user manual_Rev1


Users Manual

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                               H9 Telit PC Manager User Guide

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Data LiNkK........c.cccclk}.
          Establishing a data link
          Disconnect a data link .....
Profiles (Dialup Configuration).
          Add a dialup Configuration
          DeRUIL: smmmmmmmmmmmnsesemeee
          Modify a dialup configuration..
          Delete a dialup configuration .
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BMS 011 ss se vevevressrescees
          Read New SMS.
          Edit and send SMS
          Reply SMS......
          Forward SMS.
          Re—send SMS..
          Delete / Delete All....
          Add a new contact....
          Modify a contact ................
          Send a message to contact..
          D@I@LQ ...cceeeemmmememmmennnennes
OPHIONS : ssssessrrseeeesrrnssrreers e remmenesnssssssener es« 11
          Auto Launch on Startup..                                                              s 42
          Auto Minimized ..........                                                               12
          Link Auto Reactivation ...                                                            w12
          Prompt Before Exit .....                                                              «l2
          USIM Card Preferred ..                                                                  12
          Local Preferred.....                                                                    13
          Options for SMS ..                                                                      13
               1. Change the number of SMS service center..                                       13
              2. Change SMS Routing..................                                             13
              3. Validity period of sending SMS ..                                                13
          NetWOTK OPHON® m smummmmmmmmzmme                                                        14
                1. Choose the Frequency Band.                                                      14
                2. Select the Network..                                                            15
          Security Options.................                                                       15
               1. Enable / Disable PIN1                                                           15
              2. Change PIN1
              3. Unlock PIN1
          Sound Options.............                                                              16
              Notifying sound for SMS...                                                          16
          Flow Warning....                                                                        16
             1. Display ..                                                                         16
             2. Flow Warning...
          USSD ......
          Version ...

HEIP TOPICS ........2020202ssssse2esesssrssssesesssesrssssesesesesesrssesesereresseessererererees 18
SAfEtY IMUICATION ........0.020220202020erere2e2eeeerererererererrererererererereererererereees 18
FQA & AMNSWETS ....02022020202020eeeeeeeeeerereev e es es reerereeeseeer es es se eeererererenees 19
          Why the PC Manager always displays "Can not find port..."                                              «19
          Why the PC Manager displays "No USIM Card".                                                                              19
          Why the PC Manager displays "No Service"........                                                       «. 19
          Failed to send a SMS .........                                                                         ...20
          Failed to connect internet...                                                                          ...20
ADDENOIX .s10::m3ssmmereersesssssceceers                                                       weal
          Light IGiCAtiONS Of G@HA CBMQ . . .ce0 e 0e e                                      er enre er vern en rn e n rne rn en re ne nr cner 21

The main window

     Here‘s the main window of data card‘s PC Manager:


                                                                More Profiles

     Iaull           |                               on im | O coonco        | 4 okbps   | & Okbpr

  Main menu includes below items: Home, Internet, SMS, Contacts, Options, Help. Make proper
configuration to functions and the data card.

  Click the button              can access to the web

Data Link

     You can establish a dialup data link over GSM/WCDMA via the data card.
     The dialup data link requires the coverage of GSM, GPRS, EDGE or WCDMA. In each of


the link, the data card will be connected to a specific phone number.

     Establishing a data link

     1) Select More Profiles,

      Profile                                                                                          3)
          Current Default Profile:

          l                                                                               New
                                                                                      Set As Default






     2) Choose a profile in the list, and then click on "Set As Default",

     3) Click on the button "Connect", to establish a data link.

     Disconnect a data link

     To disconnect, Click on the button "Disconnect".

Profiles (Dialup Configuration)

     Add a dialup Configuration

     1) Select More Profiles;

     2) Select "New", enter the Profile Name and choose a Network in the popup window; setup
for the dialup in the advanced options; click on "Finish"to save and close the window;

     Each profile depends on the setup settings of the carriers.   If the settings of CSD, DNS, PPP
and TCP/IP are needed, click on "Advanced Settings" and make proper selections. After

completing, click on "OK" to save and close the window. Refer to Windows® network properties

for these settings.


     1) Select More Profiles;

     2) Choose a profile in the list, and then click on "Set As Default".

     Modify a dialup configuration

     1) Select More Profiles;
     2) Choose a profile in the list, and then click on "View/Modify";

     3) Make proper modifications;

     4) Click on "Finish" to save and close the window.

     Delete a dialup configuration

     1) Select More Profiles;

     2) Choose a profile in the list, and then click on "Delete";

     3) In the confirmation box, click on "OK" to proceed.


     1) Select More Profiles;
     2) Click on "Restore" for initial settings.

Internet (Data Flow)

      To view the data card‘s data flow statistics in real time or of current or last month, select

                                                          A                             tho e Mn o Mcl   ce3
                                                          Options          Help

                         Usage—This honth   | Usege—Previous Month     1

                      State:                        No Data Link

                      Sent         0 kB                             Received:       U kB
                      Duration:    00:00:00                         Data Rate:      0.0 khit‘s

                      Signal; 0%                                    Flow Rate: 0%

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      SMS, or Short Messaging Service, is a value—added service provided by carriers, which
allows you send and receive short messages. It requires subscription, so contact your service
provider to make sure you are authorized to use SMS.
      If you are a subscriber, any other people can send short messages through any ways
supported by yourservice provider.
      When you‘re offline, the short messages are stored temporarily on the network. And once you
are connected, they will be sent to your USIM card and you will be notified by PC Manager of
new messages. If the capacity of SMS is full, you will not be able to receive any new messages
unless you remove some of the old messages. When new messages coming as the window is
minimized, a message box on the system bar will remind you there are new incoming messages.

      In the SMS window, you may:
      *   Read,
      *   Edit and send,

*       View the sent,

*       Reply or forward,
*       Delete SMS.

Read New SMS

1) Select "SMS" to open the "Inbox";

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      New        Reply                   Deleto           DelstesAil

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2) Click an unread SMS (&) to view.

+ ( — SMS stored in Local; & — SMS stored in the USIM card.
* Click on "From" or "To" to sort the list by name or phone number; or click on "Time" to
       sort list by receiving or sending time.
* On the upperright corner shows the total capacity (of both Local and the USIM card) and
    the used amount. The total capacity varies with different USIM cards.

Edit and send SMS

1) Select "SMS"to open the "Inbox"", "Outbox" or "Draft"";
2) Click on "New";

3) Edit your short message and enter the phone number, click on "Send".

    SNS —— Send Message                                                             |


           ‘                             v         << Add temp numbers


   Ready                                                                  0/160/1

In the SMS editing window,

* Select "Add temp numbers" after enter to the number. This phone number will be added
into the dropdown list.
* Select the dropdown list to open the phone book and choose a contact.
* Click on "Save" to store the message in the Draft.
* Click on "Clear" to blank all the editing.

* Click on "Cancel" to revoke and close the window.

Reply SMS

1) Select "SMS"to open the "Inbox"
2) Choose the message and click on "Reply"

3) Edit your short message, and then click on "Send".

Forward SMS

1) Select "SMS"to open the "Inbox" or "Outbox";


  2) Choose the message and click on "Forward";

  3) Enter the forwarded phone number or select one from the dropdown list, and then click on

  Re—send SMS

  1) Select "SMS" to open the "Outbox";
  2) Select the message, and then click on "Retry".

  Delete / Delete All

  1) Select "SMS"to open the "Inbox", "Outbox"or "Draft";

  2) Choose the message(s) and click on "Delete"; Or click on "Delete All" to remove all your
  3) In the confirmation box, click on "OK" to proceed.


   Select "Contacts". There are two tabs — Local and USIM.

   H9 Telit

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‘Local Emem                                                                     Capacity:   0 Used: D
   Index      \ Name                               \ Phone Humber                       |               |

 en|            |                             ® m     | O coosco     | # Orps          | # okbps

* Click on Name or Phone Number to sort either by name or by phone number.
* On the upper right corner shows the total capacity and the used amount. For the USIM tab,
    the total capacity varies with different USIM cards.

Add a new contact

1) Select "Contacts";

2) Click on "New";

3) Enter the name and phone number;
4) Click on "OK" to save.

Modify a contact

1) Select "Contacts";

2) Choose the contact in the list and click on "Modify", or double—click the entry;

3) Edit the name and phone number;
4) Click on "OK" to save.


  Send a message to contact

  1) Select "Contacts";
  2) Choose the contact and click on "SMS";

  3) Edit your short message, and then click on "Send".


  1) Select "Contacts";
  2) Choose the contact and click on "Delete"to remove your contact;
  3) In the confirmation box, click on "OK" to proceed.


  In "Options", you can set all the necessary features or configure the data card.


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        Home             Internet                Cantacts       Options         Help                            4

      [dbelLelialig)   ~SVS—|—Network—|—Security—| —Sound —| —Flow Warning—| —USSD—| —Yersion—|

            [_]Auto Launch on Startup                               [¥]Link Auto Reactivation

            [_]Auto Minimized                                       [¥]Prompt Before Exit

          Preference —

                  USIM Card Preferred

              ®) Local Preferred

    »sall                 |                                 ® im | © caooc0                 | # Okbp     | 4 akbps


        Auto Launch on Startup

        If selected, PC Manager will come up and running after Windows startup. Otherwise, you

have to do it manually (either by clicking on a shortcut on the desktop or from "Start" menu).

        1) In the main window, select "Options>General";

        2) Select the checkbox "Auto Launch on Startup".

        Auto Minimized

        If selected, PC Manager will be minimized. You can check the current status on the system
        1) In the main window, select "Options>General";

        2) Select the checkbox "Auto Minimized".

        Link Auto Reactivation

        If selected, PC Manager will try to reactive the internet link disconnected by Out Of Service
 when the service recovers.

        1) In the main window, select "Options——»General";

        2) Select the checkbox "Link Auto Reactivation".

        Prompt Before Exit

        If selected, PC Manager will prompt a message window before exit.

        Note: Closing the PC Manager will cause the data card to power off, this may need some
 seconds usually.
        1) In the main window, select "Options——»General";
        2) Select the checkbox "Prompt Before Exit".

        USIM Card Preferred

        If selected, short messages will be saved into the USIM card first.

        1) In the main window, select "Options>General";

        2) Select the radio button "USIM Card Preferred".


   Local Preferred

   If selected, short messages will be saved into the local storage first.

    1) In the main window, select "Options>General";

   2) Select the radio button "Local Preferred".

   Options for SMS

   You may:

   *     Change the SMSC number
   *     Change the default routing
   *     Change the valid time of sending SMS

       1. Change the number of SMS service center

   When a short message is sent, it will be kept in the SMSC until it reaches the receiver. This

number is the SMSC that your messages go to, and it can be obtained from the USIM card.

   Change the number only under your service provider‘s suggestion.
    1) In the main window, select "Options>SMS";
   2) Change the number of"Service Center" per requirement;

   3) Click on "Apply" to save.

       2. Change SMS Routing

       SMS Routing is the preferred domain to send SMS. It will be either "CS preferred"
(default) or "PS preferred":

    1) In the main window, select "Options>SMS";

   2) Select "CS preferred" or "PS preferred" in the dropdown list of "Routing" per

       3. Validity period of sending SMS

   It is the length of time that your messages will be stored for on the network waiting to be sent.

If the receiver cannot receive SMS for disconnection or any other reasons (e.g., the capacity of

SMS is full), your message will be saved on the network for the time you specified here. If the
valid time has past, the messages won‘t be sent.


     1) In the main window, select "Options>SMS";

    2) Select the time unit in "Unit" dropdown list, and time value in "Value".

                           Unit                                              Value
                           Hours                                   1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours

                           Days                                   1 day, 2 days, 4 days, 6 days

                           Weeks                               1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks


     Network Options

     Depending on the region, you may be covered by several networks at the same time. By
default, the data card will choose an available network by your account. You may also choose the

network from the list in PC Manager while your options are up to your account.

       1. Choose the Frequency Band

    By default, the data card will pick a Frequency Band automatically, unless the carrier has a
    special instruction.
     1) In the main window, select "Options>Network";

    2) Select one in "Frequency Band" dropdown list.

    Details of each frequency band (FB):

          Item                                                   Description
          Auto                     Auto choose the network and bands
          2G 850/1900              The data card is only for 2G (GPRS/EDGE) with GSM850 and
                                    GSM1900 bands (mostly in North America)
          2G 1900                  The data card is only for 2G (GPRS/EDGE) with GSM1900 band
                                   (mostly in North America)
          2G 900/1800              The data card is only for 2G (GPRS/EDGE) with GSM900 and
                                   GSM1900 bands (mostly outside North America)
          2G 850                   The data card is only for 2G (GPRS/EDGE) with GSM850 band
                                   (mostly in North America)
          2G 900                   The data card is only for 2G (GPRS/EDGE) with GSM900 band
                                   (mostly in Europe and Asia)
          All GSM                  The data card is only for 2G (GPRS/EDGE) with all bands
          3G 2100                  The data card is only for 3G (WCDMA/HSDPA) with
                                   WCDMA2100 band (mostly in Europe, Asia and Australia)
          3G 2100                  The data card is only for WCDMA2100, GSM900 and GSM1800
          2G 900/1800              bands (mostly outside North America)
          3G 850/1900              The data card is only for WCDMA850, WCDMA1900, GSM850
          2G 850/1900              bands and GSM1900 (mostly in North America)
          3G 850/1900              The data card is only for 3G (WCDMA/HSDPA) with
                                   WCDMA850 and WCDMA1900 bands (mostly in North America)


            2. Select the Network

        1) In the main window, select "Options>Network";

        2) Select "Automatic® or "Manual" in "Network Selection";

              *      Automatic—the data card will choose a proper network;

              *      Manual —users will pick the network in PC Manager.

        Security Options

        USIM card is a microchip containing important information which will be used by the

network to identify you ID for available services.

        There are two PINs in the card:
        *     PIN1 is to enable/disable the security function of USIM card, preventing unauthorized
              use of your accountif the USIM card is lost or stolen.
        *     PIN2 is to enable/disable Fixed Dialing Numbers, restricting outbound calls with limited
              phone numbers.
        You have limited times (usually 3) of entering PIN1 or PIN2. If you have incorrect inputs for

 more than the limited times, the PIN will be locked up.

            1. Enable / Disable PIN1

        PIN1 is to prevent unauthorized users from using your USIM card. Once your USIM card has
been protected by activated PIN1, a correct PIN1 must be entered before using the USIM card in a
data card or other devices (such as a mobile phone).

        Contact your carrier for PIN1 before you enable this feature.

        Once the USIM card activated, PIN1 is required whenever you insert or restart your data

        1) In the main window, select "Options>Security";
        2) If PIN1 is now disabled, click on "Enable" and enter the PIN1; Or if PIN1 is already

                  enabled, click on "Disable" and enter the PIN1 to disable the feature.

            2. Change PIN1

        1) In the main window, select "Options>Security";
        2) If PIN1 is now disabled, enable it;

        3) Click on "Change";

        4) Enter the old PIN1;


     5) Enter the new PIN1;

     6) Retype the new PIN1 to confirm;
     7) Click on "OK" to save.

        3. Unlock PIN1

     1) Obtain the PUK1 code from your carrier;

     2) Enter the PUK1 and click on "OK";

     3) Enter the new PIN1;

     4) Retype the new PIN1 to confirm;
     5) Confirm the change

     Sound Options

     In "Options", the "Sound" page contains the settings of notifying sound for SMS. And you
can also preview your sound after settings.

       Notifying sound for SMS

     Pick your favorite music as notifying sound for incoming messages, only the way format is

     1) In the main window, select "Options>Sound";
     2) Choose one in the "Message Ring", or click on "Select from" to locate a music file in your
PC as your notifying sound.

     Flow Warning

     In "Options", "Flow Warning" contains settings of displaying contents and mode of flow
statistics and setting ofthreshold for alert.

        1. Display

     The display of statistics on flow can be set by data or by time:

     1) In the main window, select "Options>Flow Warning"";

     2) Select the checkbox "Warn when a limit is approaching" to activate;


     3) To display by data, select "Data Limits (MB)" and enter the value of data range; or to

     display by time, select "Time Limits (Hours)" and enter the value of time range;
     4) In the dropdown list "Beginning day of month to calculate flow", choose the starting date
     of the statistics;
     5) Click on "Apply" to save.

     * To clear all the records of flow statistics, click on "Delete History" and confirm to proceed.

       2. Flow Warning

     When the data flow or network connection time has reached into some pre—set range, a
notifying message will be popped up to alert.

     1) In the main window, select "Options>Flow Warning"";

     2) In the dropdown list "First warning point (%)", select one for the first—time notification;

     3) In the dropdown list "Second warning point (%):, select one for the second—time
     4) Click on "Apply" to save.


     To view USSD, select " Options > USSD " in the main window.

     Your USIM card may contain the USSD function.
     1) In the main window, select" Options > USSD ";
     2) Input the USSD command. For details, please check with your service provider;

     3) Click on "Send" to send the USSD command then the USSD message will be displayed.


     To view versions, select Options > Version in the main window.


Help Topics

     Through Help Topics, you can learn the details of each menu in PC Manager for a quick

understanding of functions of data card.
     To read, select "Help" in the main window.

Safety Indication

     Remove the data card
     1) Close PC Manager;

     2) Click on the icon "Remove the hardware safely" on the system bar to stop the data card.
     3) Remove the data card
     The highest SAR value for this model equipment when tested was 0.738 W/kg for use close
to the body. This value is evaluated under the body worn distance Smm.
     For limiting the radio waves exposure, it is recommended to reduce the mobile phone call

duration or to use a headset. The purpose of those precautions is to take the mobile phone away
from the head and the body.

     This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition
     that this device does not cause harmful interference.
     Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user‘s
authority to operate the equipment.

    NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide

reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment

generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does

cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning

the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more

of the following measures:
    —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.


     —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

     —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is connected.
     —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.

FQA & Answers

     If you have the following problems when using the data card, you can try the following
resolutions. Ifthe problem still exists, please contact the data card‘s technical support.

     Why the PC Manager always displays "Can not find port..."

     1) The data card isn‘t inserted properly, please reinsert the data card again.
     2) The data card driver is not installed or has problems, please check the Windows "Device
     Manager", reinsert the data card or reinstall the driver, restart Windows if necessary.
     3) On some version Vista system, you may need to turn off the "User Account

     Control(UAC)"       function.    Please     select    the   Windows     "Control        Panel"/"User

     Account"/"Enable/Disable User Account Control" and turn off the function.
     4) On some system, you may need to reinstall the drivers after changing the USB port.

     Why the PC Manager displays "No USIM Card"

     1) the USIM card isn‘t inserted properly, such as inserted reverse, please insert the USIM card

     correctly again.
     2) the USIM card was corrupted or unsupported.

     Why the PC Manager displays "No Service"

     1) There‘s no GSM or WCDMA network coverage or the signal is poor, please change to a
     place there‘s good network coverage or use the USB cord.

2) Sometimes the data card need more time to acquire the network, eg. the network coverage

is complex, please wait a little longer.
3) The network setting is wrong, such as set to only use the 3G frequency band at a place
where has only 2G network. Refer to the "Network Options".
4) The USIM accountis stopped.

Failed to send a SMS

1) The SMS center is wrong, please set a correct SMS center number in the "SMS service
2) Other network reason, such as network is busy, please try later.

Failed to connect internet

1) The USIM account is without data service.

2) The internet profile is not correct, e.g. the APN (Access Point Name) is wrong. Please set a
correct internet profile, refer to the "Profiles (Dialup Configuration)".

3) Windows‘ error or modem error, please check the error code in modem log.txt, this file is

in the folder where the PC Manager is installed. For more information, please refer to the
Windows online help.
4) Network error, please check the error code in modem log.txt, this file is in the folder where
the PC Manageris installed. For more information, please refer to the Windows online help.



        Light Indications of data card

       Indicator                Meaning
                             When data card enrols in 2G network(GPRS/EDGE),not
green light keeps flashing   transmitting data
green                        When data card has connected with 2G network(GPRS/EDGE)
                             When data card enrols in 3G
bine light keeps fHashing    network(WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA).not transmitting data
                             When data card has connected with 3G
bixe                         network(WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA)
red                          Warning, for example data card doesn‘t find USIM card


Document Created: 2010-11-11 17:22:39
Document Modified: 2010-11-11 17:22:39

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC