repeat Section 2 to verify proper operation.                                  INSIDE
                                                                                                                            ORIENTATION                                                                                        LEVER
                                                                                                      (4 REQ’D)               SHOWN
                                                       GASKET                            LOCKSET
PAGE 2 OF 4                                                                                                                                   Binding or rough operation is an indication of improper installation.                    INSIDE ROSE                      PAGE 3 OF 4

Document Created: 2006-05-18 11:54:41
Document Modified: 2006-05-18 11:54:41

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