Test Report_DFS

FCC ID: RWO-RZ090288

Test Report

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                     FCC Radio Test Report
                          FCC ID: RWO—RZ090288
  This report concerns (check one): KOriginal Grant [_}Class I Change [_]Class II Change

           Project No.        :   18100079
           Equipment          :   Notebook
           Test Model         :   RZ09—0288
           Series Model       :   RZO9—02886
           Applicant          :   Razer Inc.
           Address            :   201 3rd Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103,

           Date of Receipt    :   Nov.   13, 2018
           Date of Test       :   Nov.   15, 2018 ~ Dec. 10, 2018
           Issued Date        :   Jan.   08, 2019
           Tested by          :   BTL    Inc.

                                                              W(’,u          W
           Testing Engineer                 :


           Technical Manager                :             QM           /(’[&0
                                                               (David Mao)

           Authorized Signatory             :             S 55               L/\

                                                               (Steven Lu)

                 B TL                                LN C .
       No.3, Jinshagang 1st Road, Shixia, Dalang Town, Dongguan,
                           Guangdong, China.
            TEL: +86—769—8318—3000  FAX: +86—769—8319—6000

                                                f   JACCIEDFTED'

                                           Cemficate #5123.02

Report No.: BTL—FCCP—5—18100079                                                       Page 1 of 28
                                                                                   Report Version: RO1

   BTL represents to the client that testing is done in accordance with standard procedures as applicable and
   that test instruments used has been calibrated with standards traceable to international standard(s) and/or
   national standard(s).
   BTL's reports apply only to the specific samples tested under conditions. It is manufacture’s responsibility
   to ensure that additional production units of this model are manufactured with the identical electrical and
   mechanical components. BTL shall have no liability for any declarations, inferences or generalizations
   drawn by the client or others from BTL issued reports.
   The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by
   NVLAP, NIST, A2LA, or any agency of the U.S. Government.
   This report is the confidential property of the client. As a mutual protection to the clients, the public and
   ourselves, the test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without our written approval.
   BTL’s laboratory quality assurance procedures are in compliance with the ISO/IEC 17025 requirements,
   and accredited by the conformity assessment authorities listed in this test report.
   BTL is not responsible for the sampling stage, so the results only apply to the sample as received.
   The information, data and test plan are provided by manufacturer which may affect the validity of results,
   so it is manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure that the apparatus meets the essential requirements of
   applied standards and in all the possible configurations as representative of its intended use.
   For the use of the authority's logo is limited unless the Test Standard(s)/Scope(s)/Item(s) mentioned in this
   test report is (are) included in the conformity assessment authorities acceptance respective.

Report No.: BTL-FCCP-5-1810C079                                                                    Page 2 of 28
                                                                                                Report Version: R01

                           Table of Contents                      Page

   1 . GENERAL SUMMARY                                               5
   2 . EUT INFORMATION                                               6
      2.1 EUT SPECIFICATION TABLE                                    6
      2.2 CONDUCTED OUTPUT POWER AND EIRP                            8
   3 . U-NII DFS RULE REQUIREMENTS                                   9
      3.1 WORKING MODES AND REQUIRED TEST ITEMS                      9
      3.2 TEST LIMITS AND RADAR SIGNAL PARAMETERS                   10
   4 . TEST INSTRUMENTS                                             13
   5 . EMC EMISSION TEST                                            14
      5.1 DFS MEASUREMENT SYSTEM:                                   14
      5.3 DEVIATION FROM TEST STANDARD                              19
   6 . TEST RESULTS                                                 20
      6.1 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULT                                    20
      6.2 TEST MODE: DEVICE OPERATING IN MASTER MODE.               20
      6.3 DFS DETECTION THRESHOLD                                   21
      6.5 NON- OCCUPANCY PERIOD                                     27

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                                                              Report Version: R01

                                REPORT ISSUED HISTORY

     Report Version                         Description                 Issued Date
          R00                              Original Issue.              Jan. 02, 2019
                      1. Updated the description of model difference.
          R01                                                           Jan. 08, 2019
                      2. Added the detection threshold.

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                                                                        Report Version: R01


     Equipment       : Notebook
     Brand Name      : RAZER
     Test Model      : RZ09-0288
      Series Model     RZ09-02886
     Applicant       : Razer Inc.
     Manufacturer    : Razer Inc.
     Address         : 201 3rd Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
     Factory         : BYD Precision Manufacture Co.,Ltd.
     Address         : No.3001, Baohe Road, Baolong industrial, Longgang Street, Longgang
                       Zone, Shenzhen
     Date of Test    : Nov. 15, 2018 ~ Dec. 10, 2018
     Test Sample     : Engineering Sample No.: D181110293 for conducted, D181110290 for
     Standard(s)     : FCC Part 15, Subpart E (Section 15.407) / FCC 06-96
                       FCC KDB 789033 D02 General U-NII Test Procedures New Rules v02r01
                       FCC KDB 905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules v02
                       FCC KDB 905462 D03 UNII Clients Without Radar Detection New Rules

  The above equipment has been tested and found compliance with the requirement of the relative
  standards by BTL Inc.
  The test data, data evaluation, and equipment configuration contained in our test report (Ref No.
  BTL-FCCP-5-1810C079) were obtained utilizing the test procedures, test instruments, test sites
  that has been accredited by the Authority of A2LA according to the ISO/IEC 17025 quality
  assessment standard and technical standard(s).

  Test results included in this report is only for the DFS part.

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                                                                                      Report Version: R01



                                     Table 1: Specification of EUT

   Equipment                 Notebook
   Brand Name                RAZER
   Test Model                RZ09-0288
   Series Model              RZ09-02886
                             The only difference between the two models is the graphics card.
                             The two graphics cards are with identical electrical characteristics
                             (pin compatible) and only differ in the model name of GPU with
   Model Difference(s)
                             identical hardware/software. GPU used for model RZ09-0288 are
                             N18E-G3-A1 and N18E-G2-A1, GPU used for model RZ09-02886 is
   Software Version          C2_MB
   Hardware Version          Windows 10
   Operational Mode          Slave
   Operating Frequency 5250MHz~5350MHz&5470~5600MHz&5650~5725MHz
   Modulation          OFDM

  Note: This device was functioned as a

    Master      Slave Without Radar Detection        slave with radar detection

  1. For a more detailed features description, please refer to the manufacturer’s specifications or the
     user's manual.

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                                                                                        Report Version: R01

                                              802.11n 40 MHz
               802.11n 20 MHz                                                  802.11ac 80 MHz
                                              802.11ac 40 MHz
               802.11ac 20 MHz
                   UNII-2A                       UNII-2A                          UNII-2A
                         Frequency                    Frequency                         Frequency
             Channel                       Channel                          Channel
                           (MHz)                        (MHz)                             (MHz)
               52           5260             54          5270                 58           5290
               56           5280             62          5310
               60           5300
               64           5320

                                              802.11n 40 MHz
                802.11n 20 MHz                                                 802.11ac 80 MHz
                                              802.11ac 40 MHz
               802.11ac 20 MHz
                    UNII-2C                      UNII-2C                          UNII-2C
                          Frequency                   Frequency                         Frequency
             Channel                       Channel                          Channel
                            (MHz)                       (MHz)                             (MHz)
               100           5500            102         5510                 106          5530
               104           5520            110         5550                 122          5610
               108           5540            118         5590
               112           5560            126         5630
               116           5580            134         5670
               132           5660
               136           5680
               140           5700

                                             802.11ac (160 MHz)
                              114                                              5570

  2. Antenna Specification:

      Ant.       Brand              Model Name         Antenna Type         Connector   Gain (dBi)

       1                            2065720001              PIFA               N/A         4.79
       2                            2065720001              PIFA               N/A         4.58

    (1) EUT incorporates a MIMO function. Physically, the EUT provides two completed
        transmitters and receivers (2T2R), all transmit signals are completely correlated,
        so Directional gain =10log[(10G1/20+10G2/20+...10GN/20)2/N]dBi, that is
               Directional gain=10log[(104.79/20+104.58/20)2/2]dBi =7.70.
           So, the UNII-1,UNII-2A, UNII-2C out power limit is 24-7.70+6=22.30, the UNII-3
           out power limit is 30-7.70+6=28.30. the UNII-1,UNII-2A,UNII-2C power density limit
           is 11-7.70+6=9.30, the UNII-3 power density limit is 30-7.70+6=28.30.

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                                                                                          Report Version: R01


                   Table 2: The Conducted Output Power and EIRP List

                               Mode: TX (11 ac 20MHz)
      Frequency     Max Couducted Output      Directional     Max EIRP    Max EIRP
      Band (MHz)        Power (dBm)               Gain          (dBm)        (mW)

      5250~5350             19.14                 7.70          26.84       483.06

      5470~5725             19.15                 7.70          26.85       484.17

                               Mode: TX (11ac 40MHz)
     Frequency     Max Couducted Output       Directional      Max EIRP     Max EIRP
    Band (MHz)         Power (dBm)               Gain            (dBm)        (mW)

     5250~5350             18.17                  7.70           25.87        386.37

     5470~5725             17.99                  7.70           25.69        370.68

                               Mode: TX (11ac 80MHz)
     Frequency      Max Couducted Output      Directional      Max EIRP    Max EIRP
     Band (MHz)         Power (dBm)               Gain          (dBm)         (mW)

     5250~5350              17.16                 7.70           24.86       306.20

     5470~5725              17.20                 7.70           24.90       309.03

                               Mode: TX (11ac 160MHz)
     Frequency      Max Couducted Output      Directional      Max EIRP    Max EIRP
     Band (MHz)         Power (dBm)               Gain          (dBm)         (mW)

     5470~5725              14.73                 7.70           22.43       174.98

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                                                                          Report Version: R01



  The manufacturer shall state whether the EUT is capable of operating as a Master and/or a Client.
  If the EUT is capable of operating in more than one operating mode then each operating mode
  shall be tested separately. See tables 3 and 4 for the applicability of DFS requirements for each of
  the operational modes.

                   Table 3: Applicability of DFS requirements prior to use a channel

                                                           Operational Mode

              Requirement                                   Client without     Client with radar
                                                            radar detection        detection
         Non—Occupancy Period                                      v                   v
        DFS Detection Threshold                               Not required             &
    Channel Availability Check Time                           Not required       Not required
           Uniform Spreading                                  Not required       Not required
       U—NII Detection Bandwidth                              Not required             &

                 Table 4: Applicability of DFS requirements during normal operation.

                                                           Operational Mode

              Requirement                                   Client without     Client with radar
                                                            radar detection        detection
        DFS Detection Threshold                 /             Not required             /
     Channel Closing Transmission
                                                                   /                   /
          Channel Move Time                                        &
       U—NII Detection Bandwidth                              Not required

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                                                                                        Report Version: RO1



           Table 5: DFS Detection Thresholds for Master Devices and Client Devices With
                                        Radar Detection.

            Maximum Transmit Power
                                                                 (See Notes 1 and 2)
                EIRP ≥ 200 milliwatt                                   -64 dBm
              EIRP < 200 milliwatt and
                                                                       -62 dBm
       Power pectral density < 10 dBm/MHz
     EIRP < 200 milliwatt that do not meet the
                                                                       -64 dBm
        power spectral density requirement

  Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.

  Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of
  the test transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will
  ensure that the test signal is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.

  Note3: EIRP is based on the highest antenna gain. For MIMO devices refer to KDB Publication
  662911 D01.

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                                                                                       Report Version: R01

                            Table 6: DFS Response Requirement Values

                    Parameter                                          Value

   Non-occupancy period                            Minimum 30 minutes
   Channel Availability Check Time                 60 seconds
   Channel Move Time                               10 seconds See Note 1.
                                                   200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60
   Channel Closing Transmission Time               milliseconds over remaining 10 second
                                                   period. See Notes 1 and 2.
                                                   Minimum 100% of the UNII
   U-NII Detection Bandwidth                       99% transmission power bandwidth. See
                                                   Note 3.

  Note 1: Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time should be performed
  with Radar Type 0. The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.

  Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at
  the beginning of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required
  to facilitate a Channel move (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10
  second period. The aggregate duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between

  Note 3: During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 0 should be used. For
  each frequency step the minimum percentage of detection is 90 percent. Measurements are
  performed with no data traffic.

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                                                                                     Report Version: R01


  Step intervals of 0.1 microsecond for Pulse Width, 1 microsecond for PRI, 1 MHz for chirp width
  and 1 for the number of pulses will be utilized for the random determination of specific test

                           Table 7: Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms.

  A minimum of 30 unique waveforms are required for each of the Short Pulse Radar Types 2
  through 4. If more than 30 waveforms are used for Short Pulse Radar Types 2 through 4, then
  each additional waveform must also be unique and not repeated from the previous waveforms. If
  more than 30 waveforms are used for Short Pulse Radar Type 1, then each additional waveform
  is generated with Test B and must also be unique and not repeated from the previous waveforms
  in Tests A or B.

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                                                                                   Report Version: R01

                              Table 8: Long Pulse Radar Test Waveform

            Pulse     Chirp                  Number                       Percentage     Minimum
   Radar                           PRI                    Number
            Width     Width                  of Pulses                        of          Number
   Type                           (µsec)                  of Bursts
            (µsec)    (MHz)                  per Burst                    Successful      of Trials
       5      50-100      5-20     1000-2000       1-3         8-20          80%           30
  The parameters for this waveform are randomly chosen(The center frequency for each of the 30
  trials of the Bin 5 radar shall be randomly selected within 80% of the Occupied Bandwidth.) Thirty
  unique waveforms are required for the Long Pulse Radar Type waveforms. If more than 30
  waveforms are used for the Long Pulse Radar Type waveforms, then each additional waveform
  must also be unique and not repeated from the previous waveforms.

                         Table 9: Frequency Hopping Radar Test Waveform

            Pulse     Chirp                 Number                                       Minimum
   Radar                          PRI                    Number         Percentage of
            Width     Width                of Pulses                                      Number
   Type                          (µsec)                  of Bursts       Successful
            (µsec)    (MHz)                per Burst                                      of Trials
     6         1        333         9        0.333          300              70%             30


                                   Table 10: Test instruments list.

   DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER                  MODEL NO.                Serial No
   EXA Spectrum
                            Agilent               N9010A           MY50520044         Mar. 11, 2019
                            Agilent               E4438C           MY49071316         Mar. 11, 2019
                         Mini-Circuits       ZFRSC-123-S+          331000910-1        Mar. 11, 2019
                         Mini-Circuits       ZN4PD1-63-S+        SF9335D1045-1        Mar. 11, 2019
     Attenuator            WOKEN                 6SM3502           VAS1214NL          Feb. 14, 2019
   Master Device           HUAWEI              AP6150DN                N/A                 N/A
        (1) Calibration interval of instruments listed above is one year.
        (2) Master device’s FCC ID: QISAP6050DN6150DN

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                                                                                         Report Version: R01


  Test Precedure
  1. Master device and client device are set up by conduction method as the following
  2. The client device is connected to notebook and to access a IP address on wireless
     connection with the master device.
  3. Then the master device is connected to another notebook to access a IP address.
  4. Finally, let the two IP addresses run traffic with each other through the Run flow software “Lan
      test” to reach 17% channel loading as below

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                                                                                       Report Version: R01

  Channel Loading
                                    11ac 20Mode

                                  11ac 40MHz Mode

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                                                    Report Version: R01

                                  11ac 80MHz Mode

                                  11ac 160MHz Mode

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                                                     Report Version: R01

                                                              Dutycycle    Limit
    Channel    Marker Delta   Number   On Time   Total Time
                                                                (%)        (%)
     5540         2.835           7    19.845      101.3       19.59       17.00
     5550         2.518           7    17.626      101.3       17.40       17.00
     5530         2.554           7    17.878      101.3       17.65       17.00
     5570         3.552           6    21.312      101.3       21.04       17.00

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                                                                    Report Version: R01

  The hopping type 6 pulse parameters are fixed while the hopping sequence is based on the
  August 2005 NTIA Hopping Frequency List. The initial starting point randomized at run-time and
  each subsequent starting point is incremented by 475. Each frequency in the 100-length segment
  is compared to the boundaries of the EUT Detection Bandwidth and the software creates a
  hopping burst pattern in accordance with Section Method #2 Simulated Freqeuncy
  Hopping Radar Waveform Generating Subsystem of FCC 06-96. The frequency of the signal
  generator is incremented in 1 MHz steps from FL to FH for each successive trial. This incremental
  sequence is repeated as required to generate a minimum of 30 total trials and to maintain a
  uniform frequency distribution over the entire Detection Bandwidth.

  The signal monitoring equipment consists of a spectrum analyzer set to display 8001 bins on the
  horizontal axis. The time-domain resolution is 2 msec / bin with a 16 second sweep time, meeting
  the 10 second short pulse reporting criteria. The aggregate ON time is calculated by multiplying
  the number of bins above a threshold during a particular observation period by the dwell time per
  bin, with the analyzer set to peak detection and max hold.

  Should multiple RF ports be utilized for the Master and/or Slave devices (for example, for diversity
  or MIMO implementations), additional combiner/dividers are inserted between the Master
  Combiner/Divider and the pad connected to the Master Device (and/or between the Slave
  Combiner/Divider and the pad connected to the Slave Device). Additional pads are utilized such
  that there is one pad at each RF port on each EUT.

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                                                                                       Report Version: R01

                                                                                                              #sene C
  A 50 ohm load is connected in place of the spectrum analyzer, and the spectrum analyzer is
  connected in place of the master device and the signal generator is set to CW mode. The
  amplitude of the signal generator is adjusted to yield a level of —62 dBm as measured on the
  spectrum analyzer.

  Without changing any of the instrument settings, the spectrum analyer is reconnected to the
  Common port of the Spectrum Analyzer Combiner/Divider. Measure the amplitude and calculate
  the difference from —62 dBm. Adjust the Reference Level Offset of the spectrum analyzer to this
  The spectrum analyzer displays the level of the signal generator as received at the antenna ports
  of the Master Device. The interference detection threshold may be varied from the calibrated
  value of —62 dBm and the spectrum analyzer will still indicate the level as received by the Master
  Set the signal generator to produce a radar waveform, trigger a burst manually and measure the
  level on the spectrum analyzer. Readjust the amplitude of the signal generator as required so that
  the peak level of the waveform is at a displayed level equal to the required or desired interference
  detection threshold. Separate signal generator amplitude settings are determined as required for
  each radar type.

                     Antenna Port RF Connections to Test Instrument Setup


                  Controller and Server,                       Host Computer,

                     with MPEG file                    with MPEG Player and Codec

  No deviation.

Report No.: BTL—FCCP—5—18100079                                                           Page 19 of 28
                                                                                        Report Version: RO1



   Clause         Test Parameter          Test Mode and Channel          Remarks         Pass/Fail

    15.407    DFS Detection Threshold                 -               No Applicable          N/A

                 Channel Availability
    15.407                                            -               Not Applicable         N/A
                    Check Time
                                          11ac 20MHz 5540 MHz
                                          11ac 40MHz 5550 MHz
    15.407      Channel Move Time                                       Applicable           Pass
                                          11ac 80MHz 5530 MHz
                                          11ac 160MHz 5570 MHz
                                          11ac 20MHz 5540 MHz
                  Channel Closing         11ac 40MHz 5550 MHz
    15.407                                                              Applicable           Pass
                 Transmission Time        11ac 80MHz 5530 MHz
                                          11ac 160MHz 5570 MHz
                                          11ac 20MHz 5540 MHz
                                          11ac 40MHz 5550 MHz
    15.407    Non- Occupancy Period                                     Applicable           Pass
                                          11ac 80MHz 5530 MHz
                                          11ac 160MHz 5570 MHz
    15.407       Uniform Spreading                    -               Not Applicable         N/A
                   U-NII Detection
    15.407                                            -               Not Applicable         N/A

  The EUT is slave equipment, it need a master device when testing.
  Master with injection at the Master. (Radar Test Waveforms are injected into the Master)

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                                                                                       Report Version: R01



  The EUT is slave equipment and it with a max gain is 4.79 dBi.
  For a detection threshold level of -62dBm and the master antenna gain is 4.99 dBi, required
  detection threshold is -57.21 dBm (= -62+4.99).

  Note: Maximum Transmit Power is less than 200 milliwatt in this report, so detection threshold
  level is -62dBm.

                                         Radar Signal 0

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                                                                                      Report Version: R01


  TX (11ac 20Mode)

  Radar signal 0

  Note:   T0 denotes the start of Channel Move Time upon the end of the last Radar burst.
          T1 denotes the data transmission time of 200ms from T1.
          T2 denotes the end of Channel Move Time.
          T3 denotes the 10 second from T0 to observe the aggregate duration of transmissions.

  Note: An expanded plot for the device vacates the channel in the required 500ms

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                                                                                    Report Version: R01

  TX (11ac 40MHz Mode)

  Radar signal 0

  Note:   T0 denotes the start of Channel Move Time upon the end of the last Radar burst.
          T1 denotes the data transmission time of 200ms from T1.
          T2 denotes the end of Channel Move Time.
          T3 denotes the 10 second from T0 to observe the aggregate duration of transmissions.

  Note: An expanded plot for the device vacates the channel in the required 500ms

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  TX (11ac 80MHz Mode)

  Radar signal 0

  Note:   T0 denotes the start of Channel Move Time upon the end of the last Radar burst.
          T1 denotes the data transmission time of 200ms from T1.
          T2 denotes the end of Channel Move Time.
          T3 denotes the 10 second from T0 to observe the aggregate duration of transmissions.

  Note: An expanded plot for the device vacates the channel in the required 500ms

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                                                                                    Report Version: R01

  TX (11ac 160MHz Mode)

  Radar signal 0

  Note:   T0 denotes the start of Channel Move Time upon the end of the last Radar burst.
          T1 denotes the data transmission time of 200ms from T1.
          T2 denotes the end of Channel Move Time.
          T3 denotes the 10 second from T0 to observe the aggregate duration of transmissions.

  Note: An expanded plot for the device vacates the channel in the required 500ms

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                                                                                    Report Version: R01

                                    11ac 20Mode
               Item           Measured Value(s)                  Limit(s)
        Channel Move Time         0.3129922                        10
                                                    200 milliseconds + an aggregate of
        Channel Close Time           0.0            60 milliseconds over remaining 10
                                                              second period

                                  11ac 40MHz Mode
               Item           Measured Value(s)                  Limit(s)
        Channel Move Time         0.2754931                        10
                                                  200 milliseconds + an aggregate of
        Channel Close Time           0.00           60 milliseconds over remaining 10
                                                             second period

                                  11ac 80MHz Mode
               Item           Measured Value(s)                  Limit(s)
        Channel Move Time         0.2754931                        10
                                                  200 milliseconds + an aggregate of
        Channel Close Time           0.0            60 milliseconds over remaining 10
                                                             second period

                                  11ac 160MHz Mode
               Item           Measured Value(s)                  Limit(s)
        Channel Move Time         1.0469738                        10
                                                  200 milliseconds + an aggregate of
        Channel Close Time        0.0059999         60 milliseconds over remaining 10
                                                             second period

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                                                                              Report Version: R01


  During the 30 minutes observation time, UUT did not make any transmissions on a channel after a
  radar signal was detected on that channel by either the Channel Availability Check or the
  In-Service Monitoring.

                                         TX (11ac 20Mode)

                                       TX (11ac 40MHz Mode)

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                                  TX (11ac 80MHz Mode)

                              TX (11ac 160MHz Mode)

                                       End of Test Report

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                                                            Report Version: R01

Document Created: 2019-03-25 10:43:41
Document Modified: 2019-03-25 10:43:41

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