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t                                                Tadiran Proprietary

               TADIRAN-Telematics Proprietary

                      Pal – US

        Technical Description

                          Proposed for

                      FCC Type Approval

PAL-Us-Description.doc.                                 Page-1

t                                                        Tadiran Proprietary

                                     Table of Contents

1.      GENERAL.                                                               3

1.1        System Description                                                  3

2.      PAL DESCRIPTION.                                                       4

2.1        Digital Part                                                        5
2.1.1            PAL External Interface                                        6
2.1.2            Custom digital LSI                                            6
2.1.3            Micro Controller                                              6

2.2        PAL RF PART                                                          7
2.2.1            PAL Receiver                                                   8
2.2.2          PAL “Synthesizer”                                               11

PAL-Us-Description.doc.                                 Page-2

t                                                                             Tadiran Proprietary

                                Pal -US
                          Technical Description

1.    General.
      This document describes TADIRAN TELEMATICS Personal Alarm &Locator (PAL ).
      The commercial brand name of this product is: Pal -US.

      The Pal 2 -US is the mobile portion of Location and Messaging system.
      In this document we use the name PAL for the Pal 2-US unit.

1.1   System Description

      The system uses RF signals to provide a mean of locating people equipped with the Location
      system. The system based on Forward Channel (Paging) transmitted from Pagers to the mobile units
      and based on Reverse Channel used for Location signal and messaging (from the mobile units to
      The PAL is the personal transmitter / receiver element of the system. The PAL has an omni-
      directional antenna to receive and transmit signals. The PAL implements a Paging channel receiver ,
      POCSAG format, FSK modulated at a carrier frequency of 927.778266 MHz to address,
      program, control the PAL and messages transmission to the PAL. The PAL is ready to receive the
      proper address from the paging channel and to reply in the reverse channel with location signal
      (Pseudo-Noise sequence, ~1.5 Mchip Rate) and status response. The reverse channel is phase
      shaping BPSK modulated signal at 907.997333 MHz in the proper time slot.

PAL-Us-Description.doc.                                 Page-3

t                                                                            Tadiran Proprietary

2.   PAL Description.
     The PAL is based on one board with two main parts: Digital portion and RF portion.

                                PAL2-Block Diagram


                                            Digital                          Interface

                                                          Serial interface
                         Power in                           (RS-232)

PAL-Us-Description.doc.                                 Page-4

t                                                                 Tadiran Proprietary

2.1   Digital Part

      The digital part of the PAL contains the following functions:
      - PAL Controller and peripherals.
      - External interfaces
      - Custom ASIC for timing and processing.

      The block diagram of the digital part described in the following figure.

                                      Digital Part



                              I/O               ASIC
                          Filtered input

                                                              R/F part

PAL-Us-Description.doc.                                 Page-5

t                                                              Tadiran Proprietary

2.1.1 PAL External Interface

      The PAL digital interface consists of:

      -      Serial wired interface.
      -      Battery power input.
      -      I/O interface.

2.1.2 Custom digital LSI

      The Custom digital LSI contain the following function:

      -      Decoding the received POCSAG paging data.
      -      POCSAG batch structure tracking logic.
      -      Generate the Location PN code sequence.
      -      Transmit data and timing control.
      -      RF control.

2.1.3 Micro Controller

      The PAL digital control is based on 80C32 µC. The PAL controller main
      functions are as follow.

      -      Program and Parameters in an external FLASH.
      -      UART link to external device.
      -      PAL watchdog control.
      -      VCTCXO control.

PAL-Us-Description.doc.                                 Page-6

t                                                                Tadiran Proprietary

2.2    PAL RF PART

       The RF part consist of 3 main functions compatible with location network
       system. The main functions are:
               - FSK Receiver (RF to base-band)
               - PSK Transmitter (base band to RF)
               - Frequency Generator (LO frequency generator)
       The following figure describes the block diagram of the RF part.
       The antenna input is connected by T/R switch to the receiver or transmitter
       according to the CPU control. The received RF signal pass through filter and
       LNA in the receiver front end and down converted to the IF receiver. The IF
       receiver demodulates the signal and generates the data signal.

                             RF Part-Block Diagram

           Receiver                                                   Rcv_Data
             front                                                   455KHz_Clk
                          RX_LO          X2
                              Syn.               VCTCXO

                          TX_LO                                        VCTCXO

             Power           Vector
              Amp.         Modulator               S

                                                                To/From digital part

PAL-Us-Description.doc.                                 Page-7

t                                                               Tadiran Proprietary

     In the transmission branch, the RF part receives base band signal in quadrature
     mode I,Q of the transmitted signal. The base band signal enters to transversal
     filter that generates band limited base band signal with the required spectrum.
     The output of the transversal filter is modulated by vector modulator. The vector
     modulator output is the RF signal that enters to the power amplifier. The T/R
     switch controls the connection of the transmitted signal to the antenna. The
     Local Oscillator for down conversion is the same LO (Local Oscillator) signal
     that modulate the transmission. The LO is generated from TCXO reference by
     PLL and multiplier.

2.2.1 PAL Receiver

        The PAL receiver is a FSK receiver with the following parameters:
            - Center frequency            - 927.778266 Mhz.
            - Modulation                  - FSK
            - Bit rate                    - 2400 bps.
            - Frequency deviation         - ± 4.5 KHz.

     The following figure describes the receiver block diagram. The input signal is
     filtered and entered to Low Noise Amplifier (LNA). The amplified RF signal
     pass through band pass filter and down converted to IF level. The LO1
     frequency is of 24.349666 MHZ.

PAL-Us-Description.doc.                                 Page-8

t                                                                    Tadiran Proprietary

         Antenna                RF Part-Receiver


  T/R               927MHz                        927MHz                                XTAL
                                    LNA                             Mixer
Switch                BPF                           BPF                                Filter

                                                    11.947333MHz Clock

 I.F. System
                                                   Det.                      Rec_Data
                                 Data                              Comp.

Certamic           Quadrature
 Filter      x2      Network

 455 KHz

         The IF signal enter to crystal filter (BPF) and entered to standard FM
         discriminator integrated circuit. The output of the discriminator enters to
         threshold comperator that generates the data signal.

PAL-Us-Description.doc.                                 Page-9

t                                                                  Tadiran Proprietary

PAL Transmitter

       The PAL transmitter parameters:
             - Center frequency               - 907.997333 MHz.
             - Bit rate                       - 1.49140625 Mbps or ~11.7 Kbps
             - Modulation                     - CPSK with constant envelop for
                                                the ~1.5 Mbps bit rate.
                                                BPSK for the 11.7 Kbps bit rate.
                 - Power output               - 2.5- 4.5 Watt.
                                               The power is not adjustable

The RF transmitter transmits two types of signals, narrow band of ~11.7 Kbps and
wide-band of ~ 1.5 Mcps. The narrow band signal is the messages data signal and
the wide-band signal is the PN signal for location processing. The transmitter block
diagram is described in the following figure.

       Antenna                RF Part-Transmitter

                                     LPF                      P.A.

                                                              I                        I
                                                 LPF                    S
                                                 LPF                    S


PAL-Us-Description.doc.                                 Page-10

        t                                                                  Tadiran Proprietary

             The data signal for transmission that is generated in the digital part and pass the
             first process that generates I,Q signal. To achieve the required spectrum, the IQ
             signals pass through transversal filter. The transversal filter is implemented inside
             the ASIC by shift registers outputs that are combining through resistors. The
             transversal filter output signals pass through LPF at the input of the vector
             modulator for receiving the final shaping. The shaped IQ signal is modulated by
             vector modulator (IQ quadrature modulator). The modulator output is amplified
             to the required output power and pass through LPF and T/R switch to the

2.2.2        PAL “Synthesizer”

             The LO frequencies for transmission and down conversion are generated by the
             “synthesizer” block. The synthesizer is based on two PLLs and mixer. First PLL
             operates in range 195 – 205 MHz, the second one operates in range 703 – 715
             MHz. The mixer outputs a summ of these frequencies. The reference source is
             VCTCXO with accuracy of at least ± 2.5 ppm.

        PAL-Us-Description.doc.                                 Page-11

t                                                                 Tadiran Proprietary

                         RF Part Synthesizer

                           Voltage                                  903.42899 MHz

                          regulator                                  RX_LO

        VCTCXO              PLL 1             VCO1              MIXER

       11.947333 MHz

                            PLL 2             VCO2
                                                                    907.997333 MHz

       The clock sourse based on a standard VCTCXO controlled by the CPU. The
       compensation value is calculated and it is using to control the VCTCXO.
       The multiplier output is filtered by BPF to achieve the requirements of the LO.

PAL-Us-Description.doc.                                 Page-12

Document Created: 2019-10-15 04:08:15
Document Modified: 2019-10-15 04:08:15

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