FCC ID Label


ID Label/Location Info

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The information contained in this drawing is the sole property of                                                                                      REV.                   REVISIONS DESCRIPTION                      DATE      APPROVED
Tripod Data Systems. Any reproduction in part or whole without                                                                                          1       Preliminary                                             01/12/07    Bob Grant
the written permission of Tripod Data Systems is prohibited.                                                                                            2       added China Rohs                                        01/31/07
                                                                                                                                                        3       Chg’d EGL to Nomad; chg’d China RoHs from e; Added      6/15/07    DKyle/BGrant
                                                                                                                                                                TDS address; removed Inc.; Added GPS


                                                                                                                                                  Artwork for
                                                                                                                                     Eagle Regulatory Label with BT 802 GPS

                                                                                                                                                                       26.51 ±0.15
                                                                                                                                        4x R 1.69

                                                                               Sample label only. Final label will have the
                                                                               following four lines:
                                                                               FCC ID: S9E-NOMADBT                                                                                                          33.31±0.2
                                                                               FCC ID: S9E-NOMADWF
                                                                               IC: 5817A-NOMADBT
                                                                               IC: 5817A-NOMADWF

                                                                                                                                               PRELIMINARY - not for print until
         -50mm                                                  0 mm
                                                                       ruler                +50mm

                                                                                                 1       750-0035-X1Q          EGL Label (Mech)
                                                                                                                                               REGULATORY APPROVED                                                                      1
                                                                                                 2       753-0003-XXQ          - Resin 60mm x 450M - 04100BK06045                                                                       1

    Notes: See EGL Label mechanical drawing for specifications                                  ITEM           PART                            NOMENCLATURE                                               MATERIAL                    QTY
                                                                                                 NO.            NO.                            OR DESCRIPTION                                           SPECIFICATION                REQ'D
           Dimensions 1X:                                                                                                                           PARTS LIST

           Text -- Arial Narrow Black CMYK 0 0 0 100                                           Unless otherwise specified
                                                                                               dimensions are in mm
                                                                                                                            DO NOT MANUALLY UPDATE               Tripod Data Systems
           TDS Contact: Jon Musch 541-752-9000                                                 tolerances are:                                  DATE             A Trimble Company

           Graphics contact: Jeanie Wenning 541-259-3305                               �         DECIMALS ANGLES
                                                                                                  .X + 0.1 +1                                                         EGL Reg Lbl BT 802 GPS

                                                                                               FINISH:                                                        SIZE:       DWG. NO.:   750-0035-02Q
                                                                                                     DO NOT SCALE                                           SCALE:        FILE NAME: 750-0035-02Q  EGL Reg Lbl BT               SHEET 1 of 1
                                                                                                       DRAWING                                                                        802 GPS.ai/pdf

The information contained in this drawing is the sole property of                                                                                              REV.                   REVISIONS DESCRIPTION                            DATE      APPROVED
Tripod Data Systems. Any reproduction in part or whole without                                                                                                  1       Preliminary                                                   10/11/06
the written permission of Tripod Data Systems is prohibited.                                                                                                    2       created artwork in bartender-revised and redrawn              10/21/06
                                                                                                                                                                3       add p/n for 3M label material and drawing p/n                 10/24/06
                                                                                                                                                                4       resize label to fit between caps for interference issues.     12/7/06
                                                                                                                                                                5       switched barcode to center. Added definition of date code 1/15/07        Bob Grant
                                                                                                                                                                6       changed label size and material to fit redesign of plastic.   3/28/07 BGrant/DKyle
                                                                                                                                                                7       Added China RoHS, removed Inc.                                6/15/07 BGrant/DKyle

                                                                                27.5 ±0.30

                                                                                                          Date Code (week and year) shown here
                                                                                                          for placement reference only.
                                                                                                          Create Date Code in bartender to reflect date built.
                                                        53.8 ±0.30

                                                                     7                               5

                                   27.5 x 53.8

                -50mm                                                                        ruler       +50mm
                                                                         0 mm

                                                                                                             1                              3M 7816 Label 1.083” W x 2.118” H 3               6                                                      1

           Notes: Dimensions 1X:                                                                            ITEM            PART                       NOMENCLATURE                                                   MATERIAL                      QTY
                                                                                                             NO.             NO.                       OR DESCRIPTION                                               SPECIFICATION                  REQ'D
                  Text -- Black CMYK 0 0 0 100                                                                                                           PARTS LIST
                                                                                                            Unless otherwise specified
                  Barcode 128 condensed                                                                     dimensions are in mm
                                                                                                                                         DO NOT MANUALLY UPDATE          Tripod Data Systems
                                                                                                            tolerances are:                                              A Trimble Company
                  TDS Contact: Jon Musch 541-752-9000                                                                                    APPROVALS      DATE

                  Graphics contact: Jeanie Wenning 541-259-3305         �                                    DECIMALS ANGLES
                                                                                                              .X + 0.1 +1                                                     EGL Battery Lbl USA
                  Artwork created in Bartender; revision control shown here                                 MATERIAL:

                                                                                                            FINISH:                                                   SIZE:      DWG. NO.:    750-0036-01Q
                                                                                                                 DO NOT SCALE                                       SCALE:       FILE NAME: 750-0036-01Q            EGL Battery Lbl           SHEET 1 of 1
                                                                                                                   DRAWING                                                                     USA.ai/pdf


Location of FCC ID Label

Document Created: 2007-06-29 15:18:15
Document Modified: 2007-06-29 15:18:15

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