Test Report


Test Report

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 Prüfbericht-Nr.:                   15087415 001                                    Auftrags-Nr.:                 154101324                  Seite 1 von 28
 Test Report No.:                                                                   Order No.:                                                Page 1 of 28

 Kunden-Referenz-Nr.:               N/A                                             Auftragsdatum:                21.05.2015
 Client Reference No.:                                                              Order date:

 Auftraggeber:                      OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd.
 Client:                            53, Kunotsubo, Terado-cho, Muko, Kyoto, 617-0002 Japan
 Prüfgegenstand:                    Digital Weight Scale
 Test item:

 Bezeichnung / Typ-Nr.: HN-290T
 Identification / Type No.: FCC ID: Q6ZHN290T
                            IC: 10623A-HN290T
 Auftrags-Inhalt:                   Complete test
 Order content:

 Prüfgrundlage:                      FCC CFR47 Part 15, Subpart C Section 15.247
 Test specification:
                                     ANSI C63.10: 2013
                                     KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v03r03
                                     RSS-Gen Issue 4, November 2014
                                     RSS-247 Issue 1, May 2015

 Wareneingangsdatum: 12.08.2015
 Date of receipt:

 Prüfmuster-Nr.:                    A000205387-004
 Test sample No.:
 Prüfzeitraum:                      21.08.2015 - 23.08.2015
 Testing period:
 Ort der Prüfung:                   MRT Technology (Suzhou)
 Place of testing:                  Co., Ltd
 Prüflaboratorium:                  TÜV Rheinland (Shanghai)
 Testing laboratory:                Co., Ltd.
 Prüfergebnis*:                     Pass
 Test result*:

 geprüft von / tested by:                                                           kontrolliert von / reviewed by:

 10.09.2015           Adrian Shi / PE                                               10.09.2015               Shi Li / Reviewer
 Datum             Name / Stellung                        Unterschrift              Datum               Name / Stellung                      Unterschrift
 Date              Name / Position                        Signature                 Date                Name / Position                      Signature
 Sonstiges / Other:

 Zustand des Prüfgegenstandes bei Anlieferung:                                      Prüfmuster vollständig und unbeschädigt
 Condition of the test item at delivery:                                            Test item complete and undamaged
* Legende:   1 = sehr gut             2 = gut              3 = befriedigend                                   4 = ausreichend         5 = mangelhaft
             P(ass) = entspricht o.g. Prüfgrundlage(n)     F(ail) = entspricht nicht o.g. Prüfgrundlage(n)    N/A = nicht anwendbar   N/T = nicht getestet
 Legend:     1 = very good          2 = good               3 = satisfactory                                   4 = sufficient          5 = poor
             P(ass) = passed a.m. test specification(s)    F(ail) = failed a.m. test specification(s)         N/A = not applicable    N/T = not tested

     Dieser Prüfbericht bezieht sich nur auf das o.g. Prüfmuster und darf ohne Genehmigung der Prüfstelle nicht
       auszugsweise vervielfältigt werden. Dieser Bericht berechtigt nicht zur Verwendung eines Prüfzeichens.
This test report only relates to the a. m. test sample. Without permission of the test center this test report is not permitted to be
                           duplicated in extracts. This test report does not entitle to carry any test mark.

TÜV Rheinland (Shanghai) Co., Ltd  West Guangzhong Road, Zhabei District, Shanghai  Tel.: +86 21 6108 1188  Fax: +86 21 6108 1199
                                              Mail: service-gc@tuv.com  Web: www.tuv.com


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                          TEST SUMMARY
    RESULT:        Pass
    RESULT:        Pass
    RESULT:        Pass
    RESULT:        Pass
    RESULT:        Pass
    RESULT:        Pass


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  1.           GENERAL REMARKS ......................................................................................................... 4
  1.1          COMPLEMENTARY MATERIALS .......................................................................................... 4
  2.           TEST SITES ...................................................................................................................... 4
  2.1          TEST FACILITIES ............................................................................................................... 4
  2.2          LIST OF TEST AND MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTS ............................................................... 5
  2.3          TRACEABILITY .................................................................................................................. 5
  2.4          CALIBRATION ................................................................................................................... 5
  2.5          MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY........................................................................................... 6
  3.           GENERAL PRODUCT INFORMATION .................................................................................... 7
  3.1          PRODUCT FUNCTION AND INTENDED USE ........................................................................... 7
  3.2          RATINGS AND SYSTEM DETAILS ........................................................................................ 7
  3.3          INDEPENDENT OPERATION MODES .................................................................................... 8
  3.4          NOISE GENERATING AND NOISE SUPPRESSING PARTS ....................................................... 8
  3.5          SUBMITTED DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................. 8
  4.           TEST SET-UP AND OPERATION MODES .............................................................................. 9
  4.1          PRINCIPLE OF CONFIGURATION SELECTION ........................................................................ 9
  4.2          TEST OPERATION AND TEST SOFTWARE ............................................................................ 9
  4.3          SPECIAL ACCESSORIES AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT .......................................................... 9
  4.4          COUNTERMEASURES TO ACHIEVE EMC COMPLIANCE ......................................................... 9
  5.           TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................................... 10
  5.1          TRANSMITTER REQUIREMENT & TEST SUITES .................................................................. 10
       5.1.1      Antenna Requirement ................................................................................................................ 10
       5.1.2      Peak Output Power .................................................................................................................... 11
       5.1.3      6dB Bandwidth and 99% Bandwidth .......................................................................................... 12
       5.1.4      Conducted Spurious Emissions ................................................................................................. 15
       5.1.5      Power spectral density ............................................................................................................... 19
       5.1.6      Spurious Emission ..................................................................................................................... 22
  6.           LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. 28


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  1. General Remarks

  1.1 Complementary Materials

  2. Test Sites

  2.1 Test Facilities
  MRT Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
  D8 Building, Youxin Industrial Park, No.2 Tian'edang Rd., Wuzhong Economic
  Development Zone, Suzhou, China
  The used test equipment is in accordance with CISPR 16 for measurement of radio

  The Federal Communications Commission has reviewed the technical characteristics
  of the radiated and conducted emission facility, and has found these test facilities to be
  in compliance with the requirements of section 2.948 of the FCC rules. The description
  of the test facility is listed under FCC registration number 809388.

  The Industry Canada has reviewed the technical characteristics of the radiated and
  conducted emission facility, and has found these test facilities to be in compliance. The
  description of the test facility is listed under chambers filing number 11384A.


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  2.2 List of Test and Measurement Instruments
  Table 1: List of Test and Measurement Equipment

  Conducted Emissions
                                                                     Cali.      Cali. Due
  Instrument               Manufacturer Type No.      Serial No.
                                                                     Interval   Date
  EMI Test Receiver        R&S           ESR7         101209         1 year     2015/11/07
  Two-Line V-Network       R&S           ENV216       101683         1 year     2015/11/07
  Two-Line V-Network       R&S           ENV216       101684         1 year     2015/11/07
  Temperature/ Meter
                           Anymetre      TH101B       SR2-01         1 year     2015/11/14
  Radiated Emission
  Spectrum Analyzer        Agilent       N9010A       MY5144016A     1 year     2015/10/09
  Preamplifier             MRT           AP01G18      1310002        1 year     2015/10/06
  Loop Antenna             Schwarzbeck FMZB1519       1519-041       1 year     2015/11/08
  TRILOG Antenna         Schwarzbeck     VULB9162     9162-047       1 year     2015/11/08
  Broad-Band Horn
                         Schwarzbeck     BBHA9120D 9120D-1167        1 year     2015/11/08
  Broadband Horn Antenna Schwarzbeck     BBHA9170     9170-549       1 year     2016/01/05
                         Anymetre        TH101B       AC1-01         1 year     2015/11/15
  Conducted Test Equipment
  Spectrum Analyzer        Agilent       N9020A       MRTSUE06106 1 year        2016/04/23
  USB Wideband Power
                           Boonton       55006        MRTSUE06109 1 year        2015/10/15
                           Anymetre      TH101B       TR3-01         1 year     2015/11/14

  2.3 Traceability
  All measurement equipment calibrations are traceable to NIST or where calibration is
  performed outside the United States, to equivalent nationally recognized standards

  2.4 Calibration
  Equipment requiring calibration is calibrated periodically by the manufacturer or
  according to manufacturer’s specifications. Additionally all equipment is verified for
  proper performance on a regular basics using in house standards or comparisons.


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  2.5 Measurement Uncertainty

  Table 2: Measurement Uncertainty

             Measurement Type              Frequency     Uncertainty
   Antenna Port Conducted Emission           < 1GHz       ±0.39dB
                                             > 1GHz       ±0.68dB
   Radiated Emission                      30MHz - 1GHz    ±5.34dB
                                             > 1GHz       ±5.40dB


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  3. General Product Information

  3.1 Product Function and Intended Use
  The EUT (Equipment Under Test) is Digital Weight Scale which supports
  Bluetooth 4.0 low energy only.
  This product is mainly designed for general household use.

  For details refer to the User Manual and Circuit Diagram.

  3.2 Ratings and System Details
   Kind of Equipment           Digital Weight Scale
   Type Designation            HN-290T
   Wireless Standard           Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy
   Operating Frequency band    2402 – 2480MHz
   Channel Separation          2MHz
   Modulation                  GFSK
   Antenna Type                Chip antenna
   Antenna Gain                1 dBi
   Extreme Temperature Range   +10~+40℃
   Operation Voltage           DC 6V (4 AA Batteries)

  Table 3: RF channel and frequency of Buletooth LE mode
   RF      Frequency   RF      Frequency    RF      Frequency   RF      Frequency
   Channel (MHz)       Channel (MHz)        Channel (MHz)       Channel (MHz)
   0       2402.00     11       2424.00     22       2446.00    33     2468.00
   1       2404.00     12       2426.00     23       2448.00    34     2470.00
   2       2406.00     13       2428.00     24       2450.00    35     2472.00
   3       2408.00     14       2430.00     25       2452.00    36     2474.00
   4       2410.00     15       2432.00     26       2454.00    37     2476.00
   5       2412.00     16       2434.00     27       2456.00    38     2478.00
   6       2414.00     17       2436.00     28       2458.00    39     2480.00
   7       2416.00     18       2438.00     29       2460.00
   8       2418.00     19       2440.00     30       2462.00
   9       2420.00     20       2442.00     31       2464.00
   10      2422.00     21       2444.00     32       2466.00


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  3.3 Independent Operation Modes
  The basic operation modes are:
     A. On
            a. Transmitting
               i.   Low Channel
               ii. Middle Channel
               iii. High Channel
            b. Receiving
     B. Standby
     C. Off

  3.4 Noise Generating and Noise Suppressing Parts
  Refer to the Circuit Diagram.

  3.5 Submitted Documents
  - Bill of Material                         - Circuit Diagram
  - PCB Layout                               - Instruction Manual
  - Photo Document                           - Rating Label


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  4. Test Set-up and Operation Modes

  4.1 Principle of Configuration Selection

  The equipment under test (EUT) was configured to measure its maximum power level.
  The test modes were adapted accordingly in reference to the instructions for use.

  4.2 Test Operation and Test Software
  Test operation refers to test setup in chapter 5. All testing were performed according to
  the procedures in ANSI C63.10: 2013.

  Software used for testing: ISRT_V2.1.26.4400_Beta
  This software was running on the laptop computer connected to the EUT. It was used
  to enable the test operation modes listed in section 3.3 as appropriate for conducted

  4.3 Special Accessories and Auxiliary Equipment
  The EUT was tested together with the following accessories:
     Description   Manufacturer Part No.               S/N
       Laptop        DELL        PP11L            QDS-BRCM1017

  4.4 Countermeasures to achieve EMC Compliance
  The test sample which has been tested contained the noise suppression parts as
  described in the Constructional Data Form or the Technical Construction File. No
  additional measures were employed to achieve compliance.


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  5. Test Results

  5.1 Transmitter Requirement & Test Suites

  5.1.1 Antenna Requirement

  RESULT:                                                                                  Pass

  Test standard             :        FCC Part 15.247(b)(4) and Part 15.203
                                     RSS-Gen Clause 6.7
  Limit                              The use of antennas with directional gains that do
                                     not exceed 6dBi

  According to the manufacturer declared, the EUT has one chip antenna, the directional
  gain of antenna is 1 dBi and the PCB antenna is designed with permanent attachment
  and no consideration of replacement. Therefore the EUT is considered sufficient to
  comply with the provision.


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  5.1.2 Peak Output Power

  RESULT:                                                                             Pass

  Test date                 :       2015-08-21
  Test standard             :       FCC Part 15.247(b)(3)
                                    RSS-247 Clause 5.4(4)
  Basic standard            :       ANSI C63.10: 2013
                                    Clause 9.1 of KDB 558074 v03r03
  Limit                     :       1W
  Kind of test site         :       Shielded room

  Test setup

  Test Channel              :       Low/ Middle/ High
  Operation Mode            :       A.1.a
  Ambient temperature       :       25℃
  Relative humidity         :       52%
  Atmospheric pressure      :       101kPa

  Table 4: Test result of Peak Output Power of Bluetooth LE mode

                      Channel Frequency    Peak Output Power           Limit
                           (MHz)                 (dBm)                (dBm)
   Low Channel              2402                  -3.52                 30
  Middle Channel            2440                  -3.98                 30
   High Channel             2480                  -4.68                 30


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  5.1.3 6dB Bandwidth and 99% Bandwidth
  RESULT:                                                                          Pass

  Date of testing               :       2015-08-21
  Test standard                 :       FCC Part 15.247(a)(2)
                                        RSS-247 Clause 5.2(1)
                                        RSS-Gen Clause 6.6
  Basic standard                :       ANSI C63.10: 2013
                                        Clause 8 of KDB 558074 v03r03
                                        Clause 6.6 of RSS-Gen
  Limit                         :       ≥500KHz for 6dB Bandwidth
  Kind of test site             :       Shielded room

  Test setup
  Test Channel                  :       Low/ Middle/ High
  Operation Mode                :       A.1.a
  Ambient temperature           :       25℃
  Relative humidity             :       52%
  Atmospheric pressure          :       101kPa

  Table 5: Test result of 6dB & 99% Bandwidth of Bluetooth LE mode

                   Channel                6dB Bandwidth     99% Bandwidth
               Frequency (MHz)                (MHz)            (MHz)
  Low Channel       2402                     0.6959            1.1378
  Mid Channel       2440                     0.6890            1.1322
  High Channel      2480                     0.6910            1.1392

  For details refer to following test plot.


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  Test Plot of 6dB & 99% Bandwidth measured of
  Bluetooth LE mode
  Low Channel

  Middle Channel


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  High Channel


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  5.1.4 Conducted Spurious Emissions
  RESULT:                                                                                        Pass

  Date of testing               :       2015-08-21
  Test standard                 :       FCC part 15.247(d)
                                        RSS-247 Clause 5.5
  Basic standard                :       ANSI C63.10: 2013
  Limit                         :       20dB (below that in the 100kHz bandwidth within
                                        the band that contains the highest level of the
                                        desired power)
  Kind of test site             :       Shield room

  Test setup
  Test Channel                  :       Low/ Middle/ High
  Operation mode                :       A.1.a
  Ambient temperature           :       25℃
  Relative humidity             :       52%
  Atmospheric pressure          :       101kPa

 For details refer to following test plot.


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  Test Plot of Conducted spurious emissions measured of
  Bluetooth LE mode
  Low Channel

  Middle Channel


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  High Channel


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  Band Edge


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  5.1.5 Power spectral density
  RESULT:                                                                         Pass

  Date of testing               :       2015-08-21
  Test standard                 :       FCC part 15.247(e)
                                        RSS-247 Clause 5.2(2)
  Basic standard                :       ANSI C63.10: 2013
                                        Clause 10 of KDB 558074 v03r03
  Limit                         :       8dBm/3kHz
  Kind of test site             :       Shield room

  Test setup
  Test Channel                  :       Low/ Middle/ High
  Operation mode                :       A.1.a
  Ambient temperature           :       25℃
  Relative humidity             :       52%
  Atmospheric pressure          :       101kPa

  Table 6: Test result of Power Spectral Density:

                                                    Result       Limit
              Mode             Channel (MHz)
                                                 (dBm/3kHz)   (dBm/3kHz)
                                     2402          -15.159         8
           Bluetooth LE              2440          -15.353         8
                                     2480          -15.922         8

  For details refer to following test plot.


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  Test Plot of Power spectral density measured of
  Bluetooth LE mode
  Low Channel

  Middle Channel


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  High Channel


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  5.1.6 Spurious Emission
  RESULT:                                                                    Pass

  Date of testing        :      2015-08-23
  Test standard          :      FCC part 15.247(d)
                                RSS-Gen Clause 8.9 & 8.10
  Basic standard         :      ANSI C63.10: 2013
                                Clause 11 & 12 of KDB 558074 v03r03
  Limits                 :      FCC part 15.209(a)
                                RSS-Gen Clause 8.9
  Kind of test site      :      3m Semi-Anechoic Chamber

  Test setup
  Test Channel           :      Low/ Middle/ High
  Operation mode         :      A.1
  Ambient temperature    :      25℃
  Relative humidity      :      52%
  Atmospheric pressure   :      101kPa


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  Table 7: Test result of Spurious Emission of Bluetooth LE mode

                          Measure                             Limit   Correct
               Freq.                  Reading     Margin
  Channel                   Level                            (dBμ     Factor    Detector     Pol.
              (MHz)                   (dBμV)       (dB)
                         (dBμV/m)                             V/m)      (dB)
             124.575       24.595      14.026     -18.905     43.5    10.569     PEAK
             173.560       25.558      15.163     -17.942     43.5    10.395     PEAK
            4808.000       41.230      38.536     -32.770      74      2.694     PEAK
            6049.000       41.572      37.457     -32.428      74      4.115     PEAK
            10035.500      48.406      36.878     -25.594      74     11.528     PEAK
            11548.500      50.016      37.298     -23.984      74     12.718     PEAK
             127.000       30.518      20.221     -12.982     43.5    10.297     PEAK
             164.345       27.172      17.198     -16.328     43.5     9.974     PEAK
            4808.000       44.434      41.740     -29.566      74      2.694     PEAK
            5845.000       41.949      37.895     -32.051      74      4.054     PEAK
            9585.000       46.949      36.026     -27.051      74     10.923     PEAK
            11650.500      48.552      36.241     -25.448      74     12.311     PEAK
             123.120       24.812      14.028     -18.688     43.5    10.784     PEAK
             179.865       25.645      14.768     -17.855     43.5    10.878     PEAK
            3771.000       39.197      39.514     -34.803      74     -0.317     PEAK
            6032.000       41.755      37.635     -32.245      74      4.120     PEAK
            6737.500       43.523      37.823     -30.477      74      5.701     PEAK
            11565.500      49.004      36.337     -24.996      74     12.668     PEAK
             124.575       28.120      17.551     -15.380     43.5    10.569     PEAK
             163.375       27.397      17.461     -16.103     43.5     9.936     PEAK
            4876.000       41.744      39.069     -32.256      74      2.675     PEAK
            5505.000       41.557      38.036     -32.443      74      3.521     PEAK
            10239.500      48.414      36.523     -25.586      74     11.892     PEAK
            11531.500      48.555      35.814     -25.445      74     12.740     PEAK
             124.575       24.744      14.175     -18.756     43.5    10.569     PEAK
             179.865       25.224      14.347     -18.276     43.5    10.878     PEAK
            5012.000       40.184      37.135     -33.816      74      3.049     PEAK
            6601.500       43.181      37.177     -30.819      74      6.003     PEAK
            7893.500       45.437      37.091     -28.563      74      8.345     PEAK
            11489.000      49.014      36.260     -24.986      74     12.754     PEAK
             126.515       30.612      20.274     -12.888     43.5    10.338     PEAK
             164.345       27.539      17.565     -15.961     43.5     9.974     PEAK
            4961.000       41.466      38.554     -32.534      74      2.912     PEAK
            6465.500       42.507      36.716     -31.493      74      5.791     PEAK
            7205.000       44.742      36.937     -29.258      74      7.805     PEAK
            11557.000      48.592      35.893     -25.408      74     12.699     PEAK

  1. Transmit mode comply with the field strength within the restricted bands. There is no
  spurious found below 30MHz.
  2. Due to the peak measure values also meet the average limit (54dBm), the average
  measurement is not tested based on technical judgment.


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  Test Plot of Frequency Band Edge of Bluetooth LE mode
  Low Channel

                    Measure                        Limit   Correct
     Freq.                    Reading   Margin
                      Level                       (dBμ     Factor    Detector     Polar
    (MHz)                     (dBμV)     (dB)
                   (dBμV/m)                        V/m)     (dB)
   2380.735          59.991   28.771    -14.009   74.000   31.220      PK
   2390.000          58.266   27.063    -15.734   74.000   31.203      PK          H
   2402.261          90.354   59.170      N/A      N/A     31.184      PK

                    Measure                        Limit   Correct
     Freq.                    Reading   Margin
                      Level                       (dBμ     Factor    Detector     Polar
    (MHz)                     (dBμV)     (dB)
                   (dBμV/m)                        V/m)     (dB)
   2390.000          45.241   14.038    -8.759    54.000   31.203      AV
   2401.979          74.856   43.672     N/A       N/A     31.184      AV


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                    Measure                        Limit   Correct
     Freq.                    Reading   Margin
                      Level                       (dBμ     Factor    Detector     Polar
    (MHz)                     (dBμV)     (dB)
                   (dBμV/m)                        V/m)     (dB)
   2390.000          58.622   27.419    -15.378   74.000   31.203      PK
   2402.073          83.104   51.920      N/A      N/A     31.184      PK

                    Measure                        Limit   Correct
     Freq.                    Reading   Margin
                      Level                       (dBμ     Factor    Detector     Polar
    (MHz)                     (dBμV)     (dB)
                   (dBμV/m)                        V/m)     (dB)
   2390.000          45.187   13.984    -8.813    54.000   31.203      AV
   2401.885          69.559   38.375     N/A       N/A     31.184      AV


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  High Channel

                    Measure                        Limit   Correct
     Freq.                    Reading   Margin
                      Level                       (dBμ     Factor    Detector     Polar
    (MHz)                     (dBμV)     (dB)
                   (dBμV/m)                        V/m)     (dB)
   2480.013          87.860   56.676      N/A      N/A     31.184      PK
   2483.500          60.045   28.852    -13.955   74.000   31.194      PK

                    Measure                        Limit   Correct
     Freq.                    Reading   Margin
                      Level                       (dBμ     Factor    Detector     Polar
    (MHz)                     (dBμV)     (dB)
                   (dBμV/m)                        V/m)     (dB)
   2480.046          73.436   42.252     N/A       N/A     31.184      AV
   2483.500          45.926   14.733    -8.074    54.000   31.194      AV


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                    Measure                        Limit   Correct
     Freq.                    Reading   Margin
                      Level                       (dBμ     Factor    Detector     Polar
    (MHz)                     (dBμV)     (dB)
                   (dBμV/m)                        V/m)     (dB)
   2480.002          83.368   52.184      N/A      N/A     31.184      PK
   2483.500          58.120   26.927    -15.880   74.000   31.194      PK

                    Measure                        Limit   Correct
     Freq.                    Reading   Margin
                      Level                       (dBμ     Factor    Detector     Polar
    (MHz)                     (dBμV)     (dB)
                   (dBμV/m)                        V/m)     (dB)
   2480.002          70.159   38.975     N/A       N/A     31.184      AV
   2483.500          45.671   14.478    -8.329    54.000   31.194      AV


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  6. List of Tables
  Table 1: List of Test and Measurement Equipment ...................................................................................... 5
  Table 2: Measurement Uncertainty ............................................................................................................... 6
  Table 3: RF channel and frequency of Buletooth LE mode .......................................................................... 7
  Table 4: Test result of Peak Output Power of Bluetooth LE mode ............................................................. 11
  Table 5: Test result of 6dB & 99% Bandwidth of Bluetooth LE mode ......................................................... 12
  Table 6: Test result of Power Spectral Density: .......................................................................................... 19
  Table 7: Test result of Spurious Emission of Bluetooth LE mode ............................................................... 23


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  Appendix I- RF Exposure statement

  Exposure Requirements – FCC KDB # 447498 D01 and RSS-102 Issue 5

  FCC KDB # 447498 DO1 V05r02 - Mobile and Portable Device RF Exposure and
  Procedures and Equipment, Appendix A shows that the SAR Text Exclusion Threshold
  for a device with a separation distance of 5 mm at 2450MHz is 10 mW.

  RSS-102 section 2.5.1 Exemption Limits for Routine Evaluation, Table 1 shows the
  SAR evaluation for a device with a separation distance of 5 mm at 2450MHz is 4 mW.

  Calculated EIRP

  The maximum measured transmitter power is the following:
              Conducted           Conducted         Maximum
                                                                      Pout EIRP
             Output Power        Output Power        Antenna
              Pout [dBm]          Pout [mW]         Gain [dBi]

                   -3.52              0.44              1                0.56
  Per the equation in section 1.3.1 of FCC Document # 412172 D01 Determining ERP and
  EIRP v01;
                                         EIRP = pt x gt
  pt = transmitter output power in watts
  gt = Numeric gain of transmitting antenna (unitless)

  Evaluation for FCC

  The maximum EIRP peak power output of the EUT is: 0.56 mW.
  The EUT is well below the 10mW power level.

  Evaluation for IC
  The maximum EIRP peak power output of the EUT is: 0.56 mW.
  The EUT is well below the 4mW power level.


  SAR data is not required for either FCC or IC.


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  Appendix II- Photographs of the Test Set-Up
  Photograph 1: Set-up for Conducted RF test at Antenna Port


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  Photograph 2: Set-up for Spurious Emissions below 1GHz

  Photograph 3: Set-up for Spurious Emissions above 1GHz

Document Created: 2015-09-11 14:33:59
Document Modified: 2015-09-11 14:33:59

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