RF Exposure Info

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Priifbericht—Nr.:      _                                            Auftrags—Nr.:                                    Seite 1 von 5
Test Report No.:           60242888—00 1                            Order No.:          23870128                        Page 1 of 5
Kunden Referenz—Nr.:                                                Auftragsdatum
                                  —                                                          —12—2
Client Reference No.:                                               Order date:         2018—12—27
Auftraggeber:                         Axis Communication AB                          Kahsay Tsegay
Client:                               Emdalavagen 14                                 Kahsay.Tsegay@axis.com
                                      223 69 Lund
                                      Sweden                                         +46 46 272 1800
Priifgegenstand:                  Network Video Door Station
Test item:
Bezeichnung / Typ—Nr.:            AXIS A8207—VE
Identification / Type No.:        FCC ID: PNB—AXISA8207—VE
Auftrags—Inhalt:                  RF Exposure Evaluation
Order content:
Priifgrundlage:                   FCC 47 CFR §1.1310
Test specification:

Wareneingangsdatum:               N/A
Date of receipt:
Priufmuster—Nr.:                  N/A
Test sample No.:
Priifzeitraum:                    N/A
Testing period:
Ort der Priifung:                 Lund, Sweden
Place of testing:
Priiflaboratorium:                TUV Rheinland Sweden
Testing laboratory:
Priifergebnis:                    See detail in report
Test results:
Geprift von                       Niall Forrester                 Kontrolliert von _ Per Isacsson
Tested by:                        Technical Expert                Reviewedby:_             Lab Manager—____

                        ___/ Stellung         Unterschrift
Date                  Name / Position         Signature           Date                     Name / Position      Signature
Sontiges /

Dieser Priifbericht bezieht sich nur auf das 0.g. Priifmuster und darf ohne Genehmigung der Prifstelle nicht
auszugsweise vervielfaltigt werden. Dieser Bericht berechtigt nicht zur Verwendung eines Priifzeichens.
This test report only relates to the a. m. test sample. Without permission of the test center this test report is not permitted to
be duplicated in extracts. This test report does not entitle to carry any test or accreditation mark/logo

                      TUV Rheinland Sweden AB. Mobilvagen 10, 223 62 Lund, Sweden «Phone.: +46 46 272 57 46
                                        MAIL: INFO@SE.TUV.COM —« WEB: WWW.TUV.COM


 Prüfbericht-Nr.: 60242888-001                                                                                                                     Seite 2 von 5
 Test Report No.:                                                                                                                                   Page 2 of 5


    Revision                    Datum                  Anmerkung                                                                           Verfasser
    Revision                     Date                  Remark                                                                               Author
        001                 2019-05-22                 First Release                                                                    Niall Forrester

 Note: Latest revision report will replace all previous reports


Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................2
Product Information ................................................................................................................3
  1.1      Equipment under Test (EUT) description ............................................................................................... 3
  1.2      Wireless Technologies and Frequency Bands supported by the DUT .................................................. 3
  1.3      Coil Current, Voltage and E-Field Strength ............................................................................................ 3
Evaluation ..............................................................................................................................4
  1.4      Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 4
  1.5      Limits ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.6      Detailed Calculations .............................................................................................................................. 5


Prüfbericht-Nr.: 60242888-001                                                                   Seite 3 von 5
Test Report No.:                                                                                 Page 3 of 5

1.1 Equipment under Test (EUT) description

           Model name:              Axis A8207-VE Network Video Door Station
           Manufacturer:            Axis Communication AB
           Model number:            AXIS A8207-VE
           Type Number:             PNB-AXISA8207-VE
           Description:             Network Video Door Station

1.2 Wireless Technologies and Frequency Bands supported by the DUT
                Technology               Band          Frequency Range (Tx)

            T-coil induction loop       Audio                 ≤4kHz                   NO*

                    RFID               125 kHz                125 kHz                 NO*

                    RFID              13.56 MHz              13.56 MHz                YES

       *No limits defined for frequencies below 0.3 MHz

1.3 Coil Current, Voltage and E-Field Strength
                                                              Maximum       Maximum            E-Field
    Technology              Band          Antenna Type         Current   Voltage Applied      Strength*
                                                                (mA)           (V)          dBµV/m @3m
 T-coil induction loop      Audio               Coil             625           5                   N/A

        RFID               125 kHz              Coil             330           3.3                  60
                                        PCB Printed 5-turn
        RFID              13.56 MHz                              250           3.3                  50

       Maximum Current and Maximum Voltage Applied are based on details supplied by the device

       Measured E-Field strength figures are worst cases taken from the graphs in report:
       “60236958-002_Axis_A8207-VE_FCC Part 15.225_RFID_125 kHz_13_56_MHz”
       Figures are rounded up to next multiple of 10 dBµV/m. These represent the field strength measured at
       3m distance from the DUT.


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Test Report No.:                                                                               Page 4 of 5

1.4 Summary
   At 20cm, the device is compliant with the “General Population / Uncontrolled” requirements set out in
   FCC 47 CFR §1.1310 Table 1 (B) for all wireless technologies supported by the device where a limit is

   -   T.coil induction loop:   No limit defined
   -   RFID 125 kHz:            No limit defined
   -   RFID 13.56 MHz:          Device is compliant with limits at 20cm distance

1.5 Limits
       Extract from 47 CFR § 1.1310 - Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits

       Table 1B
       Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
       (Limits for general Population / Uncontrolled Exposure)

           Frequency      Electric Field      Magnetic
                                                              Power Density        Averaging Time
             Range          strength        Field strength
                                                                (mW/cm2)             (minutes)
             (MHz)            (V/m)              (A/m)
            0.3 - 1.34          614                1.63            *100                 30

            1.34 - 30           824/f              2-19/f         *180/f2               30

             30 - 300           27.5               0.073            0.2                 30

            300 - 1500            -                  -            f/1500                30

           1500 - 10000           -                  -              1.0                 30


       1. ƒ = frequency in MHz
       2. * = Plane-wave equivalent power density


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 Test Report No.:                                                                                   Page 5 of 5

1.6 Detailed Calculations
Based on the assumption of a 1/r3 electric field roll-off with distance r, the maximum measured electric field
strength at 3m can be used to calculate the maximum electric field strength at distance r from the DUT

  =      + 20

   • r is the distance from the device in meters
   • Er is the field strength at distance r (in dBμV/m)
   • E3m is the maximum field strength measured at 3m

The limit for Er in this case, from the table above is: (824 / 13.56) V/m = 60.77 V/m or 155.67 dBμV/m

The E-field strength at 20cm from the device has been calculated below and compared to the limit:

                                          E3m           r         Er                Er             Limit
      Technology           Band
                                        dBμV/m        (cm)      dBμV/m             V/m             V/m

         RFID            13.56 MHz         50          20        120.57            1.07            60.77

Document Created: 2019-06-09 21:45:30
Document Modified: 2019-06-09 21:45:30

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