Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                                               731 Enterprise Drive
                                                                                               Lexington, KY 40510

                                                                                               Telephone: 859-226-1000
                                                                                               Facsimile: 859-226-1040

                                         EMC TEST REPORT

                                       Report Number:          103017087LEX-023.1
                                       Project Number:         G103017087

                                     Report Issue Date:        9/15/2017

                                         Product Name:         Wireless Base Station

                                    FCC Standards:             FCC Title 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C
                         Industry Canada Standards:            RSS-210 Issue 9 & RSS-GEN Issue 4

                      Tested by:                                                        Client:
          Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc.                              Alcohol Monitoring Systems Inc.
                 731 Enterprise Drive                                          1241 W Mineral Ave
                 Lexington, KY 40510                                            Littleton, CO 80120

                  Report prepared by                                              Report reviewed by

            Brian Lackey, Project Engineer                                   Bryan Taylor, Team Leader

This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek
and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek
assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or
damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this
report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of
the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test results
in this report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or
service is or has ever been under an Intertek certification program.

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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                                                                              Issued: 9/15/2017

                                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
1    Introduction and Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 3
2    Test Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 3
3    Description of Equipment under Test: ............................................................................................... 4
4    Occupied Bandwidth ........................................................................................................................... 6
5    Fundamental Field Strength and Spurious Emissions (Transmitter) ............................................. 8
6    Radiated Spurious Emissions (Receiver) ........................................................................................ 12
7    AC Powerline Conducted Emissions ............................................................................................... 15
8    Antenna Requirement per FCC Part 15.203 ..................................................................................... 20
9    Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................................. 21
10      Revision History ............................................................................................................................. 22

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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                                           Issued: 9/15/2017

1        Introduction and Conclusion

The tests indicated in section 2 were performed on the product constructed as described in section 3. The
remaining test sections are the verbatim text from the actual data sheets used during the investigation.
These test sections include the test name, the specified test method, a list of the actual test equipment
used, documentation photos, results and raw data. No additions, deviations, or exclusions have been
made from the standard(s) unless specifically noted.

Based on the results of our investigation, we have concluded the product tested complied with the
requirements of the standard(s) indicated. The results obtained in this test report pertain only to the item(s)

The INTERTEK-Lexington is located at 731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington Kentucky, 40510. The radiated
emission test site is a 10-meter semi-anechoic chamber. The chamber meets the characteristics of
CISPR 16-1 and ANSI C63.4. For measurements, a remotely controlled flush-mount metal-top turntable is
used to rotate the EUT a full 360 degrees. A remote controlled non-conductive antenna mast is used to
scan the antenna height from one to four meters. The test site is listed with the FCC under registration
number 485103. The test site is listed with Industry Canada under site number IC 2042M-1.

2        Test Summary

Page                   Test full name                    FCC Reference               IC Reference         Result

    6         Occupied Bandwidth                                 -                  RSS-Gen (6.6)          Pass

              Fundamental Field Strength and
    8                                                      § 15.249(a)            RSS-210 (B.10(a))        Pass
              Spurious Emissions (Transmitter)
              Radiated Spurious Emissions                   § 15.109               RSS-Gen (7.1.2)
    12                                                                                                     Pass
              (Receiver)                                   § 15.249(d)            RSS-210 (B.10(b))
              AC Powerline Conducted                         § 15.107
    15                                                                              RSS-Gen (8.8)          Pass
              Emissions                                      § 15.207
              Antenna Requirement per FCC
    20                                                       § 15.203               RSS-Gen (8.3)          Pass
              Part 15.203

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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                                     Issued: 9/15/2017

3       Description of Equipment under Test:

                                         Equipment Under Test
Manufacturer                                    Alcohol Monitoring Systems Inc.
Model Number                                    BS-400
Serial Number                                   WB1002W
Receive Date                                    5/8/2017
Test Start Date                                 5/8/2017
Test End Date                                   5/17/2017
Device Received Condition                       Good
Test Sample Type                                Production
Frequency Band                                  902MHz-928MHz
Modulation Type                                 GMFSK
Duty Cycle                                      100%
Transmission Control                            Test Commands
Maximum Output Power                            -4.24 dBm
Test Channels                                   NA 1
Antenna Type (15.203)                           PCB Antenna
Maximum Antenna Gain 2                          0 dBi
Operating Voltage                               120Vac 60Hz

Description of Equipment Under Test
The SCRAM CAM bracelet, SCRAM Base Station, and SCRAM Wireless Base Station are part of an
alcohol monitoring system and transfers data to a computerized monitoring network. This equipment is
intended for use on individuals being monitored by a trained supervising authority.

Operating modes of the EUT:
No. Descriptions of EUT Exercising
    1   Constant transmission at 916.5MHz with modulation active
    2   Receive mode / idle mode

 Not applicable, device transmits at a single frequency
 From antenna datasheet
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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                                    Issued: 9/15/2017

3.1   System setup including cable interconnection details, support equipment and
      simplified block diagram

3.2   EUT Block Diagram:

      Wireless Base                       AC Mains

3.3   Cables:

      Description         Length    Shielding    Ferrites
                                                                   From                      To
      Power Cable           1m         No          No              EUT                     AC Mains

3.4   Support Equipment:

                                       Support Equipment
      Description              Manufacturer         Model Number                    Serial Number
        Laptop                     HP               EliteBook 8440p                 CND046136B

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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                                      Issued: 9/15/2017

4     Occupied Bandwidth

4.1     Test Limits

RSS-Gen Issue 4 § 6.6:

        When the occupied bandwidth limit is not stated in the applicable RSS or reference measurement
        method, the transmitted signal bandwidth shall be reported as the 99% emission bandwidth, as
        calculated or measured.

4.2     Test Procedure

ANSI C63.10: 2013 and KDB Publication No. 558074 D01 v03r05: Guidance on Measurements for Digital
Transmission Systems

4.3     Test Equipment Used:

      Description      Serial Number      Manufacturer          Model          Cal. Date     Cal. Due
       EMI Test                             Rohde &
                       10887490.26                              ESI26         9/20/2016     9/20/2017
       Receiver                             Schwarz

4.4     Results:

The device was found to comply. The 99% power bandwidth was measured to be 72.545kHz.

4.5     Test Data:

                                 Frequency                               99% Power
           Mode                    (MHz)          20dB Bandwidth         Bandwidth           Result
      Normal Modulation            916.5             78.557kHz           72.545kHz            Pass

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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                             Issued: 9/15/2017

                                       99% Power Bandwidth

                                          20dB Bandwidth

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5     Fundamental Field Strength and Spurious Emissions (Transmitter)

5.1    Test Limits

§ 15.249(a):    Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the field strength of emissions from
                intentional radiators operated within these frequency bands shall comply with the

                                     Field strength of fundamental        Field strength of harmonics
      Fundamental frequency                 (millivolts/meter)                 (microvolts/meter)
           902-928 MHz                              50                                 500
         2400-2483.5 MHz                            50                                 500
          5725-5875 MHz                             50                                 500
          24.0-24.25 GHz                           250                                2500

5.2    Test Procedure

ANSI C63.10: 2013.The peak output power was measured using an EMI receiver.

5.3    Example of Field Strength Calculation Method:
The measured field strength was calculated by summing the readings taken from the spectrum analyzer
with the appropriate correction factors associated with the antenna losses and cable losses. The
calculation formula and sample calculations are listed below:

FS = RA + AF + CF
       FS = Field Strength in dBµV/m
       RA = Receiver Amplitude in dBµV
       AF = Antenna Factor in dB
       CF = Cable Attenuation Factor in dB (Including preamplifier and filter attenuation)

Example Calculation:
       RA = 19.48 dBµV
       AF = 18.52 dB
       CF = 0.78 dB

FS = 19.48 + 18.52 + 0.78 = 38.78 dBµV/m
Level in µV/m = Common Antilogarithm [(38.78 dBµV/m)/20] = 86.89 µV/m

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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                                     Issued: 9/15/2017

5.4    Test Equipment Used:

   Description           Number        Manufacturer         Model        Cal. Date        Cal. Due
 EMI Test Receiver     10887490.26       Rohde &            ESI26        9/20/2016        9/20/2017
      Preamplifier        122005       Rohde&Schwar        TS-PR18       11/17/2016      11/17/2017
 Biconnilog Antenna      00051864           ETS             3142C         4/6/2017         4/6/2018
      Horn Antenna        154521             ETS             3117        11/14/2016      11/14/2017
  System Controller      121701-1      Sunol Sciences       SC99V         Verify at        Verify at
                                                                        Time of Use      Time of Use
      3m Cable             3074                                         11/17/2016       11/17/2017
      3m Cable             2588                                          11/17/2016      11/17/2017
      3m Cable             2593                                          11/17/2016      11/17/2017
      3m Cable             2592                                          11/17/2016      11/17/2017
     10m Cable             3339                                          11/17/2016      11/17/2017
     10m Cable             3172                                          11/17/2016      11/17/2017
     10m Cable             2590                                          11/17/2016      11/17/2017
     10m Cable             2589                                          11/17/2016      11/17/2017

5.5    Results:

The device was found to comply. The fundamental field strength and harmonic field strength were below
the limits of 15.249(a).

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5.6      Test Data:

Quasi-Peak Measurements below 1000MHz:
      Frequency       QuasiPeak        Limit      Margin     Bandwidth     Height     Pol   Azimuth     Corr.
        (MHz)         (dBµV/m)       (dBµV/m)      (dB)        (kHz)        (cm)             (deg)      (dB)
        916.520000          92.97         94.00       1.03       120.000      146.9   H         198.0     36.1

Peak Measurements above 1000MHz:
      Frequency        MaxPeak         Limit      Margin     Bandwidth     Height     Pol   Azimuth     Corr.
         (MHz)         (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)      (dB)        (kHz)        (cm)             (deg)      (dB)
        1843.000000         35.83         74.00      38.17      1000.000      410.0   H         121.0      0.7
        2750.700000         39.84         74.00      34.16      1000.000      377.0   V         188.0      4.2
        3673.600000         40.81         74.00      33.19      1000.000      288.0   V         256.0      5.7
        4574.100000         42.22         74.00      31.78      1000.000      379.0   V         162.0      7.7
        5498.200000         45.18         74.00      28.82      1000.000      322.0   V         229.0      9.4
        6423.100000         44.59         74.00      29.41      1000.000      381.0   V         174.0     10.4
        7341.600000         44.06         74.00      29.94      1000.000      272.0   H         146.0     10.5
        8241.700000         44.64         74.00      29.36      1000.000      243.0   H         228.0     11.4
        9163.400000         45.67         74.00      28.33      1000.000      370.0   H         288.0     12.7

Average Measurements above 1000MHz:
      Frequency         Average        Limit      Margin     Bandwidth     Height     Pol   Azimuth     Corr.
         (MHz)         (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)      (dB)        (kHz)        (cm)             (deg)      (dB)
        1843.000000          23.50        54.00      30.50      1000.000      410.0   H         121.0      0.7
        2750.700000          26.41        54.00      27.59      1000.000      377.0   V         188.0      4.2
        3673.600000          28.13        54.00      25.87      1000.000      288.0   V         256.0      5.7
        4574.100000          29.51        54.00      24.49      1000.000      379.0   V         162.0      7.7
        5498.200000          33.14        54.00      20.86      1000.000      322.0   V         229.0      9.4
        6423.100000          31.50        54.00      22.50      1000.000      381.0   V         174.0     10.4
        7341.600000          31.13        54.00      22.87      1000.000      272.0   H         146.0     10.5
        8241.700000          32.15        54.00      21.85      1000.000      243.0   H         228.0     11.4
        9163.400000          33.22        54.00      20.78      1000.000      370.0   H         288.0     12.7

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      Level in dBµV/m





                         890             895      900           905         910           915              920       925            930    935        940
                                                                                   Frequency in MHz
                          Preview Result 1H-PK+     Preview Result 1V-PK+         FCC 15.249, 902-928MHz         Final_Result QPK
                                                                  Spurious Emissions at band edge

Band Edge Spurious Emissions
   Frequency                             QuasiPeak           Limit           Margin             Bandwidth           Height          Pol   Azimuth       Corr.
     (MHz)                               (dBµV/m)          (dBµV/m)           (dB)                (kHz)              (cm)                  (deg)        (dB)
     900.480000                                44.03            46.00            1.97               120.000            241.5        V         328.0       35.8
     916.520000                                92.97            94.00            1.03               120.000            146.9        H         198.0       36.1
     930.460000                                44.72            46.00            1.28               120.000            123.3        V          34.0       36.2

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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                                         Issued: 9/15/2017

6     Radiated Spurious Emissions (Receiver)

6.1    Test Limits

§ 15.109:    Except for Class A digital devices, the field strength of radiated emissions from unintentional
             radiators at a distance of 3 meters shall not exceed the following values:

                      Frequency of           Field strength            Field strength
                     emission (MHz)        (microvolts/meter)            (dBuV/m)
                         30–88                     100                       40
                        88–216                     150                      43.5
                        216–960                    200                       46
                       Above 960                   500                       54

6.2     Test Procedure

ANSI C63.4: 2014

6.3    Example of Field Strength Calculation Method:
The measured field strength was calculated by summing the readings taken from the spectrum analyzer
with the appropriate correction factors associated with the antenna losses and cable losses. The
calculation formula and sample calculations are listed below:

FS = RA + AF + CF
       FS = Field Strength in dBµV/m
       RA = Receiver Amplitude in dBµV
       AF = Antenna Factor in dB
       CF = Cable Attenuation Factor in dB (Including preamplifier and filter attenuation)

Example Calculation:
       RA = 19.48 dBµV
       AF = 18.52 dB
       CF = 0.78 dB

FS = 19.48 + 18.52 + 0.78 = 38.78 dBµV/m
Level in µV/m = Common Antilogarithm [(38.78 dBµV/m)/20] = 86.89 µV/m

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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                                     Issued: 9/15/2017

6.4    Test Equipment Used:

   Description           Number        Manufacturer         Model        Cal. Date        Cal. Due
 EMI Test Receiver     10887490.26       Rohde &            ESI26        9/20/2016        9/20/2017
      Preamplifier        122005       Rohde&Schwar        TS-PR18       11/17/2016      11/17/2017
 Biconnilog Antenna      00051864           ETS             3142C         4/6/2017         4/6/2018
      Horn Antenna        154521             ETS             3117        11/14/2016      11/14/2017
  System Controller      121701-1      Sunol Sciences       SC99V         Verify at        Verify at
                                                                        Time of Use      Time of Use
      3m Cable             3074                                         11/17/2016       11/17/2017
      3m Cable             2588                                          11/17/2016      11/17/2017
      3m Cable             2593                                          11/17/2016      11/17/2017
      3m Cable             2592                                          11/17/2016      11/17/2017
     10m Cable             3339                                          11/17/2016      11/17/2017
     10m Cable             3172                                          11/17/2016      11/17/2017
     10m Cable             2590                                          11/17/2016      11/17/2017
     10m Cable             2589                                          11/17/2016      11/17/2017

6.5    Results:

The device was found to comply. All spurious emissions with the test sample in receive mode were below
the limits specified in Part 15.109 for a class B digital device.

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6.6      Test Data:

Quasi-Peak Measurements below 1000 MHz:
      Frequency       QuasiPeak       Limit      Margin     Bandwidth     Height     Pol   Azimuth      Corr.
        (MHz)         (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)      (dB)        (kHz)        (cm)             (deg)       (dB)
         53.038000          30.68        40.00       9.32       120.000      104.6   V          19.0      15.8
         53.324000          30.93        40.00       9.07       120.000      104.8   V          36.0      15.8
         53.426000          30.79        40.00       9.21       120.000      105.1   V         309.0      15.8
         53.456000          30.54        40.00       9.46       120.000      109.2   V          28.0      15.8
         53.720000          30.45        40.00       9.55       120.000      104.5   V          71.0      15.8
         79.411000          25.60        40.00       14.4       120.000      110.0   V         229.0      15.6
        107.360000          25.75        43.50      17.75       120.000      109.2   V         135.0      16.8
        128.980000          28.42        43.50      15.08       120.000      104.5   V         146.0      16.1
        687.720000          40.71        46.00       5.29       120.000      224.9   V         236.0      33.1
        993.700000          45.65        46.00       0.35       120.000      248.9   V          -2.0      36.6

Peak Measurements above 1000 MHz:
      Frequency       MaxPeak         Limit      Margin     Bandwidth     Height     Pol   Azimuth      Corr.
         (MHz)        (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)      (dB)        (kHz)        (cm)             (deg)       (dB)
        1218.804500        34.32         74.00      39.68      1000.000      174.0   H          25.0      -1.2
        1302.077000        33.98         74.00      40.02      1000.000      143.0   V          50.0      -1.2
        2463.577000        47.86         74.00      26.14      1000.000      165.0   V          30.0       3.9
        4702.635000        42.67         74.00      31.33      1000.000      148.0   V          36.0       7.7
        5497.920000        46.66         74.00      27.34      1000.000      100.0   V            0.0      9.4

Average Measurements above 1000 MHz:
      Frequency        Average        Limit      Margin     Bandwidth     Height     Pol   Azimuth      Corr.
         (MHz)        (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)      (dB)        (kHz)        (cm)             (deg)       (dB)
        1218.804500         21.93        54.00      32.07      1000.000      174.0   H          25.0      -1.2
        1302.077000         21.69        54.00      32.31      1000.000      143.0   V          50.0      -1.2
        2463.577000         27.19        54.00      26.81      1000.000      165.0   V          30.0       3.9
        4702.635000         29.89        54.00      24.11      1000.000      148.0   V          36.0       7.7
        5497.920000         37.76        54.00      16.24      1000.000      100.0   V            0.0      9.4

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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                                                  Issued: 9/15/2017

7     AC Powerline Conducted Emissions

7.1    Test Limits

§ 15.107(e): Except as shown in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, for an intentional radiator that is designed to
               be connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back
               onto the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies, within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz, shall not
               exceed the limits in the following table, as measured using a 50 μH/50 ohms line impedance
               stabilization network (LISN). Compliance with the provisions of this paragraph shall be based on the
               measurement of the radio frequency voltage between each power line and ground at the power
               terminal. The lower limit applies at the boundary between the frequency ranges.

                                                             Conducted limit (dBμV)
                          Frequency of emission
                                 (MHz)                       Quasi-peak            Average
                        0.15–0.5                        66 to 56*             56 to 46*
                        0.5–5                           56                    46
                        5–30                            60                    50
                                   *Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

7.2    Test Procedure

ANSI C63.4: 2014

7.3    Test Equipment Used:

  Description           Serial Number         Manufacturer               Model            Cal. Date        Cal. Due
EMI Test Receiver        10887490.26            Rohde &                  ESI26            9/20/2016        9/20/2017
       LISN                    2509          Fischer Custom         FCC-LISN-50-           4/6/2017        4/6/2018
                                             Communication             50-2M
       Cable                 Cond2                                                        11/19/2016      11/19/2017

7.4    Results:

The device was found to comply.

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7.5                      Test Data (Line 1, Transmitting):

Quasi-Peak and Average Measurements:
                                                                          In tertek                                      Average Scan
                                                                      150 kHz - 30 MHz                                   Peak Scan
                                                                  Conducted Emissions Line 1                             QP Limit
                         100.0                                                                                           Avg Limit
                                                                                                                         Avg Detector
                                                                                                                         QP Detector
      Amplitude (dBuV)

                            150.0K                         1.0M                                             10.0M               30.0M
                                                                              Frequency (Hz)

 Frequency                           Quasi-Peak   Quasi-Peak          Quasi-Peak               Average   Average        Average
 (MHz)                               (dBuV)       Limit (dBuV)        Margin (dB)              (dBuV)    Limit (dBuV)   Margin (dB)
 0.1561                              60.505       65.826              5.321                    36.813    55.826         19.013
 0.2026                              52.159       64.497              12.338                   28.597    54.497         25.900
 0.2734                              41.176       62.474              21.298                   21.450    52.474         31.024
 0.3344                              43.551       60.731              17.180                   27.166    50.731         23.566
 0.9194                              22.906       56.000              33.094                   10.124    46.000         35.876
 1.026                               22.639       56.000              33.361                   12.466    46.000         33.534
 1.154                               20.975       56.000              35.025                   9.999     46.000         36.001
 1.460                               22.128       56.000              33.872                   11.016    46.000         34.984
 2.195                               18.439       56.000              37.561                   6.740     46.000         39.260
 4.657                               22.955       56.000              33.045                   13.087    46.000         32.913

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7.6                      Test Data (Line 2, Transmitting):

Quasi-Peak and Average Measurements:
                                                                          In tertek                                      Average Scan
                                                                      150 kHz - 30 MHz                                   Peak Scan
                                                                  Conducted Emissions Line 2                             QP Limit
                         100.0                                                                                           Avg Limit
                                                                                                                         Avg Detector
                                                                                                                         QP Detector
      Amplitude (dBuV)

                            150.0K                         1.0M                                             10.0M               30.0M
                                                                              Frequency (Hz)

 Frequency                           Quasi-Peak   Quasi-Peak          Quasi-Peak               Average   Average        Average
 (MHz)                               (dBuV)       Limit (dBuV)        Margin (dB)              (dBuV)    Limit (dBuV)   Margin (dB)
 0.1502                              55.198       65.994              10.796                   34.026    55.994         21.969
 0.2916                              45.347       61.954              16.607                   26.048    51.954         25.906
 0.4074                              39.542       58.646              19.104                   22.107    48.646         26.539
 0.4944                              36.236       56.160              19.924                   26.788    46.160         19.372
 0.6682                              27.076       56.000              28.924                   14.795    46.000         31.205
 0.8363                              25.291       56.000              30.709                   8.529     46.000         37.471
 1.082                               22.875       56.000              33.125                   12.059    46.000         33.941
 1.898                               20.261       56.000              35.739                   9.488     46.000         36.512
 2.573                               19.326       56.000              36.674                   9.018     46.000         36.982
 4.927                               24.667       56.000              31.333                   14.711    46.000         31.289

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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                                                                   Issued: 9/15/2017

7.7                      Test Data (Line 1, Idle):

Quasi-Peak and Average Measurements:
                                                                          In tertek                                      Average Scan
                                                                      150 kHz - 30 MHz                                   Peak Scan
                                                                  Conducted Emissions Line 1                             QP Limit
                         100.0                                                                                           Avg Limit
                                                                                                                         Avg Detector
                                                                                                                         QP Detector
      Amplitude (dBuV)

                            150.0K                         1.0M                                             10.0M               30.0M
                                                                              Frequency (Hz)

 Frequency                           Quasi-Peak   Quasi-Peak          Quasi-Peak               Average   Average        Average
 (MHz)                               (dBuV)       Limit (dBuV)        Margin (dB)              (dBuV)    Limit (dBuV)   Margin (dB)
 0.1506                              46.840       65.983              19.143                   30.987    55.983         24.996
 0.2139                              38.607       64.174              25.567                   24.767    54.174         29.407
 0.2820                              30.823       62.229              31.406                   19.311    52.229         32.918
 0.3297                              24.479       60.866              36.386                   11.181    50.866         39.685
 0.4010                              38.008       58.829              20.821                   29.449    48.829         19.379
 0.4900                              36.748       56.286              19.538                   28.956    46.286         17.330
 0.6006                              23.185       56.000              32.815                   16.056    46.000         29.944
 0.7736                              22.188       56.000              33.812                   16.084    46.000         29.916
 1.484                               24.281       56.000              31.719                   16.507    46.000         29.493
 4.968                               24.150       56.000              31.850                   14.763    46.000         31.237

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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                                                                   Issued: 9/15/2017

7.8                      Test Data (Line 2, Idle):

Quasi-Peak and Average Measurements:
                                                                          In tertek                                      Average Scan
                                                                      150 kHz - 30 MHz                                   Peak Scan
                                                                  Conducted Emissions Line 2                             QP Limit
                         100.0                                                                                           Avg Limit
                                                                                                                         Avg Detector
                                                                                                                         QP Detector
      Amplitude (dBuV)

                            150.0K                         1.0M                                             10.0M               30.0M
                                                                              Frequency (Hz)

 Frequency                           Quasi-Peak   Quasi-Peak          Quasi-Peak               Average   Average        Average
 (MHz)                               (dBuV)       Limit (dBuV)        Margin (dB)              (dBuV)    Limit (dBuV)   Margin (dB)
 0.1527                              52.730       65.923              13.193                   37.166    55.923         18.757
 0.2363                              37.173       63.534              26.361                   21.191    53.534         32.343
 0.3244                              34.352       61.017              26.665                   20.325    51.017         30.692
 0.4391                              31.896       57.740              25.844                   21.558    47.740         26.182
 3.429                               29.399       56.000              26.601                   20.379    46.000         25.621
 15.605                              32.490       60.000              27.510                   26.207    50.000         23.793
 17.409                              26.837       60.000              33.163                   19.266    50.000         30.734
 18.496                              28.958       60.000              31.042                   21.590    50.000         28.410
 23.570                              25.480       60.000              34.520                   19.127    50.000         30.873
 25.508                              16.832       60.000              43.168                   11.181    50.000         38.819

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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                                               Issued: 9/15/2017

8     Antenna Requirement per FCC Part 15.203

8.1    Test Limits:

§ 15.203:   An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
            responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an
            antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply
            with the provisions of this section. The manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna can
            be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited.
            This requirement does not apply to carrier current devices or to devices operated under the provisions
            of §15.211, §15.213, §15.217, §15.219, or §15.221. Further, this requirement does not apply to
            intentional radiators that must be professionally installed, such as perimeter protection systems and
            some field disturbance sensors, or to other intentional radiators which, in accordance with §15.31(d),
            must be measured at the installation site. However, the installer shall be responsible for ensuring that
            the proper antenna is employed so that the limits in this part are not exceeded.

8.2    Results:

The sample tested met the antenna requirement. The antenna used was permanently attached and
internal to the unit.

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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                                         Issued: 9/15/2017

9    Measurement Uncertainty

The measured value related to the corresponding limit will be used to decide whether the equipment
meets the requirements.

The measurement uncertainty figures were calculated and correspond to a coverage factor of k = 2,
providing a confidence level of respectively 95.45 % in the case where the distributions characterizing the
actual measurement uncertainties are normal (Gaussian).

Measurement uncertainty Table
Parameter                                              Uncertainty       Notes
Radiated emissions, 30 to 1000 MHz                       +3.9dB
Radiated emissions, 1 to 18 GHz                          +4.2dB
Radiated emissions, 18 to 40 GHz                         +4.3dB
Power Port Conducted emissions, 150kHz to 30             +2.8dB

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Report Number: 103017087LEX-023.1                                                     Issued: 9/15/2017

10 Revision History

 Revision          Date           Report Number                               Notes
    0            5/31/2017       103017087LEX-023                      Original Issue
     1           9/15/2017      103017087LEX-023.1     Added occupied bandwidth data and band edge
                                                                 spurious emissions data

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Document Created: 2017-09-15 14:49:42
Document Modified: 2017-09-15 14:49:42

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