Operational Description


Operational Description

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                                         General technical description

12121   Radio remote control       The trnsmtter for a progortionalradlo remote contolis doscribed

              Operating!                                                                   Belongs
              control atement               |Mesangrintion                                 with no:
              Joystck                        Boom contal
              Toggle swich                   Ragke remote contol unt On — Off                12|
              Toggle swich                   Pump On — Cil — Srake chango—over .
              Toggle swich lacked localy     Reverse purping                   *3
              Toggle swich _Increase — Reduce output                                           _
              Toggle swich                   Boom speed presclect                —
                                             Hare      100% Snat = 50%
              Toggle switch              Engine On — of                                         _
              Toggle swich              | ncrease — Reduce engine speed
              Toggle swch locked localy Hom +deacvate EMERGENCY SHUT—
                                             DOWN /Boom functions — Supportteg         |
                                            | contot
              Toggle swtch/aution            Set boom speed _
              Momentary—contact swich        ENERGENCY SHUT—DOWN
              Green incicator lamp          | Rlshing: rerrote contol unt in sorvico
                                            | Off no contact win recoiver
              FRed indicator amp              Fashing atory fat                        [


efl        General technical description


     No m‘“"""’l'zm            Meaning/Function                           Te
       7| Sieave               Aniema comection
       2 Antenna with base     Control signal reception                       7
       3 indicatorlamps        Operating states and contol commends
       4 Bettory compartment   Charge batiory
       5 Re ndicator amp       Batery cherge state                           3
       6 Sieave                ‘Gonnection to the contral cabmet

<#                                                                    sree.soo.cocecn

                                      General technical description @

       Special features of the radio remote control
       Frequency change        12 frequencies on the fequency band have been assigned to tis
                               radio remote contral. As soon as you swich thtransmitero or
                               press the EMERGENCY SHUT—DOWN button the lnk between the
                               transmitr and recaiveris broken. If you switchthe transmiter back
                               on or release the EMERGENCY SHUT—DOWN button,the racio
                               remote control avtomatcaly advances to the nextfrequency.
       Bo—startpump after      If you have pressed the EMERGENCY SHUT—DOWN button, you may
       evercencr               only stat the pump up again as described below
       sHur—pown                  unlock the EMERGENCY SHUT—DOWN button by tuming t
                                  swtch olf remote control unit and re—start,
                                  press the "Homn + deactivate EMERGENCY SHUT—DOMN® toggle
                               = switch the pump off and then re—start t using the ‘Pump On — Off*
                                  toggle swich
       Addltonal anternae      You must maintain a mnimum clearance of tm between the raio
                               remote cantrol and any additional antennae (eg radio,telepnone)
                               you . as othervise these may interfere wih the radio remote
       Localy locked           To use a toggle swich that has been locked localy, you must first
       toggle swtches          pull it out and then push it towards the symbol
       Joystick                The two joysticks can be used to contol the individval boom func—
                               tions. You can control some ofthe boom functions for 4 and 5 arm
                               beoms by manoswwing the joysticks


     General technical description                                              |]

Boom speed preselect   You can contlthe boom at the movement speeds set in the works
toggle switch          using the boom speed preselecttogule swich. 100% speed in the
                       hare switch postion and 50% speed in the snail swich postton. The
                       "Set boom spaed‘ toggl switch must be in tlower,swich postion
                       for tis operation.
Set boom speed         The ‘Set boom speec" toggle swilch has tree postions.
toggle sutch           = Wih the toggle swtch in e uppor positon you can program your
                         oun boom speeds
                       = The middle poslton is used to move the boom at the speeds you
                         have programmed
                       = The lower positon is used to move the beom at the speeds setin
                         the works
Programming your       Each boom function must be programmed indicualy.
oun beom speed
                       >    Press ttogale swtchup and hold.
                       >    Controlthe desied boom function using the oystick atthe
                            spee thatis to become maximum spee for ful joystck
                       >    Release the toggle swtch frst and then the joystick
                       Now if you swch the toggle switch nto the middle postton and
                       move the joystick o ts ful extentthe boom function moves atthe
                       speed you have just programmed.if you only move the joystck
                       part—way the speed is reduced proportinaly.


Document Created: 2000-08-09 13:57:19
Document Modified: 2000-08-09 13:57:19

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