Test Setup Photos SAR


Test Setup Photos

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                                         Test Setup photos for RM-1152
                                          SAR Compliance Test Report

Test report no.:       SAR_Photo_RM-1152_03                  Date of report:                   2015-11-13
Template version:      20.00                                 Number of pages:                  7
Testing laboratory:    TCC Microsoft Salo Laboratory         Client:                           Microsoft
                       P.O.Box 303                                                             P.O. Box 68
                       Joensuunkatu 7E                                                         Sinitaival 5
                       FIN-24101 SALO, FINLAND                                                 FIN-33721 TAMPERE, FINLAND
                       Tel. +358 71 800 8000                                                   Tel. +358 (0) 7180 08000
                       Fax. +358 71 80 44122                                                   Fax. +358 (0) 7180 46880

Responsible test       Janne Hirsimäki                       Product contact                   Juha Paukku
engineer:                                                    person:
Measurements made      Janne Hirsimäki, Juha
by:                    Korkeakoski, Nina Koskinen

Tested device:         RM-1152, HW: 1540
FCC ID:                PYARM-1152                                                     IC:      N/A

Supplement reports:    FCC_RM-1152_02

Testing has been       47CFR §2.1093
carried out in               Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure Evaluation: Portable Devices
accordance with:       FCC published RF exposure KDB procedures
                       RSS-102, Issue 5
                             Evaluation Procedure for Mobile and Portable Radio Transmitters with Respect to
                             Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 for Exposure of Humans to Radio Frequency Fields
                       IEEE 1528 - 2013
                             IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific
                             Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices:
                             Measurement Technique

Documentation:         The documentation of the testing performed on the tested devices is archived for 15 years
                       at TCC Microsoft.

Test results:          The tested device complies with the requirements in respect of all parameters
                       subject to the test. The test results and statements relate only to the items tested. The
                       test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the

Date and signatures:
For the contents:                                        Digitally signed by Janne Hirsimaki
                                                         DN: cn=Janne Hirsimaki, o, ou,
                                                         com, c=FI
                                                         Date: 2015.11.13 13:31:37 +02'00'

SAR Report                                                                                                      Type: RM-1152
Applicant: Microsoft                                                                            Copyright  2015 TCC Microsoft



1.     PICTURE OF THE DEVICE.................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.     TEST POSITIONS .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
     2.1       AGAINST PHANTOM HEAD................................................................................................................................................... 4
     2.2       BODY-WORN 15 MM CONFIGURATION.............................................................................................................................. 4
     2.3       WIRELESS ROUTER 10 MM CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................................... 5
3.     DESCRIPTION OF THE ANTENNA ................................................................................................................................ 7

SAR Report                                                                                                                                                        Type: RM-1152
Applicant: Microsoft                                                                                                                  Copyright  2015 TCC Microsoft




SAR Report                                                             Type: RM-1152
Applicant: Microsoft                                   Copyright  2015 TCC Microsoft




2.1 Against Phantom Head

    Measurements were made in “cheek” and “tilt” positions on both the left hand and right hand sides of the

    The positions used in the measurements were according to IEEE 1528 "IEEE Recommended Practice for
    Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
    Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques".

            Photo of the Device in "Cheek" position                  Photo of the Device in "Tilt" position

2.2 Body-worn 15 mm Configuration

    The device was placed in the SPEAG holder using the Microsoft spacer and placed below the flat phantom. The
    distance between the device and the phantom was kept at the separation distance indicated in the photo below
    using a separate flat spacer that was removed before the start of the measurements. The device was oriented
    with both sides facing the phantom to find the highest results.

                              Photo of the device positioned for Body SAR measurement.
                                         The spacer was removed for the tests.

    Microsoft Body-worn accessories are commonly available for the separation distance used in this testing.

SAR Report                                                                                            Type: RM-1152
Applicant: Microsoft                                                                Copyright  2015 TCC Microsoft



2.3 Wireless Router 10 mm Configuration

    The device was placed in the SPEAG holder using the Microsoft spacer and, in sequence, the back, display and
    each of the 4 edges was positioned 10 mm away from the flat phantom. The spacer was removed before the
    start of the measurements.

                Photo of the device positioned for WR mode measurement –back facing phantom.
                          The spacer was removed before the start of the measurements.

              Photo of the device positioned for WR mode measurement – display facing phantom.
                         The spacer was removed before the start of the measurements.

             Photo of the device positioned for WR mode measurement – top edge facing phantom.
                         The spacer was removed before the start of the measurements.

SAR Report                                                                                          Type: RM-1152
Applicant: Microsoft                                                              Copyright  2015 TCC Microsoft



          Photo of the device positioned for WR mode measurement – bottom edge facing phantom.
                        The spacer was removed before the start of the measurements.

            Photo of the device positioned for WR mode measurement – left edge facing phantom.
                        The spacer was removed before the start of the measurements.

           Photo of the device positioned for WR mode measurement – right edge facing phantom.
                        The spacer was removed before the start of the measurements

SAR Report                                                                                       Type: RM-1152
Applicant: Microsoft                                                         Copyright  2015 TCC Microsoft




The device has 2 separate internal antennas for cellular, AWS and PCS use and one internal antenna for WLAN use.
The cellular antennas are located at the bottom underneath the back cover. The WLAN antenna is located at the top
right corner underneath the back cover.

SAR Report                                                                                          Type: RM-1152
Applicant: Microsoft                                                               Copyright  2015 TCC Microsoft


Document Created: 2015-11-13 13:31:38
Document Modified: 2015-11-13 13:31:38

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