

Test Report

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DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                                                      FCC LISTED, REGISTRATION
                                                      NUMBER: 2764.01                    Test report No:
                                                      ISED LISTED REGISTRATION           2386ERM.002
                                                      NUMBER: 23595-1

                                                Test report
                      FCC Rules and Regulations CFR 47, Part 96, Subpart 47

          Identification of item tested                   3G/LTE module

          Trademark                                       TELIT

          Model and /or type reference                    LM960

          Other identification of the product             FCC ID: RI7LM960
                                                          IC ID: 5131A-LM960

          Features                                        PCI Express Mini Card, LTE CAT.18

          Manufacturer                                    TELIT COMMUNCATION S.P.A
                                                          VIALE STAZIONE DI PROSECCO 5/B TRIESTE,
                                                          34010, ITALY

          Test method requested, standard                 FCC Rules and Regulations CFR 47, Part 96.47

          Summary                                         IN COMPLIANCE

          Approved by (name / position & signature)       Domingo Galvez                        Digitally signed by Domingo
                                                          EMC&RF Lab Manager                    Galvez
                                                                                                DN: cn=Domingo Galvez,
                                                                                                o=DEKRA Certification Inc.,
                                                                                                ou=Regulatory Lab,
                                                                                                email=dgalvez@dekra.com, c=US
                                                                                                Date: 2019.01.02 02:52:17 -05'00'

          Date of issue                                   12-14-2018

          Report template No                              FDT08_21

Report No: 2386ERM.002                                                                                                      12-17-2018

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

   Competences and guarantees .................................................................................................... 3
   General conditions ...................................................................................................................... 3
   Uncertainty ................................................................................................................................. 3
   Data provided by the client.......................................................................................................... 4
   Usage of samples ....................................................................................................................... 4
   Test sample description .............................................................................................................. 5
   Identification of the client............................................................................................................. 6
   Testing period and place ............................................................................................................. 7
   Document history ........................................................................................................................ 7
   Environmental conditions ............................................................................................................ 8
   Remarks and comments ............................................................................................................. 8
   Testing verdicts........................................................................................................................... 9
   Summary .................................................................................................................................... 9
   List of equipment used during the test......................................................................................... 9
   Appendix A: Test results ........................................................................................................... 10

Report No: 2386ERM.002                                               Page 2 of 14                                                            12-17-2018

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Competences and guarantees
   DEKRA Certification Inc. is a testing laboratory accredited by A2LA (The American Association for Laboratory
   Accreditation), to perform the tests indicated in the Certificate 2764.01
   DEKRA Certification Inc. is a testing laboratory competent to carry out the tests described in this report.
   In order to assure the traceability to other national and international laboratories, DEKRA Certification Inc. has a
   calibration and maintenance program for its measurement equipment.
   DEKRA Certification Inc. guarantees the reliability of the data presented in this report, which is the result of the
   measurements and the tests performed to the item under test on the date and under the conditions stated on
   the report and, it is based on the knowledge and technical facilities available at DEKRA Certification at the time
   of performance of the test.
   DEKRA Certification Inc. is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all information related
   to the item under test and the results of the test.
   The results presented in this Test Report apply only to the particular item under test established in this
   IMPORTANT: No parts of this report may be reproduced or quoted out of context, in any form or by any means,
   except in full, without the previous written permission of DEKRA Certification Inc.

General conditions
       1. This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the test.
       2. This report does not constitute or imply on its own an approval of the product by the Certification Bodies
          or competent Authorities.
       3. This document is only valid if complete; no partial reproduction can be made without previous written
          permission of DEKRA Certification Inc.
       4. This test report cannot be used partially or in full for publicity and/or promotional purposes without
          previous written permission of DEKRA Certification Inc. and the Accreditation Bodies.

   Uncertainty (factor k=2) was calculated according to the DEKRA Certification internal document PODT000.

                                                             Frequency (MHz) U(k=2)        Units
                            Radiated emission                   30 - 6000     5.44         dB
                                                               1000-18000     2.92         dB
                                                              18000-40000     2.15         dB

Report No: 2386ERM.002                                Page 3 of 14                                            12-17-2018

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Data provided by the client
   3G/LTE module
   DEKRA declines any responsibility with respect to the information provided by the client and that may affect the
   validity of results.

Usage of samples
   Samples undergoing test have been selected by: The client.
   Sample S/01 is composed of the following elements:

                                                                                                Date of
     Control Nº               Description                Model             Serial Nº
       2386.06              Telit LTE module            LM960          359390090002124         12/04/2018

       1. Sample S/01 has undergone following test(s):
            Conducted tests indicated in appendix A.

   Accessories used along with S/01

                                                                                                Date of
      Control Nº               Description                 Model             Serial Nº
        2386.01                  Cradle                      N/A            CS1742E-          12/04/2018

        2386.03              Power Adapter                   N/A               N/A            12/04/2018

Report No: 2386ERM.002                                 Page 4 of 14                                      12-17-2018

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Test sample description
Ports………………………………. :                                                                              Cable
                                                Port name and
                                                                             Specified    Attached     Shielded       Coupled
                                                                               max       during test                     to
                                                                            length [m]                                patient(3)

                                                Primary port 0 for
                                                                             38 mm

                                                Primary port 1 for
                                                                             38 mm

                                                Secondary port for
                                                                             38 mm

                                                Primary port 1 for
                                                                             38 mm

                                                GNSS port                    50 mm

Supplementary information to the                MHF4 type connectors on LM960 board, SMA type connectors on test
ports………………………………. :                            board (Refer to attached doc.)

Rated power supply .................... :                                                         Reference poles
                                                Voltage and Frequency
                                                                                         L1      L2       L3      N         PE



                                                      DC: 3.1 ~ 3.6 V, typ 3.3 V


Rated Power ............................... :   0.142 W

Clock frequencies ....................... :     38.4 MHz

Other parameters ........................ :     Data not provided

Software version ......................... :    Data not provided

Hardware version ........................ :     1.0

Report No: 2386ERM.002                                       Page 5 of 14                                               12-17-2018

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

 Dimensions in cm (W x H x D) .... :                    51.0 x 30.0 x 2.7 mm

 Mounting position ........................ :                 Table top equipment

                                                              Wall/Ceiling mounted equipment

                                                              Floor standing equipment

                                                              Hand-held equipment

                                                              Other: Variable equipment

 Modules/parts ............................. :          Module/parts of test item                 Type      Manufacturer

                                                        Data not provided

 Accessories (not part of the test                      Description                            Type         Manufacturer
 item) ............................................ :
                                                        Data not provided

 Documents as provided by the                           Description                            File name    Issue date
 applicant ...................................... :
                                                        LM960_HW_Use_Guide                     LM960_HW     2018-12-06

(3) Only   for Medical Equipment

                                                              Copy of marking plate:

Identification of the client

Report No: 2386ERM.002                                                Page 6 of 14                                12-17-2018

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Testing period and place
      Test Location          DEKRA Certification Inc.
       Date (start)          12-13-2018
       Date (finish)         12-13-2018

Document history

 Report number                Date                                       Description
  2386ERM.002               12-17-2018    First release

Report No: 2386ERM.002                                    Page 7 of 14                 12-17-2018

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Environmental conditions

   In the control chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:

                                                      Min. = 15 ºC
                                                      Max. = 35 ºC
                                                      Min. = 30 %
             Relative humidity
                                                      Max. = 75 %
                                                      Min. = 860 mbar
             Air pressure
                                                      Max. = 1060 mbar

   In the semianechoic chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test.

                                                    Min. = 15 ºC
                                                    Max. = 35 ºC
                                                    Min. = 30 %
             Relative humidity
                                                    Max. = 75 %
                                                    Min. = 860 mbar
             Air pressure
                                                    Max. = 1060 mbar

   In the chamber for conducted measurements, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:

             Temperature                              Min. = 15 ºC
                                                      Max. = 35 ºC
             Relative humidity                        Min. = 30 %
                                                      Max. = 60 %
             Air pressure                             Min. = 860 mbar
                                                      Max. = 1060 mbar

Remarks and comments
   The tests have been performed by the technical personnel: Koji Nishimoto.

Report No: 2386ERM.002                               Page 8 of 14                                       12-17-2018

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Testing verdicts
                            Not applicable :                                    N/A

                            Pass   :                                            P

                            Fail   :                                            F

                            Not measured :                                      N/M

                                                    Emission Test
Report                                  Requirement – Test case
                                                                                        Verdict   Remark
    A.1.       End User Device additional requirement                                      P       N/A
Supplementary information and remarks:
      1)   None

List of equipment used during the test

 CONTROL                                                                           LAST              NEXT
                       DESCRIPTION             MANUFACTURER             MODEL
 NUMBER                                                                         CALIBRATION       CALIBRATION
     0018            Spectrum Analyzer            Keysight              N9010         2017/12       2018/12

Report No: 2386ERM.002                                   Page 9 of 14                                 12-17-2018

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

     Appendix A: Test results

Report No: 2386ERM.002      Page 10 of 14   12-17-2018

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                                    Appendix A Content

   A.1. END USER DEVICE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENT......................................................... 12

Report No: 2386ERM.002                            Page 11 of 14                                       12-17-2018

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America


                            Product standard :   FCC CFR 47, Part 96, Subpart 47

                                                 KDB 940660 D01 Part 96 CBRS Eqpt v01 / WINFF-TS-0122-V1.0.0
                             Test standard :
                                                 CBRS CBSD Test Specification

FCC Part 96.47

(a) End User Devices may operate only if they can positively receive and decode an authorization signal transmitted by
a CBSD, including the frequencies and power limits for their operation.

(1) An End User Device must discontinue operations, change frequencies, or change its operational power level within
10 seconds of receiving instructions from its associated CBSD.

                    TEST SETUP

The companion device is certified CBRS (FCC ID: ARA-CMP1K3X96). Where the companion Device connection
with EUT is by radiated method.

Report No: 2386ERM.002                             Page 12 of 14                                         12-17-2018

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

               TEST PROCEDURE:

    Following procedure can be done by applying WINNF-TS-0122-V1.0.0 CBRS CBSD Test Specification, use the
    certified Telrad CBSD (FCC ID: ARA-CMP1K3X96) as companion device to show compliance with Part 96.47
    requirement for End User Device(EUD):

          1. Setup WINNF.PT.C.HBT.1 with 3640 -3660 MHz & power level 16dBm/MHz
          2. Enable AP service(CBSD) from Telrad management software
          3. Check EUD Tx Frequency and power
          4. Disable AP service from Telrad management software i.e. service stopped serving the EUD
              a.Check EUD stops transmission within 10 seconds

          5. Setup WINNF.PT.C.HBT.1 with 3670 -3690 MHz & power level 10dBm/MHz
          6. Enable AP service(CBSD) from Telrad management software
          7. Check EUD Tx Frequency and power
          8. Disable AP service from Telrad management software i.e. service stopped serving the EUD
             a.Check EUD stops transmission within 10 seconds

Report No: 2386ERM.002                              Page 13 of 14                                      12-17-2018

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

            TEST SETUP (CONT.):

              TESTED SAMPLES:                                              S/01

                 TEST RESULTS:

[Step 3 & 4]:

Result: As you can see the EUD changes its frequency and power and EUD stops transmission within 10 seconds
of receiving instructions from the Telrad CBSD.

[Step 7 & 8]:

Result: As you can see the EUD changes its frequency and power and EUD stops transmission within 10 seconds
of receiving instructions from the Telrad CBSD.

Report No: 2386ERM.002                          Page 14 of 14                                      12-17-2018

Document Created: 2019-01-02 02:52:20
Document Modified: 2019-01-02 02:52:20

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