DFS Report


Test Report

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                                   FCC PART 15C
                                   TEST REPORT
                                No. B17N00263-DFS

                                 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.

                                        HUAWEI MediaPad T3

                                       Model Name: KOB-W09


                              Hardware Version: REACHW-V1.0

                       Software Version: KOB-W09C331B002-log

                                         FCC ID: QISKOB-W09

                                       Issued Date: 2017-06-16

Test Laboratory:
FCC 2.948 Listed: No.342690
Note: The test results in this test report relate only to the devices specified in this report. This report shall not be
reproduced except in full without the written approval of CTTL.
Test Laboratory:
CTTL, Telecommunication Technology Labs, Academy of Telecommunication Research, MIIT
No. 52, Huayuan Bei Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China, 100191
Tel:+86(0)10-62304633-2512, Fax:+86(0)10-62304633-2054
Email: cttl_terminals@catr.cn. website:www.chinattl.com

                                          No. B17N00263-DFS
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Report Number    Revision   Description      Issue Date
B17N00263-DFS    Rev.0      1st edition      2017-04-10
B17N00263-DFS    Rev.1      2nd edition      2017-06-16

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1.             TEST LATORATORY .................................................................................................................. 4

     1.1.      TESTING LOCATION ......................................................................................................................... 4
     1.2.      TESTING ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................................. 4
     1.3.      PROJECT DATA ................................................................................................................................. 4
     1.4.      SIGNATURE ...................................................................................................................................... 4

2.             CLIENT INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 5

2.1.           APPLICANT INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 5

2.2.           MANUFACTURER INFORMATION ........................................................................................ 5

3.             EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) AND ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT(AE) ...................... 6

     3.1.      ABOUT EUT .................................................................................................................................... 6
     3.2.      INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF EUT USED DURING THE TEST .......................................................... 6
     3.3.      INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF AE USED DURING THE TEST ............................................................. 6
     3.4.      GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................... 6

4.             REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................................... 7

     4.1.      DOCUMENTS SUPPLIED BY APPLICANT ............................................................................................ 7
     4.2.      REFERENCE DOCUMENTS FOR TESTING ........................................................................................... 7

5.             LABORATORY ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................. 7

6.             SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................... 8

     6.1.      SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................................... 8
     6.2.      STATEMENTS .................................................................................................................................... 8

7.             TEST EQUIPMENTS UTILIZED .............................................................................................. 9

ANNEX A: MEASUREMENT RESULTS................................................................................................ 10

     A.1. MEASUREMENT METHOD .................................................................................................................. 10
     A.2. CHANNEL MOVE TIME AND CHANNEL CLOSING TRANSMISSION TIME ................................................ 12
     A.3. NON-OCCUPANCY PERIOD ................................................................................................................. 15
     A3.1 ASSOCIATED TEST ............................................................................................................................. 15

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1.1. Testing Location
 Location:    CTTL(South Branch)
 Address:     TCL International E city, No. 1001, Zhongshanyuan Road, Nanshan
              District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 518000

1.2. Testing Environment
 Normal Temperature:         15—35°C
 Relative Humidity:          20—75%

1.3. Project data
 Testing Start Date:         2017—03—14
 Testing End Date:           2017—04—07

1.4. Signature

              FBA m
                Wang Haili

        (Prepared this test report)

              Tang Weisheng

       (Reviewed this test report)

                Zhang Bojun

       {Approved this test report)

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2.1. Applicant Information
 Company Name:       Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.
                     Administration Building, Headquarters of Huawei Technologies
                     Co.,Ltd., Bantian, Longgang District Shenzhen China
 City:               Shenzhen
 Postal Code:        /
 Country:            China
 Telephone:          /
 Fax:                /

2.2. Manufacturer Information
 Company Name:       Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.
                     Administration Building, Headquarters of Huawei Technologies
                     Co.,Ltd., Bantian, Longgang District Shenzhen China
 City:               Shenzhen
 Postal Code:        /
 Country:            China
 Telephone:          /
 Fax:                /

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3. EQUIPMENT                 UNDER            TEST         (EUT)          AND      ANCILLARY


3.1. About EUT
  Description                         HUAWEI MediaPad T3
  Model name                          KOB-W09
  FCC ID                              QISKOB-W09
  WLAN Frequency Range                ISM Band:
                                        - 5250MHz~5350MHz
                                        - 5470MHz~5725MHz
  Type of modulation                  OFDM
  Antenna                             Integral Antenna
  Extreme vol. Limits                 3.8V DC by Battery
  Device Type (DFS)                   Client without radar detection(only support client mode)
  TPC mechanism                       Not support

3.2. Internal Identification of EUT used during the test

EUT ID*      IMEI                      HW Version                     SW Version
EUT1         /                         REACHW-V1.0                    KOB-W09C331B002-log
*EUT ID: is used to identify the test sample in the lab internally.

3.3. Internal Identification of AE used during the test
AE ID*        Description           Type                     SN
AE1           Battery               /                        /
AE2           Adapter               HW-050100U01
 *AE ID: is used to identify the test sample in the lab internally.

3.4. General Description
The Equipment under Test (EUT) is a model of HUAWEI MediaPad T3 with integrated antenna
and inbuilt battery.
It consists of normal options: travel charger, USB cable and Phone.
Manual and specifications of the EUT were provided to fulfil the test.

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4.1. Documents supplied by applicant
EUT feature information is supplied by the applicant or manufacturer, which is the basis of testing.

4.2. Reference Documents for testing
The following documents listed in this section are referred for testing.

  Reference               Title                                                         Version
  FCC Part15              Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations; Chapter |        Nov,2015
                          Part 15 — Radio frequency devices
                          Subpart E — UNII Devices
  FCC 06—96               Revision of Parts 2 and 15 of the Commission‘s Rules to       2006
                          Permit Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure
                          (U—NII) devices in the 5 GHz band

Note: This report is only for DFS

5. Laboratory Environment
Shielded room       did not exceed following limits along the EMC testing
Temperature                                    Min. = 15 °C, Max. = 30 °C
Relative humidity                              Min. = 35 %, Max. = 60 %
Shielding effectiveness                        0.014MHz — 1MHz, >60dB;
                                               1MHz — 1000MHz, >90dB.
Electrical insulation                          > 2 MQ
Ground system resistance                       <4 Q

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6.1. Summary of Test Results
No                     Test cases                           Sub—clause of              Verdict
    4     Channgl movg time and channel closing             15.407 (h)(2)(ii)            p
        transmission time
    2     Non—Occupancy Period                             15.407 (h)(2) (iv)            P
Please refer to ANNEX A for detail.
Terms used in Verdict column
P                    Pass, The EUT complies with the essential requirements in the standard.
NM                   Not measured, The test was not measured by CTTL
NA                   Not Applicable, The test was not applicable
F                    Fail, The EUT does not comply with the essential requirements in the

6.2. Statements
CTTL has evaluated the test cases requested by the applicant/manufacturer as listed in section
5.1 of this report, for the EUT specified in section 3, according to the standards or reference
documents listed in section 4.2.
This report only deal with the UNII DFS functions among the features described in section 3, and
The EUT met all requirements of the reference documents.
The end user is not available to get and modify the parameters of the detected Radar Waveforms
in this product.

Test Conditions
T nom                Normal Temperature
T min                Low Temperature
T max                High Temperature
V nom                Normal Voltage
V min                Low Voltage
V max                High Voltage
H nom                Norm Humidity
Anom                 Norm Air Pressure
For this report, all the test case listed above is tested under Normal Temperature and Normal
Voltage, and also under norm humidity, the specific conditions as following:
Temperature                        T nom                            26°C
Voltage                            V nom                            3.8V(By battery)
Humidity                           H nom                            44%
Air Pressure                       Anom                             1010hPa

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Conducted test system
                                  Serial                   Calibration   Calibration
No.    Equipment       Model               Manufacturer
                                 Number                       Date        Due Date
      Vector Signal                          Rohde &
1                      FSV40     100903                    2018-01-18      1 year
        Analyzer                             Schwarz
      Vector Signal                          Rohde &
2                     SMU200A    104096                    2018-01-05      1 year
        General                              Schwarz
3     Master device              1986113   BROADCOM             /             /
4                       S81         /      ETS-Lindgren    2019-11-13      3 years

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A.1. Measurement Method
A.1.1. Conducted Measurements
The below figure shows the DFS setup, where the EUT is a RLAN device operating in slave mode,
without Radar Interference Detection function. This setup also contains a device operating in
master mode. The radar test signals are injected into the master device. The EUT (slave device) is
associated with the master device. WLAN traffic is generated by streaming the mpeg file from the
master to the slave in full monitor video mode using the media player.

A.1.2. Parameters of DFS test signal
1). Interference threshold values, master or client incorporation in service monitoring. For device
power less than 23dBm (E.I.R.P.), the threshold level is -62 dBm at the antenna port after
correction for antenna gain and procedural adjustments.
Because of conducted measurement performed, the calibration power from radar signal generator
to antenna port of DFS test equipment is -62 dBm.
         Maximum Transmit Power                                        Value
                  > 200 mW                                            -64 dBm
                  < 200 mW                                            -62 dBm

2). DFS requirement values
The required values are as the following table.
                  Parameter                                            Value
                Non-occupancy                                         > 1800 s
       Channel Availability Check Time                                  60 s
             Channel Move Time                                          10 s
     Channel Closing Transmission Time                            200 ms + 60 ms
                                                              Minimum 80% of the 99%
          U-NII Detection Bandwidth
                                                           transmission power bandwidth
As the EUT is IP based system, the MPEG video file from NTIA website is used to steam to EUT
via the Master device.

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A.1.3. Measurement Uncertainty
                  Item           Measurement
                  Time             0.70 ms
                  Power           0.75 dBm

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A.2. Channel move time and channel closing transmission time
Measurement Limit:
                Test Items                                        Limit
channel closing transmission time                          < 200 ms + 60 ms
Channel move time                                                < 10 s

Measurement Results:

HT20 Frequency Band: 5250MHz ~ 5350MHz

The channel move time is as the figure. It shows the time of the radar and the client pulses. The
figure shows that the client stops transmission within 10 seconds, and no transmissions occur
after 10 seconds later of the radar burst signal.

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The closing transmission time is as the figure, and the result is 87ms

Conclusion: PASS

HT40 Frequency Band: 5470MHz ~ 5725MHz

The channel move time is as the figure. It shows the time of the radar and the client pulses. The
figure shows that the client stops transmission within 10 seconds, and no transmissions occur
after 10 seconds later of the radar burst signal.

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The closing transmission time is as the figure, and the result is 21ms

Conclusion: PASS

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A.3. Non-Occupancy Period
Measurement Limit:
                 Test Items                                          Limit
Non-Occupancy Period                                                 > 1800 s

Associated test

Associate the master and client, transmit specified stream between the master and client; monitor
the analyzer on the operating frequency to make sure no beacons have been transmitted for 1800

HT20 Frequency Band: 5250MHz ~ 5350MHz

The figure above shows that the client does not transmit any emission within 1800 seconds after
getting the order of “stop transmits” from the DFS master (access point).

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HT40 Frequency Band: 5470MHz ~ 5725MHz

The figure above shows that the client does not transmit any emission within 1800 seconds after
getting the order of “stop transmits” from the DFS master (access point).

Conclusion: PASS

                                  *** END OF REPORT BODY ***

Document Created: 2017-06-26 17:30:32
Document Modified: 2017-06-26 17:30:32

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