User Manual


Users Manual

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About Aspectek™
Aspectek is a world leading supplier of advanced electronic
products with over 20 years of experience in research and

Notice of Copyright
Yacht & RV Guard™ owner’s manual ©October 2012 As-
pectek. All rights reserved.



Technical Support


                                                            YACHT & RV
                     Ultrasonic    Operating
                                                            This manual will provide you, the user, with directions
           Motion                    Time
                                    24 Hr.
                                                            for the safe and efficient operation of the Yacht & RV
                                                            Guard™. Please read this manual carefully before

                                                            using this product, and keep it for future reference.
           Cont. Sweep
                 Sensor           Sonic
                Sensitivity       Volume


                                                            Before you plug in your unit, it is important to under-

                   16                                       stand sonic and ultrasonic signals.

                                                            The sonic signal is the alarm/harrassment sound hu-
                                               SUMULATION   mans can hear. Combining this sound with ultrasonic
                                                  DIAL      may give you better results for startling and repelling
                                                            intruders and animals from your yard. However, if the
                                                            sonic sound bothers your neighbours, you can turn this
                                                            off using the “Sonic Volume” dial. Just turn
                                                            the volume dial to zero.

                                                            The ultrasonic signal is the high-pitched frequency that
                                                            only animals can hear. This sound will be emitted when-
                                                            ever your device is on (plugged in or on battery power).
                                                            You can adjust the frequency using the Frequency dial,
                                                            but you won’t turn it off by adjusting either the Sonic
                                                            Volume or Frequency dial. 			


        TABLE OF CONTENTS                                             CONTACT US

INTRODUCTION                               3
SAFETY AND MAINTENANCE                     4   We enjoy receiving letters and emails from our valued customers.
QUICK SET UP                                   If you have a question, comment or suggestion about the product,
     FREQUENCY DIAL                        5   please write to us. If you have a success story, let us know. With
     MODES                                 5   your permission we may publish it on our website.
     SENSITIVITY DIAL                      6
     SONIC VOLUME                          6   Aspectek
     PLACEMENT                             6   Langara PO Box No. 61088
THE SCIENCE BEHIND IT                      7   571 West 57th Ave.
     ULTRASONIC                            8   Vancouver, BC
     INFRARED MOTION SENSOR                8   V6P 6S5
     OPERATING TIME                        9   Visit us at
     SONIC                                10   Or email us at
     USING THE A/C ADAPTER                11   We stand by our products with a one-year limited warranty. If you
     USING THE “CIGARETTE LIGHTER” PLUG   11   are having trouble with your product please don’t return it to the
     CONNECTING THE EXTENSION CORD        11   merchant. Contact us, and we would be happy to help you.
     INSTALLING THE BATTERIES             11
     INTELLIGENT POWER SYSTEM (IPS)       12   Available Accesories
     OPTIONAL POWER SOURCES               12
     TURNING THE UNIT ON/OFF              13   The Yard Sentinel RC can be connected to a 12V DC or 24V DC
     SETTINGS                             13   Sealed Lead-Acid (SLA) battery using our special extension cord
     FREQUENCY DIAL                       13   with alligator clip and DC power plug. (For diagram, see page 12;
     SENSITIVITY DIAL                     14   Fig. 8.) Contact us for product and ordering information.
     MOUNTING TO A WALL                   14
REMOTECONTROL                             14
     SET THE SIMULATION DIAL              15
     TURBO BUTTON                         15
     STANDBY MODE                         16
     STROBE LIGHT BUTTON                  16
     ULTRASONIC                           16

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS                    17
9 WAYS TO KEEP PESTS AWAY!                18
CONTACT US                                19
DIAGRAM                                   20


          9 TIPS TO KEEP PESTS AWAY                                                          INTRODUCTION

 .    Here are some preventative measures you can take to keep           The Yacht & RV Guard™ pest repellent by Aspectek is the
      pests out of your home and yard:                                   industry’s most advanced outdoor anti-pest product. The product
 1.   Keep garbage lids closed tightly.                                  brings together peace of mind and affordability as a result of years
 2.   Store food in airtight containers.                                 of research and innovation. This device allows you to rid your yard,
 3.   Don’t leave pet food and water out overnight.                      garden or outdoor area of pests humanely and without the use of
 4.   Repair plumbing leaks and cracks.                                  poisonous chemicals.
 5.   Drain all liquids and wash containers before you put them in the
      recycle bin.                                                       How does it work?
 6.   Accumulating paper products such as cardboard boxes, bags,
      newspapers, etc., should be avoided.                               The Yacht & RV Guard uses ultrasonic technology to repel pests
 7.   Keep grass short around the foundation of the house and the        from your yard as well as sonic alarm/harassment noise and strobe
      trees and shrubs planted away from the house.                      light. The device is environmentally friendly, safe for humans and
 8.   Screen all vent opening such as crawl spaces, attics or laundry    pets and won’t even harm the pests you are trying to repel.
 9.   Repair and adjust windows and door screens.                        It is equipped with an infrared motion sensor that activates when
                                                                         pests are in range. The strobe light and sensor can also be
                                                                         activated by remote control.


                                                                         Your device is equipped with several features:
                                                                         AC adapter
                                                                         “Cigarette lighter” plug
                                                                         10 metre (33 feet) extension cord
                                                                         Battery-operational: Requires 4 C batteries (not included)
                                                                         Intelligent Power System (IPS): AC power will take priority over
                                                                             battery when both are installed. In the case of power failure,
                                                                             device will switch to battery backup when batteries are installed
                                                                         Ultrasonic: Adjustable frequencies so high that only pests can hear
                                                                         Sonic: Audible alarm and harassment noise
                                                                         Strobe light: Ideal for repelling nocturnal animals
                                                                         Modes: Motion Sensor, Constant or Continuous Sweep
                                                                         Infrared Motion Sensor: Detects pests in range and activates
                                                                         Remote Control: Four-button remote (Stand-by, Turbo, Ultrasonic,
18                                                                                                                                               3

              SAFETY AND MAINTENANCE                                                  PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS

    1. Please read the manual before using the product.
                                                                            A/C Adapter
    2. Do not restrict airflow around the unit. Do not position behind      Input: A/C 110-240v, Output: D/C 9v/500mA x 1 (included)
    furniture or curtains. For best effect, position in open areas.         DC power sources
                                                                            4C size batteries (not included)
    3. Do not attempt to open the unit beyond its functional use.           Vehicle power source by connecting cigarette lighter socket
    4. This is not a toy. Do not hold up to your ears with either the       DC12V or 24V sealed lead-acid (SLA) battery (cord sold
    ultrasonic or sonic sounds activated.                                   separately)
                                                                            Ultrasonic Frequency
    5. Please consider other people and their privacy and peaceful          15kHz to 25kHz (adjustable)
    enjoyment of property before using the security alarm and strobe        Output Sound Pressure
    light.                                                                  0 to 110dB
                                                                            Working Current
    6. This pest repellent is environmentally friendly, safe and harmless   Up to 400mA
    to pests and pets.                                                      Optimum Distance
                                                                            Remote control: up to 80 feet (25 metres) approximately (open
    7. Keep the motion sensor lens clean by periodically wiping with a      space)
    damp cloth.                                                             Infrared sensor: up to 45 feet (14 metres) approximately
                                                                            Ultrasonic effective range: 5,000 sq feet (1.5 sq kilometres) or
    8. Remove batteries when not in use to avoid leakage that could         70x70 feet (21x21 metres)
    damage the unit.                                                        Security Alarm Sound Pressure
                                                                            0-110 dB maximum (adjustable), +/-5dB
    9. Check all cables used to connect the device for cracks or            Remote control
    damaged insulation. Do not use the device in case of defects or         4 button control (simulation)
    serious damage.                                                         Cigarette Plug: A 1.8 meter (6 feet) cord for the 12 or 24 D/Cv
                                                                            “cigarette lighter” vehicle power socket
    10. If repairs are required, original replacement parts should be       Extension Cord
    used exclusively in order to avoid serious damage. Repairs or other     10 metre (33 feet) extension cord with an adaptive connector for
    work may only be carried out by authorized personnel. Please            the “cigarette plug”, AC transformer cord and SLA battery cord
    contact us for warranty information (see page 19).                      (not included).
    11. Do not connect any power sources to 4C size battery holder          0.2x20 cm (0.8x8 in) with plastic beads; and wall hook
    except C size batteries, or it may damage the unit. Contact us for      3 Velcro Straps: With 6 cm (2 in) length and 1.6 cm (.5 in) width
    information about our our special extension cord with alligator clip    for two pieces and 5 cm (2 in) width x 8 cm (3 in) width for one
    and DC power plug for connecting to a 12V DC or 24V DC Sealed           piece
    Lead-Acid (SLA) battery.

4                                                                                                                                               17

                                                                                                              QUICK SET UP

     This mode can also be used to repel large animals when you see them              Congratulations on your new Yacht & RV Guard™! You have three options
     enter your property.                                                             to get your device started. Your unit came with an AC adapter. Remove
                                                                                      the back cover from your device and plug in the adapter. You will see an
     Standby mode:                                                                    opening at the bottom of the unit that you can run the cord through. It also
                                                                                      came with a “cigarette lighter” plug for your vehicle.
     To deactivate your device, press the Standby button (top right). You
     will hear a long beep sound. The remote control’s red light will flash           If you don’t have an electrical outlet or vehicle lighter plug available in the
     continuously and all the functions, except for Turbo, will be on Standby         area, you will need four C batteries (not included).
     mode. To activate the device, press the Standby button once. You will
     hear a shorter beep sound and the device will begin working as set by the        When you install power, the unit will wait a few moments at which point a
     user.                                                                            red light will turn on and stay on for about 20 seconds. Your unit is then
                                                                                      ready to operate. All of your controls are located at the back of your device.
     The Standby mode is helpful for switching off the device when you want           Remove the cover to adjust the following settings as needed.
     to use your yard without setting off the alarm/harrassment sound or let
     your pet into the yard without having to unplug the device. When finished                                             Frequency Dial: You will see several
     you can simply turn off the Standby mode with the remote control. You will                                            types of pests listed around the
     hear a beep and the flashing LED light will turn off.                                                                 Frequency dial (Fig. 1) and the ranges
                                                                                                                           of frequencies that are ideal for repelling
     Strobe button:                                                                                                        them. You can turn this dial to the setting
                                                                                                                           that best suits your needs. If you are
     This button (bottom right) activates the Strobe function. Press the button                                            trying to repel more than one type of
     once. A light will come on to tell you that the device has been activated.                                            pest, set it somewhere within the ranges
     The function will be activated for 20 seconds.                                                                        of each of them. Adjust the frequency
                                                                                                                           sllightly every few weeks to avoid
     The strobe light is effective against birds and pests that are active at night                                        allowing the pest to adapt to the sound.
     like squirrels, mice, rats, skunks, cats and dogs.
                                                                                      Fig. 1
                                                                                                                          Modes: The Yacht & RV Guard has three
     The strobe light only functions at night or in dark places.                      different modes. Try all three to see what works best on the animal you are
                                                                                      trying to repel.
                                                                                               Motion Sensor: The Motion Sensor will activate the ultrasonic and
     The Ultrasonic button (bottom left) turns on the high frequency sound                     sonic sounds at the frequency you set when it detects the pests are
     that effectively repels pests from your yard or other open area. Press the                in range.
     button once to activate. A light will come on. The function will be activated
     for 20 seconds.                                                                           Constant: The Constant setting will activate the ultrasonic and sonic
                                                                                               noises and cycle through them intermittently using the frequency
                                                                                               you set. The motion detector will deactivate on this setting.

16                                                                                                                                                                       5

                                                                                                     REMOTE CONTROL

            Continuous Sweep: The                                                   The Yacht & RV Guard™ remote control is simple to use with four
            Continuous Sweep mode will                                              functions offering optimal user control over your device. It can operate
            activate a range of sonic and                                           up to 80 feet from the device. It has four buttons that operate the Turbo,
            ultrasonic frequencies at different                                     Stand-by mode, Strobe or Ultrasonic function.
            intervals. The motion detector will
            deactivate on this setting. This                                        Note: The volume settings for the Turbo alarm function are located at the
            is helpful for repelling several                                        back of your device.
            different types of pests.
                                                                                    To turn on the remote control, simply plug in the Yacht & RV Guard or
    Sensitivity dial: The Sensitivity dial                                          install batteries. A red light will come on for approximately 20 seconds.
    adjusts the distance at which the device’s
    motion sensor will work.                                                        Set the Simulation Dial:
                                                                           Fig. 2
    Sonic Volume: The Sonic Volume adjusts                                          The Simulation dial only
    the loudness of the alarm and harassment sound. If this sound bothers           needs to be set once.
    you or your neighbours, turn it all the way down. The ultrasonic signal will    Remove the back cover
    still be effective in repelling pests.                                          of the device. Locate the
                                                                                    Simulation dial below the
    Here are some suggested settings for common types of pests:                     Frequency dial. Press and
            1. Raccoon: Turn the Frequency dial all the way to left (counter-       hold the Standby button on
            clockwise) of the raccoon range, and blast the alarm/harassment         the remote control while
            sound.                                                                  turning the Simulation dial
            2. Squirrels / Mice: Turn the Frequency dial to the right               until you hear a sound.
            (clockwise). If you are not sure, start at the top of the range         Release the button. The                                                 Fig. 8
            (right), and adjust it downwards until you find the setting that        Simulation setting is unique
            works best.                                                             to your device and necessary to avoid interfering with other remote
            3. Rabbits: Turn the Frequency dial all the way to the left             controlled devices.
            4. Birds / Crows: Turn the Frequency dial all the way to the left       Turbo Button:
            (counter-clockwise), and blast the alarm/harassment sound.
            5. Dogs / Cats: Turn the Frequency dial all the way to the right of     The Turbo button (top left) is a safety feature to protect you and your
            the range (clockwise), and adjust downwards until you find the          family outdoors. When activated, the Turbo turns on all functions for
            setting that works best. Dogs and cats can have varying hearing         20 seconds (ultrasonic, sonic and strobe). This can startle an intruder
            sensitivities.                                                          or large animal entering your campsite or yard, giving you time to get
            6. For large sized animals (deer, bears, etc.): Turn the Frequency      help or leave the area. This function works even when the device is on
            dial all the way to the left, and blast the alarm/harassment sound.     Standby mode. To adjust the volume of the alarm, remove the back
                                                                                    cover and adjust the Sonic Volume.
6                                                                                                                                                                15

          preserve battery life at intervals of not more than five minutes.)   Placement: It’s important to place the device where it will be most effective.
                                                                               For ground animals, like raccoons, squirrels, mice, etc., place the unit
 Frequency Dial:                                                               near the height of the animal you want to repel and facing the area where
                                                                               they most like to frequent. Don’t place it on the ground as this will limit the
 Various pests have different ranges of ultrasonic hearing.                    effective range of the device. Using the lanyard, screws or the velcro strips
 Sometimes you will need to experiment to find the range that best             that come with the device, you can hang the unit on a wall, tree, fence or
 repels the pest you want to control. However, the Frequency dial              stairs.
 illustrates a range of frequencies and the pests they are effective at
 repelling as a guide.                                                         Ultra-sonic signals cannot penetrate solid surfaces. Make sure there are
                                                                               no windows, doors, fences or other items between the device and the area
 Sensitivity Dial:                                                             you want to cover. Place it at the height of the pests if possible. If not,
                                                                               tilt the unit downwards slightly to capture the pests in the device’s
 The “Sensor Sensitivity” dial controls the detection range of the             effective range.
 device’s Infrared Motion Sensor. You can adjust the range from
 near to far (5 to 45 feet). The ideal range will vary under different         The ultrasonic sound emits in a forward direction from the device with
 environments. Try setting it to maximum and reducing it if you find           a range of about 170 degrees horizontal and 60 degrees vertical. The
 the device activates when there is no motion in the area.                     ultrasonic frequency has a range of up to 70 feet, but the closer it is to the
                                                                               animal, the more effective it will be.
 Mounting to a Wall:

 You have three options for mounting the Yacht & RV Guard to a wall.
 If you choose to use the Velcro strips, remove the backing from the
 two narrow strips and fasten to the wall. Remove the backing from
 the larger piece and fasten to the device. (See Fig. 9 below.) Two
 screws and fasteners are included with this unit for mounting on
 walls. Drill the screws into a suitable wall or upright surface. Align
 the notches on the back cover with the screws and hang the unit.
                                       You can also use the lanyard
                                       and hook, to hang the device
                                       wherever is convenient.

                                         The unit must be aimed at the         Fig. 3
                                         direction of the pests with no
                                         objects (e.g. windows, walls or
                                         fences) in front of it.
 Fig. 9

14                                                                                                                                                               7

                   THE SCIENCE BEHIND IT

    The Yacht & RV Guard™ comes equipped with a variety of useful                  Turning the Yacht & RV Guard on and off:
    features. You will need to experiment to see which features or
    combination of features give you best results in ridding your yard or other    The Yacht & RV Guard does not have an on/off switch. To turn it
    open area of pests.                                                            off, unplug it, remove the batteries, or use the standby mode on the
                                                                                   remote control. To turn it on, plug it in, insert batteries or deactivate
    Ultrasonic:                                                                    standby using the remote control.

    The primary feature of your device is the ultrasonic signal. This is a high    When the unit is plugged in or batteries are installed, it will trigger
    pressure sound that is only slightly audible to humans. However, it is very    a tone and red sensor light within 20 seconds and flash twice in
    effective at startling and scaring away unwanted pests. Using a variable       another 20 seconds to notify the user that it is ready to go.
    pulse generator, the ultrasonic emits a range of fluctuating sound waves
    to prevent the pest from becoming accustomed to the sound.                     Settings:

    Using the Frequency dial: In order to                                          You can customize your device’s settings for best results in your
    use the ultrasonic signal to best effect,                                      particular situation. The ultrasonic setting control switch is located on
    you will need to become familiar with the                                      the top left of your control panel. Remove the back cover to access
    ultrasonic Frequency dial. Remove the                                          the panel.
    back cover from your device. It should
    snap off just like a lid. The Frequency                                             Motion Sensor: This setting will activate the ultrasonic, sonic
    dial is located in the top middle. It is the                                        and Strobe Light when the device senses that an animal is in
    largest dial (Fig. 4).                                                              range. You control the frequency using the Frequency dial.

    You will see a variety of ranges indicated                                          Constant: This setting will cause the device to emit a frequency
    around the dial. These ranges are            Fig 4                                  at random intervals of not more than 40 seconds on AC. The
    identified by the animals they ideally                                              pause in between helps ensure the pest does not become
    repel. Choose a range that best reflects the type of animal you are trying          accustomed to the sound. You control the frequency emitted
    to repel. Insects and birds are repelled by lower frequencies (counter-             using the frequency dial. This is a good setting to use if you only
    clockwise). Rodents are repelled by higher frequencies (clockwise).                 want to repel one type of animal and if the animal sometimes
                                                                                        goes out of range of the motion sensor. (Battery saver: On
    Ultrasonic signals travel in a forward direction. You will need to point the        battery power, the device will activate for shorter durations to
    device towards the area where you are having a pest problem. The signal             preserve battery life at intervals of not more than five minutes.)
    will range 170 degrees horizontally and 60 degrees vertically from the
    device (Fig 3; page 7).                                                             Continuous Sweep: This setting emits cycles of random
                                                                                        frequency (approximately from 15kHz to 25kHz) with a break of
                                                                                        not more than 40 seconds. This is the ideal setting if you want
                                                                                        to repel two or more different types of pests. (Battery saver: On
                                                                                        battery power, the device will activate for shorter durations to
8                                                                                                                                                              13

 Installing the batteries:                                                           Note: If you have a cat or a dog you may have to turn the device off when
                                                                                     they are in range. This depends on the frequency you are using because
 The Yacht & RV Guard can also operate on batteries. It uses four                    cats and dogs can have very different levels of hearing depending on
 size C batteries. To install the batteries, remove the back panel by                age or size. Other types of pets such as rodents or insects may be more
 gently pulling it off. Install the batteries as shown on the diagram so             sensitive. Ultrasonic waves cannot penetrate surfaces, so put them in a
 the positive and negative poles match the poles printed on the unit.                box or leave them behind and out of range of the device.
 With the batteries in place, replace the back cover of the unit by
 pressing it until it snaps closed.                                                  Infrared motion sensor:
                                                                                     Your device can be set to activate only when pests come into range.
 Intelligent Power System (IPS):                                                     Set the mode switch to “Motion Sensor” to select this feature. When an
                                                                                     animal or human enters the range of the device within 45 feet, a red light
 The Yacht & RV Guard is designed to provide uninterrupted                           will turn on and the device will activate both the ultrasonic and sonic. The
 protection even during a power failure. Install four C batteries and                range of the sensor may vary due to ambient temperature.
 plug in your device. Your device will be powered through electricity.
 If the power fails, the device will automatically switch to battery                 Note: You can test your device to see if it is working by switching the
 backup.                                                                             mode to “Motion Sensor” and walking or waving your hand in front. If
                                                                                     you see the red light, you will know the movement has been detected. If
 Some of our customers choose to use their device in remote areas,                   the Sonic Volume is turned up, you will also hear the alarm/harassment
 or areas without traditional power outlets. The Yacht & RV Guard                    noise. The ultrasonic signal may also be slightly audible to some people.
 can be connected to a 12V DC or 24V DC Sealed Lead-Acid (SLA)
 battery using our special extension cord with alligator clip and DC                 The Motion Sensor is equipped with a dial that controls its sensitivity (Fig.
 power plug. For ordering information, see page 19.                                  5). Turn it all the way up to ensure it works
                                                                                     as well as possible (30). If you find the
 Optional Power Sources:                                                             device activates when there are no animals
                                                    Insert plug in 9 volt            or people in front of the device, turn it down
 Some of our customers                              D/C jack located at              to about 25.
 choose to use their device in                      back of the unit.
 remote areas, or areas without                                                      Strobe Light with Sundown Sensor:
 traditional power outlets. The                                                      Your device is equipped with a Strobe Light
 Yacht & RV Guard can be                            Attach alligator clips           to help drive away nocturnal creatures, like
 connected to a 12V DC or                           to SLA battery slugs.            raccoons. The Strobe Light is designed to
 24V DC Sealed Lead-Acid                                                             be disorienting and works along with the
 (SLA) battery using our special                                                     ultrasonic/sonic sound to create an audio
 extension cord with alligator                                                       and visual assault on the animal’s senses                              Fig. 5
 clip and DC power plug (Fig. 8).                                                    driving them from your property. The Strobe
 For ordering information, see                                                       Light flashes repeatedly in quick succession each time it is activated. The
 page 19.                                                                            Strobe Light will only come on at night.
                                                                            Fig. 8
12                                                                                                                                                                   9

                                                                                                      OPERATING THE
                                                                                                     YACHT & RV GUARD™

     Operating Time:                                                                Using the A/C Adapter:
     Some pests, like birds, are active only in the                                 Remove the back cover of the unit by gently pulling off. Plug one
     daytime. Others, like raccoons, are active at                                  end of the A/C adapter into the 9 volt D/C jack located beside the
     night. You can choose whether to operate your                                  frequency dial. Plug the other end into any standard A/C outlet.
     device only in the daytime, nighttime or all day                               Thread the A/C adapter cord through the notch at the bottom of the
     with the power-saving Operating Time feature                                   unit and then replace the back cover by snapping it into place. (For
     (Fig. 6).                                                                      diagram, see page 20.) If you do not have a weather-proof electrical
                                                                                    outlet, the adapter should be plugged in indoors. The device and the
                                                                                    9-volt port are weather resistant, but it is best to protect the Yacht &
     Sonic:                                                                         RV Guard from heavy rains or snow.
     In addition to the inaudible ultrasonic signal,
     your device is equipped with a sonic signal. This                                                                       Using the “cigarette lighter
     helps to scare off any people or pests lurking                                     EXTENSION CORD                       plug”:
     around your property or large animals such as Fig. 6
     bears, coyotes, racoons, skunks and birds. At full                                                                      Even if you don’t have an
     volume, the sound can be heard up to 300 feet (91 metres) away. It can                                                  electrical outlet in the area,
     also act as a security alarm for your yard.                                                                             you can still operate your
                                                                                                              “CIGARETTE     device without batteries by
     How to use: The sonic signal is controlled by the Sonic Volume dial. To        ADAPTER                   LIGHTER” PLUG using the cigarette lighter
     turn it up, turn the dial all the way clockwise. If you find the sonic noise                                            plug. To connect, insert one
     bothers you or your neighbours, you can turn it off by turning the volume                                               end into the 9 volt D/C jack
     dial all the way down (counter clockwise) or simply lower the volume at        Fig. 7
                                                                                                                             located at the back of the
     your discretion. Adjusting the Sonic Volume will not affect the ultrasonic                                              Yacht & RV Guard. Plug the
     signal which emits at a fixed rate.                                            other end into your vehicle’s “cigarette lighter” power socket.

                                                                                    Connecting the extension cord:

                                                                                    The extension cord can connect between the cigarette plug or the
                                                                                    A/C adaptor. Simply plug in the small side of the extension cord at
                                                                                    the back of the unit where it indicates DC9V, then attach the other
                                                                                    larger plug to the cigarette plug or the A/C adapter.

10                                                                                                                                                             11

                                 FCC ID: SFB-HR135
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the user's authority to operate the equipment。

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of
the following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Document Created: 2013-03-12 11:45:49
Document Modified: 2013-03-12 11:45:49

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC