RF Exposure SAR 2

FCC ID: QOB99000

RF Exposure Info

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                                                         Report No. : ES/2006/90001
                                                              Page : 1 of 19

 1. Photographs of Test Setup                                       02
 2. Photographs of EUT                                              06
 4. Probe Calibration certificate                                   08
 5. Uncertainty Analysis                                            17
 6. Phantom description                                             18
 7. System Validation from Original equipment supplier              19

                                                            Report No. : ES/2006/90001
                                                                 Page : 2 of 19
Photographs of Test Setup

               Fig.1 Photograph of the SAR measurement System


                                                15 cm

         Fig.2 Photograph of the Tissue Simulate Fluid liquid depth 15cm
               for Flat phantom

                                                    Report No. : ES/2006/90001
                                                         Page : 3 of 19

Fig.3 Photo of the Notebook and the top of EUT contact to the Flat
   phantom, Spacing between EUT and phantom –In contact (0mm)



Fig.4 Photo of the Notebook and the top of EUT contact to the Flat
 phantom, Spacing between EUT and phantom –In contact (0mm),
 Spacing between Antenna and phantom –In contact (1.0cm)

                                                       Report No. : ES/2006/90001
                                                            Page : 4 of 19

       Bottom face to the flat phantom

Fig.5 Photo of the Bottom face of the notebook is paralleled with flat
      Phantom, Antenna is in Vertical direction and Spacing between
      EUT and phantom – In contact (0.5cm)


Fig.6 Photo of the Bottom face of the notebook is paralleled with flat
      Phantom, Antenna is in Vertical direction and Spacing between
      EUT and phantom – In contact (0.5cm)

                                                     Report No. : ES/2006/90001
                                                          Page : 5 of 19

          Bottom face to the flat phantom

Fig.7 Photo of the Bottom face of the notebook is paralleled with flat
      Phantom, Antenna is in Horizontal direction and Spacing between
      EUT and phantom – In contact (0.5cm)


Fig.8 Photo of the Bottom face of the notebook is paralleled with flat
      Phantom, Antenna is in Horizontal direction and Spacing between
      EUT and phantom – In contact (0.5cm)

                                                         Report No. : ES/2006/90001
                                                              Page : 6 of 19
Photographs of the EUT

           the Antenna is in horizontal direction

                  Fig.9 With IBM ThinkPad T43 USB Host slot

                            the Antenna tip upward

                  Fig.10 With IBM ThinkPad T43 USB Host slot

                           Report No. : ES/2006/90001
                                Page : 7 of 19

Fig.11 Front view of EUT

Fig.12 Back view of EUT

                                Report No. : ES/2006/90001
                                     Page : 8 of 19
Probe Calibration certificate

Calibration Laboratory of                                                           Schweizerschor Kallbrersianst

                                                                             0o a
Schmid & Partner                                                                    Service suisse @‘italonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                    Servio sviezero dtaraturn
‘Zeughausstrasse 4, 8004 Zorich, Swtzeriand                                         Swiss Caltration Service
Accrndted by ha Swiss Federal Offce of Metslagy and Accredtaton                 Aecredtation No.: SCS 108
"The Swiss Accredtation Service is one ofthe aignatories to the EA
Mutiaterl Agreementfo the recognition of callation cortficates

TSL                        tissue simulating liquid
NORMxy,z                   sensitivity in free space
ConF                       sensitivity in TSL / NORMxy,z
DCP                        diode compression point
Polarization o             i rotation around probe axis
Polarization 8             8 rotation around an axis that is in the plane normal to probe axis (at
                           measurement center), .e., 3 = 0 is normal to probe axis

Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
    a) IEEE Std 1528—2003, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
       Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
       Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques®, December2003
    b) CENELEC EN 50361, "Basic standard for the measurement of Specific Absorption Rate
        related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones (300 MHz — 3
        GHz), July 2001
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
  * NORMx,y,z: Assessed for E—field polarization 8 = (f s 900 MHz in TEM—cell f > 1800 MHz:
     R22 waveguide). NORMx.y,z are only intermediate values, ie., the uncertainties of
     NORMxy,z does not effect the E*—field uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvF).
  * NORM(Mxy,2= NORMx,y,z * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Chart). This
        linearization is implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of
        the frequency response is included in the stated uncertainty of ConvF.
    *   DCPxy,z: DCP are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on the data of
        power sweep (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
    *   ConvF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in fat phantom using E—field (or
        Temperature Transfer Standard for f < 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analytical field
        distributions based on power measurements for f > 800 MHz. The same setups are used for
        assessment of the parameters applied for boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which
        typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are used in DASY4 software to
        improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitivity in TSL corresponds to
        NORMxy,z * ConvF whereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF. A
        frequency dependent ConvF is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows
        extending the validity from & 50 MHz to + 100 MHz.
    *   Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isotropy); in a field of low gradients realized using a
        flat phantom exposed by a patch antenna.
    *   Sensor Offset: The sensor offset corresponds to the offset of virtual measurement center
        from the probe tip (on probe axis). No tolerance required.

Cortficate No: EX3—3626_Aug06                               Page 2of9

   EX3DV3 SN:3526                                                               August 25, 2006

                      Probe EX3DV3

                                Manufactured:                   March 19, 2004
                                Last calibrated:                May 24, 2004
                                Recalibrated:                   August 25, 2006

                                    Calibrated for DASY Systems
                                     (Note: non—compatible with DASY2 systm!)

Cenificale No: ET3—3526_Augoo                   Page 3 of0

    EX3DV3 SN:3526                                                               August 25, 2006

    DASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV3 SN:3526

    Sensitivity in Free Space®                                          Diode Compression®
            NormX               0.82 + 10.1%       pVi(Vim)             peP x     as mV
            Norm¥               0.87 £ 10.1%       pVi(Vim]             DoP Y     92 mV
            Normz               0.85 £ 10.1%       pVi(Vim)             DCP 2     94 mV

    Sensitivity in Tissue Simulating Liquid (Conversion Factors)
    Please see Page 8.

    Boundary Effect
   Tsu                   800 MHz     Typical SAR gradient 5 % per mm

            Sensor Center to Phantom Surface Distance                   3.7 mm 47 mm
            SAR.)           Without Correction Algorthm                    210.  os
            SAR )           With Correction Algorthm                       on    o1

   Tst                   1810 MHz    Typical SAR gradient: 10 % por mm

            Sensor Genter to Phantom Surface Distance                   3.7 mm 47 mm
            SAR, [%]        Without Correction Algorthm                    15—   os
            SARs. [2]       With Correcon Algorthm                         on    os

    Sensor Offset
            Probe Tip to Sensor Canter                                1 mm

    (The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncer
    imeasurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution
    (corresponds to a coverageprobability of approximately 95%.

   * The uncetaintes of NoY.2 d nafctthEid uncerainy inside TSL (sen Page 8
   * Numerealincarzaton paremeter uncerainy not equred

Centfcate No: ET3—3526_Aug06                   Page 4 o9

   EX3DV3 SN:3526                                                                                        August 25, 2006

                                                   Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                        (TEM—Cel      110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)
            Frequency response (normatized)
              s & ;      s


                                              0      so        1000      1500       2000      2500       soco
                                                          —s—rem                —o—ree

                                                  Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—fiold: # 6.3% (k=2)

Corifcate No: ET3—3526_Aug06                                          Page S of9

    EX3DV3 SN:3526                                                                  August 25, 2006

                                             ing Pattern (¢), 3 = 0°

                                                                  £= 1800 MHz, WG R22

              as                                                                       <>—20 Mtle
              04                                                                       —m— 100 Mz
   Error td

              3 HiserLELEOTE on io is
              62                                                                       ~>—600 Mz

              P                                                                        2500 Mite



                               Uncertainty of Axial sotropy Assessmont: £ 0.5% (ke2)

Corifcate No: ET3—3526_Augo6                    Page 6 of0

   EX3DV3 SN:3526                                                                                 August 25, 2006

                                             Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                                  (Waveguide R22, £= 1800 MHz)

           inputSignal (i¥)


                              meeo !—                      ‘                        *
                                 00001     0001      o01           0.4          1       10       100
                                                           SAR {mWWlon]
                                         ~#— not compensated                ~4~compensated   |         ‘

                                                           SAR ImWem‘]
             [L222                                                                       S
                                            Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment: £ 0.6% (k=2)

Cerificale No: ET3—2526_Aug06                                  Page 7 or9

   EX3DV3 SN:3526                                                                                    August 25, 2006

                                Conversion Factor Assessment

                 1= 300 Miz, WGLs Ro (head)                                  1= 1010 Mllz, WGLS R22 (head)


       $"*                                                             & mo
       * 20                                                            *
        &                                                              & 150
        E 15
        3 i                                                            &3& 00

            as                                                               8#
                 0         20              40             so                      o         20              LJ           so

                                z{mm]                                                             zimm]

            —#—Analytcal        —>—Measurements                              ~O—Analytcal        ~o—Measurements

   £bte] _Validty (MHz]®          ___tt.   Permittivity        Conductiviy     Alpha _Dopth        ConyE Uncertainty
   a00       +50/2100            Head 41.525%                  0.07£5%            o21    080        1172     £11.0% (ke2)
   1810      +80/2 100           Head 40.05%                   140 5%             on     1830        8t      £11.0% (e2)
   1950      £50/2 100           Head 40.0£5%                  14025%             o1     183         92      £11.0%(e2)
   2450      £50/2100            Head 30.25%                   1.8028%            oa2    080         820     £11.8% (ke2)

   800      £s0/2100             Body      55.045%             1.055%             oz1.   oso        ies          £11.0%(2)
   1810     +50/2 100            Body      53.325%             15225%             ore    ase         864         £11.0%(c2)
   1950     50 /x 100            Body      53.325%             1.5245%            015    dss         926         £11.0%(c—2)
   2480     +80/2100             Body      52.745%             105 +5%            040    os2         830         #118%(c2)
   5200      £50 /x 100          Body           49.025%        530%5%             045    185         317.        213.1% (ke2)

   seoo      +50/2 100           Body 48.225%                  600%5%             2s     185         266 £19.1% (k=2)

    Thevaldyof 190Mit onl applis for DASY v44 and highor(see Page 2 The unceriintis the RSS
   ot the Gonveuncertaint at callbraion frequeneyand the uneerilntyfoth nclcatroquency band.

Conifcate No: ET3—3526_Augo6                              Page 8 or0

   EX3DV3 SN:3526                                                                 August 25, 2006

                               Deviation from Isotropy in HSL
                                         Error (6, 8), £ =900 MHz

                                                                                Error [9B]

                           Uncertalnty of Sphorical Isotropy Assessment: £ 26% (=2)

Cenifcate No: ET3—3526_Aug06                  Page 9 of9

                       Report No. : ES/2006/90001
                           Page : 17 of 19
Uncertainty Analysis

                      Report No. : ES/2006/90001
                          Page : 18 of 19
Phantom description

                                               Report No. : ES/2006/90001
                                                   Page : 19 of 19
System Validation from Original equipment supplier SPEAG Schmid
& Partner of 2450MHz Muscle

Document Created: 2006-09-18 22:52:23
Document Modified: 2006-09-18 22:52:23

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