User Manual


Users Manual

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Manufactured and distributed by © 2015 WowWee Group Limited. Product names, designations, and logos are trademarks or registered
trademarks of WowWee Group Limited. All rights reserved.
Customer Service Website:
We recommend that you retain our address for future reference.
Product and colors may vary.
Packaging printed in China.
WARNING! This product is not suitable for children under 3 years because of small parts - choking hazard.                                                                                                                                 USER MANUAL
Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad, iPad mini, iPad Air, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc.
Amazon and Amazon Appstore are trademarks of, Inc.                                                                                              1. INTRODUCTION                                                                            Item No. : 0442
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Age : 8+

CAUTION                                                                                                                                                    Product Contents:
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.          R.E.V.™ AIR Drone x 1
                                                                                                                                                           R.E.V.™ AIR Car x 1
                                                                                                                                                           USB Charging Cable x 1
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
                                                                                                                                                           Rechargeable Battery x 1
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.         Prop Guards x 4
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular Installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio   Prop Guards Screws x 4
or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by        Quick Start Guide x 1                                                            R.E.V.™ AIR Drone
one or more of the following measures:
                                                                                                                                                           User Manual x 1                                                                    (after assembly)
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected
• Consult the dealer or experienced radio/TV technician for help

This Device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

This device complies with Industry Canada Licence-exempt RSS-210. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
                                                                                                                                                             Prop Guards x 4        Prop Guard Screws x 4
For these purposes, the party responsible is:
WowWee USA Inc.
7855 Fay Avenue, Suite 310
La Jolla CA, USA 92037
1-800-310-3033                                                                                                                                                                                                                     R.E.V.™ AIR Car

For more indepth instructions, please refer to
For warranty information, please visit

                                                                                                                                                                                 Rechargeable Battery                            USB Charging Cable
  WARNING! This equipment may experience difficulty and/or memory loss when
           subjected to any electrostatic discharge, radio frequency interference, or
           sudden power surge/interruption. The user is encouraged to reset the
           equipment should any of these occur.
                                                                                                                                                           Please note the following when operating the R.E.V.™ AIR Drone or R.E.V.™ AIR Car:
                                                                                                                                                           • Do not immerse the R.E.V.™ AIR Drone, R.E.V.™ AIR Car, or any of its parts or accessories in water or any
                                                                                                                                                             other form of liquid.
                                                                                                                                                           • Do not drop, throw, or kick the R.E.V.™ AIR Drone, R.E.V.™ AIR Car, or its accessories as this may damage
                                                                                                                                                             mechanical functions.
              WowWee Group Limited         WowWee Canada Inc.
              Energy Plaza, 301A-C         3700 Saint Patrick Street
                                                                                                                                                           • Do not leave the R.E.V.™ AIR Drone or R.E.V.™ AIR Car unattended near edges from which it could fall.
              92 Granville Road            Suite 206
              T.S.T. East, Hong Kong       Montreal, QC, H4E 1A2, Canada


2. BATTERY INFORMATION                                                                                                                   3. APP COMPATIBILITY
                                                                                                                                         Apple® iOS devices:
                                                                                                                                         Works with iPhone®, iPad® & iPod touch® devices running iOS 9 or later*.
                                                                                                                                         *Devices must also support Bluetooth® Smart (also known as Bluetooth® Low Energy).
                                                                                                                                         Android™ devices:
                                                                                                                                         Works with most Bluetooth ® Smart Ready (also known as Bluetooth ® Low Energy) devices running
                                                                              1                                   2                      Android™ 4.4.4 (KitKat) or later*.
                                                                                                                                         * The easiest way to test compatibility before purchasing the product is to attempt to download and run the R.E.V.™ App. If your device is
                                                                                                                                           not compatible, Google Play™ will not allow you to see, download, or install the app.

                                                                                                                                         4. DOWNLOADING THE APP
                                                                                                                                                            For Apple® Devices:
                                                                                                                                                            Go to the App StoreSM and search for the WowWee "R.E.V." App. Then, click download.
                                                                                                                                                            For Android™ Devices:
                                                                                                                                                            Go to the Google Play™ Store or Amazon Appstore™ and search for R.E.V.™ App.
                                                                                                                                                            Then, click download.
     4 x “AA” Alkaline Batteries (not included)                                        Rechargeable Battery (included)
                                                                                                                                         5. CONNECTING TO R.E.V.™ AIR DRONE AND
                         R.E.V.™ AIR Car and R.E.V.™ Air Drone Battery Diagram/Installation                                                 R.E.V.™ AIR CAR WITH YOUR DEVICE
                                                                                                                                         To connect R.E.V.™ AIR Drone and R.E.V.™ AIR Car with your device:
Installing or changing batteries in R.E.V.™ AIR Car:
                                                                                                                                         1. Turn the R.E.V.™ AIR Drone and R.E.V.™ AIR Car as instructed in the Quick Start Guide.
1. Lay the R.E.V.™ AIR Car down so that the battery compartment faces upwards. The R.E.V.™ AIR Car                                       2. Open the R.E.V.™ App on your device.
   requires 4 x “AA” size alkaline batteries (not included).
                                                                                                                                         3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
2. Using a Phillips screwdriver (not included) remove the screw on the battery compartment cover.
3. Remove any existing batteries and insert new batteries according to the diagram. Ensure that the positive
   and negative polarities match the illustrations inside the battery compartment.
4. Replace the battery compartment cover and tighten screw using the screwdriver. Do not over-tighten.
                                                                                                                                         Q: Is my tablet or phone compatible with R.E.V.™?                            download, install, and run correctly on your device, we expect
                                                                                                                                         A: R.E.V.™ devices can be controlled using our free apps available for       full compatibility.
IMPORTANT BATTERY INFORMATION: (R.E.V.™ AIR Car)                                                                                            compatible smart devices featuring Bluetooth® Smart technology.       Q: My R.E.V.™ device won’t show up in the app when I try to connect.
                                                                                                                                            These apps are available on iTunes® or the Google Play™ store.        A: Make sure your R.E.V.™ device has fresh/fully charged
• Use only fresh batteries of the required size and recommended type.
                                                                                                                                            iOS devices: All iPhone®, iPod® and iPad® devices (excluding             batteries and is turned on, then close the app and switch
• Do not mix old and new batteries, different types of batteries [standard (Carbon-Zinc), Alkaline or rechargeable] or rechargeable         iPad® 2) which run iOS 9 or later are compatible.                        Bluetooth® on/off in your device settings. If you're still having
  batteries of different capacities.                                                                                                        Android™ devices: The app is compatible with most                        problems, try restarting your device completely.
• Remove rechargeable batteries from the toy before recharging them.                                                                        Bluetooth® Smart Ready (BLE) phones and tablets running
                                                                                                                                            Android™ 4.4.4 or later. The easiest way to test compatibility        Q: My R.E.V.™ device disconnects often or R.E.V.™ AIR Drone
• Rechargeable batteries are only to be charged under adult supervision.                                                                    before purchasing the product is to attempt to download the              automatically lands after taking off.
• Please respect the correct polarity, (+) and (-).                                                                                         R.E.V™ App. If your device is not compatible, Google Play™            A: This is most likely caused by Bluetooth® interference. Ensure that
                                                                                                                                            will not allow you to see, download or install the app. If the app       there are no other Bluetooth® devices connected or switched on
• Do not try to recharge non-rechargeable batteries.                                                                                        can download, install, and run correctly on your device, we              (especially audio devices), as these can cause interference which
• Do not dispose of batteries into fire.                                                                                                    expect full compatibility.                                               can cause issues. If you’re still having problems try turning your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     device's WiFi off to reduce interference.
• Replace all batteries of the same type/brand at the same time.                                                                         Q: I cannot access Google Play™ on my Android™ device, how
                                                                                                                                            can I download the application?                                       Q: The R.E.V.™ AIR Drone takes off, but then the motors stop
• The supply terminals are not to be short-circuited.                                                                                                                                                                running and it falls down.
                                                                                                                                         A: Try downloading the application on the Amazon AppStore™.
• Remove exhausted batteries from the toy.                                                                                                  All WowWee® applications are officially provided on the               A: Most likely the battery is flat; try recharging or swapping the
                                                                                                                                            Amazon™ store for users who cannot use Google Play™.                     Rechargeable Battery.
• Batteries should be replaced by adults.
                                                                                                                                         Q: When I try to download the R.E.V.™ app on my Android™                 Q: Can I use R.E.V.™ without a compatible smart device?
• Batteries should be recycled or disposed of as per state and local guidelines.
                                                                                                                                            phone, it says it's incompatible with my device.                      A: No. R.E.V.™ can only be used together with a compatible
                                                                                                                                         A: R.E.V.™ only works with devices which are Bluetooth® Smart Ready         smart device.
                                                                                                                                            and running compatible operating systems.                             Q: The R.E.V.™ AIR Drone has trouble tracking or seems to get
LOW BATTERY INDICATORS:                                                                                                                     Generally our toys are expected to be compatible with any                confused about where to fly.
R.E.V.™ AIR Drone - When the battery grows weak, the R.E.V.™ AIR Drone will start flashing red, land automatically, and then will no        Android™ phone or tablet that is Bluetooth® Smart Ready (also         A: Ensure that the Pod is in an open clear space indoors with line of
                    longer fly. You can also see current battery levels via the R.E.V.™ AIR App. When this happens, recharge the            known as Bluetooth® Low Energy) and running Android™ 4.4.4               sight to the toy. The R.E.V.™ AIR Drone will not function correctly
                                                                                                                                            or later.                                                                in crowded spaces or outdoors.
                    R.E.V.™ AIR Drone as indicated in the R.E.V.™ AIR Drone Rechargeable Battery Instruction Sheet.
                                                                                                                                            The easiest way to test R.E.V.™ app compatibility on your
R.E.V.™ AIR Car -     When the batteries grow weak, the R.E.V.™ AIR Car will begin to move slower than normal. When the batteries                                                                                 For more indepth FAQ, please refer to
                                                                                                                                            Android device is to attempt to download the R.E.V™ App. If
                      are nearly depleted, it will make a low battery indication sound and then power off. When this occurs, power OFF      your device is not compatible, Google Play™ will not allow
                      and replace all batteries. You can also see current battery levels via the R.E.V.™ App.                               you to see, download, or install the app. If the app can

                                                                               Manufactured and distributed by
                                                                               © 2015 WowWee Group Limited.
                                                                               All Rights Reserved.

                                                      WowWee Group Limited.    Energy Plaza, 301A-C, 92 Granville Road
                                                                               T.S.T. East, Hong Kong
                                                      WowWee Canada Inc.       3700 Saint Patrick Street, Suite 206, Montreal
                                                                               QC, H4E 1A2, Canada
                                                      Customer Service:


                                            Rechargeable Battery

                                            USB Charging Cable


The Rechargeable Battery is only to be charged and replaced by adults.
The Rechargeable Battery must only be used with the included USB Charging Cable.
Parts to be cleaned are to be disconnected from the USB Charging Cable before cleaning.
This product is intended for indoor used only.
The product is not recommended for use on loose dirt or wet surfaces.
Do not immerse in water. Immersing the R.E.V.™ AIR Drone, Pod, Rechargeable Battery, or accessories can result in
electric shock.
Burn hazard, fire hazard, and explosion hazard associated with mishandling of the battery.
To avoid possible hazards, do not crush, disassemble, or dispose of in fire.
An adult should periodically check this toy to ensure no damage or hazards exist; if so, remove from use.
Chargers used with the toy are to be regularly examined for damage to the cord, plug, enclosure and other parts, and
that, in the event of such damage, the toy must not be used with charger until the damage has been repaired.

Recharging the R.E.V.™ AIR Drone:
1. Power off by removing the Rechargeable Battery from R.E.V.™ AIR Drone.
2. Plug the USB Charging Cable into the charging port on the Rechargeable Battery and connect to a power source as
   indicated in the diagram. The LED on the charger will turn red, indicating charging.
3. Once the LED on the USB Charging Cable has turned green, disconnect the cable from both the Rechargeable
   Battery and the power source.
4. Re-insert the Rechargeable Battery into R.E.V.™ AIR Drone.


                       DC IN 5V 0.5A

* The R.E.V.™ AIR Drone is operated by 1 x 3.7V 750 mAh Lithium-ion rechargeable.

                                                                                    We recommend that you retain our address
For Lithium-ion Batteries:                                                          for future reference.
•   Charge battery in isolated area.                                                Product and colors may vary.
•   Never charge battery unattended.                                                Packaging printed in China.
•   Keep from flammable materials.
                                                                                    WARNING! This product is not suitable for
•   Do not expose to direct sunlight.                                               children under 3 years because of small
•   There is a risk of the batteries exploding, overheating, or igniting.           parts - choking hazard.
    Do not disassemble, modify, heat, or short circuit the batteries.
                                                                                    MADE IN CHINA
    Do not place them in fires or leave them in hot places.
•   Do not drop or subject to strong impacts.
•   Do not allow the Rechargeable Battery or charging contacts to get wet.
•   Only use the Rechargeable Battery in the device specified
    by WowWee®.
•   Carefully read the instruction guide, and use the
    Rechargeable Battery correctly.
•   In the unlikely event of leakage or explosion, use sand or a
    chemical fire extinguisher for the battery.
•   Batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly.
•   Batteries should be recycled or disposed of as per state and
    local guidelines.

                                                                                Manufactured and distributed by
                                                                                © 2015 WowWee Group Limited.
                                                                                All Rights Reserved.

                                                       WowWee Group Limited.    Energy Plaza, 301A-C, 92 Granville Road
                                                                                T.S.T. East, Hong Kong
                                                       WowWee Canada Inc.       3700 Saint Patrick Street, Suite 206, Montreal
                                                                                QC, H4E 1A2, Canada
                                                       Customer Service:


                                                                   R.E.V.™ AIR Drone

              4 x Prop Guards                                               4 x Prop Guard Screws

• Prop Guards MUST be assembled on product prior to playing.
• Assembly should be done by adults ONLY.
• When rotating, the R.E.V.™ AIR Drone propellers could cause injury to people, animals, and property. You should not
  touch the propellers when they are rotating and should wait until they have completely stopped before handling the
  R.E.V.™ AIR Drone.
• You should ensure that no-one is standing nearer than 1 meter (1 yard) from the R.E.V.™ AIR Drone when in operation
  and that at all times you keep a sufficient distance between the propellers and any person, animal, or property.
• You should keep the R.E.V.™ AIR Drone in sight at all times when operating it, in order, among others,
  to avoid injuries or damages to people, animals, or property.

               Installing the Prop Guards:
               1. Ensure that R.E.V.™ AIR Drone's power is OFF.
               2. Align Prop Guards as indicated in the diagram. Press
                  firmly down to secure.
               3. Using a Phillips screwdriver (not included), secure the
                  Prop Guards in place using the included screws as
                  indicated in the diagram.
               4. Repeat this process for all Prop Guards.

                                 We recommend that you retain our address
                                 for future reference.
                                 Product and colors may vary.
                                 Packaging printed in China.
                                 WARNING! This product is not suitable for
                                 children under 3 years because of small
                                 parts - choking hazard.
                                 MADE IN CHINA


Document Created: 2017-10-04 09:41:21
Document Modified: 2017-10-04 09:41:21

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