RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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                                                 TEST REPORT
                                          Test Report No.: 4-3443-01-01/10-A

                 Testing Laboratory                                                      Applicant
 CETECOM ICT Services GmbH                                        Cinterion Wireless Modules GmbH
 Untertürkheimer Straße 6 – 10                                    Siemensdamm 50
 66117 Saarbrücken/Germany                                        13629 Berlin/GERMANY
 Phone:    + 49 681 5 98 - 0
 Fax:      + 49 681 5 98 - 9075                                   Phone:     +49 30 311028 0
 Internet: http://www.cetecom.com                                 Fax:       +49 30 31102-8305
 e-mail:   info@cetecom.com
                                                                  Contact:   Stefan Ludwig
                                                                  e-mail:    Stefan.Ludwig@cinterion.com
 Accredited Test Laboratory:                                      Phone:     +49 30 31102-8152
 The test laboratory (area of testing) is accredited
 according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025                                                    Manufacturer
                                                                  Cinterion Wireless Modules GmbH
 DAR registration number: DGA-PL-176/94-D1                        Siemensdamm 50
                                                                  13629 Berlin/GERMANY

                                                       Test Standard/s
 ICNIRP Guidelines           Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields
                             (up to 300 GHz)
 FCC OET Bulletin 65         Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency
                             Electromagnetic Fields
 AS/NZS 2772.1               Radiofrequency fields, Part 1: Maximum exposure limits - 3 kHz to 300 GHz
 For further applied test standards please refer to section 3 of this test report.

                                                          Test Item
 Kind of test item:         GSM/GPRS Module
 Device type:               mobile device
 Model name:                BG2-W
 FCC-ID:                    QIPBG2
 S/N serial number:         n.a.
 IMEI-Number:               004401-08-040340-1
 HW hardware status:        B2.1
 SW software status:        00.656
 Frequency:                 see technical details
 Antenna:                   external antenna
 Exposure category:         general population / uncontrolled environment

 This test report is electronically signed and valid without handwriting signature. For verification of the
 electronic signatures, the public keys can be requested at the testing laboratory.
 Test performed:                                                 Test Report authorised:
                                                                 cn=Bernd Rebmann, o=CETECOM ICT,
cn=Thomas Vogler, o=CETECOM ICT Services GmbH,
ou=VOG-100727, email=thomas.vogler@cetecom.com, c=DE
                                                                 email=Bernd.Rebmann@ict.cetecom.de, c=DE
2010.08.19 12:23:42 +02'00'
                                                                 2010.08.19 12:55:20 +02'00'
 2010-08-18     Thomas Vogler                                    2010-08-18       Bernd Rebmann

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                                                   Test report no.: 4-3443-01-01/10-A

1     Table of contents

1   Table of contents.......................................................................................................................................2

2   General information ..................................................................................................................................3
    2.1       Notes................................................................................................................................................3
    2.2       Application details .........................................................................................................................3
    2.3       Statement of compliance...............................................................................................................3
    2.4       Technical details.............................................................................................................................4
3   Test standard/s:.........................................................................................................................................5
    3.1       Purpose of this report....................................................................................................................5
4   Evaluating compliance with requirements for human exposure to EMFs ..........................................6
    4.1   Maximum permissible exposure (MPE) .......................................................................................6
    4.2   Limits and normative references ..................................................................................................6
        4.2.1   FCC requirements .................................................................................................................6
        4.2.2   EN requirements....................................................................................................................6
        4.2.3   Australian requirements.........................................................................................................6
    4.3   Host platform analysis...................................................................................................................7
        4.3.1   Scenario 0 : WWAN stand-alone...........................................................................................9
        4.3.2   Scenario 1 : WWAN + BT......................................................................................................9
        4.3.3   Scenario 2 : WWAN + WLAN ..............................................................................................10
        4.3.4   Scenario 3 : WWAN + WLAN + BT .....................................................................................10
        4.3.5   Scenario 4 : WWAN + WiMAX ............................................................................................11
        4.3.6   Scenario 5 : WWAN + WiMAX + BT....................................................................................11
        4.3.7   Scenario 6 : WWAN + WiMAX + WLAN..............................................................................12
        4.3.8   Scenario 7 : WWAN + WiMAX + WLAN + BT .....................................................................12
Annex A:         RF Exposure assessment ........................................................................................................13
    Annex A.1: Individual transmitters........................................................................................................13
    Annex A.2: Collocated transmitters ......................................................................................................15
Annex B:         Document History.....................................................................................................................17

Annex C:         Further Information ..................................................................................................................17

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                                     Test report no.: 4-3443-01-01/10-A

2     General information

2.1   Notes
The test results of this test report relate exclusively to the test item specified in this test report. CETECOM
ICT Services GmbH does not assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalisations drawn from the
test results with regard to other specimens or samples of the type of the equipment represented by the test
item. The test report may only be reproduced or published in full. Reproduction or publication of extracts
from the report requires the prior written approval of CETECOM ICT Services GmbH.
This test report is electronically signed and valid without handwriting signature. For verification of the
electronic signatures, the public keys can be requested at the testing laboratory.

2.2   Application details
Date of receipt of order:              2010-07-21
Date of receipt of test item:          2010-07-21
Start of test:                         2010-07-27
End of test:                           2010-07-27
Person(s) present during the test:

2.3   Statement of compliance
The EMF values found for the BG2-W GSM/GPRS Module are below the maximum allowed levels according
to the standards listed in section 3, when used with an antenna with maximum gain as listed in chapter 4.3.

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                                                                                                                                   Test report no.: 4-3443-01-01/10-A

2.4                          Technical details

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GPRS/EGPRS mobile station class
                                                                                                                                                                        Highest receive Frequency/MHz
                                                                                                  Highest transmit frequency/MHz

                                                                                                                                        Lowest receive Frequency/MHz
                                                                 Lowest transmit frequency/MHz

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Maximum output power/dBm )*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (E)GPRS voice mode or DTM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           GPRS/EGPRS multislot class
 Supported frequency bands

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tested power control level

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Test channel middle
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Kind of modulation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Test channel high
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Test channel low
                                              Frequency band

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Power Class

                             GSM            GSM                880.2 914.8 925.2 959.8 GMSK 4                                                                                                                                                 5                           B 10 no 975                                                                                                  37                    124 32.6
                             GSM            DCS                1710.2 1784.8 1805.2 1879.8 GMSK 1                                                                                                                                             0                           B 10 no 512 698 885 30.1
                             GSM           cellular            824.2 848.8 869.2 893.8 GMSK 4                                                                                                                                                 5                           B 10 no 128 190 251 32.3
                             GSM            PCS                1850.2 1909.8 1930.2 1989.8 GMSK 1                                                                                                                                             0                           B 10 no 512 661 810 29.8
                             UMTS          FDD I               1922.4 1977.6 2112.4 2167.6 QPSK 3 max --                                                                                                                                                                                                    --                           -- 9612 9750 9888                                                                       --
                             UMTS FDD II 1852.4 1907.6 1982.4 1987.6 QPSK 3 max --                                                                                                                                                                                                                          --                           -- 9262 9400 9538                                                                       --
                             UMTS FDD IV 1712.4 1752.6 1807.4 1877.6 QPSK 3 max --                                                                                                                                                                                                                          --                           -- 1312 1412 1513                                                                       --
                             UMTS FDD V                        826.4 846.6 871.4 891.6 QPSK 3 max --                                                                                                                                                                                                        --                           -- 4132 4182 4233                                                                       --
                             UMTS FDD VIII 882.4 912.6 927.4 957.6 QPSK 3 max --                                                                                                                                                                                                                            --                           -- 2712 2787 2863                                                                       --
                             WLAN           ISM                2412                              2472                                 2412                             2472                                  -- max --                                                                                     --                           --                           1                  7                    13                  --
                             WLAN                                                                                                                                                                        CCK
                                            ISM                2412                              2462                                 2412                             2462                                  -- max --                                                                                     --                           --                           1                  6                    11                  --
                              US                                                                                                                                                                        OFDM
                              BT            ISM                2412                              2462                                 2412                             2462 GFSK 3 max --                                                                                                                   --                          --                           0                 39                    78                  --

)*: slotted peak power for GSM, averaged max. RMS power for UMTS, WLAN and BT.

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                                      Test report no.: 4-3443-01-01/10-A

3         Test standard/s:
Test Standard             Version             Test Standard Description

ICNIRP Guidelines         1998-04             Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric,
                                              magnetic and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz)
FCC OET Bulletin 65        1997-01            Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human
                                              Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields
AS/NZS 2772.1              1998-01            Radiofrequency fields, Part 1: Maximum exposure limits - 3 kHz
                                              to 300 GHz
1999/519/EC                1999-07            Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC of 12 July 1999 on the
                                              limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic
                                              fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz) (Official Journal L 197 of 30 July 1999)

3.1       Purpose of this report
The purpose of this report is to show the compliance of certain simultaneous transmission configurations for
use in mobile exposure conditions.

In addition to basic requirements of the standards listed above (including FCC Part 22 H and Part 24 E) the
following requirements have been taken into account:

      -    The module must be categorically excluded by FCC 47 CFR § 2.1091 (c) and the antenna
           separation distance and MPE compliance boundary requirements that enable all simultaneous
           transmitting antennas incorporated within the host shall comply with MPE limits as specified in FCC
           47 CFR § 1.1310.
           (see chapter 8 of FCC KDB 447498 D01 Mobile Portable RF Exposure)

If these requirements are kept the module can be incorporated in mobile host devices without further testing
or certification.

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                                    Test report no.: 4-3443-01-01/10-A

4     Evaluating compliance with requirements for human exposure to EMFs

4.1   Maximum permissible exposure (MPE)
Fixed/mobile exposure conditions of multiple transmitters installed in different hosts represent the most
difficult situation in terms of the determination of minimum safety distances.
While EMF measurements most often only refer to a single configuration with only one transmitter or with
multiple co-located transmitters a general approach is needed to determine a worst case condition under
which several transmitters and their antennas can be installed to prevent additional SAR testing for each
This test report illustrates different scenarios how radio modules can be integrated in notebook hosts without
the need of further testing.
The target is to determine a maximum EIRP or antenna gain for a WWAN module using GSM and/or UMTS
frequencies, which is used stand-alone or collocated with other antennas for WLAN, Bluetooth, WiMAX etc.

The background of the calculation is a minimum distance of 20 cm between antenna(s) and user (mobile
exposure condition), and the compliance with the requirements of chapter 3.1.

4.2   Limits and normative references
There is a number of international and national regulations, standards and guidelines for exposure to
electromagnetic fields. For the evaluations in this report the following reference levels have been applied.

4.2.1 FCC requirements
Frequency range      E-field   strength   H-field strength     B-field strength     Power density
                     (V/m)                (A/m)                (µT)                 (mW/cm²)
300 – 1500 MHz       --                   --                   --                   f(MHz) / 1500
1.5 – 100 GHz        --                   --                   --                   1.0

Categorically exclusion per § 2.1091 (c) : - below 1.5 GHz : avg. ERP < 1.5 W (= 33.9 dBm EIRP)
                                           - above 1.5 GHz : avg. ERP < 3 W (= 36.9 dBm EIRP)

Part 22 H ERP limit : max. 7 W (38.45 dBm) burst power (= 40.6 dBm EIRP)
Part 24 E EIRP limit : max. 2 W (33.0 dBm) burst power

4.2.2 EN requirements
Frequency range      E-field  strength    H-field strength     B-field strength     Power density
                     (V/m)                (A/m)                (µT)                 (mW/cm²)
400 – 2000 MHz       1.375*f(MHz)1/2      0.0037*f(MHz)1/2     0.0046*f(MHz)1/2     f(MHz) / 2000
2 – 300 GHz          61                   0.16                 0.2                  1.0

4.2.3 Australian requirements

Frequency range      E-field  strength    H-field strength     B-field strength     Power density
                     (V/m)                (A/m)                (µT)                 (mW/cm²)
400 – 2000 MHz       1.375*f(MHz)1/2      0.0037*f(MHz)1/2     0.0046*f(MHz)1/2     f(MHz) / 2000
2 – 300 GHz          61                   0.16                 0.2                  1.0

Reference levels are provided for exposure assessment to determine whether the basic restrictions on
exposure of humans to electromagnetic fields are exceeded. The basic restrictions on exposure to
electromagnetic fields are based directly on established health effects and biological considerations.

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                                  Test report no.: 4-3443-01-01/10-A

4.3   Host platform analysis
The MPE calculation has been performed for different scenarios of stand-alone and co-located operation of
the WWAN module described below and generic radio modules with different communication systems.

 WWAN module :                                              Notes :
 type :                              GSM/GPRS module
 model :                             BG2-W
 FCC-ID :                            QIPBG2
 IC-ID :                             7830A-BG2
 Maximum antenna gain < 1 GHz        6.84 dBi               limitation when used stand-alone
 Maximum antenna gain < 1 GHz        6.1 dBi                limitation when used in collocated scenarios
 Maximum antenna gain > 1.7 GHz      3.2 dBi                limitation by FCC Part 24 E EIRP limit

The table below lists the calculated maximum EIRP values which represent the worst case condition of all
standards and limits listed in chapter 4.2.

a) Maximum antenna gain determination in stand-alone situation. For details see annex A.1.

                                                   Conducted Antenna        Duty
Communication                      Frequency         power    gain          Cycle PAR EIRP      EIRP
    system           Mode            (MHz)          (dBm) *   (dBi)          (%)  (dB) (dBm)** (mW)**
   GSM 850         GSM/GPRS       824.2 - 848.8      32.30     6.84           25    6   33.14 2060.63
  E-GSM 900        GSM/GPRS       880.2 - 914.8      32.60     6.84           25    6   33.44 2208.00
  DCS 1800         GSM/GPRS      1710.2 - 1784.8     30.10    12.23           25    6   36.33 4295.36
  PCS 1900         GSM/GPRS      1850.2 - 1909.8     29.80    12.23           25    6   36.03 4008.67

b) Maximum antenna gain determination in collocated scenarios. For details see annex A.1 and A.2.

                                                   Conducted Antenna        Duty
Communication                      Frequency         power    gain          Cycle PAR EIRP      EIRP
    system           Mode            (MHz)          (dBm) *   (dBi)          (%)  (dB) (dBm)** (mW)**
   GSM 850         GSM/GPRS       824.2 - 848.8      32.30     6.10           25    6   32.40 1737.80
  E-GSM 900        GSM/GPRS       880.2 - 914.8      32.60     6.10           25    6   32.70 1862.09
  DCS 1800         GSM/GPRS      1710.2 - 1784.8     30.10    11.50           25    6   35.60 3630.78
  PCS 1900         GSM/GPRS      1850.2 - 1909.8     29.80    11.50           25    6   35.30 3388.44

For the generic communication systems the following worst case technical data have been assumed.

                                                 Conducted                 Duty
Communication                   Frequency        power          Antenna Cycle       PAR EIRP     EIRP
system            Mode          (MHz)            (dB) *         gain (dBi) (%)      (dB) (dBm)** (mW)**
   Bluetooth                     2.4 GHz Range      20.0          0.00       76      1.2  18.80   75.86
     WLAN                       2.4 /5 GHz Range    23.0          0.00       100      0   23.00   199.5
     WiMAX                            various       27.0          0.00       100      0   27.00   501.2

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c) Maximum antenna gain with ERP Limitation by FCC 47 CFR § 2.1091 (c)

                                                    Conducted Antenna        Duty
Communication                       Frequency         power    gain          Cycle PAR EIRP      EIRP
   system       Mode                  (MHz)          (dBm) *   (dBi)          (%)  (dB) (dBm)** (mW)**
  GSM 850     GSM/GPRS             824.2 - 848.8      32.30     7.60           25    6   33.90 2454.71
  PCS 1900    GSM/GPRS            1850.2 - 1909.8     29.80    13.10           25    6   36.90 4897.79

d) Maximum antenna gain with E(I)RP Limitation by FCC Part 22 H and Part 24 E

                                                    Conducted Antenna        Duty
Communication                       Frequency         power    gain          Cycle PAR EIRP      EIRP
   system       Mode                  (MHz)          (dBm) *   (dBi)          (%)  (dB) (dBm)** (mW)**
  GSM 850     GSM/GPRS             824.2 - 848.8      32.30     8.30           25    6   34.60 2884.03
  PCS 1900    GSM/GPRS            1850.2 - 1909.8     29.80     3.20           25    6   27.00  501.19

*: slotted peak power of 1 time slot for GSM, maximum RMS for all other communication systems
**: time based averaged power for 2 timeslots without power reduction.

Additional illustration:

    -    Table a) shows the maximum antenna gain for the WWAN module so that the worst case power
         density limits are met in stand-alone configuration.
    -    Table b) shows the maximum antenna gain for the WWAN module so that the worst case power
         density limits are met in all collocated scenarios.
    -    Table c) shows the maximum antenna gain of the WWAN module so that FCC ERP limits for time
         based averaged power are met.
    -    Table d) shows the maximum antenna gain of the WWAN module so that FCC E(I)RP limits for burst
         power are met.

The lowest calculated antenna gain values (shown in bold letters) determine the highest allowed antenna
gain of the WWAN module in stand-alone and collocated scenarios.

Antenna configuration for all scenarios:

Important note: this notebook configuration is an example. Different applications (e.g. M2M) are also
possible as long as the same antenna-to-antenna and antenna-to-user distances are respected.

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                                   Test report no.: 4-3443-01-01/10-A

4.3.1 Scenario 0 : WWAN stand-alone
This scenario covers the following combination of collocated radio modules:

 Transmitter          primary
 communication        WWAN
 system               (GSM/GPRS)
 type                 Cinterion
 model                BG2-W
 FCC-ID               QIPBG2
 max. EIRP (mW)       see chapter 4.3
 max.antenna gain     6.84 dBi/3.2 dBi

This scenario covers the following conditions:

    -   the antenna-to-user distance of all transmitters listed above is 20 cm or larger
    -   the maximum antenna gain of the WWAN transmitters does not exceed the values listed above

Note: other antennas for different communication systems may be installed in the host platform as long as
they are not collocated to the WWAN antenna (distance > 20 cm)

4.3.2 Scenario 1 : WWAN + BT
This scenario covers the following combination of collocated radio modules:

 Transmitter          primary              secondary
 communication        WWAN                 BT
 system               (GSM/GPRS)
 type                 Cinterion            any
 model                BG2-W                any
 FCC-ID               QIPBG2               any
 max. EIRP (mW)       see chapter 4.3      76.43
 max.antenna gain     6.1 dBi/3.2 dBi      nn

This scenario covers the following conditions:

    -   the antenna-to-user distance of all transmitters listed above is 20 cm or larger
    -   the maximum antenna gain of the WWAN transmitters does not exceed the values listed above
    -   the averaged EIRP of the BT module does not exceed the value listed above
    -   the distance between WWAN and BT antennas is 0 cm or larger

Note: other antennas for different communication systems may be installed in the host platform as long as
they are not collocated to the WWAN antenna (distance > 20 cm)

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4.3.3 Scenario 2 : WWAN + WLAN
This scenario covers the following combination of collocated radio modules:

 Transmitter          primary              secondary
 communication        WWAN                 WLAN
 system               (GSM/GPRS)
 type                 Cinterion            any
 model                BG2-W                any
 FCC-ID               QIPBG2               any
 max. EIRP (mW)       see chapter 4.3      200
 max.antenna gain     6.1 dBi/3.2 dBi      nn

This scenario covers the following conditions:

    -   the antenna-to-user distance of all transmitters listed above is 20 cm or larger
    -   the maximum antenna gain of the WWAN transmitters does not exceed the values listed above
    -   the averaged EIRP of the WLAN module does not exceed the value listed above
    -   the distance between WWAN and WLAN antennas is 0 cm or larger

Note: other antennas for different communication systems may be installed in the host platform as long as
they are not collocated to the WWAN antenna (distance > 20 cm).

4.3.4 Scenario 3 : WWAN + WLAN + BT
This scenario covers the following combination of collocated radio modules:

 Transmitter          primary                           secondary
 communication        WWAN                 BT                WLAN
 system               (GSM/GPRS)
 type                 Cinterion            any                 any
 model                BG2-W                any                 any
 FCC-ID               QIPBG2               any                 any
 max. EIRP (mW)       see chapter 4.3      76.43               200
 max.antenna gain     6.1 dBi/3.2 dBi      nn                  nn

This scenario covers the following conditions:

    -   the antenna-to-user distance of all transmitters listed above is 20 cm or larger
    -   the maximum antenna gain of the WWAN transmitters does not exceed the values listed above
    -   the averaged EIRP of the WLAN module does not exceed the value listed above
    -   the averaged EIRP of the BT module does not exceed the value listed above
    -   the distance between WWAN, WLAN and BT antennas is 0 cm or larger

Note: other antennas for different communication systems may be installed in the host platform as long as
they are not collocated to the WWAN antenna (distance > 20 cm)

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4.3.5 Scenario 4 : WWAN + WiMAX
This scenario covers the following combination of collocated radio modules:

 Transmitter          primary              secondary
 communication        WWAN                 WiMAX
 system               (GSM/GPRS)
 type                 Cinterion            any
 model                BG2-W                any
 FCC-ID               QIPBG2               any
 max. EIRP (mW)       see chapter 4.3      500
 max.antenna gain     6.1 dBi/3.2 dBi      nn

This scenario covers the following conditions:

    -   the antenna-to-user distance of all transmitters listed above is 20 cm or larger
    -   the maximum antenna gain of the WWAN transmitters does not exceed the values listed above
    -   the averaged EIRP of the WiMAX module does not exceed the value listed above
    -   the distance between WWAN and WiMAX antennas is 0 cm or larger

Note: other antennas for different communication systems may be installed in the host platform as long as
they are not collocated to the WWAN antenna (distance > 20 cm)

4.3.6 Scenario 5 : WWAN + WiMAX + BT
This scenario covers the following combination of collocated radio modules:

 Transmitter          primary                           secondary
 communication        WWAN                 BT                WiMAX
 system               (GSM/GPRS)
 type                 Cinterion            any                 any
 model                BG2-W                any                 any
 FCC-ID               QIPBG2               any                 any
 max. EIRP (mW)       see chapter 4.3      76.43               500
 max.antenna gain     6.1 dBi/3.2 dBi      nn                  nn

This scenario covers the following conditions:

    -   the antenna-to-user distance of all transmitters listed above is 20 cm or larger
    -   the maximum antenna gain of the WWAN transmitters does not exceed the values listed above
    -   the averaged EIRP of the WiMAX module does not exceed the value listed above
    -   the averaged EIRP of the BT module does not exceed the value listed above
    -   the distance between WWAN, WiMAX and BT antennas is 0 cm or larger

Note: other antennas for different communication systems may be installed in the host platform as long as
they are not collocated to the WWAN antenna (distance > 20 cm)

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4.3.7 Scenario 6 : WWAN + WiMAX + WLAN
This scenario covers the following combination of collocated radio modules:

 Transmitter          primary                           secondary
 communication        WWAN                 WLAN              WiMAX
 system               (GSM/GPRS)
 type                 Cinterion            any                 any
 model                BG2-W                any                 any
 FCC-ID               QIPBG2               any                 any
 max. EIRP (mW)       see chapter 4.3      200                 500
 max.antenna gain     6.1 dBi/3.2 dBi      nn                  nn

This scenario covers the following conditions:

    -   the antenna-to-user distance of all transmitters listed above is 20 cm or larger
    -   the maximum antenna gain of the WWAN transmitters does not exceed the values listed above
    -   the averaged EIRP of the WiMAX module does not exceed the value listed above
    -   the averaged EIRP of the WLAN module does not exceed the value listed above
    -   the distance between WWAN, WiMAX and WLAN antennas is 0 cm or larger

Note: other antennas for different communication systems may be installed in the host platform as long as
they are not collocated to the WWAN antenna (distance > 20 cm)

4.3.8 Scenario 7 : WWAN + WiMAX + WLAN + BT
This scenario covers the following combination of collocated radio modules:

 Transmitter          primary                                    secondary
 communication        WWAN                 BT                  WLAN                WiMAX
 system               (GSM/GPRS)
 type                 Cinterion            any                 any                 any
 model                BG2-W                any                 any                 any
 FCC-ID               QIPBG2               any                 any                 any
 max. EIRP (mW)       see chapter 4.3      76.43               200                 500
 max.antenna gain     6.1 dBi/3.2 dBi      nn                  nn                  nn

This scenario covers the following conditions:

    -   the antenna-to-user distance of all transmitters listed above is 20 cm or larger
    -   the maximum antenna gain of the WWAN transmitters does not exceed the values listed above
    -   the averaged EIRP of the WiMAX module does not exceed the value listed above
    -   the averaged EIRP of the WLAN module does not exceed the value listed above
    -   the averaged EIRP of the BT module does not exceed the value listed above
    -   the distance between WWAN, WiMAX, WLAN and BT antennas is 0 cm or larger

Note : other antennas for different communication systems may be installed in the host platform as long as
they are not collocated to the WWAN antenna (distance > 20 cm)

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                                              Test report no.: 4-3443-01-01/10-A

Annex A: RF Exposure assessment

Annex A.1: Individual transmitters

The table on the following page lists all calculated power density values in relation to the limits defined in
different standards, calculated for a distance of 20 cm from the antenna(s).

Fundamental data for calculating worst case EIRP of the primary and secondary transmitters are listed in
chapter 4.3.

Power density at a distance of 20 cm is calculated by using the following formula:

S eq  P  G              with P*G = EIRP and r = 20 cm
               4  r 2

                  S eq
Then the ratio                   is calculated for all applied limits.
                         S lim

During calculation the maximum EIRP of the primary transmitter is optimized so that the ratio Seq / Slim does
not exceed a value of 1 for all applied limits for a comprehensive coverage of all relevant standards.

The calculation of Seq / Slim with reference to a certain standard is limited to those frequency bands that are
generally used in regions where this standard is applied.

     standard                        EN                    FCC             AUS/NZ
      region                        Europe              USA,Canada        Australia
                                                                         New Zealand
    GSM 850                                                    x
  UMTS FDD V                                                   x              x
   (E)GSM 900                           x                                     x
 UMTS FDD VIII                          x
    DCS 1800                            x                                     x
  UMTS FDD IV                                                  x
    PCS 1900                                                   x
  UMTS FDD II                                                  x
   UMTS FDD I                           x                                     x
 ISM (WLAN/BT)                          x                      x              x
     WiMAX                              x                      x              x

For frequencies above 2 GHz the limit is constant for all standards.
Therefore no frequency dependent differentiation is needed for radio technologies in this frequency band.

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                                                           Test report no.: 4-3443-01-01/10-A

                                Stand-alone power density overview and limit reference of WWAN communication systems :

                                                          Power     MPE                 MPE                 MPE
                                                          Density   Limit               Limit               Limit
         Comm.                Reference  EIRP   Distance   Seq    (mW/cm²) Seq / SLim (mW/cm²) Seq / SLim (mW/cm²) Seq / SLim
         System        Mode   Frequency (dBm)     (cm)   (mW/cm²)    EN       EN        FCC      FCC        AUS      AUS
        GSM 850      GSM/GPRS   847,8   2060,63    20     0,4099   0,4239              0,5652   0,7253     0,4239
          900        GSM/GPRS          880,2    2208,005     20      0,4393     0,4401     0,9981    0,5868              0,4401   0,9981
        DCS 1800     GSM/GPRS          1710,2   4295,364     20      0,8545     0,8551     0,9993    1,0000              0,8551   0,9993
        PCS 1900     GSM/GPRS          1909,8   4008,667     20      0,7975     0,9549               1,0000    0,7975    0,9549

         Stand-alone power density overview and limit reference of WWAN communication systems and possible collocated transmitters :

                                                           Power     MPE                 MPE                 MPE
                                                           Density   Limit               Limit               Limit
         Comm.                Reference   EIRP   Distance   Seq    (mW/cm²) Seq / SLim (mW/cm²) Seq / SLim (mW/cm²) Seq / SLim
         System        Mode   Frequency  (mW)      (cm)   (mW/cm²)    EN       EN        FCC      FCC        AUS      AUS
        GSM 850      GSM/GPRS   847.8   1737.801    20     0.3457   0.4239              0.5652   0.6117     0.4239
          900        GSM/GPRS          880.2    1862.087     20      0.3705     0.4401     0.8417    0.5868              0.4401   0.8417
        DCS 1800     GSM/GPRS          1710.2   3630.781     20      0.7223     0.8551     0.8447    1.0000              0.8551   0.8447
        PCS 1900     GSM/GPRS          1909.8   3388.442     20      0.6741     0.9549               1.0000    0.6741    0.9549

        worst case Seq / SLim                                                  EN          0.8447        FCC   0.6741    AUS      0.8447

        Collocated transmitters:

        Bluetooth                      2450       75.86      20      0.0151         1      0.0151         1    0.0151      1      0.0151
         WLAN                          2450      199.53      20      0.0397         1      0.0397         1    0.0397      1      0.0397
         WiMax                         2300      501.19      20      0.0997         1      0.0997         1    0.0997      1      0.0997

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Annex A.2: Collocated transmitters
When transmitters with collocated antennas are active simultaneously a worst case assessment is
necessary which takes additive effects into account.

In this case it must be insured that the sum of all worst case power densities of all active transmitters
(according to the different scenarios) do not exceed the limits even if they are far below the limits for the
single transmitter.

 n   S eqn        S eq1        S eq 2              S eqn
                  S lim1
                               S lim 2
                                          ... 
                                                   S lim n
      lim n

The following tables show the results separated for different limits according to the standards listed in
chapter 4.2.
The sum that comes closest to 1 represents the worst case and limits the antenna gain that is allowed for the
WWAN module.

a) Simultaneous Exposure according to FCC limits

                                                                  worst case
 Scenario                        Combination                      Seq / SLim   Sum      Compliance
                            Primary Tx       WWAN                   0.6741
 Scenario 1                                                                    0.6892     PASS
                           Secondary Tx    Bluetooth                0.0151
                            Primary Tx       WWAN                   0.6741
 Scenario 2                                                                    0.7138     PASS
                           Secondary Tx      WLAN                   0.0397
                            Primary Tx       WWAN                   0.6741
 Scenario 3                Secondary Tx      WLAN                   0.0397     0.7289     PASS
                           Secondary Tx    Bluetooth                0.0151
                            Primary Tx       WWAN                   0.6741
 Scenario 4                                                                    0.7738     PASS
                           Secondary Tx      WiMAX                  0.0997
                            Primary Tx       WWAN                   0.6741
 Scenario 5                Secondary Tx      WiMAX                  0.0997     0.7889     PASS
                           Secondary Tx    Bluetooth                0.0151
                            Primary Tx       WWAN                   0.6741
 Scenario 6                Secondary Tx      WLAN                   0.0397     0.8135     PASS
                           Secondary Tx      WiMAX                  0.0997
                            Primary Tx       WWAN                   0.6741
                           Secondary Tx      WLAN                   0.0397
 Scenario 7                                                                    0.8286     PASS
                           Secondary Tx      WiMAX                  0.0997
                           Secondary Tx    Bluetooth                0.0151

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                                 Test report no.: 4-3443-01-01/10-A

b) Simultaneous Exposure according to EN limits

                                                  worst case
 Scenario             Combination                 Seq / SLim   Sum      Compliance
                 Primary Tx       WWAN              0.8447
 Scenario 1                                                    0.8598     PASS
                Secondary Tx    Bluetooth           0.0151
                 Primary Tx       WWAN              0.8447
 Scenario 2                                                    0.8844     PASS
                Secondary Tx      WLAN              0.0397
                 Primary Tx       WWAN              0.8447
 Scenario 3     Secondary Tx      WLAN              0.0397     0.8995     PASS
                Secondary Tx    Bluetooth           0.0151
                 Primary Tx       WWAN              0.8447
 Scenario 4                                                    0.9444     PASS
                Secondary Tx      WiMAX             0.0997
                 Primary Tx       WWAN              0.8447
 Scenario 5     Secondary Tx      WiMAX             0.0997     0.9595     PASS
                Secondary Tx    Bluetooth           0.0151
                 Primary Tx       WWAN              0.8447
 Scenario 6     Secondary Tx      WLAN              0.0397     0.9841     PASS
                Secondary Tx      WiMAX             0.0997
                 Primary Tx       WWAN              0.8447
                Secondary Tx      WLAN              0.0397
 Scenario 7                                                    0.9992     PASS
                Secondary Tx      WiMAX             0.0997
                Secondary Tx    Bluetooth           0.0151

c) Simultaneous Exposure according to AUS/NZ limits

                                                  worst case
 Scenario             Combination                 Seq / SLim   Sum      Compliance
                 Primary Tx       WWAN              0.8447
 Scenario 1                                                    0.8598     PASS
                Secondary Tx    Bluetooth           0.0151
                 Primary Tx       WWAN              0.8447
 Scenario 2                                                    0.8844     PASS
                Secondary Tx      WLAN              0.0397
                 Primary Tx       WWAN              0.8447
 Scenario 3     Secondary Tx      WLAN              0.0397     0.8995     PASS
                Secondary Tx    Bluetooth           0.0151
                 Primary Tx       WWAN              0.8447
 Scenario 4                                                    0.9444     PASS
                Secondary Tx      WiMAX             0.0997
                 Primary Tx       WWAN              0.8447
 Scenario 5     Secondary Tx      WiMAX             0.0997     0.9595     PASS
                Secondary Tx    Bluetooth           0.0151
                 Primary Tx       WWAN              0.8447
 Scenario 6     Secondary Tx      WLAN              0.0397     0.9841     PASS
                Secondary Tx      WiMAX             0.0997
                 Primary Tx       WWAN              0.8447
                Secondary Tx      WLAN              0.0397
 Scenario 7                                                    0.9992     PASS
                Secondary Tx      WiMAX             0.0997
                Secondary Tx    Bluetooth           0.0151

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                                    Test report no.: 4-3443-01-01/10-A

Annex B: Document History

Version        Applied Changes                                                        Date of Release

               Initial Release                                                        2010-07-27

A              Chapter 3.1 added (Purpose of the report)                              2010-08-18
               Chapter 4.1 general information updated
               Chapter 4.2 and 4.3 updated with FCC E(I)RP limits and corresponding
               Chapter 4.3 and Annex A.1 stand-alone situation added
               Chapter 4.3 GSM/GPRS power reduction information added

Annex C: Further Information

DUT        -    Device under Test
EMF        -    Electromagnetic Fields
EUT        -    Equipment under Test
FCC        -    Federal Communication Commission
FCC ID     -    Company Identifier at FCC
HW         -    Hardware
IC         -    Industry Canada
Inv. No.   -    Inventory number
N/A        -    not applicable
S/N        -    Serial Number
SW         -    Software

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Document Created: 2010-08-19 12:55:20
Document Modified: 2010-08-19 12:55:20

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