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                   Certification Exhibit

                     FCC ID: R7PEG1R1S2

                      FCC Rule Part: 15.247

               ACS Project Number: 12-0341

    Manufacturer: Landis+Gyr Technology, Inc.
Model: Gridstream RF Enhanced Integrated Focus AX

5015 B.U. Bowman Drive Buford, GA 30518 USA Voice: 770-831-8048 Fax: 770-831-8598

                    Gridstream RF
                  Enhanced Integrated
                      FOCUS AX
                   Quick Start Guide
                   Publication: 98-1033 Rev AB


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Information in this document is subject to change without notice. This manual or any part of it thereof may not be
reproduced in any form unless permitted by contract or by written permission of Landis+Gyr.

In no event will Landis+Gyr be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages (including lost
profits) arising out of or relating to this publication or the information contained in it, even if Landis+Gyr has been
advised, knew, or should have known of the possibility of such damages.

© 2010 Landis+Gyr, Inc. All Rights Reserved

 Gridstream RF Enhanced Integrated FOCUS AX Quick Start Guide
 98-1033 Rev AA
                                                     Revision History
        Modification Date                     Revision                     Description                   Author
 09/15/2010                       AA                                Released Internally        Kim Utesch
 04/21/2011                       AB                                Pending                    Kim Utesch

 6436 County Road 11                                                Copyright© 2010 Landis+Gyr, Inc.
 Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
 E-mail:                           All rights reserved.
 Technical Support: 1-888-390-5733

Gridstream RF Enhanced
Integrated FOCUS AX
Quick Start Guide
             The Gridstream RF Enhanced Integrated FOCUS AX module is an integrated solution with FOCUS
             AX advanced metering electronics the Gridstream AMR communication electronics combined
             together on a single PCB. It uses field-proven Digital Multiplication Measurement Technique to
             ensure a highly accurate load performance and dependability during the entire life of the product. It
             also offers a Service Disconnect option and ZigBee connectivity for HAN applications.

                              Figure 1. Gridstream RF Enhanced Integrated FOCUS AX module
                                            and the Landis+Gyr FOCUS AX meter
             This communication module is not available as a stand alone product. To order a Gridstream RF
             Enhanced Integrated FOCUS AX endpoint, the Landis+Gyr kit number is 40-1284 (with ZigBee).

Required Software
             To work with the endpoint, you need one of the following software tools:
                 •   Command Center version 5.0 or later
                 •   RadioShop version 5.0 or later
                 •   Endpoint Testing Manager version 4.0 or later

Data Sheet                                    98-1033 Rev AB                                                     3

Gridstream RF Enhanced Integrated FOCUS AX Quick Start Guide                                                   Landis+Gyr

About the LAN ID
                The LAN ID is a unique identifier for each Gridstream RF endpoint. It is always displayed in hex.
                Landis+Gyr provides the LAN address. You cannot change the LAN ID of a radio.

HAN Support
                The Gridstream RF Enhanced Integrated FOCUS AX communication module supports an integrated
                ZigBee system on the chip. This enables the endpoint to communicate via Smart Energy Profile 1.0
                with other ZigBee enabled devices.

Endpoint Registration with Command Center
                Communication module firmware version 6.x or later and module Device Control Word (DCW)
                1A01.06.05 or later is required for auto-registration. After the endpoint is installed in the field it will
                automatically register with the Head End System. No special tools are needed during installation as
                the normal Utility meter swap process can be utilized.
                The meter automatically sends in the registration information containing items on how the meter/
                endpoint is configured so the host can properly interpret the incoming data. Some of the items
                contained in this are as follows:
                    •   Default collector/destination
                    •   Reporting interval for Register Data
                    •   Reporting interval for Interval Data
                    •   Meter's AMR-level security password
                    •   Time Synchronization parameters
                    •   GMT offset
                    •   Periodic Register Data reporting
                    •   Periodic LP Data reporting
                    •   Meter configuration information
                Once this information has been sent the endpoint starts collecting and sending based on the default
                configuration loaded during manufacturing.

Retrieving Data
                The endpoint is capable of delivering data via an On Request Read (ORR) or autonomously
                (periodically reported).
                Availability of the following features depends on meter configuration. On Request Reads (ORR)
                available with this endpoint are:
                    •   Register Data (Standard Table 23) which includes consumption, demand and TOU values
                    •   Load Profile or Interval Data (Standard Table 64)
                    •   Revenue Integrity Services which includes instantaneous measurements related to line
                        voltage, current and phase angle

4                                                 98-1033 Rev AB                                               Data Sheet

Landis+Gyr                                    Gridstream RF Enhanced Integrated FOCUS AX Quick Start Guide

             Availability of the following features depends on meter configuration. Options for periodic reported
             data with this module include:
                 •   Register Data & Status Flags (Standard Tables 23 & 3) which includes consumption,
                     demand, TOU values and meter status
                 •   Load Profile or Interval Data & Status Flags (Standard Tables 64 & 3) which includes
                     interval data and meter status

Demand Reset
             When the Command Center Host delivers a Demand Reset command, the communication module
             passes the command to the meter, which performs the Demand Reset on the meter. The endpoint
             then passes the previous demand data captured by the meter (Standard Table 25) to the Host for

Time Synchronization
             Time synchronization is the process of keeping the meter time synchronized with the Gridsteam RF
             network time within a configurable limit. The communication module automatically keeps its time
             synchronized with the Gridstream RF network via periodic background process. The communication
             module reads the meter date/clock table (Standard Table 52) at 1:23 AM. If the time drift between
             meter and communication module exceeds the minimum time threshold, X, it sends a time
             synchronization alert message to the Host so it knows that an adjustment was made automatically for
             XX seconds. If the time is off by more than Y seconds, an alert is sent saying the time off exceeds
             allowed seconds and that further manual action will be required to correct.

Power Outage/Restoration
             When an outage occurs, the meter uses an early power failure signal to alert the communication
             module to disconnect from the meter's power immediately. The communication module saves
             critical module data to non-volatile memory and creates and sends a power outage message. This
             message includes the following information:
                 •   LAN ID
                 •   Outage time
                 •   Reboot count.
             The communication module sends the message, then assists with routing other packets until the
             back-up energy source can no longer keep the radio alive.
             When power is restored, the communication module connects with the network. With network
             communications restored, the communication module sends a power restoration message that
             includes details such as:
                 •   LAN ID
                 •   Outage time
                 •   Restoration time
                 •   Reboot count.

Data Sheet                                   98-1033 Rev AB                                                     5

Gridstream RF Enhanced Integrated FOCUS AX Quick Start Guide                                                      Landis+Gyr

                The communication module stores a history of up to the last five power outage and restoration event
                pairs in the event log. The Host can request this data.

Supporting Passwords
                The endpoint supports passwords provided by the utility. See two way Endpoint Testing Manager for
                loading password into the communication module.

Downloading Firmware
                The metrology, communication module and ZigBee firmware can be upgraded remotely over the
                network. Both the communication module and ZigBee firmware can remotely initiate a self-restart
                with communications enabled, if the downloaded firmware causes a catastrophic functional failure.
                Once the endpoint completely receives the new code, it operates with the new code. The metrology
                and communication module firmware are integrated and must be updated simultaneously.

Encrypting Data
                The Gridstream RF network currently supports use of one encryption key per network. If you enable
                the FOCUS AX with encryption, the host must have a matching encryption key.

Configuration Tables
                The Gridstream RF Communication Module Configuration structure passes the data to configure the
                endpoint. It is used for both C&I and Residential applications.
                This table is currently 55 bytes long. It contains information necessary to configure several services
                on the endpoint, such as firmware reads, autonomous data return configuration.
                The endpoint receives the packet, and using the data, configures its own operation. The host
                maintains a record of the endpoint’s configuration.

                         Item                                           General Description

                                         Identifies which elements in this packet are set. Elements that are not set are
                 Packet Contents
                                         ignored. There still must be a place in the packet for it, though.

                 Config Byte 1           Not used.

                 Config Byte 2           Not used.

                 Config Byte 3           Not used.

                 Config Byte 4           Not used.

                 Config Byte 5           Not used.

                 Reporting Interval LP   In Minutes.

                 Pump Period
                                         In Minutes.

                 Pump Period RIS         Not used.

                 Pump Period Status      Not used.

6                                                    98-1033 Rev AB                                                Data Sheet

Landis+Gyr                                       Gridstream RF Enhanced Integrated FOCUS AX Quick Start Guide

                        Item                                        General Description

              Pump Period Snap
                                     Not used.

              User ID                2 byte User ID used while running ANSI Logon Service

              Logon User             10 byte User Name that is used while running the ANSI Logon Service

              Security Password      The full 20 bytes are required for the FOCUS AX.

                                     Defines the number of seconds after which an outage will be classified as
              Sustained Outage
                                     sustained. If less than this amount, the outage is momentary. A value of zero will
                                     cause all outages to be considered "sustained".

                                     The number of seconds that the meter clock can drift from the radio clock, after
              Max Meter Time Drift
                                     which an alarm is triggered.

              Meter Time Read
                                     The period at which the module checks the time in the meter. In Seconds

                                     The GMT Offset in 15 minute increments. Signed.
              GMT Offset             Valid values are -128 (0x80), corresponding to GMT-32hours to +127 (0x7F),
                                     corresponding to GMT+ 31hours

             Contact Landis+Gyr Customer Support at or call 888-390-5733
             with any questions or problems, and they will guide you through the troubleshooting process.

Shock Hazard
             Beware of hazardous electrical voltages. Do not touch the board or any external connections, such as
             the antenna, when the meter board is powered up.

FCC Class B
             This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two
             (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
             (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
             undesired operation.
             This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
             pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
             against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can
             radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the Instructions, may
             cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
             interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful

Data Sheet                                       98-1033 Rev AB                                                           7

Gridstream RF Enhanced Integrated FOCUS AX Quick Start Guide                                               Landis+Gyr

                interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
                and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
                    •   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
                    •   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
                    •   Consult Landis+Gyr or an experienced radio technician for help

       U        WARNING: Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by Landis+Gyr
                could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

RF Exposure
                In accordance with FCC requirements of human exposure to radio frequency fields, the radiating
                element shall be installed such that a minimum separation distance of 20 centimeters will be

                Category         Specification                    Value or Range
                                                                  Form        Class            Voltage    Units

                                                                  1S&SD       CL100            120        Vac

                                                                  2S&SD       CL200            240        Vac

                Compatible       Landis+Gyr FOCUS Supported       2SE         CL320            240        Vac
                Meters           Meter Forms                      3S          CL20             120        Vac

                                                                  3S          CL20             240        Vac

                                                                  4S          CL20             240        Vac

                                                                  Only 1S and 2S are available with Service Disconnect

                                 RF Frequency Range               902.2 MHz Min, 927.9 MHz Max

                                 RF Baud Rate                     9.6 kbps Min, 115.2 kbps Max, Programmable

                                                                  25.25 kBm Min, 26.25 dBm Typ, 27.25 dBm Max. Over
                                 Output Power
                Gridstream                                        temperature range, <2:1 VSWR load
                Radio General                                     -112 dBm Min, -102 dBm Max, At 10% PER, depends
                                 Receive Sensitivity
                                                                  on baud rate

                                 Antenna Type                     Inverted F, Printed

                                 Antenna Gain                     +3 dbi, Peak Gain

8                                                98-1033 Rev AB                                             Data Sheet

Landis+Gyr                                    Gridstream RF Enhanced Integrated FOCUS AX Quick Start Guide

             Category        Specification                      Value or Range

                             RF Frequency Range                 2.405 GHz Min, 2.475 GHz Max

                             RF Baud Rate                       250 kbps Typ

                                                                17 dBm Min, 20 dBm Typ, 21 dBm Max, <2:1 VSWR
                             Output Power
             ZigBee Radio                                       load, approx.
             General                                            -106 dBm Min, -104.5 dBm Typ, -102 dBm Max. At
                             Receive Sensitivity
                                                                1% PER

                             Antenna type                       Inverted F, Printed

                             Angenna Gain                       +5 dBi, Peak Gain

                                                                Radiated and Conducted Emissions (incl. intentional
                             FCC Title 47 CFR Part 15

                             IEC 61000 4-2,3,4,5, 6, 8, 9, 11   Electromagnetic Compatibility
                                                                National Standard for Electricity Meters - 0.2 and 0.5
             Compliance      ANSI C12.20
                                                                Accuracy Classes

                             ANSI C12.1                         Code for Electricity Metering

                             ANSI C37.90.1 (1989)               Standard Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests

                             Size                               5.5” L x 5.0” W x 1.5” H
                             Weight                             48.2 g

                             Storage Temperature                -40 to +85 C

             Environmental   Operating Temperature              -40 to +85 C (under meter cover)

                             Relative Humidity                  5 to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing

Data Sheet                                   98-1033 Rev AB                                                              9

                  RF Electric Endpoint
                    Fix-up Antenna
                   Installation Guide
                   Publication: 98-1245 Rev AA


Limitation on Warranties and Liability

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. This manual or any part of it thereof may not be re-
produced in any form unless permitted by contract or by written permission of Landis+Gyr.

In no event will Landis+Gyr be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages (including lost prof-
its) arising out of or relating to this publication or the information contained in it, even if Landis+Gyr has been advised,
knew, or should have known of the possibility of such damages.

All brands and product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

© 2013 Landis+Gyr, Inc. All Rights Reserved

 Gridstream RF Electric Endpoint Fix-up Antenna Installation Guide

 Publication: 98-1245

                                                     Revision History

               Modification Date                   Revision             Description                     Author

                   3/26/2013                          AA                Released                     Vicky Costello

 30000 Mill Creek Avenue
 Alpharetta, GA 30022                                                        © 2013 Landis+Gyr
 Website:                                                  All rights reserved.
 Technical Support: 1-888-390-5733

Gridstream RF Electric
Endpoint Fix-up Antenna
Installation Guide
                 This publication outlines the procedure for remote passive antenna installation on Gridstream RF
                 Electric Endpoints.

                                                  Figure 1. Remote Passive Antenna
                 This antenna couples radio frequency energy from a Landis+Gyr Gridstream RF Electric Endpoint's
                 902-928 MHz antenna into a coax cable connected to a remote antenna located at an optimal location
                 for better connection to the Gridstream RF network. Coupling loss (including the 2.5 ft. cable)
                 ranges from 5 to 9 dB, with 5 being a typical value. Environmental performance is rated for: 0 to
                 95% relative humidity, -40 to +85° C.

Coupler Part Numbers
                 The same coupler is used for all remote antenna installations. The part number and description is as
                     •   40-1705 flex loop, 2.5 ft. antenna cable, cable tie, adhesive
                 In the case where the length above is insufficient, Landis+Gyr recommends the extension cable
                 listed below, terminated with a female “N” connector on one end and a male “N” connector on the
                     •   19-1742, extension cable, 20 ft.

Landis+Gyr Confidential Information               98-1245 Rev AA                                                    3

Gridstream RF Electric Endpoint Fix-up Antenna Installation Guide                                              Landis+Gyr

Required Materials
                 The following materials are required to complete a remote antenna installation.
                     •    Alcohol wipes
                     •    RTV - Part Number 30-0109, Dow Corning #839
                     •    Cold flow sealing tape
                     •    Hardware, appropriate to installation
                     •    45-1221, Kit, Antenna (consisting of items listed below)
                          •   106119-000 Remote Antenna, 5dBi Whip
                          •   28-1012, Antenna Ground Plane
                          •   16-0214: Barrel Connector N-Female to N-Female, “Bulkhead”

List of Terms
                 The following is a list of terms used to identify remote antennas and related equipment.

Coupling Antenna
                 This is the flexible circuit that is at the end of the antenna assembly. It is referred to interchangeably
                 as the flex circuit, flex dipole, patch antenna, coupler, and so on.

Remote Antenna
                 Refers to the omni whip antenna which will be “remoted” from the coupling antenna. The remote
                 antenna is ideally mounted “line of sight” to the Gridstream RF Mesh network.

Optional Materials
                 The following items may be required, depending on the installation.
                     •    22-1542: Grommet, 1.25” OD, 1.0” ID with 0.25” center hole
                     •    Mounting brackets, Landis+Gyr part numbers:
                          •   28-1800: Bracket, antenna, meter box, right
                          •   28-1801: Bracket, antenna, meter box, left
                          •   28-1802: Bracket, antenna, ceiling mount
                          •   28-1804: Bracket, antenna, wall, flat

                 The following tools may be required, depending on the installation.

                      •   Flat head screwdriver                       •      Phillips head screwdriver
                      •   Utility knife                               •      Wire cutters
                      •   Battery-operated drill with 5/8- and 1-inch •      Tape measure
                          high speed metal bits

4                                                  98-1245 Rev AA                   Landis+Gyr Confidential Information

Landis+Gyr                                            Gridstream RF Electric Endpoint Fix-up Antenna Installation Guide


                                                           Table 1. Performance
                   Parameter        Minimum      Typical    Maximum       Units     Condition
                   Frequency        902                     928           MHz
                   Coupling                      5          9             dB
                   Polarization                  Linear
                   VSWR                          1.78:1                             Final antenna assembly on FOCUS
                                                                                    AX: modular
                   Impedance                     50                       ohm
                   Input RL                      11                       dB        Final antenna assembly on FOCUS
                                                                                    AX: modular

General Installation Guidelines
                 Determine the optimum location for remote antenna installation. This will vary depending on the
                 location of the meter. In general, the antenna should be:
                     •    Installed as close to line of sight with a Gridstream RF network equipment as is possible.
                     •    Mounted so that it is at least four inches from the nearest structure.
                     •    Mounted so that a meter box cover, if the endpoint is enclosed in one, can be removed
                          without interference from the remoted antenna.
                     •    For inside-premise installations, remoted antennas may be mounted in the proximity of an
                          available window, or may need to be routed to the outside if the signal strength is
                     •    Mounted so that the antenna connector is OUTSIDE the meter box. A 1-inch hole should be
                          drilled in the meter box so that the connector can be fed through the box. Use the appropriate
                          mounting bracket to mount the antenna external to the meter box.
                     •    Mounted so that any length of additional cable is minimized. The best practice for maximum
                          cable length is to not exceed line loss (refer to cable manufactures line loss chart) vs. gain of
                          antenna, the RF link loss by use of passive antenna can be excluded from the line loss
                 It is the responsibility of local installation organizations to ensure that local wiring codes and
                 requirements are met, including the application of a safety ground, when required.

                NOTE: This device and the supplied installation components are UV-resistant.

Landis+Gyr Confidential Information                  98-1245 Rev AA                                                       5

Gridstream RF Electric Endpoint Fix-up Antenna Installation Guide                                              Landis+Gyr

Gridstream RF Enhanced FOCUS AX/AX-SD Mounting Procedure
                NOTE: The passive antenna should be mounted within 5 mm (0.25") of the indicated location to
                 achieve specified performance.

                 1. Clean the meter cover where the flex antenna will be installed. Wipe the cover mounting area
                    with an alcohol wipe and let the area dry for one minute before proceeding with the installation.
                 2. Peel the paper backing off of the adhesive tape (bottom of coupling antenna).
                 3. Firmly press the center of the antenna to the bottom (6 o’clock position) of the meter while
                    aligning the lower/left of center edge of the antenna with the lower edge of the window on the
                    inner meter housing.
                 4. Wrap the cable tie through and over antenna guides, and around the meter. Thread the cable tie
                    into the mating end of itself.

                                                        Figure 2. Antenna Guides
                 5. Ensure that the cable tie is evenly placed over the antenna and cinch tight.
                 6. Install the remote antenna at the location indicated by the link assessment performed. If a link
                    assessment tool is not available, select a location that provides the best line of sight to the nearest
                 7. Once installed to the antenna, wrap the connector using cold flow tape. Tape should be wrapped
                    tightly and in a continuous manner. The tape should cover the cable one inch past the end of the
                 8. Secure the cable to the side of the structure using appropriate hardware for the building

                   Cable Tie
                                     Align the lower edge of the antenna with the lower edge of the bottom win-
                                     dow on the inner meter housing, with the antenna center point as shown.
                                           Figure 3. Installation On FOCUS AX/AX-SD Meters

6                                                  98-1245 Rev AA                   Landis+Gyr Confidential Information

Landis+Gyr                                          Gridstream RF Electric Endpoint Fix-up Antenna Installation Guide

Gridstream RF Enhanced S4e Mounting Procedure
                NOTE: The passive antenna should be mounted within 5 mm (0.25") of the indicated location to
                 achieve specified performance.

                 1. Clean the meter cover where the flex antenna will be installed. Wipe the cover area with an
                    alcohol wipe and let the area dry one minute before proceeding with the installation.
                 2. Peel the paper backing off of the adhesive tape (bottom of coupling antenna).
                 3. Firmly press the center of the antenna onto the meter housing at the 2:30 o’clock position,
                    1.5 cm clockwise past the nub on the outer meter cover. Align the top edge of the antenna with
                    the texture line on the S4e meter housing.
                 4. Wrap the cable tie over and through the antenna guides, and around the meter. Thread the cable
                    tie into the mating end of itself.

                                                        Figure 4. Antenna Guides
                 5. Ensure that the cable tie is evenly placed over the antenna and cinch tight.
                 6. Install the remote antenna at the location indicated by the link assessment performed. If a link
                    assessment tool is not available, select a location that provides the best line of sight to the nearest
                 7. Once installed to antenna, wrap the connector using cold flow tape. Tape should be wrapped
                    tightly around the cable and in a continuous manner. The tape should cover the cable one inch
                    past the end of the connector.
                 8   Secure the cable to the side of the structure using appropriate hardware for the building
                     construction. See Figure 5 on page 8.

Landis+Gyr Confidential Information                98-1245 Rev AA                                                         7

Gridstream RF Electric Endpoint Fix-up Antenna Installation Guide                                        Landis+Gyr

                        Align the antenna center point on the meter housing at the 2:30 o’clock posi-
                        tion, 1.5 cm clockwise past the nub on the outer meter cover

                                    Figure 5. Installation On Gridstream RF Enhanced S4e Meters

Gridstream RF Integrated FOCUS AX/AX-SD Mounting Procedure
                NOTE: The passive antenna should be mounted within 5 mm (0.25") of the indicated location to
                 achieve specified performance.

                 1. Clean the meter cover where the flex antenna will be installed. Wipe the cover mounting area
                    with an alcohol wipe and let the area dry for one minute before proceeding with the installation.
                 2. Peel the paper backing off of the adhesive tape (bottom of coupling antenna).
                 3. Firmly press the center of the antenna to the 5 o’clock position of the meter while positioning
                    the upper edge of the antenna 3.3 cm below the top surface of the meter cover.
                 4. Wrap the cable tie through and over antenna guides, and around the meter. Thread the cable tie
                    into the mating end of itself.

                                                      Figure 6. Antenna Guides
                 5. Ensure that the cable tie is evenly placed over the antenna and cinch tight.

8                                                 98-1245 Rev AA                 Landis+Gyr Confidential Information

Landis+Gyr                                          Gridstream RF Electric Endpoint Fix-up Antenna Installation Guide

                 6. Install the remote antenna at the location indicated by the link assessment performed. If a link
                    assessment tool is not available, select a location that provides the best line of sight to the nearest
                 7. Once installed to the antenna, wrap the connector using cold flow tape. Tape should be wrapped
                    tightly and in a continuous manner. The tape should cover the cable one inch past the end of the
                 8. Secure the cable to the side of the structure using appropriate hardware for the building

                        Cable Tie          Align the antenna center point at the 5:00 position with the upper
                                           edge of the antenna 3.3 cm below the top surface of the meter cover

                                      Figure 7. Installation On FOCUS Integrated AX/AX-SD Meters

Landis+Gyr Confidential Information                98-1245 Rev AA                                                         9

Gridstream RF Electric Endpoint Fix-up Antenna Installation Guide                                      Landis+Gyr

Antenna Brackets and Antenna Mounting

                                             Figure 8. Typical Remote Antenna Brackets

                NOTE: To mount these brackets, use screw and bolt hardware that is approved by the local utility.

10                                               98-1245 Rev AA                Landis+Gyr Confidential Information

Landis+Gyr                                           Gridstream RF Electric Endpoint Fix-up Antenna Installation Guide

                                      Grommet installed
                                      here, use RTV to
                                      Seal the meter can.

                                              Figure 9. Example Remote Antenna Illustration

Landis+Gyr Confidential Information                 98-1245 Rev AA                                                 11

Document Created: 2015-01-29 15:40:54
Document Modified: 2015-01-29 15:40:54

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