1503RSU02002-FCC-UNII Report Part3


Test Report

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                                            Report No.: 1503RSU02002

           Channel 54 (5270MHz)    Channel 62 (5310MHz)

           Channel 102 (5510MHz)   Channel 118 (5590MHz)

           Channel 134 (5670MHz)   Channel 142 (5710MHz)

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           Channel 151(5755MHz)                        Channel 159(5795MHz)

           802.11ac-VHT80 26dB Bandwidth & 99% Bandwidth - Ant 0 / Ant 0 + 1

           Channel 42 (5210MHz)                        Channel 58 (5290MHz)

           Channel 106 (5530MHz)                       Channel 122 (5610MHz)

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           Channel 138 (5690MHz)                       Channel 155 (5755MHz)

           802.11ac-VHT80 26dB Bandwidth & 99% Bandwidth - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1

           Channel 42 (5210MHz)                        Channel 58 (5290MHz)

           Channel 106 (5530MHz)                       Channel 122 (5610MHz)

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           Channel 138 (5690MHz)   Channel 155 (5755MHz)

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                                                                         Report No.: 1503RSU02002

7.3. 6dB Bandwidth Measurement

  7.3.1.   Test Limit

  The minimum 6dB bandwidth shall be at least 500 kHz.

  7.3.2.   Test Procedure used

  KDB 789033 D02v01 – Section C.2

  7.3.3.   Test Setting

  1. Set center frequency to the nominal EUT channel center frequency.
  2. RBW = 100 kHz.

  3. VBW ≧ 3 × RBW.
  4. Detector = Peak.
  5. Trace mode = max hold.
  6. Sweep = auto couple.
  7. Allow the trace to stabilize.
  8. Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the frequencies associated
     with the two outermost amplitude points (upper and lower frequencies) that are attenuated by 6
     dB relative to the maximum level measured in the fundamental emission.

  7.3.4.   Test Setup

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  7.3.5.   Test Result

  Test Mode          Data Rate   Channel No. Frequency   6dB Bandwidth     Limit      Result
                      (Mbps)                   (MHz)         (MHz)        (MHz)
 Ant 0 / Ant 0 + 1
    802.11a              6          149        5745          16.34         ≥ 0.5       Pass
    802.11a              6          157        5785          16.35         ≥ 0.5       Pass
    802.11a              6          165        5825          16.33         ≥ 0.5       Pass
 802.11n-HT20            13         149        5745          17.29         ≥ 0.5       Pass
 802.11n-HT20            13         157        5785          17.57         ≥ 0.5       Pass
 802.11n-HT20            13         165        5825          16.68         ≥ 0.5       Pass
 802.11n-HT40            27         151        5755          35.74         ≥ 0.5       Pass
 802.11n-HT40            27         159        5795          35.94         ≥ 0.5       Pass
802.11ac-VHT20           13         149        5745          17.29         ≥ 0.5       Pass
802.11ac-VHT20           13         157        5785          17.28         ≥ 0.5       Pass
802.11ac-VHT20           13         165        5825          17.29         ≥ 0.5       Pass
802.11ac-VHT40           27         151        5755          35.72         ≥ 0.5       Pass
802.11ac-VHT40           27         159        5795          35.75         ≥ 0.5       Pass
802.11ac-VHT80         58.6         155        5775          71.61         ≥ 0.5       Pass
 Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1
    802.11a              6          149        5745          16.33         ≥ 0.5       Pass
    802.11a              6          157        5785          16.35         ≥ 0.5       Pass
    802.11a              6          165        5825          16.32         ≥ 0.5       Pass
 802.11n-HT20            13         149        5745          17.59         ≥ 0.5       Pass
 802.11n-HT20            13         157        5785          17.58         ≥ 0.5       Pass
 802.11n-HT20            13         165        5825          17.54         ≥ 0.5       Pass
 802.11n-HT40            27         151        5755          36.34         ≥ 0.5       Pass
 802.11n-HT40            27         159        5795          36.31         ≥ 0.5       Pass
802.11ac-VHT20           13         149        5745          17.58         ≥ 0.5       Pass
802.11ac-VHT20           13         157        5785          17.18         ≥ 0.5       Pass
802.11ac-VHT20           13         165        5825          17.57         ≥ 0.5       Pass
802.11ac-VHT40           27         151        5755          35.72         ≥ 0.5       Pass
802.11ac-VHT40           27         159        5795          36.35         ≥ 0.5       Pass
802.11ac-VHT80         58.6         155        5775          76.31         ≥ 0.5       Pass

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                          802.11a 6dB Bandwidth - Ant 0 / Ant 0 + 1

           Channel 149 (5745MHz)                          Channel 157 (5785MHz)

           Channel 165 (5825MHz)

                          802.11a 6dB Bandwidth - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1

           Channel 149 (5745MHz)                          Channel 157 (5785MHz)

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           Channel 165 (5825MHz)

                     802.11n-HT20 6dB Bandwidth - Ant 0 / Ant 0 + 1

           Channel 149 (5745MHz)                       Channel 157 (5785MHz)

           Channel 165 (5825MHz)

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                     802.11n-HT20 6dB Bandwidth - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1

           Channel 149 (5745MHz)                       Channel 157 (5785MHz)

           Channel 165 (5825MHz)

                     802.11n-HT40 6dB Bandwidth - Ant 0 / Ant 0 + 1

           Channel 151 (5755MHz)                       Channel 159 (5795MHz)

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                     802.11n-HT40 6dB Bandwidth - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1

           Channel 151 (5755MHz)                       Channel 159 (5795MHz)

                    802.11ac-VHT20 6dB Bandwidth - Ant 0 / Ant 0 + 1

           Channel 149 (5745MHz)                       Channel 157 (5785MHz)

           Channel 165 (5825MHz)

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                    802.11ac-VHT20 6dB Bandwidth - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1

           Channel 149 (5745MHz)                       Channel 157 (5785MHz)

           Channel 165 (5825MHz)

                    802.11ac-VHT40 6dB Bandwidth - Ant 0 / Ant 0 + 1

           Channel 151 (5755MHz)                       Channel 159 (5795MHz)

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                    802.11ac-VHT40 6dB Bandwidth - Ant 1 / Ant 0 + 1

           Channel 151 (5755MHz)                         Channel 159 (5795MHz)

                          802.11ac-VHT80 6dB Bandwidth - Ant 0 + 1

       Channel 155 (5775MHz) – Ant 0                 Channel 155 (5775MHz) – Ant 1

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                                                                           Report No.: 1503RSU02002

7.4. Output Power Measurement

  7.4.1.   Test Limit

  For an outdoor access point operating in the band 5.15-5.25 GHz, the maximum conducted
  output power over the frequency band of operation shall not exceed 1 W provided the maximum
  antenna gain does not exceed 6 dBi.The maximum e.i.r.p. at any elevation angle above 30

  degrees as measured from the horizon must not exceed 125 mW (21 dBm).
  For an indoor access point operating in the band 5.15-5.25 GHz, the maximum conducted
  output power over the frequency band of operation shall not exceed 1 W provided the maximum

  antenna gain does not exceed 6 dBi.
  For fixed point-to-point access points operating in the band 5.15-5.25 GHz, the maximum
  conducted output power over the frequency band of operation shall not exceed 1 W. Fixed
  point-to-point U-NII devices may employ antennas with directional gain up to 23 dBi without any
  corresponding reduction in the maximum conducted output power or maximum power spectral
  For the 5.25-5.35 GHz and 5.47-5.725 GHz bands, the maximum conducted output power over
  the frequency bands of operation shall not exceed the lesser of 250 mW (23.98dBm) or 11 dBm 10
  log (26dB BW) = 11dBm + 10log10(22.63) = 24.55dBm.

  For the band 5.725-5.85 GHz, the maximum conducted output power over the frequency band of
  operation shall not exceed 1 W (30dBm). However, fixed point-to-point U-NII devices operating in
  this band may employ transmitting antennas with directional gain greater than 6 dBi without any

  corresponding reduction in transmitter conducted power.
  If transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6dBi are used, the maximum conducted
  output power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna

  exceeds 6dBi.

 Frequency Band                               Output Power Limit (dBm)
      (GHz)             ANTENNA 1#        ANTENNA 2#           ANTENNA 3#           ANTENNA 4#

    5.15-5.25             30.00               25.30                27.10                30.00

    5.25-5.35             23.98               19.28                21.08                14.40

    5.47-5.725            23.98               19.28                21.08                14.40

    5.725-5.85            30.00               25.30                27.10                30.00

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  7.4.2.   Test Procedure Used

  KDB 789033 D02v01 - Section E) 3) b) Method PM-G

  7.4.3.   Test Setting

  Average power measurements were perform only when the EUT was transmitting at its maximum

  power control level using a broadband power meter with a pulse sensor. The power meter
  implemented triggering and gating capabilities which were set up such that power measurements
  were recorded only during the ON time of the transmitter. The trace was averaged over 100 traces

  to obtain the final measured average power.

  7.4.4.   Test Setup

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  7.4.5.   Test Result

  Power output test was verified over all data rates of each mode shown as below, and then choose
  the maximum power output (yellow marker) for final test of each channel.
                                                                    Data Rate (Mbps)
                           MCS Index for
    NTx          a                                 20MHz Bandwidth                  40MHz Bandwidth
                                                 800ns GI         400ns GI        800ns GI      400ns GI
     2           6                 8               13.0             14.4            27.0          30.0
     2           9                 9               26.0             28.9            54.0          60.0
     2           12                10              39.0             43.3            81.0          90.0
     2           18                11              52.0             57.8           108.0          120.0
     2           24                12              78.0             86.7           162.0          180.0
     2           36                13             104.0            115.6           216.0          240.0
     2           48                14             117.0            130.0           243.0          270.0
     2           54                15             130.0            144.0           270.0          300.0

                                                          Data Rate (Mbps)
             MCS Index
    NTx                     20MHz Bandwidth               40MHz Bandwidth             80MHz Bandwidth
            for 802.11ac
                           800ns GI     400ns GI      800ns GI        400ns GI      800ns GI     400ns GI
     2           10          13.0          14.4           27.0             30.0        58.6        65.0
     2           11          26.0          28.8           54.0             60.0       117.0        130.0
     2           12          39.0          43.4           81.0             90.0       175.6        195.0
     2           13          52.0          57.8           108.0        120.0          234.0        260.0
     2           14          78.0          86.6           162.0        180.0          351.0        390.0
     2           15         104.0        115.6            216.0        240.0          468.0        520.0
     2           16         117.0        130.0            243.0        270.0          526.6        585.0
     2           17         130.0        144.4            270.0        300.0          585.0        650.0
     2           18         156.0        173.4            324.0        360.0          702.0        780.0
     2           19           --            --            360.0        400.0          780.0        866.6

  Note: Power output test was verified over all data rates of each mode shown as above, and then

  choose the maximum power output (yellow marker) for final test of each channel.

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                                                                       Report No.: 1503RSU02002

  Output power at various data rates for Ant 0 / Ant 0 + 1:
                                             Frequency        Data Rate          RMS Power
 Test Mode    Bandwidth       Channel
                                               (MHz)           (Mbps)               (dBm)
                                                                 6                   17.53
  802.11a         20             60            5300              24                  17.37
                                                                 54                  17.25
                                                                 13                  15.87
                                                                14.4                 15.71
                                                                 78                  15.54
  802.11n         20             60            5300
                                                                86.7                 15.37
                                                                130                  15.25
                                                                144                  15.14
                                                                 27                  20.25
                                                                 30                  20.06
                                                                162                  19.88
  802.11n         40             62            5310
                                                                180                  19.72
                                                                270                  19.55
                                                                300                  19.34
                                                                 13                  16.60
                                                                14.4                 16.48
                                                                 78                  16.33
 802.11ac         20             60            5300
                                                                86.6                 16.19
                                                                156                  16.02
                                                               173.4                 15.87
                                                                 27                  20.32
                                                                 30                  20.16
                                                                162                  20.03
 802.11ac         40             62            5310
                                                                180                  19.79
                                                                360                  19.56
                                                                400                  19.43

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                                      58.6                  20.51
                                       65                   20.44
                                      351                   20.29
 802.11ac        80       58   5290
                                      390                   20.08
                                      780                   19.78
                                      866.6                 19.63

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 Test Mode   NTx Data Rate Channel   Freq.    Ant 0     Ant 1      Total      Limit   Result
                  (Mbps)     No.     (MHz)   Average   Average    Average    (dBm)
                                             Power     Power       Power
                                             (dBm)     (dBm)       (dBm)
   11a       2       6       36      5180     22.26     22.02      25.15    ≤ 30.00 Pass
   11a       2       6       44      5220     22.87     22.95      25.92    ≤ 30.00 Pass
   11a       2       6       48      5240     21.92     22.45      25.20    ≤ 30.00 Pass
   11a       2       6       52      5260     17.01     16.85      19.94    ≤ 23.98 Pass
   11a       2       6       60      5300     17.53     17.48      20.52    ≤ 23.98 Pass
   11a       2       6       64      5320     17.10     17.16      20.14    ≤ 23.98 Pass
   11a       2       6      100      5500     16.51     15.49      19.04    ≤ 23.98 Pass
   11a       2       6      120      5600     16.16     14.74      18.52    ≤ 23.98 Pass
   11a       2       6      140      5700     16.43     15.42      18.97    ≤ 23.98 Pass
   11a       2       6      149      5745     20.10     20.14      23.13    ≤ 30.00 Pass
   11a       2       6      157      5785     25.34     25.63      28.50    ≤ 30.00 Pass
   11a       2       6      165      5825     24.82     24.76      27.80    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       36      5180     22.13     22.43      25.29    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       44      5220     23.17     23.25      26.22    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       48      5240     23.06     22.65      25.87    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       52      5260     16.72     17.31      20.04    ≤ 23.98 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       60      5300     15.87     17.07      19.52    ≤ 23.98 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       64      5320     17.61     17.54      20.58    ≤ 23.98 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      100      5500     17.43     16.08      19.82    ≤ 23.98 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      120      5600     17.04     15.33      19.28    ≤ 23.98 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      140      5700     16.42     15.38      18.94    ≤ 23.98 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      149      5745     21.31     21.80      24.57    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      157      5785     25.10     25.44      28.28    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      165      5825     23.25     23.03      26.15    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       38      5190     19.11     19.03      22.08    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       46      5230     25.14     26.01      28.61    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       54      5270     20.12     20.01      23.08    ≤ 23.98 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       62      5310     20.25     20.42      23.35    ≤ 23.98 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27      102      5510     19.93     18.83      22.43    ≤ 23.98 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       118     5590     19.67     18.41      22.10    ≤ 23.98 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27      134      5670     19.92     18.55      22.30    ≤ 23.98 Pass

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 11n-HT40     2      27        151      5755        20.85                   20.51             23.69             ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT40     2      27        159      5795        24.73                   25.04             27.90             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        36       5180        22.37                   23.21             25.82             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        44       5220        23.54                   22.94             26.26             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        48       5240        22.03                   22.46             25.26             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        52       5260        16.66                   17.53             20.13             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        60       5300        16.60                   17.36             20.01             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        64       5320        16.92                   17.16             20.05             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        100      5500        17.11                   16.04             19.62             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        120      5600        17.06                   15.48             19.35             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        140      5700        16.50                   15.39             18.99             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        144      5720        16.37                   15.55             18.99             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        149      5745        21.83                   22.32             25.09             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        157      5785        25.13                   25.55             28.36             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        165      5825        24.82                   24.56             27.70             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        38       5190        20.03                   20.36             23.21             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        46       5230        26.03                   26.11             29.08             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        54       5270        20.57                   20.62             23.61             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        62       5310        20.32                   20.46             23.40             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        102      5510        19.57                   18.89             22.25             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        118      5590        20.30                   18.93             22.68             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        134      5670        19.92                   18.60             22.32             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        142      5710        19.05                   17.97             21.55             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        151      5755        21.39                   21.06             24.24             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        159      5795        24.72                   24.98             27.86             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       42       5210        18.75                   18.97             21.87             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       58       5290        15.67                   15.63             18.66             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       106      5530        15.31                   13.96             17.70             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       122      5610        21.13                   19.86             23.55             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       138      5690        20.94                   19.75             23.40             ≤ 23.98 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       155      5775        16.88                   16.42             19.67             ≤ 30.00 Pass
                                                (Ant 0 Average Power /10)      (Ant 1 Average Power /10)
  Note: The Total Average Power (dBm) = 10*log{10                           +10                            }.

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 Test Mode   NTx Data Rate Channel   Freq.    Ant 0     Ant 1      Total      Limit   Result
                  (Mbps)     No.     (MHz)   Average   Average    Average    (dBm)
                                             Power     Power       Power
                                             (dBm)     (dBm)       (dBm)
   11a       2       6       36      5180     18.50     17.80      21.17    ≤ 25.30 Pass
   11a       2       6       44      5220     18.41     18.02      21.23    ≤ 25.30 Pass
   11a       2       6       48      5240     18.65     18.09      21.39    ≤ 25.30 Pass
   11a       2       6       52      5260     12.69     12.41      15.56    ≤ 19.28 Pass
   11a       2       6       60      5300     12.28     12.34      15.32    ≤ 19.28 Pass
   11a       2       6       64      5320     12.07     12.08      15.09    ≤ 19.28 Pass
   11a       2       6      100      5500     12.28     10.87      14.64    ≤ 19.28 Pass
   11a       2       6      120      5600     11.87     10.20      14.13    ≤ 19.28 Pass
   11a       2       6      140      5700     10.76     9.66       13.26    ≤ 19.28 Pass
   11a       2       6      149      5745     18.62     18.74      21.69    ≤ 25.30 Pass
   11a       2       6      157      5785     21.71     21.57      24.65    ≤ 25.30 Pass
   11a       2       6      165      5825     20.35     20.30      23.34    ≤ 25.30 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       36      5180     17.69     17.02      20.38    ≤ 25.30 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       44      5220     18.29     17.97      21.14    ≤ 25.30 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       48      5240     18.63     18.06      21.36    ≤ 25.30 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       52      5260     12.57     12.32      15.46    ≤ 19.28 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       60      5300     12.17     12.21      15.20    ≤ 19.28 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       64      5320     12.43     12.47      15.46    ≤ 19.28 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      100      5500     12.19     10.83      14.57    ≤ 19.28 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      120      5600     12.22     10.63      14.51    ≤ 19.28 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      140      5700     11.56     10.59      14.11    ≤ 19.28 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      149      5745     17.52     17.92      20.73    ≤ 25.30 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      157      5785     21.49     21.49      24.50    ≤ 25.30 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      165      5825     20.71     20.67      23.70    ≤ 25.30 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       38      5190     17.61     16.61      20.15    ≤ 25.30 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       46      5230     18.45     18.00      21.24    ≤ 25.30 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       54      5270     15.73     15.46      18.61    ≤ 19.28 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       62      5310     14.71     14.78      17.76    ≤ 19.28 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27      102      5510     15.17     13.95      17.61    ≤ 19.28 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       118     5590     14.67     14.40      17.55    ≤ 19.28 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27      134      5670     14.89     13.84      17.41    ≤ 19.28 Pass

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 11n-HT40     2      27        151      5755        17.73                   17.38             20.57             ≤ 25.30 Pass
 11n-HT40     2      27        159      5795        21.52                   21.47             24.51             ≤ 25.30 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        36       5180        17.21                   16.28             19.78             ≤ 25.30 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        44       5220        18.86                   18.57             21.73             ≤ 25.30 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        48       5240        19.18                   18.67             21.94             ≤ 25.30 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        52       5260        12.61                   12.33             15.48             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        60       5300        12.65                   12.77             15.72             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        64       5320        12.52                   12.45             15.50             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        100      5500        12.18                   10.93             14.61             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        120      5600        12.28                   10.73             14.58             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        140      5700        11.59                   10.68             14.17             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        144      5720        11.52                   10.77             14.17             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        149      5745        18.57                   18.83             21.71             ≤ 25.30 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        157      5785        21.56                   21.55             24.57             ≤ 25.30 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        165      5825        18.36                   17.85             21.12             ≤ 25.30 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        38       5190        17.51                   16.74             20.15             ≤ 25.30 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        46       5230        18.52                   17.91             21.24             ≤ 25.30 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        54       5270        15.72                   15.51             18.63             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        62       5310        14.75                   14.76             17.77             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        102      5510        15.15                   13.96             17.61             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        118      5590        14.78                   13.47             17.18             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        134      5670        15.34                   14.22             17.83             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        142      5710        14.23                   13.39             16.84             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        151      5755        16.65                   16.23             19.46             ≤ 25.30 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        159      5795        21.68                   21.49             24.60             ≤ 25.30 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       42       5210        11.31                   10.65             14.00             ≤ 25.30 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       58       5290        5.61                    5.48               8.56             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       106      5530        10.98                   9.42              13.28             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       122      5610        16.21                   15.03             18.67             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       138      5690        16.69                   15.75             19.26             ≤ 19.28 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       155      5775        11.90                   11.52             14.72             ≤ 25.30 Pass
                                                (Ant 0 Average Power /10)      (Ant 1 Average Power /10)
  Note: The Total Average Power (dBm) = 10*log{10                           +10                            }.

FCC ID: O9C-BJNGAFB0008                                                                   Page Number: 70 of 1097

                                                                 Report No.: 1503RSU02002


 Test Mode   NTx Data Rate Channel   Freq.    Ant 0     Ant 1      Total      Limit   Result
                  (Mbps)     No.     (MHz)   Average   Average    Average    (dBm)
                                             Power     Power       Power
                                             (dBm)     (dBm)       (dBm)
   11a       2       6       36      5180     10.74     10.36      13.56    ≤ 27.10 Pass
   11a       2       6       44      5220     10.54     10.46      13.51    ≤ 27.10 Pass
   11a       2       6       48      5240     10.38     10.24      13.32    ≤ 27.10 Pass
   11a       2       6       52      5260     16.45     16.04      19.26    ≤ 21.08 Pass
   11a       2       6       60      5300     15.94     15.88      18.92    ≤ 21.08 Pass
   11a       2       6       64      5320     16.12     16.13      19.14    ≤ 21.08 Pass
   11a       2       6      100      5500     16.25     14.78      18.59    ≤ 21.08 Pass
   11a       2       6      120      5600     15.75     13.93      17.94    ≤ 21.08 Pass
   11a       2       6      140      5700     15.10     13.91      17.56    ≤ 21.08 Pass
   11a       2       6      149      5745     20.10     20.14      23.13    ≤ 27.10 Pass
   11a       2       6      157      5785     23.41     23.78      26.61    ≤ 27.10 Pass
   11a       2       6      165      5825     23.36     23.36      26.37    ≤ 27.10 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       36      5180     10.65     9.87       13.29    ≤ 27.10 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       44      5220     10.96     10.85      13.92    ≤ 27.10 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       48      5240     10.81     10.78      13.81    ≤ 27.10 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       52      5260     16.87     16.52      19.71    ≤ 21.08 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       60      5300     16.36     16.32      19.35    ≤ 21.08 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       64      5320     16.06     16.08      19.08    ≤ 21.08 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      100      5500     16.09     14.69      18.46    ≤ 21.08 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      120      5600     16.10     14.44      18.36    ≤ 21.08 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      140      5700     15.40     14.43      17.95    ≤ 21.08 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      149      5745     20.60     21.25      23.95    ≤ 27.10 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      157      5785     23.28     23.68      26.49    ≤ 27.10 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      165      5825     23.85     23.74      26.81    ≤ 27.10 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       38      5190     10.88     10.71      13.81    ≤ 27.10 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       46      5230     10.54     10.55      13.56    ≤ 27.10 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       54      5270     17.81     17.54      20.69    ≤ 20.98 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       62      5310     17.84     17.85      20.86    ≤ 21.08 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27      102      5510     18.16     17.02      20.64    ≤ 21.08 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       118     5590     18.28     16.91      20.66    ≤ 21.08 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27      134      5670     17.91     16.53      20.28    ≤ 21.08 Pass

FCC ID: O9C-BJNGAFB0008                                          Page Number: 71 of 1097

                                                                                          Report No.: 1503RSU02002

 11n-HT40     2      27        151      5755        18.78                   18.42             21.61             ≤ 27.10 Pass
 11n-HT40     2      27        159      5795        23.54                   23.67             26.62             ≤ 27.10 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        36       5180        11.30                   10.35             13.86             ≤ 27.10 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        44       5220        11.02                   10.45             13.75             ≤ 27.10 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        48       5240        10.89                   10.76             13.84             ≤ 27.10 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        52       5260        16.86                   16.58             19.73             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        60       5300        16.46                   16.34             19.41             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        64       5320        16.05                   16.13             19.10             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        100      5500        16.08                   14.69             18.45             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        120      5600        16.06                   14.48             18.35             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        140      5700        15.40                   14.44             17.96             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        144      5720        15.24                   14.53             17.91             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        149      5745        20.58                   21.25             23.94             ≤ 27.10 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        157      5785        23.27                   23.73             26.52             ≤ 27.10 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        165      5825        23.27                   23.22             26.26             ≤ 27.10 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        38       5190        10.88                   10.71             13.81             ≤ 27.10 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        46       5230        10.62                   10.45             13.55             ≤ 27.10 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        54       5270        17.77                   17.59             20.69             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        62       5310        17.85                   17.86             20.87             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        102      5510        18.19                   17.02             20.65             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        118      5590        18.29                   16.91             20.66             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        134      5670        18.49                   17.04             20.84             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        142      5710        18.32                   17.23             20.82             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        151      5755        17.75                   17.29             20.54             ≤ 27.10 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        159      5795        23.52                   23.72             26.63             ≤ 27.10 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       42       5210        10.94                   10.92             13.94             ≤ 27.10 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       58       5290        13.17                   13.12             16.16             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       106      5530        12.78                   11.41             15.16             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       122      5610        18.26                   17.25             20.79             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       138      5690        18.19                   17.01             20.65             ≤ 21.08 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       155      5775        13.4                    13.04             16.23             ≤ 27.10 Pass
                                                (Ant 0 Average Power /10)      (Ant 1 Average Power /10)
  Note: The Total Average Power (dBm) = 10*log{10                           +10                            }.

FCC ID: O9C-BJNGAFB0008                                                                   Page Number: 72 of 1097

                                                                 Report No.: 1503RSU02002


 Test Mode   NTx Data Rate Channel   Freq.    Ant 0     Ant 1      Total      Limit   Result
                  (Mbps)     No.     (MHz)   Average   Average    Average    (dBm)
                                             Power     Power       Power
                                             (dBm)     (dBm)       (dBm)
   11a       2       6       36      5180     14.61     14.01      17.33    ≤ 30.00 Pass
   11a       2       6       44      5220     21.02     20.44      23.75    ≤ 30.00 Pass
   11a       2       6       48      5240     23.50     23.02      26.28    ≤ 30.00 Pass
   11a       2       6       52      5260     10.64     10.43      13.55    ≤ 14.40 Pass
   11a       2       6       60      5300     10.28     10.28      13.29    ≤ 14.40 Pass
   11a       2       6       64      5320     10.01     10.07      13.05    ≤ 14.40 Pass
   11a       2       6      100      5500     10.13     8.90       12.57    ≤ 14.40 Pass
   11a       2       6      120      5600     9.72      8.23       12.05    ≤ 14.40 Pass
   11a       2       6      140      5700     9.15      8.26       11.74    ≤ 14.40 Pass
   11a       2       6      149      5745     19.12     19.19      22.17    ≤ 30.00 Pass
   11a       2       6      157      5785     25.34     25.63      28.50    ≤ 30.00 Pass
   11a       2       6      165      5825     22.57     21.96      25.29    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       36      5180     15.60     14.85      18.25    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       44      5220     20.92     20.39      23.67    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       48      5240     23.48     23.21      26.36    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       52      5260     10.52     10.32      13.43    ≤ 14.40 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       60      5300     10.65     10.72      13.70    ≤ 14.40 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       64      5320     10.38     10.46      13.43    ≤ 14.40 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      100      5500     10.62     9.39       13.06    ≤ 14.40 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      120      5600     10.08     8.64       12.43    ≤ 14.40 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      140      5700     9.51      8.66       12.12    ≤ 14.40 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      149      5745     18.56     18.82      21.70    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      157      5785     25.10     25.44      28.28    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13      165      5825     22.42     21.93      25.19    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       38      5190     14.41     13.67      17.07    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       46      5230     20.36     19.97      23.18    ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       54      5270     11.10     10.86      13.99    ≤ 14.40 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       62      5310     11.26     11.21      14.25    ≤ 14.40 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27      102      5510     11.64     10.47      14.10    ≤ 14.40 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       118     5590     11.71     10.35      14.09    ≤ 14.40 Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27      134      5670     11.32     10.15      13.78    ≤ 14.40 Pass

FCC ID: O9C-BJNGAFB0008                                          Page Number: 73 of 1097

                                                                                          Report No.: 1503RSU02002

 11n-HT40     2      27        151      5755        15.64                   15.32             18.49             ≤ 30.00 Pass
 11n-HT40     2      27        159      5795        24.17                   24.66             27.43             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        36       5180        15.75                   14.93             18.37             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        44       5220        16.21                   15.38             18.83             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        48       5240        15.91                   15.24             18.60             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        52       5260        10.57                   10.29             13.44             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        60       5300        10.23                   10.22             13.24             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        64       5320        9.98                    9.95              12.98             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        100      5500        10.69                   9.36              13.09             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        120      5600        10.19                   8.65              12.50             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        140      5700        9.65                    8.66              12.19             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        144      5720        9.47                    8.73              12.13             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        149      5745        18.07                   18.24             21.17             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        157      5785        25.13                   25.55             28.36             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT20    2      13        165      5825        22.51                   22.08             25.31             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        38       5190        14.51                   13.73             17.15             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        46       5230        18.39                   17.87             21.15             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        54       5270        11.19                   10.88             14.05             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        62       5310        11.21                   11.32             14.28             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        102      5510        11.62                   10.47             14.09             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        118      5590        11.74                   10.37             14.12             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        134      5670        11.37                   10.15             13.81             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        142      5710        11.24                   10.36             13.83             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        151      5755        16.14                   15.82             18.99             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT40    2      27        159      5795        24.72                   24.98             27.86             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       42       5210        5.50                    5.61               8.57             ≤ 30.00 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       58       5290        4.79                    5.56               8.20             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       106      5530        5.97                    4.18               8.18             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       122      5610        11.75                   10.55             14.20             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       138      5690        11.51                   10.49             14.04             ≤ 14.40 Pass
11ac-VHT80    2     58.6       155      5775        11.42                   11.06             14.25             ≤ 30.00 Pass
                                                (Ant 0 Average Power /10)      (Ant 1 Average Power /10)
  Note: The Total Average Power (dBm) = 10*log{10                           +10                            }.

FCC ID: O9C-BJNGAFB0008                                                                   Page Number: 74 of 1097

NR I‘                                                                            Report No.: 1503R§U02002

  E.LR.P above 30 degree elevation ANTENNA 2#

    11a        2        6         36      5180      18.50     17.80       —2      19.17       21       Pass
    1a         2        6         44      5220      18.41     18.02       —2      19.23       21       Pass
    11a        2        6         48      5240      18.65     18.08       —2      19.39       21       Pass
 11n—HT20      2       13         36      5180      17.69     17.02       —2      18.38       21       Pass
 11n—HT20      2       13         44      5220      18.29     17.97       —2      19.14       21       Pass
 11n—HT20      2       13         48      5240      18.63     18.06       —2      19.36       21       Pass
 11n—HT40      2       27         38      5190      17.61     16.61       —2      18.15       21       Pass
 1in—HT40      2       27         46      5230      18.45     18.00       —2      19.24       21       Pass
Hac—VHT20|     _2      13         36      5180      17.21     16.28       —2      17.78       21       Pass
1ac—VHT20|     _2      13         44      5220      18.86     18.57       —2      19.73       21       Pass
Hac—VHT20|     _2      13         48      5240      19.18     18.67       —2      19.94       21       Pass
1ac—VHT40|     _2      27         38      5190      17.51     16.74       —2      18.15       21       Pass
Hac—VHT40|     _2      27         46      5230      18.52     17.91       —2      19.24       21       Pass
flac—VHT80|    _2     58.6        42      5210      11.31     10.65       —2      12.00       21       Pass
Note: The Total Average Power (dBm} = 10*log{10(A7? Aremse Porer 10.4 pMArt 1 ArgePorer/10h.. Degree Pegk

FCC ID: O9C—BJNGAFBO08                                                            Page Number: 75 of 1097

NR I‘                                                                            Report No.: 1503R§U02002

  E.LR.P above 30 degree elevation ANTENNA 3#

    11a        2        6         36      5180      10.74     10.36       7       20.56       21       Pass
    1a         2        6         44      5220      10.54     10.46       7       20.51       21       Pass
    11a        2        6         48      5240      10.38     10.24       7       20.32       21       Pass
 11n—HT20      2       13         36      5180      10.65     9.87        7       20.29       21       Pass
 11n—HT20      2       13         44      5220      10.96     10.85       7       20.92       21       Pass
 11n—HT20      2       13         48      5240      10.81     10.78       7       20.81       21       Pass
 11n—HT40      2       27         38      5190      10.88     10.71       7       20.81       21       Pass
 1in—HT40      2       27         46      5230      10.54     10.55       7       20.56       21       Pass
Hac—VHT20|     _2      13         36      5180      11.30     10.35       7       20.86       21       Pass
1ac—VHT20|     _2      13         44      5220      11.02     10.45       7       20.75       21       Pass
Hac—VHT20|     _2      13         48      5240      10.89     10.76       7       20.84       21       Pass
1ac—VHT40|     _2      27         38      5190      10.88     10.71       7       20.81       21       Pass
Hac—VHT40|     _2      27         46      5230      10.62     10.45       7       20.55       21       Pass
flac—VHT80|    _2     58.6        42      5210      10.94     10.92       7       20.94       21       Pass
Note: The Total Average Power (dBm} = 10*log{10(A7? Aremse Porer 10.4 pMArt 1 ArgePorer/10h.. Degree Pegk

FCC ID: O9C—BJNGAFBO08                                                            Page Number: 76 of 1097

                                                                         Report No.: 1503RSU02002

7.5. Transmit Power Control

  7.5.1.   Test Limit

  The U-NII device is required to have the capability to operate at least 6 dB below the mean EIRP
  value of 30 dBm.

  7.5.2.   Test Procedure Used

  KDB 789033 D02v01 - Section E) 3) b) Method PM-G

  7.5.3.   Test Setting

  Average power measurements were perform only when the EUT was transmitting at its maximum
  power control level using a broadband power meter with a pulse sensor. The power meter
  implemented triggering and gating capabilities which were set up such that power measurements
  were recorded only during the ON time of the transmitter. The trace was averaged over 100 traces
  to obtain the final measured average power.

  7.5.4.   Test Setup

FCC ID: O9C-BJNGAFB0008                                                  Page Number: 77 of 1097

                                                                   Report No.: 1503RSU02002

  7.5.5.   Test Result
Test Mode     NTx   Data     Channel   Freq.     Ant 0     Ant 1   Total EIRP   Limit Result
                    Rate       No.     (MHz)   TPC Power TPC Power TPC Power (dBm)
                    (Mbps)                       (dBm)     (dBm)     (dBm)
    11a        2         6     52      5260      10.20     10.08     18.84       24    Pass
    11a        2         6     60      5300      10.72     10.71     19.42       24    Pass
    11a        2         6     64      5320      10.29     10.39     19.04       24    Pass
    11a        2         6    100      5500      9.70       8.72     17.94       24    Pass
    11a        2         6    120      5600      9.35       7.97     17.41       24    Pass
    11a        2         6    140      5700      9.62       8.65     17.86       24    Pass
 11n-HT20      2     13        52      5260      9.91      10.54     18.94       24    Pass
 11n-HT20      2     13        60      5300      9.06      10.30     18.42       24    Pass
 11n-HT20      2     13        64      5320      10.80     10.77     19.49       24    Pass
 11n-HT20      2     13       100      5500      10.62      9.31     18.71       24    Pass
 11n-HT20      2     13       120      5600      10.23      8.56     18.18       24    Pass
 11n-HT20      2     13       140      5700      9.61       8.61     17.84       24    Pass
 11n-HT40      2     27        54      5270      13.31     13.24     21.98       24    Pass
 11n-HT40      2     27        62      5310      13.44     13.65     22.25       24    Pass
 11n-HT40      2     27       102      5510      13.12     12.06     21.32       24    Pass
 11n-HT40      2     27       118      5590      12.86     11.64     20.99       24    Pass
 11n-HT40      2     27       134      5670      13.11     11.78     21.20       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20     2     13        52      5260      9.85      10.76     19.03       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20     2     13        60      5300      9.79      10.59     18.91       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20     2     13        64      5320      10.11     10.39     18.95       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20     2     13       100      5500      10.30      9.27     18.52       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20     2     13       120      5600      10.25      8.71     18.25       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20     2     13       140      5700      9.69       8.62     17.89       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20     2     13       144      5720      9.56       8.78     17.89       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40     2     27        54      5270      13.76     13.85     22.51       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40     2     27        62      5310      13.51     13.69     22.30       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40     2     27       102      5510      12.76     12.12     21.15       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40     2     27       118      5590      13.49     12.16     21.58       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40     2     27       134      5670      13.11     11.83     21.22       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40     2     27       142      5710      12.24     11.20     20.45       24    Pass
11ac-VHT80     2     58.6      58      5290      13.70     13.88     22.49       24    Pass
FCC ID: O9C-BJNGAFB0008                                             Page Number: 78 of 1097

                                                                                                 Report No.: 1503RSU02002

11ac-VHT80    2      58.6     106      5530            14.69                   13.58                22.87       24    Pass
11ac-VHT80    2      58.6     122      5610            14.32                   13.09                22.45       24    Pass
11ac-VHT80    2      58.6     138      5690            14.13                   12.98                22.29       24    Pass
                                        (Ant 0 TPC Power /10)         (Ant 1 TPC Power /10)
  Note: Total TPC Power (dBm) = 10*log{10                       +10                           } + Antena Gain(dBi).

FCC ID: O9C-BJNGAFB0008                                                                           Page Number: 79 of 1097

                                                                  Report No.: 1503RSU02002

Test Mode    NTx   Data     Channel   Freq.     Ant 0     Ant 1   Total EIRP   Limit Result
                   Rate       No.     (MHz)   TPC Power TPC Power TPC Power (dBm)
                   (Mbps)                       (dBm)     (dBm)     (dBm)
   11a       2       6        52      5260      4.94       5.79     19.10       24    Pass
   11a       2       6        60      5300      4.62       4.98     18.51       24    Pass
   11a       2       6        64      5320      5.06       5.45     18.97       24    Pass
   11a       2       6       100      5500      5.54       4.84     18.91       24    Pass
   11a       2       6       120      5600      4.48       3.39     17.68       24    Pass
   11a       2       6       140      5700      4.38       3.52     17.68       24    Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13        52      5260      5.54       4.88     18.93       24    Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13        60      5300      5.20       5.46     19.04       24    Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13        64      5320      4.22       5.27     18.49       24    Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       100      5500      4.64       4.60     18.33       24    Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       120      5600      4.10       3.78     17.65       24    Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       140      5700      4.59       3.50     17.79       24    Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27        54      5270      8.49       8.27     22.09       24    Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27        62      5310      6.87       7.09     20.69       24    Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       102      5510      7.73       6.88     21.04       24    Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       118      5590      6.83       6.71     20.48       24    Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       134      5670      7.05       6.15     20.33       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20   2      13        52      5260      4.93       5.07     18.71       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20   2      13        60      5300      5.39       5.59     19.20       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20   2      13        64      5320      4.86       5.26     18.77       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20   2      13       100      5500      4.98       4.07     18.26       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20   2      13       120      5600      5.21       3.93     18.33       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20   2      13       140      5700      4.11       2.99     17.30       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20   2      13       144      5720      4.63       3.57     17.84       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40   2      27        54      5270      8.26       8.07     21.88       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40   2      27        62      5310      6.91       7.07     20.70       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40   2      27       102      5510      7.63       6.72     20.91       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40   2      27       118      5590      7.81       6.73     21.01       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40   2      27       134      5670      7.50       6.53     20.75       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40   2      27       142      5710      7.42       6.63     20.75       24    Pass
11ac-VHT80   2      58.6      58      5290      -0.24     -0.57     13.31       24    Pass
11ac-VHT80   2      58.6     106      5530      6.71       5.47     19.84       24    Pass

FCC ID: O9C-BJNGAFB0008                                            Page Number: 80 of 1097

                                                                                                 Report No.: 1503RSU02002

11ac-VHT80    2      58.6     122      5610             8.37                    7.34                21.60       24    Pass
11ac-VHT80    2      58.6     138      5690             8.85                    8.06                22.18       24    Pass
                                        (Ant 0 TPC Power /10)         (Ant 1 TPC Power /10)
  Note: Total TPC Power (dBm) = 10*log{10                       +10                           } + Antena Gain(dBi).

FCC ID: O9C-BJNGAFB0008                                                                           Page Number: 81 of 1097

                                                                  Report No.: 1503RSU02002

Test Mode    NTx   Data     Channel   Freq.     Ant 0     Ant 1   Total EIRP   Limit Result
                   Rate       No.     (MHz)   TPC Power TPC Power TPC Power (dBm)
                   (Mbps)                       (dBm)     (dBm)     (dBm)
   11a       2       6        52      5260      6.89       7.44     19.08       24    Pass
   11a       2       6        60      5300      5.72       7.39     18.55       24    Pass
   11a       2       6        64      5320      6.91       7.23     18.98       24    Pass
   11a       2       6       100      5500      6.97       6.19     18.51       24    Pass
   11a       2       6       120      5600      7.00       5.79     18.35       24    Pass
   11a       2       6       140      5700      5.85       5.03     17.37       24    Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13        52      5260      7.55       6.62     19.02       24    Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13        60      5300      7.02       7.15     19.00       24    Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13        64      5320      6.73       7.08     18.82       24    Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       100      5500      6.81       5.99     18.33       24    Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       120      5600      5.70       5.59     17.56       24    Pass
 11n-HT20    2      13       140      5700      6.24       5.45     17.77       24    Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27        54      5270      10.76     10.94     22.76       24    Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27        62      5310      9.66       9.94     21.71       24    Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       102      5510      10.05      9.09     21.51       24    Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       118      5590      8.74       8.54     20.55       24    Pass
 11n-HT40    2      27       134      5670      9.33       8.38     20.79       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20   2      13        52      5260      7.63       7.33     19.39       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20   2      13        60      5300      7.20       7.29     19.16       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20   2      13        64      5320      6.65       6.91     18.69       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20   2      13       100      5500      6.01       5.94     17.89       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20   2      13       120      5600      6.21       4.98     17.55       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20   2      13       140      5700      6.16       5.40     17.71       24    Pass
11ac-VHT20   2      13       144      5720      6.18       5.38     17.71       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40   2      27        54      5270      10.08      9.91     21.91       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40   2      27        62      5310      9.68       9.82     21.66       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40   2      27       102      5510      9.88       9.00     21.37       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40   2      27       118      5590      9.68       8.53     21.05       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40   2      27       134      5670      9.30       8.19     20.69       24    Pass
11ac-VHT40   2      27       142      5710      9.30       8.49     20.82       24    Pass
11ac-VHT80   2      58.6      58      5290      6.16       6.19     18.09       24    Pass
11ac-VHT80   2      58.6     106      5530      9.61       8.33     20.93       24    Pass

FCC ID: O9C-BJNGAFB0008                                            Page Number: 82 of 1097

Document Created: 2015-06-02 02:11:06
Document Modified: 2015-06-02 02:11:06

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