SAR Calibration Data II


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  AGC 2z 328 ®
                               Attestation of Global Compliance                                                                                                    &

                           DASYS5 Validation Report for Body TSL
                                                                                                                                     Date: 23.01.2017

                           Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

                           DUT: CLA—150; Type: CLA—150; Serial: 4008

                           Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 150 MHz
                           Medium parameters used: f = 150 MHz; 0 = 0.82 S/m; & = 61.4; p = 1000 kg/m3
                           Phantom section: Flat Section
                           Measurement Standard: DASYS (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)

                           DASY52 Configuration:

                               +    Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3877; ConvF(11.54, 11.54, 11.54); Calibrated: 31.12.2016;

                               +    Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                               +    Electronics: DAE4 $n654; Calibrated: 12.08.2016

                               +    Phantom: ELI v4.0; Type: QDOVAOO1BB; Serial: TP:1003
                                +   DASY52 52.8.8(1258); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7372)

                            CLA Calibration for MSL—LF Tissue/CLA150, touch configuration, Pin=1W/Area Scan
                            (81x81x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
                            Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 5.72 W/kg

                            CLA Calibration for MSL—LF Tissue/CLA150, touch configuration, Pin=1W/Zoom Scan,
                            dist=1.4mm (8x10x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
                            Reference Value = 82.65 V/m; Power Drift = 0.01 dB
                            Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 7.67 W/kg
                            SAR(1 g) = 4.03 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.67 W/kg
                            Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 5.66 W/kg


                                                            0 dB = 5.72 W/kg = 7.57 dBW/kg

                            Certificate No: CLA150—4008_Jan17                       Page 7 of 8

The results s  h6wk oi @GB;; streport refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document
is issued by h E. this doctifas

                                                      Tel: +86—755 2908 1955            Fax: +86—755 2600 8484             E—mail: agc@age—             @ 400 089 2118
                                                      Add: 2/F. , Building 2, No.1—4, Chaxi Sanwei Technical Industrial Park,Gushu, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China

Page 22 of 22

  A\G                                & T I % i!
                                     Attestation of Global Compliance                                                                                                   &

                                                       SAR Reference Dipole Calibration Report

                                                                                                       Ref : ACR.69.2.17.SATU.A

                                         ATTESTATION OF GLOBAL COMPLIANCE CO.
                                               1&2F, NO.2 BUILDING, HUAFENG NO.1 INDUSTRIAL
                                                 PARK, GUSHU COMMUNITY XIXIANG STREET
                                                   BAOAN DISTRICT, SHENZHEN, P.R. CHINA
                                                      MVG COMOSAR REFERENCE DIPOLE
                                                                        FREQUENCY: 450 MHZ
                                                                        SERIAL NO.: SN 46/11 DIP 0G450—184

                                                                                  Calibrated at MVG US
                                                                  2105 Barrett Park Dr. — Kennesaw, GA 30144

                                                                                   w x1 e5.

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                                                                                       /'ll,.|.|\l‘\             Calitrationcent stres0?

                                                                           Calibration Date: 03/10/2017


                                                    This document presents the method and results from an accredited SAR reference dipole calibration
                                                    performed in MVG USA using the COMOSAR test bench. All calibration results are traceable to
                                                    national metrology institutions.

The results ’mSori
                 o thisfeat8 report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document
is issued by/A E. this doctifrsh t cannot be reproduced except in full with our prior written permission. The more details and the authenticity of the report will be
     .                       9
confirmed tfittp://www.agc-«&
            2       G            o
            8 A                  0
             +               &
Attestatiq ,2fGIoba!Q o                 pliance            Tel: +86—755 2908 1955                           Fax: +86—755 2600 8484         E—mail: agc@agc—   @ 400 089 2118
                                                           Add: 2/F. , Building 2, No.1—4, Chaxi Sanwei Technical Industrial Park,Gushu, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China

  A\G                          & T I & m
                               Attestation of Global Compliance                                                                                                                &

                                                        SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                     Ref: ACR.69.2.17.SATU.A

                                                                Name                                Function                          Date                  Signature
                          Prepared by :                    Jérome LUC                         Product Manager                    3/10/2017                    )/é/

                           Checked by :                    Jérome LUC                         Product Manager                    3/10/2017                    fi/

                          Approved by :               Kim RUTKOWSKI                           Quality Manager                    3/10/2017                 Jum Patthowh!

                                                                                                      Customer Name
                                                                       voifures                        OF GLOBAL
                                                                     Distribution :                   COMPLIANCE
                                                                                                           CO. LTD.

                                  Issue                 Date                                                           Modifications
                                    A                 3/10/2017                  Initial release

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                                              This document shall not be reproduced, except in full or in part, without the written approval ofMVG.
                                              The information contained herein is to be used onlyfor the purpose for which it is submitted and is not to
                                              be released in whole orpart without written approval ofMVG.

The results s‘ & virl fii@sfi‘ kreport refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document
is issued byAKGE,
             h    this docufash
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           ° AGC >
confirmed tfittp://www.agc-«&

Attestatiq ,2fGIoba!Q o             pliance                Tel: +86—755 2908 1955                  Fax: +86—755 2600 8484                   E—mail: agc@agc—          @ 400 089 2118
                                                           Add: 2/F. , Building 2, No.1—4, Chaxi Sanwei Technical Industrial Park,Gushu, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China

  A\G                          & T I & m
                               Attestation of Global Compliance                                                                                                                       &

                                                            SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                        Ref: ACR.69.2.17.SATU.A

                                                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

                           1      IMEFOGUCHOM....2...... .000 0000ee en en eenree en ree e en e re n rernrre n rereeee n n e ren e ve n eenrere n en n rern e e en 4
                           2      De@ViG@ UNU@P TSt ............00000llss se eeeeeeevv en reeeeeevrre e reerevv e en reenvv en eerevvv en reeeen e venneee 4
                           3      PFOGUCt D@SCTIDHOM ........ ... eee e rerereernnn e rrerere n e rerererrre n rerrere e reeerrrere n en en 4
                               3.1        General Information                                                                                                                   4
                           4      Measurement MeuUOU —————mmeescersemneeeemmmnemnecerremnnccormmnneneenenerernreeereccenmmenmncanmsmnnancenss 5
                               4.1        Return Loss Requirements                                                                                                              5
                               4.2        Mechanical Requirements                                                                                                               5
                           5      MeasUureMment UNC@THANEY...............s cce
                               $1         Return Loss                                                                                                                           5
                               $.2        Dimension Measurement                                                                                                                 §
                               3.3        Validation Measurement                                                                                                                3
                           6      CalibratioON MEASUTEMENt R@SUIS ........... 0022000000 snn en eeee e en nn en rennrnn en ernreee en es 6
                               6.1        Return Loss and Impedance In Head Liquid
                               6.2        Return Loss and Impedance In Body Liquid                                                                                              6
                               6.3        Mechanical Dimensions                                                                                                                 6
                           7      ValidaHon MIE@SUTEMICHE —mmmmmsmmemmmemmmmmmnnerecommenmnnosmmrenamemsoeennencenemmsneccemmemmnnnnaratens 7
                               7.1        Head Liquid Measurement                                                                                                               4
                               7.2        SAR Measurement Result With Head Liquid                                                                                               8
                               7.3        Body Liquid Measurement                                                                                                               9
                               7.4        SAR Measurement Result With Body Liquid                                                                                              10
                           8      TISEOF EQUHIPMIGNE :—mmmmsmrrmmmemccmemmmmmmmnmmceemmemmnmnemomenmcorenaecnnnnnnns 11

                                                                                                  Page: 3/11

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                                                  The information contained herein is to be used onlyfor the purpose for which it is submitted and is not to
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The results s‘ & virl fii@sfi‘ kreport refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document
is issued byAKGE,
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           ° AGC >
confirmed tfittp://www.agc-«&

Attestatiq ,2fGIoba!Q o              pliance                    Tel: +86—755 2908 1955                   Fax: +86—755 2600 8484                    E—mail: agc@agc—          @ 400 089 2118
                                                               Add: 2/F. , Building 2, No.1—4, Chaxi Sanwei Technical Industrial Park,Gushu, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China

    AOGC                          £.z.54.8.»9
                                  Attestation of Global Compliance                                                                                                             &

                                                        SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                     Ref: ACR.69.2.17.SATU.A

                            1              INTRODUCTION

                            This document contains a summary of the requirements set forth by the IEEE 1528, FCC KDBs and
                            CEI/IEC 62209 standards for reference dipoles used for SAR measurement system validations and
                            the measurements that were performed to verify that the product complies with the fore mentioned

                            2              DEVICE UNDER TEST

                                                                                   Device Under Test

                                       Device Type                                        COMOSAR 450 MHz REFERENCE DIPOLE
                                       Manufacturer                                       MVG
                                       Model                                               $1D450
                                       Serial Number                                      SN 46/11 DIP 0G450—184
                                       Product Condition (new / used)                     Used

                            A yearly calibration interval is recommended.

                            3              PRODUCT DESCRIPTION

                            3.1         GENERAL INFORMATION

                            MVG‘s COMOSAR Validation Dipoles are built in accordance to the IEEE 1528, FCC KDBs and
                            CEI/IEC 62209 standards. The product is designed for use with the COMOSAR test bench only.

                                                                Figure 1 —MVG COMOSAR Validation Dipole

                                                                                            Page: 4/11

                                              This document shall not be reproduced, except in full or in part, without the written approval ofMVG.
                                              The information contained herein is to be used onlyfor the purpose for which it is submitted and is not to
                                              be released in whole orpart without written approval ofMVG.

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                &     m%}ost report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document
is issued b     , this docu’f&9 it cannot be reproduced except in full with our prior written permission. The more details and the authenticity of the report will be
confirmed tfittp://www.agc-«dr5
Attestatiq /2f Globa!Q ompliance                           Tel: +86—755 2908 1955                  Fax: +86—755 2600 8484                   E—mail: agc@age—          @ 400 089 2118
                                                           Add: 2/F. , Building 2, No.1—4, Chaxi Sanwei Technical Industrial Park,Gushu, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China

  A\G                           & T I & m
                                Attestation of Global Compliance                                                                                                              &

                            mvG                        SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                     Ref: ACR.69.2.17.SATU.A

                                    4      MEASUREMENT METHOD
                            The IEEE 1528, FCC KDBs and CEIIEC 62209 standards provide requirements for reference
                            dipoles used for system validation measurements. The following measurements were performed to
                            verify that the product complies with the fore mentioned standards.

                                    4.1      RETURN LOSS REQUIREMENTS
                            The dipole used for SAR system validation measurements and checks must have a return loss of —20
                            dB or better. The return loss measurement shall be performed against a liquid filled flat phantom,
                            with the phantom constucted as outlined in the fore mentioned standards.

                                    4.2      MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS
                            The IEEE Std. 1528 and CEI/IEC 62209 standards specify the mechanical components and
                            dimensions of the validation dipoles, with the dimensions frequency and phantom shell thickness
                            dependent. The COMOSAR test bench employs a 2 mm phantom shell thickness therefore the
                            dipoles sold for use with the COMOSAR test bench comply with the requirements set forth for a 2
                            mm phantom shell thickness.

                            &             MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY

                            All uncertainties listed below represent an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95%
                            confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2, traceable to the Internationally Accepted Guides to
                            Measurement Uncertainty.

                                    5.1      RETURN LOSS
                            The following uncertainties apply to the return loss measurement:
                                                   Frequency band                                     Expanded Uncertainty on Return Loss
                                                     400—6000MHz                                                                0.1 dB

                                    5.2      DIMENSION MEASUREMENT
                            The following uncertainties apply to the dimension measurements:
                                                      Length (mm)                                         Expanded Uncertainty on Length
                                                           3 — 300                                                             0.05 mm

                                    5.3    VALIDATION MEASUREMENT
                            The guidelines outlined in the IEEE 1528, FCC KDBs, CENELEC EN50361 and CEIV/IEC 62209
                            standards were followed to generate the measurement uncertainty for validation measurements.
                                                Scan Volume                      Expanded Uncertainty
                                                               1g                                                     20.3 %

                                                                                           Page: 5/11

                                             This document shall not be reproduced, except in full or in part, without the written approval ofMVG.
                                             The information contained herein is to be used onlyfor the purpose for which it is submitted and is not to
                                             be released in whole orpart without written approval ofMVG.

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                &     fii@fio treport refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document
is issued b     , this docu’f& it cannot be reproduced except in full with our prior written permission. The more details and the authenticity of the report will be

            ° AGC >
confirmed tfittp://www.agc-«&

Attestatiq ,2fGIoba!Q o            pliance                Tel: +86—755 2908 1955                  Fax: +86—755 2600 8484                   E—mail: agc@agc—          @ 400 089 2118
                                                          Add: 2/F. , Building 2, No.1—4, Chaxi Sanwei Technical Industrial Park,Gushu, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China

  AG                         °s — x m
                                Attestation of Global Compliance

                                                        SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                       Ref: ACR.69.2.17.SATU.A

                                                               10 g                                                    20.1 %

                                     6     CALIBRATION MEASUREMENT RESULTS

                                     6.1   RETURN LOSS AND IMPEDANCE IN HEAD LIQUID

                                                                                                 Frequency, MHz
                                                           350 360      380                                                         520     540 550

                                Frequency (MHz)                      Return Loss (dB)                       Requirement (dB)                            Impedance
                                      450                                 —22.34                                  —20                                 46.6 t — 6.6 jQ

                                     6.2      RETURN LOSS AND IMPEDANCE IN BODY LIQUID
                                                                                                 Frequency, MHz
                                                           250 a6o      380     400      420      440      460             500      520.    540 550


                                Frequency (MHz)                      Return Loss (dB)                       Requirement (dB)                            Impedance
                                      450                                 —26.76                                  —20                                 46.6 t — 2.7 jQ

                                     6.3   MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS

                              Frequency MHz                           L mm                                         h mm                                     d mm

                                                        required              measured                  required           measured             required           measured

                                    300               420.0 1 %.                                    250.0 +1 %.                                6.35 £1 %.

                                                                                               Page: 6/11

                                              This document shall not be reproduced, except in full or in part, without the written approval ofMVG.
                                              The information contained herein is to be used onlyfor the purpose for which it is submitted and is not to
                                              be released in whole orpart without written approval ofMVG.

The results ’m, @@ori
                  &   fia@fi
                         ost report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document
is issued by/A (§€ this doctifroh

                                                           Tel: +86—755 2908 1955                  Fax: +86—755 2600 8484                   E—mail: agc@age—            @ 400 089 2118
                                                           Add: 2/F. , Building 2, No.1—4, Chaxi Sanwei Technical Industrial Park,Gushu, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China

    :\G                         & T I i i!

                                Attestation of Global Compliance


                                                           SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                      Ref: ACR.69.2.17.SATU.A

                                   450                   290.0 +1 %.                PASS               166.7 +1 %.               PASS               6.35 £1 %.         PASS
                                  750                    176.0 1 %.                                    100.0 £1 %.                                  6.35 £1 %.
                                  835                    161.0 +1 %.                                   89.8 £1 %.                                    3.6 £1 %.
                                  900                    149.0 £1 %.                                   83.3 £1 %.                                    3.6 £1 %.
                                  1450                   89.1 +1 %.                                    51.7 #1 %                                     3.6 £1 %.
                                  1500                   80.5 £1 %.                                    50.0 #1 %.                                    3.6 £1 %.
                                  1640                   79.0 #1 %.                                    45.7 +1 %.                                    3.6 +1 %.
                                  1750                   75.2 +1 %.                                    42.9 #1 %.                                    3.6 £1 %.
                                  1800                    72.0 £1 %.                                    41.7 #1 %.                                  3.6 £1 %.

                                  1900                    68.0 +1 %.                                    39.5 #1 %.                                  3.6 +1 %.
                                  1950                    66.3 £1 %.                                    38.5 #1 %.                                  3.6 £1 %.
                                  2000                    64.5 £1 %.                                    37.5 #1 %.                                  3.6 £1 %.
                                  2100                    61.0 +1 %.                                    35.7 #1 %                                   3.6 £1 %.
                                  2300                    55.5 #1 %.                                    32.6 £1 %.                                  3.6 £1 %.
                                  2450                    51.5 #1 %.                                    30.4 #1 %.                                  3.6 £1 %.
                                  2600                    48.5 £1 %.                                    28.8 +1 %.                                  3.6 £1 %.
                                  3000                    41.5 £1 %.                                    25.0 £1 %.                                  3.6 £1 %.
                                  3500                    37.0+1 %.                                     26.4 #1 %.                                  3.6 +1 %.
                                  3700                    34.741 %.                                     26.4 £1 %.                                  3.6 +1 %.

                                    7       VALIDATION MEASUREMENT
                            The IEEE Std. 1528, FCC KDBs and CEIV/IEC 62209 standards state that the system validation
                            measurements must be performed using a reference dipole meeting the fore mentioned return loss
                            and mechanical dimension requirements. The validation measurement must be performed against a
                            liquid filled flat phantom, with the phantom constructed as outlined in the fore mentioned standards.
                            Per the standards, the dipole shall be positioned below the bottom of the phantom, with the dipole
                            length centered and parallel to the longest dimension of the flat phantom, with the top surface of the
                            dipole at the described distance from the bottom surface of the phantom.

                                    7.1          HEAD LIQUID MEASUREMENT

                                                          Fre’?,l‘:inw            Relative permittivity (€,)              Conductivity {0) S/m

                                                                                 required           measured            required          measured

                                                              300                45.3 £5 %                              0.87 25 %

                                                              450                43.5 £5 %             PASS             0.87 25 %            PASS
                                                              750                41.9 £5 %                              0.89 45 %

                                                              835                41.5 £5 %                              0.90 45 %
                                                              900                41.5 £5 %                              0.97 45 %

                                                              1450               40.5 £5 %                              1.20 £5 %
                                                              1500               40.4 £5 %                              1.23 £5 %
                                                              1640               40.2 £5 %                              1.31 45 %
                                                              1750               40.1 £5 %                              1.37 £5 %

                                                                                               Page: 7/11

                                                 This document shall not be reproduced, except in full or in part, without the written approval ofMVG.
                                                 The information contained herein is to be used onlyfor the purpose for which it is submitted and is not to
                                                 be released in whole orpart without written approval ofMVG.

The results s  nErori
                  C o  thisfes kreport refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document
is issued by/A C§€ this docf&o it cannot be reproduced except in full with our prior written permission. The more details and the authenticity of the report will be
confirmed tfittp://www.agc-«&

Attestatic m/gf Global Co          pliance                    Tel: +86—755 2908 1955                  Fax: +86—755 2600 8484                   E—mail: agc@agc—           @ 400 089 2118
                           B#                                 Add: 2/F. , Building 2, No.1—4, Chaxi Sanwei Technical Industrial Park,Gushu, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China

  AG                        °s 7 1 6 A
                               Attestation of Global Compliance

                                                       SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                     Ref: ACR.69.2.17.SATU.A

                                                          1800               40.0 £5 %                              1.40 £5 %

                                                          1900               40.0 £5 %                              1.40 £5 %
                                                          1950               40.0 £5 %                              1.40 £5 %
                                                         2000                40.0 £5 %                              1.40 £5 %
                                                          2100               39.8 15 %                              1.49 £5 %
                                                         2300                39.5 45 %                              1.67 £5 %
                                                         2450                39.2 45 %                              1.80 £5 %
                                                         2600                39.0 15 %                              1.96 £5 %
                                                          3000               38.5 15 %                              2.40 25 %
                                                         3500                37.945.%                               2.91 25 %

                                       7.2   SAR MEASUREMENT RESULT WITH HEAD LIQUID
                           The IEEE Std. 1528 and CEI/IEC 62209 standards state that the system validation measurements
                           should produce the SAR values shown below (for phantom thickness of 2 mm), within the
                           uncertainty for the system validation. All SAR values are normalized to 1 W forward power. In
                           bracket, the measured SAR is given with the used input power.

                            Software                                                                OPENSAR V4
                           Phantom                                                                  SN 20/09 SAMT71
                           Probe                                                                    SN 18/11 EPG122
                           Liquid                                                                   Head Liquid Values: eps® : 42.2 sigma : 0.86
                           Distance between dipole center and liquid                                 15.0 mm
                           Area scan resolution                                                     dx=8mm/dy=8mm
                           Zoon Scan Resolution                                                     dx=8mm/dy=8mm/dz=5mm
                           Frequency                                                                450 MHz
                           Input power                                                              20 dBm
                           Liquid Temperature                                                       2A °C
                           Lab Temperature                                                          2 °C
                           Lab Humidity                                                             45 %

                                                      F'e;‘,l‘:*z““              1 g SAR (W/kg/w)                      10 g SAR (W/kg/w)
                                                                             required           measured            required          measured

                                                          300                   2.85                                   1.94
                                                          450                   4.58            4.74 (0.47)            3.06          312(0a1)
                                                          750                   849                                    5.55

                                                          835                   9.56                                   6.22
                                                          900                   10.9                                   6.99
                                                          1450                   29                                     16

                                                          1500                  30.5                                   16.8
                                                          1640                  34.2                                   18.4
                                                          1750                  36.4                                   19.3

                                                          1800                  38.4                                   20.1

                                                                                           Page: 8/11

                                             This document shall not be reproduced, except in full or in part, without the written approval ofMVG.
                                             The information contained herein is to be used onlyfor the purpose for which it is submitted and is not to
                                             be released in whole orpart without written approval ofMVG.

               Etisori thisfesstreport refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document
The results shbuwn
is issued by C§€ this docf&o it cannot be reproduced except in full with our prior written permission. The more details and the authenticity of the report will be

            ° AGC >
confirmed t;fittp://www.agc-«drS

Attestatiq /2f GIoba!Q o                                  Tel: +86—755 2908 1955                  Fax: +86—755 2600 8484                   E—mail: agc@age—          @ 400 089 2118
                                                          Add: 2/F. , Building 2, No.1—4, Chaxi Sanwei Technical Industrial Park,Gushu, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China

  A\G                                  & T I % i!
                                       Attestation of Global Compliance                                                                                                                &

                                                                   SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                Ref: ACR.69.2.17.SATU.A

                                                                          1900              39.7                                20.5
                                                                          1950              40.5                                20.9
                                                                          2000              41.1                                211
                                                                          2100              43.6                                21.9
                                                                          2300              48.7                                23.3
                                                                          2450              52.4                                 24
                                                                          2600              55.3                                24.6
                                                                          3000              63.8                                25.7
                                                                          3500              67.1                                 25
                                                                          3700              67.4                                24.2

                                                    Sutsce. Hesaet nemy                   Zerinou _]

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                                                                                                                             SAR (Wikgl

                                                     T xin) T vied                                                                                      Z {mn)

                                           7.3      BODY LIQUID MEASUREMENT

                                                                  Fre:AuHezncv            Relative permittivity (€,‘)         Conductivity {0) S/m

                                                                                          required         measured        required          measured

                                                                          150            61.9 15 %                         0.80 15 %

                                                                          300            58.2 £5 %                         0.92 £5 %

                                                                          450            56.7 £5 %            PASS         0.94 £5 %            PASS

                                                                          750            55.5 15 %                         0.96 £5 %

                                                                          835            55:2 459                          0.97 £5 %

                                                                          900            55.0 £5 %                         1.05 45 %

                                                                          915            55.0 £5 %                         1.06 45 %

                                                                          1450           54.0 £5 %                         1.30 45 %

                                                                          1610           53.8 15 %                         1.40 £5 %

                                                                          1800           55.3 45.%                         1.52 45 %

                                                                          1900           53.3 £5 %                         115245 %

                                                                          2000           53.3 15 %                         1.52 45 %

                                                                          2100           53.2 £5 %                         1.62 45 %

                                                                                                       Page: 9/11

                                                    This document shall not be reproduced, except in full or in part, without the written approval ofMVG.
                                                    The information contained herein is to be used onlyfor the purpose for which it is submitted and is not to
                                                    be released in whole orpart without written approval ofMVG.

The results s‘ i vial thisfestreport refer only to
                                                                the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document
is issued by     C§€, this docu/m \

                  AAGC 9

Attestatic m                              pliance                         Tel: +86—755 2908 1955             Fax: +86—755 2600 8484               E—mail: agc@age—          @ 400 089 2118
                             &                                            Add: 2/F. , Building 2, No.1—4, Chaxi Sanwei Technical Industrial Park,Gushu, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China

  AG                            °s 7 1 & m
                                   Attestation of Global Compliance

                                                            SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                             Ref: ACR.69.2.17.SATU.A

                                                                  2300           52.9.%5 %                              1.81 45 %

                                                                  2450           52.7 £5%                               1.95 45 %
                                                                  2600           52.5 45 %                              2.16 £5 %
                                                                  3000           52.0 15 %                              2.73 45 %
                                                                  3500           51.3 45 %                              3.31 15 %
                                                                  3700           51.0 +5 %                              3.55 45 %
                                                                  5200           49.0 £10 %                            5.30 £10 %
                                                                  5300           48.9 £10 %                            5.42 £10 %
                                                                  5400           48.7 £10 %                            5.53 £10 %
                                                                  5500           48.6 £10 %                            5.65 £10 %

                                                                  5600           48.5 £10 %                            5.77 £10 %
                                                                  5800           48.2 £10 %                            6.00 £10 %

                                           74    SAR MEASUREMENT RESULT WITH BODY LIQUID
                                Software                                                                 OPENSAR V4
                                Phantom                                                                  SN 20/09 SAM71
                                Probe                                                                    SN 18/11 EPG122
                                Liquid                                                                   Body Liquid Values: eps‘ : 57.6 sigma : 0.95
                                Distance between dipole center and liquid                                15.0 mm
                                Area scan resolution                                                     dx=8mm/dy=8mm
                                Zoon Scan Resolution                                                     dx=8mm/dy=8mm/dz=5mm
                                Frequency                                                                450 MHz
                                Input power                                                              20 dBm
                                Liquid Temperature                                                       21 °C
                                Lab Temperature                                                          2l 8
                                Lab Humidity                                                             45 %

                                                                "Tgs*                 1 g SAR (W/kg/w)                     10 g SAR (W/kg/w)
                                                                                          measured                              measured

                                                                  450                     4.78 (0.48)                           3.19 (0.32)

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                                                                                               Page: 10/11

                                                 This document shall not be reproduced, except in full or in part, without the written approval ofMVG.
                                                 The information contained herein is to be used onlyfor the purpose for which it is submitted and is not to
                                                 be released in whole orpart without written approval ofMVG.

The results s‘     O
                       virl fiidbfi" kreport refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document
is issued by/A GE . this doc@é ~

                                                                  Tel: +86—755 2908 1955                Fax: +86—755 2600 8484                    E—mail: agc@age—                @ 400 089 2118
                                                                  Add: 2/F. , Building 2, No.1—4, Chaxi Sanwei Technical Industrial Park,Gushu, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China

  AGC2z3 t ol                  Attestation of Global Compliance

                            ols                            SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                     Ref: ACR.69.2.17.SATU.A

                                      8   LIST OF EQUIPMENT

                                                                                Equipment Summary Sheet

                                   Equipment                Manufacturer / Identification No                                Current                     Next Calibration
                                   Description                  Model                        *|                         Calibration Date                      Date

                               SAM Phantom                            mvoe                snBomegamy, NFelealed:
                                                                                                                 Nomal                                 WVeldeled
                                                                                                                                                                      No tal
                           COMOSAR Test Bench|                    Version 3                          NA               lrsloaied
                                                                                                                                Nogal                  Weldeisd.
                                                                                                                                                                      No sel
                              Network Analyzer              Rhode8Sohwarz                      sN100132                         022016                        0222019
                                     Calipers                       Carrera                   CALIPER—01                        01/2017                       01/2020

                              Reference Probe                         MVG                 EPG122 SN 18/11                       10/2016                       10/2017

                                    Multimeter                 Keithley 2000                     1188656                        01/2017                       01/2020

                              Signal Generator                Agilent E4438C                  MY49070581                        01/2017                       01/2020

                                         a                                                                             Characterized prior to |\Characterized prior to
                                    Amelificr                   Aethersomis                       SN 640               test. No cal required. |test. No cal required.

                                   Power Meter                   HP E4418A                    US38261498                        01/2017                       01/2020

                                 Power Sensor                  HP ECP—E26A                    US37181460                        01/2017                       01/2020
                             Directional Coupler              Narda 4216—20                       o1386                Characterized pripr to |Characterized pripr to
                                                                                                                       test. No cal required. |test. No cal required.

                              Lempe.rat“re and
                                umidity Sensor
                                                             control Company                   150798832                        10/2015                       10/2017

                                                                                               Page: 11/11

                                                 This document shall not be reproduced, except in full or in part, without the written approval ofMVG.
                                                 The information contained herein is to be used onlyfor the purpose for which it is submitted and is not to
                                                 be released in whole orpart without written approval ofMVG.

The results ,m,rarss
                i  estreport refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated and the sample(s) are retained for 30 days only. The document
is issued byKGE,
            h    this doctifarch

                                                              Tel: +86—755 2908 1955                  Fax: +86—755 2600 8484                   E—mail: agc@age—          @ 400 089 2118
                                                              Add: 2/F. , Building 2, No.1—4, Chaxi Sanwei Technical Industrial Park,Gushu, Xixiang, Bacan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China

Document Created: 2018-07-26 20:47:30
Document Modified: 2018-07-26 20:47:30

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