Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                                          Report No. 01BL027FI

                                       Test Report

                          Product Name: RF cordless Mouse
                           Model No.           : RF11-TP-M,RF11-GP-M
                          FCC ID.              : O62 RF-TP-GP-M

                       Applicant : Darfon Electronics Corp.
                       Address : 6, Feng-Shu Tsuen, Gueishan,
                                        Taoyuan 333, Taiwan, R.O.C.

                             Date of Receipt : November 06, 2001

                             Date of Test        : November 26, 2001

                             Report No.          : 01BL027FI

The Test Results relate only to the samples tested.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of QuieTek Corporation.
This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by NVLAP any agency of the U.S. Government

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                                                                                      Report No.OIBLOZTE

                     Test Report Certification
                                                                           Test Date : November 26, 2001
                                                                           Report No: OLBLOP7EL

                                          NVLAP Lab Code: 200833—0

    Product Neme                     1          RF condless Mouse

    Applicant                        1.         Dorfon Blesizonics Corp.
    (Address                         _          6FengShu Truen, Gueishan, Teoyuan 333, Talwon,

    Manoficturer                     1          Darfon Electronics Corp.
    Model No.                        i0         REIMTBMRFILGPM

    ECCID. _                         :          Og2RETPAGPM

    RatedVollage                     4 DC3V (atey)                                   nviag
    Tride Name                       1          AcesBerg                              menstrer
    Measurement Stndard              1          FCC Part 18 Intentional Radiators for Subpert C
                                                Perugroph 15227

    Measurement Procedure            :          AN§ICobAtos®

    Test Result                      :          Compled
"The Test Resuls relaie only o the samiplesteied.
"Thetet eportshall notbe reproducnd exceptin full wihootthe wiiten approval ofQui¢Tek Corporatio.
"Thi report mustnotbe sed t laim product endorsementby NVLAP any ageney ofhe U.S. Goversenent

   Documented By            :
                                          T Melod¥           Hau
   Tested By                :                                 7
                                            T       forf   Haich )
   Approved By
                                            ( Gene Chang            )

                                          Fagn: 2 of To                                           Vexouto

                                                                                                                                      Report No. 01BL027FI

                                               TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S
     Description                                                                                                                                                  Page
1.          GENERAL INFORMATION..............................................................................................................4
1.1.        EUT Description ....................................................................................................................................4
1.2.        Operation Description ............................................................................................................................4
1.3.        Tested System Details ............................................................................................................................5
1.4.        Configuration of tested System..............................................................................................................5
1.5.        EUT Exercise Software..........................................................................................................................6
1.6.        Test Facility............................................................................................................................................6
2.          Conducted Emission ............................................................................................................................7
2.1.        Test Equipment List ...............................................................................................................................7
2.2.        Test Setup ...............................................................................................................................................7
2.3.        Limits .....................................................................................................................................................8
2.4.        Test Procedure........................................................................................................................................8
2.5.        Test Result..............................................................................................................................................8
3.          Radiated Emission................................................................................................................................9
3.1.        Test Equipment ......................................................................................................................................9
3.2.        Test Setup ...............................................................................................................................................9
3.3.        Limits ...................................................................................................................................................10
3.4.        Test Procedure......................................................................................................................................11
3.5.        Test Result............................................................................................................................................11
4.          EMI Reduction Method During Compliance Testing .....................................................................12
5.          Summary of Test Datas......................................................................................................................13
5.1.        Test Data of Conducted Emission ........................................................................................................14
5.2.        Test Data of Radiated Emission ...........................................................................................................15

           Attachment 1:            EUT Test Photographs
           Attachment 2:            EUT Detailed Photographs

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                                                                                      Report No. 01BL027FI


1.1.   EUT Description

       Product Name                  RF cordless Mouse
       Trade Name                    Acer, Benq
       FCC ID.                       O62 RF-TP-GP-M
       Model No.                     RF11-TP-M,RF11-GP-M
       EUT Voltage                   DC 3V (Battery)
       Frequency Range               27MHz
       Type of Modulation            FM
       Type of antenna               Loop antenna


               1. The EUT is a RF cordless Mouse intend to use in household and office PC system or
                   related application.
               2. The EUT (TX) have two models, the different of them as shown below table:
                    Model Number (TX)                        Color
                    RF11-TP-M                                Black
                    RF11-GP-M                                White
               3. These tests were conducted on a sample of the equipment for the purpose of demonstrating
                  compliance with Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.227.
               4. This device is a composite device in accordance with Part 15 regulations. The function for
                  the receiver was measured and made a test report that the report number is 01BL027F
                  certified under verification.

1.2.   Operation Description

       The EUT is a 27MHz RF cordless Mouse intends to use in household and office PC system.
       The transmission antenna is Loop antenna.
       The super generations type receiver was used. An external excitation was used when the test of
       receiver was performed.

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                                                                                               Report No. 01BL027FI

1.3.   Tested System Details

       The types for all equipment, plus descriptions of all cables used in the tested system (including
       inserted cards ) are:
                Product          Manufacturer          Model No.                  Serial No.         FCC ID
       (1) PC                 IBM                  2187-16W                 BNL6766                  DoC
       (2) Monitor            ADI                  CM703                    038054T10203876A DoC
       (3) Modem              ACEEX                DM-1414                  0102027552               IFAXDM1414
       (4) USB Keyboard       BTC                  5200U                    N/A                      E5XKB5122U
       (5) USB Mouse          Logitech             M-BE58                   LZE11405306              DoC
       (6) Printer            EPSON                Color 680                015256                   DoC
       Note: 1. The power cord of the device 1, 2, 3 and 6 are Non-shielded power cord.

                     Signal Cable Type                                 Signal cable Description
       A.   Modem cable                           Shielded, 1.2m
       B.   Monitor cable                         Shielded, 1.8m, a ferrite cord bonded
       C.   USB keyboard cable                    Shielded, 1.5m
       D.   USB mouse cable                       Shielded, 1.5m
       E.   Signal cable (Rx)                     Shielded, 1.2m
       F.   Printer cable                         Non-Shielded, 1.5m

1.4.   Configuration of tested System

                                A                                         F
                                             C                 E

            Modem            Monitor             PC              EUT                       Printer
             (3)              (2)                (1)           (Receiver)                    (6)

                       USB Keyboard             EUT
                                                                         USB Mouse
                           (4)           (RF cordless Mouse)

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                                                                                  Report No. 01BL027FI

1.5.   EUT Exercise Software

       (1) Setup the EUT and simulators as shown on 1.3.
       (2) Enable RF signal and confirm EUT active.
       (3) Modulate output capacity of EUT up to specification.

1.6.   Test Facility

       Ambient conditions in the laboratory:
                 Items               Required (IEC 68-1)                 Actual
       Temperature (°C)          15-35                      20-35
       Humidity (%RH)            25-75                      50-65
       Barometric pressure (mbar) 860-1060                  950-1000

       Site Description:   April 22, 2001 File on

                           Federal Communications Commission

                           FCC Engineering Laboratory

                           7435 Oakland Mills Road

                           Columbia, MD 21046

                           Reference 31040/SIT1300F2

                           June 29, 2001 Accreditation on NVLAP

                           NVLAP Lab Code: 200533-0

       Site Name:          Quietek Corporation

       Site Address:       No. 5-22, Ruei-Shu Valley, Ruei-Ping Tsuen,
                           Lin Kou Shiang, Taipei 244 Taiwan, R.O.C.

                           TEL : 886-2-8601-3788 / FAX : 886-2-8601-3789

                           E-Mail : service@quietek.com

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                                                                                                Report No. 01BL027FI

2.     Conducted Emission

2.1.   Test Equipment List

       The following test equipment are used during the conducted emission test:

       Item Instrument                Manufacturer    Type No./Serial No           Last Cal..        Remark
       1      Test Receiver           R&S             ESCS 30/838251/0001          May, 2001
       2      L.I.S.N.                R&S             ESH3-Z5/836679/0023 May, 2001                  EUT
       3      L.I.S.N.                R&S             ENV 4200/833209/0023 May, 2001                 Peripherals
       4      Pulse Limiter           R&S             ESH3-Z2                      May, 2001
       5      No.4 Shielded Room                                                   N/A
       Note: All equipment upon which need to calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year.

2.2.   Test Setup

                                                                          Shielded Room



                                               Peripheral           ( EUT )

                                AMN for
                                Peripheral                                           AMN for EUT

                                                50 ohm Terminator
                                                                          Test Receiver

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                                                                                      Report No. 01BL027FI

2.3.   Limits

                      FCC Part 15 Paragraph 15.207 (dBuV)

             Frequency                               Limits

                                        uV                    dBuV

              0.45 - 30                 250                    48.0

2.4.   Test Procedure

       The EUT and simulators are connected to the main power through a line impedance stabilization
       network (L.I.S.N.).   This provides a 50 ohm /50uH coupling impedance for the measuring
       equipment. The peripheral devices are also connected to the main power through a LISN that
       provides a 50ohm/50uH coupling impedance with 50ohm termination. (Please refers to the block
       diagram of the test setup and photographs.)
       Both sides of A.C. line are checked for maximum conducted interference. In order to find the
       maximum emission, the relative positions of equipment and all of the interface cables must be
       changed according to ANSI C63.4:1992 on conducted measurement.
       Conducted emissions were invested over the frequency range from 0.45MHz to 30MHz using a
       receiver bandwidth of 9kHz.

2.5.   Test Result

       The emission from the EUT was below the specified limits. The worst-case emissions are
       shown in section 5. The acceptance criterion was met and the EUT passed the test.

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                                                                                                     Report No. 01BL027FI

3.     Radiated Emission

3.1.   Test Equipment

       The following test equipment are used during the radiated emission test:

       Test Site             Equipment         Manufacturer          Model No./Serial No.            Last Cal.

         Site # 1        X Test Receiver       R&S                   ESVS 10 / 834468/003            July, 2001
                         X Spectrum Analyzer Advantest               R3162/ 00803480                 May, 2001
                         X Pre-Amplifier       Advantest             BB525C/ 3307A01812              May, 2001
                         X Horn Antenna        ETS                   3115 / 0005-6160                July, 2001
                         X Bilog Antenna       SCHAFFNER             CBL6112B / 2697                 Nov., 2001
         Site # 2        X Test Receiver       R&S                   ESCS 30 / 836858/022            Nov., 2001
                         X Spectrum Analyzer Advantest               3162 / 100803466                May, 2001
                         X Pre-Amplifier       Advantest             BB525C/3307A01814               May, 2001
                         X Bilog Antenna       SCHAFFNER             CBL6112B / 2705                 Oct., 2001
                         X Pre-Amplifier       QTK                   QTK-AMP-01/ 0001                July, 2001

          Note:     1. All equipments that need to calibrate are with calibration period of 1 year.
                    2. Mark “X” test instruments are used to measure the final test results.

3.2.   Test Setup


                    FRP Dome
                                                                                                             1m to 4m

                                                                           The height of board
                                                                           band or Dipole
                                                                           Antenna was scanned
                                                                           from 1M to 4M.
                                                                           The distance between
                                                                           antenna and turn table
                                                                           was 10M to3M
                                    EUT                                    regards to the standard
            Non-Conducted Table                                            adopted.


                                                           Fully soldered Metal Ground               To Controller
                Test                                                                                     To Receiver

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                                                                                       Report No. 01BL027FI

3.3.   Limits

       ¾ FCC Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.227 Limit

                                    Field strength of fundamental
         Fundamental Frequency
                                        uV/m           dBuV/m
                26.96-27.28             10000              80.0
       Remarks :    1. RF Voltage (dBuV) = 20 log RF Voltage (uV)
                    2. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument
                    antenna and the closed point of any part of the device or system.

       ¾ Frequencies in restricted band are complied to limits on Paragraph15.209.

                     Frequency                             15.209 Limits
                       MHz                              (dBuV/m @3m)

                       30-88                                      40
                      88-216                                      43.5
                      216-960                                     46
                    Above 960                                     54
       Remarks :    1. RF Voltage (dBuV) = 20 log RF Voltage (uV)
                    2. In the Above Table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
                    3. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument
                    antenna and the closed point of any part of the device or system.

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                                                                                        Report No. 01BL027FI

3.4.   Test Procedure

       The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter above ground. The turn
       table can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. The EUT
       was positioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 3 meters.
       The antenna can move up and down between 1 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum
       emission level.
       Both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna are set on measurement. In order to find
       the maximum emission, all of the interface cables must be manipulated according to ANSI
       C63.4:1992 on radiated measurement.
       Radiated emissions were invested over the frequency range from 30MHz to1GHz using a
       receiver bandwidth of 120kHz. Radiated was performed at an antenna to EUT distance of 3
       The frequency range from 30MHz to 10th harminics is checked.

3.5.   Test Result

       The emission from the EUT was below the specified limits. The worst-case emissions are shown in
       section 5. The acceptance criterion was met and the EUT passed the test.

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                                                       Report No. 01BL027FI

4.   EMI Reduction Method During Compliance Testing

     No modification was made during testing.

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                                                                                    Report No. 01BL027FI

5.   Summary of Test Datas

     The test results in the emission was performed according to the requirements of measurement standard
     and process. Quietek Corporation is assumed full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of
     these measurements. The test data of the emission is listed as below.
     All the tests were carried out with the EUT in normal operation, which was defined as:
     Test Mode:       Normal Operation

     The EUT passed all the tests.

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                                                                            Report No. 01BL027FI

5.1.   Test Data of Conducted Emission

       Owing to the DC operation of EUT, this test item in not performed.

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                                                                                        Report No. 01BL027FI

5.2.       Test Data of Radiated Emission

           Product        :      RF cordless Mouse
           Test Item      :      Fundamental Radiated Emission Data
           Test Site      :      No.1 OATS
           Test Voltage   :      DC 3V (Battery)
           Test Mode      :      Normal Operation

       Freq. Cable        Probe    PreAMP     Reading    Emission     Margin    Limit
               Loss       Factor               Level       Level
       MHz     dB         dB/m      dB       dBuV       dBuV/m         dB dBuV/m

  27.126      1.50        0.00     0.00       33.50       35.00       45.00    80.00

        1. All Readings are Average value.
        2. Emission Level = Reading Level + Probe Factor + Cable loss.

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                                                                                      Report No. 01BL027FI

          Product        :      RF cordless Mouse
          Test Item      :      General Radiated Emission Data
          Test Site      :      No.1 OATS
          Test Voltage   :      DC 3V (Battery)
          Test Mode      :      Normal Operation

     Freq. Cable         Probe      PreAMP   Reading    Emission   Margin Limit
              Loss       Factor              Level        Level
     MHz       dB        dB/m         dB     dBuV        dBuV/m     dB     dBuV/m
    40.572       0.92    13.11       0.00     7.09       21.12     18.88   40.00
    54.260       0.99        6.24    0.00    22.26       29.49     10.51   40.00
*   56.270       1.00        5.93    0.00    26.55       33.48      6.52   40.00
    80.384       1.14        7.90    0.00    14.73       23.76     16.24   40.00
    120.582      1.33    11.62       0.00    11.53       24.49     19.01   43.50
    132.638      1.40    11.49       0.00    13.83       26.72     16.78   43.50
    144.696      1.47    10.66       0.00     9.83       21.95     21.55   43.50
    165.979      1.57        9.12    0.00    10.04       20.73     22.77   43.50
    196.951      1.73        8.20    0.00     6.99       16.92     26.58   43.50
    250.001      2.01    11.81       0.00     5.55       19.37     26.63   46.00
    525.034      3.41    16.44       0.00    15.47       35.33     10.67   46.00
    550.660      3.56    18.16       0.00     6.99       28.71     17.29   46.00
    40.572       0.92    12.68       0.00    13.62       27.22     12.78   40.00
*   54.254       0.99        5.90    0.00    21.98       28.87     11.13   40.00
    80.384       1.14        7.22    0.00    16.02       24.38     15.62   40.00
    120.573      1.33    10.66       0.00    12.44       24.43     19.07   43.50
    132.633      1.40    10.55       0.00    15.83       27.78     15.72   43.50
    196.943      1.73        8.14    0.00    12.09       21.96     21.54   43.50
    204.978      1.77        8.56    0.00     8.52       18.85     24.65   43.50
    432.068      2.95    17.36       0.00     8.92       29.23     16.77   46.00
    544.085      3.52    18.49       0.00     2.27       24.28     21.72   46.00
    576.094      3.69    19.37       0.00     1.83       24.89     21.11   46.00
        1. All Reading Levels below 1GHz are Quasi-Peak, above are peak and average value.
        2. “ * ”, means this data is the worst emission level.
        3. Emission Level = Reading Level + Probe Factor + Cable loss.

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                                                 Report No. 01BL027FI

Attachment 1 : EUT Test Photographs

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                                                 Report No. 01BL027FI

Attachment 2 : EUT Detailed Photographs

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Document Created: 2002-01-16 09:48:16
Document Modified: 2002-01-16 09:48:16

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