Test Report


Test Report

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                                      TEST REPORT

                                              FCC ID: RKRAX2900
                           Product: Wireless keyboard and mouse combo
                               Model No.: AX2900
                        Additional Model: KB5875W, KB5975W, KB5165W,
     BX9900, BX9930, BX9310, BX7800, BX7900, BX8200, BX9000, BX7000, AX250,
       AX2930, AX2920, AXA3300, AX3310, AX3380, AX8500, AX7900, AX6900,
                                Trade Mark: N/A
                                         Report No.: TCT150805E002
                                          Issued Date: Aug. 25, 2015

                                                      Issued for:

        A2 building, Lianhe Industrial Park, Fengtang Road,Fuyong Town, Baoan
                  district, Shenzhen city, Guangdong province,China

                                                      Issued By:

                                      Shenzhen Tongce Testing Lab.
          1F, Leinuo Watch Building, Fuyong Town, Baoan Dist, Shenzhen, China
                                            TEL: +86-755-27673339
                                            FAX: +86-755-27673332

Note: This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Shenzhen Tongce Testing Lab.
      This document may be altered or revised by Shenzhen Tongce Testing Lab. personnel only, and shall be noted in
      the revision section of the document. The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

   Hotline: 400-6611-140         Tel: 86-755-27673339         Fax: 86-755-27673332          http://www.tct-lab.com

                                                                                                      Report No.: TCT150805E002

                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. Test Certification....................................................................................... 3
2. Test Result Summary ............................................................................... 4
3. EUT Description ........................................................................................ 5
4. Genera Information................................................................................... 6
     4.1. Test Environment and Mode................................................................................. 6
     4.2. Description of Support Units................................................................................ 6
5. Facilities and Accreditations ................................................................... 7
     5.1. Facilities ................................................................................................................. 7
     5.2. Location ................................................................................................................. 7
     5.3. Measurement Uncertainty..................................................................................... 7
6. Test Results and Measurement Data ...................................................... 8
     6.1. Antenna Requirement ........................................................................................... 8
     6.2. Conducted Emission............................................................................................. 9
     6.3. Radiated Emission Measurement ...................................................................... 10
     6.4. 20dB Occupied Bandwidth ................................................................................. 18
Appendix A: Photographs of Test Setup
Appendix B: Photographs of EUT

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   Hotline: 400-6611-140           Tel: 86-755-27673339            Fax: 86-755-27673332             http://www.tct-lab.com

                                                                          Report No.: TCT150805E002

1. Test Certification
 Product:          Wireless keyboard and mouse combo
 Model No.:        AX2900
 Additional        KB5875W, KB5975W, KB5165W, BX9900, BX9930, BX9310,
 Model:            BX7800, BX7900, BX8200, BX9000, BX7000, AX250, AX2930,
                   AX2920, AXA3300, AX3310, AX3380, AX8500, AX7900, AX6900,
 Address:          A2 building, Lianhe Industrial Park, Fengtang Road,Fuyong Town,
                   Baoan district, Shenzhen city, Guangdong province,China.
 Address:          A2 building, Lianhe Industrial Park, Fengtang Road,Fuyong Town,
                   Baoan district, Shenzhen city, Guangdong province,China.
 Date of Test:     Aug. 01- Aug 20, 2015
                   FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.249

The above equipment has been tested by Shenzhen Tongce Testing Lab. and found
compliance with the requirements set forth in the technical standards mentioned above. The
results of testing in this report apply only to the product/system, which was tested. Other
similar equipment will not necessarily produce the same results due to production tolerance
and measurement uncertainties.

              Tested By:                                     Date:       Aug. 10, 2015


          Reviewed By:                                       Date:       Aug. 25, 2015

                                  Joe Zhou

          Approved By:                                       Date:       Aug. 25, 2015


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                                                                                           Report No.: TCT150805E002

2.       Test Result Summary

             Requirement                                   CFR 47 Section                       Result
        Antenna Requirement                                     §15.203                          PASS
     AC Power Line Conducted
                                                                §15.207                           N/A
            Field Strength of
                                                              §15.249 (a)                        PASS
         Spurious Emissions                         §15.249 (a) (d)/ §15.209                     PASS
               Band Edge                               §15.249 (d)/ §15.205                      PASS
     20dB Occupied Bandwidth                                  §15.215 (c)                        PASS
       1. Pass: Test item meets the requirement.

       2. Fail: Test item does not meet the requirement.

       3. N/A: Test case does not apply to the test object.

       4. The test result judgment is decided by the limit of test standard.

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     Hotline: 400-6611-140         Tel: 86-755-27673339            Fax: 86-755-27673332   http://www.tct-lab.com

                                                                                      Report No.: TCT150805E002

3. EUT Description
 Product Name:                    Wireless keyboard and mouse combo

 Model :                          AX2900
                                  KB5875W, KB5975W, KB5165W, BX9900, BX9930,
                                  BX9310, BX7800, BX7900, BX8200, BX9000, BX7000,
 Additional Model:
                                  AX250, AX2930, AX2920, AXA3300, AX3310, AX3380,
                                  AX8500, AX7900, AX6900, AX8000
 Trade Mark:                      N/A

 Operation Frequency:             2402-2480MHz

 Number of Channel:               16
 Modulation Technology: GFSK

 Antenna Type:                    PCB Antenna
 Antenna Gain:                    -2.0dBi
 Power Supply:                    DC 3.0V(AAA Battery * 2)
                                  All models above are identical in interior structure, electrical
 Remark:                          circuits and components, and just model names are
                                  different for the marketing requirement.
Operation Frequency Each of Channel
Channel Frequency Channel Frequency Channel Frequency Channel                                  Frequency
    1     2402 MHz    5     2422 MHz   9    2441 MHz    13                                     2463 MHz
    2     2407 MHz    6     2426 MHz  10    2445 MHz    14                                     2466 MHz
    3     2414 MHz    7     2436 MHz  11    2453 MHz    15                                     2473 MHz
    4     2419 MHz    8     2439 MHz  12    2459 MHz    16                                     2480 MHz

    In section 15.31(m), regards to the operating frequency range over 10 MHz, the Lowest frequency, the middle
    frequency, and the highest frequency of channel were selected to perform the test, and the selected channel see
    Channel                       Frequency
     The lowest channel           2402MHz
     The middle channel           2441MHz
    The Highest channel           2480MHz

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                                                                                          Report No.: TCT150805E002

4. Genera Information
4.1. Test Environment and Mode
  Operating Environment:
     Temperature:                               25.0 °C
     Humidity:                                  54 % RH
     Atmospheric Pressure:                      1010 mbar

  Test Mode:
                                                Keep the EUT in continuous transmitting by select
     Engineering mode:
  The sample was placed 1.5m above the ground plane of 3m chamber. Measurements
  in both horizontal and vertical polarities were performed. During the test, each
  emission was maximized by: having the EUT continuously working, investigated all
  operating modes, rotated about all 3 axis (X, Y & Z) and considered typical
  configuration to obtain worst position, manipulating interconnecting cables, rotating
  the turntable, varying antenna height from 1m to 4m in both horizontal and vertical
  polarizations. The emissions worst-case are shown in Test Results of the following

4.2. Description of Support Units
 The EUT has been tested as an independent unit together with other necessary
 accessories or support units. The following support units or accessories were used to
 form a representative test configuration during the tests.

  Equipment              Model No.               Serial No.               FCC ID               Trade Name

          /                    /                       /                      /                        /
     1. All the equipment/cables were placed in the worst-case configuration to maximize the emission during the test.
     2. Grounding was established in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements and conditions for the intended

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  Hotline: 400-6611-140       Tel: 86-755-27673339         Fax: 86-755-27673332         http://www.tct-lab.com

                                                                         Report No.: TCT150805E002

5. Facilities and Accreditations
5.1. Facilities
  The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:
  ● FCC - Registration No.: 572331
    Shenzhen Tongce Testing Lab
    The 3m Semi-anechoic chamber has been registered and fully described in a report
    with the (FCC) Federal Communications Commission. The acceptance letter from the
    FCC is maintained in our files.
  ● IC - Registration No.: 10668A-1
    The 3m Semi-anechoic chamber of Shenzhen TCT Testing Technology Co., Ltd. has
    been registered by Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada for radio
    equipment testing
  ● CNAS - Registration No.: CNAS L6165
    Shenzhen TCT Testing Technology Co., Ltd. is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005
    General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration laboratories for
    the competence of testing. The Registration No. is CNAS L6165.
5.2. Location
   Shenzhen Tongce Testing Lab
   Address: 1F, Leinuo Watch Building, Fuyong Town, Baoan Dist, Shenzhen, China
   Tel: 86-755-36638142
5.3. Measurement Uncertainty
  The reported uncertainty of measurement y ± U, where expended uncertainty U is based
  on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor of k=2, providing a level of
  confidence of approximately 95 %.
  No.     Item                                                               MU
  1       Conducted Emission                                                 ±2.56dB
  2       RF power, conducted                                                ±0.12dB
  3       Spurious emissions, conducted                                      ±0.11dB
  4       All emissions, radiated(<1GHz)                                     ±3.92dB
  5       All emissions, radiated(>1GHz)                                     ±4.28dB
  6       Temperature                                                        ±0.1°C
  7       Humidity                                                           ±1.0%

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT150805E002

6. Test Results and Measurement Data
6.1. Antenna Requirement

 Standard requirement:            FCC Part15 C Section 15.203 /247(c)
 15.203 requirement:
 An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
 furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a
 permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the
 intentional radiator, the manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna
 can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical
 connector is prohibited.
 15.247(c) (1)(i) requirement:
 (i) Systems operating in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band that is used exclusively for fixed.
 Point-to-point operations may employ transmitting antennas with directional gain
 greater than 6dBi provided the maximum conducted output power of the intentional
 radiator is reduced by 1 dB for every 3 dB that the directional gain of the antenna
 exceeds 6dBi.
 E.U.T Antenna:
 The EUT antenna is an internal PCB antenna which permanently attached, and the
 best case gain of the antenna is -2.0dBi.


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                                                                         Report No.: TCT150805E002

6.2. Conducted Emission
6.2.1. Test Specification

  Test Requirement:               FCC Part15 C Section 15.207
  Test Method:                    ANSI C63.4:2014
  Frequency Range:                150 kHz to 30 MHz
  Receiver setup:                 RBW=9 kHz, VBW=30 kHz, Sweep time=auto

                                     Frequency range                Limit (dBuV)
                                          (MHz)             Quasi-peak        Average
  Limits:                                0.15-0.5            66 to 56*        56 to 46*
                                           0.5-5                56               46
                                           5-30                 60               50

  Test Setup:

  Test Mode:                      Transmitting mode with modulation
                                  1. The E.U.T and simulators are connected to the main
                                     power through a line impedance stabilization network
                                     (L.I.S.N.). This provides a 50ohm/50uH coupling
                                     impedance for the measuring equipment.
                                  2. The peripheral devices are also connected to the main
                                     power through a LISN that provides a 50ohm/50uH
                                     coupling impedance with 50ohm termination. (Please
  Test Procedure:
                                     refer to the block diagram of the test setup and
                                  3. Both sides of A.C. line are checked for maximum
                                     conducted interference. In order to find the maximum
                                     emission, the relative positions of equipment and all of
                                     the interface cables must be changed according to
                                     ANSI C63.4: 2009 on conducted measurement.
                                  The EUT is supplied by 3.0V from AAA battery, so
  Test Result:
                                  Conducted Emission is not applicable.

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                                                                            Report No.: TCT150805E002

6.3. Radiated Emission Measurement
6.3.1. Test Specification

  Test Requirement:               FCC Part15 C Section 15.209
  Test Method:                    ANSI C63.4: 2014 and ANSI C63.10:2013
  Frequency Range:                9 kHz to 25 GHz
  Measurement Distance:           3m
  Antenna Polarization:           Horizontal & Vertical
                                     Frequency   Detector      RBW      VBW           Remark
                                   9kHz- 150kHz Quasi-peak    200Hz      1kHz     Quasi-peak Value
                                      150kHz-   Quasi-peak     9kHz     30kHz     Quasi-peak Value
  Receiver Setup:                      30MHz
                                   30MHz-1GHz Quasi-peak      120kHz   300kHz     Quasi-peak Value
                                                  Peak         1MHz     3MHz        Peak Value
                                    Above 1GHz
                                                  Peak         1MHz     10Hz       Average Value

                                         Frequency           Limit (dBuV/m @3m)       Remark
  Limit(Field strength of the
                                                                      94.00        Average Value
  fundamental signal):               2400MHz-2483.5MHz
                                                                     114.00         Peak Value

                                           Frequency         Limit (dBuV/m @3m)       Remark
                                          0.009-0.490            2400/F(KHz)      Quasi-peak Value
                                          0.490-1.705           24000/F(KHz)      Quasi-peak Value
                                            1.705-30                   30         Quasi-peak Value
                                         30MHz-88MHz                  40.0        Quasi-peak Value
  Limit(Spurious Emissions):
                                        88MHz-216MHz                  43.5        Quasi-peak Value
                                       216MHz-960MHz                  46.0        Quasi-peak Value
                                         960MHz-1GHz                  54.0        Quasi-peak Value
                                                                      54.0         Average Value
                                         Above 1GHz
                                                                      74.0          Peak Value
                                  Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency
                                  bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated by at
  Limit (band edge) :             least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the
                                  general radiated emission limits in Section 15.209,
                                  whichever is the lesser attenuation.
                                  1. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8
                                      meters above the ground at a 3 meter camber in
                                      below 1GHz, 1.5m above the ground in above
                                      1GHz. The table was rotated 360 degrees to
                                      determine the position of the highest radiation.
                                  2. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the
  Test Procedure:                     interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted
                                      on the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
                                  3. The antenna height is varied from one meter to four
                                      meters above the ground to determine the maximum
                                      value of the field strength. Both horizontal and
                                      vertical polarizations of the antenna are set to make
                                      the measurement.

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                                                                       Report No.: TCT150805E002

                                4. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged
                                    to its worst case and then the antenna was tuned to
                                    heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the rotatable
                                    table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to
                                    find the maximum reading.
                                5. The test-receiver system was set to Peak Detect
                                    Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum
                                    Hold Mode.
                                6. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was
                                   10dB lower than the limit specified, then testing could
                                   be stopped and the peak values of the EUT would be
                                   reported. Otherwise the emissions that did not have
                                   10dB margin would be re-tested one by one using
                                   peak, quasi-peak or average method as specified and
                                   then reported in a data sheet.
                                For radiated emissions below 30MHz

                                30MHz to 1GHz
Test setup:

                                Above 1GHz

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                                                                                            Report No.: TCT150805E002

  Test results:                              PASS

6.3.2. Test Instruments

  ESPI Test Receiver                                        ESVD               100008            Sept.16 , 2015
  Spectrum Analyzer                                         FSEM            848597/001           Sept.16 , 2015
  Spectrum Analyzer                      Agilent          N9020A           MY49100060            Oct. 21, 2015
                                EM Electronics
      Pre-amplifier              Corporation             EM30265             07032613            Sept.16 , 2015
      Pre-amplifier                       HP               8447D           2727A05017            Sept.16 , 2015
      Loop antenna                   ZHINAN              ZN30900A               12024            Dec.14 , 2015
  Broadband Antenna              Schwarzbeck             VULB9163                 340            Sept.16 , 2015
      Horn Antenna               Schwarzbeck           BBHA 9120D                 631            Sept.16 , 2015
      Horn Antenna               Schwarzbeck            BBHA 9170                 373            Sept.16 , 2015
       Coax cable                         TCT            RE-low-01                N/A            Sept.15 , 2015
       Coax cable                         TCT           RE-high-02                N/A            Sept.15 , 2015
       Coax cable                         TCT            RE-low-03                N/A            Sept.15 , 2015
       Coax cable                         TCT           RE-high-04                N/A            Sept.15 , 2015
      Antenna Mast                        CCS             CC-A-4M                 N/A                   N/A
   EMI Test Software                                      EZ-EMC                  N/A                   N/A
Note: The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable to
       international system unit (SI).

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                                                                                           Report No.: TCT150805E002

6.3.3. Test Data
 Field Strength of Fundamental

       Frequency             Emission PK/AV             Horizontal         Limits PK/AV             Margin
         (MHz)                 (dBuV/m)                  /Vertical           (dBuV/m)                (dB)
           2402                  82.36(PK)                    H                114/94                -11.64
           2441                  85.28(PK)                    V                114/94                 -8.72
           2480                  86.37(PK)                    V                114/94                 -7.63

 Spurious Emissions
 Frequency Range (9 kHz-30MHz)
    Frequency (MHz)                       Level@3m (dBμV/m)                      Limit@3m (dBμV/m)
              --                                  --                                      --
              --                                  --                                      --
              --                                  --                                      --
              --                                  --                                      --
 Note: 1. Emission Level=Reading+ Cable loss-Antenna factor-Amp factor
       2. The emission levels are 20 dB below the limit value, which are not reported. It is deemed to comply with the

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT150805E002

                                Frequency Range (30MHz-1GHz)

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                                                                                       Report No.: TCT150805E002


   Note: Measurements were conducted in all channels (high, middle, low), and the worst case (High channel) was
            submitted only.

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                                                                                       Report No.: TCT150805E002

                                                Above 1GHz
                                           Low channel: 2402 MHz
                      Peak           AV     Correction   Emission Level
 Frequency Ant. Pol. reading       reading   Factor                     Peak limit AV limit Margin
   (MHz)     H/V                                         Peak      AV
                     (dBµV)        (dBuV)    (dB/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)       (dB)
  2378.69     H       50.38          ---      -7.83     42.55      ---   74.00      54.00   -11.45
  2378.69     H        ---          40.56     -7.83       ---     32.73  74.00      54.00   -21.27
    4804      H       45.68          ---      0.66      46.34      ---   74.00      54.00    -7.66
    7206      H       40.39          ---       9.5      49.89      ---   74.00      54.00    -4.11
     ---      ---      ---           ---        ---       ---      ---     ---       ---       ---

  2487.37       V        48.75       ---       -7.83      40.92        ---       74.00      54.00       -13.08
  2487.37       V         ---       37.96      -7.83       ---        30.13      74.00      54.00       -23.87
   4960         V        47.35       ---        0.66      44.84        ---       74.00      54.00        -9.16
   7440         H        40.22       ---         9.5      47.92        ---       74.00      54.00        -6.08
    ---         ---       ---        ---         ---       ---         ---        ---        ---           ---

                                          Middle channel: 2441MHz
                      Peak           AV    Correction    Emission Level
 Frequency Ant. Pol.                                                    Peak limit AV limit             Margin
                     reading       reading   Factor      Peak      AV
   (MHz)     H/V                                                        (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)                (dB)
                     (dBµV)        (dBµV)    (dB/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)
    4882      H       49.38          ---      0.66      50.04       ---   74.00     54.00                -3.96
    7323      H       40.25          ---       9.5      49.75       ---   74.00     54.00                -4.25
     ---      ---      ---           ---        ---        ---      ---    ---       ---                   ---
     ---      ---      ---           ---        ---        ---      ---    ---       ---                   ---
     ---      ---      ---           ---        ---        ---      ---    ---       ---                   ---

   4882         V        45.48       ---       0.99        46.47       ---       74.00      54.00        -7.53
   7323         V        40.14       ---       9.87        50.01       ---       74.00      54.00        -3.99
    ---         ---       ---        ---        ---         ---         ---       ---        ---           ---
    ---         ---       ---        ---        ---         ---         ---       ---        ---           ---
    ---         ---       ---        ---        ---         ---        ----       ---        ---           ---

                                          High channel: 2480 MHz
                      Peak          AV     Correction    Emission Level Peak
 Frequency Ant. Pol. reading      reading    Factor                      limit  AV limit                Margin
   (MHz)     H/V                                        Peak       AV          (dBµV/m)                  (dB)
                     (dBµV)       (dBµV)     (dB/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)
  2488.89     H       49.86         ---       -7.83     42.03       --- 74.00    54.00                  -11.97
  2488.89     H        ---         39.51      -7.83       ---     31.68 74.00    54.00                  -22.32
    4960      H       44.69         ---       0.66      45.35       --- 74.00    54.00                   -8.65
    7440      H       41.25         ---        9.5      50.75       --- 74.00    54.00                   -3.25
     ---      ---      ---          ---         ---       ---       ---    ---    ---                      ---

  2488.89       V        48.39       ---       -7.83      40.56        ---       74.00      54.00       -13.44
  2488.89       V         ---       37.29      -7.83       ---        29.46      74.00      54.00       -24.54
   4960         V        45.58       ---        0.66      44.84        ---       74.00      54.00        -9.16
   7440         H        40.02       ---        9.5       47.92        ---       74.00      54.00        -6.08
    ---         ---       ---        ---         ---       ---         ---        ---        ---           ---
 1. Emission Level=Peak Reading + Correction Factor; Correction Factor= Antenna Factor + Cable loss – Pre-amplifier
 2. Margin (dB) = Emission Level (Peak) (dBµV/m)-Average limit (dBµV/m)
 3. The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.
 4. Measurements were conducted from 1 GHz to the 10th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency.
 5. Data of measurement shown “---“in the above table mean that the reading of emissions is attenuated more than 20
  dB below the limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.

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                                                                                           Report No.: TCT150805E002

Band Edge Requirement
Low channel: 2402 MHz
                     Peak            AV    Correction Emission Level
Frequency Ant. Pol. reading        reading  Factor                   Peak limit AV limit Margin
  (MHz)      H/V                                      Peak      AV
                    (dBµV)         (dBuV)   (dB/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)    (dB)
   2400       H      53.78           ---     -8.23    45.55     ---    74.00      ---    -28.45
   2400       H       ---           42.69    -8.23     ---     34.46    ---      54.00   -19.54
    ---       ---     ---            ---       ---     ---      ---     ---       ---      ---

     2400       V        54.35       ---       -8.23       46.12       ---        74.00       ---       -27.88
     2400       V         ---       44.36      -8.23        ---       36.13        ---       54.00      -17.87
      ---       ---       ---        ---         ---        ---        ---         ---        ---         ---

Low channel: 2480MHz
                     Peak             AV   Correction Emission Level
Frequency Ant. Pol. reading        reading  Factor                   Peak limit AV limit Margin
  (MHz)      H/V                                      Peak      AV
                    (dBµV)         (dBuV)   (dB/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)    (dB)
  2483.5      H      48.69            ---    -7.83    40.86     ---    74.00      ---    -33.14
  2483.5      H       ---           39.97    -7.83     ---     32.14    ---      54.00   -21.86
    ---       ---     ---             ---      ---     ---      ---     ---       ---
 2483.5         V        49.84        ---    -7.83    42.01     ---    74.00      ---    -31.99
 2483.5          V        ---        38.8    -7.83     ---     30.97    ---      54.00   -23.03
   ---          ---       ---         ---      ---     ---      ---     ---       ---      ---
1.   Emission Level=Peak Reading + Correction Factor; Correction Factor= Antenna Factor + Cable loss – Pre-amplifier
2.   Margin (dB) = Emission Level (Peak) (dBµV/m)-Average limit (dBµV/m)
3.   The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.
4.   Measurements were conducted from 1 GHz to the 10th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency.
5.   Data of measurement shown “---“in the above table mean that the reading of emissions is attenuated more than 20 dB
     below the limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.

                                                                                                      Page 17 of 20

     Hotline: 400-6611-140       Tel: 86-755-27673339       Fax: 86-755-27673332          http://www.tct-lab.com

                                                                                            Report No.: TCT150805E002

6.4. 20dB Occupied Bandwidth
6.4.1. Test Specification

  Test Requirement:                        FCC Part15 C Section 15.215(c)
  Test Method:                             ANSI C63.10: 2013
  Limit:                                   N/A
                                           1. According to the follow Test-setup, keep the relative
                                              position between the artificial antenna and the EUT.
                                           2. Set to the maximum power setting and enable the
                                              EUT transmit continuously.
                                           3. Use the following spectrum analyzer settings for
                                              20dB Bandwidth measurement.
                                              Span = approximately 2 to 3 times the 20 dB
                                              centered on a hopping channel; RBW≥1% of the 20
                                              dB bandwidth;
                                              VBW≥RBW; Sweep = auto; Detector function =
                                              peak; Trace = max hold.
                                           4. Measure and record the results in the test report.

  Test setup:

  Test Mode:                               Transmitting mode with modulation
  Test results:                            PASS

6.4.2. Test Instruments

                                                 RF Test Room
       Equipment                Manufacturer            Model          Serial Number Calibration Due
   Spectrum Analyzer                   R&S                FSU               200054              Sep. 15, 2015
 Note: The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable to
         international system unit (SI).

                                                                                                        Page 18 of 20

  Hotline: 400-6611-140         Tel: 86-755-27673339        Fax: 86-755-27673332          http://www.tct-lab.com

                                                                          Report No.: TCT150805E002

6.4.3. Test data
                               20dB Occupy
      Test Channel                                           Limit             Conclusion
                              Bandwidth (kHz)
          Lowest                  2356                        ---                 PASS
          Middle                    2348                      ---                 PASS
          Highest                   2260                      ---                 PASS

  Test plots as follows:

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  Hotline: 400-6611-140    Tel: 86-755-27673339   Fax: 86-755-27673332   http://www.tct-lab.com

                                                                                                                                Report No.: TCT150805E002

                                                           Lowest channel
                                                                                * RBW 100 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                * VBW 300 kHz              87.72 dBµV
                               Ref   107 dBµV            Att       25 dB         SWT 2.5 ms           2.401383013 GHz

                                                                                                 ndB [T1]   20.00 dB
                                                                                                 BW   2.355769231 MHz
                                                                                                 Temp 1 [T1 ndB]          A
                                                                                                           67.47 dBµV
                        1 PK                                   1                                      2.400806090 GHz
                                                                                                 Temp 2 [T1 ndB]
                                                                                                           67.05 dBµV
                               80                                                                     2.403161859 GHz

                               70                   T1                                          T2


                               50                                                                                        3DB





                               Center   2.402 GHz                          500 kHz/                       Span   5 MHz

                        Date: 10.AUG.2015    19:34:23

                                                           Middle channel
                                                                                * RBW 100 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                * VBW 300 kHz              88.25 dBµV
                               Ref   107 dBµV            Att       25 dB         SWT 2.5 ms           2.440358974 GHz

                                                                                                 ndB [T1]   20.00 dB
                                                                                                 BW   2.347756410 MHz
                                                                                                 Temp 1 [T1 ndB]          A
                                                                                                           68.43 dBµV
                        1 PK                                   1                                      2.439830128 GHz
                                                                                                 Temp 2 [T1 ndB]
                                                                                                           69.38 dBµV
                               80                                                                     2.442177885 GHz

                                                    T1                                           T2


                               50                                                                                        3DB





                               Center   2.441 GHz                          500 kHz/                       Span   5 MHz

                        Date: 10.AUG.2015    19:35:45

                                                          Highest channel
                                                                                * RBW 100 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                * VBW 300 kHz              92.01 dBµV
                               Ref   107 dBµV            Att       25 dB         SWT 2.5 ms           2.479334936 GHz

                                                                                                 ndB [T1]   20.00 dB
                                                                                                 BW   2.259615385 MHz
                                                                                                 Temp 1 [T1 ndB]          A
                                                               1                                           72.69 dBµV
                        1 PK                                                                          2.478846154 GHz
                                                                                                 Temp 2 [T1 ndB]
                                                                                                           71.31 dBµV
                               80                                                                     2.481105769 GHz


                               50                                                                                        3DB





                               Center   2.48 GHz                           500 kHz/                       Span   5 MHz

                        Date: 10.AUG.2015    19:38:18

                                     *****END OF REPORT*****
                                                                                                                                           Page 20 of 20

Hotline: 400-6611-140      Tel: 86-755-27673339                                       Fax: 86-755-27673332                     http://www.tct-lab.com

Document Created: 2015-08-31 17:20:37
Document Modified: 2015-08-31 17:20:37

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