users manual


Users Manual

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                Lab. &   Engineering

Appendix C — User‘s Manual

Report No.: THRU—FO30116B              FCC Part 15 Class B Test Report

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                    Contents                                      Contents

    Features ················· 3                  Repeating the Playback ·········19
    Locations of Function and Control Buttons 5   Setting Beep On/Off Function·······20
    LCD Description ·············6                Setting Hearing-aid Function·······21
    Battery Installation ············7            Setting Preengaged Recording······22
    Battery Life Time ·············7              Setting Alarm Function   ·········23
    Power On & Off ·············8                 Connecting External Equipments (Optional) 24
    Recording ················9                   Phone Recording (Optional) ·······26
    Playback ················11                   Voice Manager Program Installation ···28
    Erasing ·················13                   Using Voice Manager Program ······32
    Adjusting Volume ············14               Troubleshooting ·············36
    Message Transfer between folders····15        Cautions ················37
    Hold Function ··············16                Specifications ··············39
    Setting the Record Mode ········16            FCC Note ················40
    Setting the VOS Mode   ·········17            Guarantee················42
    Setting Mic Sensitivity ··········18

1                                                                                                2

                            Features                                                           Features
    ● LCD Backlight                                                      ● Monitoring of recording
      LCD is designed to backlight for about 3 seconds when                User can listen to the message being recorded by using
      pressing any button so that user can easily see the display          the provided earphone.
      where it is dark.                                                  ● External jack for Input(MIC)/Output(EAR)
    ● Time Pre-set Recording                                               User can record songs or messages by direcly connecting
      Presetting of recording-start time within 4 hours.                   the jack of MIC/EAR to input/output of other equipment i.e.
    ● Time Pre-set Playback                                                the stereo radio or cassette player.
      Presetting of playback-start time within 4 hours for the message   ● VOS recording
      at 01 of A folder.                                                   On VOS ON mode, the recorder automatically stops recording
    ● 4 different message folders and an additional lock folder            unless it hears any sound around.
      A/B/C/D folders and 1 lock(L) folder are provided for message      ● Scan Search
      management.                                                          Helps user to find a certain recorded message by playback
      Each folder accommodates 99 messages in maximum.                     the beginning part of each message.
    ● Recording quality modes                                            ● Pause
      - HQ : High Quality Play mode - The shortest recording time.         Enables to pause during recording/playback by pressing
      - SP : Standard Play mode.                                           MODE/PAUSE button.
      - LP : Low Play mode - The longest recording time.                 ● USB PC interface
    ● Automatic Power Off                                                  User can save recorded messages on his PC through
      The unit will be automatically turned off when not in use.           the provided USB cable. Also, user can use
    ● Monitoring of the remaining recording time                           the flash memory of the recorder as USB disk
      You can check the remaining recording time by pressing               for general data files of PC.
      FOLD/REPEAT button during recording.                               ● Hearing-Aid

    ● Repeat modes                                                         User can use the recorder as a hearing aid through the
      - ALL repeat : repeats all recorded messages of all folders.         earphone to listen to weak or delicate sounds.
      - FOLD repeat : repeats all recorded messages
        of the current folder.
        User can define the certain repeat section of a message
        by pressing FOLD/REPEAT button during playback.
3                                                                                                                                        4

          Locations of Function and Control Buttons                                   LCD Description
                                      HAND STRAP HOLE

                                   USB PORT
                    BUILT-IN MIC
                                                                                                        Operation Graphic
      Left Side      Front           Back         Right Side
                                                                 One Folder Repeat                      Section Repeat
                                                                                                        All Folders Repeat
                                                                                                        Remaining Battery
                                                                        Lock Folder                     Capacity
                                                                  Message Number                        VOS
                                                                Amount of Recorded
                                                                Time and Recording
                                                                          Time Left

                                                                Preengaged Record                       MIC Sensitivity
                                                                   Recording Mode
       ERASE                        LCD DISPLAY       VOLUME
        HOLD                                          (+, -)
                       FOLD/                         REWIND
 EARPHONE                          SPEAKER
     JACK              REPEAT                       PLAY/STOP
MICROPHONE            MODE/                        FF
      JACK            PAUSE

  5                                                                                                                       6

                Battery Installation
     Be sure to replace batteries at stop mode.       1 Power On & Off
     1. Open the battery cover.                       1) Set the HOLD switch to "Off" mode and
        Press and slide the battery cover off.           press the REC/STOP button for more than
     2. Install two(2) AAA size batteries and slide      one second.
        the cover back into place.
                                                        Then, LCD is displayed, which means
        ● Battery should be LR03 or equivalent
                                                        power on.
          (AAA Size or UM-4)
     3. Press REC/STOP button to check                2) Automatic power off : the unit will be
        the battery condition.                           automatically turned off within one minute
                                                         when not in use without pressing any button.
        ● Recorded messages will not be erased
          when replacing batteries.

                 Battery Life time

    Recording Mode           About 10 Hours
    Speaker playback         About 8 Hours(VOL: 5)
    Earphone playback        About 9 Hours(VOL: 5)

7                                                                                                       8

    2 Recording
    1) Release the HOLD switch and press the            To record on the following number
       REC/STOP button for recording.                   during recording
    2) The unit starts recording when the red           ● During recording, move the ▶▶ button
       LED lights ON.                                     upwards and then, you can continue
       (The unit displays the recording number, level     to record on the following number.
       and time on the LCD.)                            Indication of the remaining
       ● Recording Time Indicaton on the LCD            recording time
                 hour           minute    second        ● If you press the FOLD/REPEAT button
                                                           during recording, the LCD indicates
                                                           the remaining time.
                                                        Monitoring of recording
                                                        ●You can listen to the recorded messages
    3) To stop recording, press the REC/STOP             by connecting earphone to EAR jack during
       button again.                                     recording.
         Pause function                                  (During monitoring, the volume level can
                                                         not be controlled.)
        ● Press the MODE/PAUSE button
          during recording.                             Using an external pin microphone
        ● The "PAUSE" letter blinks on LCD, which
                                                        ● Record by connecting an external
          means pause function is being operated.
                                                          microphone to MIC jack for higher guality
        ●   To release the pause function, press          recording.
            the MODE/PAUSE button again.

9                                                                                                     10

     3 Playback
     1) Release the HOLD button and select your      Pause function
        desired message number by moving the         ● Press the MODE/PAUSE button during
        upwards(▶▶) or downwards(◀◀) buttons           playback.
        on side.
                                                     ● The "PAUSE" letter blinks on LCD,
     2) Push the ▶/■ button to playback.               which means pause function is being operated.
        The LED lights in green on playback.
                                                     ● To release the pause function, press
     3) Push the ▶/■ button again to stop.             the MODE/PAUSE button again.
          Fast-forwarding(▶▶) and                    Scanning
          rewinding(◀◀) during playback              ● At stop mode, push the ▶/■ button for
          ● Up or Down the ▶/■ button until it         more than 2 seconds.
            moves fast forward(▶▶) or rewind(◀◀)     ● Then, "SCAN" will be displayed and the unit

            to search a certain part of the            will playback each message for about 5 seconds
            current message.                           in sequence from the first message
                                                       to the last message.
          ● Up or Down the ▶/■ button shortly
                                                     ● The "SCAN" will playback all messages in the
            to turn to the next or previous number
                                                       current folder. Push ▶/■ button, again to cancel
            of message.                                scanning.

11                                                                                                        12

                                                          2) Erasing all recorded messages
                                                            in one folder
         Repeat of a section
                                                               Select the folder which you want to
         ● During playback, push FOLD/REPEAT                   erase at stop mode.
           button to set the start point of the desired
           repeat section.                                     Press the ERASE button for more than
                                                               4 seconds.
          And push FOLD/REPEAT button again
                                                               Then the folder icon will blink.
          to set the end point of the section.
                                                               Press the ERASE button again to erase
          Then, the recorder repeats the section
                                                               the folder.
          you set.
                                                               To cancel erasing, press any button
                                                               other than the ERASE button.

     4 Erasing
     1) Erasing one message
        Select the recorded number you want               5 Adjusting Volume
        to erase.                                         1) You can adjust Volume level by pressing
         Press the ERASE button.                             VOLUME + / - button.
         The recorded message will be played.                (The volume will not be controlled during
        Press the ERASE button again within
        3 seconds to erase.
        To cancel erasing, press any button
        other than the ERASE button.

13                                                                                                       14

     6 Message transfer between folders                7 Hold Function
     1) Press the FOLD/REPEAT button at stop           1) If the HOLD switch is set upwards, any button
        mode to turn to another folder.                   is not operated.
        (Each folder accommodates 99 messages
        at maximum.)                                   2) If the HOLD switch is set upwards, the key icon
                                                          is displayed on LCD, which means Hold function
     2) To move a file to another folder, select the      is set.
        message and press the MODE/PAUSE
        button until it displays “MOVE”                3) To release the hold function, move the HOLD
                                                          switch downwards.
     3) Select the folder to where you desire to
        move the message by up/down ▶▶/◀◀
        and push the ▶/■ button to move.
     4) If you want to keep a message safely
        from erasing it by mistake, move it            8 Setting the Record mode
        to L (lock) folder where erase operation
        is kept from working.                          1) Press the MODE/PAUSE button one time
                                                          at stop mode and then, the record mode
                                                          (HQ/SP/LP) is displayed on LCD.
                                                       2) Move the ▶▶/◀◀ button upwards or
                                                          downwards and select your desired record
                                                          mode (SP or HQ or LP).
                                                       3) After selecting the record mode,
                                                          press the ▶/■ button and then,
                                                          LCD displays the selected record mode.

15                                                                                                          16

     9 Setting the VOS mode                          10 Setting Mic sensitivity
     1) Press the MODE/PAUSE button 2 times          1) Press the MODE/PAUSE button 3 times
        at the stop mode until "VOS" is displayed.      until "REP" letter is displayed.
     2) Select "on" mode by the ▶▶/◀◀ button         2) Toggle "HI" or "LO" mode by the
        and press the ▶/■ button.                       ▶▶/◀◀ button and push the ▶/■ button
                                                        to select.
     3) On recording by VOS mode, the recorder
        senses to sound and automatically            3) "HI" or "LO" shall be displayed on LCD.
        play/stop recording according to that it
        catches sounds or not.
        When the recorder catches no sound,
        it displays “SENSE” on LCD while not

17                                                                                                18

     11 Repeating the Playback                         12 Setting Beep On/Off Function
     1) Press the MODE/PAUSE button 4 times            1) Press the MODE/PAUSE button 5 times
        until “REP” is displayed.                         until “BEEP” is displayed.
     2) Toggle among "FO", "AL" or "NO" by the         2) Select "ON" or "OFF" mode by the
        ▶▶/◀◀ button and push the ▶/■ button              ▶▶/◀◀ button and press the ▶/■ button.
        to select.
                                                       3) When BEEP on mode, the recorder makes
         When you playback on “FO” repeat mode,           beep sound each time pressing button.
         the recorder repeats all in the current
         When you playback on “AL” repeat mode,
         the recorder repeats all in the all folder.
         If you want to playback just one file
         at a time, set it to "NO".

19                                                                                                 20

     13 Setting Hearing-aid Function                        14 Setting Preengaged Recording
     1) Press the MODE/PAUSE button 6 times                 1) Press the MODE/PAUSE button 7 times
        until “HEAR” is displayed.                             until “P-REC” is displayed.
     2) Select "ON" by the ▶▶/◀◀ button                     2) Set it "ON" by the ▶▶/◀◀ button and press
        if you wish to use the recorder as a hearing aid.      the ▶/■ button for time pre-set recording.
     3) Connect and use earphone to hear.                   3) Set time of recording-start.
                                                               (Upto 4 hours.)
     4) To stop activating the hearing aid,press
        any button of the recorder.                         4) The recorder is to be turned on and to start
                                                               recording after the setting time.
       ●   The sound you hear is not being recorded.

21                                                                                                            22

     15 Setting Alarm Function                            16 Connecting External Equipments (Optional)
     1) Press the MODE/PAUSE button 8 times               1) Recording from the external
        until “ALARM” is displayed.                         equipments into the voice recorder
     2) Select "ON" or "OFF" mode by the ሪሪ/ረረ                You can record by connecting an external
        button and press the ሪ/■ button.                      cable between the MIC jack of the
                                                              voice recorder and the earphone jack of
     3) After your setting the mode to be "ON", select        an external equipment.
        your desired time by the ሪሪ/ረረbutton
        and press the ሪ/■ button.                         2) Recording from the voice recorder into
        You can set up the time upto 4 hour after.           the external equipments
                                                              Connect an external cable between
     4) On the time you set, the recorder automatically       the EAR JACK of the voice recorder
        playbacks the file of on in “A” folder.               and the MIC IN, or the external
     5) Press the ሪ/■ button to stop the playback.            input jack of an external equipment.
                                                              Press the PLAY button of the
                                                              voice recorder and the REC button of
                                                              an external equipments.
                                                               You can adjust volume by using
                                                               VOLUME button of the voice recorder.

23                                                                                                       24

                                                            17 Phone Recording (Optional)
                                                            Recording the messages during phone
                                                            1) Connect an external cable between the
                                                               MIC JACK of voice recorder and the
                                                               AUDIO OUT JACK of Telephone Adapter.
 External Audio Cable            Connect to MIC IN or       2) Connect the Telephone line cord
                                 External INPUT jack           between Telephone Adapter and
     External Audio Cable                                      Telephone unit.
            Connect to Earphone Jack
                                                            3) Connect the phone line to another jack
     Microphone                                                of the Adapter.
                                                            4) Press the REC/STOP button of
                                                               voice recorder and then, the phone
 Earphone                                                      conversation will be recorded.
                                                               ●   Protection of Communication
                                                                   To record phone conversation without
                                                    AUDIO          counterpart's consent may be against
                                                                   the related laws.

25                                                                                                        26

                                                                   Voice Manager Program Installation

                                                                  System Requirement
                                                                  Computer : Pentium or IBM compatible
                                                                              system with USB support
                            Telephone cord                        Memory : 64MB or higher
                   Telephone Line Adapter                         OS : Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
                                                                  Hard Disk : At least 100 MB free disk space
JACK On the Wall
                     External Audio Cable
                                                                  Playback : Soundcard, Speaker
                                                                  Recording : Sound Card, Microphone
                                             Telephone Unit

                                                              ●   Insert the Voice Manager program CD into
                                                                   CD-ROM drive.
                                                              ●   Program SETUP will be started as follows.

27                                                                                                              28

     ●   Click "Next".                       ●   Choose your Destination Location and click "Next".

     ●   Fill the blanks and click "Next".   ●   Click "Next" on Start Copying Files Window.

29                                                                                                    30

                                                                     Using Voice Manager Program

                                                                1   Composition
                                                                      Computer’s Folder
                                                                      Play Bar
                                                                      Stop       Volume Control       Recording &
                                                                      Menu             Time           Playback Status Display
     ●   Click“Finish”on InstallShield Wizard Complete

     ● Click "Yes, I want to restart my computer now"           Download Icon           Upload Icon
       on reboot windows                                                                                   Voice Recorder
                                                                Displays both whole memory and             File List
     ● Click “Finish” then, Driver installation is completed.   Remaining memory of the recorder               Computer’s
                                                                                                                     File List
                                                                Voice Recorder Folder List
31                                                                                                                               32

     2       Connect Voice recorder and PC with USB cable.       5       To play the uploaded files

                                                                     ●   Click Play Icon, the selected file will be played.
                                                                     ●   You can adjust Volume by dragging
     3     To Upload files to PC                                          Volume Control to left or right side.
         ● Select a folder of the Voice Recorder
                                                                     ●   If you click and drag Play bar,
           Folder List.                                                   the file will be played from the part where
         ●   Select a file of the Voice Recorder File List.               the bar is indicating.

         ●   Click the Upload Icon.
         ●   The selected file is copied to your computer.

                                                                 6       Voice E.mailing
     4     To Download files from PC                                 ●   You can email the recorded file saved
         ● Select a folder of the Computer’s folder list.                in *.tru file to receiver by converting to *.wav file
                                                                         as per the following procedures and the receiver
         ●   Select a file (voice or data file) of your                  can hear the file through wav file player.
             computer file list.
                                                                         - Select the file you want in PC file list.
             (If you play the data file of the voice recorder,
             LCD displays“FILE”)                                         - If you select "File Conversion" after
                                                                            clicking "File" of menu, the "Conversion Option"
         ●   Click the Download Icon.                                       is displayed as per the following window.
         ●   The selected file is copied to Voice Recorder.

33                                                                                                                            34


                                                                         Please check the followings first before
                                                                         you ask for a service.

                                                                             Did you check the battery capacity?
                                                                In case of        ⇒ Replace batteries.
                                                               LCD display   Are both polarities of the battery loading in right way?
                                                                                  ⇒ Load batteries in each correct + / - position.
     ●   Select the mode you want among HQ, SP and LP.                       Isn't it at Hold position?
                                                                                    ⇒ Set Hold switch off.
                                                                In case of
     ●   Select the folder you want after clicking "Change",        no       Isn't the message number or message FULL?
                                                                recording           ⇒ Erase unnecessary message.
         if you'd like to save the wav file in other folder.
                                                                             Did you check the battery capacity?
         (Otherwise you select a certain folder,                                    ⇒ Replace batteries.
         it is saved in the current folder                                   Isn't it at Hold position?
         "C:౲Program Files౲T1౲USBV102౲voicedata")                                   ⇒ Set Hold switch off.
                                                                In case of
                                                                    no       Isn't there any recorded message?
     ●   If you click "Conversion Start", the file saved        Playback            ⇒ Check the recorded message.
          in tru file is converted to wav file.                              Did you check the battery capacity?
                                                                                    ⇒ Replace batteries.
     ●   You can email                                          In case of   Isn't your VOLUME at 0(Zero) position?
         "C:౲Program Files౲T1౲USBV102౲voicedata" or             no sound           ⇒ Adjust the VOLUME level.
                                                                   from      Isn't your Earphone inserted in?
         the wav file saved in the designated folder             speaker           ⇒ Take the Earphone Jack OFF.
         to receiver as the attached file.
                                                                In case of   Isn't your VOLUME at 0(Zero) position?
     ●   "Overwrite" is used for overwriting the converted       no sound          ⇒ Adjust the VOLUME level.
                                                                   from      Is your Earphone properly inserted in ?
          file to wav file newly.                               Earphone            ⇒ Insert the Earphone Jack completely.

35                                                                                                                                 36

                      Cautions                                        Cautions

     General                                       Safety precautions
     1. Dropping and other shock or pressure to    1. Do not attempt to repair, disassemble or
        the cabinet can cause damage.                 modify this unit.
     2. Pressure to the LCD may cause permanent    2. Do not use in aircraft during take-off
        damage to the performance of the LCD.         or landing.
     3. Always avoid high heat from any source.
        Leaving the unit in direct sunlight or     Cautions for Safety
        in a hot car (as in Summer) can damage     1. This unit contains a high quality speaker.
        the unit.
                                                     Keep the unit away from credit cards since
     4. Keep the unit clear from dust and            the speaker's magnetic strips on
        contamination that cause damage.             credit cards and other similar items
                                                     that have magnetic strips.
     5. High humidity, dampness or liquid spills
        should be avoided.                         2. The seller holds no liability for any
                                                      damage caused by accident or misuse
                                                      of this product or for any claims
                                                      by a third party.
                                                   3. The seller holds no liability for loss
                                                      of any message for any reason.

37                                                                                                 38

                          Specifications                                                           FCC Note

                                                                                THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF
                                                                                THE FCC RULES.
      Model                 DVU-1032                      DVU-1064              OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING
              HQ           About 6 hours                About 12 hours          TWO CONDITIONS:
Recording     SP           About 8 hours                 About 16 hours              1. THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL
              LP           About 17 hours                About 34 hours                 INTERFERENCE, AND
   Number of       5 Folders × 99 messages                                           2. THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY
   Message         (Including one additional lock folder)                               INTERFERENCE RECEIVED,INCLUDING
Frequency Range                                                                         INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE
 for Recording /   300Mz ~ 3,500Mz                                                      UNDERSIRED OPERATION.
   Out Power       100mW (T.H.D 10%)
     Input         Audio Analog In (-60dB), 3.5φ
    Output         Earphone(Mini Plug/Stereo) IMP Over 16 Ohms, 3.5φ      ●   This equipment has been tested and found to
   Speaker         23mm, 8 Ohms Dynamic Speaker
                                                                              comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
                                                                              pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
  Dimension        31.4(W) × 101(H) × 18.2(D)mm
Memory Medium      Built in Flash Memory                                  ●   These limits are designed to provide reasonable
 Power Source      1.5V, AAA ALKALINE × 2                                     protection against harmful interference in
                                                                              a residential installation.
                   Basic : User Manual, Stereo Earphone, 2 Batteries,
                     USB CABLE, Install CD, Hand Strap
 ACCESSORY                                                                ●   This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
                   Optional : External Pin Microphone, Audio Cable,           radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
                     Tel Adapter & Tel Line Cord
                                                                              used in accordance with the instructions, may
                                                                              cause harmful interference to radio communication.

 39                                                                                                                                  40

 ●   However, there is no guarantee that interference
     will not occur in a particular installation.
 ●   If this equipment does cause harmful interference
      to radio or television reception, which can be
      determined by turning the equipment off and on,
      the user is encouraged to try to correct the
      interference by one or more of the following                                             DVU-1032 / DVU-1064
      measures :                                                      DIGITAL       MODEL
                                                                     RECORDER     SALES DATE    yy      mm       dd
     - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
     - Increase the separation between                               ADDRESS
       the equipment and receiver.
     - Connect the equipment into an outlet on           CUSTOMER                 TEL
       a circuit difference from that to which
       the receiver is connected.                                      NAME                            SINCERELY
     - Consult the dealer of an experienced radio/TV
       technician for help.
      NOTE : The manufacturer is not responsible                                  TEL
             for any radio or TV interference
             caused by unauthorized modifications
             to this equipment.                                     AGENCY NAME                        SIGN

             Such modifications could void
             the user's authority to operate
             the equipment.

41                                                                                                             42

Document Created: 2003-01-17 14:10:51
Document Modified: 2003-01-17 14:10:51

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