User Manual_Rev 1


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RAE Systems by Honeywell

                                                             User Guide for RMWIFI

                                                         Document Information

                                                             Info                Content

                                                             Author(s)           Wu Wei

                                                             Revision            1.0

                                                             Document Status     Draft

                                                             Date                Oct. 20 2014

                                                             Distribution        Internal Use Only


Name                                                          Date                              Signature

James Liu

Zhao Pengjun

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Release Histroy

Rev.                      Date                               Author           Descripition

1.0                       Oct. 20 2014                       Wu Wei           Original

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1.     Section1: ............................................................................................................................................... 4
       1.1        Summary: ................................................................................................................................ 4
       1.2        Key Features:.......................................................................................................................... 4
2.     Section2: ............................................................................................................................................... 4
       2.1        Overview: ................................................................................................................................ 4
       2.2        Pin Definition: ........................................................................................................................ 5
3.     Section3: ............................................................................................................................................... 6
       3.1        Voltage:.................................................................................................................................... 6
       3.2        Current Consumption: .......................................................................................................... 6
       3.3        I/O DC Specification: ............................................................................................................. 7
       3.4        Mechanical Drawing: ............................................................................................................ 7
4.     How to program RMWIFI: ..................................................................................................................... 8
       4.1        Hardware interface setup:................................................................................................... 8
       4.2        Program software interface introduction: ....................................................................... 9
       4.3        Running application firmware ........................................................................................... 9
5.     Initialization: ....................................................................................................................................... 10
       5.1        Get module type:.................................................................................................................. 10
       5.2        Get MAC address: ................................................................................................................. 11
6.     Scan and associate with AP: ............................................................................................................... 12
       6.1        Scan network: ...................................................................................................................... 12
       6.2        Set password: ....................................................................................................................... 15
       6.3        Associate with AP: ............................................................................................................... 16
7.     How to communicate using TCP: ........................................................................................................ 17
       7.1        Connect to TCP server: ....................................................................................................... 17
       7.2        Receive data packet from server: .................................................................................... 20
       7.3        Send data packet to server: ............................................................................................... 21
8.     How to communication using UDP: .................................................................................................... 23
       8.1        Receive data packet from UDP server:............................................................................ 23
       8.2        Send data packet to remote using UDP: .......................................................................... 25

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1. Section1:

            1.1         Summary:

            RMWIFI-M3 based on RMWIFI-M5 module provides a quick, easy and cost
            effective way to add Wi-Fi capabilities for RAE Systems products, such as
            AreaRAE2, MutlRAE2, and RAE-Hub etc.
            The module combined 802.11 MAC, security, PHY functions, FLASH SRAM, and
            external antenna connectors, provides a Wi-Fi radio for end customers. It also
            integrates TCP/IP stack and other related network stacks such as DHCP client,
            DHCP server and web server etc. It can be used to connect to Ethernet
            conveniently and transfer data to network server like ProRAE Guardian directly.

            1.2         Key Features:

            • 46 * 26 mm (Length * Width) with M3 40-PINs interface
            • RCS protocol API for application interface
            • DSSS modulation for 1and 2Mbps, CCK modulation for 5.5 and 11Mbps
            • Compatible with IEEE 802.11 b
            • UART interface, SPI interface, I2C interface, one ADC channel, several GPIOs
            • Low power consumption
            • RoHS compliant, certified lead- and halogen-free

2. Section2:

            2.1         Overview:

            RMWIFI-M3 operates in the unlicensed 2.4 radio bands IEEE 802.11b, which
            supports Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) 1 Mb/s and 2 Mb/s data
            rates, and Complementary Code Keyed (CCK) 5.5 Mb/s and 11 Mb/s data rates.
            RMWIFI-M3 is based on RMWIFI-M5 module, which contains GS1011 WIFI

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            system-on-chip. The GS1011 have fully integrated RF Transceiver, low power
            PA and application processor. Both TX and RX chain in the module incorporate
            internal power control loops.
            RMWIFI-M3 carries onboard single supply monitor for 1.8V voltage supply with
            optional module controlled external regulator enable control pin (DC_DC_CNTL).

            2.2         Pin Definition:

                   Connector                                 Pin Name                Description              I/O
                       1                                        GND                     Ground
                       3                                       RESET          Active-low system reset         I/O
                       5                                     UART_TX           UART transmit output            O
                       7                                     UART_RX            UART transmit input             I
                       9                                     I2C_DATA       PU data signal for an external    I/O
                                                                                      I2C device
                            11                               I2C_CLK         PU clk signal for an external    I/O
                                                                                      I2C device
                 13, 15, 17                                     NA
                     19                                       WakeUp             WakeUp the Module             I
             21, 23, 25, 27, 29                                 NA
                     31                                      SPI_MISO        Slave SPI master in slave out    I/O

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                           33                                SPI_MOSI         Slave SPI master out slave in        I/O
                           35                                 SPI_CLK              Slave SPI clock line              I
                           37                                 SPI_CS            Slave SPI chip select line           I
                           39                                  VCC                Digital voltage supply
                          2, 4                                 GND                        Ground
                          6, 8                                  NA
                           10                                UART_RTS         RTS input (Request To Send)            I
                                                                                for UART hardware flow
                           12                                UART_CTS          CTS output (Clear To Send)            O
                                                                                for UART hardware flow
                     14                                        LED1             LED indicate control PIN             O
                     16                                        LED2             LED indicate control PIN             O
                     18                                      WIFIPRO(1)       Enable/Disable into boot load          I
                 20, 22, 24                                     NA
                     26                                        VCC                Digital voltage supply
                     28                                        ADC                      ADC input
             30, 32, 34, 36, 38                                 NA
                     40                                        VCC                Digital voltage supply

            Note (1): If WIFIPRO is high during boot, the WLAN will wait for Flash download via SPI or UART.

3. Section3:

            3.1         Voltage:

            Power supply for the RMWIFI-M3 module will be provided by the host power pins.

                  Symbol                             Min                  Typ              Max                Unit
                     VCC                              3.0                 3.3              3.6                 V

            3.2         Current Consumption:

            Condition: 25deg.C. The default voltage is 3.3V.
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                 Item                        Condition                Min          Nom         Max       Unit
             Receive                                RX                             108                   mA
             Transmit                 Tx power setting: P=0                        145                   mA
                                         Single carrier
                Sleep                                                              200                    uA

            3.3         I/O DC Specification:
                               Parameter                     Symbol          Min         Max     Unit
               Input Low Voltage                                VIL                  0.25*VCC    V

               Input High Voltage                               VIH      0.8*VCC                 V
               Output Low Voltage                               VOL                  0.4         V

               Output High Voltage                              VOH      0.8*VCC                 V

            3.4         Mechanical Drawing:

                          Unit: mm

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4. How to program RMWIFI:

            4.1         Hardware interface setup:
                         Configure the back side of the EVB as following picture:

                  Configure the front side of EVB as following picture:

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            4.2         Program software interface introduction:
                  Programming RMWIFI modem needs three *.bin files which
                  including WLAN bin, APP bin1 and APP bin2, please see
                  following picture for detail:

            4.3         Running application firmware
                  After upgrading RMWIFI modem firmware successfully,
                  configure the back side of the EVB as following picture:

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            Then power-off and power on the EVB, RMWIFI modem application
            firmware will run and output information as following picture via
            EVB’s RS232 interface:

5. Initialization:
            5.1         Get module type:
            Host command:
            7B 41 00 06 74 2E 00 FF FF 7D
            RMWIFI response:
            7B 41 00 07 75 2E 00 00 3F F3 7D
            Example communication sequence:

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            In order to make it easy when using COMM tools to communicate
            with RMWIFI, the CRC field of host command is replaced by FF FF.

            5.2         Get MAC address:
            Host command:
            7B 41 00 06 74 08 00 FF FF 7D
            RMWIFI response:
            7B 41 00 0C 75 08 00 00 12 9F 00 07 11 60 7F 7D
            Example communication sequence:

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6. Scan and associate with AP:
            6.1         Scan network:
            1. Send scan command
            Host command:
            7B 41 00 0A 74 0F 00 FF FF 00 00 FF FF 7D
            RMWIFI response:
            7B 41 00 0A 75 0F 00 00 00 04 4C 58 3F 7D
            Example communication sequence:

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            2. Get scan status and AP number found:
            Host command:
            7B 41 00 06 74 10 00 FF FF 7D
            RMWIFI response:
            7B 41 00 08 75 10 00 00 01 29 0D 7D
            Example communication sequence:

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            3. Get scanned AP information according to AP index:
            Host command:
            7B 41 00 07 74 11 00 00 FF FF 7D
            RMWIFI response:
            7B 41 00 44 75 11 00 E0 06 E6 4A CF 11 A6 0B 07 68 61 70 70 79 6C
            61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
            00 00 00 00 00 57 50 41 32 2D 50 45 52 53 4F 4E 41 4C 00 00 00 00
            00 00 00 00 B8 7D
            Example communication sequence:

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            6.2         Set password:
            If one AP uses WPA/WPA2, and the password is rec-wireless1
            Host command:
            7B 41 00 15 74 12 00 03 00 72 65 63 2D 77 69 72 65 6C 65 73 73 31
            FF FF 7D
            RMWIFI response:
            7B 41 00 06 75 12 00 73 96 7D
            Example communication sequence:

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            6.3         Associate with AP:
            The AP SSID that the module wants to associate with is
            Host command:
             7B 41 00 12 74 13 00 67 61 69 6E 73 70 61 6E 64 65 6D 6F FF FF
            RMWIFI response:
            7B 41 00 07 75 13 00 02 17 F0 7D
            7B 41 00 07 75 13 00 00 18 70 7D
            The Wi-Fi module will response two commands, first command
            responses immediately after it receives the associate command
            and indicates it’s doing. The second response command will delay
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            for seconds and indicates whether it associates with AP
            successfully. Check the red byte of the response command, 0x00
            indicates that it has associated with AP successfully.
            Example communication sequence:

7. How to communicate using TCP:
            7.1         Connect to TCP server:
            1. Use the socket test tool, create a TCP server as following picture,
                  the TCP listen port is 9723:

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            2. Connect to the TCP server:
            Host command:
            7B 41 00 0c 74 1A 00 c0 a8 01 86 25 fb ff ff 7d
            RMWIFI response:
            7B 41 00 07 75 1A 00 00 AC 70 7D
            Example communication sequence:

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            The socket test tools will inform that one client has connected to it:

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            7.2         Receive data packet from server:
            From the socket test tools side, send data packet to RMWIFI as
            following picture:

            The RMWIFI will receive the data packet from TCP server:

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            7.3         Send data packet to server:
            Send the same data packet back to TCP server:
            Host command:
            7B 41 00 26 74 20 00 00 00 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 21
            21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 FF FF 7D
            RMWIFI response:
            7B 41 00 07 75 20 00 00 E4 73 7D
            Example communication sequence:

            The socket test tool side will receive the data packet as following
            picture which is the same data packet as it sends out:

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            During doing the test, please make sure the host PC running the
            socket test tools connects to the same AP as Wi-Fi module associate

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8. How to communication using UDP:
            Firstly, use socket tool to create UDP socket which listen on local
            port 4023, remote communication node IP:, port:
            6000, see following picture for detail:

            8.1         Receive data packet from UDP server:
            1. In order to receive data packet from remote using UDP protocol,
            communication via UDP, RMWIFI will need to listen on local port:
            Host command:
            7B 41 00 08 74 1D 00 17 70 FF FF 7D
            RMWIFI_M3 response:
            7B 41 00 07 75 1D 00 00 C3 F0 7D
            Example communication sequence:

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            2. Send data packet to RMWIFI as following:

            RMWIFI will receive data packet:

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            7B 41 00 2B 75 21 00 00 C0 A8 01 86 0F B7 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 57
            6F 72 6C 64 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
            A1 37 7D

            8.2         Send data packet to remote using UDP:
            1. RMWIFI will need to create virtual connection to get a
            connection ID.
            Host command:
            7B 41 00 0C 74 1C 00 C0 A8 01 86 0F B7 FF FF 7D
            RMWIFI response:
            7B 41 00 07 75 1C 00 00 D4 70 7D
            Example communication sequence:

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            2. Send data packet” Hello, World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” to remote:
             Host command:
            7B 41 00 2C 74 20 00 00 01 C0 A8 01 86 0F B7 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20
            57 6F 72 6C 64 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
            21 ff ff 7D
            RMWIFI response:
            7B 41 00 07 75 20 00 00 E4 73 7D
            Example communication sequence:

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            Socket test tool will receive the data packet:

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9. Reference:
            1. 904-E800-xxx RAE Wi-Fi communication Protocol.doc
            2. Rev2 EVB board -Datasheet.docx

10. Caution:
            This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
            conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
            any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
            Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
            void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

            This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
            pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
            against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can
            radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
            may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
            interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
            interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment
            off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
            following measures:
            -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
            -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
            -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
            -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

            MPE Reminding

            To satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements, a separation distance of 20 cm or more should be
            maintained between the antenna of this device and persons during device operation. To ensure
            compliance, operations at closer than this distance is not recommended.

            Region Selection

            Limited by local law regulations, version for North America does not have region selection option.

            Information for the OEM Integrators

            This device is intended for OEM integrators only. Please see the full grant of equipment
            document for restrictions.

            Label Information to the End User by the OEM or Integrators

            If the FCC ID of this module is not visible when it is installed inside another device, then the
            outside of the device into which the module is into which the module is installed must be label
            with "Contains FCC ID: SU3RMWIFI".

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            For detachable antennas:

            This device is tested together with a PCB and a Pole antenna. The client can use an antenna with
            the same type of the two antennas, but must make sure that the maximum gain of PCB antenna
            is 0dBi and the maximum gain of Pole antenna is 1.5dBi.

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Document Created: 2015-03-24 11:21:09
Document Modified: 2015-03-24 11:21:09

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