Test Report Rev 3


Test Report

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                             Washington Laboratories, Ltd.

                                                          for the

                                        FCC ID: QP8-SYNQ18
                                        IC ID: 1297A-SYNQ18

                                    REPORT# 15791-01 REV 2

                                                      Prepared for:

                                   Crane Payment Innovation
                             3222 Phoenixville Pike, Suite 200
                                           Malvern, PA 19355

                                                      Prepared By:
                                  Washington Laboratories, Ltd.
                                               7560 Lindbergh Drive
                                        Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879

Certificates and reports shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written permission of Washington Laboratories, Ltd

                                                             FCC Part 15.249 Certification
Crane Payment Innovation                                                      Test Report
SYNQTM                                                                      October 2018

              FCC Part 15.249 Certification Test Report
                                        for the
                           Crane Payment Innovation

                               FCC ID: QP8-SYNQ18
                              ISED ID: 1297A-SYNQ18

                       WLL REPORT# 15791-01 REV 2

                                      Prepared by:

                                    John P. Repella
                           Manager, EMC & Wireless Services

                                     Reviewed by:

                                    Steven D. Koster
WLL Report # 15791-01 REV 2                                                              - ii

                                                                      FCC Part 15.249 Certification
 Crane Payment Innovation                                                              Test Report
 SYNQTM                                                                              October 2018

This report has been prepared on behalf of Crane Payment Innovation to support the attached
Application for Equipment Authorization. The test report and application are submitted for an
Intentional Radiator under Part 15.249 (10/2015) of the FCC Rules and Regulations and Spectrum
Management and Telecommunications Policy and under RSS-210 Issue 9, 08/2016 of Innovation,
Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED). This Certification Test Report documents
the test configuration and test results for the Crane Payment Innovation SYNQTM
Testing was performed on an Open Area Test Site (OATS) of Washington Laboratories, Ltd, 7560
Lindbergh Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20879. Site description and site attenuation data have been
placed on file with the FCC's Sampling and Measurements Branch at the FCC laboratory in
Columbia, MD. The ISED Canada OATS numbers are 3035A-1 and 3035A-2 for Washington
Laboratories, Ltd. Site 1 and Site 2, respectively. Washington Laboratories, Ltd. has been accepted
by the FCC and approved by ANAB under Certificate AT-1448 as an independent FCC test
The Crane Payment Innovation SYNQ TM complies with the limits for a transmitter device under
FCC Part 15.249 and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) RSS-210.

   Revision History                Description of Change                          Date

 Rev 0                      Initial Release                                 October 31, 2018
                            Report update to correct errors and             February 1, 2019
 REV 1
                            address reviewer’s comments
 REV 2                      Address reviewer’s comments                     February 5, 2019

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                                                                                                      FCC Part 15.249 Certification
 Crane Payment Innovation                                                                                              Test Report
 SYNQTM                                                                                                              October 2018

Abstract .....................................................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... iv
List of Tables .............................................................................................................................. v
List of Figures............................................................................................................................. v
List of Photographs ..................................................................................................................... v
1       Introduction..................................................................................................................... 1
  1.1      Compliance Statement ................................................................................................. 1
  1.2      Test Scope ................................................................................................................... 1
  1.3      Contract Information ................................................................................................... 1
  1.4      Test Dates.................................................................................................................... 1
  1.5      Test and Support Personnel ......................................................................................... 1
2       Equipment Under Test..................................................................................................... 3
  2.1      EUT Identification & Description ................................................................................ 3
  2.2      Test Configuration....................................................................................................... 4
  2.3      Testing Algorithm ....................................................................................................... 4
  2.4      Test Location............................................................................................................... 4
  2.5      Measurements ............................................................................................................. 4
     2.5.1 References ............................................................................................................... 4
  2.6      Measurement Uncertainty ............................................................................................ 5
3       Test Equipment ............................................................................................................... 6
4       Test Results ..................................................................................................................... 7
  4.1      Frequency Stability: (FCC Part §15.249 (b), RSS-GEN 8.11) ...................................... 7
  4.2      Bandedge: (FCC Part §15.249 (d), RSS-GEN)............................................................. 9
  4.3      Occupied Bandwidth: (FCC Part §2.1049, RSS-GEN 6.8) ......................................... 11
  4.5      AC Mains Conducted Emissions(FCC Part §15.207(a), RSS-GEN) ........................... 16
     4.5.1 Requirements ......................................................................................................... 16
     4.5.2 Test Procedure ....................................................................................................... 16
     4.5.3 Conducted Data Reduction and Reporting ............................................................. 16
     4.5.4 Test Data ............................................................................................................... 17
  4.6      Radiated Spurious Emissions: (FCC Part §15.249(a), RSS-GEN 8.9) ........................ 20
     4.6.1 Test Procedure ....................................................................................................... 20
  4.7      Receiver Radiated Spurious Emissions: (RSS-GEN 7.3) ............................................ 25
     4.7.1 Test Procedure ....................................................................................................... 25

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                                                                                              FCC Part 15.249 Certification
 Crane Payment Innovation                                                                                      Test Report
 SYNQTM                                                                                                      October 2018

Table 1: Device Summary ........................................................................................................... 3
Table 2: Expanded Uncertainty List ............................................................................................ 5
Table 3: Test Equipment List ...................................................................................................... 6
Table 4: Test Summary Table ..................................................................................................... 7
Table 5: Frequency Stability Test Data........................................................................................ 8
Table 6: Occupied Bandwidth Results ....................................................................................... 11
Table 7: Conducted Emissions Test Data .................................................................................. 17
Table 8: Spectrum Analyzer Settings ........................................................................................ 20
Table 9: Radiated Emission Test Data ....................................................................................... 21
Table 10: 15.249 mV Power Requirements All Channels .......................................................... 22
Table 11: Spectrum Analyzer Settings ...................................................................................... 25
Table 12: Radiated Emission Test Data, Receiver ..................................................................... 26

Figure 1: Lower Bandedge .......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2: Upper Bandedge ........................................................................................................ 10
Figure 3: Occupied Bandwidth, Low Channel ........................................................................... 11
Figure 4: Occupied Bandwidth, Mid Channel............................................................................ 12
Figure 5: Occupied Bandwidth, High Channel .......................................................................... 13

Photograph 1: Bench Test Setup Configuration ......................................................................... 14
Photograph 2: Temp Stability Test Setup .................................................................................. 15
Photograph 3: Conducted Emissions Test Configuration - Front ............................................... 18
Photograph 4: Conducted Emissions Test Configuration – Side ................................................ 19
Photograph 5: Radiated Emissions Test Setup ........................................................................... 23
Photograph 6: Radiated Emissions Test Setup ........................................................................... 24

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                                                                       FCC Part 15.249 Certification
      Crane Payment Innovation                                                          Test Report
      SYNQTM                                                                          October 2018


The Crane Payment Innovation SYNQ TM complies with the limits for a transmitter device under FCC
Part 15.249 (10/2013) and ISED Canada RSS-210 Issue 8 December 2010.

1.2     TEST SCOPE
Tests for radiated and conducted emissions were performed. All measurements were performed in
accordance with the 2013 version of ANSI C63.10. The measurement equipment conforms to ANSI C63.2
Specifications for Electromagnetic Noise and Field Strength Instrumentation.

 Customer:                       Crane Payment Innovations.
 Address                         3222 Phoenixville Pike, Suite 200
                                 Malvern, PA 19355

 Purchase Order Number:          4500555905
 Quotation Number:               71022A

1.4     TEST DATES
Testing was performed on the following date(s):      10/22/2018 – 10/26/2018, 02/01/2019

Washington Laboratories, LTD          Nikolas Allen, John P. Repella
Customer Representative               Dan Mitchell

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                                                           FCC Part 15.249 Certification
    Crane Payment Innovation                                                Test Report
    SYNQTM                                                                October 2018

               A    Ampere
               ac   alternating current
             AM     Amplitude Modulation
           Amps     Amperes
              b/s   bits per second
             BW     BandWidth
              CE    Conducted Emission
              cm    Centimeter
             CW     Continuous Wave
              dB    deciBel
               dc   direct current
             EMI    Electromagnetic Interference
            EUT     Equipment Under Test
              FM    Frequency Modulation
               G    giga – prefix for 109 multiplier
              Hz    Hertz
               IF   Intermediate Frequency
                k   kilo – prefix for 103 multiplier
            LISN    Line Impedance Stabilization Network
               M    Mega – prefix for 106 multiplier
               m    Meter
                µ   micro – prefix for 10-6 multiplier
              NB    Narrowband
              QP    Quasi-Peak
              RE    Radiated Emissions
              RF    Radio Frequency
             rms    root-mean-square
              SN    Serial Number
             S/A    Spectrum Analyzer
                V   Volt

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                                                                  FCC Part 15.249 Certification
      Crane Payment Innovation                                                     Test Report
      SYNQTM                                                                     October 2018


Table 1: Device Summary

                                 Item CPI SYNQ
                         Manufacturer: Crane Payment Innovation
                                  FCC ID: QP8-SYNQ18
                                 ISED ID: 1297A-SYNQ18
                              Model: SYNQ TM
         Serial Number of Unit Tested Not Provided
                        FCC Rule Parts: §15.249
                       ISED Rule Parts: RSS-210
                   Frequency Range: 2400-2483.5 MHz
              Maximum Output Field: 37.5 mV/m (@ 3m)
                           Modulation: Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying
  Occupied Bandwidth (99%)[MHz]: 1.0271
         FCC Emission Designator: 1M03F7D
         ISED Emissions Designators: 1M03F7D
                            Keying: Automatic, Manual
                 Type of Information: Data
                 Number of Channels: 40
                 Power Output Level Fixed
       Highest TX Spurious Emission: 40.5 uV/m (@ 3m)
       Highest RX Spurious Emission: 27.4 uV/m (@ 3m)
                  Antenna Connector PCB Trace
                         Antenna Type PCB
                       Interface Cables: None
                 Maximum Data Rate 8192 kSymbols
              Power Source & Voltage: DC, 20-42V Battery

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                                                                      FCC Part 15.249 Certification
      Crane Payment Innovation                                                         Test Report
      SYNQTM                                                                         October 2018

The Crane Payment Innovation SYNQ TM is used as a wireless interface to a vending machine. It provides
the ability for wireless payment from a Bluetooth device as well as service status information of the
vending machine and included CPI Buss connected devices.

The SYNQ TM was connected to vending machine and bill/coin devices.

The SYNQ TM was tested with the EUT transmitting in a normal configuration and being set to a CW
signal when appropriate.
Worst case emission levels are provided in the test results data.

All measurements herein were performed at Washington Laboratories, Ltd. test center in Gaithersburg,
MD. Site description and site attenuation data have been placed on file with the FCC's Sampling and
Measurements Branch at the FCC laboratory in Columbia, MD. The ISED Canada OATS numbers are
3035A-1 and 3035A-2 for Washington Laboratories, Ltd. Site 1 and Site 2, respectively. Washington
Laboratories, Ltd. has been accepted by the FCC and approved by ANAB under Testing Certificate AT-
1448 as an independent FCC test laboratory.

2.5.1   References
ANSI C63.2 (Jan-2016) Specifications for Electromagnetic Noise and Field Strength Instrumentation
ANSI C63.4 (Jan 2014) American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise
Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz
ANSI C63.10 (Jun 2013) American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of
Unlicensed Wireless Devices

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                                                                           FCC Part 15.249 Certification
      Crane Payment Innovation                                                              Test Report
      SYNQTM                                                                              October 2018

All results reported herein relate only to the equipment tested. The basis for uncertainty calculation uses
ANSI/NCSL Z540-2-1997 (R2002) with a type B evaluation of the standard uncertainty. Elements
contributing to the standard uncertainty are combined using the method described in Equation 1 to arrive
at the total standard uncertainty. The standard uncertainty is multiplied by the coverage factor to determine
the expanded uncertainty which is generally accepted for use in commercial, industrial, and regulatory
applications and when health and safety are concerned (see Equation 2). A coverage factor was selected
to yield a 95% confidence in the uncertainty estimation.

Equation 1: Standard Uncertainty

                                   a2     b2     c2
                           uc = ±     2
                                        +    2
                                               +    2
                                                      + .......
                                  diva divb divc
        Where uc         = standard uncertainty
                a, b, c,..      = individual uncertainty elements
                Diva, b, c      = the individual uncertainty element divisor based on the probability
                                Divisor = 1.732 for rectangular distribution
                                Divisor = 2 for normal distribution
                                Divisor = 1.414 for trapezoid distribution

Equation 2: Expanded Uncertainty

                       U = ku c
        Where U             = expanded uncertainty
              k             = coverage factor
                            k ≤ 2 for 95% coverage (ANSI/NCSL Z540-2 Annex G)
             uc             = standard uncertainty
The measurement uncertainty complies with the maximum allowed uncertainty from CISPR 16-4-2.
Measurement uncertainty is not used to adjust the measurements to determine compliance.

Table 2: Expanded Uncertainty List

 Scope                       Standard(s)                                                  Expanded
 Conducted Emissions         CISPR11, CISPR22, CISPR32, CISPR14, FCC Part 15              ±2.63 dB
 Radiated Emissions          CISPR11, CISPR22, CISPR32, CISPR14, FCC Part 15              ±4.55 dB

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                                                                        FCC Part 15.249 Certification
    Crane Payment Innovation                                                             Test Report
    SYNQTM                                                                             October 2018

Table 3 shows a list of the test equipment used for measurements along with the calibration information.

Table 3: Test Equipment List

 Test Name:           Conducted Emissions Voltage           Test Date:                            02/01/2019
 Asset #              Manufacturer/Model                    Description                           Cal. Due
 00125                Solar/8028-50-TS-24-BNC               LISN                                   5/23/2019
 00126                Solar/8028-50-TS-24-BNC               LISN                                   5/23/2019
 00823                Agilent/EXA N9010A                    EXA SPECTRUM ANALYZER                  4/21/2019
 00895                HP/11947A                             TRANSIENT LIMITER                      12/10/2019

 Test Name:      Radiated Emissions                                                 Test Date: 10/22/2018
 Asset #         Manufacturer/Model                         Description                           Cal. Due
 00644            Sunol Sciences Corporation – JB1          Broadband Hybrid Antenna              01/16/2020
 00528            Agilent/E4446A                            Spectrum Analyzer 3Hz - 44GHz         12/19/2018
 00559            HP/8447D                                  Pre-amplifier                         02/12/2019
 00435            WLL/RG-223(0.5m)                          BNC Coaxial Cable                     04/12/2019
 00004            ARA/DRG-118/A                             Horn Antenna1-18GHz                   0 6/14/2019
 00522            HP/8449B                                  Pre-Amplifier 1-26.5GHz                02/12/2019
 00849            AH Systems/SAC-18G-16                     HF Coaxial Cable                       01/18/2020
 00776           Tenny/ TJR-A-WS4                           Temperature Chamber                   06/01/2019

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                                                                          FCC Part 15.249 Certification
      Crane Payment Innovation                                                             Test Report
      SYNQTM                                                                             October 2018

The Table Below shows the results of testing for compliance with a Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
device in accordance with FCC Part 15.249 10/2015 and RSS-210 Issue 9. Full test results are shown in
subsequent sub-sections.

Table 4: Test Summary Table

 TX Test Summary

 FCC Rule Part            IC Rule Part              Description                                Result
 2.1049                   RSS-GEN 6.7               Occupied Bandwidth                         Pass

 15.249 (b)               RSS-Gen 6.11 & 8.11       Frequency Stability                        Pass

 15.249 (d)               RSS-GEN                   Bandedge Requirements                      Pass
 15.249 (a)               RSS-210 6.13              General Field Strength Limits              Pass
 15.209                   RSS-GEN 8.9
 15.207                   RSS-210                   Conducted Emissions                        Pass

 RX/Digital Test Summary

 FCC Rule Part            IC Rule Part              Description                                Result
 15.107                   RSS-GEN Section 8.8       AC Powerline Conducted Emissions           Pass

 15.109                   RSS-210 Section 4.3       General Field Strength Limits              Pass
                          RSS-GEN Section 7.3

Transmitter was active during the testing.

4.1     FREQUENCY STABILITY: (FCC PART §15.249 (B), RSS-GEN 8.11)
Frequency Stability was performed by coupling the output of the EUT to the input of a spectrum analyzer.
The device was placed in a temperature table and frequency of a single channel was measured at -20 to
50 degrees C. The frequency tolerance of the carrier shall be maintained within ±0.001% of the operating
frequency. See Table 5 for collected data.

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                                                                 FCC Part 15.249 Certification
       Crane Payment Innovation                                                   Test Report
       SYNQTM                                                                   October 2018

Table 5: Frequency Stability Test Data

                                  Frequency                           Limit (+/-
 Temperature (Centigrade)                       Deviation (Hz)                         Pass/Fail
                                  (MHz)                               Hz)
 20(ambient)                      2439.980820   0                     24400            NA

 -30                              2439.960039   -20781                24400            Pass

 -20                              2439.974548   -6272                 24400            Pass

 -10                              2439.981266   446                   24400            Pass

 0                                2439.984150   3330                  24400            Pass

 10                               2439.982913   2093                  24400            Pass

 20                               2439.980688   -132                  24400            Pass

 30                               2439.975933   -4887                 24400            Pass

 40                               2439.971616   -9204                 24400            Pass

 50                               2439.968205   -12615                24400            Pass

 Voltage Variations
                                  Frequency     Deviation             Limit (+/-
 Voltage                                                                               Pass/Fail
                                  (MHz)         (Hz)                  Hz)
 Nominal Voltage                  2439.980820   0                     24400            NA
 115% of Nominal Voltage
                                  2439.980775   -45                   24400            Pass
 85% of Nominal Voltage
                                  2439.980914   94                    24400            Pass

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                                                                   FCC Part 15.249 Certification
      Crane Payment Innovation                                                      Test Report
      SYNQTM                                                                      October 2018

4.2     BANDEDGE: (FCC PART §15.249 (D), RSS-GEN)
Bandedge was performed by coupling the output of the EUT to the input of a spectrum analyzer. The
device was set to operate on the lowest and highest channel and plots were taken.

Figure 1: Lower Bandedge

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                              FCC Part 15.249 Certification
   Crane Payment Innovation                    Test Report
   SYNQTM                                    October 2018

Figure 2: Upper Bandedge

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                                                                       FCC Part 15.249 Certification
      Crane Payment Innovation                                                          Test Report
      SYNQTM                                                                          October 2018

Occupied bandwidth was performed by coupling the output of the EUT to the input of a spectrum analyzer.
At full modulation, the occupied bandwidth was measured as shown.
Table 6 provides a summary of the Occupied Bandwidth Results.

Table 6: Occupied Bandwidth Results

           Frequency                     Bandwidth (kHz)            Limit (kHz)           Pass/Fail
 Low Channel: 2402MHz                        1024.6                    N/A                  Pass
 Mid Channel: 2440MHz                        1027.1                    N/A                  Pass
 High Channel: 2480MHz                       1018.6                    N/A                  Pass

Figure 3: Occupied Bandwidth, Low Channel

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                                            FCC Part 15.249 Certification
   Crane Payment Innovation                                  Test Report
   SYNQTM                                                  October 2018

Figure 4: Occupied Bandwidth, Mid Channel

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                                             FCC Part 15.249 Certification
   Crane Payment Innovation                                   Test Report
   SYNQTM                                                   October 2018

Figure 5: Occupied Bandwidth, High Channel

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                                               FCC Part 15.249 Certification
    Crane Payment Innovation                                    Test Report
    SYNQTM                                                    October 2018

Photograph 1: Bench Test Setup Configuration

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                                          FCC Part 15.249 Certification
    Crane Payment Innovation                               Test Report
    SYNQTM                                               October 2018

Photograph 2: Temp Stability Test Setup

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                                                                          FCC Part 15.249 Certification
      Crane Payment Innovation                                                             Test Report
      SYNQTM                                                                             October 2018

4.5.1   Requirements
Compliance Standard: FCC Part 15.207, Class B

        Frequency Range                                   Class B Digital Device
                                               Quasi-peak                           Average
        0.15-0.5MHz                 66 to 56dBµV                        56 to 46dBµV
        0.5 to 5MHz                 56dBµV                              46dBµV
        0.5-30MHz                   60dBµV                              50dBµV

4.5.2   Test Procedure
The requirements of FCC Part 15 and ICES-003 call for the EUT to be placed on an 80cm-high 1 X 1.5-
meter non-conductive table above a ground plane. Power to the EUT was provided through a Solar
Corporation 50 Ω/50 µH Line Impedance Stabilization Network bonded to a 3 X 2-meter ground plane.
The LISN has its AC input supplied from a filtered AC power source. Power was supplied to the
peripherals through a second LISN. The peripherals were placed on the table in accordance with ANSI
C63.4: 2014. Power cables were moved about to obtain maximum emissions.
The 50 Ω output of the LISN was connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer and the emissions in
the frequency range of 150 kHz to 30 MHz were measured. The detector function was set to quasi-peak,
peak, or average as appropriate, and the resolution bandwidth during testing was at least 9 kHz, with all
post-detector filtering no less than 10 times the resolution bandwidth. For average measurements, the post-
detector filter was set to 10 Hz.
These emissions must meet the limits specified in §15.207 & §15.35 for quasi-peak and average
measurements. At frequencies where, quasi-peak or peak measurements comply with the average limit,
no average measurements need be performed.

4.5.3   Conducted Data Reduction and Reporting
At frequencies where, quasi-peak or peak measurements comply with the average limit, no average
measurements need be performed. The Conducted emissions level to be compared to the FCC limit is
calculated as shown in the following example.
               Spectrum Analyzer Voltage:    VdBµV
               LISN Correction Factor:       LISN dB
               Cable Correction Factor:      CF dB
               Electric Field:               EdBµV = V dBµV + LISN dB + CF dB

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                                                                     FCC Part 15.249 Certification
     Crane Payment Innovation                                                         Test Report
     SYNQTM                                                                         October 2018

4.5.4   Test Data
The EUT complied with the Class B Conducted Emissions requirements.
Table 7 provides a summary of the Conducted Emissions results. Photograph 3 & 4 show a sample of the
conducted emissions test configuration.

Table 7: Conducted Emissions Test Data


             Level    Level     Cable   LISN    Level              Limit     Limit                   Margin
 Frequency                                                Corr                          Margin
             QP       AVG       Loss    Corr    QP Corr            QP        AVG                     AVG
 (MHz)                                                    Avg                           QP (dB)
             (dBµV)   (dBµV)    (dB)    (dB)    (dBµV)             (dBµV)    (dBµV)                  (dB)
 0.150       31.2     16.0      10.2    0.2     41.6      26.3     66.0      56.0       -24.4        -29.7
 0.476       19.3     12.8      10.2    0.3     29.7      23.2     56.4      46.4       -26.7        -23.2
 7.175       23.6     17.1      11.0    0.0     34.6      28.1     60.0      50.0       -25.4        -21.9
 7.476       24.1     17.4      11.0    0.1     35.2      28.5     60.0      50.0       -24.8        -21.5
 22.159      17.0     9.6       11.6    1.1     29.7      22.3     60.0      50.0       -30.3        -27.7
 23.606      17.8     8.7       11.6    1.1     30.6      21.4     60.0      50.0       -29.4        -28.6


             Level    Level     Cable   LISN    Level              Limit     Limit                   Margin
 Frequency                                                Corr                          Margin
             QP       AVG       Loss    Corr    QP Corr            QP        AVG                     AVG
 (MHz)                                                    Avg                           QP (dB)
             (dBµV)   (dBµV)    (dB)    (dB)    (dBµV)             (dBµV)    (dBµV)                  (dB)
 0.150       32.1     18.0      10.2    0.2     42.5      28.4     66.0      56.0       -23.5        -27.6
 0.476       18.5     10.4      10.2    0.2     28.9      20.8     56.4      46.4       -27.5        -25.6
 7.221       23.0     14.9      11.0    0.0     34.0      25.9     60.0      50.0       -26.0        -24.1
 7.635       23.9     14.0      11.0    0.1     35.0      25.1     60.0      50.0       -25.0        -24.9
 22.134      24.0     10.1      11.6    0.8     36.4      22.5     60.0      50.0       -23.6        -27.5
 22.189      25.5     8.1       11.6    0.8     37.9      20.5     60.0      50.0       -22.1        -29.5

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                                                               FCC Part 15.249 Certification
    Crane Payment Innovation                                                    Test Report
    SYNQTM                                                                    October 2018

Photograph 3: Conducted Emissions Test Configuration - Front

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                                                              FCC Part 15.249 Certification
    Crane Payment Innovation                                                   Test Report
    SYNQTM                                                                   October 2018

Photograph 4: Conducted Emissions Test Configuration – Side

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                                                                        FCC Part 15.249 Certification
      Crane Payment Innovation                                                           Test Report
      SYNQTM                                                                           October 2018

The EUT must comply with the requirements for radiated spurious emissions that fall within the restricted
bands. These emissions must meet the limits specified in §15.209 and §15.35(b) for peak measurements.

4.6.1   Test Procedure
The EUT was placed on motorized turntable for radiated testing on a 3-meter open field test site. The
emissions from the EUT were measured continuously at every azimuth by rotating the turntable. Receiving
antennas were mounted on an antenna mast to determine the height of maximum emissions. The height of
the antenna was varied between 1 and 4 meters. The peripherals were placed on the table in accordance
with ANSI C63.4-2014. Cables were varied in position to produce maximum emissions. Both the
horizontal and vertical field components were measured.
The device was rotated in three axes. The maximum emissions are reported in Table 9.
The emissions were measured using the following resolution bandwidths:

Table 8: Spectrum Analyzer Settings

 Frequency Range                    Resolution Bandwidth              Video Bandwidth
 30MHz-1000 MHz                     120kHz                            >100 kHz
 >1000 MHz                          1 MHz                             <10 Hz (Avg.), 1MHz (Peak)

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                                                                   FCC Part 15.249 Certification
    Crane Payment Innovation                                                        Test Report
    SYNQTM                                                                        October 2018

Table 9: Radiated Emission Test Data

                                   Ant.     SA       Corr      Corr.
 Frequency   Polarity   Azimuth                                           Limit      Margin        Peak/Ave
                                   Height   Level    Factors   Level
 (MHz)       H/V        (Degree)                                          (uV/m)     (dB)
                                   (m)      (dBuV)   (dB)      (uV/m)
 31.15       V          180.00     1.00     33.11    -2.7      33.0       100.0      -9.6          Peak
 57.23       V          0.00       1.00     45.00    -15.9     28.4       100.0      -10.9         Peak
 79.99       V          180.00     2.00     41.37    -14.9     21.2       100.0      -13.5         Peak
 242.90      V          180.00     1.30     36.22    -9.7      21.1       200.0      -19.5         Peak
 257.48      V          0.00       2.20     36.85    -9.8      22.6       200.0      -19.0         Peak
 324.97      V          270.00     3.60     30.94    -6.9      15.8       200.0      -22.0         Peak
 359.99      V          0.00       3.20     32.24    -5.7      21.1       200.0      -19.5         Peak
 1506.16     V          180.00     2.50     53.82    -7.1      216.0      5000.0     -27.3         Peak
 1506.16     V          180.00     2.50     35.65    -7.1      26.7       500.0      -25.5         Ave
 4803.94     V          0.00       1.40     56.32    5.7       1267.5     5000.0     -11.9         Peak
 4803.94     V          0.00       1.40     36.80    5.7       133.9      500.0      -11.4         Ave
 7206.07     V          180.00     1.40     45.69    11.0      680.2      5000.0     -17.3         Peak
 7206.07     V          180.00     1.40     25.90    11.0      69.7       500.0      -17.1         Ave

 31.19       H        270.00      3.80     34.92      -2.8     40.5       100.0      -7.8          Peak
 53.32       H        0.00        3.50     43.57      -15.8    24.3       100.0      -12.3         Peak
 113.20      H        45.00       2.00     40.08      -9.4     34.4       150.0      -12.8         Peak
 138.39      H        0.00        4.00     34.34      -9.1     18.3       150.0      -18.3         Peak
 238.37      H        0.00        1.80     35.93      -9.9     20.1       200.0      -20.0         Peak
 299.97      H        270.00      2.00     32.14      -7.8     16.5       200.0      -21.7         Peak
 333.72      H        45.00       1.20     31.50      -6.8     17.2       200.0      -21.3         Peak
 1500.83     H        180.00      1.30     50.81      -7.1     152.5      5000.0     -30.3         Peak
 1500.83     H        180.00      1.30     35.38      -7.1     25.8       500.0      -25.7         Ave
 4803.94     H        0.00        1.40     56.32      5.7      1267.5     5000.0     -11.9         Peak
 4803.94     H        0.00        1.40     42.24      5.7      250.6      500.0      -6.0          Ave
 7206.07     H        180.00      1.40     48.62      11.0     953.1      5000.0     -14.4         Peak
 7206.07     H        180.00      1.40     25.78      11.0     68.7       500.0      -17.2         Ave
Emissions were scanned up to the 10 harmonic of the fundamental.

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                                                                          FCC Part 15.249 Certification
    Crane Payment Innovation                                                               Test Report
    SYNQTM                                                                               October 2018

Table 10: 15.249 Radiated Field at Fundamental
 Frequency   Polarity   Azimuth    Ant.     SA Level   Corr      Corr.      Limit      Margin
 (MHz)       H/V        (Degree)   Height   (dBuV)     Factors   Level      (mV/m)     (dB)      Peak/Ave
                                   (m)                 (dB)      (mV/m)
 2401.87     V          180.00     1.00     106.68     -15.2     37.4       50         -2.5      Peak
 2439.97     V          180.00     1.00     105.98     -15.6     33.1       50         -3.6      Peak
 2479.94     V          180.00     1.00     107.45     -16.0     37.5       50         -2.5      Peak
 2401.87     H          180.00     1.00     105.31     -15.2     31.9       50         -3.9      Peak
 2439.97     H          180.00     1.00     106.42     -15.6     34.8       50         -3.1      Peak
 2479.94     H          180.00     1.00     105.50     -16.0     30.0       50         -4.4      Peak

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                                              FCC Part 15.249 Certification
    Crane Payment Innovation                                   Test Report
    SYNQTM                                                   October 2018

Photograph 5: Radiated Emissions Test Setup

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                                              FCC Part 15.249 Certification
    Crane Payment Innovation                                   Test Report
    SYNQTM                                                   October 2018

Photograph 6: Radiated Emissions Test Setup

WLL Report # 15791-01 REV 2                                      Page-24 of 26-

                                                                        FCC Part 15.249 Certification
      Crane Payment Innovation                                                           Test Report
      SYNQTM                                                                           October 2018

The EUT must comply with the requirements for radiated spurious emissions that fall within the restricted
bands. These emissions must meet the limits specified in §15.109 and §15.35(b) for peak measurements.

4.7.1   Test Procedure
The EUT was placed on motorized turntable for radiated testing on a 3-meter open field test site. The
emissions from the EUT were measured continuously at every azimuth by rotating the turntable. Receiving
antennas were mounted on an antenna mast to determine the height of maximum emissions. The height of
the antenna was varied between 1 and 4 meters. The peripherals were placed on the table in accordance
with ANSI C63.4-2014. Cables were varied in position to produce maximum emissions. Both the
horizontal and vertical field components were measured.
The emissions were measured using the following resolution bandwidths:

Table 11: Spectrum Analyzer Settings

 Frequency Range                    Resolution Bandwidth             Video Bandwidth
 30MHz-1000 MHz                     120kHz                           >100 kHz
 >1000 MHz                          1 MHz                            10 Hz (Avg.), 1MHz (Peak)

Average measurements above 1GHz were made with the Spectrum analyzer set to the linear mode with a
Video bandwidth of 10Hz, and the resultant reading mathematically converted to dBuV. Correction factors
were then applied, and the resulting value was compared to the limit.

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                                                                    FCC Part 15.249 Certification
    Crane Payment Innovation                                                         Test Report
    SYNQTM                                                                         October 2018

Table 12: Radiated Emission Test Data, Receiver

                                  Ant.   SA       Corr.     Corr.
 Frequency   Polarity   Azimuth                                       Limit     Margin
                                  Ht     Level    Factors   Level                           Peak/Ave
 MHz         H/V        Degree                                        uV/m      (dB)
                                  (m)    dBuV     dB        V/m
 31.89       V          180.00    1.00   26.90    -2.9      15.9      100.0     -16.0      Peak
 66.38       V          0.00      1.20   35.14    -14.6     10.7      100.0     -19.4      Peak
 113.32      V          270.00    1.10   37.80    -9.1      27.4      150.0     -14.8      Peak
 360.00      V          180.00    3.50   33.60    -5.7      24.8      200.0     -18.1      Peak
 371.88      V          270.00    3.30   33.46    -5.5      24.9      200.0     -18.1      Peak

 48.01       H          180.00    4.00   36.30    -13.8     13.3      100.0     -17.5      Peak
 110.58      H          270.00    2.10   32.99    -9.5      14.9      150.0     -20.1      Peak
 143.04      H          90.00     2.00   36.20    -9.2      22.3      150.0     -16.6      Peak
 143.04      H          90.00     2.00   32.46    -9.2      14.5      150.0     -20.3      Peak
 229.41      H          270.00    2.00   31.09    -10.3     11.0      200.0     -25.2      Peak
 312.52      H          180.00    1.80   32.23    -7.3      17.7      200.0     -21.1      Peak
 359.98      H          90.00     1.00   29.74    -5.7      15.9      200.0     -22.0      Peak

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Document Created: 2630-07-04 00:00:00
Document Modified: 2630-07-04 00:00:00

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